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Abbasi, S., Derdouri, A., & Carreau, P. (juin 2009). Effect of crystalline structure on morphology and properties of MWCNT nanocomposites [Communication écrite]. 67th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers (ANTEC 2009), Chicago, IL, United states. Lien externe
Abbasi, S., Derdouri, A., & Carreau, P. (août 2009). Effect of nanotube alignment on the morphology and properties of Polycarbonate/MWCNT nanocomposites [Communication écrite]. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Alizadeh, E., Bertrand, F., & Chaouki, J. (août 2009). Comparison of discrete element method simulation with experimental data of radioactive particle tracking in a tumbling cylinder [Communication écrite]. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Bakhtiari, B., Fradette, L., Legros, R., & Paris, J. (août 2009). Application of absorption heat pumps in the pulp and paper industry [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Protection, Dublin, Irlande. Non disponible
Bakhtiari, B., Fradette, L., Legros, R., & Paris, J. (août 2009). Opportunities for the integration of absorption heat pumps in the pulp and paper process [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Protection, Dublin, Ireland. Non disponible
Bakhtiari, B., Fradette, L., Legros, R., & Paris, J. (mai 2009). Une méthodologie systématique d'implantation de pompes à chaleur à absorption dans les procédés : Études de cas [Communication écrite]. IXe Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-québécois sur la thermique des systèmes, Lille, France. Non disponible
Bertrand, F. (janvier 2009). A mix of computational techniques for a better blend [Communication écrite]. 2009 CREPEC Annual Meeting, Montréal, Qc, Canada. Non disponible
Bertrand, F. (août 2009). A mix of computational techniques for a better blend [Communication écrite]. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WECC8), Montréal, Qc, Canada. Non disponible
Bertrand, F. (juin 2009). The modeling of paper coating flows [Communication écrite]. 7th International Paper and Coating Chemistry Symposium, Hamilton, ON, Canada. Non disponible
Bouffard, J., Bertrand, F., & Chaouki, J. (août 2009). Flow patterns and segregation with toroidal powder motion [Communication écrite]. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Boulay, A.-M., Bayart, J.-B., Bulle, C., Margni, M., & Deschênes, L. (octobre 2009). Méthode opérationnelle de caractérisation de l'utilisation de l'eau douce en ACV [Communication écrite]. 32e Symposium sur les eaux usées et 21e Atelier sur l'eau potable (Réseau Environnement), Lévis, QC. Non disponible
Bringout, G., Saeidlou, S., & Martel, S. (octobre 2009). Sub-micrometer network fabrication for bacterial carriers and electrical signal transmission [Communication écrite]. 4th International ICST Conference on Nano-Networks, Luzern, Switzerland. Lien externe
Brochu, M., Verreman, Y., Ajersch, F., & Bucher, L. (juillet 2009). Fatigue testing of a cast aluminum alloy : experimental challenges [Communication écrite]. 12th International Conference on Fracture, Ottawa, Ontario. Non disponible
Brochu, M., Verreman, Y., Ajersch, F., & Charette, N. (janvier 2008). Défis expérimentaux dans l'étude du comportement en fatigue de l'alliage A357 [Communication écrite]. Journée du REGAL 2008. Non disponible
Bureau, M., Maire, M., Diaz-Quijada, G., Robitaille, L., Ajji, A., & Merhi, Y. (juin 2009). Nonwoven pet fiber structures for vascular graft applications [Communication écrite]. 67th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers, Chicago, IL, United states. Lien externe
Buschmann, M. D., Thibault, M., Merzouki, A., & Lavertu, M. (août 2009). Polynucleotide delivery with chitosans [Communication écrite]. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Carreau, P., Abbasi, S., & Derdouri, A. (octobre 2009). Rheological properties and percolation behavior of polypropylene/multiwalled carbon nanotube composites [Communication écrite]. 81st Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology, Madison, WI, USA. Lien externe
Chambost, V., & Stuart, P. R. (avril 2009). Identifying candidate biorefinery products and processes [Communication écrite]. 63rd Appita annual conference and exhibition, Melbourne, Australia. Lien externe
Chambost, V., & Stuart, P. R. (juin 2009). Product Portfolio Design for Forest Biorefinery Implementation at an Existing Pulp and Paper Mill [Communication écrite]. 7th Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Design (FOCAPD) Conference, Breckenridge, CO. Non disponible
Chambost, V., & Stuart, P. R. (octobre 2009). The role of biorefinery partnership strategies : North american perspectives [Communication écrite]. International Biorefinery Conference, Syracuse, New York. Non disponible
Chambost, V., McNutt, J., & Stuart, P. R. (octobre 2009). Strategic partnerships for successful forest biorefinery implementation and enterprise transformation [Communication écrite]. TAPPI Conference, Memphis, TN, USA. Non disponible
Changoor, A., Nelea, M., Tran-Khanh, N., Methot, S., Fereydoonzad, L., Rossomacha, E., Tremblay, J., Shive, M. S., & Buschmann, M. D. (juillet 2009). Assessment of collagen orientation in repair cartilage by polarized light and scanning electron microscopies [Communication écrite]. 15th Canadian Connective Tissue Conference, Calgary, Canada. Non disponible
Changoor, A., Nelea, M., Tran-Khanh, N., Methot, S., Fereydoonzad, L., Rossomacha, E., Tremblay, J., Shive, M. S., & Buschmann, M. D. (septembre 2009). Assessment of collagen orientation in repair cartilage by polarized light and scanning electron microscopies [Communication écrite]. Segal North American Osteoarthritis Workshop, Chicago. Non disponible
Changoor, A., Quenneville, E., Garon, M., Hurtig, M. B., & Buschmann, M. D. (septembre 2009). Streaming potential-based arthroscopic device can detect changes immediately following localized impact in an equine impact model of osteoarthritis [Communication écrite]. OARSI World Congress on Osteoarthritis, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Changoor, A., Quenneville, E., Garon, M., Hurtig, M. B., & Buschmann, M. D. (septembre 2009). Streaming potential-based arthroscopic device can detect changes immediately following localized impact in an equine impact model of osteoarthritis [Communication écrite]. Segal North American Osteoarthritis Workshop, Chicago. Non disponible
Changoor, A., Quenneville, E., Garon, M., Hurtig, M. B., & Buschmann, M. D. (juillet 2009). Streaming potential-based arthroscopie device can detect changes immediately following localized impact in an equine impact model of osteoarthritis [Communication écrite]. 15th Canadian Connective Tissue Conference, Calgary, Canada. Non disponible
Chehbouni, A., Heniche, M., & Chaouki, J. (août 2009). A Marrakech's pottery village [Communication écrite]. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Chen, H. M., Hoemann, C. D., Sun, J., Ouyang, W., Dragomir, L., Chevrier, A., Lascau-Coman, V., Tran-Khanh, N., McKee, M. D., Shive, M. S., & Buschmann, M. D. (juillet 2009). Bone marrow stimulation by drilling versus microfracture improves cartilage repair in a mature rabbit model [Communication écrite]. 15th Canadian Connective Tissue Conference, Calgary, Canada. Non disponible
Chen, H. M., Hoemann, C. D., Sun, J., Ouyang, W., Dragomir, L., Chevrier, A., Lascau-Coman, V., Tran-Khanh, N., McKee, M. D., Shive, M. S., & Buschmann, M. D. (septembre 2009). Bone marrow stimulation by drilling versus microfracture leads to better articular cartilage repair [Communication écrite]. Segal North American Osteoarthritis Workshop, Chicago. Non disponible
Chen, H. M., Hoemann, C. D., Sun, J., Ouyang, W., Dragomir, L., Chevrier, A., Lascau-Coman, V., Tran-Khanh, N., McKee, M. D., Shive, M. S., & Buschmann, M. D. (septembre 2009). Bone marrow stimulation by drilling versus microfracture leads to better articular cartilage repair in rabbits [Communication écrite]. OARSI World Congress on Osteoarthritis, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Chen, H., Sun, J., Hoemann, C. D., Lascau-Coman, V., Ouyang, W., Tran-Khanh, N., Chevrier, A., McKee, M. D., Shive, M. S., & Buschmann, M. D. (mai 2009). Subchondral structure and repair responses following bone marrow stimulation by drilling versus microfracture in rabbit trochleas [Communication écrite]. 8th World Congress of the International for Cartilage Repair Society, Miami, Florida. Non disponible
Chen, H., Sun, J., Hoemann, C. D., Ouyang, W., Dragomir, L., Tran-Khanh, N., Chevrier, A., Lascau-Coman, V., McKee, M. D., Shive, M. S., & Buschmann, M. D. (mai 2009). Cartilage repair outcomes differ following microfracture and drilling in a rabbit model [Communication écrite]. 8th World Congress of the International for Cartilage Repair Society, Miami, Florida. Non disponible
Cigana, P., Parent, L., Tabatabei, H., Sadeghi, F., Carreau, P., & Ajji, A. (février 2009). Process, structure and properties of cast and MDO stretched films of HDPE, PP and blends of random and linear PPS [Communication écrite]. International Polyolefins Conference, Houston, Tx, USA. Non disponible
Costa, A., Bakhtiari, B., Schuster, S., & Paris, J. (juillet 2006). Integration of absorption heat pumps in a Kraft pulp process for enhanced energy efficiency [Communication écrite]. 6th World Energy System Conference (WESC 2006), Turin, Italie. Publié dans Energy, 34(3). Lien externe
Dansereau, L. P., El-Halwagi, M., & Stuart, P. R. (juin 2009). Sustainable Supply Chain Design for the Forest Biorefinery [Communication écrite]. 7th Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Design (FOCAPD) Conference, Breckenridge, CO. Non disponible
Decterov, S., Grundy, N., & Pelton, A. (janvier 2009). A model and database for the viscosity of molten slags [Communication écrite]. VIII International conference Molten 2009, Santiago, Chile. Non disponible
Drolet, F., Vidal, D., Vadeiko, I., & Bertrand, F. (août 2008). Modelling the flow of airborne particles through random fibre networks [Communication écrite]. Fundamental and Applied Pulp & Paper Modelling Symposium, Trois-Rivières, Québec. Non disponible
Dubé, O., Bouffard, J., Legros, R., Bertrand, F., & Chaouki, J. (août 2009). Dynamics of mono-shaped non-spherical particles in a cylindrical tumbler [Communication écrite]. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Ebrahimpour, O., Esmaeili, B., Chaouki, J., & Dubois, C. (août 2009). Synthesis and characterization of polyethylene-grafted SiC particles by polymerization compounding [Communication écrite]. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Eslami, H., Grmela, M., & Bousmina, M. (juin 2009). Relationship between structure and rheological properties in polymer/layered silicate nanocomposites [Communication écrite]. 67th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers, Chicago, IL, United states. Non disponible
Fournier, C.-O., Fradette, L., & Tanguy, P. A. (avril 2009). Effect of dispersed phase viscosity on solid-stabilized emulsions [Communication écrite]. 13th European Conference on Mixing : New developments towards more efficient and sustainable operations, King's College London, UK. Publié dans Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 87(4). Lien externe
Gaudreault, C., Chambost, V., Samson, R., & Stuart, P. R. (avril 2009). Environmental Assessment Methodology for the Forest Biorefinery [Communication écrite]. 63rd Appita annual conference and exhibition, Melbourne, Australia. Non disponible
Gaudreault, C., Samson, R., Chambost, V., & Stuart, P. R. (avril 2009). LCA for the engineering analysis of the forest biorefinery [Communication écrite]. 63rd Appita Annual Conference and Exhibition, Melbourne, Australia. Non disponible
Gauvreau, B., Guo, N., Schicker, K., Stoeffler, K., Boismenu, F., Ajji, A., Dubois, C., & Skorobogatiy, M. A. (juin 2009). Colorful photonic band gap fiber-based textiles [Communication écrite]. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2009 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Baltimore, MD, United states. Lien externe
Ghasemi, H., Carreau, P., & Kamal, M. R. (juin 2009). PET/clay nanocomposites by melt compounding [Communication écrite]. 67th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers (ANTEC 2009), Chicago, IL, United states. Lien externe
Ghezzaz, H., Pelletier, L., & Stuart, P. R. (octobre 2009). Biorefinery implementation for production increase and fossil fuel replacement: Case study at a semi-chemical pulp mill [Communication écrite]. International Biorefinery Conference, Syracuse, New York. Non disponible
Gigout, A., Major, A., Girard-Lauriault, P.-L., Wertheimer, M. R., Lereouge, S., & Jolicoeur, M. (avril 2009). PPE:N coatings on PET films enhance HUVEC adhesion and -retention under flow [Communication écrite]. 5th International Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology, Québec. Non disponible
Guerrero Palacio, M. P., Chu, P., Hashemi, S. J., Douglas, M., Rocheford, D., & Bertrand, F. (juin 2009). Coating of enzymes for development of bioactive paper [Communication écrite]. 7th International Paper and Coating Chemistry Symposium, Hamilton, On, Canada. Non disponible
Henderson, J. E., Lim, L. Z., Julien, M., Vengallatore, S. T., Buschmann, M. D., & Harvey, E. J. (mai 2009). Defective Osseointegration of a Biocompatible Femoral Implant in Aged Fgfr3-/- Mice [Communication écrite]. 36th European Symposium on Calcified Tissues, Vienna, Austria. Publié dans Bone, 44(2). Lien externe
Héroux, M., Millette, D., & Guy, C. (octobre 2009). Behavior of a landfill gas collection system at the city of Montréal landfill site [Communication écrite]. 12th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Cagliari, Italy. Non disponible
Hoemann, C. D., Tran-Khanh, N., Lascau-Coman, V., Garon, M., Chen, H., Jarry, C., Shive, M. S., Sun, J., Chen, H., Tremblay, J., & Buschmann, M. D. (mai 2009). Quantitative histomorphometry of collagen types I & II and safranin-O in human osteochondral biopsies [Communication écrite]. 8th World Congress of the International for Cartilage Repair Society, Miami, Florida. Non disponible
Hytonen, E., & Stuart, P. R. (octobre 2009). Bioethanol production in an integrated forest biorefinery - technology identification undeer uncertainty [Communication écrite]. International Biorefinery Conference, Syracuse, New York. Non disponible
Jafari, R., Tanguy, P. A., & Chaouki, J. (août 2009). Evaluation of scale-up procedures for G_L contacting in mechanically agitated vessels [Communication écrite]. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Jafari, R., Tanguy, P. A., & Chaouki, J. (août 2009). New method for characterization of critical impeller speed for solid suspension in mechanically agitated vessels at high solid concentration [Communication écrite]. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Jak, E., Hayes, P., Pelton, A., & Decterov, S. (janvier 2009). Thermodynamic modelling of the Al₂O₃-CaO-FeO-Fe₂O₃-PbO-SiO₂-ZnO system with addition of K and Na with metallurgical applications [Communication écrite]. VIII International conference Molten 2009, Santiago, Chile. Non disponible
Janssen, M. J. M., Chambost, V., & Stuart, P. R. (octobre 2009). MCDM methodology for the selection of fbr products and product families [Communication écrite]. International Biorefinery Conference, Syracuse, New York. Non disponible
Jung, I.-H., Decterov, S., & Pelton, A. (janvier 2009). Physico-Chemical Modeling of Slags and Mattes for Co and Ni Production [Communication écrite]. Conference of Metallurgists of CIM, Sudbury, ON. Non disponible
Kaarsholm, M., Cenni, R., Joensen, F., Chaouki, J., & Patience, G. S. (août 2009). Investigation of the MTO reaction in fluid bed by MS [Communication écrite]. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Kang, Y.-B., & Jung, I.-H. (janvier 2009). Thermodynamic modeling of pyrometallurgical oxide systems containing Mn oxides [Communication écrite]. VIII International Conference Molten 2009, Santiago, Chile. Non disponible
Kang, Y.-B., & Pelton, A. (janvier 2009). Thermodynamic databases and their applications for sulfur control in steelmaking [Communication écrite]. Asia Steel International Conference, Seoul. Non disponible
Kang, Y.-B., & Pelton, A. (janvier 2009). Thermodynamic model and database for gaseous species in molten oxide slags [Communication écrite]. VIII International Conference on Molten Slags and Fluxes 2009, Santiago, Chile. Non disponible
Korbel, M., & Stuart, P. R. (janvier 2009). Real-Time Process Data Analysis Using Multiscale Wavelet Technique for Optimal Steady-State Detection of Plant-Wide Operation [Présentation]. Dans CADSIM Software developer meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Non disponible
Laviolette, J.-P., Patience, G. S., & Chaouki, J. (mai 2009). Gas-phase combustion in the freeboard of a fluidized bed-freeboard characterization [Communication écrite]. 20th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, Xian, China. Lien externe
Laviolette, J.-P., Patience, G. S., Lamarca, C., & Chaouki, J. (août 2009). Gas-phase combustion in the freeboard of a fluidized bed [Communication écrite]. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Lavoie, J., & Chaouki, J. (août 2009). Biomass gasification in a bubbling FB: numerical modelling and experiments [Communication écrite]. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Maani, A., Heuzey, M.-C., Carreau, P., & Khennache, O. (juin 2009). Cell structure of injection molded thermoplastic olefin foams [Communication écrite]. 67th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers (ANTEC 2009), Chicago, IL, United states. Lien externe
MacQueen, L. A., Buschmann, M. D., & Wertheimer, M. R. (avril 2009). Mechanical behavior of individual mammalian cells measured by electro-deformation [Communication écrite]. 5th International Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology, Québec. Non disponible
Marchand, C., Chen, H. M., Sun, J., Tran-Khanh, N., Buschmann, M. D., & Hoemann, C. D. (novembre 2009). Osteochondral evaluation of repair tissue after 6.5 months following rapid in situ solidification of chitosan-GP/blood implant over debrided and microdrilled trochlear defects in adult rabbits [Communication écrite]. Canadian Arthritis Network Annual Scientific Meeting, Vancouver, British Colombia. Non disponible
Marchand, C., Chen, H., Sun, J., Buschmann, M. D., & Hoemann, C. D. (mai 2009). Subchondral bone removal and regeneration in debrided and microdrilled trochlear defects in adult rabbits after 6.5 months repair [Communication écrite]. 8th World Congress of the International for Cartilage Repair Society, Miami, Florida. Non disponible
Margni, M., Boulay, A.-M., Bayart, J.-B., Bulle, C., Rosenbaum, R., & Deschênes, L. (avril 2009). Characterizing the impacts of water use in LCA: From the general framework to an operational method [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Seminar on Society & Materials, Freiberg, Germany. Non disponible
Marinova, M., Mateos-Espejel, E., & Paris, J. (septembre 2009). Challenges before the Canadian Biorefinery : a case study [Communication écrite]. 2nd Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference, Helsinki, Finland. Non disponible
Marinova, M., Mateos-Espejel, E., & Paris, J. (août 2009). Towards a sustainable forest biorefinery [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Protection, Dublin, Irlande. Non disponible
Mateos-Espejel, E., Alva-Argaez, A., Savulescu, L., & Paris, J. (septembre 2009). From kraft mills to forest biorefinery : an energy and water perspective [Communication écrite]. 2nd Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference, Helsinki, Finland. Non disponible
Mateos-Espejel, E., Mostajeran-Goortani, B., & Paris, J. (mai 2009). Intégration de la cogénération d'énergie dans une usine de pâte et papier [Communication écrite]. 9e Colloque Inter-universitaire Franco-Québécois, Lille. Non disponible
Mazinani, S., Ajji, A., & Dubois, C. (juin 2009). Structure and properties of melt-spun PET/MWCNT nanocomposite fibers [Communication écrite]. 67th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers, Chicago, IL, United states. Lien externe
Melendez, J., & Stuart, P. R. (octobre 2009). Out of the box carbon feedstocks for the forest biorefinery [Communication écrite]. International Biorefinery Conference, Syracuse, New York. Non disponible
Methot, S., Hoemann, C. D., Rossomacha, E., Garon, M., Shive, M. S., Tremblay, J., & Buschmann, M. D. (mai 2009). ICRS I and ICRS II scoring of human osteochondral biopsies : readervariability and sensitivity to staining method [Communication écrite]. 8th World Congress of the International for Cartilage Repair Society, Miami, Florida. Non disponible
Mihai, M., Huneault, M. A., & Favis, B. D. (juin 2009). Crystallinity development in cellular poly (lactic acid) in the presence of supercritical carbon dioxide [Communication écrite]. 67th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers, Chicago, IL, United states. Lien externe
Navaee-Ardeh, S., Bertrand, F., & Stuart, P. R. (août 2009). Modeling and experimental verification of a novel biodrying process for drying pulp and paper sludge [Communication écrite]. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montréal, Qc, Canada. Non disponible
Nelea, M., Changoor, A., Méthot, S., Garon, M., Shive, M. S., Tremblay, J., & Buschmann, M. D. (mai 2009). Collagen ultrastructure in human osteochondral biopsies [Communication écrite]. 8th World Congress of the International for Cartilage Repair Society, Miami, Florida. Non disponible
Parent, L., Cigana, P., Ajji, A., & Carreau, P. (juin 2009). Effect of machine direction orientation conditions on structure and properties of hdpe films [Communication écrite]. 67th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers (ANTEC 2009), Chicago, IL, United states. Lien externe
Perreault, M., Chaouki, J., & Bertrand, F. (août 2009). An investigation of magnesium stearate mixing through gamma-ray measurement [Communication écrite]. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Pigeon, B., Perrier, M., & Srinivasan, B. (juillet 2009). Expected Cost Optimization using Asymmetric Probability Density functions [Communication écrite]. 7th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM 2009), Istanbul, Korea. Publié dans IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 42(11). Lien externe
Quirion-Blais, O., Marinova, M., Mateos Espejel, E., Trépanier, M., Fradette, L., Legros, R., & Paris, J. (mars 2009). Forest biorefinery-based eco-industrial clusters in canada : the energy challenge [Communication écrite]. POLYCITY General Meeting, Barcelone, Espagne. Non disponible
Raffi Sereshki, B., Balan, S.-J., Patience, G. S., & Dubois, J.-L. (août 2009). Reactive vaporization of crude glycerol in a fluidized bed reactor [Communication écrite]. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Ranjbar, M., Samson, R., & Stuart, P. R. (octobre 2009). Studying the consequence of different system choices in LCA for ethanol production [Communication écrite]. International Biorefinery Conference, Syracuse, New York. Non disponible
Robelin, C., Eriksson, G., Pelton, A., & Chartrand, P. (janvier 2008). Models for the thermodynamic properties, densities and viscosity of molten salts [Communication écrite]. VIII International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes, and Salts, Santiago, Chile (10 pages). Lien externe
Saeidlou, S., Bringout, G., Dubois, C., & Martel, S. (octobre 2009). Polymeric fibers for bacterial carriers and electrical signals in future nano-networks [Communication écrite]. 4th International ICST Conference on Nano-Networks, Luzern, Switzerland. Non disponible
Savadogo, O. (novembre 2009). Status on the development of new electro catalysts for the ORR in acid medium for PEM Fuel Cell Applications [Communication écrite]. International Symposium on Renewable Energy Storage and Conversion Technologies, Wollongong, NSW Australia. Non disponible
Shahbikian, S., Carreau, P., Heuzey, M.-C., Ellul, M. D., Nadella, H. P., Cheng, J., & Shirodkar, P. (octobre 2009). Morphology and rheology of non-reactive and reactive EPDM/PP blends in transient shear flow: plasticized vs. Non-plasticized blends [Communication écrite]. 176th Technical meeting of the ACS Rubber Division, Fall 2009, Pittsburgh, PA., USA. Lien externe
Shekari, A., & Patience, G. S. (juillet 2009). Effect of oxidation time on maleic anhydride production rate during redox operations [Communication écrite]. 6th World Congress of Catalysis, Lille, France. Lien externe
Shekari, A., Patience, G. S., & Bockrath, R. E. (juin 2009). Effect of feed configuration on n-butane to maleic anhydride yield: from lab scale to commercial [Communication écrite]. 21st North American Catalysis Society Meeting (NAM21), San Francisco, Calif. (1 page). Lien externe
Tran-Khanh, N., Hoemann, C. D., Lascau-Coman, V., Garon, M., Chen, H., Jarry, C., Sun, J., Tremblay, J., Shive, M. S., & Buschmann, M. D. (mai 2009). Stereological quantification of subchondral bone properties in human osteochondral biopsies [Communication écrite]. XIth Congress of the International Society of Bone Morphometry, Zell am See, Austria. Lien externe
Tran-Khanh, N., Hoemann, C. D., Lascau-Coman, V., Garon, M., Chen, H., Jarry, C., Sun, J., Tremblay, J., Shive, M. S., & Buschmann, M. D. (mai 2009). Stereological quantification of subchondral bone properties in human osteochondral biopsies [Communication écrite]. 8th World Congress of the International for Cartilage Repair Society, Miami, Florida. Non disponible
Vidal, D., & Bertrand, F. (janvier 2009). Numerical modeling and characterization of coating structures : recent progress and challenges [Communication écrite]. 2009 Paper Making Research Symposium, Kuopio, Finland. Non disponible
Vidal, D., Ridgway, C., Pianet, G., Schoelkopf, J., Roy, R., & Bertrand, F. (août 2008). Effect of particle size distribution and packing compression on fluid permeability : A comparison of experiments and Monte-Carlo/Lattice-Boltzmann simulations [Communication écrite]. Fundamental and Applied Pulp & Paper Modelling Symposium, Trois-Rivières, Québec. Non disponible
Woo, D.-H., Gaye, H., Lee, H.-G., & Kang, Y.-B. (janvier 2009). Experimental investigation of phase equilibria of subsystems in the MnO-SiO₂-Al₂O₃-MnS system [Communication écrite]. VIII international conference Molten 2009, Santiago, Chile. Non disponible
Zoukel, A., Chartrand, P., & Soucy, G. (février 2009). Study of aluminum carbide formation in Hall-Heroult electrolytic cells [Communication écrite]. Light Metals 2009 - TMS 2009 Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Francisco, CA, United states. Lien externe
Abdelali, M., Mongrain, R., & Bertrand, M. (février 2009). Elastography based on mechanical and image energy minimization [Communication écrite]. Medical Imaging 2009: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing:. Lien externe
Abdolee, R., Zhu, W.-P., & Sawan, M. (août 2009). Digital beam-forming implementation for downlink smart antenna system [Communication écrite]. 52nd IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS 2009). Lien externe
Abielmona, S., Nguyen, H. V., & Caloz, C. (janvier 2009). Direction of arrival estimation using an resonator using artificial plasma for quality factor enhancement [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (UPARSI 2009), Charleston, South Carolina. Non disponible
Adler, A., Arnold, J. H., Bayford, R., Borsic, A., Brown, B., Dixon, P., Faces, T. J., Frerichs, I., Gagnon, H., & Gärber, Y. (juin 2009). Validation and parameter selection for the GREIT reconstruction algorithm [Communication écrite]. 10th International Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electrical Impedance Tomography, Manchester, UK. Lien externe
Agudelo, C. G., Packirisamy, M., Zhu, G., & Saydy, L. (juin 2009). Design and experimental validation of a nonlinear tracking control law for an electrostatic micromirror [Communication écrite]. American Control Conference (ACC 2009), St. Louis, MO, United states. Lien externe
Akrout, K., Baron, L., & Wang, X. (mai 2009). Manipulateur sériel 6R sphérique isotrope pour toute orientation de l'effecteur [Isotropic Spherical 6R Serial Manipulator for Any Orientation of its End-Effector]. [Communication écrite]. Canadian Committee for the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms Symposium (CCToMM M3), Québec, QC (11 pages). Lien externe
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Allard, M., Grogan, P., & David, J. P. (décembre 2009). A scalable architecture for multivariate polynomial evaluation on FPGA [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig 2009), Cancun, Mexico. Lien externe
Amiri, A. M., Khouas, A., & Boukadoum, M. (avril 2006). Pseudorandom stimuli generation for testing time-to-digital converters on an FPGA [Communication écrite]. 1st IEEE International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Minori, Italy. Publié dans IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 58(7). Lien externe
Aubertin, P., Mohammadi, H. M., Savaria, Y., & Langlois, J. M. P. (juin 2009). High performance ASIP implementation of PBDI: a new intra-field deinterlacing method [Communication écrite]. Joint IEEE North-East Workshop on Circuits and Systems and TAISA Conference (NEWCAS-TAISA 2009), Toulouse, France. Lien externe
Awad, C., Sanso, B., & Girard, A. (octobre 2009). Differentiated reliability in traffic engineered MPLS and DiffServ-aware next generation networks [Communication écrite]. 7th International Workshop on Design of Reliable Communication Networks, Alexandria, Virginia, USA. Lien externe
Ayachi, D., Savaria, Y., & Thibeault, C. (juin 2009). A configurable platform for MPSoCs based on application specific instruction set processors [Communication écrite]. Joint IEEE North-East Workshop on Circuits and Systems and TAISA Conference (NEWCAS-TAISA 2009), Toulouse, France (4 pages). Lien externe
Babic, S., Akyel, C., & Mehdi, M. M. (août 2009). Mutual inductance calculation between circular coils with lateral and angular misalignment [Communication écrite]. Photonics and Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Moscow, Russia. Non disponible
Bafumba-Lokilo, D., Savaria, Y., & David, J. P. (octobre 2009). Generic array-based MPSoC architecture [Communication écrite]. 2nd Microsystems and Nanoelectronics Research Conference, Ottawa, Canada. Lien externe
Basile-Bellavance, Y., Blaquiere, Y., & Savaria, Y. (juin 2009). Faults diagnosis methodology for the WaferNet interconnection network [Communication écrite]. Joint IEEE North-East Workshop on Circuits and Systems and TAISA Conference (NEWCAS-TAISA 2009), Toulouse, France. Lien externe
Beaudoin, P. M., Audet, Y., & Ponce-Ponce, V. H. (juin 2009). Dark current compensation in CMOS image sensors using a differential pixel architecture [Communication écrite]. Joint IEEE North-East Workshop on Circuits and Systems and TAISA Conference (NEWCAS-TAISA 2009), Toulouse, France. Lien externe
Belanger, S., Abran, M., Intes, X., Casanova, C., & Lesage, F. (septembre 2009). Fast digital micromirror based diffuse optical tomography [Communication écrite]. World Molecular Imaging Conference, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Belanger, S., Abran, M., Intes, X., Casanova, C., & Lesage, F. (octobre 2009). Fast digital micromirror based laminar optical tomography [Communication écrite]. Neurosciences 2009, Chicago. Non disponible
Benhaddadi, M., & Olivier, G. (mai 2009). L'économie d'énergie : une affaire de législation [Communication écrite]. 77e Congrès de l'Acfas, Ottawa, Ontario. Non disponible
Benhaddadi, M., & Olivier, G. (mai 2009). La promotion de l'économie d'énergie électrique passe par son juste prix [Communication écrite]. 77e Congrès de l'Acfas, Ottawa, Ontario. Non disponible
Benhaddadi, M., & Olivier, G. (mai 2009). Ségrégation des pertes des machines superéconoénergétiques [Communication écrite]. 77e Congrès de l'Acfas, Ottawa, Ontario. Non disponible
Benhaddadi, M., Olivier, G., & Ibiouen, R. (mai 2009). Tests sur les moteurs superéconoénergétiques [Communication écrite]. Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Alger. Non disponible
Benhaddadi, M., Olivier, G., Labrosse, D., & Tetrault, P. (mai 2009). Premium efficiency motors and energy saving potential [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference, Miami, Florida. Lien externe
Boucher, P., Kelouwani, S., & Cohen, P. (juillet 2009). Mobile platform self-localization in partially unknown dynamic environments [Communication écrite]. ICINCO 2009 - 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Milan, Italy. Non disponible
Boughrara, K., Zarko, D., Ibtiouen, R., Touhami, O., & Olivier, G. (mai 2009). Magnetic field analysis of surface-mounted permanent-magnet synchronous motors using analytical and numerical conformal mapping [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference, Miami, Florida. Non disponible
Bozzi, M., Winkler, S. A., & Wu, K. (juin 2009). Novel compact and broadband interconnects based on ridge substrate integrated waveguide [Communication écrite]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest (MWSYM 2009), Boston, MA, USA. Lien externe
Caloz, C. (mars 2009). EBGs and metamaterials : concepts, structures and applications [Communication écrite]. 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2009), Berlin, Germany. Non disponible
Caloz, C. (juin 2009). Electromagnetic metamaterial structures : some concepts et applications [Communication écrite]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2009), Boston, MA. Non disponible
Caloz, C. (janvier 2009). Metamaterial analog signal processing [Communication écrite]. EuMC Workshop on Recent Advances in Microwave Applications of Metamaterials Concepts, Rome, Italy. Non disponible
Caloz, C. (janvier 2009). Recent advances in microwave applications of metamaterials [Communication écrite]. Los Alamos National Laboratory International Workshop on Electromagnetic Metamaterials III : Toward Real World Applications, Los Alamos, New Mexico. Non disponible
Caloz, C. (juin 2009). Reconfigurability at microwaves using recent metamaterial concepts and techniques [Communication écrite]. IMS Workshop on Tunable RF-Components and Modules for Wireless Communication Systems, Boston, MA, USA. Non disponible
Caloz, C., & Rennings, A. (mars 2009). Overview of resonant metamaterial antennas [Communication écrite]. 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2009), Berlin, Germany. Lien externe
Cardinal, C., & Mvutu, B.-F. (avril 2009). Coded M-PSK modulation using convolutional self-doubly orthogonal codes [Communication écrite]. 69th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2009), Barcelona, Spain (5 pages). Lien externe
Carignan, L. P., Massicotte, M., Caloz, C., Yelon, A., & Ménard, D. (mai 2009). Magnetization process in ferromagnetic nanowire arrays [Communication écrite]. IEEE Inter-Mag, Sacramento, CA. Non disponible
Carignan, L.-P., Kodera, T., Yelon, A., Caloz, C., & Ménard, D. (septembre 2009). Integrated and self-biased planar magnetic microwave circuits based on ferromagnetic nanowire substrates [Communication écrite]. European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2009), Rome, Italy. Lien externe
Chen, X.-P., & Wu, K. (juin 2009). Low-loss ultra-wideband transition between conductor-backed coplanar waveguide and substrate integrated waveguide [Communication écrite]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2009), Boston, MA. Lien externe
Chen, X.-P., Li, L., & Wu, K. (septembre 2009). Multi-antenna system based on substrate integrated waveguide for Ka-band traffic-monitoring radar applications [Communication écrite]. European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2009), Rome, Italy. Lien externe
Cheng, Y. J., Wu, K., Hong, W., & Zhu, X. W. (janvier 2009). Millimeter-wave reconfigurable antenna with polarization and angle diversity [Communication écrite]. IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS 2009), San Diego, CA, United states. Lien externe
Chioukh, L., Boutayeb, H., Li, L., Yahia, L., & Wu, K. (décembre 2009). Integrated radar systems for precision monitoring of heartbeat and respiratory status [Communication écrite]. Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2009), Singapore. Lien externe
Cohen-Adad, J., Gauthier, C., Brooks, J. C. W., Leblond, H., Hoge, R. D., Fisher, J. A., Beaumont, E., Dubeau, S., Lesage, F., Doyon, J., Benali, H., & Rossignol, S. (juin 2009). Venous effect in spinal cord fMRI : insights from intrinsic optical imaging and laser speckle [Communication écrite]. 15th OHBM annual meeting, San Francisco, California. Non disponible
Corinthios, M. J. (novembre 2009). Extended Bilateral transforms and their applications [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Conference on Signals, Circuits and Systems (SCS 2009), Medenine, Tunisia (6 pages). Lien externe
Dahmouni, H., Girard, A., & Sanso, B. (novembre 2009). Analytical jitter model for IP network planning and design [Communication écrite]. 1st International Conference on Communications and Networking, Hammamet, Tunisia. Lien externe
de Villemeur, E. B., & Mugombozi, C. F. (mai 2009). Pricing reactive power: some challenges [Communication écrite]. 6th International Conference on the European Energy Market, Leuven, Belgium. Lien externe
Deban, R., Boutayeb, H., Conan, J., & Wu, K. (novembre 2009). Numerical and experimental analysis of metallic plate near-field RCS at oblique incidence and applications to radar systems [Communication écrite]. Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference, Loughborough University. Lien externe
Deschenes, P., & Laurin, J.-J. (mars 2009). Magnetic bistable switching element implemented on quasi-CPW inductively-coupled slot antenna [Communication écrite]. 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2009), Berlin, Germany. Non disponible
Desjardins, M., Gagnon, L., Gauthier, C., Hoge, R. D., Dehaes, M., Desjardins-Crépeau, L., Bherer, L., & Lesage, F. (janvier 2009). Application of a multicompartment dynamical model to multimodal optical imaging for investigating individual cerebrovascular properties [Communication écrite]. Multimodal Biomedical Imaging IV, San Jose, California, United States. Lien externe
Ding, Y., & Wu, K. (juin 2009). Miniaturized hybrid ring circuits using T-type folded substrate integrated waveguide (TFSIW) [Communication écrite]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2009), Boston, MA. Lien externe
Djerafi, T., & Wu, K. (septembre 2009). 60 GHz substrate integrated waveguide crossover structure [Communication écrite]. European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2009), Rome, Italy. Lien externe
Djerafi, T., Daigle, M., Boutayeb, H., Zhang, X., & Wu, K. (septembre 2009). Substrate integrated waveguide six-port broadband front-end circuit for millimeter-wave radio and radar systems [Communication écrite]. European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2009), Rome, Italy. Lien externe
Djerafi, T., Fonseca, N. J. G., & Wu, K. (décembre 2008). Architecture and implementation of planar 4 × 4 Ku-Band Nolen Matrix using SIW technology [Communication écrite]. Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2009), Hong Kong and Macau. Lien externe
Djerafi, T., Wu, K., & Boutayeb, H. (décembre 2008). Electronically steerable antenna using a circular patch surrounded by a reconfigurable circular mushroom-like substrate [Communication écrite]. Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2009), Hong Kong and Macau. Lien externe
Djioua, M., & Plamondon, R. (septembre 2009). A comparison of some analytical models describing the velocity profiles of rapid movements [Communication écrite]. 14th Biennal Conference of the International Graphonomics Society (IGS 2009), Dijon, France. Lien externe
Djoumessi, E. E., & Wu, K. (septembre 2009). Dual-band low-noise amplifier using Step-Impedance Resonator (SIR) technique for wireless system applications [Communication écrite]. European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2009), Rome, Italy. Lien externe
Djoumessi, E. E., & Wu, K. (juin 2009). Tunable multi-band direct conversion receiver for cognitive radio systems [Communication écrite]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2009), Boston, MA. Lien externe
Djoumessi, E. E., Chaker, M., & Wu, K. (janvier 2009). Varactor-tuned dual-mode bandpass filter for wireless applications [Communication écrite]. IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS 2009), San Diego, California. Lien externe
Dubeau, S., Beaumont, E., & Lesage, F. (janvier 2009). Relation between the neuronal and hemodynamic response in the lesioned rat spinal cord following peripheral nerve stimulation [Communication écrite]. Photons and Neurons, San Jose, California. Lien externe
El Mustapha Ait Yakoub, M., Sawan, M., & Thibeault, C. (juin 2009). A neuromimetic ultra low-power ADC for bio-sensing applications [Communication écrite]. Joint IEEE North-East Workshop on Circuits and Systems and TAISA Conference (NEWCAS-TAISA 2009), Toulouse, France. Lien externe
Ethier, S., Sawan, M., Aboulhamid, E. M., & El-Gamal, M. (août 2009). A 9 V fully integrated CMOS electrode driver for high-impedance microstimulation [Communication écrite]. 52nd IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS 2009), Cancun, Mexico. Lien externe
Fereydouni Forouzandeh, F., Ait Mohamed, O., Sawan, M., & Awwad, F. (novembre 2009). TBCD-TDM: Novel ultra-low energy protocol for implantable wireless body sensor networks [Communication écrite]. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii. Lien externe
Gagnon, C., Desjardins-Crépeau, L., Desjardins, M., Tournier, I., Lesage, F., & Bherer, L. (juillet 2009). The acute effects of glucose on divided attention in older adults : A near-infrared spectroscopy [Communication écrite]. XIXth IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Paris. Non disponible
Gagnon, H., Abruzzese, L., & Hartinger, A. E. (mai 2009). Évaluation de différentes stratégies de mesures pour la tomographie d'impédance électrique 3D [Communication écrite]. 77e Congrès de l'Acfas, Ottawa, Ontario. Non disponible
Gagnon, H., Sigmen, Y., Hartinger, A. E., & Guardo, R. (juin 2009). An active phantom to assess the robustness of EIT systems to electrode contact impedance variations [Communication écrite]. 10th International Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electrical Impedance Tomography, Manchester, UK. Non disponible
Gagnon, L., Desjardins, M., Bherer, L., & Lesage, F. (janvier 2009). Double layer estimation of flow changes using diffuse correlation spectroscopy [Communication écrite]. Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue VIII. Lien externe
Gendron, M., Guardo, R., & Bertrand, M. (septembre 2009). Experimental setup for developing acousto-electric interaction imaging [Communication écrite]. 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Minneapolis. Lien externe
Gérin-Lajoie, L., & Mahseredjian, J. (juin 2009). Simulation of an extra large network in EMTP: from electromagnetic to electromechanical transients [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST 2009), Kyoto, Japan (8 pages). Lien externe
Ghafar-Zadeh, E., Sawan, M., & Chodavarapu, V. P. (juin 2008). Micro-Organism-on-Chip: Emerging direct-write CMOS-Based platform for biological applications [Communication écrite]. 14th IEEE International Mixed-Signals, Sensors, and Systems Test Workshop (IMS3TW), Vancouver, B.-C.. Publié dans IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 3(4). Lien externe
Giroux, M., & Mahseredjian, J. (juin 2009). A common user interface for offline and real-time simulation of transients [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST 2009), Kyoto, Japan (6 pages). Lien externe
Golkhah, M., Hurteau, R., & Sirois, F. (août 2009). Design and real-time implementation of power system stabilizers [Communication écrite]. Real-Time Conference, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Gomez-Daz, J. S., Gupta, S., Gomez-Tornero, J. L., Garcia-Vigueras, M., Caloz, C., & Alvarez-Melcon, A. (septembre 2009). Efecto-Talbot espacio-temporal basado en CRLH LWAs : fundamentos y validacion experimental [Communication écrite]. 24o Simposium Nacional de la Union Cientifica de Radio URSI, Santander, Spain. Non disponible
Gomez-Daz, J. S., Gupta, S., Melcon, A. A., & Caloz, C. (mars 2009). Spatial-temporal talbot effects in impulse-regime metamaterial leaky-wave antennas [Communication écrite]. 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2009), Berlin, Germany. Lien externe
Gomez-Diaz, J. S., Gupta, S., Alvarez-Melcon, A., & Caloz, C. (septembre 2009). Numerical analysis of impulse regime phenomena in linear and non-linear metamaterial transmission lines [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, Torino, Italy. Lien externe
Gosselin, B., & Sawan, M. (septembre 2009). Circuits techniques and microsystems assembly for intracortical multichannel ENG recording [Communication écrite]. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, San Jose, California. Lien externe
Gosselin, B., & Sawan, M. (juin 2009). Event-driven data and power management in high-density neural recording microsystems [Communication écrite]. Joint IEEE North-East Workshop on Circuits and Systems and TAISA Conference (NEWCAS-TAISA 2009), Toulouse, France. Lien externe
Gosselin, B., & Sawan, M. (septembre 2009). Intracortical microstimulation to create vision [Communication écrite]. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, San Jose, California. Non disponible
Gosselin, B., Zbrzeski, A., Sawan, M., & Kerhervé, E. (mai 2009). Low-power linear-phase delay filters for neural signal processing: comparison and synthesis [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2009), Taipei, Taiwan. Lien externe
Goussard, Y., Hamelin, B., Gendron, D., Dussault, J.-P., & Pérez, S. (juin 2009). Nonlinear X-ray CT reconstruction from real data [Communication écrite]. Approximation and Optimization in Image Restoration and Reconstruction, Porquerolles, France. Non disponible
Gupta, S., Gomez-Diaz, J. S., & Caloz, C. (septembre 2009). Frequency resolved electrical gating (FREG) system based on a CRLH leaky-wave antenna for UWB signal characterization [Communication écrite]. European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2009), Rome, Italy. Lien externe
Gupta, S., Gomez-Diaz, J. S., & Caloz, C. (décembre 2009). Frequency resolved electrical gating (FREG) system based on a CRLH leaky-wave antenna for UWB signal characterization [Communication écrite]. Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2010), Singapore. Non disponible
Gupta, S., Nguyen, H. V., Kodera, T., Abielmona, S., & Caloz, C. (décembre 2009). CRLH leaky-wave antenna based frequency division diplexing transceiver yes [Communication écrite]. Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2009), Singapore. Lien externe
Hamza, L., & Nerguizian, C. (août 2009). Neural network and fingerprinting-based localization in dynamic channels [Communication écrite]. 6th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, Kanazawa, Japan. Lien externe
Hartinger, A. E., Guardo, R., Kokta, V., & Gagnon, H. (mai 2009). Modèle mathématique hybride pour caractériser le comportement électrique des cellules de la peau [Communication écrite]. 77e Congrès de l'Acfas, Ottawa, Ontario. Non disponible
Hasan, S. R., Pontikakis, B., & Savaria, Y. (mai 2009). An all-digital skew-adaptive clock scheduling algorithm for heterogeneous multiprocessor systems on chips (MPSoCs) [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2009), Taipei, Taiwan. Lien externe
Hashemi, S., Sawan, M., & Savaria, Y. (juin 2009). Fully-integrated low-voltage high-efficiency CMOS rectifier for wirelessly powered devices [Communication écrite]. Joint IEEE North-East Workshop on Circuits and Systems and TAISA Conference (NEWCAS-TAISA 2009), Toulouse, France. Lien externe
Hashemi, S., Sawan, M., & Savaria, Y. (décembre 2009). A low-area power-efficient CMOS active rectifier for wirelessly powered medical devices [Communication écrite]. 16th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia. Lien externe
He, F. F., Wu, K., & Hong, W. (septembre 2009). Antipodal linearly tapered slot antenna system using substrate parallel plate waveguide feeding structure [Communication écrite]. 2nd European Wireless Technology Conference, Rome, Italy. Non disponible
He, F., Chen, X.-P., Wu, K., & Hong, W. (décembre 2009). Electrically tunable substrate integrated waveguide reflective cavity resonator [Communication écrite]. Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2009), Singapore (4 pages). Lien externe
He, Y.-C., Haccoun, D., & Cardinal, C. (avril 2009). Comparison of low complexity fast iterative decoding techniques for convolutional self-doubly-orthogonal codes [Communication écrite]. 69th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2009), Barcelona, Spain. Lien externe
Hraimel, B., Zhang, X., Mohamed, M., & Wu, K. (mars 2009). Electrical compensation of fiber chromatic dispersion induced RF power fading in optical double-sideband subcarrier modulation [Communication écrite]. Conference on Optical Fiber Communication, San Diego, CA, United states. Lien externe
Jaafar, W., Ajib, W., & Haccoun, D. (décembre 2009). Adaptive transmission in cooperative wireless communications [Communication écrite]. 2nd IFIP Wireless Days (WD 2009), Paris, France (5 pages). Lien externe
Javadi, A., Olivier, G., Sirois, F., & Cojocaru, R. (août 2009). Active filter dynamic study using opal-RT simulator [Communication écrite]. 2nd annual Opal RT International Users Conference, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Kameni, A., Netter, D., Sirois, F., Douine, B., & Leveque, J. (août 2008). New hybrid FE-FV method for computing current distribution in 2-D superconductors: Application to an HTS cylinder in transverse magnetic field [Communication écrite]. 2008 Applied Superconductivity Conference, Chicago, Illinois. Publié dans IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 19(3, Part II). Lien externe
Karaagac, U., Mahseredjian, J., & Dennetiere, S. (juillet 2009). Emtp simulation of synchronous machine from standstill to synchronization [Communication écrite]. IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM 2009), Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Lien externe
Karaagac, U., Mahseredjian, J., & Dennetière, S. (juin 2009). Modeling and simulation of the startup of a pumped storage power plant unit [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST 2009), Kyoto, Japan (7 pages). Lien externe
Kashyap, R., & Nemova, G. (janvier 2009). Guidewave surface plasmon-polariton sensors [Communication écrite]. Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XIII. Lien externe
Kashyap, R., Tehranchi, A., & Xu, C.-Q. (juillet 2009). Efficient broadband frequency conversion using engineered apodized x(2) gratings and fundamental harmonic resonance [Communication écrite]. 14th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, Hong Kong, China. Lien externe
Kodera, T., & Caloz, C. (juin 2009). Leaky-wave antenna integrated duplexer using CRLH uniform ferrite-loaded open waveguide [Communication écrite]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2009), Boston, MA, USA. Lien externe
Kodera, T., & Caloz, C. (mars 2009). Non-reciprocal magnetic frequency selective surface [Communication écrite]. 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2009), Berlin, Germany. Lien externe
Kodera, T., Parsa, A., & Caloz, C. (juin 2009). Non-reciprocal ferrite antenna radome: the faradome [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina. Lien externe
Lagüe-Beauvais, M., Brunnet, J., Gagnon, L., Dehaes, M., Lesage, F., & Bherer, L. (juillet 2009). Age-related differences and similarities in brain activation during inhibition and switching : A near infra-red spectroscopy study [Communication écrite]. XIXth IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Paris. Non disponible
Lagüe-Beauvais, M., Brunnet, J., Gagnon, L., Dehaes, M., Lesage, F., & Bherer, L. (mars 2009). Inhibition and switching in younger and older adults : a near infra-red spectroscopy study [Communication écrite]. 19th annual Rotman Research Institute Conference - Cognitive Spectroscopy Study, Toronto, Ontario. Non disponible
Lambert, M., Mahseredjian, J., Dessaint, L.-A., & Gaudreau, A. (juin 2009). Implementation of a new magnetizing branch in EMTP-RV using the A(x) model [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST 2009), Kyoto, Japan (6 pages). Lien externe
Lemarquand, G., Lemarquand, V., Babic, S., & Akyel, C. (août 2009). Magnetic field created by thin wall solenoids and axially magnetized cylindrical permanent magnets [Communication écrite]. Photonics and Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Moscow, Russia. Non disponible
Lepercq, E., Blaquiere, Y., Norman, R., & Savaria, Y. (mai 2009). Workflow for an electronic configurable prototyping system [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2009), Taipei, Taiwan. Lien externe
Lepercq, E., Valorege, O., Basile-Bellavance, Y., Laflamme-Mayer, N., Blaquière, Y., & Savaria, Y. (octobre 2009). An interconnection network for a novel reconfigurable circuit board [Communication écrite]. 2nd Microsystems and Nanoelectronics Research Conference, Ottawa, Canada. Lien externe
Li, L., Chen, X., Khazaka, R., & Wu, K. (décembre 2009). A transition from substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) to rectangular waveguide [Communication écrite]. Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2009), Singapore. Lien externe
Li, X., & Frigon, J.-F. (avril 2009). Capacity analysis of MIMO systems with dynamic radiation pattern diversity [Communication écrite]. 69th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2009), Barcelona, Spain. Lien externe
Liebig, T., Rennings, A., Otto, S., Caloz, C., & Erni, D. (mars 2009). Comparison between CRLH zeroth-order antenna and series-fed microstrip patch array antenna [Communication écrite]. 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2009), Berlin, Germany. Lien externe
Machado, A., Lesage, F., Lina, J., & Grova, C. (décembre 2009). Detection of hemodynamic responses to epileptic activity using EEG/NIRS simultaneous acquisitions [Communication écrite]. Annual Meeting Amerian Association of Epilepsy. Non disponible
Mahdavi, S., Nabki, F., Sawan, M., & El-Gamal, M. (novembre 2009). On the testing of MEMS resonators [Communication écrite]. 4th International Design and Test Workshop, Riyad, Saudi-Arabia. Lien externe
Mahseredjian, J., Saad, O., & Dennetiere, S. (juillet 2009). Computation of power system transients: modeling portability [Communication écrite]. IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM 2009), Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Lien externe
Mellah, H., & Sanso, B. (septembre 2009). Review of facts, data and proposals for a greener Internet [Communication écrite]. 6th International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks, and Systems. Lien externe
Memarzadeh, H., Lamarche, M., Laurin, J.-J., & Kashyap, R. (juin 2009). A technique to improve the dynamic range and linearity of a near-field imager based on the modulated scatterer approach [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina. Lien externe
Mikki, S. M., Caloz, C., & Kishk, A. A. (janvier 2009). On the nature el electromagnetic interactions at the nanoscale [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (UPARSI 2009), Charleston, South Carolina. Non disponible
Miled, M. A., & Sawan, M. (juin 2009). Reconfigurable dielectrophoretic device for neurotransmitters sensing and manipulation [Communication écrite]. 15th IEEE International Mixed-Signals, Sensors, and Systems Test Workshop, Scottsdale, Arizona. Lien externe
Mirallès, F., Beaudry, J., Blain, M., De Santis, R. M., Houde, R., Hurteau, R., & Sarraillon, S. (janvier 2009). A 3D imaging system for inspection of large underwater hydroelectric structures [Communication écrite]. Three-Dimensional Imaging Metrology, San Jose, California, USA. Lien externe
Mirfatah, A., & Laurin, J.-J. (février 2009). Tunable hairpin resonator based on liquid crystal [Communication écrite]. 13th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics and the Canadian Radio Science Meeting, Banff, Alberta. Lien externe
Mortazy, E., Zhang, X., & Wu, K. (septembre 2009). Broadband loss characterization of traveling-wave substrate integrated electro-optical devices [Communication écrite]. European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2009), Rome, Italy. Lien externe
Mounaïm, F., & Sawan, M. (décembre 2009). High-voltage DC/DC converter for high-efficiency power recovery in implantable devices [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics, Marrakesh, Morocco. Lien externe
Mounaïm, F., Sawan, M., & El-Gamal, M. N. (novembre 2009). Integrated inductive power and data recovery front-end dedicated to implantable devices [Communication écrite]. IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS 2009), Beijing, China. Lien externe
Nematollahi, H., Boutayeb, H., & Wu, K. (septembre 2009). Millimeter-wave circularly-polarized traveling-wave substrate integrated waveguide antennas [Communication écrite]. European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2009), Rome, Italy. Lien externe
Nemova, G., & Kashyap, R. (juillet 2009). Athermal Raman Fiber Amplifier [Communication écrite]. Nonlinear Optics : Materials, Fundamentals and Applications (NLO 2009), Honolulu, Hawaii, UAS. Lien externe
Nemova, G., & Kashyap, R. (juin 2009). High-power fiber amplifier with laser cooled cladding [Communication écrite]. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and 11th European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO EUROPE-EQEC 2009), Munich, Germany (1 page). Lien externe
Nemova, G., & Kashyap, R. (avril 2009). New designs for Ultra High High-Power Single Transverse Mode Cw fibre lasers [Communication écrite]. 6th International TECNOLASER Event. Meeting of Optic, Life and Heritage (OPTELACIC 2009), La Habana (Cuba). Non disponible
Nemova, G., & Kashyap, R. (janvier 2009). Optimization of tapered fiber sample for laser cooling of solids [Communication écrite]. Laser Refrigeration of Solids II. Lien externe
Nemova, G., & Kashyap, R. (mai 2009). Radiation-balanced Tm3+-doped fiber amplifier [Communication écrite]. Photonics North 2009, Québec, Canada. Lien externe
Nerguizian, V., Nerguizian, C., Stiharu, I., & Burnier, M. (juillet 2009). The detection of different enzymes through ensyme-substrate reaction based on signature detection [Communication écrite]. 10th Armenian Medical World Congress (AMWC 2009), New York, USA. Non disponible
Nguyen, H. V., Abielmona, S., Parsa, A., & Caloz, C. (décembre 2009). Novel power recycling schemes for enhanced radiation efficiency in leaky-wave antennas [Communication écrite]. Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2009), Singapore. Lien externe
Nourian, M., Caines, P. E., Malhamé, R. P., & Huang, M. (septembre 2009). Derivation of Consensus Algorithm Dynamics from Mean Field Stochastic Control NCE Equations [Communication écrite]. 1st IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems (NecSys 2009), Venice, Italy. Publié dans IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 42(20). Lien externe
O'Reilly, C., Plamondon, R., Lebrun, L. H., Mathieu, P. A., & Clément, B. (septembre 2009). Movement analysis for stroke susceptibility assesment [Communication écrite]. 14th Biennal Conference of the International Graphonomics Society (IGS 2009), Dijon, France. Lien externe
Ould-Bachir, T., & Brault, J.-J. (mai 2009). FPGA-driven pseudorandom number generators aimed at accelerating Monte Carlo methods [Communication écrite]. 7th IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications. Lien externe
Parsa, A., & Caloz, C. (juin 2009). A fast modeling of the wave propagation inside a rectangular room [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina. Lien externe
Parsa, A., & Caloz, C. (mars 2009). Reflection characteristics of two parallel reinforced concrete slabs [Communication écrite]. 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2009), Berlin, Germany. Lien externe
Parsa, A., & Caloz, C. (juin 2009). Reflection characteristics of two parallel reinforced concrete slabs [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (UPARSI 2009), Charleston, South Carolina. Lien externe
Parsa, A., Paknys, R., & Caloz, C. (janvier 2009). Design and implementation of a rectangular dielectric resonator using artificial plasma for quality factor enhancement [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (UPARSI 2009), Charleston, South Carolina. Non disponible
Plamondon, R., Landou, K., & Stemmer, B. (octobre 2009). Experimental observation of a new ERP signal as predicted by the kinematic theory [Communication écrite]. NeuroScience 2009, Chicago, USA. Non disponible
Rennings, A., Liebig, T., Otto, S., Caloz, C., & Erni, D. (août 2009). Directive antennas based on zeroth-order resonant CRLH metamaterials implemented in multilayer-technology [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (METAMATERIALS 2009), London, England. Non disponible
Rennings, A., Mosig, J., Bahr, A., Caloz, C., Ladd, M. E., & Erni, D. (mars 2009). A CRLH metamaterial based RF coil element for magnetic resonance imaging at 7 tesla [Communication écrite]. 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2009), Berlin, Germany. Lien externe
Rennings, A., Schneider, P., Caloz, C., & Orzada, S. (août 2009). Preliminary experiments on a CRLH metamaterial zeroth-order resonant coil (ZORC) element for 7 tesla MRI applications with large field of view [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (METAMATERIALS 2009), London, England. Non disponible
Rossignol, S., Barrière, G., Frigon, A., Cohen-Adad, J., & Benali, H. (juin 2009). Optimizing locomotion after spinal lesions [Résumé]. 2009 Cellular and Network Functions in the Spinal Cord, Wisconsin-Madison. Non disponible
Roy, F., Therasse, M., Dutoit, B., Sirois, F., Antognazza, L., & Decroux, M. (août 2008). Numerical Studies of the Quench Propagation in Coated Conductors for Fault Current Limiters [Communication écrite]. 2008 Applied Superconductivity Conference, Chicago, Illinois. Publié dans IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 19(3, Part II). Lien externe
Salam, M. T., Sawan, M., Hamoui, A., & Khoa Nguyen, D. (juin 2009). Low-power CMOS-based epileptic seizure onset detector [Communication écrite]. Joint IEEE North-East Workshop on Circuits and Systems and TAISA Conference (NEWCAS-TAISA 2009), Toulouse, France. Lien externe
Salam, M. T., Sawan, M., Nguyen, D. K., & Hamoui, A. A. (novembre 2009). Epileptic low-voltage fast-activity seizure-onset detector [Communication écrite]. IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS 2009), Beijing, China. Lien externe
Sanso, B., & Mellah, H. (octobre 2009). On reliability, performance and Internet power consumption [Communication écrite]. 7th International Workshop on Design of Reliable Communication Networks, Alexandria, Virginia, USA. Lien externe
Santato, C., Loranger, S., Banville, D., Federico, R., & Dmiytro, P. (mars 2009). Harvesting lost photons: Minimizing sub-bandgap losses in organic photovoltaic devices by up-conversion [Résumé]. American Physical Society March Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland. Non disponible
Saussié, D., Akhrif, O., Bérard, C., & Saydy, L. (août 2009). Longitudinal flight control synthesis with guardian maps [Communication écrite]. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Chicago, IL (27 pages). Lien externe
Sawan, M., & Gosselin, B. (août 2009). Multichannel intracortical neurorecording: Integration and packaging challenges [Communication écrite]. 22nd Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design, Natal, Brazil. Lien externe
Shahvarpour, A., & Caloz, C. (juin 2009). Grounded ferrite perfect magnetic conductor and application to waveguide miniaturization [Communication écrite]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2009), Boston, MA, USA. Lien externe
Shahvarpour, A., Kodera, T., Parsa, A., & Caloz, C. (septembre 2009). Realization of an effective free-space perfect electromagnetic conductor (PEMC) boundary by a grounded ferrite slab using Faraday rotation [Communication écrite]. European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2009), Rome, Italy. Lien externe
Sigmen, Y., Guardo, R., Kokta, V., & Gagnon, H. (mai 2009). Fantôme résistif pour simuler des artéfacts de mouvements en tomographie d'impédance électrique [Communication écrite]. 77e Congrès de l'Acfas, Ottawa, Ontario. Non disponible
Simard, G., Sawan, M., & Massicotte, D. (mai 2009). Novel coils topology intended for biomedical implants with multiple carrier inductive link [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2009), Taipei, Taiwan. Lien externe
Siragusa, R., Nguyen, H. V., Perret, E., Lemaitre-Auger, P., Tedjini, S., & Caloz, C. (décembre 2009). Automated design of CRLH structures using co-design synthesis computational approach [Communication écrite]. Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2009), Singapore. Lien externe
Siragusa, R., Nguyen, H., Perret, E., Lemaitre-Auger, P., Tedjini, S., & Caloz, C. (janvier 2009). Méthode de conception automatisée appliquée aux lignes composites main gauche/droite [Communication écrite]. Journées nationales Microondes, Grenoble, France. Lien externe
Spielman, B. E., Amari, S., Caloz, C., Eleftheriades, G. V., Itoh, T., Jackson, D. R., Levy, R., Rhodes, J. D., & Snyder, R. V. (juin 2009). Metamaterials face-off: Metamaterials: A rich opportunity for discovery or an overhyped gravy train! [Communication écrite]. International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2009), Boston, Mass.. Publié dans IEEE Microwave Magazine, 10(3). Lien externe
Tehran, H. M., Laurin, J.-J., & Kashyap, R. (mars 2009). A low-perturbation near-field imager equipped with optical MST probes [Communication écrite]. 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2009), Berlin, Germany. Non disponible
Tehranchi, A., & Kashyap, R. (octobre 2009). Flattop broadband wavelength converters based on double-pass cascaded SFG + DFG in quasi-phase matched waveguides [Communication écrite]. IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting Conference, Belek-Antalya, Turkey. Lien externe
Tehranchi, A., & Kashyap, R. (août 2009). High-efficiency pump-resonant quasi-phase-matched frequency doublers with flattop broadband responses [Communication écrite]. Photonic Fiber and Crystal Devices: Advances in Materials and Innovations in Device Applications III, San Diego, CA, United states. Lien externe
Teoh, J. N., Wong, W. E., Ould-Bachir, T., Hu, Y., Hong, F., Du, C., & Al-Mamun, A. (décembre 2009). FPGA implementation of nonlinear control on hard disk drive [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, Christchurch, New-Zealand. Lien externe
Torabi, M., Ajib, W., & Haccoun, D. (avril 2009). Performance analysis of amplify-and-forward cooperative networks with relay selection over Rayleigh fading channels [Communication écrite]. IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference, Barcelona, Spain. Lien externe
Torabi, M., Haccoun, D., & Ajib, W. (novembre 2009). BER Performance Analysis of Multiuser Diversity with Antenna Selection in MRC MIMO Systems [Communication écrite]. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2009), Honolulu, HI, USA (6 pages). Lien externe
Torabi, M., Haccoun, D., & Ajib, W. (août 2009). Capacity and outage probability analysis of multiuser diversity in MIMO MRC systems with transmit antenna selection [Communication écrite]. IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing, Victoria, BC, Canada. Lien externe
Torabi, M., Haccoun, D., & Ajib, W. (avril 2009). Multiuser scheduling over MIMO Nakagami-m fading channels: capacity and BER performance [Communication écrite]. IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference, Barcelona, Spain. Lien externe
Vanni, M., Provost, J., Belanger, S., Lesage, F., & Casanova, C. (septembre 2009). A new avenue in signal acquisition: continuous stimulation combined with Fourier decomposition. Examples of optical imaging applications on the visual cortex [Communication écrite]. World Molecular Imaging Conference, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Vazquez, G. V., Harhira, A., Bosisio, R., & Kashyap, R. (septembre 2009). Complex optical microcomponents for integrated-optic applications fabricated by laser ablation [Communication écrite]. 7th Symposium Optics in Industry (SOI 2009), Guadalajara, Mexico. Lien externe
Wang, X., & Baron, L. (mai 2009). Topological synthesis of translational parallel manipulators [Communication écrite]. Canadian Committee for the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms Symposium (CCToMM M3), Québec, Québec. Publié dans Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 33(4). Lien externe
Wang, X., Aubin, C.-É., Labelle, H., & Crandall, D. (juillet 2009). Biomechanical comparison of two instrumentation techniques: rod derotation vs. direct incremental segmental translation [Communication écrite]. 16th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST 2009), Vienna, Austria. Lien externe
Wang, X., Aubin, C.-É., Labelle, H., & Crandall, D. (novembre 2009). Rod derotation vs. direct incremental segmental translation: a biomechanical analysis [Communication écrite]. 24th Annual Meeting of the North American Spine Society (NASS 2009), San Francisco, Calif.. Non disponible
Wehbe, M., Safi-Harb, M., & Sawan, M. (août 2009). Dynamic pupil reacting to incident light dedicated to ocular implants [Communication écrite]. 52nd IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS 2009). Lien externe
Winkler, S. A., Hong, W., Bozzi, M., & Wu, K. (septembre 2009). A novel polarization rotating frequency selective surface based on substrate integrated waveguide technology [Communication écrite]. European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2009), Rome, Italy. Lien externe
Zarrabi, H., Al-Khalili, A. J., & Savaria, Y. (mai 2009). An interconnect-aware delay model for dynamic voltage scaling in nm technologies [Communication écrite]. 19th ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, Boston, MA, United states. Lien externe
Zarreabi, H., Al-Khalili, A. J., & Savaria, Y. (décembre 2009). Estimation of energy performance in computing platforms [Communication écrite]. 16th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia. Lien externe
Zhang, Z., Yang, N., & Wu, K. (janvier 2009). 5-GHz bandpass filter demonstration using quarter-mode substrate integrated waveguide cavity for wireless systems [Communication écrite]. IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS 2009), San Diego, California. Lien externe
Zhang, Z.-Y., & Wu, K. (septembre 2009). Sub-harmonic self-oscillating mixer design using dual-mode substrate integrated waveguide cavity [Communication écrite]. 4th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC 2009), part of European Microwave Week (EuMW 2009), Rome, Italy. Lien externe
Abebe, S. L., Haiduc, S., Marcus, A., Tonella, P., & Antoniol, G. (mars 2009). Analyzing the evolution of the source code vocabulary [Communication écrite]. 13th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR 2009), Kaiserslautern, Germany. Lien externe
Abondo, C., & Pierre, S. (septembre 2009). A network-based resource reservation protocol for next generation systems [Communication écrite]. 1st International Symposium on Mobile Computing and Networking (ISMCN 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Abondo, C., & Pierre, S. (septembre 2009). Proxy resource reservation for real-time applications in IP-based wireless networks [Communication écrite]. 1st International Symposium on Mobile Computing and Networking (ISMCN 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Abou-Khalil, G., Chamberland, S., & Pierre, S. (septembre 2009). FTTx network planning for IPTV deployment in a greenfield infrastructure [Communication écrite]. 1st International Symposium on Mobile Computing and Networking (ISMCN 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Abouzaid, F., & Mullins, J. (juillet 2009). Formal Specification of Correlation patterns for WS-BPEL [Communication écrite]. 9e Colloque international sur les nouvelles technologies de la répartition (NOTERE 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Abouzaid, F., & Mullins, J. (juillet 2009). Model-checking Web Services Orchestrations using BP-calculus [Communication écrite]. 8th International Workshop on the Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures (FOCLASA 2009), Rhodes, Greece. Publié dans Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 255. Lien externe
Antoniol, G. (avril 2009). Search based software testing for software security: breaking code to make it safer [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation Workshops. Lien externe
Antoniol, G., Oliveto, R., & Poshyvanyk, D. (mai 2009). 5th international workshop on traceability in emerging forms of software engineering (TEFSE 2009) [Communication écrite]. 31st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2009), Vancouver, BC, Canada. Lien externe
Arhjoul, L., Hissoiny, S., Ozell, B., & Després, P. (août 2009). Acceleration of a pencil-beam dose calculation algorithm with graphics processing units [Communication écrite]. 10th Biennial ESTRO Conference on Physics and Radiation Technology for Clinical Radiotherapy, Maastricht, Netherlands. Non disponible
Awedikian, Z., Ayari, K., & Antoniol, G. (juillet 2009). MC/DC automatic test input data generation [Communication écrite]. 11th Annual Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2009), Montréal, Québec. Lien externe
Barnes, T., Desmarais, M. C., Romero Morales, C., & Ventura, S. (juillet 2009). Educational data mining [Communication écrite]. 2nd International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2009), Cordoba, Espagne. Lien externe
Bellaïche, M., & Gregoire, J.-C. (juin 2009). Source detection of SYN flooding attacks [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Network and Service Security (N2S 2009), Paris, France (6 pages). Lien externe
Bellaïche, M., & Grégoire, J.-C. (novembre 2009). SYN Flooding Attack Detection Based on Entropy Computing [Communication écrite]. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2009), Honolulu, HI (6 pages). Publié dans GLOBECOM 2009 - 2009 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference. Lien externe
Benattar, G., Bérard, B., Lime, D., Mullins, J., Roux, O. H., & Sassolas, M. (août 2009). Covert channels with sequential transducers [Communication écrite]. 24th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2009) and Satellite Workshop on Foundations of Computer Security (CFS 2009), Los Angeles, CA (15 pages). Lien externe
Bilodeau, G.-A., Levesque, M., Langlois, J. M. P., Lema, P., & Carmant, L. (janvier 2009). Thermographic body temperature measurement using a mean-shift tracker [Communication écrite]. 2nd International Conference on Bio-Inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS 2009), Porto, Portugal. Lien externe
Boisvert, J., Cheriet, F., Pennec, X., & Ayache, N. (février 2009). 3D reconstruction of the human spine from radiograph(s) using a multi-body statistical model [Communication écrite]. Medical Imaging 2009: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Modeling. Lien externe
Boucheneb, H., & Barkaoui, K. (août 2008). Covering Steps Graphs of Time Petri Nets [Communication écrite]. 10th International Workshop on Verification of Infinite-State Systems (INFINITY 2008), Toronto, Canada. Publié dans Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 239. Lien externe
Boucheneb, H., & Barkaoui, K. (juillet 2009). On combining the ready sets and the covering steps methods [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Workshop of Verification, Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (VECos 2009). Non disponible
Boucheneb, H., & Imine, A. (juin 2009). On model-checking optimistic replication algorithms [Communication écrite]. Joint 11th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference (FMOODS 2009) and 29th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference (FORTE 2009), Lisboa, Portugal. Lien externe
Bourezak, R., Lamouche, G., & Cheriet, F. (juillet 2009). Artery wall extraction from intravascular oct images [Communication écrite]. 6th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR 2009), Halifax, NS, Canada. Lien externe
Bringout, G., Saeidlou, S., & Martel, S. (octobre 2009). Sub-micrometer network fabrication for bacterial carriers and electrical signal transmission [Communication écrite]. 4th International ICST Conference on Nano-Networks, Luzern, Switzerland. Lien externe
Calvet, J., Davis, C. R., & Bureau, P.-M. (octobre 2009). Malware authors don't learn, and that's good! [Communication écrite]. 4th International Conference on Malicious and Unwanted Software, Montréal, Québec. Lien externe
Chamam, A., & Pierre, S. (janvier 2009). A distributed energy-efficient cluster formation protocol for wireless sensor networks [Communication écrite]. 6th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference. Empowering the Connected Consumer, Las Vegas, Nevada. Lien externe
Chamam, A., & Pierre, S. (septembre 2009). Energy-efficient clustering in wireless sensor networks under coverage constraint [Communication écrite]. 1st International Symposium on Mobile Computing and Networking (ISMCN 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Chamberland, S. (octobre 2008). Planning multitechnology access networks with performance constraints [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Conference on Access Networks (AccessNets 2008), Las Vegas, NV, USA. Lien externe
Chamberland, S., Oulai, D., & Pierre, S. (octobre 2009). Routing and admission control for MPLS networks [Communication écrite]. 1st International Conference on Future Information Networks, Beijing, China. Non disponible
Cherry, S., & Robillard, P. N. (mai 2009). Audio-video recording of ad hoc software development team interactions [Communication écrite]. ICSE Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering, Vancouver, Canada. Lien externe
Davis, C. R., Fernandez, J. M., & Neville, S. (octobre 2009). Optimising sybil attacks against P2P-based botnets [Communication écrite]. 4th International Conference on Malicious and Unwanted Software (MALWARE 2009), Montréal, Québec. Lien externe
Debbabi, M., Fellah, A., & Mullins, J. (juillet 2009). Secrecy in temporary secret based cryptographic protocols [Communication écrite]. 9e Colloque international sur les nouvelles technologies de la répartition (NOTERE 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Desnoyers, M., & Dagenais, M. (avril 2009). Deploying LTTng on exotic embedded architectures [Communication écrite]. CELF Embedded Linux Conference, San Francisco, California. Lien externe
Desnoyers, M., & Dagenais, M. (avril 2009). LTTng, filling the gap between kernel instrumentation and a widely usable kernel tracer [Communication écrite]. 3rd Annual Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit, San Francisco, California. Lien externe
Desnoyers, M., Dagenais, M., & Toupin, D. (novembre 2009). Highly-scalable wait-free buffering scheme for multi-core system tracing [Communication écrite]. Swedish Multi-Core Conference, Uppsala, Sweden. Lien externe
Després, P., Hissoiny, S., Gariépy, J.-P., & Ozell, B. (septembre 2009). Fast dose calculations in radiation therapy with GPUs [Communication écrite]. World Congress on Medical and Biomedical Engineering, Munich , Germany. Lien externe
Ezzouhairi, A., Quintero, A., & Pierre, S. (octobre 2009). An integration framework for next generation mobile systems [Communication écrite]. 5th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, Marrakech, Morocco. Lien externe
Ezzouhairi, A., Quintero, A., & Pierre, S. (septembre 2009). Smart transport layer base mobility for horizontal and vertical handoffs [Communication écrite]. 1st International Symposium on Mobile Computing and Networking (ISMCN 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Felfoul, O., Aboussouan, É., Chanu, A., & Martel, S. (mai 2009). Real-time positioning and tracking technique for endovascular untethered microrobots [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2009), Kobe, Japan. Lien externe
Fourmigue, A., Girodias, B., Nicolescu, G., & Aboulhamid, E. M. (avril 2009). Co-simulation based platform for wireless protocols design explorations [Communication écrite]. Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition (DATE 2009), Nice, France. Lien externe
Fournier, P.-M., Desnoyers, M., & Dagenais, M. (juillet 2009). Combined tracing of the kernel and applications with LTTng [Communication écrite]. Linux Symposium, Montréal, Québec. Lien externe
Fu, S., Desmarais, M. C., Pi, B., Zhou, Y., Wang, W., Zou, G., Han, S., & Rao, X. (avril 2009). Simple but effective porn query recognition by k-NN with semantic similarity measure [Communication écrite]. Joint International Conference on Advances in Data and Web Management (APWeb/WAIM 2009), Suzhou, China. Lien externe
Fu, S., Pi, B., Desmarais, M. C., Zhou, Y., Wang, W., & Han, S. (octobre 2009). Query recommendation and its usefulness evaluation on mobile search engine [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2009), San Antonio, Texas, USA. Lien externe
Fu, S., Pi, B., Zhou, Y., Desmarais, M. C., Wang, W., Han, S., & Rao, X. (avril 2009). Cross-channel query recommendation on commercial mobile search engine: Why, how and empirical evaluation [Communication écrite]. 13th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2009), Bangkok, Thailand. Lien externe
Gariépy, J.-P., Hissoiny, S., Ozell, B., & Després, P. (avril 2009). Calculs de dose rapides pour la curiethérapie en milieu hétérogène sur GPU [Communication écrite]. Association Québécoise de Physicien(ne)s Médicaux Cliniques (AQPMC09). Non disponible
Gascon-Samson, J., Zhang, L., Pierre, S., & Quintero, A. (septembre 2009). Novel peer-to-peer network architecture for massively multiplayer online games [Communication écrite]. 1st International Symposium on Mobile Computing and Networking (ISMCN 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Gendreau, O., & Robillard, P. N. (février 2009). Exploring knowledge flow in software project development [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management (eKNOW 2009), Cancun, Mexico. Lien externe
German, D. M., Di Penta, M., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., & Antoniol, G. (mai 2009). Code siblings: Technical and legal implications of copying code between applications [Communication écrite]. 6th IEEE International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2009), Vancouver, BC, Canada. Lien externe
Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., Kagdi, H., & Maletic, J. I. (mai 2009). Working session: using eye-tracking to understand program comprehension [Communication écrite]. 17th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension, Vancouver, Canada. Lien externe
Gueorguiev, S., Harman, M., & Antoniol, G. (juillet 2009). Software project planning for robustness and completion time in the presence of uncertainty using multi objective search based software engineering [Communication écrite]. 11th Annual Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2009), Montréal, Québec. Lien externe
Harhira, H. A., & Pierre, S. (mai 2009). Dynamic admission control and path allocation for SLAs in DiffServ networks [Communication écrite]. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2009), St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada. Lien externe
Harhira, H. A., & Pierre, S. (juillet 2009). A novel failure recovery mechanism for GMPLS networks [Communication écrite]. International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking and Communication Systems, Orlando, FL, USA. Non disponible
Hicheur, A., Barkaoui, K., & Boucheneb, H. (juin 2009). Design and Verification of Time-Constrained Workflows With Multi-Level Security [Communication écrite]. 2nd IFAC Workshop on Dependable Control of Discrete Systems, Bari, Italy. Publié dans IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 42(5). Lien externe
Hissoiny, S., Arhjoul, L., Gariépy, J.-P., Ozell, B., & Després, P. (septembre 2009). Radiotherapy dose calculation acceleration with Cuda [Communication écrite]. GPU technology conference (GTC 2009), San Jose, CA. Lien externe
Hissoiny, S., Ozell, B., & Després, P. (avril 2009). Accélération des calculs de dose en radiothérapie à l'aide de matériel graphique [Communication écrite]. Association Québécoise de Physicien(ne)s Médicaux Cliniques (AQPMC09). Non disponible
Islam, A., Langlois, J. M. P., & Noureldin, A. (juin 2009). A design methodology for the implementation of embedded vehicle navigation systems [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology, Windsor, ON, Canada. Lien externe
Jeanmart, S., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., Sahraoui, H., & Habra, N. (octobre 2009). Impact of the visitor pattern on program comprehension and maintenance [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, Lake Buena Vista, FL, USA. Lien externe
Jodoin, A., & Desmarais, M. C. (octobre 2009). L'environnement de développement dynamique (EDD) pour le prototypage rapide d'interfaces graphiques [Communication écrite]. 21e Conférence de l'Association francophone d'interaction homme-machine (IHM 2009), Grenoble, France. Lien externe
Kadoury, S., Cheriet, F., & Labelle, H. (juin 2009). Segmentation of scoliotic spine silhouettes from enhanced biplanar X-rays using a prior knowledge Bayesian framework [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI 2009). Lien externe
Kébreau, S., Droui, M., Zreik, I., Martial, O., Pierre, S., & Vazquez-Abad, J. (septembre 2009). Application d'un simulateur à effet photoélectrique dans un environnement mobile pour la réalisation des activités d'apprentissage - MOBILESIM [Communication écrite]. 1st International Symposium on Mobile Computing and Networking (ISMCN 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Kébreau, S., Kpodjedo, S., Quintero, A., Pierre, S., & Gnansounou, E. (septembre 2009). Electricity market multi-agents simulation (EMMAS) [Communication écrite]. 1st International Symposium on Mobile Computing and Networking (ISMCN 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Khomh, F., Di Penta, M., & Guéhéneuc, Y.-G. (octobre 2009). An exploratory study of the impact of code smells on software change-proneness [Communication écrite]. 16th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE 2009), Lille, France. Lien externe
Khomh, F., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., & Antoniol, G. (septembre 2009). Playing roles in design patterns: an empirical descriptive and analytic study [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2009), Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Lien externe
Khomh, F., Vaucher, S., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., & Sahraoui, H. (août 2009). A Bayesian approach for the detection of code and design smells [Communication écrite]. 9th International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC 2009), Jeju, South Korea. Lien externe
Konaré, D., Kébreau, S., Zreik, I. G., & Pierre, S. (septembre 2009). Outils de recherche, d'extractions et de manipulation de données à partir du Web invisible [Communication écrite]. 1st International Symposium on Mobile Computing and Networking (ISMCN 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Kpodjedo, S. (octobre 2009). Approximate graph matching in software engineering [Communication écrite]. 16th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, Lille, France. Lien externe
Kpodjedo, S., Ricca, F., Antoniol, G., & Galinier, P. (mai 2009). Evolution and search based metrics to improve defects prediction [Communication écrite]. 1st International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering (SSBSE 2009), Windsor, Berkshire, United Kingdom. Lien externe
Kpodjedo, S., Ricca, F., Galinier, P., & Antoniol, G. (mars 2009). Recovering the evolution stable part using an ECGM algorithm: Is there a tunnel in Mozilla? [Communication écrite]. 13th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR 2009), Kaiserslautern, Germany. Lien externe
Lacquemant, R., & Pierre, S. (septembre 2009). Courtier en qualité de contexte pour les applications mobiles [Communication écrite]. 1st International Symposium on Mobile Computing and Networking (ISMCN 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Lapointe, J., & Martel, S. (septembre 2009). Thermoresponsive hydrogel with embedded magnetic nanoparticles for the implementation of shrinkable medical microrobots and for targeting and drug delivery applications [Communication écrite]. 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2009), Minneapolis, Minnesota. Lien externe
Le Beux, S., Nicolescu, G., Bois, G., Bouchebaba, Y., Langevin, M., & Paulin, P. (juillet 2009). Optimizing configuration and application mapping for MPSoC architectures [Communication écrite]. NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems (AHS 2009), San Francisco, California. Lien externe
Letarte, D., & Merlo, E. (octobre 2009). Extraction of inter-procedural simple role privilege models from PHP code [Communication écrite]. 16th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, Lille, France. Lien externe
Loye, N., Caron, F., Pineault, J., Tessier-Baillargeon, M., Burney-Vincent, C., & Gagnon, M. (mai 2009). La validité d'un diagnostic issu du mariage entre didactique et mesure [Communication écrite]. 77e Congrès de l'ACFAS, Ottawa, Ontario. Non disponible
Martel, S., & André, W. (juin 2009). Embedding a wireless transmitter within the space and power constraints of an electronic untethered microrobot [Communication écrite]. Joint IEEE North-East Workshop on Circuits and Systems and TAISA Conference (NEWCAS-TAISA 2009), Toulouse, France. Lien externe
Martel, S., & Mohammadi, M. (octobre 2009). A robotic micro-assembly process inspired by the construction of the ancient pyramids and relying on several thousand flagellated bacteria acting as micro-workers [Communication écrite]. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2009). Lien externe
Martel, S., André, W., Mohammadi, M., & Lu, Z. (mai 2009). Towards swarms of communication-enable and intelligent sensotaxis-based bacterial microrobots capable of collective tasks in an aqueous medium [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2009), Kobe, Japan. Lien externe
Matni, G., & Dagenais, M. (mai 2009). Automata-based approach for kernel trace analysis [Communication écrite]. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2009), St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada. Lien externe
Merlo, E., & Lavoie, T. (octobre 2009). Computing structural types of clone syntactic blocks [Communication écrite]. 16th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, Lille, France. Lien externe
Messing, R., & Pal, C. J. (mars 2009). Behavior recognition in video with extended models of feature velocity dynamics [Communication écrite]. AAAI Spring Symposium on Human Behavior Modeling, Stanford, CA, United states. Lien externe
Mokrani, N., Mohammadi, M., & Martel, S. (avril 2009). Towards faster bacterial micro-actuators [Communication écrite]. 5th International Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology, Québec, Canada. Non disponible
Moura, D. C., Boisvert, J., Barbosa, J. G., & Tavares, J. M. R. S. (novembre 2009). Fast 3D reconstruction of the spine using user-defined splines and a statistical articulated model [Communication écrite]. 5th International Symposium on Advances in Visual Computing, ISVC 2009, Las Vegas, NV, United states. Lien externe
Njinowa, M. S., Bui, H. T., & Boyer, F.-R. (juin 2009). Design and optimization of a low complexity all-digital digital-to-analog converter [Communication écrite]. Joint IEEE North-East Workshop on Circuits and Systems and TAISA Conference (NEWCAS-TAISA 2009), Toulouse, France. Lien externe
Ould-Bachir, T., & Brault, J.-J. (mai 2009). FPGA-driven pseudorandom number generators aimed at accelerating Monte Carlo methods [Communication écrite]. 7th IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications. Lien externe
Poirier, B., Roy, R., & Dagenais, M. Unified kernel and user space distributed tracing for message passing analysis [Communication écrite]. 1st International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing for Engineering (16 pages). Lien externe
Rakkay, H., Boucheneb, H., & Roux, O. H. (juillet 2009). Time arc Petri nets and their analysis [Communication écrite]. 9th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, Augsburg, Germany. Lien externe
Roehrig, C., & Fernandez, J. M. (août 2009). The supervision of research projects entailing computer risks within an academic context: the case of École Polytechnique de Montréal [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Engineering Education and Research (ICEE-ICEER 2009), Seoul, Korea. Lien externe
Rossi, A., & Pierre, S. (septembre 2009). A pareto efficient extensible game theoretic framework for cost-effective routing with various QoS requirements support for MANETS [Communication écrite]. 1st International Symposium on Mobile Computing and Networking (ISMCN 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Saeidlou, S., Bringout, G., Dubois, C., & Martel, S. (octobre 2009). Polymeric fibers for bacterial carriers and electrical signals in future nano-networks [Communication écrite]. 4th International ICST Conference on Nano-Networks, Luzern, Switzerland. Non disponible
Sanz, V., Jafer, S., Wainer, G., Nicolescu, G., Urquia, A., & Dormido, S. (mars 2009). Hybrid modeling of opto-electrical interfaces using DEVS and modelica [Communication écrite]. DEVS Integrative M and S Symposium (DEVS 2009), part of the 2009 Spring Simulation Multiconference (SpringSim 2009), San Diego, CA, United states. Lien externe
Shechter, E., & Martel, S. (avril 2009). Magnetotactic bacteria in three-way junctions with state switch [Communication écrite]. 5th International Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology, Québec, Canada. Non disponible
Shirazipour, M., & Pierre, S. (septembre 2009). Inter-AS traffic engineering with G\MPLS [Communication écrite]. 1st International Symposium on Mobile Computing and Networking (ISMCN 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Shirazipour, M., & Pierre, S. (mai 2009). Reducing TE-LSP setup time by minimizing blockage with the use of pre-reservations during the path computation process [Communication écrite]. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2009), St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada. Lien externe
Shirazipour, M., & Pierre, S. (septembre 2009). Study of resource pre-reservation for label switched paths computed within a path computation element environment [Communication écrite]. 1st International Symposium on Mobile Computing and Networking (ISMCN 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Somayaji, A., Li, Y., Inoue, H., Fernandez, J. M., & Ford, R. (août 2009). Evaluating Security Products with Clinical Trials [Communication écrite]. 2nd Workshop on Cyber security Experimentation and Test (CSET 2009), Montréal, Québec. Lien externe
Tabatabaei, S. N., Lapointe, J., & Martel, S. (octobre 2009). Hydrogel encapsulated magnetic nanoparticles as hyperthermic actuators for microrobots designed to operate in the vascular network [Communication écrite]. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2009). Lien externe
Tabatabei, N., & Martel, S. (avril 2009). The concentration effect of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles on temperature change for hyperthermic drug release applications via AC magnetic field [Communication écrite]. 5th International Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology, Québec, Canada. Non disponible
Torabi, A., & Bilodeau, G.-A. (mai 2009). A multiple hypothesis tracking method with fragmentation handling [Communication écrite]. 6th Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CVR 2009), Kelowna, BC, Canada. Lien externe
Trabelsi, A., Boyer, F.-R., & Boukadoum, M. (décembre 2009). Robust Estimation of LP Parameters in White Noise with Unknown Variance [Communication écrite]. 16th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Medina, Tunisia. Lien externe
Varcheie, D. Z., & Bilodeau, G.-A. (novembre 2009). Fuzzy feature-based upper body tracking with IP PTZ camera control [Communication écrite]. 14th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, Guadalarja, Mexico. Lien externe
Varcheie, D. Z., & Bilodeau, G.-A. (novembre 2009). Online body tracking by a PTZ camera in IP surveillance system [Communication écrite]. 1st IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Lien externe
Varcheie, P. D. Z., & Bilodeau, G.-A. (novembre 2009). Active people tracking by a PTZ camera in IP surveillance system [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Workshop on Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE 2009), Lecco, Italy. Lien externe
Varcheie, P. D. Z., & Bilodeau, G.-A. (juillet 2009). Human tracking by IP PTZ camera control in the context of video surveillance [Communication écrite]. 6th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR 2009), Halifax, NS, Canada. Lien externe
Vaucher, S., Khomh, F., Moha, N., & Guéhéneuc, Y.-G. (octobre 2009). Tracking design smells: Lessons from a study of God classes [Communication écrite]. 16th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE 2009), Lille, France. Lien externe
Vezant, B., Mansuy, C., Bui, H. T., & Boyer, F.-R. (juin 2009). Direct digital synthesis-based all-digital phase-locked loop [Communication écrite]. Joint IEEE North-East Workshop on Circuits and Systems and TAISA Conference (NEWCAS-TAISA 2009), Toulouse, France. Lien externe
Vidal, D., Ridgway, C., Pianet, G., Schoelkopf, J., Roy, R., & Bertrand, F. (août 2008). Effect of particle size distribution and packing compression on fluid permeability : A comparison of experiments and Monte-Carlo/Lattice-Boltzmann simulations [Communication écrite]. Fundamental and Applied Pulp & Paper Modelling Symposium, Trois-Rivières, Québec. Non disponible
Zhang, L., Zhang, L., & Pierre, S. (septembre 2009). Location-aware FMIPv6 for WLANs [Communication écrite]. 1st International Symposium on Mobile Computing and Networking (ISMCN 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Zouaq, A., & Gagnon, M. (novembre 2009). Cartographie textuelle et analyse linguistique profonde : Des techniques indispensables au développement du e-Learning [Communication écrite]. Colloque CIRTA 2009 : recherche et pratique du e-learning en 2009, Québec. Non disponible
Zouaq, A., & Gagnon, M. (novembre 2009). Textual Cartography and Deep Linguistic Analysis as Necessary Tools for eLearning Development [Communication écrite]. 6eme colloque du CIRTA, Québec, Québec. Non disponible
Zouaq, A., Gagnon, M., & Ozell, B. (novembre 2009). A SUMO-based semantic analysis for knowledge extraction [Communication écrite]. 4th Language and Technology Conference (LTC 2009), Poznan, Poland. Non disponible
Zreik, I. G., & Pierre, S. (septembre 2009). Architecture pair-à-pair de grille de PCs de prochaine génération basée sur les services et les contraintes de qualité de service [Communication écrite]. 1st International Symposium on Mobile Computing and Networking (ISMCN 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Abbasi, S., Derdouri, A., & Carreau, P. (juin 2009). Effect of crystalline structure on morphology and properties of MWCNT nanocomposites [Communication écrite]. 67th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers (ANTEC 2009), Chicago, IL, United states. Lien externe
Abbasi, S., Derdouri, A., & Carreau, P. (août 2009). Effect of nanotube alignment on the morphology and properties of Polycarbonate/MWCNT nanocomposites [Communication écrite]. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Adouni, M., & Shirazi-Adl, A. (février 2009). Knee closed-kinetic-chain squat exercises generate high cartilage contact stresses and low ligament forces [Communication écrite]. 55th annual meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society, Las Vegas, Nevada. Lien externe
Akrout, K., Baron, L., & Wang, X. (mai 2009). Manipulateur sériel 6R sphérique isotrope pour toute orientation de l'effecteur [Isotropic Spherical 6R Serial Manipulator for Any Orientation of its End-Effector]. [Communication écrite]. Canadian Committee for the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms Symposium (CCToMM M3), Québec, QC (11 pages). Lien externe
Amini, A., Veilleux, D., & Villemure, I. (février 2009). Three-dimensional in situ morphology of viable porcine growth plate chondrocytes: a confocal microscopy study [Communication écrite]. 55th annual meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society, Las Vegas, Nevada. Lien externe
Andre, C., Vasilevskiy, D., Turenne, S., & Masut, R. A. (août 2008). Extruded bismuth-telluride-based n-type alloys for waste heat thermoelectric recovery applications [Communication écrite]. 27th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, Corvallis, Oregon. Publié dans Journal of Electronic Materials, 38(7). Lien externe
Badri, B., Thomas, M., Sassi, S., Zaghbani, I., Songméné, V., Lakis, A. A., & Mureithi, N. W. (mai 2009). Étude du comportement des roulements dans les rotors tournant à haute vitesse [Communication écrite]. 2e congrès international sur l'ingénierie des risques industriels (CIRI 2009), Reims, France (15 pages). Non disponible
Badri, B., Thomas, M., Sassi, S., Zaghbani, I., Songméné, V., Lakis, A. A., & Mureithi, N. W. (octobre 2009). Instabilité des fraiseuses opérant à haute vitesse, provoquée par l'intéraction des défauts de roulements avec les résonances [Communication écrite]. 27th Seminar on Machinery Vibration (CMVA 2009), Vancouver, B.C.. Lien externe
Balazinski, M., Beaton, H., Klim, Z. H., & Peloquin, F. (juin 2009). Hard Landing Indication System [Communication écrite]. COMADEM 2009, San Sebastian, Spain. Non disponible
Batailly, A., Legrand, M., Cartraud, P., Pierre, C., & Lombart, J.-P. (août 2009). Evaluation d'une méthode de réduction modale pour la détection de cas d'interaction modale lors de contacts rotor stator [Communication écrite]. 19eme Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM2009), Marseille, France. Lien externe
Bazrgari, B., Shirazi-Adl, A., & Arjmand, N. (juin 2009). Trunk seated biodynamic response to axial impact; effect of muscle coactivity [Communication écrite]. 4th International Conference on Whole Body Vibration Injuries, Montréal, Québec. Lien externe
Bazrgari, B., Shirazi-Adl, A., & Parnianpour, M. (février 2009). Kinematics-driven analysis of trunk response under sudden unloading [Communication écrite]. 55th annual meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society, Las Vegas, Nevada. Lien externe
Belanger, A., Vétel, J., Garon, A., & Pelletier, D. (mai 2009). Adaptive grid stretching for Lagrangian coherent structures identification [Communication écrite]. 11th Conference of the International Society for Grid Generation, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Brochu, M., Verreman, Y., Ajersch, F., & Bucher, L. (juillet 2009). Fatigue testing of a cast aluminum alloy : experimental challenges [Communication écrite]. 12th International Conference on Fracture, Ottawa, Ontario. Non disponible
Brochu, M., Verreman, Y., Ajersch, F., & Charette, N. (janvier 2008). Défis expérimentaux dans l'étude du comportement en fatigue de l'alliage A357 [Communication écrite]. Journée du REGAL 2008. Non disponible
Bureau, M., Maire, M., Diaz-Quijada, G., Robitaille, L., Ajji, A., & Merhi, Y. (juin 2009). Nonwoven pet fiber structures for vascular graft applications [Communication écrite]. 67th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers, Chicago, IL, United states. Lien externe
Camarero, R., Fortin, C., Huet, G., Raynauld, J., & Gerbe, O. (mars 2009). XML-based course syllabi: An electronic implementation of the CDIO syllabus [Communication écrite]. 1st International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Lisboa, Portugal. Non disponible
Cancel, M., Grimard, G., Thuillard-Crisinel, D., Moldovan, F., & Villemure, I. (février 2009). Effects of in Vivo Mechanical Loading on Extracellular Matrix Components of the Growth Plate [Communication écrite]. 55th annual meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society, Las Vegas, Nevada. Non disponible
Carreau, P., Abbasi, S., & Derdouri, A. (octobre 2009). Rheological properties and percolation behavior of polypropylene/multiwalled carbon nanotube composites [Communication écrite]. 81st Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology, Madison, WI, USA. Lien externe
Cauret, O., & Bernier, M. (juin 2009). Experimental validation of an underground compact collector model [Communication écrite]. Effstock 2009, Stockholm, Sweden. Non disponible
Chapuis, S., & Bernier, M. (juillet 2009). Seasonal storage of solar energy in boreholes [Communication écrite]. 11th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference and Exhibition, Glasgow. Non disponible
Charlot, L., Cori, J.-F., Étienne, S., & Pelletier, D. (juin 2009). Continuous eulerian and lagrangian sensitivities for the design of airfoils in laminar flow [Communication écrite]. 19th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Antonio, Texas. Lien externe
Charlot, L., Cori, J.-F., Étienne, S., & Pelletier, D. (mai 2009). Fast estimate of flows on nearby geometries using a Lagrangian sensitivity equation [Communication écrite]. Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. Non disponible
Charlot, L., Cori, J.-F., Étienne, S., & Pelletier, D. (mai 2009). Optimal design and uncertainty analysis of airfoils in laminar flows by a Lagrangian sensitivity equation method [Communication écrite]. CASI meeting. Non disponible
Charlot, L., Étienne, S., & Pelletier, D. (janvier 2009). A continuous Lagrangian sensitivity equation method for shape parameters [Communication écrite]. 46th AIAA ASM, Orlando, FL. Lien externe
Chioukh, L., Boutayeb, H., Li, L., Yahia, L., & Wu, K. (décembre 2009). Integrated radar systems for precision monitoring of heartbeat and respiratory status [Communication écrite]. Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2009), Singapore. Lien externe
Clin, T., Turenne, S., Vasilevskiy, D., & Masut, R. A. (août 2008). Numerical simulation of the thermomechanical behavior of extruded bismuth telluride alloy module [Communication écrite]. 27th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, Corvallis, Oregon. Publié dans Journal of Electronic Materials, 38(7). Lien externe
Drolet, M., Thomassin, J., Vo, H. D., & Mureithi, N. W. (juin 2009). Numerical Investigation Into Non-Synchronous Vibrations of Axial Flow Compressors by the Resonant Tip Clearance Flow [Communication écrite]. ASME Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air (GT 2009), Orlando, Florida, USA. Lien externe
Erkan, T., Mayer, J. R. R., & Dupont, Y. (octobre 2009). Compensation for the unknown geometry of a reconfigurable uncalibrated 3D ball artefact for fiveaxis machine volumetric check [Communication écrite]. 24th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Precision Engineering (ASPE 2009), Monterey, CA, United states. Non disponible
Eslami Nejad, P., & Bernier, M. (juillet 2009). Impact of grey water heat recovery on the electrical demand of domestic hot water heaters [Communication écrite]. 11th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference and Exhibition, Glasgow. Lien externe
Eslami Nejad, P., Langlois, A., Chapuis, S., Bernier, M., & Faraj, W. (juin 2009). Solar heat injection into boreholes [Communication écrite]. 4th annual Canadian solar buildings conference : plug into the sun, Toronto, Ont. Non disponible
Étienne, S., Fontaine, E., & Scolan, Y.-M. (juin 2009). Vortex- and wake-induced vibrations of two and three cylinders arranged in-line [Communication écrite]. 19th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Osaka, Japan. Non disponible
Étienne, S., Garon, A., & Pelletier, D. (juin 2009). Geometric conservation law and finite element methods for 3D unsteady simulations of incompressible flow [Communication écrite]. 39th AIAA Fluid Dynamic Conference & Exhibit, San Antonio, Texas. Lien externe
Étienne, S., Pelletier, D., & Garon, A. (janvier 2009). Verification of unsteady flows simulations with high order time-stepping schemes [Communication écrite]. 46th AIAA ASM, Orlando, FL. Lien externe
Étienne, S., Pelletier, D., Garon, A., & Cameron, C. (janvier 2009). Aurelia aurita's flight: finite element modeling of a jellyfish self-propulsion [Communication écrite]. 46th AIAA ASM, Orlando, FL. Lien externe
Étienne, S., Pelletier, D., Garon, A., & Cameron, C. (juin 2009). Philiadium gregarum versus aurelia aurita : on propulsion efficiency in jellyfish [Communication écrite]. 39th AIAA Fluid Dynamic Conference & Exhibit, San Antonio, Texas. Non disponible
Fauteux, C., Smirani, R., Pegna, J., El Khakani, M. A., & Therriault, D. (mai 2008). Fast synthesis of ZnO nanostructures by laser-induced chemical liquid deposition [Communication écrite]. European Material Research Society Spring Meeting 2008 - Symposium B: Laser and Plasma in Micro- and Nano-Scale Materials Processing and Diagnostics, Strasbourg, France. Publié dans Applied Surface Science, 255(10). Lien externe
Fossa, M., Cauret, O., & Bernier, M. (juin 2009). Comparing the thermal performance of ground heat exchangers of various lengths [Communication écrite]. Effstock 2009, Stockholm, Sweden. Non disponible
Gamacurta, E., Étienne, S., & Pelletier, D. (janvier 2009). Unsteady RANS computations with and adaptive finite element method [Communication écrite]. 46th AIAA ASM, Orlando, FL. Non disponible
Gammacurta, E., Étienne, S., & Pelletier, D. (mai 2009). Adaptive grids for unsteady RANS flows [Communication écrite]. CASI meeting, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Gammacurta, E., Étienne, S., & Pelletier, D. (mai 2009). Adaptive grids for URANS equations [Communication écrite]. 11th Conference of the International Society for Grid Generation, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Gammacurta, E., Étienne, S., & Pelletier, D. (juin 2009). Sensitivity analysis of unsteady RANS flows [Communication écrite]. 19th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Antonio, Texas. Lien externe
Garcia, J. A., Gascón, L., Chinesta, F., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (juin 2009). An approach to simulate the saturation in RTM/VARI process [Communication écrite]. 3rd Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference, Alcoy, Spain. Non disponible
Gemme, F., Verreman, Y., Jahazi, M., & Dubourg, L. (janvier 2008). Étude expérimentale et numérique de l'histoire thermo-mécanique du soudage par friction-malaxage [Communication écrite]. Journée du REGAL 2008. Non disponible
Guiet, J., Reggio, M., & Teyssedou, A. (mai 2009). Application of the Lattice - Boltzmann method to the calculation of the aerodynamic parameters on clean and ice-accreted airfoils [Communication écrite]. 17th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. Non disponible
Haidar, A., Boukas, E.-K., Xu, S., & Lam, J. (juin 2009). Exponential stability and static output feedback stabilization of singular time-delay systems with saturating actuators [Communication écrite]. American Control Conference, St. Louis, MO, United states. Lien externe
Huet, G., Vadean, A., Spooner, D., & Camarero, R. (septembre 2009). Knowledge management : a new educational challenge for student design projects [Communication écrite]. 11th Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Brighton, England. Lien externe
Kerboua, Y., Lakis, A. A., Thomas, M., Marcouiller, L., & Toorani, M. H. (juillet 2009). Critical velocity of potential flow in interaction with a system of plates [Communication écrite]. 17th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2009), Brussels, Belgium. Lien externe
Kerboua, Y., Lakis, A. A., Thomas, M., Marcouiller, L., & Toorani, M. H. (septembre 2009). Hybrid element in fluid-structure interaction of plates and shells [Communication écrite]. 12th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Madeira, Portugal. Non disponible
Khan, K. A., Gudlur, P., Barello, R., Muliana, A. H., & Lévesque, M. (juin 2009). Heat conduction and thermal stresses in particulate composites [Communication écrite]. 8th International Congress on Thermal Stresses, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA. Non disponible
Kim, E.-J., Roux, J.-J., Bernier, M., & Cauret, O. (mai 2009). Problématique de la modélisation des échangeurs géothermiques verticaux [Communication écrite]. IXe Colloque inter-universitaire Franco-Québécois, Lille. Non disponible
Kuhn, M., Rao, R. B., & Therriault, D. (avril 2009). Viscoelastic inks for direct-write microfabrication of single-chamber micro solid oxide fuel cells with coplanar thick electrodes [Communication écrite]. Material Systems and Processes for Three-Dimensional Micro- and Nanoscale Fabrication and Lithography, San Francicso, CA, United states. Lien externe
Kummert, M. (juin 2023). Integrated heat pump systems modelling, design and performance simulation [Communication écrite]. Scottish Energy Systems Group workshop on Heat Pumps, Glasgow, UK. Non disponible
Kummert, M., Dempster, W., & McLean, K. (juillet 2009). Thermal analysis of a data centre cooling system under fault conditions [Communication écrite]. Building simulation 2009 (IBPSA world), Glasgow, UK. Lien externe
Laberge Lebel, L., Aissa, B., Khakani, M. A. E., & Therriault, D. (avril 2009). Ultraviolet-assisted direct-write fabrication of three-dimensional microstructures [Communication écrite]. MRS Spring Meeting, Boston, MA, USA. Non disponible
Lacroix, S., De Marcellis-Warin, N., Riopel, D., Ross, A., & Bernandini, N. (novembre 2009). La chaire Marianne-Mareschal à l'École Polytechnique de Montréal [Communication écrite]. 2nd International PROMETEA Conference, Paris, France. Non disponible
Lakis, A. A., & Toorani, M. H. (juillet 2009). Application of time-frequency method in fault diagnosis of rotating machinery [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Conference on Integrity, Reliability & Failure, Porto, Portugal. Non disponible
Lebel, F., Ruiz, E., Dulong, S., & Trochu, F. (septembre 2009). Experimental investigation of dual-scale reinforcement imbibition [Communication écrite]. Joint American Society for Composites/Association for Composite Structure and Materials Conference, Newark, Delaware. Non disponible
Ma, S., & Boukas, E.-K. (août 2009). A descriptor system approach to sliding mode control for uncertain Markov jump systems [Communication écrite]. 7th Asian Control Conference, Hong Kong, China. Non disponible
Ma, S., & Boukas, E.-K. (juin 2009). Robust quadratic control of discrete-time singular markov jump systems with bounded transition probabilities [Communication écrite]. American Control Conference, St. Louis, MO, United states. Lien externe
Ma, S., & Boukas, E.-K. (juin 2009). Stability and H control for discrete-time singular systems subject to actuator saturation [Communication écrite]. American Control Conference, St. Louis, MO, United states. Lien externe
Mahvash, A., Oulmane, A., & Lakis, A. A. (juin 2009). Development of an intelligent health monitoring system for rotating machinery and structural components [Communication écrite]. CANEUS Fly-by-Wireless Workshop (FBW 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Mascle, C. (juin 2009). Conception pour la renaissance et structure des données [Communication écrite]. 8e Congrès international de génie industriel, Bagnères de Bigorre, France. Non disponible
Mascle, C. (juin 2009). Decision support system for sustainable product design and manufacturing [Communication écrite]. 42nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Grenoble, France. Non disponible
Mascle, C. (novembre 2009). Product modelling and decision support system for product EOL [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM 2009). Lien externe
Miao, H., Perron, C., & Lévesque, M. (mai 2009). Finite element simulation and experimental study of stress peen forming process [Communication écrite]. CASI Aircraft Design and Development Symposium, Kanata, Canada. Non disponible
Murphy, G. B., Kummert, M., Anderson, B. R., & Counsell, J. (juillet 2009). A comparison of the UK standard assessment procedure (SAP) and detailed simulation of building-integrated renewable energy systems [Communication écrite]. Building simulation 2009 (IBPSA world), Glasgow, UK. Lien externe
Murray, M. C., Finlayson, N., Kummert, M., & Macbeth, J. (juillet 2009). Live energy TRNSYS : TRNSYS simulation within Google sketchup [Communication écrite]. Building simulation 2009 (IBPSA world), Glasgow, UK. Lien externe
Musa, K., Chu, J., Derdouri, A., & Hrymak, A. (juin 2009). The morphology of micro-injection molded polyoxymethylene [Communication écrite]. 67th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers, Chicago, IL, United states. Non disponible
Nafi, A., Mayer, J. R. R., & Wozniak, A. (octobre 2009). Redundancy method for the separation of machine and triggering probe errors in small volume measurement on a CMM [Communication écrite]. 24th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Precision Engineering (ASPE 2009), Monterey, CA, United states. Non disponible
Navah, F., Étienne, S., & Pelletier, D. (janvier 2009). Coupled and semi-coupled finite element algorithms for the k-[epsilon] model [Communication écrite]. 46th AIAA ASM, Orlando, FL. Lien externe
Nouanegue, H. F., Peysson, P., Costes, V., & Bernier, M. (mai 2009). Influence de la température ambiante et du flux géothermique sur le transfert thermique dans un puits géothermqiue vertical [Communication écrite]. IXe Colloque inter-universitaire Franco-Québécois, Lille. Non disponible
Nouanegue, H. F., Shirazi, A. S., & Bernier, M. (juin 2009). Extracted heat from geothermal boreholes : where does the energy come from [Communication écrite]. 4th annual Canadian solar buildings conference : plug into the sun, Toronto, Ont.. Non disponible
Ouahabi, A., Thomas, M., & Lakis, A. A. (mai 2009). Hybrid monitoring of crack location in riveted plates by combining an experimental modal analysis with numerical models [Communication écrite]. 2e congrès international sur l'ingénierie des risques industriels (CIRI 2009), Reims, France. Non disponible
Oulmane, A., Lakis, A. A., Mureithi, N. W., & Safizadeh, M. S. (juin 2009). The application of time-frequency analysis in rotating machinery fault diagnostic [Communication écrite]. 22nd International Congress and Exhibition on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM 2009), San Sebastian, Spain. Non disponible
Palaisi, D., Guibault, R., Thomas, M., Lakis, A. A., & Mureithi, N. W. (octobre 2009). Simulations numériques du comportement vibratoire d'engrenages endommagés [Numerical simulations of damaged gear vibrations]. [Communication écrite]. 27th Seminar on Machinery Vibration (CMVA 2009), Vancouver, B.C.. Lien externe
Pelletier, D. (mai 2009). CFD : Dynamique des fluides et aérodynamique numériques [Communication écrite]. Journée de la recherche École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Pelletier, D. (mars 2009). Simulation based engineering: Challenge in verification, validation, and uncertainty analysis [Communication écrite]. Computational Mechanics: the Next Decade, Fairfax, VA. Non disponible
Popov, A. V., Fehri, M. F., Chambon, R. P., Marleau, G., Teyssedou, A., Olekhnovitch, A., Popescu, O. M., & Mureithi, N. W. (mai 2009). Ensuring negative coolant-void reactivity in CANDU Generation III+ [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Mathematics, Computational Methods and Reactor Physics, Saratoga Springs, NY, United states. Non disponible
Reggio, M., Ubertini, S., Succi, S., & Bella, G. (mai 2009). Application of the residual distribution methodology to the lattice [Communication écrite]. 17th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. Non disponible
Ren, Q., Balazinski, M., & Baron, L. (octobre 2009). Uncertainty prediction for tool wear condition using type-2 TSK fuzzy approach [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, San Antonio, Texas, USA. Lien externe
Ren, Q., Baron, L., & Balazinski, M. (juin 2009). Application of Type-2 fuzzy estimation on uncertainty in machining: an approach on acoustic emission during turning process [Communication écrite]. 28th North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Annual Conference. Lien externe
Ren, Q., Baron, L., & Balazinski, M. (août 2009). Type-2 TSK Fuzzy filtering and uncertainty estimation for acoustic emission in precision manufacturing [Communication écrite]. International Symposium on Computational Intelligence, Honolulu, Hawaii. Lien externe
Rigaud, M. (octobre 2009). FIRE : New challenges ahead [Communication écrite]. Unified International Technical Conference Refractories, Salvador, Brazil. Non disponible
Rousseau, B., & Baron, L. (mai 2009). Isotropie des manipulateurs parallèles de la classe H4 [Communication écrite]. CCToMM Mechanisms, Machines and Mechatronics (M3) Symposium, Québec, Canada (12 pages). Lien externe
Ruiz, E., & Achim, V. (juillet 2009). RTM process analysis and on-line characterization [Communication écrite]. 17th International Conference on Composite Materials, Edinburgh, UK. Lien externe
Sabri, F., & Lakis, A. A. (mai 2009). Hydroelastic vibration of partially liquid-filled circular cylindrical shells under combined internal pressure and axial compression [Communication écrite]. 50th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Palm Springs, California. Lien externe
Sabri, F., & Lakis, A. A. (juin 2009). Supersonic flutter of empty and partially liquid-filled circular cylindrical shells [Communication écrite]. 14th International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics, Seattle, WA. Non disponible
Sabri, F., Lakis, A. A., & Toorani, M. H. (septembre 2009). Hybrid finite element method in supersonic flutter analysis of circular cylindrical shells [Communication écrite]. 31st International Conference on Boundary Elements and Other Mesh Reduction Methods (BEM/MRM 2009), New Forest, United kingdom. Lien externe
Sergerie, K., Gennaro, B., Eveno, A. S., Dubois-Rious, M. C., Lacoursière, M. O., & Villemure, I. (février 2009). Intrinsic mechanical properties of porcine growth plate vary with developmental stages [Communication écrite]. 55th annual meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society, Las Vegas, Nevada. Non disponible
Sghir, K. A., El Badaoui, M., Thomas, M., Zaghbani, I., Songméné, V., Lakis, A. A., & Mureithi, N. W. (mai 2009). Identification aveugle paramétrique de la fonction de réponse impulsionnelle basée sur la cyclostationnarité de second ordre à partir des réponses seulement [Communication écrite]. 2e congrès international sur l'ingénierie des risques industriels (CIRI 2009), Reims, France. Non disponible
Shirazi, R., & Shirazi-Adl, A. (février 2009). Partial meniscectomy changes contact stress distribution in knee joint under combined loading [Communication écrite]. 55th annual meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society, Las Vegas, Nevada. Lien externe
Shirazi, R., Shirazi-Adl, A., & Hurtig, M. (février 2009). Vertical collagen fibrils play a crucial mechanical role in articular cartilage of knee joints under compression [Communication écrite]. 55th annual meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society, Las Vegas, Nevada. Non disponible
Slamani, M., Mayer, J. R. R., Balazinski, M., & Engin, S. (mai 2009). Modeling and prediction of machines tools errors from circular tests [Communication écrite]. CANCAM 2009, Halifax. Non disponible
Sola, M., Jetté, M.-A., Fotsing, R., Cimmino, M., Ross, A., & Ruiz, E. (juillet 2009). Analytical and experimental study of embedded damping elements in composite applications [Communication écrite]. 17th International Conference on Composite Materials, Edinburgh, UK. Non disponible
Spitler, J. D., Cullin, J. R., Lee, E., Fisher, D. E., Bernier, M., Kummert, M., Cui, P., & Liu, X. (juin 2009). Preliminary intermodel comparison of ground heat exchanger simulation models [Communication écrite]. Effstock 2009, Stockholm, Sweden. Non disponible
Spooner, D., Huet, G., Fortin, C., Vadean, A., & Niewoehner, R. (juin 2009). The assessment of engineering reasoning recorded in student engineering design journal [Communication écrite]. 5th International CDIO Conference, Singapore. Lien externe
Surcel, M., Buzatu, P., & Vadean, A. (août 2009). Numerical simulation for evaluating child occupant behaviour in the case of a rear impact [Communication écrite]. International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Stuttgart, Germany. Non disponible
Trochu, F., Demaria, C., Ruiz, E., Dambrine, B., & Gordon, T. (septembre 2009). RTM process simulation and optimization of composite fan blades reinforced by 3D woven fabrics [Communication écrite]. Joint American Society for Composites/Association for Composite Structure and Materials Conference, Newark, Delaware. Non disponible
Verreman, Y., & Guo, H. (juillet 2009). Short cracks at notches and fatigue life prediction [Communication écrite]. 12th International Conference on Fracture, Ottawa, Ontario. Non disponible
Viau, J. L., Baptiste, P., & Mascle, C. (novembre 2009). Airframe dismantling optimization for aerospace aluminum valorization [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM 2009), Suwon, Korea. Lien externe
Vidal, D., Ridgway, C., Pianet, G., Schoelkopf, J., Roy, R., & Bertrand, F. (août 2008). Effect of particle size distribution and packing compression on fluid permeability : A comparison of experiments and Monte-Carlo/Lattice-Boltzmann simulations [Communication écrite]. Fundamental and Applied Pulp & Paper Modelling Symposium, Trois-Rivières, Québec. Non disponible
Villalpando, F., Reggio, M., & Ilinca, A. (mai 2009). Numerical simulation over clean and iced wind turbine blades [Communication écrite]. 17th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. Non disponible
Villalpando, F., Reggio, M., & Ilinca, A. (septembre 2009). Turbulent flow simulation over ice-accreted wind turbine blades [Communication écrite]. CanWEA 2009 : infinite possibilities. The 25th annual CanWEA conference and exhibition, Toronto, Ont.. Non disponible
Vu, V. H., Thomas, M., Lakis, A. A., & Marcouiller, L. (mai 2009). Online monitoring of varying modal parameters by operating modal analysis and model updating [Communication écrite]. 2nd International Conference on Industrial Risk Engineering (CIRI 2009), Reims, France (19 pages). Lien externe
Vu, V. H., Thomas, M., Lakis, A. A., & Marcouiller, L. (juillet 2009). Operational modal analysis by short time autoregressive modeling [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Conference on Integrity, Reliability & Failure (IRF 2009), Porto, Portugal. Non disponible
Vu, V. H., Thomas, M., Lakis, A. A., & Marcouiller, L. (octobre 2009). Software for operational modal analysis and automatic identification of modal parameters [Communication écrite]. 27th Seminar on Machinery Vibration (CMVA 2009), Vancouver, B.C. (16 pages). Lien externe
Wang, X., & Baron, L. (mai 2009). Topological synthesis of translational parallel manipulators [Communication écrite]. Canadian Committee for the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms Symposium (CCToMM M3), Québec, Québec. Publié dans Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 33(4). Lien externe
Wang, X., Aubin, C.-É., Labelle, H., & Crandall, D. (juillet 2009). Biomechanical comparison of two instrumentation techniques: rod derotation vs. direct incremental segmental translation [Communication écrite]. 16th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST 2009), Vienna, Austria. Lien externe
Wang, X., Aubin, C.-É., Labelle, H., & Crandall, D. (novembre 2009). Rod derotation vs. direct incremental segmental translation: a biomechanical analysis [Communication écrite]. 24th Annual Meeting of the North American Spine Society (NASS 2009), San Francisco, Calif.. Non disponible
Wozniak, A., & Mayer, J. R. R. (octobre 2009). Corrected measured point validity check in coordinate metrology [Communication écrite]. 24th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Precision Engineering (ASPE 2009), Monterey, CA, United states. Non disponible
Zhang, X., Boukas, E.-K., & Baron, L. (août 2009). Design of stabilizing controllers for high order feedforward nonlinear systems with delayed input [Communication écrite]. 7th Asian Control Conference, Hong Kong, China. Lien externe
Alcaro, F., Dulla, S., Marleau, G., Mund, E., & Ravetto, P. (juillet 2009). Development of dynamic models for neutron transport calculations [Communication écrite]. XXI International Conference on Transport Theroy, Torino, Italy. Lien externe
Andre, C., Vasilevskiy, D., Turenne, S., & Masut, R. A. (août 2008). Extruded bismuth-telluride-based n-type alloys for waste heat thermoelectric recovery applications [Communication écrite]. 27th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, Corvallis, Oregon. Publié dans Journal of Electronic Materials, 38(7). Lien externe
Bergeron, S., Vanier, F., & Peter, Y.-A. (août 2009). Silica microdisk coupled resonator optical waveguide [Communication écrite]. IEEE/LEOS International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, Clearwater, Florida. Lien externe
Berlin, G., Brassard, G., Bussières, F., & Godbout, N. (août 2009). A Fair Loss-Tolerant Quantum Coin Flipping Protocol [Communication écrite]. 9th International Conference on Quantum Communications, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2009), Calgary, AL, Canada. Publié dans AIP Conference Proceedings, 1110(1). Lien externe
Berzowska, J., & Skorobogatiy, M. A. (août 2009). Karma Chameleon: Jacquard-woven photonic fiber display [Communication écrite]. 36th International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH 2009), New Orleans, Louisiana. Lien externe
Bidaud, A., Marleau, G., & Noblat, E. (mai 2009). Nuclear data uncertainty analysis using the coupling of DRAGON with SUSD3D [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Mathematics, Computational Methods and Reactor Physics 2009, Saratoga Springs, NY, United states. Non disponible
Bisaillon, C.-E., Lanthier, M.-M., Dufour, M. L., & Lamouche, G. (janvier 2009). Durable coronary artery phantoms for optical coherence tomography [Communication écrite]. Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics V, San Jose, CA, United states. Lien externe
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Boudoux, C., Leuin, S. C., Oh, W. Y., Suter, M. J., Desjardins, A. E., Vakoc, B. J., Bouma, B. E., Hartnick, C. J., & Tearney, G. J. (mai 2008). Optical microscopy of the pediatric vocal fold: Presentations from the american society of pediatricotolaryngology 2008 annual meeting [Communication écrite]. 23rd annual meeting of the American society of pediatricotolaryngology, Orlando, FL. Publié dans Archives of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 135(1). Lien externe
Bourezak, R., Lamouche, G., & Cheriet, F. (juillet 2009). Artery wall extraction from intravascular oct images [Communication écrite]. 6th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR 2009), Halifax, NS, Canada. Lien externe
Carignan, L. P., Massicotte, M., Caloz, C., Yelon, A., & Ménard, D. (mai 2009). Magnetization process in ferromagnetic nanowire arrays [Communication écrite]. IEEE Inter-Mag, Sacramento, CA. Non disponible
Carignan, L.-P., Kodera, T., Yelon, A., Caloz, C., & Ménard, D. (septembre 2009). Integrated and self-biased planar magnetic microwave circuits based on ferromagnetic nanowire substrates [Communication écrite]. European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2009), Rome, Italy. Lien externe
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Carrion, L., Hamel, E., Leblanc-Hotte, A., Boudoux, C., Guenat, O. T., & Maciejko, R. (mai 2009). Characterization of microfluidic systems with Doppler optical coherence tomography [Communication écrite]. Photonics North 2009, Québec, Canada. Lien externe
Çetinörgü, E., Geron, N., Goldsmith, S., & Boxman, R. L. (octobre 2008). Phase determination of filtered vacuum arc deposited TiO₂ thin films by optical modeling [Communication écrite]. International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Oxides held in Hersonissos, Crete, Greece. Publié dans Thin Solid Films, 518(4). Lien externe
Chilian, C., & Kennedy, G. G. (mars 2009). A strategy for managing ageing components of a slowpoke reactor [Communication écrite]. RRFM 2009 : 13th international topical meeting on Research Reactor Fuel Management, Vienna, Austria. Non disponible
Clin, T., Turenne, S., Vasilevskiy, D., & Masut, R. A. (août 2008). Numerical simulation of the thermomechanical behavior of extruded bismuth telluride alloy module [Communication écrite]. 27th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, Corvallis, Oregon. Publié dans Journal of Electronic Materials, 38(7). Lien externe
Corbeil, J.-S., Slater, J. A., Kudlinski, A., Bouwmans, S., Virally, S., Bussières, F., Leduc, M., Lacroix, S., & Godbout, N. (janvier 2009). Photons annoncés générés dans une fibre microstructurée [Communication écrite]. OPTIQUE Lille 2009. Non disponible
Courau, T., Sjoden, G., & Marleau, G. (mai 2009). PWR assembly transport calculation: A validation benchmark using DRAGON, PENTRAN, and MCNP [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Mathematics, Computational Methods and Reactor Physics 2009, Saratoga Springs, NY, United states. Non disponible
Dion, M., & Marleau, G. (mai 2009). Comparison of probabilistic and deterministic error propagation calculations in DRAGON [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Mathematics, Computational Methods and Reactor Physics 2009, Saratoga Springs, NY, United states. Non disponible
Dufay, B., Saez, S., Denoual, M., Dolabdjian, C., Ludwig, F., Heim, E., Schilling, M., Melo, L., Yelon, A., & Ménard, D. (juin 2008). Magnetorelaxometry of nanoparticles using a GMI magnetometer [Communication écrite]. European magnetic sensors and actuators conference (EMSA 2008), Caen, France. Publié dans Sensor Letters, 7(3). Lien externe
Dufay, B., Saez, S., Dolabdjian, C., Seddaoui, D., Yelon, A., & Ménard, D. (juin 2008). Improved GMI sensors using strongly-coupled thin pick-up coils [Communication écrite]. European magnetic sensors and actuators conference (EMSA 2008), Caen, France. Publié dans Sensor Letters, 7(3). Lien externe
Dupuis, A., Hassani, A., & Skorobogatiy, M. A. (juin 2009). Design and fabrication of subwavelength THz fibers with multiple holes [Communication écrite]. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2009 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Baltimore, MD, United states. Lien externe
Gauvreau, B., Guo, N., Schicker, K., Stoeffler, K., Boismenu, F., Ajji, A., Dubois, C., & Skorobogatiy, M. A. (juin 2009). Colorful photonic band gap fiber-based textiles [Communication écrite]. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2009 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Baltimore, MD, United states. Lien externe
Gigout, A., Major, A., Girard-Lauriault, P.-L., Wertheimer, M. R., Lereouge, S., & Jolicoeur, M. (avril 2009). PPE:N coatings on PET films enhance HUVEC adhesion and -retention under flow [Communication écrite]. 5th International Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology, Québec. Non disponible
Guiet, J., Reggio, M., & Teyssedou, A. (mai 2009). Application of the Lattice - Boltzmann method to the calculation of the aerodynamic parameters on clean and ice-accreted airfoils [Communication écrite]. 17th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. Non disponible
Hassani, A., & Skorobogatiy, M. A. (juin 2009). Ferroelectric PVDF-based Surface Plasmon Resonance-like integrated sensor at terahertz frequencies for gaseous analytes [Communication écrite]. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2009 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Baltimore, MD, United states. Lien externe
Hébert, A. (mai 2009). An investigation of the temperature correlation effect in lattice calculations [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Mathematics, Computational Methods and Reactor Physics 2009, Saratoga Springs, NY, United states. Non disponible
Kang, D.K., Suter, M. J., Boudoux, C., Yachimski, P. S., Bouma, B. E., Nishioka, N. S., & Tearney, G. J. (mars 2009). Combined spectrally encoded confocal microscopy and optical frequency domain imaging system [Communication écrite]. Endoscopic Microscopy IV, San Jose, CA, USA (7 pages). Lien externe
Kumar, S. A., Peter, Y.-A., & Nadeau, J. (avril 2009). Biosynthesis, separation and conjugation of gold nanoparticles to doxorubicin for cellular uptake and toxicity [Communication écrite]. 35th IEEE Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Boston, Massachusetts. Lien externe
Labonté, L., Pone, E., Skorobogatiy, M. A., Godbout, N., Lacroix, S., & Pagnoux, D. (avril 2009). Analysis of the birefringence of solid-core air-silica microstructured fibers [Communication écrite]. Photonic Crystal Fibers III, Prague, Czech republic. Lien externe
Labonté, L., Pone, E., Skorobogatiy, M. A., Godbout, N., Lacroix, S., & Pagnoux, D. (avril 2009). Understanding form Birefringence of microstructured fibres [Communication écrite]. SPIE Europe : Optics+ Optoelectronics, Prague, Czech Republic. Non disponible
Lacroix, S., De Marcellis-Warin, N., Riopel, D., Ross, A., & Bernandini, N. (novembre 2009). La chaire Marianne-Mareschal à l'École Polytechnique de Montréal [Communication écrite]. 2nd International PROMETEA Conference, Paris, France. Non disponible
Leroyer, H., & Marleau, G. (mai 2009). Dragon evaluation of the effect of heterogeneous environment on PWR assemblies [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Mathematics, Computational Methods and Reactor Physics 2009, Saratoga Springs, NY, United states. Non disponible
MacQueen, L. A., Buschmann, M. D., & Wertheimer, M. R. (avril 2009). Mechanical behavior of individual mammalian cells measured by electro-deformation [Communication écrite]. 5th International Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology, Québec. Non disponible
Martin, N., Hébert, A., Fernex, F., Bernard, F., & Miss, J. (mai 2009). Application of advanced self-shielding models to criticality-safety studies [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Mathematics, Computational Methods and Reactor Physics 2009, Saratoga Springs, NY, United states. Non disponible
Ménard, D., Seddaoui, D., Melo, L. G. C., Yelon, A., Dufay, B., Saez, S., & Dolabdjian, C. (juin 2008). Perspectives in giant magnetoimpedance magnetometry [Communication écrite]. European magnetic sensors and actuators conference (EMSA 2008), Caen, France. Publié dans Sensor Letters, 7(3). Lien externe
Miville-Godin, C., MacQueen, L. A., Bychkow, S., Wertheimer, M. R., & Guenat, O. T. (avril 2009). Ion-selective microelectrode integrated in a PDMS microfluidic platform for the detection of extracellular potassium efflux [Communication écrite]. 5th International Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology, Québec. Non disponible
Phone, E., Quequempois, Y., & Lacroix, S. (juillet 2009). Calcul des pertes par courbure avec la méthode intégrale de frontière [Communication écrite]. OPTIQUE Lille 2009, Lille, France. Non disponible
Popov, A. V., Assawaroongruengchot, M., Marleau, G., Hébert, A., & Karthikeyan, R. (mai 2009). Validating models for coolant void reactivity evaluation in CANDU Generation III+ [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Mathematics, Computational Methods and Reactor Physics 2009, Saratoga Springs, NY, United states. Non disponible
Popov, A. V., Fehri, M. F., Chambon, R. P., Marleau, G., Teyssedou, A., Olekhnovitch, A., Popescu, O. M., & Mureithi, N. W. (mai 2009). Ensuring negative coolant-void reactivity in CANDU Generation III+ [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Mathematics, Computational Methods and Reactor Physics, Saratoga Springs, NY, United states. Non disponible
Santato, C., Loranger, S., Banville, D., Federico, R., & Dmiytro, P. (mars 2009). Harvesting lost photons: Minimizing sub-bandgap losses in organic photovoltaic devices by up-conversion [Résumé]. American Physical Society March Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland. Non disponible
Sevigny, B., Leduc, M., Faucher, M., Godbout, N., & Lacroix, S. (juin 2009). Characterization of the large index modification caused by electrical discharge in optical fibers [Communication écrite]. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2009 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Baltimore, MD, United states. Lien externe
Skorobogatiy, M. A. (octobre 2009). Polymer microstructured optical fibers-overview of the novel geometries and functional plastics for a variety of applications including photonic textiles and high bit rate data communications, low-loss mid-ir and thz guiding, as well as plasmonic sensing and nanophotonics [Communication écrite]. 15th Microoptics Conference, Tokyo, Japan. Non disponible
Soudagar, Y., Xing, X., Kashefi, E., Godbout, N., & Steinberg, A. M. (juin 2009). Demonstration of a loop cluster for quantum information applications [Communication écrite]. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2009 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Baltimore, MD, United states. Lien externe
St-Gelais, R., Masson, J., & Peter, Y.-A. (janvier 2009). High resolution microfluidic refractometer for biomedical applications [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology, Québec City, Canada. Non disponible
Virally, S., Corbeil, J.-S., Labonté, L., Godbout, N., & Lacroix, S. (janvier 2009). Accords de phase d'instabilités de modulation vectorielles dans les fibres microstructurées biréfingentes [Communication écrite]. OPTIQUE Lille 2009. Non disponible
Virally, S., Corbeil, J.-S., Slater, J., Kudlinski, A., Bouwmans, G., Labonté, L., Bussières, F., Leduc, M., Tittel, W., Godbout, N., & Lacroix, S. (janvier 2009). Fibres microstructurées conçues pour la conception de sources non classiques de photons [Communication écrite]. COLOQ Nice 2009. Non disponible
Abdernazak, B., & Yacout, S. (mai 2009). LAD-CBM: new data processing tool for diagnosis and prognosis in condition-based maintenance [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Agard, B., & Barajas, M. (juin 2009). Fuzzy product configuration based on market segmentation to form a product family [Communication écrite]. 42nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Grenoble, France. Non disponible
Allaoui, H., Iassinoski, S., Artiba, H., Benmassour, R., & Pellerin, R. (mai 2009). Simulation aided jointly scheduling n jobs and preventive maintenance on a single machine subject to breakdowns [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Baffoun, S., Robert, J.-M., & Gargouri, I. (octobre 2009). Étude de la performance de quatre modèles de présentation de formulaires sur un assistant numérique personnel [Communication écrite]. 21e Conference Internationale Francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM 2009), Grenoble, France. Lien externe
Barajas, M., & Agard, B. (mai 2009). Iterative product configuration with fuzzy logic [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Barajas, M., & Agard, B. (mai 2009). Product family design applying fuzzy logic [Communication écrite]. Conférence annuelle du CIRRELT, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Baud-Lavigne, B., Agard, B., & Penz, B. (mai 2009). Développement d'un outil d'aide à la décision pour la conception intégrée d'une chaîne logistique [Communication écrite]. Conférence annuelle du CIRRELT, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Beaudry, C. (décembre 2009). La collaboration d'innovation de la biotechnologie au Canada [Communication écrite]. Journée du CIRST, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Beaudry, C. (décembre 2009). Collaboration et réseaux d'innovation de biotechnologie : état des lieux [Communication écrite]. Journée du CIRST, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Beaudry, C. (octobre 2009). Collaboration et réseaux d'innovation de biotechnologie : État des lieux, risques et opportunités [Communication écrite]. 7e Forum de l'industrie chimique, Boucherville. Non disponible
Beaudry, C. (mai 2011). Usager producteur d'innovation [Communication écrite]. CIRST Working Group on Innovation, Production and User Contribution, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Beaudry, C., & Clerk-Lamalice, M. (mai 2009). Impact de la recherche subventionnée en biotechnologie au Québec [Communication écrite]. Conférence de la Société canadienne de science économique, Ste-Adèle. Non disponible
Beaudry, C., & Clerk-Lamalice, M. (mai 2009). Impact of Canadian Biotechnology University Research Funding [Communication écrite]. Conférence de l'Association canadienne d'économique, Toronto. Non disponible
Beaudry, C., & Clerk-Lamalice, M. (juin 2009). Impact of Québec University Research Financing in Biotechnology [Communication écrite]. Conference Triple Helix, Glasgow. Non disponible
Beaudry, C., & Doloreux, C. (mai 2009). Collaboration within knowledge intensive business services (KIBS) : with whom and from where? [Communication écrite]. Symposium Uddevalla, Bari. Non disponible
Beaudry, C., & Doloreux, C. (septembre 2009). Collaboration within knowledge intensive business services (KIBS) : with whom and from where? [Communication écrite]. 19th International RESER Conference, Budapest. Non disponible
Beaudry, C., & Schiffauerova, A. (juin 2009). Clusters et réseaux canadiens de nanotechnologie [Communication écrite]. Conférence de l'Association internationale de management stratégique, Grenoble, France (39 pages). Non disponible
Beaudry, C., & Schiffauerova, A. (juin 2009). Structure de la collaboration d'invention : le cas des inventeurs canadiens de nanotechnologie [Communication écrite]. Conférence de l'Association internationale de management stratégique, Grenoble, France. Lien externe
Belbekkouche, A., Hafid, A., & Gendreau, M. (septembre 2009). Adaptive Routing and Contention Resolution Approaches for OBS Networks with QoS differentiation [Communication écrite]. 6th International ICST Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks, and Systems (BROADNETS 2009), Madrid, Spain. Lien externe
Benyamina, D., Hafid, A., & Gendreau, M. (novembre 2009). Gateways Congestion-Aware Design of Multi-radio Wireless Networks [Communication écrite]. 6th International ICST Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness, QShine 2009 and 3rd International Workshop on Advanced Architectures and Algorithms for Internet Delivery and Applications, AAA-IDEA 2009, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria. Lien externe
Benyamina, D., Hafid, A., & Gendreau, M. (novembre 2009). On the Design of Bi-Connected Wireless Mesh Network Infrastructure with QoS Constraints [Communication écrite]. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2009), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (8 pages). Lien externe
Bernard, S. (juin 2009). Democracy, inequality and the environment when citizens can mitigate privately or act collectively [Communication écrite]. 17th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Amsterdam, Netherlands. Non disponible
Bernard, S. (juin 2009). Democracy, inequality and the environment when citizens can mitigate privately or act collectively [Communication écrite]. 8èmes Journées Louis-André Gérard-Varet, Marseille, France. Non disponible
Bernard, S. (février 2009). A dynamic principal-agent problem as a feedback stackelberg differential game [Communication écrite]. Atelier d'économie des ressources naturelles et de l'environnement 2009, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Bernard, S. (octobre 2009). Remanufacturing [Communication écrite]. 19th Canadian Resource and Environmental Economics (CREE) Study Group, Edmonton, Canada. Non disponible
Bernard, S. (mai 2009). Remanufacturing [Communication écrite]. 5e Colloque CIREQ, Ottawa, On. Non disponible
Boulay, A.-M., Bayart, J.-B., Bulle, C., Margni, M., & Deschênes, L. (octobre 2009). Méthode opérationnelle de caractérisation de l'utilisation de l'eau douce en ACV [Communication écrite]. 32e Symposium sur les eaux usées et 21e Atelier sur l'eau potable (Réseau Environnement), Lévis, QC. Non disponible
Bourgault, M., Daoudi, J., & Drouin, N. (mai 2009). Investigation of the client influence on the success of collaborative and distributed projects [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Chen, I., Langevin, A., & Lu, Z. (janvier 2009). Scheduling of multiple yard cranes for loading outbound containers in a maritime terminal [Communication écrite]. 2nd International Workshop on Successful Strategies in Supply Chain Management, Hong Kong. Non disponible
Chen, L., & Langevin, A. (décembre 2009). Determining the storage location for outbound containers in a maritime terminal [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Hong Kong. Lien externe
Chiasson, M.-È., & Imbeau, D. (septembre 2009). Fiabilité intra-observateur de la méthode RULA pour évaluer l'exposition aux facteurs de risques de TMS [Communication écrite]. 40e Congrès de l'Association Canadienne d'ergonomie, Québec. Non disponible
Chinniah, Y. A., Champoux, M., Burlet-Vienney, D., & Daigle, R. (juin 2009). Analyse comparative des programmes et procédures de cadenassage (consigantion) appliqués aux machines industrielles [Communication écrite]. 8e Congrès International de génie industriel, Bagnères de Bigorre, France. Non disponible
Cimon, Y., Poulin, D., Pellerin, R., Frayret, J.-M., & Karuranga, E. (mai 2009). The strategic role of information technology in the value creation process of small and medium enterprises : integrating business models, performance and assimilation [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Compoare, A., Pellerin, R., & Bourgault, M. (juin 2009). Impact de sites multiples en contrôle de projet [Communication écrite]. 8e Congrès international de génie industriel (CIGI 2009), Tarbes, France. Non disponible
Crainic, T. G., Crisan, G. C., Gendreau, M., Lahrichi, N., Rei, W., & Vidal, T. (juillet 2009). A concurrent evolutionary approach for rich combinatorial problems [Communication écrite]. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECC 2009), Montréal, Québec. Lien externe
Crainic, T. G., Crisan, G. C., Gendreau, M., Lahrichi, N., Rei, W., & Vidal, T. (juillet 2009). Integrative cooperative meta-heuristics for rich combinatorial problems [Communication écrite]. VIII Metaheuristic International Conference (MIC 2009), Hambourg, Allemagne. Non disponible
Crainic, T. G., Crisan, G. C., Gendreau, M., Lahrichi, N., Rei, W., & Vidal, T. (mai 2009). Multi-thread cooperative optimization for rich combinatorial problems [Communication écrite]. 23rd IEEE international Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2009), Rome, Italy (8 pages). Lien externe
Daudignon, M., Baptiste, P., & Bourgault, M. (juin 2009). La plate-forme libre Moodle comme outil pédagogique d'apprentissage de la gestion de projet [Communication écrite]. 8e Congrès international de génie industriel (CIGI 2009), Bagnères de Bigorre, France. Non disponible
de Ugarte, S., Pellerin, R., & Artiba, A. (mai 2009). Enhancing genetic algorithm with predator mechanisms for on-line optimization [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
El Ahrache, K., & Imbeau, D. (septembre 2009). Élaboration d'une procédure détaillée pour l'évaluation des régimes d'alternance travail/repos pour le travail statique intermittent [Communication écrite]. 40e Congrès de l'Association Canadienne d'ergonomie, Québec. Non disponible
El Hachemi, N., Gendreau, M., & Rousseau, L.-M. (mai 2009). A heuristic to solve the weekly log-truck scheduling problem [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
El Hadj Khalaf, R., Agard, B., & Penz, B. (mai 2009). Définition des nomenclatures et des sources d'approvisionnement pour la fabrication d'une famille de produits [Communication écrite]. Conférence annuelle du CIRRELT, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
El-Hadj-Khalaf, R., Agard, B., & Penz, B. (juin 2009). Conception conjointe de familles de produits et chaîne logistique : Entre diversité et standardisation [Communication écrite]. 8e Congrès international de génie industriel (CIGI 2009), Bagnères de Bigorre, France. Non disponible
El-Hadj-Khalaf, R., Agard, B., & Penz, B. (mai 2009). Product and supply chain design using a taboo search [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Farbos, B., Imbeau, D., & Drolet, C. (septembre 2009). Étude des activités de production des pépinières publiques du Québec : application d'une stratégie de prévention aux facteurs de risques de TMS [Communication écrite]. 40e Congrès de l'Association Canadienne d'ergonomie, Québec. Non disponible
Farbos, B., Imbeau, D., de Medeiros, G., & Huppé, R. (mars 2009). Sensivity and specificity of a driver drowsiness detection device: the CRAM [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Fatigue Management in Transportation Operations, Boston. Non disponible
Frayret, J.-M. (octobre 2009). A multidisciplinary review of collaborative supply chain planning [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2009), San Antonio, Texas, USA. Lien externe
Gamache, M., Hébert-Desgroseilliers, L., & Desaulniers, G. (novembre 2009). A generic linear program for an optimal mine production plan [Communication écrite]. Mine Planning and Equipment Select & Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Product, Banff, Canada. Lien externe
Gaudreault, J., Pesant, G., Frayret, J.-M., & D'Amours, S. (janvier 2009). An adaptive search strategy for efficient distributed decision making [Communication écrite]. Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference, Trento, Italy. Non disponible
Gendreau, M., El Hachemi, N., & Rousseau, L.-M. (juillet 2009). A hybrid LS/CP approach to solve the weekly log-truck scheduling problem [Communication écrite]. 8th Metaheuristic International Conference (MIC 2009), Hamburg, Germany (10 pages). Non disponible
Ghasemi, A., Yacout, S., & Ouali, S. M. (mai 2009). Parameter estimation for condition based maintenance with proportional hazard model [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Hajji, A., Gharbi, A., Kenne, J. P., & Pellerin, R. (juin 2009). Production control and replenishment strategy with multiple suppliers [Communication écrite]. 8e Conférence internationale de génie industriel, Tarbes, France. Non disponible
Hajji, A., Pellerin, R., Gharbi, A., Léger, P. M., & Babin, G. (mai 2009). Dynamic pricing models for ERP systems under network externality [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Hauschild, M. Z., Huijbregts, M., Jolliet, O., Margni, M., McKone, T., Meent, D. , & Rosenbaum, R. K. (avril 2009). Development in methodologies for modelling of human and ecotoxic impacts in LCA [Résumé]. EcoChem 2009 : Chemistry & Ecodesign, Montpellier, France. Lien externe
Javel, Y., Riopel, D., & Perez-Gladish, B. (juin 2009). Affectation des ressources dans les services au moment de la prise des rendez-vous [Communication écrite]. 8e Congrès international de génie industriel, Tarbes, France (8 pages). Non disponible
Kaenzig, J., Friot, D., Saadé, M., Margni, M., & Jolliet, O. (août 2009). Using life cycle approaches to enhance the value of quantitative corporate environmental disclosure [Résumé]. 69th Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM 2009), Chicago, IL. Non disponible
Kouki, R., Pellerin, R., & Poulin, D. (octobre 2009). Beyond ERP Implementation: an integrative framework for higher success [Communication écrite]. Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Ofir, Portugual. Non disponible
Kouki, R., Poulin, D., & Pellerin, R. (août 2009). Exploring ERP post-implementation success: findings from cases in a developed and a developing country [Communication écrite]. 20th International Conference on Production Research, Shanghai, China. Non disponible
Lacroix, S., De Marcellis-Warin, N., Riopel, D., Ross, A., & Bernandini, N. (novembre 2009). La chaire Marianne-Mareschal à l'École Polytechnique de Montréal [Communication écrite]. 2nd International PROMETEA Conference, Paris, France. Non disponible
Lalonde, P.-L., Bourgault, M., & Findeli, A. (octobre 2009). Theoretical models of project management : historical perspective and critique [Communication écrite]. International Research Network on Organising by Project (IRNOP 2009), Berlin, Deutschland. Non disponible
Langevin, A., Perrier, N., Agard, B., Baptiste, P., Frayret, J.-M., Pellerin, R., Riopel, D., & Trépanier, M. (janvier 2009). Models and methods for emergency response logistics in electric distribution systems [Communication écrite]. 2nd International Workshop on Successful Strategies in Supply Chain Management, Hong Kong. Non disponible
Le Bras, R., Zanarini, A., & Pesant, G. (septembre 2009). Efficient generic search heuristics within the embp framework [Communication écrite]. 15th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2009), Lisbon, Portugal. Lien externe
Le, T. T. H., & Agard, B. (mai 2009). Intégration les techniques de Data Mining et des S.I.G. pour l'analyse du marché des meubles aux États-Unis [Communication écrite]. Conférence annuelle du CIRRELT, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Le, T. T. H., Agard, B., & Deveault, S. (juin 2009). Application du data mining à la segmentation du marché des meubles aux États-Unis [Communication écrite]. 8e Congrès international de génie industriel (CIGI 2009), Bagnères de Bigorre, France. Non disponible
Le, T. T. H., Agard, B., & Deveault, S. (mai 2009). Decision support based on socio-demographic segmentation and distribution channel analysis in the US furniture market [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Lee, Y. C. E., Chan, C. K., Langevin, A., & Lee, H. W. J. (janvier 2009). Co-ordinated inventory-transportation supply chain model [Communication écrite]. 2nd International Workshop on Successful Strategies in Supply Chain Management, Hong Kong. Non disponible
Lefebvre, M. (septembre 2009). Strictly increasing Markov chains as wear processes [Présentation]. Dans 17th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics, Constanta, Roumanie. Non disponible
Lefebvre, M. (mars 2009). Two-dimensional diffusion processes as models in lifetime studies [Communication écrite]. 9th Workshop on Stochastic Models and Their Applications, Aachen, Allemagne. Non disponible
Lefebvre, M., & Ait Aoudia, D. (décembre 2009). Explicit solutions to the Kolmogorov backward equation [Présentation]. Dans SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, Miami, Florida. Lien externe
Lefebvre, M., & Perotto, S. (juin 2009). A semi-Markov process with an inverse Gaussian distribution as sojourn time [Présentation]. Dans 3rd International Symposium on Semi-Markov Models, Cagliari, Italie. Non disponible
Léger, P.-M., Babin, G., Robert, J., Pellerin, R., Cassivi, L., & Hadaya, P. (novembre 2009). Assessing the impact of supply chain integration through an ERP system [Communication écrite]. 9th International Conference on Electronic Business, Macau. Lien externe
Lehoux, N., D'Amours, S., & Langevin, A. (juin 2009). Collaboration et coordination dans les réseaux logistiques [Communication écrite]. 8e Congrès International de génie industriel, Bagnères de Bigorre, France. Non disponible
Leroux, M.-H., De Marcellis-Warin, N., & Trépanier, M. (mai 2009). Safety management in hazardous materials logistics : a survey of firms' practices [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Leroux, M.-H., Trépanier, M., & De Marcellis-Warin, N. (juin 2009). Decision making in hazardous materials logistics [Communication écrite]. 1st TRANSLOG Conference, Hamilton, Canada. Non disponible
Leroux, M.-H., Trépanier, M., & De Marcellis-Warin, N. (juin 2009). Modélisation des choix logistiques reliés aux matières dangereuses [Communication écrite]. 8e Congrès International de génie industriel, Bagnères de Bigorre, France. Non disponible
Loustau, P., Grasset, V., Morency, C., & Trépanier, M. (mai 2009). Véhicules flottants vs GPS : analyse comparative des temps de parcours sur le réseau routier supérieur montréalais [Communication écrite]. Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers Conference, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Loustau, P., Morency, C., Trépanier, M., & Gourvil, L. (juin 2009). How to assess traval time reliability on a highway network : some estimations using floating cars data [Communication écrite]. 1st TRANSLOG Conference, Hamilton, Canada. Non disponible
Loustau, P., Morency, C., Trépanier, M., & Gourvil, L. (avril 2009). Portrait de la fiabilité des temps de parcours sur le réseau autoroutier montréalais [Communication écrite]. 44e Congrès annuel de l'Assocation québécoise du transport et des routes, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Malki, Y., Pellerin, R., & Baptiste, P. (juin 2009). Déploiement logistique en situation de crise [Communication écrite]. 8e Congrès international de génie industriel (CIGI 2009), Tarbes, France. Non disponible
Margni, M., Boulay, A.-M., Bayart, J.-B., Bulle, C., Rosenbaum, R., & Deschênes, L. (avril 2009). Characterizing the impacts of water use in LCA: From the general framework to an operational method [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Seminar on Society & Materials, Freiberg, Germany. Non disponible
Mhada, F., Hajji, A., Malhamé, R. P., Pellerin, R., & Gharbi, A. (mai 2009). Production control of unreliable manufacturing systems producing defective items [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Millaire, J.-F., Léger, P.-M., Babin, G., & Pellerin, R. (janvier 2009). The effect of network exposure on the diffusion of enterprise system [Communication écrite]. 42nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa, HI, United states. Lien externe
Morandini, M., De Abreu Cybis, W., & Scapin, D. L. (juillet 2009). A prototype to validate ErgoCoIn: a web site ergonomic inspection technique [Communication écrite]. 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction : New Trends (HCI 2009), San Diego, CA, USA. Lien externe
Morency, C., Trépanier, M., & Demers, M. (janvier 2009). Walking to public transit : A win-win solution for sustainable transportation [Communication écrite]. 88th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, United States. Lien externe
Morency, C., Trépanier, M., & Demers, M. (octobre 2009). Walking: an underestimated benefit of public transportation [Communication écrite]. 10th International Conference on Walking and Liveable Communities, New York. Non disponible
Muller, E., Pellerin, R., & Beacart, V. (juin 2009). Méthodologie d'évaluation durable de projet [Communication écrite]. 8e Conférence internationale de génie industriel, Tarbes, France. Non disponible
Muller, E., Pellerin, R., Margni, M., & Beacart, V. (mai 2009). Potential use of PLM and ERP as Environmental Data Sources for LCA : A prospective Literature Review [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Nastasia, I., Toulouse, G., & Imbeau, D. (juin 2009). Kaizen and ergonomics: modalities and conditions for successful integration of productivity, quality and health and safety preoccupations [Communication écrite]. XXIst Annual International Occupational Ergonomics and Safety Conference, Dallas, Texas. Non disponible
Navarra, A., & Kapusta, J. P. T. (février 2009). Decision-making software for the incremental improvement of peirce-smith converters [Communication écrite]. International Peirce-Smith Converting Centennial Symposium - Held During TMS 2009 Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Francisco, CA, United states. Non disponible
Njike, A., Pellerin, R., & Kenne, J. P. (mai 2009). Joint maintenance and production planning of manufacturing systems subject to defective products [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Pellerin, R., Sadr, J., Guevremont, M., & Rousseau, L.-M. (mai 2009). Planning of International Projects with Material Constraints [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Pesant, G., Quimper, C.-G., Rousseau, L.-M., & Sellmann, M. (mai 2009). The polytope of context-free grammar constraints [Communication écrite]. 6th International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Lien externe
Petit, F., & Robert, B. (juillet 2009). Concepts to analyse the vulnerability of critical infrastructures - Taking into account cybernetics [Communication écrite]. 2nd International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, Florida. Non disponible
Prescott-Gagnon, E., Desaulniers, G., & Rousseau, L.-M. (mai 2007). A branch-and-price-based large neighborhood search algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time windows [Communication écrite]. Recent Advances in Vehicle Routing Optimization (ROUTE 2007), Jekyll Island, GA. Publié dans Networks, 54(4). Lien externe
Quintana, V., Rivest, L., Pellerin, R., & Venne, F. (mai 2009). Methodology for the implementation of the model-based definition approach [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Quintana, V., Rivest, L., Tahan, A., Pellerin, R., & Venne, F. (juillet 2009). From fully dimensioned 2D drawings to reduced dimensioning 3D model-based definition [Communication écrite]. 6th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, Bath, UK. Non disponible
Quirion-Blais, O., Marinova, M., Mateos Espejel, E., Trépanier, M., Fradette, L., Legros, R., & Paris, J. (mars 2009). Forest biorefinery-based eco-industrial clusters in canada : the energy challenge [Communication écrite]. POLYCITY General Meeting, Barcelone, Espagne. Non disponible
Rajesson, F., Trépanier, M., & Morency, C. (juin 2009). A hybrid generation-distribution model for transit trips [Communication écrite]. 1st TRANSLOG Conference, Hamilton, Canada. Non disponible
Rezgui, J., Hafid, A., Gendreau, M., & Rong, B. (décembre 2009). Congestion-Aware Clique-Based Handoff in Wireless Mesh Networks [Communication écrite]. 5th International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, Fujian, China (8 pages). Lien externe
Robert, B. (octobre 2009). Geoinformation for risk prevention-The challenges facing critical infrastructure protection [Communication écrite]. CIP Workshop 2009 : Exploring risk gouvernance, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia. Non disponible
Robert, B., & Morabito, L. (décembre 2009). Critical infrastructures interdependency modelling [Communication écrite]. Modelling & Simulation of Public Safety and Security Operations Conference, Ottawa, Canada. Non disponible
Robert, B., & Morabito, L. (mai 2009). Dependency on electricity and telecommunication [Communication écrite]. Electricity security in the cyber age . Managing the increasing dependence of the electricity infrastructure on ICT, Ultrecht, Hollande. Non disponible
Robert, J.-M., & Brangier, E. (juillet 2009). What is prospective ergonomics? A reflection and a position on the future of ergonomics [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Ergonomics and Health Aspects of Work with Computers (EHAWC 2009). Lien externe
Roorda, M., Morency, C., & Trépanier, M. (avril 2009). Les défis de la collecte de données sur le transport des marchandises : expérience de la région de Peel [Communication écrite]. 44e Congrès annuel de l'Assocation québécoise du transport et des routes, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Rotaba, Z., & Beaudry, C. (avril 2009). Understanding the dynamics of industrial clusters: The case of the Canadian telecommunication manufacturers [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Management of Technology, Orlando, Floride. Non disponible
Sabar, M., Montreuil, B., & Frayret, J.-M. (juin 2009). An agent-based algorithm for personnel scheduling and rescheduling in assembly centers [Communication écrite]. IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Moscow, Russia. Lien externe
Saddoune, M., Desaulniers, G., & Soumis, F. (juillet 2009). A rolling horizon solution approach for the airline crew pairing problem [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, Troyes, France. Lien externe
Santa-Eulalia, L. A., D'Amours, S., Frayret, J.-M., Ait-Kadi, D., & Lemieux, S. (mai 2009). Evaluating tactical planning and control policies for a softwood lumber supply chain through agent-based simulations [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2009), Montréal, Québec. Lien externe
Sioui, L., Morency, C., & Trépanier, M. (avril 2009). Une enquête origine-destination sur internet au profit de l'autopartage [Communication écrite]. 44e Congrès annuel de l'Assocation québécoise du transport et des routes, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Sioui, L., Morency, C., Trépanier, M., Viviani, M., & Robert, B. (juin 2009). A Web-based travel survey for carsharing members [Communication écrite]. 1st TRANSLOG Conference, Hamilton, Canada. Non disponible
Soumis, F., Saddoune, M., El Hallaoui, I., & Desaulniers, G. (août 2009). Simultaneous optimization of crew pairing and rostering [Communication écrite]. AGIFORS 2009, Las Vegas, USA. Non disponible
Trépanier, M. (novembre 2009). La carte à puce : un instrument de planification du transport collectif [Communication écrite]. Congrès annuel de l'Association canadienne des transports urbains, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Trépanier, M., Agard, B., & du Parc, N. (avril 2009). Études des générateurs de déplacement à l'aide de données de cartes à puces [Communication écrite]. 44e Congrès annuel de l'Assocation québécoise du transport et des routes, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Trépanier, M., Langevin, A., Lemarbre, S., & Ilic, N. (juin 2009). Confection de "belles" tournées pour la surveillance d'un réseau routier [Communication écrite]. 8e Congrès International de génie industriel, Bagnères de Bigorre, France. Non disponible
Trépanier, M., Langevin, A., Lemarbre, S., & Ilic, N. (mai 2009). Finding "staff acceptable" routes for road network monitoring [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Trépanier, M., Morency, C., & Blanchette, C. (janvier 2009). Enhancing household travel surveys using smart card data? [Communication écrite]. 88th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, United States. Lien externe
Van Horne, C., Poulin, D., & Frayret, J.-M. (juin 2009). Value creation in university-industry research centres : a four actor view [Communication écrite]. 7th International Triple Helix Conference, Glasgow, Scotland. Non disponible
Viau, J. L., Baptiste, P., & Mascle, C. (novembre 2009). Airframe dismantling optimization for aerospace aluminum valorization [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM 2009), Suwon, Korea. Lien externe
Abdelghani, F. B., Simon, R., Aubertin, M., Molson, J., & Therrien, R. (septembre 2009). Modelling water flow and transport of contaminants from mine wastes stored in open pits within fractured rock [Communication écrite]. 62nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 10th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater speciality Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Non disponible
Anjab, Z., Chazarenc, F., Puigagut, J., & Comeau, Y. (septembre 2009). Slag for upgrading phosphorus removal from constructed wetland effluents : effect of slag particle size distribution [Communication écrite]. Wetland Pollutants Dynamics and Control WETPOL, Barcelone, Espagne. Non disponible
Barbeau, B., & Markarian, A. (mars 2009). Biological powder activated carbon membrane bioreactor to achieve biostability in drinking water systems [Communication écrite]. AWWA Membrane Technology Conference & Exposition (MTC 2009), Memphis, Tennessee, USA. Non disponible
Barbeau, B., Carrière, A., & Prévost, M. (juin 2009). Assessing the impacts of climate change on the source water quality of the City of Montréal [Communication écrite]. 2009 AWWA Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, USA. Non disponible
Barbeau, B., Markarian, A., Carrière, A., & Dallaire, P.-O. (octobre 2009). Couplage d'un procédé biologique sur charbon actif en poudre à un procédé membranaire pour le traitement des eaux potables [Communication écrite]. 21e Atelier sur l'eau potable, Lévis, Qc, Canada. Non disponible
Bichai, F., Dullemont, Y., Rosielle, M., Barbeau, B., & Hijnen, W. (novembre 2009). Role of predation in transport of fecal bacteria and protozoan (oo)cysts in water treatment [Présentation]. Dans Water Quality Technology Conference (AWWA), Seattle, WA. Non disponible
Bichai, F., Payment, P., & Barbeau, B. (mai 2009). Protection of E. coli bacteria and B. subtilis spores ingested by nematode C. elegans against UV-A and UV-C disinfection processes [Présentation]. Dans 15th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology (IWA), Naxos, Grèce. Non disponible
Broséus, R., Aboulfadl, K., Garica Ac, A., Barbeau, B., Sauvé, S., & Prévost, M. (novembre 2009). Ozone oxidation of chemotherapy drugs and pharmaceuticals during drinking water treatment [Communication écrite]. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC 2009), Seattle, Washington, USA. Non disponible
Broséus, R., Barbeau, B., & Prévost, M. (mars 2009). Utilisation de l'ozone en traitement de l'eau potable - Expertise de la Chaire industrielle CRSNG en eau potable [Communication écrite]. Americana 2009, Montréal, Qc, Canada. Non disponible
Carrière, A., Zamyadi, A., Prévost, M., & Barbeau, B. (novembre 2009). Québec WTPs' vulnerability assessment with respect to cyanotoxins in a context of climate change [Communication écrite]. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC 2009), Seattle, Washington, USA. Non disponible
Chapleau, R., & Piché, D. (avril 2009). AGIRAS-TU : Approche globale intégrée de recherche et d'analyse systématique du transport urbain [Communication écrite]. 44e Congrès annuel de l'Assocation québécoise du transport et des routes, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Chapuis, R. P. (septembre 2009). Large scale permeability test using a swimming pool [Communication écrite]. 62nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 10th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater speciality Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Non disponible
Chapuis, R. P. (septembre 2009). Pumping a large diameter well in an unconfined aquifer : finding the hydraulic parameters [Communication écrite]. 62nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 10th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater speciality Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Non disponible
Charron, J.-P., Niamba, E., & Massicotte, B. (novembre 2009). Innovative precast bridge parapets in UHPFRC [Communication écrite]. International Workshop: Designing and Building with UHPFRC, Marseille. Non disponible
Chu, K. K. A., & Chapleau, R. (décembre 2009). Analysing multi-day travel behaviours with public transit smart card transaction data [Communication écrite]. 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Jaipur, Inde. Non disponible
Dawood, I., & Aubertin, M. (septembre 2009). A numerical investigation of the influence of internal structure on the unsaturated flow in a large waste rock pile [Communication écrite]. 62nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 10th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater speciality Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Non disponible
Dufour, M., & Chapuis, R. P. (septembre 2009). Étude par éléments finis de la propagation d'une onde de pression sinusoïdale dans un aquifère à nappe captive [Communication écrite]. 62nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 10th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater speciality Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Non disponible
Duhaime, F., & Chapuis, R. P. (septembre 2009). Some numerical experiments with the finite element method to determine the shape factors for field permeability tests [Communication écrite]. 62nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 10th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater speciality Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Non disponible
Ebacher, G., Besner, M.-C., Lavoie, J., Jung, B. S., Karney, B. W., & Prévost, M. (mai 2009). Comparison of pressures simulated using transient analysis with field data from a full-scale distribution system [Communication écrite]. Water Systems Distribution Analysis, Kansas City, MO, United states. Lien externe
Giral, M., Zagury, G. J., Deschenes, L., & Blouin, J. P. (novembre 2009). Extraction of arsenate and arsenite species from contaminated soils: can one preserve the original oxidation state ? [Communication écrite]. 11th International Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP 2009), Banff, Alberta, Canada. Non disponible
Godin, D., Bonton, A., Bouchard, C., Jedrzejak, S., & Barbeau, B. (octobre 2009). Analyse environnementale de cycle de la vie de l'eau en milieu urbain [Communication écrite]. 21e Atelier sur l'eau potable, Lévis, Qc, Canada. Non disponible
Gruyer, N., Dorais, M., Gravel, V., & Zagury, G. J. (juin 2009). Removal of Pythium ultimum propagules in recycled greenhouse nutrient solution using artificial wetlands [Communication écrite]. GreenSys 2009, Québec, QC, Canada. Non disponible
Houweling, D., Comeau, Y., Takacs, I., & Dold, P. (juin 2009). Biological phosphorus removal impact of the aerobic phase on modeling continuous-flow systems [Communication écrite]. Water Environment Federation- IWA, Nutrient Removal Conference, Washington, D.C.. Lien externe
Houweling, D., Comeau, Y., Takacs, I., & Dold, P. (septembre 2009). Uncertainty and variability in EBPR stoichiometry consequences for process modelling and optimization [Communication écrite]. 2nd IWA Specialized Conference, Krakow, Poland. Non disponible
Ismail, K., Sayed, T., & Saunier, N. (janvier 2009). Automated collection of pedestrian data using computer vision techniques [Communication écrite]. 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.. Lien externe
Ismail, K., Sayed, T., & Saunier, N. (octobre 2009). Automated pedestrian safety analysis using video data in the context of scramble phase intersections [Communication écrite]. Annual Conference of the Transportation Association of Canada, Vancouver, B.C. Lien externe
Ismail, K., Sayed, T., Saunier, N., & Lim, C. (janvier 2009). Automated analysis of pedestrian-vehicle conflicts using video data [Communication écrite]. 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.. Publié dans Transportation Research Record, 2140(2140). Lien externe
James, M., & Aubertin, M. (novembre 2009). The use of waste rock inclusions in tailings impoundments to improve geotechnical and environmental performance [Communication écrite]. Tailings and Mine Waste 2009, Banff, Alberta. Non disponible
Koboevic, S., Rozon, J., & Tremblay, R. (août 2009). Relation between global and local indicators of the performance of eccentrically braced frames under seismic loads [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas, Philadelphia, PA. Lien externe
Lessard, M.-C., Charron, J.-P., & Massicotte, B. (juin 2009). Comportement des dalles de ponts avec pré-dalles préfabriquées en bétons renforcés de fibres [Communication écrite]. 10e Journées scientifiques du RF2B, Paris. Non disponible
Li, L., Ouellet, S., & Aubertin, M. (mai 2009). An improved definition of rock quality designation, RQDc. Rock engineering in difficult conditions [Communication écrite]. 3rd Canada-US Rock Mechanics Symposium, Toronto. Non disponible
Li, L., Ouellet, S., & Aubertin, M. (septembre 2009). A method to evaluate the size of backfilled stope barricades made of waste rock [Communication écrite]. 62nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 10th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Specialty Conference (GeoHalifax2009), Halifax, Nouvelle Écosse, Canada. Lien externe
Loustau, P., Grasset, V., Morency, C., & Trépanier, M. (mai 2009). Véhicules flottants vs GPS : analyse comparative des temps de parcours sur le réseau routier supérieur montréalais [Communication écrite]. Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers Conference, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Loustau, P., Morency, C., Trépanier, M., & Gourvil, L. (juin 2009). How to assess traval time reliability on a highway network : some estimations using floating cars data [Communication écrite]. 1st TRANSLOG Conference, Hamilton, Canada. Non disponible
Loustau, P., Morency, C., Trépanier, M., & Gourvil, L. (avril 2009). Portrait de la fiabilité des temps de parcours sur le réseau autoroutier montréalais [Communication écrite]. 44e Congrès annuel de l'Assocation québécoise du transport et des routes, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Maknoon, M., & Mahdi, T.-F. (août 2009). Internal Erosion and hydraulic head : an experimental study [Communication écrite]. 33rd IAHR 2009 Congress, Vancouver, British Colombia. Lien externe
Mansour-Geoffrion, M., Lamarre, D., Dold, P. L., Gadbois, A., & Comeau, Y. (août 2009). Reducing sludge production or increasing capacity by removing influent unbiodegradable particulate matter from activated sludge [Communication écrite]. 12th IWA Sludge Conference on Sustainable Management & Technologies of Water and Wastewater Sludges, Harbin, China. Non disponible
Maqsoud, A., Bussière, B., Mbonimpa, M., & Aubertin, M. (septembre 2009). Transient hydrogeological behaviour of a cover with capillary barrier effects [Communication écrite]. 62nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 10th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater speciality Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Non disponible
Mbonimpa, M., Aubertin, M., Chapuis, R. P., Maqsoud, A., & Bussière, B. (septembre 2009). Estimation of specific surface areas of coarse-grained materials with grain-size curves represented by two-parameter lognormal distributions [Communication écrite]. 62nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 10th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater speciality Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Non disponible
Moradi Larmaei, M., & Mahdi, T.-F. (août 2009). Vegetation and shallow water hydraulics [Communication écrite]. 33rd IAHR 2009 Congress, Vancouver, British Colombia. Lien externe
Morency, C., Trépanier, M., & Demers, M. (janvier 2009). Walking to public transit : A win-win solution for sustainable transportation [Communication écrite]. 88th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, United States. Lien externe
Morency, C., Trépanier, M., & Demers, M. (octobre 2009). Walking: an underestimated benefit of public transportation [Communication écrite]. 10th International Conference on Walking and Liveable Communities, New York. Non disponible
Neculita, C. M., Dudal, Y., & Zagury, G. J. (novembre 2009). Role of DOM's metal-binding capacity during AMD treatment in passive bioreactors [Communication écrite]. 11th International Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP 2009), Banff, Alberta, Canada. Non disponible
Papineau, I., Tufenkji, N., Payment, P., & Barbeau, B. (octobre 2009). Influence des variations de concentrations de microsphères et de particules sur la performance de la filtration sur sable [Communication écrite]. 21e Atelier sur l'eau potable, Lévis, Qc, Canada. Non disponible
Papineau, I., Tufenkji, N., Payment, P., & Barbeau, B. (novembre 2009). The role of influent concentrations of particles on their removal by sand filtration [Communication écrite]. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC 2009), Seattle, Washington, USA. Non disponible
Pépin, N., Aubertin, M., & James, M. (septembre 2009). An investigation of the cyclic behaviour of tailings using shaking table tests: Effect of a drainage inclusion on porewater development [Communication écrite]. 62nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 10th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater speciality Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Non disponible
Poirier, C., & Aubertin, M. (juin 2009). A numerical investigation of physical parameters influencing saturated flow in limestone drains [Communication écrite]. Securing the Future 2009 and 8th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, Skelleftea, Sweden. Lien externe
Potvin, R., Bussière, B., Benzaazoua, M., Zagury, G. J., St-Arnault, M., & Cyr, J. (août 2009). Efficacité des drains dolomitiques installés au site de l'ancienne mine Lorraine, Témiscamingue, Québec. [Communication écrite]. 35th Annual Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Land Reclamation Association, Québec, QC, Canada. Non disponible
Prévost, M., Broséus, R., Vincent, S., Barbeau, B., Garcia Ac, A., & Sauvé, S. (octobre 2009). Oxydation par l'ozone des composés cytostatiques [Communication écrite]. 21e Atelier sur l'eau potable, Lévis, Qc, Canada. Non disponible
Rajesson, F., Trépanier, M., & Morency, C. (juin 2009). A hybrid generation-distribution model for transit trips [Communication écrite]. 1st TRANSLOG Conference, Hamilton, Canada. Non disponible
Richard, J., Tremblay, R., Koboevic, S., & MacCrimmon, R. A. (août 2009). Seismic analysis and design approaches for crane-supporting steel structures [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas, Philadelphia, PA. Lien externe
Roorda, M., Morency, C., & Trépanier, M. (avril 2009). Les défis de la collecte de données sur le transport des marchandises : expérience de la région de Peel [Communication écrite]. 44e Congrès annuel de l'Assocation québécoise du transport et des routes, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Saunier, N., & Kang, W. (avril 2009). Truck signal priority [Communication écrite]. 2009 ITE Quad Conference, Vancouver, BC. Non disponible
Saunier, N., & Sayed, T. (octobre 2009). A prototype system for truck signal priority using video sensors [Communication écrite]. Annual Conference of the Transportation Association of Canada, Vancouver, B.C.. Lien externe
Saunier, N., Sayed, T., & Ismail, K. (juin 2009). An object assignment algorithm for tracking performance evaluation [Communication écrite]. 11th IEEE International Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance (PETS 2009), Miami, FLA. Non disponible
Sioui, L., Morency, C., & Trépanier, M. (avril 2009). Une enquête origine-destination sur internet au profit de l'autopartage [Communication écrite]. 44e Congrès annuel de l'Assocation québécoise du transport et des routes, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Sioui, L., Morency, C., Trépanier, M., Viviani, M., & Robert, B. (juin 2009). A Web-based travel survey for carsharing members [Communication écrite]. 1st TRANSLOG Conference, Hamilton, Canada. Non disponible
Spurr, T., & Chapleau, R. (avril 2009). Modèle d'affectation routière basé sur l'information décrivant les chemins empruntés : application à Montréal [Communication écrite]. 44e Congrès annuel de l'Assocation québécoise du transport et des routes, Montréal, Québec. Lien externe
Spurr, T., & Chapleau, R. (décembre 2009). Suburban car drivers and bridge selection: a dumb affair about equilibrium theory [Communication écrite]. 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Jaipur, Inde. Non disponible
Tremblay, R., Castonguay, P. X., Guilini-Charette, K., & Koboevic, S. (avril 2009). Seismic performance of conventional construction braced steel frames designed according to canadian seismic provisions [Communication écrite]. Structures Congress - Don't Mess with Structural Engineers: Expanding Our Role, Austin, TX, United states. Lien externe
Tremblay, R., Léger, P., Rogers, C., Bouaanani, N., Massicotte, B., Khaled, A., & Lamarche, C.-P. (octobre 2009). Experimental testing of large scale structural models and components using innovative shake table, dynamic, real-time hybrid simulation and multi-directional loading techniques [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering, San Francisco, California. Lien externe
Trépanier, M., Morency, C., & Blanchette, C. (janvier 2009). Enhancing household travel surveys using smart card data? [Communication écrite]. 88th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, United States. Lien externe
Villeneuve, M., Bussière, B., Benzaazoua, M., & Aubertin, M. (juin 2009). Assessment of interpretation methods for kinetic tests performed on low acid generating potential tailings [Communication écrite]. Securing the Future 2009 and 8th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, Skelleftea, Sweden. Lien externe
Zagury, G. J. (décembre 2009). Cyanide speciation and fate in gold mine tailings : a case study [Communication écrite]. Metal Mining Investigation of Cause Workshop, Gatineau, QC. Non disponible
Zagury, G. J. (février 2007). In vitro oral bioavailability testing in human health risk assessment of metal contaminated soils: a short review [Communication écrite]. International conference on environment: survival and sustainability, Nicosia, Northern Cyprus. Non disponible
Zagury, G. J. (décembre 2009). Spéciation et devenir des cyanures dans les résidus de mines d'or : étude de cas [Communication écrite]. Atelier sur la recherche des causes : mines de métaux, Gatineau, Qc, Canada. Non disponible
Felfoul, O., Aboussouan, É., Chanu, A., & Martel, S. (mai 2009). Real-time positioning and tracking technique for endovascular untethered microrobots [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2009), Kobe, Japan. Lien externe
Martel, S., & André, W. (juin 2009). Embedding a wireless transmitter within the space and power constraints of an electronic untethered microrobot [Communication écrite]. Joint IEEE North-East Workshop on Circuits and Systems and TAISA Conference (NEWCAS-TAISA 2009), Toulouse, France. Lien externe
Martel, S., André, W., Mohammadi, M., & Lu, Z. (mai 2009). Towards swarms of communication-enable and intelligent sensotaxis-based bacterial microrobots capable of collective tasks in an aqueous medium [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2009), Kobe, Japan. Lien externe