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Al-Shawwa, A., Ost, K., Anderson, D., Cho, N., Evaniew, N., Jacobs, W. B., Martin, A. R., Gaekwad, R., Tripathy, S., Bouchard, J., Casha, S., Cho, R., duPlessis, S., Lewkonia, P., Nicholls, F., Salo, P. T., Soroceanu, A., Swamy, G., Thomas, K. C., ... Cadotte, D. W. (2024). Advanced MRI metrics improve the prediction of baseline disease severity for individuals with degenerative cervical myelopathy. The Spine Journal, 10 pages. External link
Aigner, C. S., Sánchez Alarcon, M. F., D'Astous, A., Alonso Ortiz, E., Cohen-Adad, J., & Schmitter, S. (2024). Calibration-free parallel transmission of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spinal cord at 7T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 30137 (15 pages). External link
Alonso Ortiz, E., Papp, D., D'Astous, A., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2023). Dynamic shimming in the cervical spinal cord for multi-echo gradient-echo imaging at 3 T. Neuroimage: Reports, 3(1), 100150. External link
Absinta, M., Bhagavatheeshwaran, G., Cohen-Adad, J., Flanagan, E., Henry, R., Keegan, M., Klawiter, E., Kolind, S., Krieger, S., Laule, C., Lincoln, J., Messina, S., Oh, J., Papinutto, N., Smith, S., & Traboulsee, A. (2023, October). Spinal Cord Evaluation in MS: Clinical and Radiological Associations, Present and Future. NAIMS Spinal Cord Interest Group [Poster]. 9th Joint ECTRIMS-ACTRIMS meeting (MSMilan 2023), Milan, Italy (1 page). Published in Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 29(3S). External link
Azad, R., Heidari, M., Cohen-Adad, J., Adeli, E., & Merhof, D. (2022, September). Intervertebral Disc Labeling with Learning Shape Information, a Look once Approach [Paper]. 5th International Workshop on Predictive Intelligence in Medicine (PRIME 2022). External link
Azad, R., Rouhier, L., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2021, September). Stacked Hourglass Network with a Multi-level Attention Mechanism: Where to Look for Intervertebral Disc Labeling [Paper]. 12th International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (MLMI 2021). External link
Asgari Taghanaki, S., Abhishek, K., Cohen, J. P., Cohen-Adad, J., & Hamarneh, G. (2020). Deep semantic segmentation of natural and medical images: a review. Artificial Intelligence Review, 54(1), 137-178. External link
Alonso Ortiz, E., Gros, C., Foias, A., Abramovic, M., Ameitz, C., Atcheson, N., Barlow, L., Barry, R. L., Barth, M., Battiston, M., Buchel, C., Budde, M., Callot, V., De Leener, B., Descoteaux, M., De Sousa, P. L., Dostal, M., Doyon, J., Dvorak, A., ... Cohen-Adad, J. (2020, August). Quantitative MRI of the spinal cord : reproducibility and normative values across 40 sites [Paper]. ISMRM & SMRT annual Meeting & Exhibition (ISMRM 2020). External link
Alonso Ortiz, E., Tous, C., Topfer, R., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2020, August). Real-time z-shimming for magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal cord [Paper]. ISMRM & SMRT annual Meeting & Exhibition (ISMRM 2020). External link
Andica, C., Hagiwara, A., Kamagata, K., Yokoyama, K., Shimoji, K., Saito, A., Takenaka, Y., Nakazawa, M., Hori, M., Cohen-Adad, J., Takemura, M. Y., Hattori, N., & Aoki, S. (2019). Gray matter alterations in early and late relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis evaluated with synthetic quantitative magnetic resonance imaging. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 8147-8156. Available
AskariHemmat Hossein, M., Savaria, Y., Jean-Pierre, D., Honari, S., Perone, C., Rouhier, L., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2019, October). Fixed-point u-net quantization for medical image segmentation [Paper]. 22nd International Conference on Medical Image Computing & Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2019), Shenzhen, China. Unavailable
AskariHemmat, M.H., Honari, S., Rouhier, L., Perone, C. S., Cohen-Adad, J., Savaria, Y., & David, J. P. (2019, October). U-net fixed-point quantization for medical image segmentation [Paper]. 1st International Workshop on Hardware Aware Learning for Medical Imaging and Computer Assisted Intervention (HAL-MICCAI 2019), Shenzhen, China. External link
Alley, S., Gilbert, G., Wheeler-Kingshott, C. A. M. G., Samson, R. S., Grussu, F., Martin, A., Bannier, É., Callot, V., Smith, S. A., Xu, J., Dewey, B., Weber, K. A., Parrish, T., McLauren, D., Barker, G. J., Papinutto, N., Seif, M., Freund, P., Barry, R. L., ... Cohen-Adad, J. (2018, June). Consensus acquisition protocol for quantitative MRI of the cervical spinal cord at 3T [Poster]. Joint annual meeting ISMRM - ESMRMB, Paris, France. External link
Albrecht, D. S., Ahmed, S. U., Kettner, N. W., Borra, R. J. H., Cohen-Adad, J., Deng, H., Houle, T. T., Opalacz, A., Roth, S. A., Melo, M. F. V., Chen, L., Mao, J., Hooker, J. M., Loggia, M. L., & Zhang, Y. (2018). Neuroinflammation of the spinal cord and nerve roots in chronic radicular pain patients. Pain, 159(5), 968-977. External link
Aleem, I., Xu, Y., Rampersaud, Y. R., Pahuta, M., St-Pierre, G. H., Crawford, E. W., Zarrabian, M., Yang, M., Scheer, J. K., Lou, E., Malleck, S., Soroceanu, A., White, B., Holtz, K. A., Fallah, N., Noonan, V. K., Finkelstein, J., Rivers, C. S., Tee, J., ... Badley, E. M. (2016, February). Canadian Spine Society1.01: Do lumbar decompression and fusion patients recall their preoperative status? Recall bias in patient-reported outcomes1.02: Trends and costs of lumbar fusion and disc replacement surgeries in Ontario: a population-based study1.03: Ontario's Inter-professional Spine Assessment and Education Clinics (ISAEC): patient, provider and system impact of an integrated model of care for the management of LBP1.04: Validation of the self-administered online assessment of … [Paper]. 16th Annual Scientific Conference - Canadian Spine Society, The Fairmont Château Whistler, Whistler, British Columbia. Published in Canadian Journal of Surgery, 59(3 Suppl 2). External link
Atassi, N., Ratai, E.-M., Cohen-Adad, J., Lawson, R., Dheel, C., Keil, B., Triantafyllou, C., & Cudkowicz, M. (2012, February). Mechanism-based neuroimaging using 7-T MRI in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) [Paper]. 25th Annual Massachusetts ADRC, Boston, MA. Unavailable
Boschet, A., Collin, A., Katoch, N., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2024, October). Unpaired Modality Translation for Pseudo Labeling of Histology Images [Paper]. 4th Workshop on Deep Generative Models for Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (DGM4MICCAI 2024), Marrakesh, Morocco. External link
Boudreau, M., Karakuzu, A., Boré, A., Pinsard, B., Zelenkovski, K., Alonso Ortiz, E., Boyle, J., Bellec, L., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2024). Longitudinal reproducibility of brain and spinal cord quantitative MRI biomarkers. Imaging Neuroscience. External link
Bagheri, H., Friedman, H., Hadwen, A., Jarweh, C., Cooper, E., Oprea, L., Guerrier, C., Khadra, A., Collin, A., Cohen-Adad, J., Young, A., Victoriano, G. M., Swire, M., Jarjour, A., Bechler, M. E., Pryce, R. S., Chaurand, P., Cougnaud, L., Vuckovic, D., ... Peterson, A. C. (2024). Myelin basic protein mRNA levels affect myelin sheath dimensions, architecture, plasticity, and density of resident glial cells. Glia, 24589 (22 pages). External link
Boudreau, M., Karakuzu, A., Cohen-Adad, J., Bozkurt, E., Carr, M., Castellaro, M., Concha, L., Doneva, M., Dual, S. A., Ensworth, A., Foias, A., Fortier, V., Gabr, R. E., Gilbert, G., Glide-Hurst, C. K., Grech-Sollars, M., Hu, S., Jalnefjord, O., Jovicich, J., ... Stikov, N. (2024). Paper is not enough: Crowdsourcing the T₁ mapping common ground via the ISMRM reproducibility challenge [Dataset]. External link
Boudreau, M., Karakuzu, A., Cohen-Adad, J., Bozkurt, E., Carr, M., Castellaro, M., Concha, L., Doneva, M., Dual, S. A., Ensworth, A., Foias, A., Fortier, V., Gabr, R. E., Gilbert, G., Glide-Hurst, C. K., Grech-Sollars, M., Hu, S., Jalnefjord, O., Jovicich, J., ... ISMRM Quantitative MR Study Group, T. (2024). Repeat it without me: Crowdsourcing the T1 mapping common ground via the ISMRM reproducibility challenge. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 30111 (13 pages). External link
Beal, E., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2023). Contrast-agnostic deep learning–based registration pipeline: Validation in spinal cord multimodal MRI data. Aperture Neuro, 3(2023), 1-21. External link
Bédard, S., El Baz, A., Macar, U., Bouchard, L.-F., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2023, July). Contrast-agnostic segmentation of the spinal cord : validation in a multi-center cohort [Poster]. OHBM 2023, Montreal, Qc, Canada. External link
Bédard, S., El Baz, A., Macar, U., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2023, June). Contrast-agnostic segmentation of the spinal cord using deep learning [Presentation]. In ISMRM & ISMRT annual Meeting & Exhibition, Toronto, ON, Canada. External link
Boudreau, M., Karakuzu, A., Boré, A., Zelenkovski, K., Pinsard, B., Alonso Ortiz, E., Boyle, J., Bellec, P., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2023, June). Longitudinal stability of brain and spinal cord quantitative MRI measures [Presentation]. In ISMRM & ISMRT annual Meeting & Exhibition, Toronto, ON, Canada. External link
Boudreau, M., Karakuzu, A., Boré, A., Pinsard, B., Zelenkovski, K., Alonso-Ortiz, E., Boyle, J., Bellec, P., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2023). Longitudinal stability of brain and spinal cord quantitative MRI measures [Dataset]. External link
Boudreau, M., Karakuzu, A., Boré, A., Zelenkovski, K., Pinsard, B., Alonso Ortiz, E., Boyle, J., Bellec, P., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2023, June). Longitudinal stability of brain and spinal cord structural quantitative MRI measures [Poster]. ISMRM & ISMRT annual Meeting & Exhibition, Toronto, ON, Canada. External link
Blostein, N., Banerjee, R., Bédard, S., Shahrampour, S., De Leener, B., Mohamed, F. B., Middleton, D., Krisa, L., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2023, May). Multimodal pediatric spinal cord template [Paper]. QBIN Scientific Day 2023, Laval, Qc, Canada. External link
Boudreau, M., Karakuzu, A., Cohen-Adad, J., Carr, M., Doneva, M., Dual, S. A., Ennis, D. B., Ensworth, A., Foias, A., Fortier, V., Gilbert, G., Grech-Sollars, M., Holloway, L., Hu, S., Jalnefjord, O., Koken, P., Kolokotronis, A., Kukran, S., Lee, N., ... Stikov, N. (2023, June). Phantom results of the ISMRM Joint RRSG-qMRSG reproducibility challenge on T1 mapping [Paper]. ISMRM & ISMRT annual Meeting & Exhibition, Toronto, ON, Canada. External link
Bédard, S., Bouthillier, M., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2023). Pontomedullary junction as a reference for spinal cord cross-sectional area: validation across neck positions. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 10 pages. Available
Boudreau, M., Karakuzu, A., Cohen-Adad, J., Bozkurt, E., Carr, M., Castellaro, M., Concha, L., Doneva, M., Dual, S., Ensworth, A., Foias, A., Fortier, V., Gabr, R. E., Gilbert, G., Glide-Hurst, C. K., Grech-Sollars, M., Hu, S., Jalnefjord, O., Jovicich, J., ... Stikov, N. (2023). Results of the ISMRM 2020 joint Reproducible Research & Quantitative MR study groups reproducibility challenge on phantom and human brain T₁ mapping [Dataset]. External link
Blostein, N., Karakuzu, A., Samson, P., Stikov, N., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2023, July). Vendor-neutral automated acquisition workflow for spinal cord MRI [Poster]. OHBM 2023, Montreal, Qc, Canada. External link
Bédard, S., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2022). Automatic measure and normalization of spinal cord cross-sectional area using the pontomedullary junction. Frontiers in Neuroimaging, 1, 1031253 (15 pages). Available
Badji, A., Cohen-Adad, J., & Girouard, H. (2022). Relationship between arterial stiffness index, pulse pressure, and magnetic resonance imaging markers of white matter integrity: A UK biobank study. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 14, 856782 (11 pages). Available
Bourget, M.-H., Kamentsky, L., Ghosh, S. S., Mazzamuto, G., Lazari, A., Markiewicz, C. J., Oostenveld, R., Niso, G., Halchenko, Y. O., Lipp, I., Takerkart, S., Toussaint, P.-J., Khan, A. R., Nilsonne, G., Castelli, F. M., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2022). Microscopy-BIDS: an extension to the brain imaging data structure for microscopy data. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16, 8 pages. Available
Bautin, P., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2021). Minimum detectable spinal cord atrophy with automatic segmentation: Investigations using an open-access dataset of healthy participants. Neuroimage-Clinical, 32, 102849 (10 pages). External link
Boshkovski, T., Cohen-Adad, J., Misic, B., Arnulf, I., Corvol, J.-C., Vidailhet, M., Lehéricy, S., Stikov, N., & Mancini, M. (2021). The Myelin-Weighted Connectome in Parkinson's Disease. Movement Disorders, 37(4), 724-733. External link
Barletta, V., Herranz, E., Treaba, C. A., Mehndiratta, A., Ouellette, R., Mangeat, G., Granberg, T., Sloane, J. A., Klawiter, E., Cohen-Adad, J., & Mainero, C. (2021). Quantitative 7-Tesla Imaging of Cortical Myelin Changes in Early Multiple Sclerosis. Frontiers in Neurology, 12, 714820 (10 pages). External link
Boshkovski, T., Kocarev, L., Cohen-Adad, J., Mišić, B., Lehéricy, S., Stikov, N., & Mancini, M. (2021). The R1-weighted connectome: complementing brain networks with a myelin-sensitive measure. Network Neuroscience, 5(2), 358-372. External link
Badji, A., Adrián, N. C., Karakuzu, A., Duval, T., Desjardins-Crépeau, L., Parizet, M., Joubert, S., Bherer, L., Lamarre-Cliche, M., Stikov, N., Cohen-Adad, J., & Girouard, H. (2020). Arterial stiffness cut-off value and white matter integrity in the elderly. Neuroimage-Clinical, 26, 102007 (11 pages). External link
Boyle, J. A., Pinsard, B., Boukhdhir, A., Belleville, S., Brambatti, S., Chen, J., Cohen-Adad, J., Cyr, A., Fuente, A., Rainville, P., & Bellec, P. (2020, June). The courtois project on neuronal modelling - first data release [Paper]. 26th OHBM annual meeting. External link
Badj, A., de la Colina, A. N., Boshkovski, T., Sabra, D., Karakuzu, A., Robitaille-Grou, M.-C., Gros, C., Joubert, S., Bherer, L., Lamarre-Cliche, M., Stikov, N., Gauthier, C. J., Cohen-Adad, J., & Girouard, H. (2020). A Cross-Sectional Study on the Impact of Arterial Stiffness on the Corpus Callosum, a Key White Matter Tract Implicated in Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of Alzheimers Disease, 77(2), 591-605. External link
Bagnato, F., Gauthier, S. A., Laule, C., Moore, G. R. W., Bove, R., Cai, Z., Cohen-Adad, J., Harrison, D. M., Klawiter, E. C., Morrow, S. A., Oz, G., Rooney, W. D., Smith, S. A., Calabresi, P. A., Henry, R. G., Oh, J., Ontaneda, D., Pelletier, D., Reich, D. S., ... Sicotte, N. L. (2020). Imaging Mechanisms of Disease Progression in Multiple Sclerosis: Beyond Brain Atrophy. Journal of Neuroimaging, 30(3), 251-266. External link
Badji, A., De la Colina, A. N., Karakuzu, A., Duval, T., Desjardins-Crépeau, L., Joubert, S., Bherer, L., Lamarre-Cliche, M., Stikov, N., Cohen-Adad, J., & Girouard, H. (2019, January). Approches en imagerie par résonance magnétique pour l'étude de l'impact de la rigidité artérielle sur la matière blanche du cerveau chez les personnes âgées [Paper]. 27e Congrès scientifique annuel de la Société québécoise d'hypertension artérielle, Québec, Qc. Unavailable
Badji, A., Sabra, D., Bherer, L., Cohen-Adad, J., Girouard, H., & Gauthier, C. J. (2019). Arterial stiffness and brain integrity: A review of MRI findings. Ageing Research Reviews, 53, Unsp 10090 (11 pages). External link
Badji, A., Noriega de la Colina, A., Karakuzu, A., Duval, T., Desjardins-Crépeau, L., Joubert, S., Bherer, L., Lamarre-Cliche, M., Stikov, N., Girouard, H., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2019, May). Arterial stiffness and white matter integrity in the elderly : a diffusion tensor and magnetization transfer imaging study [Poster]. ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Montréal, Qc. External link
Badji, A., de la Colina, A. N., Karakuzu, A., Duval, T., Desjardins-Crepeau, L., Joubert, S., Bherer, L., Lamarre-Cliche, M., Stikov, N., Girouard, H., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2019). Arterial stiffness and white matter integrity in the elderly: a diffusion tensor and magnetization transfer imaging study. NeuroImage, 186, 577-585. External link
Badji, A., de la Colina, A. N., Sabra, D., Karakuzu, A., Bherer, L., Lamarre-Cliche, M., Stikov, N., Gauthier, C., Cohen-Adad, J., & Girouard, H. (2019, July). Arterial stiffness, cerebral blood flow and white matter integrity in the elderly: an arterial spin labelling and Neurite orientation dispersion and density study [Abstract]. 29th International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function / 14th International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET (BRAIN 2019 and BRAIN Pet 2019), Yokohama, JAPAN. Published in Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 39(1_suppl). External link
Barletta, V., Herranz, E., Treaba, A., Mehndiratta, A., Ouellette, R., Mangeat, G., Sloane, J., Mercaldo, N., Cohen-Adad, J., & Mainero, C. (2019, September). In vivo characterization of cortical lesion demyelination and remyelination in early multiple sclerosis by quantitative 7 Tesla MRI [Abstract]. 35th Congress of the European-Committee-for-Treatment-and-Research-in-Multiple-Sclerosis (ECTRIMS 2019) and 24th Annual Conference of Rehabilitation in MS, Stockholm, Sweden. Published in Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 25(S2). External link
Boshkovski, T., Badji, A., Janic, P., Kocarev, L., Cohen-Adad, J., Giorgio, A., De Stefano, N., Misic, B., & Stikov, N. (2019, May). The myelin-weighted connectome : a new look at multiple sclerosis [Paper]. ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Montréal, Qc. External link
Badji, A., de la Colina, A. N., Sabra, D., Karakuzu, A., Bherer, L., Lamarre-Cliche, M., Stikov, N., Gauthier, C., Cohen-Adad, J., & Girouard, H. (2019, July). The relationship between cognitive function, cortical blood flow and sub-cortical white-matter health in the elderly [Abstract]. 29th International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function / 14th International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET (BRAIN 2019 and BRAIN Pet 2019), Yokohama, JAPAN. Published in Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 39(1_suppl). External link
Badji, A., Mangeat, G., Ouellette, R., Treaba, C. A., Granberg, T., Herranz, E., Louapre, C., Stikov, N., Sloane, J., Bellec, P., Mainero, C., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2017, April). Changes in structural network connectivity in early-stage multiple sclerosis are associated with cortical demyelination [Paper]. ISMRM 25th annual meeting & Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawai. External link
Benhamou, M., Fonov, V., Taso, M., Le Troter, A., Sdika, M., Collins, L., Callot, V., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2014, May). Atlas of white-matter tracts in the human spinal cord [Paper]. 22nd Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Milan, Italy. External link
Bilgic, B., Setsompop, K., Cohen-Adad, J., Yendiki, A., Wald, L. L., & Adalsteinsson, E. (2012, October). Accelerated diffusion spectrum imaging with compressed sensing using adaptive dictionaries [Paper]. 15th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2012), Nice, France. Published in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 68(6). External link
Bhat, H., Cohen-Adad, J., Tisdall, M. D., Van der Kouwe, A., & Heberlein, K. (2012, June). Demonstration of a novel prospective motion correction technique for diffusion neuroimaging [Paper]. 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Beijing, Chine. Unavailable
Brieu, N., Beaumont, E., Dubeau, S., Cohen-Adad, J., & Lesage, F. (2010). Characterization of the hemodynamic response in the rat lumbar spinal cord using intrinsic optical imaging and laser speckle. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 191(2), 151-157. External link
Brooks, J. C. W., Cohen-Adad, J., Gauthier, C., Hoge, R. D., & Rossignol, S. (2009, June). Studying the sensorimotor pathways : brain, brainstem, spinal cord imaging [Paper]. 15th OHBM annual meeting, San Francisco, California. Unavailable
Combes, B. F., Kalva, S. K., Benveniste, P.-L., Tournant, A., Law, M. H., Newton, J., Krüger, M., Weber, R. Z., Dias, I., Noain, D., Dean-Ben, X. L., Konietzko, U., Baumann, C. R., Gillberg, P.-G., Hock, C., Nitsch, R. M., Cohen-Adad, J., Razansky, D., & Ni, R. (2024). Spiral volumetric optoacoustic tomography of reduced oxygen saturation in the spinal cord of M83 mouse model of Parkinson's disease. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 17 pages. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Alonso Ortiz, E., Alley, S., Lagana, M. M., Baglio, F., Vannesjo, S. J., Karbasforoushan, H., Seif, M., Seifert, A. C., Xu, J., Kim, J.-W., Labounek, R., Vojtiek, L., Dostal, M., Valoek, J., Samson, R. S., Grussu, F., Battiston, M., Wheeler-Kingshott, C. A. M. G., ... Prados, F. (2022). Comparison of multicenter MRI protocols for visualizing the spinal cord gray matter. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 88(2), 849-859. External link
Cohen-Adad, J. (2022). ivado-medical-imaging [Dataset]. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Alonso Ortiz, E., Abramovic, M., Arneitz, C., Atcheson, N., Barlow, L., Barry, R. L., Barth, M., Battiston, M., Büchel, C., Budde, M., Callot, V., Combes, A. J. E., De Leener, B., Descoteaux, M., de Sousa, P. L., Dostál, M., Doyon, J., Dvorak, A., ... Xu, J. (2021). Generic acquisition protocol for quantitative MRI of the spinal cord. Nature Protocols, 16(10), 4611-4632. Available
Cohen-Adad, J., Alonso Ortiz, E., Abramovic, M., Arneitz, C., Atcheson, N., Barlow, L., Barry, R., Barth, M., Battiston, M., Büchel, C., Budde, M. D., Callot, V., Combes, A. J.E., De Leener, B., Descoteaux, M., Sousa, P. L. , Dostál, M., Doyon, J., Dvorak, A., ... Xu, J. (2021). Author Correction: Open-access quantitative MRI data of the spinal cord and reproducibility across participants, sites and manufacturers. Scientific Data, 8(1), 251 (2 pages). Available
Cohen-Adad, J., Alonso Ortiz, E., Abramovic, M., Arneitz, C., Atcheson, N., Barlow, L., Barry, R. L., Barth, M., Battiston, M., Büchel, C., Budde, M., Callot, V., Combes, A. J. E., De Leener, B., Descoteaux, M., de Sousa, P. L., Dostál, M., Doyon, J., Dvorak, A., ... Xu, J. (2021). Author Correction: Open-access quantitative MRI data of the spinal cord and reproducibility across participants, sites and manufacturers (vol 8, 219, 2021). Scientific Data, 8(1), 242 (1 page). Available
Cohen-Adad, J., Alonso Ortiz, E., Abramovic, M., Arneitz, C., Atcheson, N., Barlow, L., Barry, R. L., Barth, M., Battiston, M., Büchel, C., Budde, M., Callot, V., Combes, A. J. E., De Leener, B., Descoteaux, M., de Sousa, P. L., Dostál, M., Doyon, J., Dvorak, A., ... Xu, J. (2021). Open-access quantitative MRI data of the spinal cord and reproducibility across participants, sites and manufacturers. Scientific Data, 8(1), 219 (17 pages). Available
Cohen-Adad, J. (2021). Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging of spinal cord microstructure in adults with cerebral palsy. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 63(8), 896-896. External link
Cohen-Adad, J. (2020). Spine Generic Public Database (Single Subject) [Dataset]. External link
Chougar, L., Hagiwara, A., Takano, N., Andica, C., Cohen-Adad, J., Warntjes, M., Maekawa, T., Hori, M., Koshino, S., Nakazawa, M., Abe, O., & Aoki, S. (2020). Signal Intensity within Cerebral Venous Sinuses on Synthetic MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences, 19(1), 56-63. External link
Chen, J., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2019). Functional magnetic resonance imaging. In Encyclopedia of biomedical engineering (pp. 533-544). External link
Calabrese, E., Adil, S. M., Cofer, G., Perone, C. S., Cohen-Adad, J., Lad, S. P., & Johnson, G. A. (2018). Postmortem diffusion MRI of the entire human spinal cord at microscopic resolution. NeuroImage: Clinical, 18, 963-971. Available
Cohen-Adad, J. (2016, August). Microstructural imaging in the spinal cord and validation strategies [Paper]. Workshop on Toward a Super-BigBrain - Promise and Pitfalls of Microstructural Imaging, Montréal, QC, Canada. Published in Neuroimage, 182. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., & Lopez Rios, N. (2018). MRI coil apparatus and method. (Patent Application no. WO2018195654). External link
Campbell, J. S. W., Leppert, I. R., Narayanan, S., Boudreau, M., Duval, T., Cohen-Adad, J., Pike, G. B., & Stikov, N. (2016, August). Promise and pitfalls of g-ratio estimation with MRI [Paper]. Workshop on Toward a Super-BigBrain - Promise and Pitfalls of Microstructural Imaging, Montréal, Canada. Published in Neuroimage, 182. External link
Cadotte, D. W., Akbar, M. A., Fehlings, M. G., Stroman, P. W., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2018). What Has Been Learned from Magnetic Resonance Imaging Examination of the Injured Human Spinal Cord: A Canadian Perspective. Journal of Neurotrauma, 35(16), 1942-1957. External link
Cabana, J.-F., Gilbert, G., Stikov, N., Cohen-Adad, J., Létourneau-Guillon, L., & Nguyen, D. (2017, April). Exploring complementarity in multi-modal imaging of cortex microstructure: a diffusion and relaxometry study [Paper]. ISMRM 25th annual meeting & Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawai. External link
Cohen-Adad, J. (2017). Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Spinal Cord: Current Status and Future Developments. Seminars in Ultrasound CT and MRI, 38(2), 176-186. External link
Craddock, R. C., Margulies, D. S., Bellec, P., Nichols, B. N., Alcauter, S., Barrios, F. A., Burnod, Y., Cannistraci, C. J., Cohen-Adad, J., De Leener, B., Dery, S., Downar, J., Dunlop, K., Franco, A. R., Froehlich, C. S., Gerber, A. J., Ghosh, S. S., Grabowski, T. J., Hill, S., ... Xu, T. (2016). Brainhack: a collaborative workshop for the open neuroscience community. GigaScience, 5(1), 1-8. Available
Campbell, J. S. W., Leppert, I. R., Boudreau, M., Narayanan, S., Cohen-Adad, J., Pike, G. B., & Stikov, N. (2016, May). Mapping the myelin g-ratio: promises and pitfalls. [Paper]. 24th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Singapore. External link
Cabana, J.-F., Gu, Y., Boudreau, M., Levesque, I. R., Atchia, Y., Sled, J. G., Narayanan, S., Arnold, D. L., Pike, B. G., Cohen-Adad, J., Duval, T., Vuong, M.-T., & Stikov, N. (2016, May). Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Imaging Made Easy with qMTLab: Software for Data Simulation, Analysis and Visualisation. [Paper]. 24th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Singapore. External link
Cadotte, D. W., Cadotte, A., Cohen-Adad, J., Fleet, D., Livne, M., Wilson, J. R., Mikulis, D., Nugaeva, N., & Fehlings, M. G. (2015). Characterizing the Location of Spinal and Vertebral Levels in the Human Cervical Spinal Cord. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 36(4), 803-810. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Martin, A. R., & Fehlings, M. G. (2015). Magnetic resonance imaging of the injured spinal cord: the present and the future. In Vialle, L. R., Riew, K. D., & Ito, M. (eds.), AOSpine Masters Series (pp. 39-56). External link
Cabana, J.-F., Ye, G., Boudreau, M., Levesque, I. R., Atchia, Y., Sled, J. G., Narayanan, S., Arnold, D. L., Pike, G. B., Cohen-Adad, J., Duval, T., Manh-Tung, V., & Stikov, N. (2015). Quantitative magnetization transfer imaging made easy with qMTLab: software for data simulation, analysis, and visualization. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance, Part A (Bridging Education and Research), 44A(5), 263-277. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Levy, S., & Avants, B. (2015, May). Slice-by-slice regularized registration for spinal cord MRI: SliceReg [Paper]. ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. External link
Cadotte, A., Cadotte, D. W., Livne, M., Cohen-Adad, J., Fleet, D., Mikulis, D., & Fehlings, M. G. (2015). Spinal Cord Segmentation by One Dimensional Normalized Template Matching: A Novel, Quantitative Technique to Analyze Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data. PLOS One, 10(10). Available
Cohen-Adad, J., & Wald, L. L. (2014). Array Coils. In Cohen-Adad, J., & Wheeler-Kingshott, C. A. M. G. (eds.), Quantitative MRI of the Spinal Cord (pp. 59-67). External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Triantafyllou, C., & Wald, L. L. (2014, May). Effect of spatial smoothing and cardiac gating on physiological noise in spinal cord fMRI [Paper]. 22nd Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Milan, Italy. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Samson, R. S., Schneider, T., Smith, A. K., Benhamou, M., Leveque, G., Smith, S. A., & Wheeler-Kingshott, C. A. M. G. (2014, May). Multisite DTI of the spinal cord with integrated template and white matter atlas processing pipeline [Paper]. 22nd Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Milan, Italy. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., & Wheeler-Kingshott, C. A. M. G. (eds.) (2014). Quantitative MRI of the spinal cord. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Martinez, M., Delivet-Mongrain, H., & Rossignol, S. (2014). Recovery of locomotion after partial spinal cord lesions in cats: assessment using behavioral, electrophysiological and imaging techniques. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis, 74(2), 142-157. Available
Cadotte, D. W., Cadotte, A., Cohen-Adad, J., Fleet, D., Livne, M., Mikulis, D., & Fehlings, M. G. (2014, May). Resolving the anatomic variability of the human cervical spinal cord : a solution to facilitate advanced neural imaging [Paper]. 22nd Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Milan, Italy. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., De Leener, B., Benhamou, M., Cadotte, D., Fleet, D., Cadotte, A., Fehlings, M. G., Pelletier Paquette, J. F., Thong, W., Taso, M., Collins, D. L., Callot, V., & Fonov, V. (2014, June). Spinal cord toolbox : an open-source framework for processing spinal cord MRI data [Paper]. 20th Annual Meeting of OHBM, Hamburg, Germany. External link
Cohen-Adad, J. (2014). What can we learn from T2* maps of the cortex? NeuroImage, 93, Part 2, 189-200. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Zhao, W., Oaklander, A. L., Cudkowicz, M., Atassi, N., & Wald, L. L. (2013, April). 7T MRI of the pathological spinal cord [Paper]. ISMRM 21th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Zhao, W., Keil, B., Ratai, E.-M., Lawson, R., Dheel, C., Wald, L. L., Rosen, B. R., Cudkowicz, M., & Atassi, N. (2013). 7T MRI of the spinal cord can detect corticospinal tract abnormality in ALS. Muscle Nerve, 47(5), 760-762. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., El Mendili, M.-M., Morizot-Koutlidis, R., Lehéricy, S., Meininger, V., Blancho, S., Rossignol, S., Benali, H., & Pradat, P.-F. (2013). Involvement of spinal sensory pathway in Als and specificity of cord atrophy to lower motor neuron degeneration. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration, 14(1), 30-38. External link
Cauley, S. F., Abuhashem, O. A., Bilgic, B., Chatnuntawech, I., Cohen-Adad, J., Setsompop, K., Adalsteinsson, E., & Wald, L. L. (2013, April). Low-rank basis smoothing for the denoising of diffusion weighted Images [Paper]. ISMRM 21th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. External link
Cadotte, D. W., Cohen-Adad, J., & Fehlings, M. G. (2013). Visualizing integrative functioning in the human brainstem and spinal cord with spinal fMRI. Clinical Neurosurgery, 60(102-109), 102-109. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Zhao, W., Wadd, L. L., & Oaklander, A. L. (2012). 7T MRI of spinal cord injury. Neurology, 79(22), 2217-2217. External link
Cohen-Adad, J. (2012, September). 7T MRI of the human spinal cord. [Paper]. 51th Annual Scientific meeting of the International Spinal Cord Society (ISCOS), London. Unavailable
Cohen-Adad, J., Polimeni, J. R., Rosen, B. R., Mainero, C., & Wald, L. L. (2012, May). BO-orientation dependence can characterize cortical and sub-cortical fibers in vivo at 7T [Paper]. 20th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Melbourne, Australie. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Buchbinder, B., & Oaklander, A. L. (2012). Cervical spinal cord injection of epidural corticosteroids: Comprehensive longitudinal study including multiparametric MRI. Pain, 153(11), 2292-2299. External link
Cohen-Adad, J. (2012). High-Resolution DWI in brain and spinal cord with syngo RESOLVE. MAGNETOM Flash The Magazine of MRI, 2, 16-23. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Tisdall, M. D., Kimmlingen, R., Eberlein, E., Witzel, T., Hoecht, P., Keil, B., Nistler, J., Lehne, D., Heberlein, K., McNab, J. A., Thein, H., Schmitt, F., Rosen, B. R., Wedeen, V. J., & Wald, L. L. (2012, May). Improved Q-Ball imaging using a 300 mT/m human gradient [Paper]. 20th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Melbourne, Australie. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Zhao, W., Wald, L. L., Buchbinder, B., & Oaklander, A. L. (2012, October). Preliminary clinical utility of advanced spinal-cord MRI [Paper]. 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association, Boston, MA. Unavailable
Cohen-Adad, J., Polimeni, J. R., Helmer, K. G., Benner, T., McNab, J. A., Wald, L. L., Rosen, B., & Mainero, C. (2012). T2* mapping and BO orientation-dependence at 7T reveal cyto- and myeloarchitecture organization of the human cortex. NeuroImage, 60(2), 1006-1014. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Mareyam, A., Keil, B., Polimeni, J. R., & Wald, L. L. (2011). 32-Channel RF coil optimized for brain and cervical spinal cord at 3 T. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 66(4), 1198-1208. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Helmer, K. G., Belnner, T., Kinkel, R. P., Rosen, B. R., & Mainero, C. (2011, October). Characterization of cortical pathology using T2* mapping at 7T [Paper]. Joint Triennial Congress of the European and Americas Committees on Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Helmer, K. G., Belnner, T., Wald, L. L., Nielsen, A. S., Kinkel, R. P., Rosen, B. R., & Mainero, C. (2011, November). Characterization of cortical pathology using T2* mapping at 7T [Paper]. Tykeson Fellows Conference, Dallas, Texas. Unavailable
Cohen-Adad, J., Helmer, K. G., Benner, T., Polimeni, J. R., McNab, J. A., Wald, L. L., Rosen, B. R., & Mainero, C. (2011, June). Cortical surface and depth analysis of T2* in the human brain [Paper]. 17th OHBM annual meeting, Québec, Canada. Unavailable
Cohen-Adad, J., El Mendili, M. M., Lehéricy, S., Pradat, P. F., Blancho, S., Rossignol, S., & Benali, H. (2011). Demyelination and degeneration in the injured human spinal cord detected with diffusion and magnetization transfer MRI. NeuroImage, 55(3), 1024-1033. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., El Mendili, M. M., Lehéricy, S., Pradat, P. F., Blancho, S., Rossignol, S., & Benali, H. (2011, May). Demyelination in the injured human spinal cord detected with diffusion and magnetization transfer imaging [Paper]. 19th ISMRM annual meeting and exhibition, Montréal, Québec. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Buchbinder, B., Wald, L. L., & Oaklander, A. L. (2011, May). Evidence of Wallerian degeneration in the human spinal cord using in vivo high-resolution DTI and magnetization transfer [Paper]. 19th ISMRM annual meeting and exhibition, Montréal, Québec. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Benner, T., Greve, D., Kinkel, R. P., Radding, A., Fischl, B., Rosen, B. R., & Mainero, C. (2011). In vivo evidence of disseminated subpial T2* signal changes in multiple sclerosis at 7T: A surface-based analysis. NeuroImage, 57(1), 55-62. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., El Mendili, M. M., Blancho, S., Morizot-Koutlidis, R., Lehéricy, S., Rossignol, S., Benali, H., & Pradat, P. F. (2011, June). Involvement of spinal sensory pathway inamyotrophic lateral sclerosis detected with DTI and magnetization transfer [Paper]. 17th OHBM annual meeting, Québec, Canada. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Descoteaux, M., & Wald, L. L. (2011). Quality assessment of high angular resolution diffusion imaging data using bootstrap on Q-ball reconstruction. JMRI, 33(5), 1194-1208. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Helmer, K. G., Nielsen, A. S., Greve, D. N., Benner, T., Kinkel, R. P., Rosen, B. R., & Mainero, C. (2011, May). Quantitative characterization of cortical pathology in multiple sclerosis using surface-based analysis of T2* relaxation at 7T [Paper]. 19th ISMRM annual meeting and exhibition, Montréal, QC, Canada. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Leblond, H., Delivet-Mongrain, H., Martinez, M., Benali, H., & Rossignol, S. (2011). Wallerian degeneration after spinal cord lesions in cats detected with diffusion tensor imaging. NeuroImage, 57(3), 1068-1076. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Descoteaux, M., & Wald, L. L. (2009, June). Assessing the quality of HARDI data using bootstrap on Qu-Ball reconstruction [Paper]. 16th OHBM annual meeting, Barcelona, Spain. Unavailable
Cohen-Adad, J., Gauthier, C. J., Brooks, J. C. W., Slessarev, M., Han, J., Fisher, J. A., Rossignol, S., & Hoge, R. D. (2010). BOLD signal responses to controlled hypercapnia in human spinal cord. NeuroImage, 50(3), 1074-1084. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Mareyam, A., Polimeni, J. R., & Wald, L. L. (2009, June). Improving diffusion and functional MRI of the brain and spinal cord using a new 32ch coil [Paper]. 16th OHBM annual meeting, Barcelona, Spain. Unavailable
Cohen-Adad, J., McNab, J. A., Benner, T., Descoteaux, M., Mareyam, A., Wedeen, V. J., & Wald, L. L. (2010, May). Improving high-resolution Q-Ball imaging with a head insert gradient : bootstrap and SNR analysis [Paper]. 18th ISMRM annual meeting and exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Greve, D. N., Benner, T., Radding, A., Kinkel, R., Rosen, B., Fischl, B., & Mainero, C. (2010, May). Surface-based analysis of subpial T2* signal changes at 7T in multiple sclerosis [Paper]. 18th ISMRM annual meeting and exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Ghosh, A., Leblond, H., Descoteaux, M., Deriche, R., Benali, H., & Rossignol, S. (2009, June). Comparison of DTI and Q-Ball imaging metrics in a cat model of spinal cord injury [Paper]. 15th OHBM annual meeting, San Francisco, California. Unavailable
Cohen-Adad, J., Lundell, H., & Rossignol, S. (2009, April). Distortion correction in spinal cord DTI : what's the best approach? [Paper]. 17th ISMRM annual meeting and exhibition, Honolulu, Hawaii. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Leblond, H., Ghosh, A., Descoteaux, M., Deriche, R., Benali, H., & Rossignol, S. (2009, April). Evolution of Q-Ball metrics for assessing the integrity of the injured spinal cord [Paper]. 17th ISMRM annual meeting and exhibition, Honolulu, Hawaii. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Leblond, H., Delivet-Mongrain, H., Ghosh, A., Descoteaux, M., Deriche, R., Benali, H., & Rossignol, S. (2009, October). High angular resolution diffusion MRI of spinal cord injured cats [Paper]. 39th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, Illinois. Unavailable
Cohen-Adad, J., Hoge, R. D., Leblond, H., Xie, G., Beaudoin, G., Song, A. W., Krueger, G., Doyon, J., Benali, H., & Rossignol, S. (2009). Investigations on spinal cord fMRI of cats under ketamine. NeuroImage, 44(2), 328-339. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Rossignol, S., & Hoge, R. D. (2009, April). Slice-by-slice motion correction in spinal cord fMRI : SliceCorr [Paper]. 17th ISMRM annual meeting and exhibition, Honolulu, Hawaii. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Gauthier, C., Brooks, J. C. W., Leblond, H., Hoge, R. D., Fisher, J. A., Beaumont, E., Dubeau, S., Lesage, F., Doyon, J., Benali, H., & Rossignol, S. (2009, June). Venous effect in spinal cord fMRI : insights from intrinsic optical imaging and laser speckle [Paper]. 15th OHBM annual meeting, San Francisco, California. Unavailable
Cohen-Adad, J., Gauthier, C., Rossignol, S., Benali, H., & Hoge, R. D. (2008, May). BOLD signal responses to controlled hypercapnia in human spinal cord [Paper]. ISMRM 16th Scientific Meeting & Exhibition, Toronton, On. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Descoteaux, M., Rossignol, S., Hoge, R. D., Deriche, R., & Benali, H. (2008). Detection of multiple pathways in the spinal cord using q-ball imaging. NeuroImage, 42(2), 739-749. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Descoteaux, M., Rossignol, S., Hoge, R. D., Deriche, R., & Benali, H. (2008, May). Detection of multiple pathways in the spinal cord white matter using q-ball imaging [Paper]. 5th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging : From Nano to Macro, Paris, France. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Benali, H., Barrière, G., Leblond, H., Hoge, R. D., & Rossignol, S. (2008). Development of clinical diffusion tensor MRI of the spinal cord in a context of spincal cord injury. [Développement clinique de l'IRM du tenseur de diffusion de la moelle épinière dans un contexte de lésion médullaire]. IRBM, 29(4), 255-260. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Benali, H., Hoge, R. D., & Rossignol, S. (2008). In vivo DTI of the healthy and injured cat spinal cord at high spatial and angular resolution. NeuroImage, 40(2), 685-697. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Descoteaux, M., Deriche, R., Rossignol, S., Hodges, R. S., & Benali, H. (2008, May). Q-ball imaging of the spinal cord [Paper]. 16th ISMRM annual meeting and exhibition, Toronto, Ontario. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Chapuisat, S., Doyon, J., Rossignol, S., Lina, J. M., Benali, H., & Lesage, F. (2007). Activation detection in diffuse optical imaging by means of the general linear model. Medical Image Analysis, 11(6), 616-629. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Piche, M., Rainville, P., Benali, H., & Rossignol, S. (2007, August). Impact of realignment on spinal functional MRI time series [Paper]. 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Lyon, France. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Benali, H., Hoge, R. D., & Rossignol, S. (2007, November). In vivo assessment of spinal cord integrity by diffusion tensor imaging [Paper]. 37th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, California. Unavailable
Cohen-Adad, J., Benali, H., & Rossignol, S. (2007, August). Methodology for MR diffusion tensor imaging of the cat spinal cord [Paper]. 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Lyon, France. External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Benali, H., Hoge, R. D., Barrière, G., Doyon, J., & Rossignol, S. (2007, January). Spinal cord in vivo diffusion tensor imaging of healthy human and spinalized cats [Paper]. 13th OHBM annual meeting, San Francisco, California. Unavailable
Cohen-Adad, J., Paul, P., Morandi, X., & Jannin, P. (2006, March). Knowledge modeling in image-guided neurosurgery : application in understanding intra-operative brain shift [Paper]. SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, California (8 pages). External link
Cohen-Adad, J., Perlbarg, V., Doyon, J., Hoge, R. D., Beaudoin, G., Song, A., Leblond, H., Provencher, J., Rossignol, S., & Benali, H. (2006, January). Methodology to study functional MRI of the cat lumbar spinal cord [Paper]. 12th OHBM annual meeting, Florence, Italy. Unavailable
D'Astous, A., Cereza, G., Papp, D., Gilbert, K. M., Stockmann, J. P., Alonso Ortiz, E., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2023). Shimming toolbox: An open-source software toolbox for B0 and B1 shimming in MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 89(4), 1401-1417. External link
D'Astous, A., Kaptan, M., Dabbagh, A., Finsterbusch, J., Eippert, F., Alonso Ortiz, E., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2023, June). Slice-wise z-shimming for spinal cord fMRI with shimming toolbox [Presentation]. In ISMRM & ISMRT annual Meeting & Exhibition, Toronto, ON, Canada. External link
Daeschler, S. C., Bourget, M.-H., Derakhshan, D., Sharma, V., Asenov, S. I., Gordon, T., Cohen-Adad, J., & Borschel, G. H. (2022). Rapid, automated nerve histomorphometry through open-source artificial intelligence. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 5975 (13 pages). External link
de la Colina, A. N., Badji, A., Robitaille-Grou, M.-C., Gagnon, C., Boshkovski, T., Lamarre-Cliche, M., Joubert, S., Gauthier, C. J., Bherer, L., Cohen-Adad, J., & Girouard, H. (2021). Associations Between Relative Morning Blood Pressure, Cerebral Blood Flow, and Memory in Older Adults Treated and Controlled for Hypertension. Hypertension, 77(5), 1703-1713. External link
D'Astous, A., Topfer, R., Cereza, G., Alonso Ortiz, E., Craven-Brightman, L., Stockmann, J., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2021, May). Shimming-toolbox : an open-source software package for performing realtime B0 shimming experiments [Paper]. ISMRM & SMRT annual Meeting & exhibition (ISMRM 2021). External link
De Leener, B., Soltrand Dahlberg, L., Khatibi, A., Cohen-Adad, J., & Doyon, J. (2020, August). Effect of non-protonated perfluorocarbon liquid-filled SatPads on spinal cord MRI imaging [Presentation]. In 2020 Joint annual meeting ISMRM & ISMRT. External link
de la Colina, A. N., Badji, A., Joubert, S., Bherer, L., Lamarre-Cliche, M., Gauthier, C., Cohen-Adad, J., & Girouard, H. (2019). Augmentation index is a predictor of cerebral blood flow across global gray matter in the elderly. Innovation in Aging, 3(S1), 1 page. Available
de la Colina, A. N., Badji, A., Sabra, D., Karakuzu, A., Joubert, S., Bherer, L., Lamarre-Cliche, M., Gauthier, C., Cohen-Adad, J., & Girouard, H. (2019, July). Augmentation index is a predictor of cerebral blood flow across global grey matter in the elderly [Abstract]. 29th International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function / 14th International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET (BRAIN 2019 and BRAIN Pet 2019), Yokohama, JAPAN. Published in Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 39(1_suppl). External link
Duval, T., Saliani, A., Nami, H., Nanci, A., Stikov, N., Leblond, H., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2019). Axons morphometry in the human spinal cord. NeuroImage, 185, 119-128. External link
DiNuzzo, M., Cohen-Adad, J., Mangini, F., Maugeri, L., Moraschi, M., Mascali, D., Giove, F., & Fratini, M. (2019, May). Towards a standard pipeline for the analysis of human spinal cord fMRI data series [Paper]. ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Montréal, Qc. External link
David, G., Mohammadi, S., Martin, A. R., Cohen-Adad, J., Weiskopf, N., Thompson, A., & Freund, P. (2019). Traumatic and nontraumatic spinal cord injury: pathological insights from neuroimaging. Nature Reviews Neurology, 15(12), 718-731. External link
De Leener, B., Fonov, V. S., Collins, D. L., Callot, V., Stikov, N., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2018). PAM50: Unbiased multimodal template of the brainstem and spinal cord aligned with the ICBM152 space. NeuroImage, 165, 170-179. External link
De Tillieux, P., Topfer, R., Foias, A., Leroux, I., El Maâchi, I., Leblond, H., Stikov, N., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2018). A pneumatic phantom for mimicking respiration-induced artifacts in spinal MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 79(1), 600-605. External link
Duval, T., Leppert, I. R., Cabana, J.-F., Boudreau, M., Gagnon, I., Berestovoy, G., Cohen-Adad, J., & Stikov, N. (2018, June). Quantitative MRI made easy with qMRLab [Poster]. Joint annual meeting ISMRM - ESMRMB, Paris, France. External link
Duval, T., Smith, V., Stikov, N., Klawiter, E. C., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2018). Scan-rescan of axcaliber, macromolecular tissue volume, and g-ratio in the spinal cord. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 79(5), 2759-2765. External link
Dupont, S. M., Martin, A. R., Stikov, N., Fehlings, M. G., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2017, April). Fully automatic segmentation of spinal cord gray matter on patients with degenerative cervical myelopathy [Poster]. ISMRM 25th annual meeting & Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawai. External link
Dupont, S. M., De Leener, B., Taso, M., Le Troter, A., Nadeau, S., Stikov, N., Callot, V., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2017). Fully-integrated framework for the segmentation and registration of the spinal cord white and gray matter. NeuroImage, 150, 358-372. External link
Duval, T., Levy, S., Stikov, N., Campbell, J., Mezer, A., Witzel, T., Keil, B., Smith, V., Wald, L. L., Klawiter, E., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2017). g-Ratio weighted imaging of the human spinal cord in vivo. NeuroImage, 145(A), 11-23. External link
De Leener, B., Fonov, V., Collins, D. L., Callot, V., Stikov, N., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2017, April). PAM50 : multimodal template of the brainstem and spinal cord compatible with the ICBM152 space [Poster]. ISMRM 25th annual meeting & Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawai. External link
De Leener, B., Granberg, T., Fink, K., Stikov, N., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2017, April). Repeatability and reproducibility of spinal cord atrophy measurements in a multiple sclerosis population using the spinal cord toolbox [Paper]. ISMRM 25th annual meeting & Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawai. External link
Duval, T., Smith, V., Mingasson, T., Klawiter, E., Stikov, N., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2017, April). Scan-rescan of AxCaliber, macromolecular tissue volume and g-ratio in the spinal cord [Paper]. ISMRM 25th annual meeting & Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawai. External link
De Leener, B., Lévy, S., Dupont, S. M., Fonov, V. S., Stikov, N., Collins, D. L., Callot, V., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2017). SCT: Spinal Cord Toolbox, an open-source software for processing spinal cord MRI data. NeuroImage, 145, 24-43. External link
De Leener, B., Mangeat, G., Dupont, S., Martin, A. R., Callot, V., Stikov, N., Fehlings, M. G., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2017). Topologically Preserving Straightening of Spinal Cord MRI. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 46(4), 1209-1219. External link
Duval, T., Mingasson, T., Klawiter, E., Stikov, N., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2017, April). Translating AxCaliber on a clinical system : 600mT/m versus optimized 80mT/m protocol [Paper]. ISMRM 25th annual meeting & Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawai. External link
Dupont, S., De Leener, B., Taso, M., Stikov, N., Callot, V., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2016, May). Fully-integrated framework for registration of spinal cord white and gray matter [Poster]. 24th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Singapore. External link
De Leener, B., Taso, M., Fonov, V., Le Troter, A., Stikov, N., Collins, L., Callot, V., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2016, May). Fully-integrated T1, T2, T2*, white and gray matter atlases of the spinal cord [Poster]. 24th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Singapore. External link
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Martin, A. R., Aleksanderek, I., Cohen-Adad, J., Cadotte, D. W., Kalsi-Ryan, S., Nugaeva, N., Mikulis, D. J., Crawley, A., Ginsberg, H., & Fehlings, M. G. (2015, March). Next-generation MRI of the human spinal cord: Translating measures of microarchitecture and function to clinical utilization [Paper]. 13th Imaging Network Ontario Symposium, London, Ontario, Canada. External link
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