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Brunelle, E., & Lapierre, J. (2007, September). Examining the relationship between individual characteristics, product characteristics, and media richness fit on consumer channel preference [Paper]. EC-Web 2007. 8th International Conference on E-Commerce and Web Technologies, Regensburg, Germany. External link
Couillard, D., & Lapierre, J. (2003). Leadership, Learning and Resources for the High-Tech Firm: an Integrated View of Technology Management. International Journal of Technology Management, 26(7), 767-787. External link
Filiatrault, P., & Lapierre, J. (1997). Managing business-to-business service marketing relationship. Industrial marketing management, 26(2), 213-222. External link
Filiatrault, P., Lapierre, J., & Perrien, J. (1997). Les pratiques de management de la qualité des services: perceptions des dirigeants. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 14(1), 28-40. External link
Lapierre, J., Tran-Khanh, A., & Skelling, J. (2008). Antecedents of Customers' Desired Value Change in a Business-to-Business Context: Theoretical Model and Empirical Assessment. Services Marketing Quarterly, 29(3), 114-148. External link
Lapierre, J., & Medeiros, R. G. (2006). Information and communication technology usage patterns: a case study. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 14(3), 229-244. External link
Lapierre, J., & Skelling, J. (2005). Salesforce control system in high‐tech contexts: do environment and industry matter? Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 20(6), 297-306. External link
Lapierre, J., & Cappella, B. (2023, July). IBM, from products to professional services provider : the role of functional groups for cohesion in optimizing value delivered to customers [Paper]. PICMET 05 Conference, Portland, Oregon. External link
Lapierre, J., & Denier, A. (2005). ICT Adoption and Moderating Effects of Institutional Factors on Salesperson's Communication Effectiveness: a Contingency Study in High-Tech Industries. Technovation, 25(8), 909-927. External link
Lapierre, J., & Skelling, J. (2004, April). Moderating Effects of the Environment on the Relationship Between Sales People/Sales Managers Characteristics and the System of Control in three High-Tech Contexts: Does The Industry Matters [Paper]. New Direction in Technology Management: Changing Collaboration Between Government, Industry and University: 13th International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT) Conference, Washington, DC, USA. Unavailable
Lapierre, J., & Medeiros, R. (2003, November). Segmenting information and communication technology usage: the case of salespeople in a Canadian telecommunication firm [Paper]. 6th International Forum on the Sciences, Techniques and Art applied to Marketing Academy and Profession., Madrid, Spain. Unavailable
Lapierre, J., & Giroux, V.-P. (2002, June). How creativity is fostered in high tech work environment [Paper]. 9th EUROMA conference, operations management and the new economy, Copenhagen, Denmark. Unavailable
Lapierre, J., & Gingras, G. (2001). Perception des professeurs et des étudiants quant à l'utilisation et à l'impact des TIC à l'École Polytechnique de Montréal. Unavailable
Lapierre, J., & Giroux, V.-P. (2000, January). Creativity in high-tech services: four cases [Paper]. 9th annual AMA/INFORMS frontiers in services, Nashville, TN. Unavailable
Lapierre, J. (2000, January). Customer-perceived value [Paper]. Academy of marketing science conference, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Lapierre, J. (2000). Customer-Perceived value in industrial context. Journal of business and industrial marketing, 15(2-3), 122-140. External link
Lapierre, J. (2000). La présence des femmes dans une publication scientifique en marketing. Décisions marketing, 20, 75-82. External link
Lapierre, J. (1999, January). Customer value in industrial contexts [Paper]. Connecting to customers: value, volume and ono-to-one- Annual academic workshop, Atlanta, USA. Unavailable
Lapierre, J., & Oury, V. (1999, January). Customer, competitor and technological orientations: the case of information technology suppliers [Paper]. European marketing academy (EMAC), Berlin, Germany. Unavailable
Lapierre, J. (1999). Development of measures to assess customer value in a business-to-business context. Advances in business marketing and purchasing, 9, 243-286. External link
Lapierre, J. (1999, January). Impact of market environment on strategic orientations in high-tech firms [Paper]. 3e congrès international de génie industriel (CIGI 1999), Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Lapierre, J., & Dupré, J. P. (1999, January). Relational value drivers make a difference for organizational customers [Paper]. 15th IMP conference, Dublin, Ireland. Unavailable
Lapierre, J. (1999). Strator : a measure of strategic orientation. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-99-09). Restricted access
Lapierre, J., Filiatrault, P., & Chebat, J.-C. (1999). Value Strategy Rather Than Quality Strategy: a Case of Business-to-Business Professional Services. Journal of Business Research, 45(2), 235-246. External link
Lapierre, J., & Deslandes, S. (1998). Role of relational factors in the evaluation of a professional service and the maintenance of a long-term relationship with the service provider. In Gemünden, H. G., Ritter, T., & Walter, A. (eds.), Relationships and networks in international markets (Vol. 3, pp. 81-90). External link
Lapierre, J., Venne, S., & Deneault, D. (1998, January). Determinants of customer value: evidence from the information technology industry [Paper]. 7th International Conference on Management of Technology, Orlando, FL, USA. Unavailable
Lapierre, J. (1998, January). Product-service and relationship-related drivers of customer value: evidence from the information technology industry [Paper]. 5th international research seminar in service management, La Londe Les Maures, France. Unavailable
Lapierre, J. (1998). The role of corporate image in the evaluation of business-to-business professional services: the case of consulting engineers. Journal of professional services marketing, 16(1), 21-42. External link
Lapierre, J., & Deneault, B. (1997, May). Customer perceived value: a demand-side view of its antecedents and consequences in high technology [Paper]. European marketing academy (EMAC), Warwick, UK. Unavailable
Lapierre, J. (1997). Development of measures to assess customer value in a business-to-business context. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-97-20). Restricted access
Lapierre, J., & Deneault, D. (1997). The impact of market and technological orientations on customer value : an empirical investigation into the information technology sectors. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-97-29). Restricted access
Lapierre, J. (1997). Lexique français et anglais sur le marketing et le marketing de la haute technologie. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-97-21). Restricted access
Lapierre, J. (1997, January). Product-service and relationship-related drivers of customer perceived value [Paper]. 6th annual frontiers in services conference, Nashville, TN. Unavailable
Lapierre, J. (1997). What Does Value Mean in Business-to-Business Professional Services? International Journal of Service Industry Management, 8(5), 377-397. External link
Lapierre, J., & Filiatrault, P. (1996). An analysis of the foundations of research on the quality of professional services to organizations. In Kunst, P., & Lemmink, J. (eds.), Managing service quality. Vol. II (pp. 97-108). Unavailable
Lapierre, J., & Hénault, B. (1996). Bi-Directional Information Flow for Effective R&D/Marketing Integration: A Canadian Telecom Firm Experience. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 13(2), 152-166. External link
Lapierre, J. (1996, January). Market orientation concept in a R-D high-tech context [Paper]. 5th annual frontiers in services conference, Nashville, TN. Unavailable
Lapierre, J., Filiatrault, P., & Perrien, J. (1996). The research on service quality evaluation: evolution and methodological issues. Journal of retailing and consumer services, 3(2), 91-98. External link
Lapierre, J., & Deslandes, S. (1996, January). Rôle de facteurs relationnels dans l'évaluation d'un service professionnel et le maintien d'une relation à long terme avec le prestataire [Paper]. Association des Sciences administratives du Canada (ASAC), Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Lapierre, J., & Deslandes, S. (1996, January). Role of relational factors in the evaluation of a professional service and the maintenance of a long-term relationship with the service provider [Paper]. 12th international conference on industrial marketing and purchasing (IMP), Karlsruhe, Germany. Unavailable
Lapierre, J. (1996). Service quality: The construct, its dimensionality and its measurement. Advances in services marketing and management: research and practice, 5, 45-70. External link
Lapierre, J., Filiatrault, P., & Chebat, J. C. (1996, January). Value strategy rather than quality strategy: a case of business-to-business professional services [Paper]. SIAR, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Lapierre, J., & Hénault, B. (1995, January). Bidirectional information transfer: an imperative for network and marketing integration in the telecommunications industry [Paper]. symposium: globalisation and competitiveness, Agadir, Maroc. Unavailable
Lapierre, J. (1995, January). Role of corporate image in the evaluation of business-to-business professional services: the case of consulting engineers [Paper]. Congrès international de génie industriel de Montréal, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Lapierre, J., & Baretto, M. P. (1995, January). Study on the market orientation concept in a high technology context [Paper]. European marketing academy (EMAC), Paris, France. Unavailable
Lapierre, J. (1994). Managing for quality in the financial services industry. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. External link
Lapierre, J., & Filiatrault, P. (1994). An analysis of the foundations of research on the quality of professional services to organizations. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-94-14). Restricted access
Lapierre, J., & Filiatrault, P. (1994, January). An analysis of the foundations of research on the quality of professional services to organizations [Paper]. Workshop on quality management in services-IV, Paris, France. Unavailable
Lapierre, J., Filiatrault, P., & Perrien, J. (1994, January). Évaluation de la recherche sur la qualité des services [Paper]. Association française de marketing. Unavailable
Lapierre, J., Filiatrault, P., & Koelemejer, K. (1994, January). Industrial professional services quality evaluation criteria: analsys between consulting engineers of North America (Québec) and Europe (France) [Paper]. European marketing academy (EMAC), Maastricht, Netherlands. Unavailable
Lapierre, J., & Filiatrault, P. (1994, January). Professional services as perceived by organizational customers [Paper]. Recent advances in retailing and service science conference, Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada. Unavailable
Lapierre, J., Filiatrault, P., & Koelemeijer, K. (1993). Industrial professional services quality evaluation criteria : a comparative analysis between consulting engineers of North America (Quebec) and Europe (France). (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-93-31). Restricted access
Lapierre, J., Filiatrault, P., & Perrien, J. (1993). The service quality evaluation process : evolution and implications of research. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-93-30). Restricted access