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Assali, S., Attiaoui, A., Del Vecchio, P., Rotaru, N., & Moutanabbir, O. (2024). Engineering Sn-Based Group IV Quantum Materials. Meeting abstracts (Electrochemical Society. CD-ROM), MA2024-02(32), 2323-2323. Lien externe

Atalla, M. R. M., Lemieux-Leduc, C., Assali, S., Koelling, S., Daoust, P., & Moutanabbir, O. (2024). Extended short-wave infrared high-speed all-GeSn PIN photodetectors on silicon. APL Photonics, 9(5), 056103 (8 pages). Disponible

Andelic, M., Pofelski, A., Bicket, I. C., Assali, S., Koelling, S., Luo, L., Moutanabbir, O., & Botton, G. A. (2024). Sn Alloying Impact on Structural and Electronic Properties of Core-Shell Ge-GeSn Nanowires: A TEM Study. BIO Web of Conferences, 129, 24010-24010. Lien externe

Atalla, M. R. M., Assali, S., Daligou, G., Attiaoui, A., Koelling, S., Daoust, P., & Moutanabbir, O. (2024). Continuous-Wave GeSn Light-Emitting Diodes on Silicon with 2.5 μm Room-Temperature Emission. ACS Photonics, 4c00033 (7 pages). Lien externe

Atalla, M. R. M., Kim, Y., Assali, S., Burt, D., Nam, D., & Moutanabbir, O. (2023). Extended-SWIR GeSn LEDs with reduced footprint and efficient operation power. ACS Photonics, 10(5), 1649-1653. Lien externe

Andelic, M., Pofelski, A., Koelling, S., Assali, S., Luo, L., Moutanabbir, O., & Botton, G. (avril 2023). Local Bandgap Measurement of Core/Shell Ge/GeSn Nanowires Employing Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy [Communication écrite]. MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, California. Lien externe

Attiaoui, A., Daligou, G., Assali, S., Skibitzki, O., Schroeder, T., & Moutanabbir, O. (2023). Polarization-tuned fano resonances in all-dielectric short-wave infrared metasurface. Advanced Materials, 35(28), 2300595 (9 pages). Lien externe

Attiaoui, A., Assali, S., Luo, L., Daligou, G., Atala, M., Koelling, S., & Moutanabbir, O. (juillet 2022). Group-IV GeSn nanophotonics [Communication écrite]. IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series (SUM 2022), Cabo San Lucas, Mexico (2 pages). Lien externe

Atalla, M. R. M., Assali, S., Koelling, S., Attiaoui, A., & Moutanabbir, O. (2022). High-Bandwidth Extended-SWIR GeSn Photodetectors on Silicon Achieving Ultrafast Broadband Spectroscopic Response. ACS Photonics, 9(4), 1425-1433. Lien externe

Assali, S., Attiaoui, A., Vecchio, P. D., Mukherjee, S., Nicolas, J., & Moutanabbir, O. (2022). A Light-Hole Germanium Quantum Well on Silicon. Advanced Materials, 34(27), e2201192 (11 pages). Lien externe

Assali, S., Attiaoui, A., Koelling, S., Atalla, M. R. M., Kumar, A., Nicolas, J., Chowdhury, F. A., Lemieux-Leduc, C., & Moutanabbir, O. (2022). Micrometer-thick, atomically random Si0.06Ge0.90Sn0.04 for silicon-integrated infrared optoelectronics. Journal of Applied Physics, 132(19), 11 pages. Lien externe

Atalla, M., Assali, S., Koelling, S., Daligou, G., Attiaoui, A., Luo, L., Lemieux-Leduc, C., Abdi, S., & Moutanabbir, O. (mai 2022). Mid-infrared silicon-integrated high-bandwidth GeSn PIN photodetectors and LEDs [Communication écrite]. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2022), San José, CA, USA (2 pages). Lien externe

Abdi, S., Assali, S., Atalla, M. R. M., Koelling, S., Warrender, J. M., & Moutanabbir, O. (2022). Recrystallization and interdiffusion processes in laser-annealed strain-relaxed metastable Ge0.89Sn0.11. Journal of Applied Physics, 131(10), 105304 (9 pages). Lien externe

Attiaoui, A., Assali, S., Del-Vecchio, P., Nicolas, J., & Moutanabbir, O. (mai 2021). Tuning Light-Hole Optical Transition in Highly Tensile Strained Germanium Quantum Wells . Dans CLEO: Science and Innovations 2021, San Jose, California, United States. Publié dans Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 56. Lien externe

Atalla, M. R. M., Assali, S., Attiaoui, A., Lemieux-Leduc, C., Kumar, A., Abdi, S., & Moutanabbir, O. (2021). All-Group IV Transferable Membrane Mid-Infrared Photodetectors. Advanced Functional Materials, 31(3), 9 pages. Lien externe

Atalla, M. R. M., Assali, S., Attiaoui, A., Lemieux-Leduc, C., Kumar, A., Abdi, S., & Moutanabbir, O. (mai 2021). GeSn membrane mid-infrared photodetectors [Communication écrite]. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2021), San José, CA, USA (2 pages). Lien externe

Assali, S., Dijkstra, A., Attiaoui, A., Bouthillier, É., Haverkort, J. E. M., & Moutanabbir, O. (2021). Midinfrared Emission and Absorption in Strained and Relaxed Direct-Band-Gap Ge1-xSnx Semiconductors. Physical Review Applied, 15(2), 13 pages. Lien externe

Attiaoui, A., Assali, S., Del-Vecchio, P., Nicolas, J., & Moutanabbir, O. (mai 2021). Tuning Light-Hole Optical Transition in Highly Tensile Strained Germanium Quantum Wells [Communication écrite]. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2021), San José, CA, USA (2 pages). Lien externe

Assali, S., Attiaoui, A., Atalla, M., Alain, D., Kumar, A., Mukherjee, S., Nicolas, J., Koelling, S., & Moutanabbir, O. (octobre 2020). Engineering SiGeSn Semiconductors for MIR and THz Opto-electronic Devices [Communication écrite]. ECS Meeting Abstracts. Lien externe

Assali, S., Attiaoui, A., Atalla, M. R. M., Dijkstra, A., Aashish, K., Mukherjee, S., Abdi, S., & Moutanabbir, O. (mai 2020). Epitaxial GeSn and its integration in MIR optoelectronics [Communication écrite]. Science and Innovations 2020 (CLEO), Washington, D.C.. Lien externe

Assali, S., Bergamaschini, R., Scalise, E., Verheijen, M. A., Albani, M., Dijkstra, A., Li, A., Koelling, S., Bakkers, E. P. A. M., Montalenti, F., & Miglio, L. (2020). Kinetic Control of Morphology and Composition in Ge/GeSn Core/Shell Nanowires. ACS Nano, 14(2), 2445-2455. Lien externe

Abdi, S., Atalla, M., Assali, S., Kumar, A., Groell, L., Koelling, S., & Moutanabbir, O. (2020). Towards Ultra-Low Specific Contact Resistance on P-Type and N-Type Narrow Bandgap GeSn Semiconductors. ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2020-01(22), 1322-1322. Lien externe

Assali, S., Abdi, S., Atalla, M., Attiaoui, A., Bouthillier, É., Del Vecchio, P., Groell, L., Kumar, A., Luo, L., Mukherjee, S., Nicolas, J., & Moutanabbir, O. (octobre 2019). (Si)GeSn Semiconductors for Integrated Optoelectronics, Quantum Electronics, and More [Résumé]. 236th ECS Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Publié dans ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2019-02(25). Lien externe

Assali, S., Attiaoui, A., Bouthillier, É., Del Vecchio, P., Kumar, A., Mukherjee, S., Nicolas, J., & Moutanabbir, O. (mai 2019). Germanium-Tin Semiconductors for Silicon-Compatible Mid-Infrared Photonics [Communication écrite]. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, California. Lien externe

Assali, S., Albani, M., Bergamaschini, R., Verheijen, M., Li, A., Kölling, S., Gagliano, L., Bakkers, E. P. A. M., & Miglio, L. (2019). Strain engineering in Ge/GeSn core/shell nanowires. Applied Physics Letters, 115(11), 5 pages. Lien externe

Abboud, Z., Chagnon, D., Assali, S., Fortin-Deschenes, M., Coia, C., & Moutanabbir, O. (septembre 2018). Hermetic Wafer-Level Packaging of Microbolometers for Uncooled Thermal Cameras [Résumé]. AiMES 2018 Meeting, Cancun, Mexico. Publié dans ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2018-02(29). Lien externe

Attiaoui, A., Assali, S., Nicolas, J., & Moutanabbir, O. (septembre 2018). Mapping Strain and Composition Effects on Gesn Band Structure Using Spectroscopic Ellipsometry [Résumé]. AiMES 2018 Meeting, Cancun, Mexico. Publié dans ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2018-02(31). Lien externe

Assali, S., Nicolas, J., Mukherjee, S., Bouthillier, É., Attiaoui, A., & Moutanabbir, O. (septembre 2018). Structure and Optoelectronic Properties of Atomically Random Sn-Rich Gesn Semiconductors [Résumé]. AiMES 2018 Meeting, Cancun, Mexico. Publié dans ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2018-02(31). Lien externe

Assali, S., Attiaoui, A., Mukherjee, S., Nicolas, J., & Moutanabbir, O. (2018). TEOS layers for low temperature processing of group IV optoelectronic devices. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 36(6), 8 pages. Lien externe

Assali, S., Lähnemann, J., Vu, T. T. T., Jöns, K. D., Gagliano, L., Verheijen, M. A., Akopian, N., Bakkers, E. P. A. M., & Haverkort, J. E. M. (2017). Crystal phase quantum well emission with digital control. Nano Letters, 17(10), 6062-6068. Disponible

Assali, S., Dijkstra, A., Li, A., Koelling, S., Verheijen, M. A., Gagliano, L., von den Driesch, N., Buca, D., Koenraad, P. M., Haverkort, J. E. M., & Bakkers, E. P. A. M. (2017). Growth and Optical Properties of Direct Band Gap Ge/Ge0.87Sn0.13 Core/Shell Nanowire Arrays. Nano Letters, 17(3), 1538-1544. Lien externe

Assali, S., Greil, J., Zardo, I., Belabbes, A., de Moor, M. W. A., Koelling, S., Koenraad, P. M., Bechstedt, F., Bakkers, E. P. A. M., & Haverkort, J. E. M. (2016). Optical study of the band structure of wurtzite GaP nanowires. Journal of Applied Physics, 120(4). Lien externe


Bellemare, C., Atalla, M. R. M., Daoust, P., Koelling, S., Assali, S., & Moutanabbir, O. (janvier 2024). Silicon-integrated SWIR and MWIR GeSn photoconductive devices [Présentation]. Dans SPIE OPTO, 2024, San Francisco, California, United States. Lien externe

Burt, D., Joo, H.-J., Kim, Y., Jung, Y., Chen, M., Luo, M., Kang, D.-H., Assali, S., Zhang, L., Son, B., Fan, W., Moutanabbir, O., Ikonic, Z., Tan, C. S., Huang, Y.-C., & Nam, D. (2022). Direct bandgap GeSn nanowires enabled with ultrahigh tension from harnessing intrinsic compressive strain. Applied Physics Letters, 120(20), 7 pages. Lien externe

Burt, D., Jooa, H.-J., Kim, Y., Jung, Y., Chen, M., Luo, M., Kang, D.-H., Assali, S., Zhang, L., Son, B., Fan, W., Moutanabbir, O., Ikonic, Z., Tan, C. S., Huang, Y.-C., & Nam, D. (janvier 2022). Tensile-strained direct bandgap GeSnOI micro/nanostructures by harnessing residual strain [Communication écrite]. Silicon Photonics XVII. Lien externe

Bouthillier, É., Assali, S., Nicolas, J., & Moutanabbir, O. (2020). Decoupling the effects of composition and strain on the vibrational modes of GeSn semiconductors. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 35(9), 9 pages. Lien externe

Bouthillier, É., Assali, S., Nicolas, J., & Moutanabbir, O. (septembre 2018). Decoupling Strain and Composition Effects on Ge₁₋YSny Lattice Vibrations [Résumé]. AiMES 2018 Meeting, Cancun, Mexico. Publié dans ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2018-02(31). Lien externe


Carnio, B. N., Attiaoui, A., Assali, S., Moutanabbir, O., & Elezzabi, A. Y. (2022). Extracting the complex refractive index of an ultrathin layer at terahertz frequencies with no prior knowledge of substrate absorption loss. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 12(4), 385-391. Lien externe

Chen, M., Jung, Y., Burt, D., Kim, Y., Joo, H.-J., Zhang, L., Assali, S., Moutanabbir, O., Tan, C. S., & Nam, D. (mai 2022). Low-Threshold Lasing in GeSnOI Microdisk Lasers with Reduced Defect Density [Communication écrite]. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2022), San José, CA, USA (2 pages). Lien externe

Carnio, B. N., Attiaoui, A., Assali, S., Moutanabbir, O., Elezzabi, A. Y., Sadwick, L. P., & Yang, T. (janvier 2022). A method based on complementary transmission and reflection measurements for extracting the optical properties of a thin film [Communication écrite]. Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications XV, San Francisco, California, United States. Lien externe


Daligou, G., Attiaoui, A., Assali, S., Del Vecchio, P., & Moutanabbir, O. (2023). Radiative carrier lifetime in Ge₁-xSnₓ midinfrared emitters. Physical Review Applied, 20(6), 8 pages. Lien externe

Daligou, G., Assali, S., Attiaoui, A., Bouthillier, É., & Moutanabbir, O. (juillet 2022). Radiative carrier lifetime in GeSn mid-infrared emitters [Communication écrite]. IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series (SUM 2022), Cabo San Lucas, Mexico (2 pages). Lien externe


Groell, L., Attiaoui, A., Assali, S., & Moutanabbir, O. (2021). Combined iodine- and sulfur-based treatments for an effective passivation of GeSn surface. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125(17), 9516-9525. Lien externe

Groell, L., Abdi, S., Assali, S., Atalla, M., Attiaoui, A., & Moutanabbir, O. (mai 2020). Germanium Tin Surface Passivation and Its Effect on the Optoelectronic Performances [Communication écrite]. 237th ECS Meeting with the 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS 2020), Montreal, Canada. Lien externe

Greil, J., Assali, S., Isono, Y., Belabbes, A., Bechstedt, F., Valega Mackenzie, F. O., Silov, A. Y., Bakkers, E. P. A. M., & Haverkort, J. E. M. (2016). Optical properties of strained Wurtzite gallium phosphide nanowires. Nano Letters, 16(6), 3703-3709. Disponible


Joo, H.-J., Kim, Y., Burt, D., Yung, Y., Zhang, L., Chen, M., Parluhutan, S. J., Kang, D.-H., Lee, C., Assali, S., Ikonic, Z., Moutanabbir, O., Cho, Y.-H., Tan, C. S., & Nam, D. (janvier 2022). 1D photonic crystal GeSn-on-insulator nanobeam laser [Communication écrite]. Silicon Photonics XVII, San Francisco, CA, USA (9 pages). Lien externe

Joo, H.-J., Kim, Y., Burt, D., Jung, Y., Zhang, L., Chen, M., Luo, M., Parluhutan, S. J., Kang, D.-H., Lee, C., Assali, S., Son, B., Ikonic, Z., Moutanabbir, O., Cho, Y.-H., Tan, C. S., Huang, Y.-C., & Nam, D. (2022). Gesnoi Laser Technology for Photonic-Integrated Circuits. ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2022-02(32), 1168-1168. Lien externe

Jung, Y., Burt, D., Zhang, L., Kim, Y., Joo, H.-J., Chen, M., Assali, S., Moutanabbir, O., Tan, C. S., & Nam, D. (2022). Optically pumped low-threshold microdisk lasers on a GeSn-on-insulator substrate with reduced defect density. Photonics Research, 10(6), 6 pages. Lien externe

Joo, H.-J., Kim, Y., Burt, D., Jung, Y., Zhang, L., Chen, M., Parluhutan, S. J., Kang, D.-H., Lee, C., Assali, S., Ikonic, Z., Moutanabbir, O., Cho, Y.-H., Tan, C. S., & Nam, D. (2021). 1D photonic crystal direct bandgap GeSn-on-insulator laser. Applied Physics Letters, 119(20), 201101 (6 pages). Lien externe


Koelling, S., Assali, S., Nadal, G., Isheim, D., Seidman, D. N., & Moutanabbir, O. (2024). Tracking of atomic planes in atom probe tomography. Journal of Applied Physics, 136(24), 1-10. Lien externe

Kim, Y., Assali, S., Joo, H.-J., Koelling, S., Chen, M., Luo, L., Shi, X., Burt, D., Ikonic, Z., Nam, D., & Moutanabbir, O. (2023). Short-wave infrared cavity resonances in a single GeSn nanowire. Nature Communications, 14(1), 4393 (7 pages). Disponible

Kim, Y.-M., Assali, S., Jung, Y., Burt, D., Zhang, L., Joo, H.-J., Koelling, S., Chen, M., Luo, L., Atalla, M. R. M., Ikonic, Z., Tan, C. S., Moutanabbir, O., & Nam, D. (2022). Evolution of Gesn Lasers Towards Photonic Integration into Practical Applications. Meeting abstracts, MA2022-02(32), 1167-1167. Lien externe

Kim, Y., Assali, S., Burt, D., Jung, Y., Joo, H.-J., Chen, M., Ikonic, Z., Moutanabbir, O., & Nam, D. (2022). Enhanced GeSn Microdisk Lasers Directly Released on Si. Advanced Optical Materials, 10(2), 2101213 (7 pages). Lien externe

Kim, Y., Assali, S., Burt, D., Jung, Y., Joo, H.-J., Chen, M., Ikonic, Z., Moutanabbir, O., & Nam, D. (janvier 2022). Improved GeSn microdisk lasers directly sitting on Si [Communication écrite]. Silicon Photonics XVII, San Francisco, CA, USA (7 pages). Lien externe

Koelling, S., Assali, S., Atalla, M., Kumar, A., Attiaoui, A., Lodari, M., Sammak, A., Scappucci, G., & Moutanabbir, O. (octobre 2020). (Invited) Probing Semiconductor Heterostructures from the Atomic to the Micrometer Scale [Communication écrite]. SiGe, Ge, and Related Compounds: Materials, Processing, and Devices 9, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Lien externe

Koelling, S., Assali, S., Atalla, M., Kumar, A., Attiaoui, A., Lodari, M., Sammak, A., Scappucci, G., & Moutanabbir, O. Probing Semiconductor Heterostructures from the Atomic to the Micrometer Scale [Communication écrite]. SiGe, Ge, and Related Compounds: Materials, Processing, and Devices (PRiME 2020). Publié dans ECS Transactions, 98(5). Lien externe

Kölling, S., Plantenga, R. C., Hauge, H. I. T., Ren, Y., Li, A., Verheijen, M. A., Conesa Boj, S., Assali, S., Koenraad, P. M., & Bakkers, E. P. A. M. (octobre 2016). Impurity and defect monitoring in hexagonal Si and SiGe nanocrystals [Communication écrite]. Symposium on SiGe, Ge, and Related Materials: Materials, Processing, and Devices 7 (PRiME 2016)/230th ECS Meeting, Honolulu, HI. Publié dans ECS Transactions, 75(8). Lien externe


Luo, L., Atalla, M. R. M., Assali, S., Koelling, S., Daligou, G., & Moutanabbir, O. (2024). Mid-infrared Imaging Using Strain-Relaxed Ge1–xSnx Alloys Grown on 20 nm Ge Nanowires. Nano Letters, 24(16), 4979-4986. Lien externe

Luo, L., Atalla, M. R. M., Assali, S., Koelling, S., & Moutanabbir, O. (2024). Mid-Infrared Top-Gated Ge<inf>0.82</inf>Sn<inf>0.18</inf> Nanowire Phototransistors. Advanced Optical Materials, 2400096 (7 pages). Lien externe

Lemieux-Leduc, C., Atalla, M. R. M., Assali, S., Koelling, S., Daoust, P., Luo, L., Daligou, G., Brodeur, J., Kéna-Cohen, S., Peter, Y.-A., & Moutanabbir, O. (2024). Transfer-printed Multiple GeSn Membrane Mid-infrared Photodetectors. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 3450302 (12 pages). Lien externe

Lemieux-Leduc, C., Atalla, M. R. M., Assali, S., Moutanabbir, O., & Peter, Y.-A. (juillet 2024). Waveguide-coupled GeSn membranes for mid-infrared silicon photonics [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN 2024), San Sebastian, Spain (2 pages). Lien externe

Lemieux-Leduc, C., Atalla, M. R. M., Assali, S., Daoust, P., Daligou, G. T. E. G., Brodeur, J., Kéna-Cohen, S., Peter, Y.-A., & Moutanabbir, O. (novembre 2023). Transfer-printing of GeSn membranes for broadband photodetection in the extended short-wave infrared [Communication écrite]. IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC 2023), Orlando, FL, USA (2 pages). Lien externe

Luo, L., Assali, S., Atalla, M. R. M., Koelling, S., Attiaoui, A., Daligou, G., Martí, S., Arbiol, J., & Moutanabbir, O. (2022). Extended-SWIR photodetection in all-Group IV core/shell nanowires. ACS Photonics, 9(3), 914-921. Lien externe

Luo, L., Atalla, M. R. M., Assali, S., Koelling, S., Attiaoui, A., & Moutanabbir, O. (novembre 2022). Photodetection from SWIR to MWIR with Ge/GeSn core/shell nanowires [Communication écrite]. IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC 2022), Vancouver, BC, Canada (2 pages). Lien externe

Luo, L., Assali, S., Atalla, M. R. M., Koelling, S., & Moutanabbir, O. (2020). Tunable Shortwave Infrared and Midwave Infrared Optoelectronics in Germanium/Germanium Tin Core/Shell Nanowires. Meeting abstracts, MA2020-01(22), 1321-1321. Lien externe


Moutanabbir, O., Luo, L., Kim, Y., Assali, S., Atalla, M. R. M., Joo, H.‐J., Koelling, S., Chen, M., Shi, X., Burt, D., & Nam, D. (2024). Group IV Mid-Infrared Optoelectronics Leveraging Nanoscale Growth Substrates. Meeting abstracts (Electrochemical Society. CD-ROM), MA2024-02(32), 2328-2328. Lien externe

Moutanabbir, O., Assali, S., Attiaoui, A., Daligou, G., Daoust, P., Vecchio, P. D., Koelling, S., Luo, L., & Rotaru, N. (2023). Nuclear Spin-Depleted, Isotopically Enriched⁷⁰Ge/²⁸ Si⁷⁰Ge Quantum Wells. Advanced Materials, 2305703 (7 pages). Lien externe

Moutanabbir, O., Del Vecchio, P., Attiaoui, A., Fettu, G., Rotaru, N., & Assali, S. (2022). (Invited) Optoelectronic Quantum Information Processing: An All-Group IV Integrated Platform. ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2022-02(32), 1207-1207. Lien externe

Mukherjee, S., Assali, S., & Moutanabbir, O. (2021). Atomic Pathways of Solute Segregation in the Vicinity of Nanoscale Defects. Nano Letters, 21(23), 9882-9888. Lien externe

Moutanabbir, O., Assali, S., Gong, X., O'Reilly, E., Broderick, C. A., Marzban, B., Witzens, J., Du, W., Yu, S. Q., Chelnokov, A., Buca, D., & Nam, D. (2021). Monolithic infrared silicon photonics: The rise of (Si)GeSn semiconductors. Applied Physics Letters, 118(11), 110502 (10 pages). Lien externe

Moutanabbir, O., Attiaoui, A., Bouthillier, É., Del Vecchio, P., Kumar, A., Nicolas, J., Mukherjee, S., & Assali, S. (mai 2019). Germanium-tin semiconductors : a versatile silicon-compatible platform [Communication écrite]. VII Semiconductor Technology for Ultra Large Scale Integrated Circuits and Thin Film Transistors, Kyoto, Japan. Lien externe

Mukherjee, S., Assali, S., & Moutanabbir, O. (2018). Group IV nanowires for carbon-free energy conversion. Semiconductors and Semimetals, 98, 151-229. Lien externe


Nicolas, J., Assali, S., Mukherjee, S., Lotnyk, A., & Moutanabbir, O. (2020). Dislocation Pipe Diffusion and Solute Segregation during the Growth of Metastable GeSn. Crystal Growth and Design, 20(5), 3493-3498. Lien externe


Singh, S., Mukherjee, S., Mukherjee, S., Assali, S., Luo, L., Das, S., Moutanabbir, O., & Ray, S. K. (2022). Ge-Ge0.92Sn0.08 core-shell single nanowire infrared photodetector with superior characteristics for on-chip optical communication. Applied Physics Letters, 120(17). Lien externe


Tan, J. Z. J., Burt, D., Kim, Y.-M., Joo, H.-J., Chen, M., Shi, X., Zhang, L., Tan, C. S., Lim, K. Y. T., Quek, E., Huang, Y.-C., Assali, S., Moutanabbir, O., & Nam, D. (2022). Gesn Bonding Technology for Integrated Laser-on-Chip Photonics. Meeting abstracts, MA2022-02(32), 1177-1177. Lien externe

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