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Ajji, Z., Jafari, A., Mousavi, A., Ajji, A., Heuzey, M.-C., & Savoji, H. (2025). 3D bioprinting of thick core–shell vascularized scaffolds for potential tissue engineering applications. European Polymer Journal, 222, 10 pages. External link
Abriat, C., Gazil, O., Heuzey, M.-C., Daigle, F., & Virgilio, N. (2021). The Polymeric Matrix Composition of Vibrio cholerae Biofilms Modulate Resistance to Silver Nanoparticles Prepared by Hydrothermal Synthesis. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13(30), 35356-35364. External link
Abriat, C., Enriquez, K., Virgilio, N., Cegelski, L., Fuller, G. G., Daigle, F., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2020). Mechanical and microstructural insights of Vibrio cholerae and Escherichia coli dual-species biofilm at the air-liquid interface. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 188, 8 pages. External link
Abriat, C., Virgilio, N., Heuzey, M.-C., & Daigle, F. (2019). Microbiological and real-time mechanical analysis of Bacillus licheniformis and Pseudomonas fluorescens dual-species biofilm. Microbiology, 165(7), 747-756. External link
Abriat, C., Heuzey, M.-C., Virgilio, N., & Daigle, F. (2018, October). Characterization of dual-species biofilm of bacillus licheniformis and pseudomonas fluorescens at the air-liquid interface [Presentation]. In 90th Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology, Houston, Texas. Unavailable
Ardila, N., Ajji, Z., Heuzey, M.-C., & Ajji, A. (2018). Chitosan electrospraying: Mapping of process stability and micro and nanoparticle formation. Journal of Aerosol Science, 126, 85-98. External link
Arkoun, M., Daigle, F., Holley, R. A., Heuzey, M.-C., & Ajji, A. (2018). Chitosan-based nanofibers as bioactive meat packaging materials. Packaging Technology and Science, 31(4), 185-195. External link
Arkoun, M., Ardila, N., Heuzey, M.-C., & Ajji, A. (2018). Chitosan-based structures/coatings with antibacterial properties. In Handbook of antimicrobial coatings (pp. 357-389). External link
Abriat, C., Daigle, F., Virgilio, N., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2018, April). Interfacial Rheology of Bacterial Biofilms [Presentation]. In Annual European Rheology Conference (AERC 2018), Sorrento, Italy. Unavailable
Abriat, C., Daigle, F., Virgilio, N., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2018, October). Real-time characterization of microbiological and mechanical properties of bacillus licheniformis and pseudomonas fluorescens dual-species biofilms [Poster]. 8th ASM Conference on Biofilms, Washington, D.C.. Unavailable
Abriat, C., Heuzey, M.-C., Virgilio, N., & Daigle, F. (2018, June). Rheology of dual-species biofilms at the air-liquid interface [Poster]. CREPEC Annual Student Colloquium, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Arkoun, M., Daigle, F., Heuzey, M.-C., & Ajji, A. (2017). Antibacterial electrospun chitosan-based nanofibers: A bacterial membrane perforator. Food Science & Nutrition, 5(4), 865-874. Available
Arkoun, M., Daigle, F., Heuzey, M.-C., & Ajji, A. (2017). Mechanism of action of electrospun chitosan-based nanofibers against meat spoilage and pathogenic bacteria. Molecules, 22(4). Available
Ardila, N., Daigle, F., Heuzey, M.-C., & Ajji, A. (2017). Antibacterial activity of neat chitosan powder and flakes. Molecules, 22(1), 1-19. Available
Ardila, N., Daigle, F., Heuzey, M.-C., & Ajji, A. (2017). Effect of Chitosan Physical Form on Its Antibacterial Activity Against Pathogenic Bacteria. Journal of Food Science, 82(3), 679-686. External link
Arias, A., Sojoudiasli, H., Heuzey, M.-C., Huneault, M. A., & Wood-Adams, P. (2017). Rheological study of crystallization behavior of polylactide and its flax fiber composites. Journal of Polymer Research, 24(3), 10 pages. External link
Ardila, N., Medina, N., Arkoun, M., Heuzey, M.-C., Ajji, A., & Panchal, C. J. (2016). Chitosan-bacterial nanocellulose nanofibrous structures for potential wound dressing applications. Cellulose, 23(5), 3089-3104. External link
Arias, A., Heuzey, M.-C., Huneault, M. A., Ausias, G., & Bendahou, A. (2015). Enhanced dispersion of cellulose nanocrystals in melt-processed polylactide-based nanocomposites. Cellulose, 22(1), 483-498. External link
Arias, A., Kawano, C., Heuzey, M.-C., & Huneault, M. A. (2013, July). Compatibilization of polylactide-based flax fiber biocomposites [Paper]. 19th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 2013), Montréal, Québec. External link
Arias, A., Heuzey, M.-C., & Huneault, M. A. (2013). Thermomechanical and crystallization behavior of polylactide-based flax fiber biocomposites. Cellulose, 20(1), 439-452. External link
Ausias, G., Férec, J., Heuzey, M.-C., Carreau, P., Fan, X., & Tanner, R. I. (2008, January). Rhéologie des suspensions non-diluées de fibres avec interactions entre particules [Paper]. Colloque MECAMAT, Aussois, France. External link
Bugaut, M., Taguet, A., Le Moigne, N., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2023, September). Effect Of Processing On Particle Dispersion And Rheological Behaviour Of Cnc Reinforced Polyvinyl Alcohol Nanocomposites [Paper]. 8th EPNOE International Polysaccharides Conference (EPNOE 2023), Graz, Austria. External link
Bruel, C., Queffeulou, S., Carreau, P., Tavares, J. R., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2020). Orienting Cellulose Nanocrystal Functionalities Tunes the Wettability of Water-Cast Films. Langmuir, 36(41), 12179-12189. Available
Bruel, C., Davies, T. S., Carreau, P., Tavares, J. R., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2020). Self-assembly behaviors of colloidal cellulose nanocrystals: A tale of stabilization mechanisms. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 574, 399-409. External link
Bruel, C., Tavares, J. R., Carreau, P., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2019). The structural amphiphilicity of cellulose nanocrystals characterized from their cohesion parameters. Carbohydrate Polymers, 205, 184-191. Available
Bruel, C., Tavares, J. R., Carreau, P., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2019, June). Impact of colloidal stability on cellulose nanocrystals self-ordering in thin films [Presentation]. In TechConnect World Innovation Conference and Expo, Boston, MA, USA. External link
Bruel, C., Tavares, J. R., Carreau, P., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2019, October). Non-aqueous dispersion and self-ordering of cellulose nanocrystals [Presentation]. In 69th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference (CSChE Conferences 2019), Halifax, NS, CA. Unavailable
Bruel, C., Tavares, J. R., Carreau, P., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2019, February). Promotion of CNC self-assembly in non-aqueous solvents [Presentation]. In PaperWeek Nanocellulose Challenge Symposium, Montréal, Québec, Canada. Unavailable
Bruel, C., Davies, T. S., Tavares, J. R., Carreau, P., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2019, June). Promotion of CNC self-ordering in non-aqueous solvents [Poster]. CREPEC Student Colloquium, Montréal, Québec, Canada. Unavailable
Bruel, C., Davies, T. S., Tavares, J. R., Carreau, P., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2019, May). Promotion of CNC self-ordering in non-aqueous solvents [Poster]. 6e atelier du GDRI Nanomatériaux multifonctionnels composites, Jouvence, Québec, Canada. Unavailable
Bruel, C., Tavares, J. R., Carreau, P., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2019, March). Promotion of CNC self-ordering in non-aqueous solvents [Presentation]. In Chemical Engineering Research Day, Montréal, Québec , Canada. Unavailable
Bruel, C., Beuguel, Q., Tavares, J. R., Carreau, P., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2018). The apparent structural hydrophobicity of cellulose nanocrystals. J-FOR The Journal of Science and Technology for Forest Products and Processes, 7(4), 13-23. Available
Beuguel, Q., Bagheriasl, D., Bruel, C., Tavares, J. R., Carreau, P., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2018). Comportement rhéologique à l'état fondu de nanocomposites à base de nanocristaux de cellulose (CNCs). Rhéologie (34), 10-16. Available
Beuguel, Q., Tavares, J. R., Carreau, P., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2018). Rheological behavior of cellulose nanocrystal suspensions in polyethylene glycol. Journal of Rheology, 62(2), 607-618. Available
Beuguel, Q., Tavares, J. R., Carreau, P., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2018). Ultrasonication of spray- and freeze-dried cellulose nanocrystals in water. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 516, 23-33. Available
Bruneaux, J., Therriault, D., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2008). Micro-Extrusion of Organic Inks for Direct-Write Assembly. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 18(11), 115020-115020. External link
Billotte, C., Carreau, P., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2006). Rheological characterization of a solder paste for surface mount applications. Rheologica Acta, 45(4), 374-386. External link
Cossu, C., Heuzey, M.-C., Lussier, L.-S., & Dubois, C. (2011). Early development of a biodegradable energetic elastomer. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 119(6), 3645-57. External link
Cho, J., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2008). Dynamic Scaling for Gelation of a Thermosensitive Chitosan-Beta-Glycerophosphate Hydrogel. Colloid and Polymer Science, 286(4), 427-434. External link
Cho, J. C., Heuzey, M.-C., & Hamdine, M. (2007). Gel Point Investigation of a Chitosan System Using Fourier Transform Rheometry and Multi-Frequency Excitation. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 292(5), 571-581. External link
Cho, J. Y., Heuzey, M.-C., Begin, A., & Carreau, P. (2006). Chitosan and Glycerophosphate Concentration Dependence of Solution Behaviour and Gel Point Using Small Amplitude Oscillatory Rheometry. Food Hydrocolloids, 20(6), 936-945. External link
Cho, J., Heuzey, M.-C., Begin, A., & Carreau, P. (2006). Effect of Urea on Solution Behavior and Heat-Induced Gelation of Chitosan-Beta-Glycerophosphate. Carbohydrate polymer, 63(4), 507-518. External link
Cho, J. Y., Heuzey, M.-C., Begin, A., & Carreau, P. (2006). Viscoelastic Properties of Chitosan Solutions: Effect of Concentration and Ionic Strength. Journal of Food Engineering, 74(4), 500-515. External link
Cho, J., Heuzey, M.-C., Begin, A., & Carreau, P. (2005). Physical gelation of chitosan in the presence of β-glycerophosphate: The effect of temperature. Biomacromolecules, 6(6), 3267-3275. External link
Cho, J., Heuzey, M.-C., Bégin, A., & Carreau, P. (2023, May). Rheology of heat-induced gelation of chitosan solutions [Paper]. Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers (ANTEC 2005), Boston. External link
Chen, X., Heuzey, M.-C., & Carreau, P. (2004). Rheological properties of injection molded LDPE and mPE foams. Polymer Engineering and Science, 44(11), 2158-2164. External link
Chen, X., Heuzey, M.-C., & Carreau, P. (2004, January). Rheological study of injection molded polyolefin foams [Paper]. Society of plastics engineers ANTEC, Chicago, Il.. External link
Craciun, L., Carreau, P., Heuzey, M.-C., van de Ven, T., & Moan, M. (2003). Rheological properties of concentrated latex suspensions of poly(styrene-butadiene). Rheologica Acta, 42(5), 410-420. External link
Dufaure, N., Carreau, P., Heuzey, M.-C., & Michel, A. (2005). Phase Inversion in Immiscible Blends of Pe and Reactive Eva. Journal of Polymer Engineering, 25(3), 187-216. External link
Esmaeili, B., Dubois, C., Carreau, P., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2013). In situ polymerization of PET in the presence of pristine and organo-modified clays. International Polymer Processing, 28(3), 331-340. External link
Fontaine, A., Guntzburger, Y., Bertrand, F., Fradette, L., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2013). Experimental investigation of the flow dynamics of rheologically complex fluids in a maxblend impeller system using PIV. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 91(1), 7-17. External link
Fontaine, A., Guntzburger, Y., Bertrand, F., Fradette, L., Heuzey, M.-C., & Yatomi, R. (2012, June). Experimental investigation of the flow dynamics of rheologically complex fluids in a maxblend impeller system [Paper]. Mixing XXIII Conference, Mayan Riviera, Mexico. Unavailable
Férec, J., Heuzey, M.-C., Pérez-González, J., de Vargas, L., Ausias, G., & Carreau, P. (2009). Investigation of the rheological properties of short glass fiber-filled polypropylene in extensional flow. Rheologica Acta, 48(1), 59-72. External link
Ferec, J., Ausias, G., Heuzey, M.-C., & Carreau, P. (2009). Modeling fiber interactions in semiconcentrated fiber suspensions. Journal of Rheology, 53(1), 49-72. External link
Ferec, J., Heniche, M., Heuzey, M.-C., Ausias, G., & Carreau, P. (2008). Numerical Solution of the Fokker-Planck Equation for Fiber Suspensions: Application to the Folgar-Tucker-Lipscomb Model. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 155(1-2), 20-29. External link
Ferec, J., Heuzey, M.-C., Ausias, G., & Carreau, P. (2008). Rheological Behavior of Fiber-Filled Polymers Under Large Amplitude Oscillatory Shear Flow. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 151(1-3), 89-100. External link
Fortin, A., Béliveau, A., Heuzey, M.-C., & Lioret, A. (2000). Ten years using discontinuous galerkin methods for polymer processing problems. In Cockburn, B., Karniadakis, G. E., & Shu, C.-W. (eds.), Discontinuous galerkin methods : theory, computation and applications (Vol. 11, pp. 321-326). External link
Girard, M., Bertrand, F., Tavares, J. R., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2022). A technique for the ultrasonic dispersion of larger quantities of cellulose nanocrystals with in-line validation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 446(Pt. 4), 137434 (9 pages). Available
Ghanbari, A., Heuzey, M.-C., & Carreau, P. (2022). Polyethylene terephthalate/organoclay nanocomposites: Improvement of morphology and viscoelastic properties by using a chain-extender. Applied Clay Science, 225, 106551 (9 pages). External link
Ghanbari, A., Heuzey, M.-C., & Carreau, P. (2021). The Effect of Nanosilicates on the Performance of Polyethylene Terephthalate Films Prepared by Twin-Screw Extrusion. International Polymer Processing, 36(4), 358-366. External link
Girard, M., Vidal, D., Bertrand, F., Tavares, J. R., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2021). Evidence-based guidelines for the ultrasonic dispersion of cellulose nanocrystals. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 71, 105378 (11 pages). External link
Girard, M., Bertrand, F., Tavares, J. R., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2021). Rheological insights on the evolution of sonicated cellulose nanocrystal dispersions. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 78, 7 pages. External link
Ghanbari, A., Mousavi, Z., Heuzey, M.-C., Patience, G. S., & Carreau, P. (2020). Experimental methods in chemical engineering: Rheometry. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 98(7), 1456-1470. External link
Girard, M., Tavares, J. R., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2019, May). Ultrasonication-assisted dispersion of cellulose nanocrystals: a comprehensive study [Poster]. 6e atelier du GDRI Nanomatériaux multifonctionnels composites, Jouvence, Québec, Canada. Unavailable
Girard, M., Tavares, J. R., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2019, March). Ultrasonication-assisted dispersion of cellulose nanocrystals: a comprehensive study [Poster]. Chemical Engineering Research Day, Montréal, Québec, Canada. Unavailable
Girard, M., Tavares, J. R., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2019, February). Ultrasonication-assisted dispersion of cellulose nanocrystals: a comprehensive study [Poster]. PaperWeek Nanocellulose Challenge Symposium, Montréal, Québec, Canada. Unavailable
Girard, M., Tavares, J. R., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2019, October). Ultrasonication-assisted dispersion of cellulose nanocrystals: a comprehensive study [Presentation]. In 69th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference (CSChE Conferences 2019), Halifax, NS, CA. Unavailable
Girard, M., Tavares, J. R., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2019, June). Ultrasonication-assisted dispersion of cellulose nanocrystals: a comprehensive study [Poster]. TechConnect World Innovation Conference and Expo, Boston, MA, USA. External link
Ghanbari, A., Heuzey, M.-C., Carreau, P., & Ton-That, M.-T. (2016). Morphology and gas barrier properties of polymer nanocomposites. In Polymer Morphology : Principles, Characterization, and Processing (pp. 397-417). External link
Guo, S.-Z., Yang, X., Heuzey, M.-C., & Therriault, D. (2015). 3D printing of a multifunctional nanocomposite helical liquid sensor. Nanoscale, 7(15), 6451-6456. External link
Guo, S., Heuzey, M.-C., & Therriault, D. (2014). Properties of polylactide inks for solvent-cast printing of three-dimensional freeform microstructures. Langmuir, 30(4), 1142-1150. Available
Guo, S., Gosselin, F., Guérin, N., Lanouette, A.-M., Heuzey, M.-C., & Therriault, D. (2013). Solvent-cast three-dimensional printing of multifunctional microsystems. Small, 9(24), 4118-4122. Available
Ghanbari, A., Heuzey, M.-C., Carreau, P., & Ton-That, M.-T. (2013). Morphological and Rheological Properties of Pet/Clay Nanocomposites. Rheologica Acta, 52(1), 59-74. External link
Ghanbari, A., Heuzey, M.-C., Carreau, P., & Ton-That, M.-T. (2013). Morphology and properties of polymer/organoclay nanocomposites based on poly(ethylene terephthalate) and sulfopolyester blends. Polymer International, 62(3), 439-448. External link
Ghanbari, A., Heuzey, M.-C., Carreau, P., & Ton-That, M. T. (2013). A novel approach to control thermal degradation of PET/organoclay nanocomposites and improve clay exfoliation. Polymer, 54(4), 1361-1369. External link
Guo, S. Z., Heuzey, M.-C., & Therriault, D. (2013, July). Solvent-cast direct-write microfabrication of thermoplastic-based nanocomposite structures [Paper]. 19th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 2013), Montréal, Québec. External link
Guo, S.-Z., Heuzey, M.-C., & Therriault, D. (2012, March). Solvent-cast direct-write microfabrication of thermoplastic polymer nanocomposites 3D structures [Paper]. NanoQuebec, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Guo, M.-C., Heuzey, M.-C., & Carreau, P. (2007). Cell Structure and Dynamic Properties of Injection Molded Polypropylene Foams. Polymer Engineering and Science, 47(7), 1070-1081. External link
Guo, M.-C., Santoni, A., Heuzey, M.-C., & Carreau, P. (2007). Occurrence of Surface Defects in Tpo Injected Foam Parts. Journal of Cellular Plastics, 43(4-5), 273-296. External link
Guo, M. C., Heuzey, M.-C., & Carreau, P. (2006, September). Occurrence of Surface Defects in TPO Injection Foamed Automotive Parts [Paper]. 5th International Conference on Foam Processing & Technology (FOAMS TopCon 2006), Chicago, Ill.. Unavailable
Guillaud, S., Heuzey, M.-C., Carreau, P., & Polverari, M. (2023, April). Rheology of Hydrophobically Modified Polyelectrolytes [Paper]. 3rd Annual European Rheology Conference, Crete, Grèce. Unavailable
Heli, B., El-Rifai, S., Ajji, A., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2023). Characterization of heat-treated chitosan cast films and their antimicrobial activity on the growth of natural flora of pasteurized milk. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 232, 123446 (9 pages). External link
Heuzey, M.-C., Tavares, J. R., Carreau, P., Bruel, C., Girard, M., & Nakhle, W. (2019, February). Dispersion of CNCs in polar and non-polar media: dictated by surface properties, improved by sonication and quantified by rheology [Presentation]. In PaperWeek Nanocellulose Challenge Symposium, Montréal, Québec, Canada. Unavailable
Hébert, J.-S., Wood-Adams, P., Heuzey, M.-C., Dubois, C., & Brisson, J. (2013). Morphology of polylactic acid crystallized during annealing after uniaxial deformation. Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 51(6), 430-440. External link
Hadj Henni, A., Schmitt, C., Tremblay, M.-E., Hamdine, M., Heuzey, M.-C., Carreau, P., & Cloutier, G. (2011). Hyper-frequency viscoelastic spectroscopy of biomaterials. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 4(7), 1115-1122. External link
Hamdine, M., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2009). Systèmes gelifiants de chitosane. In Chitine et chitosane : du biopolymère à l'application (pp. 107-125). External link
Harbec, A., Maes, F., Heuzey, M.-C., Lussier, L.-S., & Dubois, C. (2008, March). Alternative techniques to characterize polyester based biopolymers [Paper]. Global Plastics Environmental Conference, GPEC 2008, Orlando, FL, United states. Unavailable
Hamdine, M., Heuzey, M.-C., & Bégin, A. (2006). Viscoelastic properties of phosphoric and oxalic acid-based chitosan hydrogels. Rheologica Acta, 45(5), 659-675. External link
Hamdine, M., Heuzey, M.-C., & Begin, A. (2005). Effect of Organic and Inorganic Acids on Concentrated Chitosan Solutions and Gels. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 37(3), 134-142. External link
Heuzey, M.-C., Wood-Adams, P., & Sekki, D. (2004). Simplified Theory for Linear Rheology of Monodisperse Linear Polymers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 94(2), 569-586. External link
He, C., Heuzey, M.-C., Wood-Adams, P., & Depire, S. Spectrum determination for a very broad molecular weight distribution polyethylene [Paper]. ANTEC : Annual Technical Conference - Society of Plastics Engineers. Unavailable
Heuzey, M.-C., Wood-Adams, P. M., & Fortin, A. (2002). Using truncated relaxation spectra in the simulation of viscoelastic flows. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 80(3), 443-455. External link
Heuzey, M.-C., Fortin, A., & Dealy, J. (2001). Fluides viscoélastiques: modélisation numérique et mesures expérimentales. Revue Européenne des Éléments Finis, 10(5), 513-537. External link
Heuzey, M.-C., Wood-Adams, P., & Fortin, A. (2001, May). Using truncated relaxation spectra in the simulation of viscoelastic flows [Paper]. Antec 2001, Dallas, Texas. External link
Heuzey, M.-C., Dealy, J. M., Gao, D. M., & Garcia-Rejon, A. (1997, January). The Occurrence of Flow Marks during Injection Molding of Linear Polyethylen [Paper]. Society of plastics engineers, 55th ann. cnf. (ANTEC), Toronto, Ontario. External link
Heuzey, M.-C., Dealy, J. M., Ao, D. M., & Garcia-Rejon, A. (1997). The Occurrence of Flow Marks during Injection Molding of Linear Polyethylene. International Polymer Processing, XII(4), 403-411. External link
Heuzey, M.-C., & Pelton, A. (1996). Critical-evaluation and optimization of the thermodynamic properties of liquid-tin solutions. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. B, Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 27(5), 810-828. External link
Jauzein, T., Huneault, M. A., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2017). Crystallinity and mechanical properties of polylactide/ether-amide copolymer blends. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 134(14), 10 pages. External link
Khandal, D., Riedl, B., Tavares, J. R., Carreau, P., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2019). Tailoring cellulose nanocrystals rheological behavior in aqueous suspensions through surface functionalization with polyethyleneimine. Physics of Fluids, 31(2), 021207. Available
Keshtkar, M., Heuzey, M.-C., Carreau, P., Rajabian, M., & Dubois, C. (2010). Rheological properties and microstructural evolution of semi-flexible fiber suspensions under shear flow. Journal of Rheology, 54(2), 197-222. External link
Keshtkar, M., Heuzey, M.-C., & Carreau, P. (2010). Rheology of LDPE-based semiflexible fiber suspensions. Polymer Composites, 31(8), 1474-1486. External link
Keshtkar, M., Heuzey, M.-C., & Carreau, P. (2009). Rheological behavior of fiber-filled model suspensions: effect of fiber flexibility. Journal of Rheology, 53(3), 631-650. External link
Keshtkar, M., Heuzey, M.-C., & Carreau, P. (2008, August). Rheology of semi-flexible fiber suspensions [Paper]. 15th International Congress on Rheology, Monterey, California. External link
Lenfant, G., Heuzey, M.-C., van de Ven, T. G. M., & Carreau, P. (2017). A comparative study of ECNC and CNC suspensions: effect of salt on rheological properties. Rheologica Acta, 56(1), 51-62. External link
Lenfant, G., Heuzey, M.-C., van de Ven, T. G. M., & Carreau, P. (2017). Gelation of crystalline nanocellulose in the presence of hydroxyethyl cellulose. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 95(10), 1891-1900. External link
Lenfant, G., Heuzey, M.-C., van de Ven, T. G. M., & Carreau, P. (2015). Intrinsic viscosity of suspensions of electrosterically stabilized nanocrystals of cellulose. Cellulose, 22(2), 1109-1122. External link
Mousavi, Z., Heuzey, M.-C., & Carreau, P. (2023). Compatibilized polylactide/polyamide 11 blends containing multiwall carbon nanotubes: Morphology, rheology, electrical and mechanical properties. Polymer, 276, 13 pages. External link
Mohammadi, M., Li, Y., Randall, J., Nofar, M., Heuzey, M.-C., & Carreau, P. (2023). Effects of molecular weight, stereo configuration of PLA, and processing on the dispersion of multiwalled carbon nanotubes and properties of corresponding nanocomposites. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 101(10), 5729-5742. External link
Mousavi, Z., Heuzey, M.-C., Randall, J., & Carreau, P. (2022). Enhanced properties of polylactide/polyamide 11 blends by reactive compatibilization. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 100(9), 2475-2490. External link
Moslehi, A., Ajji, A., Heuzey, M.-C., Rahimizadeh, A., & Lessard, L. (2022). Polylactic acid/recycled wind turbine glass fiber composites with enhanced mechanical properties and toughness. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 139(15), e51934 (12 pages). External link
Mohammadi, M., Heuzey, M.-C., Carreau, P., & Taguet, A. (2021). Morphological and rheological properties of PLA, PBAT, and PLA/PBAT blend nanocomposites containing CNCs. Nanomaterials, 11(4), 857 (20 pages). Available
Mohammadi, M., Heuzey, M.-C., Carreau, P., & Taguet, A. (2021). Interfacial localization of CNCs in PLA/PBAT blends and its effect on rheological, thermal, and mechanical properties. Polymer, 233, 12 pages. External link
Mohammadi, M., Heuzey, M.-C., & Carreau, P. (2021). Morphological, thermal, and mechanical properties of cellulose nanocrystal reinforced poly(lactic acid) and poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate): A comparative study on common and novel solvent casting methods. Polymer Composites, 42(12), 6688-6703. External link
Mousavi, Z., Heuzey, M.-C., Kamal, M. R., Flahaut, E., & Carreau, P. (2021). Rheological, electrical, and dynamic thermomechanical properties: Comparison between multiwall and double-wall carbon nanotubes in polylactide and polyamide 11. Physics of Fluids, 33(11), 13 pages. External link
Mohammadi, M., Bruel, C., Heuzey, M.-C., & Carreau, P. (2020). CNC dispersion in PLA and PBAT using two solvents: morphological and rheological properties. Cellulose, 27(17), 9877-9892. External link
Mazerolles, T., Heuzey, M.-C., Soliman, M., Martens, H., Kleppinger, R., & Huneault, M. A. (2020). Development of multilayer barrier films of thermoplastic starch and low-density polyethylene. Journal of Polymer Research, 27(2), 15 pages. External link
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Matet, M., Heuzey, M.-C., Ajji, A., & Sarazin, P. (2015). Plasticized chitosan/polyolefin films produced by extrusion. Carbohydrate Polymers, 117, 177-184. External link
Meng, Q., Heuzey, M.-C., & Carreau, P. (2014). Hierarchical Structure and Physicochemical Properties of Plasticized Chitosan. Biomacromolecules, 15(4), 1216-1224. External link
Matet, M., Heuzey, M.-C., & Ajji, A. (2014). Morphology and antibacterial properties of plasticized chitosan/metallocene polyethylene blends. Journal of Materials Sciences, 49(15), 5427-5440. External link
Maani, A., Naguib, H. E., Heuzey, M.-C., & Carreau, P. (2013). Foaming behavior of microcellular thermoplastic olefin blends. Journal of Cellular Plastics, 49(3), 223-244. External link
Matet, M., Heuzey, M.-C., Pollet, E., Ajji, A., & Avérous, L. (2013). Innovative thermoplastic chitosan obtained by thermo-mechanical mixing with polyol plasticizers. Carbohydrate Polymers, 95(1), 241-251. External link
Meng, Q., Heuzey, M.-C., & Carreau, P. (2012). Control of Thermal Degradation of Polylactide/Clay Nanocomposites During Melt Processing by Chain Extension Reaction. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 97(10), 2010-2020. External link
Meng, Q.-K., Heuzey, M.-C., & Carreau, P. (2012). Effects of a multifunctional polymeric chain extender on the properties of polylactide and polylactide/clay nanocomposites. International Polymer Processing, 27(5), 505-516. External link
Maani, A., Blais, B., Heuzey, M.-C., & Carreau, P. (2012). Rheological and Morphological Properties of Reactively Compatibilized Thermoplastic Olefin (TPO) Blends. Journal of Rheology, 56(3), 625-647. External link
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Mobuchon, C., Carreau, P., Heuzey, M.-C., Reddy, N. K., & Vermant, J. (2009). Anisotropy of nonaqueous layered silicate suspensions subjected to shear flow. Journal of Rheology, 53(3), 517-538. External link
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Mobuchon, C., Carreau, P., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2007). Effect of Flow History on the Structure of a Non-Polar Polymer/Clay Nanocomposite Model System. Rheologica Acta, 46(8), 1045-1056. External link
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Mobuchon, C., Carreau, P., Heuzey, M.-C., Sepehr, M., & Ausias, G. (2005). Shear and extensional properties of short glass fiber reinforced polypropylene. Polymer Composites, 26(3), 247-264. External link
Nofar, M., Heuzey, M.-C., Carreau, P., & Kamal, M. R. (2020). Nanoparticle Interactions and Molecular Relaxation in PLA/PBAT/Nanoclay Blends. Experimental results, 1(e47), 12 pages. Available
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Nakhle, W., Bruel, C., Girard, M., Carreau, P., Tavares, J. R., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2019, February). Intrinsic viscosity & rheological properties of crystalline nanocellulose as functions of dispersion [Poster]. PaperWeek Nanocellulose Challenge Symposium, Montréal, Québec, Canada. Unavailable
Nofar, M., Sacligil, D., Carreau, P., Kamal, M. R., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2019). Poly (lactic acid) blends: processing, properties and applications. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 125, 307-360. External link
Nakhle, W., Tavares, J. R., Carreau, P., & Heuzey, M.-C. (2019, March). Rheoproperties of CNC suspensions [Presentation]. In Chemical Engineering Research Day, Montréal, Québec, Canada. Unavailable
Nofar, M., Tabatabaei, A., Sojoudiasli, H., Park, C. B., Carreau, P., Heuzey, M.-C., & Kamal, M. R. (2017). Mechanical and bead foaming behavior of PLA-PBAT and PLA-PBSA blends with different morphologies. European Polymer Journal, 90, 231-244. External link
Nofar, M., Tabatabaei, A., Park, C. B., Carreau, P., Heuzey, M.-C., & Kamal, M. R. (2017, May). Wide-range of microcellular bead foams from different PLA-based drop/sea blend morphologies [Paper]. 75th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE ANTEC 2017), Anaheim, CA. External link
Nofar, M., Heuzey, M.-C., Carreau, P., Kamal, M. R., & Randall, J. (2016). Coalescence in PLA-PBAT blends under shear flow: Effects of blend preparation and PLA molecular weight. Journal of Rheology, 60(4), 637-648. External link
Nofar, M., Heuzey, M.-C., Carreau, P., & Kamal, M. R. (2016). Effects of nanoclay and its localization on the morphology stabilization of PLA/PBAT blends under shear flow. Polymer, 98, 353-364. External link
Natale, G., Ausias, G., Ferec, J., Heuzey, M.-C., & Carreau, P. (2016). Modeling interactions in carbon nanotube suspensions: Transient shear flow. Journal of Rheology, 60(6), 1069-1083. External link
Najafi Chaloupli, N., Heuzey, M.-C., Carreau, P., & Therriault, D. (2015). Quiescent and shear-induced crystallization of linear and branched polylactides. Rheologica Acta, 54(9-10), 831-845. Available
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Najafi, N., Heuzey, M.-C., Carreau, P., Therriault, D., & Park, C. B. (2015). Mechanical and morphological properties of injection molded linear and branched-polylactide (PLA) nanocomposite foams. European Polymer Journal, 73, 455-465. External link
Natale, G., Reddy, N. K., Ausias, G., Ferec, J., Heuzey, M.-C., & Carreau, P. (2015). Rheo-optical response of carbon nanotube suspensions. Journal of Rheology, 59(2), 499-524. External link
Najafi Chaloupli, N., Heuzey, M.-C., Carreau, P., Therriault, D., & Park, C. B. (2014). Rheological and foaming behavior of linear and branched polylactides. Rheologica Acta, 53(10-11), 779-790. Available
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Najafi, N., Heuzey, M.-C., & Carreau, P. (2013). Crystallization behavior and morphology of polylactide and PLA/clay nanocomposites in the presence of chain extenders. Polymer Engineering and Science, 53(5), 1053-1064. External link
Najafi, N., Heuzey, M.-C., Carreau, P., & Wood-Adams, P. M. (2012). Control of Thermal Degradation of Polylactide (Pla)-Clay Nanocomposites Using Chain Extenders. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 97(4), 554-565. External link
Najafi, N., Heuzey, M.-C., & Carreau, P. (2012). Polylactide (Pla)-Clay Nanocomposites Prepared by Melt Compounding in the Presence of a Chain Extender. Composites Science and Technology, 72(5), 608-615. External link
Pakravan, M., Heuzey, M.-C., & Ajji, A. (2012). Core-Shell Structured Peo-Chitosan Nanofibers by Coaxial Electrospinning. Biomacromolecules, 13(2), 412-421. External link
Pakravan, M., Heuzey, M.-C., & Ajji, A. (2012). Determination of phase behavior of poly(ethylene oxide) and chitosan solution blends using rheometry. Macromolecules, 45(18), 7621-7633. External link
Pakravan, M., Heuzey, M.-C., & Ajji, A. (2011). A fundamental study of chitosan/PEO electrospinning. Polymer, 52(21), 4813-4824. External link
Pujari, S., Dougherty, L., Mobuchon, C., Carreau, P., Heuzey, M.-C., & Burghardt, W. R. (2011). X-ray scattering measurements of particle orientation in a sheared polymer/clay dispersion. Rheologica Acta, 50(1), 3-16. External link
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