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Avila, P. R. T., Zabeida, O., Varela, L. B., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2023). In-situ monitoring of stress evolution in high power impulse magnetron sputtering-deposited Ti-Al-N films: Effect of substrate bias and temperature. Thin Solid Films, 784, 140069 (13 pages). External link
Abernathy, M., Amato, A., Ananyeva, A., Angelova, S., Baloukas, B., Bassiri, R., Billingsley, G., Birney, R., Cagnoli, G., Canepa, M., Coulon, M., Degallaix, J., Di Michele, A., Fazio, M. A., Fejer, M. M., Forest, D., Gier, C., Granata, M., Gretarsson, A. M., ... Yang, L. (2021). Exploration of co-sputtered Ta₂O₅–ZrO₂ thin films for gravitational-wave detectors. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 38(19), 40 pages. Available
Azzi, M., Slim, R., Khoury, K., Loquai, S., Baloukas, B., & Martinu, L. (2018, October). Thermochromic VO2 films for smart windows application [Paper]. 5ième Congrès International Francophone de Mécanique Avancée (CIFMA 2018), Beyrouth, Lebanon (3 pages). Published in MATEC Web of Conferences, 261. Available
Abadias, G., Chason, E., Keckes, J., Sebastiani, M., Thompson, G. B., Barthel, E., Doll, G. L., Murray, C. E., Stoessel, C. H., & Martinu, L. (2018). Stress in thin films and coatings: current status, challenges, and prospects. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 36(2). Available
Arvizu, M. A., Wen, R.-T., Primetzhofer, D., Sapieha, J.-E., Martinu, L., Niklasson, G. A., & Granqvist, C. G. (2015). Galvanostatic Ion Detrapping Rejuvenates Oxide Thin Films. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7(48), 26387-26390. External link
Anders, A., Capek, J., Hala, M., & Martinu, L. (2012). The 'Recycling Trap': a Generalized Explanation of Discharge Runaway in High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 45(1), 5-5. External link
Azzi, M., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2011, May). Corrosion Behavior of Cr(Si)N/301 Stainless Steel System [Paper]. 219th ECS Meetings, Montreal, Qc, Canada. Published in ECS Transactions, 35(17). External link
Azzi, M., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2011). Corrosion Behavior of CrSiN/301 Stainless Steel System. ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2011-01(15), 1110 (1 page). External link
Azzi, M., Benkahoul, M., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2010). Corrosion and mechanical properties of duplex-treated 301 stainless steel. Surface and Coatings Technology, 205(5), 1557-1563. External link
Azzi, M., Amirault, P., Paquette, M., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2010). Corrosion performance and mechanical stability of 316L/DLC coating system: Role of interlayers. Surface and Coatings Technology, 204(24), 3986-3994. External link
Azzi, M., Szpunar, J. A., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2009). Tribocorrosion behaviour of DLC-coated 316L stainless steel. Wear, 267(5-8), 860-866. External link
Azzi, M., Benkahoul, M., Szpunar, J. A., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2009). Tribological properties of CrSiN-coated 301 stainless steel under wet and dry conditions. Wear, 267(5-8), 882-889. External link
Amassian, A., Dudek, M., Zabeida, O., Gujrathi, S. C., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2009). Oxygen incorporation and charge donor activation via subplantation during growth of indium tin oxide films. Journal of vacuum science and technology. A, Vacuum, surfaces, and films, 27(2), 362-366. External link
Amassian, A., Kaminska, K., Suzuki, M., Martinu, L., & Robbie, K. (2007). Onset of Shadowing-Dominated Growth in Glancing Angle Deposition. Applied Physics Letters, 91(17). External link
Amassian, A., Svec, M., Desjardins, P., & Martinu, L. (2006). Dynamics of ion bombardment-induced modifications of Si(001) at the radio-frequency-biased electrode in low-pressure oxygen plasmas: in situ spectroscopic ellipsometry and Monte Carlo study. Journal of Applied Physics, 100(6), 063526. External link
Amassian, A., Svec, M., Desjardins, P., & Martinu, L. (2006). Interface broadening due to ion mixing during thin film growth at the radio-frequency-biased electrode in a plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition environment. Journal of vacuum science and technology. A, Vacuum, surfaces, and films, 24(6), 2061-2069. External link
Amassian, A., Desjardins, P., & Martinu, L. (2006). Ion-surface interactions on c-Si(001) at the radiofrequency-powered electrode in low-pressure plasmas: ex situ spectroscopic ellipsometry and Monte Carlo simulation study. Journal of vacuum science and technology. A, Vacuum, surfaces, and films, 24(1), 45-54. External link
Amassian, A., Gaidi, M., Chaker, M., & Martinu, L. (2006). Optical depth profiling of strontium titanate and electro-optic lanthanum-modified lead zirconium titanate multilayer structures for active waveguide applications. Journal of vacuum science and technology. A, Vacuum, surfaces, and films, 24(1), 55-64. External link
Amassian, A., Desjardins, P., & Martinu, L. (2004, June). Dynamics of surface modifications during optical coating deposition in plasma-assisted processes [Paper]. Optical Interference Coatings, Washington, DC, USA. External link
Amassian, A., Verhnes, R., Sapieha, J.-E., Desjardins, P., & Martinu, L. (2004). Interface engineering during plasma-enhances chemical vapor deposition of porous/dense SiN1.3 optical multilayers. Thin Solid Films, 469-470, 47-53. External link
Amassian, A., Vernhes, R., Sapieha, J.-E., Desjardins, P., & Martinu, L. (2004, January). Interface engineering of porous/dense multilayers of SiN1.3: in situ real-time spectroscopic ellipsometry study [Paper]. 47th Society of Vacuum Coaters Technical Conference. External link
Amassian, A., Vernhes, R., Sapieha, J.-E., Desjardins, P., & Martinu, L. (2004, June). Study of the growth and interface engineering of dense/porous SiNx optical coatings by real-time spectroscopic ellipsometry [Paper]. Optical Interference Coatings, Washington, DC, USA. External link
Amassian, A., Desjardins, P., & Martinu, L. (2004). Study of TiO₂ film growth mechanisms in low-pressure plasma by in situ real-time spectroscopic ellipsometry. Thin Solid Films, 447-448(3), 40-45. External link
Amassian, A., Larouche, S., Vernhes, R., Sapieha, J.-E., Desjardins, P., & Martinu, L. (2002, May). Analysis and control of optical film growth by in situ real-time spectroscopic ellipsometry [Paper]. SPIE Regional Meeting on Optoelectronics, Photonics, and Imaging (Opto Canada 2002), Ottawa, Ont., Can.. External link
Amassian, A., Larouche, S., Sapieha, J.-E., Desjardins, P., & Martinu, L. (2002, April). In situ ellipsometric study of the initial growth stages of a TiO₂ by PECVD [Paper]. 45th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Vacuum Coaters, Lake Buena Vista, FL, USA. External link
Alptekin, A., Sacher, E., Czeremuszkin, G., Martinu, L., Meunier, M., DiRenzo, M., Drzal, L. T., & Schreiber, H. P. (1997, February). Copper adhesion to fluoropolymers [Paper]. 20th Annual Anniversary Meeting of the Adhesion Society, Hilton Head Island, S.C.. Unavailable
Alptekin, A., Sacher, E., Czerernuszkin, G., Martinu, L., & DiRenzo, M. (1997, May). Dielectric and mechanical properties of copper/fluoropolymer film structures [Paper]. 2nd International Symposium on Low and High Dielectric Constant Materials: Materials Science, Processing, and Reliability Issues, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Alptekin, A., Czeremuszkin, G., Martinu, L., Meunier, M., Sacher, E., & DiRenzo, M. (1996, December). Mechanical and dielectric properties of low permittivity dielectric materials [Paper]. MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, USA. External link
Blanchard, F., Kadi, M. J., Bousser, E., Baloukas, B., Azzi, M., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2023). Effect of CMAS infiltration on the optical properties of thermal barrier coatings : study of the mechanisms supported by FDTD simulations and ALD. ACTA Materialia, 249, 118830 (11 pages). External link
Blanchard, F., Kadi, M. J., Bousser, E., Baloukas, B., Azzi, M., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2023). Effect of thermal ageing on the optical properties and pore structure of thermal barrier coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology, 452, 129080 (9 pages). External link
Blanchard, F., Baloukas, B., Azzi, M., Ben Ettouil, F., Sapieha, J.-E., Moreau, C., & Martinu, L. (2022). A comparative study of the optical and microstructural properties of suspension and atmospheric plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings. Surface & Coatings Technology, 449, 128949 (7 pages). External link
Brown, S., Bergeron, F., Loquai, S., Cavarroc, M., Knittel, S., Martinu, L., & Sapieha, J.-E. (2022). High-temperature oxidation protection of γ-based TiAl by sputtered AlOF films. Surface and Coatings Technology, 439, 13 pages. External link
Brown, S., Lengaigne, J., Sharifi, N., Pugh, M., Moreau, C., Dolatabadi, A., Martinu, L., & Sapieha, J.-E. (2020). Durability of superhydrophobic duplex coating systems for aerospace applications. Surface and Coatings Technology, 401, 12 pages. External link
Beaini, R., Baloukas, B., Loquai, S., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2020). Thermochromic VO₂-based smart radiator devices with ultralow refractive index cavities for increased performance. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 205, 7 pages. External link
Baloukas, B., Beaini, R., Loquai, S., Zabeida, O., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2019, June). Thermochromic VO₂ Coatings for Energy Control [Paper]. Optical Interference Coatings Conference (OIC 2019), Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico. External link
Blanchard, F., Baloukas, B., & Martinu, L. (2018). Highly durable electrochromic tungsten oxide thin films prepared by high rate bias-enhanced sputter deposition. Applied Materials Today, 12, 235-243. External link
Barachati, F., Fieramosca, A., Hafezian, S., Gu, J., Chakraborty, B., Ballarini, D., Martinu, L., Menon, V., Sanvitto, D., & Kéna-Cohen, S. (2018, May). Interacting polariton fluids in a monolayer of tungsten disulfide [Paper]. CLEO: Applications and Technology (CLEO_AT 2018), San Jose, CA. External link
Barachati, F., Fieramosca, A., Hafezian, S., Gu, J., Chakraborty, B., Ballarini, D., Martinu, L., Menon, V., Sanvitto, D., & Kéna-Cohen, S. (2018). Interacting polariton fluids in a monolayer of tungsten disulfide. Nature Nanotechnology, 13(10), 906-910. External link
Boentoro, T. W., Szyszka, B., & Martinu, L. (2018). Protective coatings for durability enhancement of optical surfaces. In Optical Thin Films and Coatings (pp. 539-564). External link
Baloukas, B., Loquai, S., & Martinu, L. (2018). VO₂-based thermally active low emissivity coatings. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 183(15), 25-33. External link
Baloukas, B., Blanchard, F., Loquai, S., & Martinu, L. (2017). (Invited) Smart Optical Coatings for Energy Saving, Anticounterfeiting and More. ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2017-01(40), 1845-1845. External link
Baloukas, B., Arvizu, M. A., Wen, R.-T., Niklasson, G. A., Granqvist, C. G., Vernhes, R., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2017). Galvanostatic Rejuvenation of Electrochromic WO3 Thin Films : Ion Trapping and Detrapping Observed by Optical Measurements and by Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9(20), 16995-17001. External link
Benkahoul, M., Zayed, M. K., Sandu, C. S., Martinu, L., & Sapieha, J.-E. (2017). Structural, tribo-mechanical, and thermal properties of NbAlN coatings with various Al contents deposited by DC reactive magnetron sputtering. Surface and Coatings Technology, 331(Supplement), 172-178. External link
Baloukas, B., & Martinu, L. (2016). Interference security image structure. (Patent Application no. US20160109629). External link
Baloukas, B., Loquai, S., & Martinu, L. (2016, June). Low emissivity coatings incorporating thermochromic vo₂: Performance enhancement and new opportunities [Paper]. Optical Interference Coatings, Tucson, Arizona, United States. External link
Baloukas, B., Trottier-Lapointe, W., & Martinu, L. (2014). Fabry-Perot-like interference security image structures : From passive to active. Thin Solid Films, 559, 9-13. External link
Baloukas, B., & Martinu, L. (2014). Interference security image structure. (Patent no. CA2543790). External link
Bousser, E., Martinu, L., & Sapieha, J.-E. (2014). Solid particle erosion mechanisms of protective coatings for aerospace applications. Surface and Coatings Technology, 257, 165-181. External link
Bousser, E., Martinu, L., & Sapieha, J.-E. (2013). Effect of erodent properties on the solid particle erosion mechanisms of brittle materials. Journal of Materials Science, 48(16), 5543-5558. External link
Bousser, E., Martinu, L., & Sapieha, J.-E. (2013). In situ real-time solid particle erosion testing methodology for hard protective coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology, 237, 313-319. External link
Baloukas, B., Trottier-Lapointe, W., & Martinu, L. (2013, June). Interference-based Optical Security Devices: Past, Present and Future [Paper]. Optical Interference Coatings 2013, Whistler Canada. External link
Baloukas, B., & Martinu, L. (2013). Metameric security devices using an active material. (Patent Application no. US20130147179). External link
Baloukas, B., & Martinu, L. (2013). Optical coatings for security and authentication devices. In Optical thin films and coatings : from materials to applications (pp. 631-663). External link
Bousser, É., Martinu, L., & Sapieha, J.-E. (2013). Solid particle erosion mechanisms of hard protective coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology, 235, 383-393. External link
Baloukas, B., & Martinu, L. (2012). WO₃/SiO₂ Composite Optical Films for the Fabrication of Electrochromic Interference Filters. Applied Optics, 51(16), 3346-3356. External link
Baloukas, B., Lamarre, J.-M., & Martinu, L. (2011). Active metameric security devices using an electrochromic material. Applied Optics, 50(9), C41-C49. External link
Baloukas, B., Lamarre, J.-M., & Martinu, L. (2011). Electrochromic interference filters fabricated from dense and porous tungsten oxide films. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 95(3), 807-15. External link
Baloukas, B., Lamarre, J.-M., & Martinu, L. (2010, June). From Passive to Active: Future Optical Security Devices [Paper]. Optical Interference Coatings, Tucson, Arizona United States. External link
Benkahoul, M., Robin, P., Martinu, L., & Sapieha, J.-E. (2009). Tribological properties of duplex Cr-Si-N coatings on SS410 steel. Surface and Coatings Technology, 203(8), 934-940. External link
Bousser, E., Benkahoul, M., Martinu, L., & Sapieha, J.-E. (2008). Effect of microstructure on the erosion resistance of Cr-Si-N coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology, 203(5-7), 776-80. External link
Brambilla, R., Grilli, F., Martinu, L., & Sirois, F. (2008). Integral Equations for the Current Density in Thin Conductors and Their Solution by the Finite-Element Method. Superconductor Science and Technology, 21(10), 105008-105008. External link
Baloukas, B., & Martinu, L. (2008). Metameric Interference Security Image Structures. Applied Optics, 47(10), 1585-1593. External link
Benkahoul, M., Robin, P., Gujrathi, S. C., Martinu, L., & Sapieha, J.-E. (2008). Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Cr-Si-N Coatings Prepared by Pulsed Reactive Dual Magnetron Sputtering. Surface and Coatings Technology, 202(16), 3975-3980. External link
Baloukas, B., Larouche, S., & Martinu, L. (2006, January). Use of metameric filters for future interference security image structures [Paper]. Optical Security and Counterfeit Deterrence Techniques V, San Jose, CA, United States. External link
Bergeron, A., Poitras, D., & Martinu, L. (2000). Interphase in Plasma-Deposited Silicon Nitride Optical Films on Polycarbonate: in Situ Ellipsometric Characterization. Optical Engineering, 39(3), 825-831. External link
Bertrand, N., Drevillon, B., Gheorghiu, A., Senemaud, C., Martinu, L., & Sapieha, J.-E. (1998). Adhesion improvement of plasma-deposited silica thin films on stainless steel substrate studied by x-ray photoemission spectroscopy and in situ infrared ellipsometry. Journal of vacuum science and technology. A, Vacuum, surfaces, and films, 16(1), 6-12. External link
Bergeron, A., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (1998). Structure of the Interfacial Region Between Polycarbonate and Plasma-Deposited SiN₁.₃ And SiO₂ Optical Coatings Studied by Ellipsometry. Journal of vacuum science and technology. A, Vacuum, surfaces, and films, 16(6), 3227-3234. External link
Borges, C. F. M., Schelz, S., Martinu, L., & Moisan, M. (1996). Adhesion of CVD diamond films on silicon substrates of different crystallographic orientations. Diamond and Related Materials, 5(12), 1402-1406. External link
Bertrand, N., Drévillon, B., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (1996, April). In situ IR ellipsometry study of the adhesion and growth of plasma deposited silica thin films on stainless steel substrates [Paper]. 23rd International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF"96), San Diego, CA, USA. Published in Thin solid films, 290-291. External link
Borges, C. F. M., Schelz, S., St Onge, L., Moisan, M., & Martinu, L. (1996). Silicon contamination of diamond films deposited on silicon substrates in fused silica based reactors. Journal of Applied Physics, 79(6), 3290-3298. External link
Berriche, R., Leroux, P., & Martinu, L. (1995, August). Evaluation of adhesion of thin films of Si₃N₄ and SiO₂ to si by the scratch method [Paper]. International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics for Structural and Tribological Applications, Vancouver, BC, CAN. Unavailable
Brinker, W., Wirges, W., Przyrembel, G., Gerhardmulthaupt, R., Sapieha, J.-E., Martinu, L., Poitras, D., & Wertheimer, M. R. (1995). Metallized viscoelastic control layers for light-valve projection displays. Displays, 16(1), 13-20. External link
Bauer-Gogonea, S., Bauer, S., Wirges, W., Gerhard-Multhaupt, R., Sapieha, J.-E., Martinu, L., & Wertheimer, M. R. (1994, September). In-situ pyroelectrical study of the polarization dynamics in nonlinear optical polymers and physico-chemical investigation of photo-induced degradation [Paper]. 8th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE 8), Paris, France. External link
Bernier, M. H., Sapieha, J.-E., Martinu, L., & Wertheimer, M. R. (1990). Polymer Surface Modification by Dual-Frequency Plasma Treatment. In Metallization of Polymers (Vol. 440, pp. 147-160). External link
Crespo-Villegas, J., Cavarroc, M., Knittel, S., Martinu, L., & Sapieha, J.-E. (2022). Protective TiₓSiy coatings for enhanced oxidation resistance of the ɣ-TiAl alloy at 900 °C. Surface & Coatings Technology, 430, 127963 (16 pages). External link
Crespo-Villegas, J., Cavarroc, M., Knittel, S., Martinu, L., & Sapieha, J.-E. (2022). Self-organized multilayer structure in magnetron sputtered Si-Pt reservoirs on ?-TiAl alloy induced by high-temperature annealing and oxidation. Surface & Coatings Technology, 447, 128865 (12 pages). External link
Crouan, M., Baloukas, B., Zabeida, O., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2022, June). WO₃/ITO bilayers for dynamic optical filters [Paper]. Optical Interference Coatings (OIC 2022), Vancouver, BC, Canada. External link
Caron, M., Scherer, K., Zabeida, O., Martinu, L., Sapieha, J.-E., & Schmitt, T. (2018). Ophthalmic lens having increased resistance to hot and humid environment. (Patent Application no. WO2018036963). External link
Caron, M., Zabeida, O., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2016). Stability and performance of organic-inorganic thin films on polymer substrates. Surface and Coatings Technology, 314, 131-138. External link
Caron, M., Zabeida, O., Martinu, L., & Sapieha, J.-E. (2016, May). Stability and Performance of Organic-Inorganic Thin Films on Polymer Substrates [Paper]. 59th Annual Technical Conference of the Society-of-Vacuum-Coaters (SVC 2016), Indianapolis, IN. External link
Camirand, H., Baloukas, B., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2015). In situ spectroscopic ellipsometry of electrochromic amorphous tungsten oxide films. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 140, 77-85. External link
Capek, J., Hala, M., Zabeida, O., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2013). Deposition rate enhancement in HiPIMS without compromising the ionized fraction of the deposition flux. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46(20), 10 pages. External link
Cetinorgu-Goldenberg, E., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2012). Effect of postdeposition annealing on the structure, composition, and the mechanical and optical characteristics of niobium and tantalum oxide films. Applied Optics, 51(27), 6498-6507. External link
Capek, J., Hala, M., Zabeida, O., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2012). Steady State Discharge Optimization in High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering Through the Control of the Magnetic Field. Journal of Applied Physics, 111(2), 9 pages. External link
Cetinorgu-Goldenberg, E., Baloukas, B., Zabeida, O., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2011). Optical and tribomechanical stability of optically variable interference security devices prepared by dual ion beam sputtering. Applied Optics, 50(19), 3351-3359. External link
Çetinörgü, E., Baloukas, B., Zabeida, O., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2009). Mechanical and thermoelastic characteristics of optical thin films deposited by dual ion beam sputtering. Applied Optics, 48(23), 4536-4544. External link
Čížek, J., Vlček, J., Potocký, Š., Houška, J., Soukup, Z., Kalaš, J., Jedrzejowski, P., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2008). Mechanical and Optical Properties of Quaternary Si-B-C-N Films Prepared by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering. Thin Solid Films, 516(21), 7286-7293. External link
Creatore, M., Rieter, S. M., Barrell, Y., Van De Sanden, M. C. M., Vernhes, R., & Martinu, L. (2008). Optical and Chemical Characterization of Expanding Thermal Plasma-Deposited Carbon-Containing Silicon Dioxide-Like Films. Thin Solid Films, 516(23), 8547-8553. External link
Campillo, C., Ilias, S., Borges, C. F. M., Moisan, M., & Martinu, L. (2001). Enhanced Diamond Film Adhesion on Cobalt-Cemented Wc Substrates. New Diamond and Frontier Carbon Technology, 11(2), 147-156. External link
Czeremuszkin, G., Wertheimer, M. R., Cerny, J., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (1996, April). Plasma-Deposited Coatings for the Protection of Spacecraft Materials Against Atomic Oxygen Erosion [Paper]. 3rd International Space Conference on "Protection of Materials and Structures from the Low Earth Orbit Space Environment" (ICPMSE-3), Toronto, Canada. External link
Czeremuszkin, G., Martinu, L., Alptekin, A., Popovici, D., & Sacher, E. (1997, May). Thermal stability of low permittivity fluoropolymer dielectrics [Paper]. 2nd International Symposium on Low and High Dielectric Constant Materials: Materials Science, Processing, and Reliability Issues, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Calius, E. P., Cerny, J., Sapieha, J.-E., Leclerc, S., Martinu, L., Kremers, W., Saunders, C., & Wertheimer, M. R. (1994, November). Plasma-deposited coatings and surface fluorination for protection of spacecraft materials against atomic oxygen erosion [Paper]. 8th CASI Conference on Astronautics, Ottawa, Ont, CAN. Unavailable
Dubé-Riopel, L., Baloukas, B., Zabeida, O., & Martinu, L. (2019, June). In Situ and Ex Situ Spectroscopic Ellipsometry of Electrochromic NiO Films [Paper]. Optical Interference Coatings Conference (OIC 2019), Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico. External link
De Denus-Baillargeon, M.-M., Schmitt, T., Larouche, S., & Martinu, L. (2014). Design and fabrication of stress-compensated optical coatings : Fabry-Perot filters for astronomical applications. Applied Optics, 53(12), 2616-2624. External link
Dudek, M., Zabeida, O., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2009). Effect of substrate bias on the microstructure and properties of nanocomposite titanium nitride-based films. Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, 37(2), 416-421. External link
Dudek, M., Amassian, A., Zabeida, O., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2009). Ion bombardment-induced enhancement of the properties of indium tin oxide films prepared by plasma-assisted reactive magnetron sputtering. Thin Solid Films, 517(16), 4576-4582. External link
Dalacu, D., & Martinu, L. (2002). Ellipsometric Characterization of the Optical Constants of Metals: Thin Film versus Nanoparticle. In Sacher, E. (ed.), Metallization of Polymers 2 (pp. 11-22). External link
Dalacu, D., & Martinu, L. (2001). Optical Properties of Discontinuous Gold Films: Finite-Size Effects. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 18(1), 85-92. External link
Dalacu, D., & Martinu, L. (2000). Spectroellipsometric characterization of plasma-deposited Au/SiO₂ nanocomposite films. Journal of Applied Physics, 87(1), 228-235. External link
Dalacu, D., & Martinu, L. (2000). Temperature dependence of the surface plasmon resonance of Au/SiO₂ nanocomposite films. Applied Physics Letters, 77(26), 4283-4285. External link
Dalacu, D., Brown, A. C., Sapieha, J.-E., Martinu, L., Wertheimer, M. R., Najafi, S. I., & Andrews, M. A. (1998, November). Characterization of plasma-deposited Au/fluoropolymer nanocomposite films for nonlinear optical application [Paper]. 1998 MRS Fall Meeting: Symposium on Plasma Deposition and Treatment of Polymers, Boston, MA. Published in Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 544. External link
Dahl, S., Rats, D., Von Stebut, J., Martinu, L., & Sapieha, J.-E. (1999). Micromechanical Characterisation of Plasma Treated Polymer Surfaces. Thin Solid Films, 356, 290-294. External link
Dalacu, D., & Martinu, L. (1999). Spectroellipsometric Characterization of Plasma-Deposited Au Fluoropolymer Nanocomposite Films. Journal of vacuum science and technology. A, Vacuum, surfaces, and films, 17(3), 877-883. External link
da Silva Sobrinho, A. S., Bergeron, A., Schuhler, N., Sapieha, J.-E., Martinu, L., Wertheimer, M. R., & Andrews, M. (1998, April). Interphase characterization of PECVD silicon-compound layers on PET [Paper]. 41st Annual Technical Conference, Boston, MA, USA. Unavailable
d'Agostino, R., Martinu, L., & Pische, V. (1991). Effect of bias and temperature on the bulk and surface properties of gold-containing plasma-polymerized fluorocarbons. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 11(1), 1-13. External link
Fortier, J.-P., Baloukas, B., Zabeida, O., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2014). Thermochromic VO2 thin films deposited by HiPIMS. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 125, 291-296. External link
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