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Abou-Kalil, G., & Pierre, S. (2010). Client-based network-assisted mobile IPv6. International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security, 2(3), 224-230. Lien externe

Abouzaid, F., & Mullins, J. (septembre 2008). Formal Specification of Correlation in WS Orchestrations Using BP-calculus [Communication écrite]. 5th International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS 2008), Malaga, Spain. Publié dans Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 260. Lien externe

Abouzaid, M. F. (2010). Analyse formelle d'orchestrations de services Web [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Ali, N. (2010). Traceability improvement for software miniaturization. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-2010-05). Disponible

Ali, N., Wu, W., Antoniol, G., Di Penta, M., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., & Hayes, J. H. (2010). A novel process and its implementation for the multi-objective miniaturization of software. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-2010-04). Disponible

Allaire, F. C. J., Langlois, J. M. P., Labonté, G., & Tarbouchi, M. (octobre 2010). Two-tiered resolution real-time path evaluation [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Valencia, Spain. Lien externe

Arnaoudova, V. (2010). Defining linguistic antipatterns towards the improvement of source code quality. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-2010-07). Disponible

Arnaoudova, V. (octobre 2010). Improving source code quality through the definition of linguistic antipatterns [Communication écrite]. 17th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE 2010), Beverly, Massachusetts, USA. Lien externe

Arnaoudova, V., Eshkevari, L., Oliveto, R., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., & Antoniol, G. (2010). An empirical study on the relation between identifiers and fault proneness. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-2010-02). Disponible

Arnaoudova, V., Eshkevari, L., Oliveto, R., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., & Antoniol, G. (septembre 2010). Physical and Conceptual Identifier Dispersion: Measures and Relation to Fault Proneness [Communication écrite]. 26th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2010), Timisoara, Romania (5 pages). Lien externe

Asadi, F. (2010). A Heuristic-Based Approach to Locate Concepts in Execution Traces [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Asadi, F., Antoniol, G., & Guéhéneuc, Y.-G. (septembre 2010). Concept Location with Genetic Algorithms: A Comparison of Four Distributed Architectures [Communication écrite]. 2nd International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering (SSBSE 2010), Benevento, Italy. Lien externe

Asadi, F., Di Penta, M., Antoniol, G., & Guéhéneuc, Y.-G. (mars 2010). DPDX : A common exchange format for design pattern detection tools [Communication écrite]. 14th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR 2010), Madrid, Spain. Lien externe

Asadi, F., Di Penta, M., Antoniol, G., & Guéhéneuc, Y.-G. (mars 2010). A heuristic-based approach to Identify concepts in execution traces [Communication écrite]. 14th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR 2010), Madrid, Spain. Lien externe

Aymemo, J. M. F., Gagnon, M., Gauthier, J., Leduc, N., Puertas, E., Richard, P. R., Rosu, C., & Tessier-Baillargeon, M. (janvier 2010). Theoretical fundaments for an intelligent tutorial system towards the learning of geometry at a high school level [Communication écrite]. Interoperable Interactive Geometry Conference, 12GEO 2010, Hluboká nad Vltavou (Czech Republic). Lien externe

Azzabi, A., Aboulhamid, E. M., & Nicolescu, G. (décembre 2010). Timing verification of cyclic systems based on temporal constraint analysis [Communication écrite]. 17th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Athens, Greece. Lien externe

Balazinska, M., Merlo, E., Dagenais, M., Lague, B., & Kontogiannis, K. (octobre 2010). Advanced clone-analysis to support object-oriented system refactoring [Communication écrite]. 17th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE 2010), Beverly, Massachusetts, USA. Lien externe

Bavota, G., Oliveto, R., De Lucia, A., Antoniol, G., & Guéhéneuc, Y.-G. (septembre 2010). Playing with refactoring: identifying extract class opportunities through game theory [Communication écrite]. 26th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2010), Timisoara, Romania (5 pages). Lien externe

Beaudry, C., Boyer, P., Camarero, R., Chaouki, J., Comeau, Y., Dansereau, J., Desjardins, P., Dupuis, C., Hurteau, R., Nicolas, J., & Pierre, S. (2010). Vers la création d'un microprogramme de 3e cycle visant l'enrichissement des habiletés des doctorats. (Rapport technique). Non disponible

Bérard, B., Mullins, J., & Sassolas, M. (septembre 2010). Quantifying opacity [Communication écrite]. 7th International Conference on the Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST 2010), Williamsburg, VA, USA. Lien externe

Berbeglia, G., Pesant, G., & Rousseau, L.-M. (2010). Checking the Feasibility of Dial-a-Ride Instances using Constraint Programming. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2010-16). Lien externe

Berbeglia, G., Pesant, G., & Rousseau, L.-M. (2010). Feasibility of the pickup and delivery problem with fixed partial routes: A complexity Analysis. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2010-15). Lien externe

Bhattacharya, N. (2010). Verification of software-hardware hybrid systems. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-2010-10). Disponible

Bisson, M. (2010). Système de visualisation pour l'assistance des chirurgies minimalement invasives du rachis [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Bisson, M., Cheriet, F., & Parent, S. (septembre 2010). 3D visualization tool for minimally invasive discectomy assistance [Communication écrite]. 8th Biennial Meeting of the International Research Society of Spinal Deformities (IRSSD 2010), Montréal, Québec. Lien externe

Bois, G., Moss, L., Filion, L., & Fontaine, S. (2010). Codesign experiences based on a virtual platform. Dans Bailey, B., & Martin, G. (édit.), ESL models and their application : electronic system level design and verification practice (p. 273-309). Lien externe

Boucheneb, H., & Barkaoui, K. (septembre 2010). On interleaving in {P,A}-Time Petri nets with strong semantics [Communication écrite]. 12th International Workshop on Verification of Infinite-State Systems, Singapore. Lien externe

Boucheneb, H., Imine, A., & Najem, M. (octobre 2010). Symbolic Model-Checking of Optimistic Replication Algorithms [Communication écrite]. 8th International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods (IFM 2010), Nancy, France. Lien externe

Boughanmi, F. (2010). Change impact analysis of multi-language and heterogeneously-licensed software. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-2010-06). Disponible

Boughanmi, F. (octobre 2010). Multi-language and Heterogeneously-licensed Software Analysis [Communication écrite]. 17th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE 2010), Beverly, Massachusetts, USA. Lien externe

Bouktif, S., Ahmed, F., Khalil, I., & Antoniol, G. (2010). A Novel Composite Model Approach to Improve Software Quality Prediction. Information and Software Technology, 52(12), 1298-1311. Lien externe

Bourezak, R., Lamouche, G., & Cheriet, F. (février 2010). Automatic lumen segmentation from intravascular OCT images [Communication écrite]. Medical Imaging 2010: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, San Diego, California, USA (5 pages). Lien externe

Bringout, G., Lalande, V., Gosselin, F., & Martel, S. (août 2010). Safety evaluation of magnetic catheter steering with upgraded magnetic resonance imaging system [Communication écrite]. 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2010), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Lien externe

Calvet, J., Davis, C. R., Fernandez, J. M., Guizani, W., Kaczmarek, M., Marion, J.-Y., & St-Onge, P.-L. (août 2010). Isolated virtualised clusters : testbeds for high-risk security experimentation and training [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Conference on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (CSET 2010), Washington, DC, USA. Lien externe

Calvet, J., Davis, C. R., Fernandez, J. M., Marion, J.-Y., St-Onge, P.-L., Guizani, W., Bureau, P.-M., & Somayaji, A. (décembre 2010). The case for in-the-lab botnet experimentation: creating and taking down a 3000-node botnet [Communication écrite]. 26th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, Austin, TX, USA. Lien externe

Calvet, J., Fernandez, J. M., Bureau, P.-M., & Marion, J.-Y. (septembre 2010). Large-scale malware experiments why, how, and so what [Communication écrite]. 20th Virus Bulletin International Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Lien externe

Chamam, A., & Pierre, S. (2010). A distributed energy-efficient clustering protocol for wireless sensor networks. Computers and Electrical Engineering, 36(2), 303-312. Lien externe

Chamberland, S. (2010). Global access network evolution. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 18(1), 136-149. Lien externe

Chamberland, S. (septembre 2010). On the design problem of two-level IP networks [Communication écrite]. 14th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning Symposium (NETWORKS 2010), Warsaw, Poland. Lien externe

Chamberland, S., & Bahri, A. (avril 2010). Designing Multi-layer WDM Networks with Reliability Constraints [Communication écrite]. 9th International Conference on Networks (ICN 2010), French Alps, France. Lien externe

Charton, E., & Torres-Moreno, J.-M. (mai 2010). NLGbAse: A free linguistic resource for natural language processing systems [Communication écrite]. 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2010), Valletta, Malta. Non disponible

Charton, E., Gagnon, M., & Ozell, B. (juillet 2010). Poly-co : an unsupervised co-reference detection system [Communication écrite]. 6th International Natural Language Generation Conference, Trim, Ireland. Non disponible

Charton, E., Gagnon, M., & Ozell, B. (juillet 2010). A preprocessing system to include imaginative animations according to text in educational applications [Communication écrite]. 3rd Workshop on Multimodal Output Generation, Dublin. Non disponible

Cheriet, F., Song, L., Debanne, P., Dionne, O., & Labelle, H. (octobre 2010). 3D Digitizing Device Applied in Evaluation and Simulation of Postoperative Trunk Surface Shape in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis [Communication écrite]. 1st International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies (3DBodyTech 2010), Lugano, Switzerland. Lien externe

Chevrefils, C., Duong, L., Cheriet, F., Parent, S., & Aubin, C.-É. (juillet 2010). 2D/3D registration of pre-operative MRI models with a single radiographic image : feasibility study [Communication écrite]. International Research Society of Spinal Deformities Meeting, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible

Cobo, L., Quintero, A., & Pierre, S. (2010). Ant-based routing for wireless multimedia sensor networks using multiple QoS metrics. Computer Networks, 54(17), 2991-3010. Lien externe

Côté, J., Rouleau, G., Saulnier, D., Tremblay, C., Morin, H., Ramirez-Garcia, P., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., Godin, G., & Otis, J. (mai 2010). Découvrir aujourd'hui, réinventer demain! Le mode virtuel : une voie prometteuse pour le soutien des clientèles dans l'autogestion de leur condition de santé [Communication écrite]. 78e Congrès de l'ACFAS, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible

Côté, M. (2010). Simulateur collaboratif de chirurgie d'instrumentation du rachis scoliotique en réalité virtuelle avec interface haptique logicielle [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Couture, M., Charpentier, R., Dagenais, M., & Hamou-Lhadj, A. (avril 2010). Self-defence of information systems in cyber-space - a critical overview [Communication écrite]. NATO IST-091 Symposium. Lien externe

Da Cunha, I., Sanjuan, E., Torres-Moreno, J.-M., Lloberes, M., & Castellon, I. (novembre 2010). Discourse segmentation for Spanish based on shallow parsing [Communication écrite]. 9th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI 2010, Pachuca, Mexico. Lien externe

Darvish Zadeh Varcheie, P. (2010). Low and Variable Frame Rate Face Tracking Using an IP PTZ Camera [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Debanne, P., Pazos, V., Labelle, H., & Cheriet, F. (septembre 2010). Evaluation of reducibility of trunk asymmetry in lateral bending [Communication écrite]. 8th Biennial Meeting of the International Research Society of Spinal Deformities (IRSSD 2010), Montréal, Québec. Lien externe

Desmarais, M. C. (2010). Just-in-Time Knowledge and User Interface Design for Effective Hybrid Learning. Dans Handbook of Research on Hybrid Learning Models (p. 174-184). Lien externe

Desmarais, M. C., & Pelczer, I. (juin 2010). On the Faithfulness of Simulated Student Performance Data [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2010), Pittsburg, PA. Lien externe

Desnoyers, M., & Dagenais, M. (2010). Synchronization for fast and reentrant operating system kernel tracing. Journal of Software: Practice and Experience, 40(12), 1053-1072. Lien externe

Després, P., Gariépy, J.-P., Carrier, J.-F., Hissoiny, S., Ozell, B., Beaulieu, L., & Verhaegen, F. (mai 2010). Improving the accuracy of TG-43 dose calculations for low-dose rate brachytherapy with GPU-based raytracing [Communication écrite]. 16th International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy (ICCR 2010), Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Non disponible

Di Penta, M., German, D. M., & Antoniol, G. (mai 2010). Identifying Licensing of Jar Archives using a Code-Search Approach [Communication écrite]. 7th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2010), Cape Town, South Africa. Lien externe

Di Penta, M., German, D. M., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., & Antoniol, G. (mai 2010). An exploratory study of the evolution of software licensing [Communication écrite]. 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2010), Cape Town, South africa. Lien externe

Diallo, M. M., Pierre, S., & Beaubrun, R. (2010). A Tabu Search Approach for Assigning Node Bs to Switches in UMTS Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 9(4), 1350-1359. Lien externe

Droui, M., Martial, O., Kébreau, S., Pierre, S., & Vazquez-Abad, J. (2010). Les technologies mobiles pour mieux comprendre l'apprentissage collaboratif. Dans Riopel, M., Potvin, P., & Vázquez-Abad, J. (édit.), Utilisation des technologies pour la recherche sur l'éducation scientifique . Lien externe

Duong, L., Cheriet, F., & Labelle, H. (2010). Automatic Detection of Scoliotic Curves in Posteroanterior Radiographs. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 57(5), 1143-1151. Lien externe

Eshkevari, L. M. (2010). Restructuring source code identifiers. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-2010-11). Disponible

Ezzouhairi, A., Quintero, A., & Pierre, S. (2010). Towards cross layer mobility support in metropolitan networks. Computer Communications, 33(2), 202-221. Lien externe

Fadlaoui, K., & Galinier, P. (2010). Covering design problem constructed by using the TS-CD algorithm. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-2010-01). Disponible

Felfoul, O., Mokrani, N., Mohammadi, M., & Martel, S. (août 2010). Effect of the chain of magnetosomes embedded in magnetotactic bacteria and their motility on Magnetic Resonance imaging [Communication écrite]. 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2010), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Lien externe

Fortin, C., Feldman, D. E., Cheriet, F., & Labelle, H. (2010). Validity of a Quantitative Clinical Measurement Tool of Trunk Posture in Idiopathic Scoliosis. Spine, 35(19), E988-E994. Lien externe

Fournier, P.-M., & Dagenais, M. (2010). Analyzing blocking to debug performance problems on multi-core systems. Operating Systems Review, 44(2), 77-87. Lien externe

Fu, S. (2010). Efficient Learning of Markov Blanket and Markov Blanket Classifier [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Fu, S., & Desmarais, M. C. (juin 2010). Feature Selection by Efficient Learning of Markov Blanket [Communication écrite]. World Congress on Engineering 2010 (WCE 2010). Lien externe

Fu, S., & Desmarais, M. C. (juin 2010). Markov Blanket Based Feature Selection: a Review of Past Decade [Communication écrite]. World Congress on Engineering 2010 (WCE 2010), London, U.K. Lien externe

Galvan, S., Reggio, M., & Guibault, F. (2010). Inlet velocity profile optimization of the turbine 99 draft tube. Lien externe

Gao, S., Chabini, N., Al-Khalili, D., & Langlois, J. M. P. (2010). FPGA-based efficient design approaches for large size two's complement squarers. Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 58(1), 3-15. Lien externe

Garcia, O., Quintero, A., & Pierre, S. (2010). A global profile-based algorithm for energy minimization in object tracking sensor networks. Computer Communications, 33(6), 736-744. Lien externe

Gascon-Samson, J. (2010). Architecture de rebalancement dynamique pour jeux massivement multijoueurs en ligne fonctionnant sur réseaux pair-à-pair [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Gendreau, O. (2010). Caractérisation de projets de développement logiciel dans une perspective de flux de connaissances [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Girard, F., Benboujja, F., Parent, S., & Cheriet, F. (février 2010). Active self-calibration of thoracoscopic images for assisted minimally invasive spinal surgery [Communication écrite]. Medical Imaging 2010: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Modeling, San Diego, California, USA. Lien externe

Girodias, B., Gheorghe, L., Bouchebaba, Y., Nicolescu, G., Aboulhamid, E. M., Langevin, M., & Paulin, P. (juin 2010). Combining memory optimization with mapping of multimedia applications for multi-processors system-on-chip [Communication écrite]. 21st IEEE International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP 2010), Fairfax, VA, USA. Lien externe

Guéhéneuc, Y.-G. (2010). IDS: An Immune-inspired Approach for the Detection of Software Design Smells. Dans Encyclopedia of software engineering (p. 16). Non disponible

Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., Guyomarc'h, J. Y., & Sahraoui, H. (2010). Improving Design-Pattern Identification: a New Approach and an Exploratory Study. Software Quality Journal, 18(1), 145-174. Lien externe

Guerrouj, L. (2010). Automatic derivation of concepts based on the analysis of identifiers. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-2010-09). Disponible

Guerrouj, L. (octobre 2010). Automatic Derivation of Concepts Based on the Analysis of Source Code Identifiers [Communication écrite]. 17th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE 2010), Beverly, Massachusetts, USA. Lien externe

Haderer, N., Khomh, F., & Antoniol, G. (septembre 2010). SQUANER: A framework for monitoring the quality of software systems [Communication écrite]. 26th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2010), Timisoara, Romania (4 pages). Lien externe

Hamadou, S., & Mullins, J. (2010). Calibrating the power of schedulers for probabilistic polynomial-time calculus. Journal of Computer Security, 18(2), 265-316. Lien externe

Harmouche, R., Cheriet, F., Labelle, H., & Dansereau, J. (juin 2010). Articulated Model Registration of MRI/X-Ray Spine Data [Communication écrite]. 7th International Conference Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR 2010), Povoa de Varzim, Portugal. Lien externe

Hassaine, S. (2010). Évolution biologique et applications en génie logiciel. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-2010-03). Disponible

Hassaine, S., Khomh, F., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., & Hamel, S. (septembre 2010). IDS: An Immune-inspired Approach for the Detection of Software Design Smells [Communication écrite]. 7th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC 2010), Porto. Lien externe

Heidari, P., & Boucheneb, H. (juin 2010). Efficient Method for Checking the Existence of a Safety/ Reachability Controller for Time Petri Nets [Communication écrite]. 10th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD 2010), Braga, Portugal. Lien externe

Henke, D., Claude, S., Jiang, F., Dousset, D., & Rossi, F. (juin 2010). Component development for ALMA Band 1 (31-45 GHz) [Communication écrite]. Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V, San Diego, California, USA. Lien externe

Hissoiny, S., Després, P., & Ozell, B. (mai 2010). GPUMCD, a new GPU-oriented Monte Carlo dose calculation platform [Communication écrite]. 16th International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy (ICCR 2010), Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Non disponible

Hissoiny, S., Ozell, B., & Despres, P. (2010). A convolution-superposition dose calculation engine for GPUs. Medical Physics, 37(3), 1029-1037. Lien externe

Holzer, A., Maaroufi, S., & Pierre, S. (octobre 2010). DYMES: A dynamic messaging service for VANETs [Communication écrite]. 6th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2010), Niagara Falls, Ontario. Lien externe

Houngbadji, T., & Pierre, S. (octobre 2010). Distributed data sharing in mobile ad hoc networks [Communication écrite]. Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC 2010), Auckland, New Zealand. Lien externe

Houngbadji, T., & Pierre, S. (2010). QoSNET: An integrated QoS network for routing protocols in large scale wireless sensor networks. Computer Communications, 33(11), 1334-1342. Lien externe

Islam, A., Iqbal, U., Langlois, J. M. P., & Noureldin, A. (2010). Implementation methodology of embedded land vehicle positioning using an integrated GPS and multi sensor system. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 17(1), 69-83. Lien externe

Jabbarifar, M., Sendi, A. S., Pedram, H., Dehghan, M., & Dagenais, M. (mai 2010). L-SYNC: Larger Degree Clustering Based Time-Synchronisation for Wireless Sensor Network [Communication écrite]. 8th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications (SERA 2010), Montréal, Québec. Lien externe

Jabbarifar, M., Sendi, A. S., Sadighian, A., Jivan, N. E., & Dagenais, M. (2010). A reliable and efficient time synchronization protocol for heterogeneous wireless sensor network. Wireless Sensor Network, 2(12), 910-918. Lien externe

Jodoin, A. (2010). Un environnement dynamique de développement (EDD) pour le prototypage rapide d'interfaces graphiques [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Kaczor, O., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., & Hamel, S. (2010). Identification of Design Motifs With Pattern Matching Algorithms. Information and Software Technology, 52(2), 152-168. Lien externe

Kadoury, S., Cheriet, F., & Labelle, H. (2010). Self-Calibration of Biplanar Radiographic Images Through Geometric Spine Shape Descriptors. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 57(7), 1663-1675. Lien externe

Kerzazi, N. (2010). Cadre de conception multi-perspectives pour la modélisation des processus de génie logiciel [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Kerzazi, N., & Robillard, P. N. (2010). DSL4SPM: Domain-specific language for software process modeling. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-2010-15). Disponible

Kerzazi, N., & Robillard, P. N. (2010). Introducing knowledge concepts in software process modeling. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-2010-14). Disponible

Kerzazi, N., & Robillard, P. N. (mai 2010). Multi-Perspective Software Process Modeling [Communication écrite]. 8th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications (SERA 2010), Montréal, Québec. Lien externe

Khoshbakht Marvi, E., Mohammadi, M., & Martel, S. (juin 2010). Using a swarm of bacteria as actuator for propelling microrobots [Communication écrite]. 12th International Conference on New Actuators, Bremen, Germany. Non disponible

Khoshbakht Marvi, E., Mokrani, N., Mohammadi, M., & Martel, S. (avril 2010). Impact of the geometrical features of micro-components in bacterial micro-assemblies [Communication écrite]. 5th International Conference on MicroManufacturing, Madison, Wisconsin. Lien externe

Kiraga, A. F. (2010). Vérification des systèmes de sécurité probabilistes : restriction de l'attaquant [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Kpodjedo, S., Galinier, P., & Antoniol, G. (avril 2010). Enhancing a tabu algorithm for approximate graph matching by using similarity measures [Communication écrite]. 10th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization (EvoCOP 2010), Istanbul, Turkey. Lien externe

Kpodjedo, S., Galinier, P., & Antoniol, G. (mars 2010). On the use of similarity metrics for approximate graph matching [Communication écrite]. International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO 2010), Hammamet, Tunisia. Publié dans Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 36. Lien externe

Labbé, P. (2010). Méthodologie de vérification d'un processus adaptatif utilisant la mesure de non-conformité [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Lacquemant, R. (2010). Courtier en qualité de contexte pour les applications mobiles [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Lalande, V., Gosselin, F. P., & Martel, S. (juillet 2010). Experimental demonstration of a swimming robot propelled by the gradient field of a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system [Communication écrite]. IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2010), Montréal, Québec. Lien externe

Lalande, V., Gosselin, F., & Martel, S. (août 2010). Catheter steering using a Magnetic Resonance Imaging system [Communication écrite]. 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2010), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Lien externe

Lapointe, J., & Martel, S. (août 2010). Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) beads synthesis with nanoparticles embedded for the implementation of shrinkable medical microrobots for biomedical applications [Communication écrite]. 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2010), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Lien externe

Lavoie, T., Eilers-Smith, M., & Merlo, E. (mai 2010). Challenging cloning related problems with GPU-based algorithms [Communication écrite]. 4th International Workshop on Software Clones (IWSC 2010), in conjunction with the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2010), Cape Town, South africa. Lien externe

Le Beux, S., Bois, G., Nicolescu, G., Bouchebaba, Y., Langevin, M., & Paulin, P. (2010). Combining mapping and partitioning exploration for NoC-based embedded systems. Journal of Systems Architecture, 56(7), 223-232. Lien externe

Le Beux, S., Nicolescu, G., Bois, G., & Paulin, P. (mai 2010). A system-level exploration flow for optical network on chip (ONoC) in 3D MPSoC [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2010), Paris, France. Lien externe

Le Beux, S., Trajkovic, J., O'Connor, I., Nicolescu, G., Bois, G., & Paulin, P. (2010). Multi-optical network-on-chip for large scale MPSoC. IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, 2(3), 77-80. Lien externe

Lemay, A., Fernandez, J. M., & Knight, S. (juin 2010). Pinprick attacks, a lesser included case [Communication écrite]. Conference on Cyber Conflict, Tallinn, Estonia. Lien externe

Letarte, D. (septembre 2010). Conversion of fast inter-procedural static analysis to model checking [Communication écrite]. IEEE 26th International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2010), Timisoara, Romania. Lien externe

Letarte, D. (septembre 2010). Model checking graph representation of precise boolean inter-procedural flow analysis [Communication écrite]. 25th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, ASE'10, Antwerp, Belgium. Lien externe

Lombaert, H., & Cheriet, F. (août 2010). Geodesic Thin Plate Splines for Image Segmentation [Communication écrite]. 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2010), Istanbul. Lien externe

Lombaert, H., & Cheriet, F. (avril 2010). Spatio-temporal segmentation of the heart in 4D MRI images using graph cuts with motion cues [Communication écrite]. 7th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Lien externe

Madani, N. (2010). Heuristic Splitting of Source Code Identifiers [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Madani, N., Guerrouj, L., Di Penta, M., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., & Antoniol, G. (mars 2010). Recognizing words from source code identifiers using speech recognition techniques [Communication écrite]. 14th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR 2010), Madrid, Spain. Lien externe

Maïga, A. (2010). Détection et correction automatique des défauts de conception au moyen de l'apprentissage automatique pour l'amélioration de la qualité des systèmes. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-2010-12). Disponible

Makaya, C., & Pierre, S. (2010). Dynamic vertical handoff protocol for heterogeneous wireless and mobile networks. Dans Chen, K. Y., & Lee, H. K. (édit.), Mobile computing research and applications . Non disponible

Martel, S. (février 2010). Aggregates of Synthetic Microscale Nanorobots versus Swarms of Computer-Controlled Flagellated Bacterial Robots for Target Therapies through the Human Vascular Network [Communication écrite]. 4th International Conference on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies (ICQNM 2010), St. Maarten (Netherlands Antilles). Lien externe

Martel, S. (2010). Collective methods of propulsion and steering for untethered microscale nanorobots navigating in the human vascular network. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 224(7), 1505-1513. Lien externe

Martel, S. (2010). Combining aggregates of synthetic microscale nanorobots with swarms of computer-controlled flagellated bacterial robots to enhance target therapies through the human vascular network. International Journal on Advances in Systems and Measurements, 3(3-4). Lien externe

Martel, S. (août 2010). Microrobotic navigable entities for Magnetic Resonance Targeting [Communication écrite]. 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2010), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Lien externe

Martel, S., & Mohammadi, M. (mai 2010). Using a Swarm of Self-propelled Natural Microrobots in the Form of Flagellated Bacteria to Perform Complex Micro-assembly Tasks [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2010), Anchorage, Alaska. Lien externe

Martel, S., Mohammadi, M., & Mokrani, N. (février 2010). Switching between magnetic or oxigen sensory input for the MC-1 flagellated bacteria to be used for controlling the motion of swarms of bacterial microscale nanorobots [Communication écrite]. 1st Global Congress on NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology (NEMB 2010), Houston, Texas. Lien externe

Martial, O., & Vazquez-Abad, J. (octobre 2010). Didactique des sciences et ergonomie pour l'innovation grâce aux technologies mobiles d'apprentissage [Communication écrite]. 12e Conference Internationale sur l'Ergonomie et l'Informatique Avancée : Innovation, Interactions, Qualite de vie (Ergo'IA 2010), Biarritz, France. Lien externe

Mathieu, J.-B., & Martel, S. (2010). Steering of aggregating magnetic microparticles using propulsion gradients coils in an MRI Scanner. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 63(5), 1336-1345. Lien externe

Mens, T., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., Fernandez-Ramil, J., & D'Hondt, M. (2010). Guest editors' introduction: Software evolution. IEEE Software, 27(4), 22-25. Lien externe

Moha, N., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., Duchien, L., & Le Meur, A.-F. (2010). DECOR: a method for the specification and detection of code and design smells. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 36(1), 20-36. Lien externe

Moha, N., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., Le Meur, A.-F., Duchien, L., & Tiberghien, A. (2010). From a domain analysis to the specification and detection of code and design smells. Formal Aspects of Computing, 22(3-4), 345-361. Lien externe

Mokrani, N., Felfoul, O., Zarreh, F. A., Mohammadi, M., Aloyz, R., Batist, G., & Martel, S. (août 2010). Magnetotactic bacteria penetration into multicellular tumor spheroids for targeted therapy [Communication écrite]. 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2010), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Lien externe

Moss, L. (2010). Profilage, caractérisation et partitionnement fonctionnel dans une plate-forme de conception de systèmes embarqués [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Mourchid, F. (2010). Nouveau modèle pour le positionnement des senseurs avec contraintes de localisation [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Mousavi Eshkevari, L. (octobre 2010). Linguistic driven refactoring of source code identifiers [Communication écrite]. 17th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE 2010), Beverly, Massachusetts, USA. Lien externe

Ng, J. K.-Y., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., & Antoniol, G. (2010). Identification of behavioural and creational design motifs through dynamic analysis. Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice, 22(8), 597-627. Lien externe

Njinowa, M. S., Bui, H. T., & Boyer, F.-R. (mai 2010). Peak-to-peak jitter reduction technique for the Free-Running Period Synthesizer (FRPS) [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. ISCAS 2010, Paris, France. Lien externe

Ntareme, A. (2010). Planification du réseau d'accès pour l'amélioration de la rentabilité de l'infrastructure d'un réseau FTTN [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Olamaei, N., Cheriet, F., Beaudoin, G., & Martel, S. (août 2010). MRI visualization of a single 15 µm navigable imaging agent and future microrobot [Communication écrite]. 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2010), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Lien externe

Oliveto, R., Khomh, F., Antoniol, G., & Guéhéneuc, Y.-G. (mars 2010). Numerical signatures of antipatterns : an approach based on B-splines [Communication écrite]. 14th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR 2010), Madrid, Spain. Lien externe

Ould-Bachir, T., & David, J. P. (septembre 2010). FPGA-Based Real-Time Simulation of State-Space Models using Floating-Point Cores [Communication écrite]. 14th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE/PEMC 2010), Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia. Lien externe

Ould-Bachir, T., & David, J. P. (mai 2010). Performing floating-point Accumulation on a Modern FPGA in Single and Double Precision [Communication écrite]. 18th Annual International IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM 2010), Charlotte, North Carolina. Lien externe

Ould-Bachir, T., David, J. P., Dufour, C., & Bélanger, J. (novembre 2010). Effective FPGA-based electric motor modeling with floating-point cores [Communication écrite]. 36th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics (IECON 2010), Glendale, Arizona, USA. Lien externe

Poirier, B. (2010). Synchronisation de traces distribuées à l'aide d'événements de bas niveau [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Poirier, B., Roy, R., & Dagenais, M. (2010). Accurate offline synchronization of distributed traces using kernel-level events. Operating Systems Review, 44(3), 75-87. Lien externe

Polo, N. (2010). A Location Routing Protocol Based on Smart Antennas for Wireless Sensor Networks [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Porras, G. C., & Guéhéneuc, Y.-G. (2010). An Empirical Study on the Efficiency of Different Design Pattern Representations in Uml Class Diagrams. Empirical Software Engineering, 15(5), 493-522. Lien externe

Pouponneau, P., Savadogo, O., Napporn, T., Yahia, L., & Martel, S. (2010). Corrosion study of iron-cobalt alloys for MRI-based propulsion embedded in untethered microdevices operating in the vascular network. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part B, Applied Biomaterials, 93(1), 203-211. Lien externe

Pulgarin, M. V., Glitho, R., & Quintero, A. (septembre 2010). An overlay gateway for the integration of IP multimedia subsystem and mobile sink based - Wireless sensor networks [Communication écrite]. 72nd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2010-Fall), Ottawa, ON, Canada. Lien externe

Rey, D. (2010). Collecte des données d'un réseau de capteurs sans fils en utilisant une surcouche réseau pair à pair [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Richard, P. R., Leduc, N., Tessier-Baillargeon, M., & Gagnon, M. (juin 2010). Contribution of a computer algebra system (CAS) in the solving of problems in geometry with the help of an emerging tutorial system [Communication écrite]. Computer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Education, Hluboká nad Vltavou (Czech Republic). Non disponible

Rogers-Vallée, M., Cantin, M.-A., Moss, L., & Bois, G. (octobre 2010). IP characterization methodology for fast and accurate power consumption estimation at transactional level model [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD 2010), Amsterdam, Netherlands. Lien externe

Rossi, A., Pierre, S., & Krishnan, S. (2010). An efficient and secure self-healing scheme for LKH. Journal of Network and Systems Management, 18(3), 327-347. Lien externe

Roy, R. (2010). Reactor core methods. Dans Nuclear Computational Science: A Century in Review (p. 167-215). Lien externe

Roy, R., Marleau, G., & Hébert, A. (mai 2010). Rudi Stamm'ler contributions and DRAGON [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Advances in Reactor Physics to Power the Nuclear Reanissance (PHYSOR 2010), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Non disponible

Ruhlmann, L., Ozell, B., Gagnon, M., Bourgoin, S., & Charton, E. (septembre 2010). Improving Communication Using 3D Animation [Communication écrite]. 14th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (KES 2010), Cardiff, Wales. Lien externe

Sabane, A. (2010). Améliorer la testabilité et les tests des systèmes à l'aide des patrons. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-2010-08). Disponible

Sabané, A. (octobre 2010). Improving system testability and testing with microarchitectures [Communication écrite]. 17th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE 2010), Beverly, Massachusetts, USA. Lien externe

Sahraoui, H., Briand, L. C., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., & Beaurepaire, O. (2010). Investigating the impact of a measurement program on software quality. Information and Software Technology, 52(9), 923-933. Lien externe

Sendi, A. S., Jabbarifar, M., Shajari, M., & Dagenais, M. (mai 2010). FEMRA: Fuzzy Expert Model for Risk Assessment [Communication écrite]. 5th International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (ICIMP 2010), Barcelona, Spain. Lien externe

Séoud, L., Adankon, M. M., Labelle, H., Dansereau, J., & Cheriet, F. (avril 2010). Prediction of scoliosis curve type based on the analysis of trunk surface topography [Communication écrite]. 7th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Lien externe

Séoud, L., Adankon, M. M., Labelle, H., Dansereau, J., & Cheriet, F. (juin 2010). Towards Non Invasive Diagnosis of Scoliosis Using Semi-Supervised Learning Approach [Communication écrite]. 7th International Conference Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR 2010), Povoa de Varzim, Portugal. Lien externe

Shechter, E., & Martel, S. (juillet 2010). Principles of motion control of bacterial micro-robots using oxygen gradients [Communication écrite]. IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2010), Montréal, Québec. Lien externe

Shirazipour, M. (2010). End-to-End Path Computer Schemes for Traffic Engineering in Next Generation Multi-Domain Networks [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Shirazipour, M., & Pierre, S. (2010). End-to-end path computation schemes for traffic engineering in multi-domain networks. Non disponible

Shirazipour, M., & Pierre, S. (2010). Ingénierie de traffic inter-domaine pour l'Internet. Lien externe

Shirazipour, M., & Pierre, S. (décembre 2010). Multi-Layer/Multi-Region Path Computation with Adaptation Capability Constraints [Communication écrite]. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2010), Miami, FL, USA (5 pages). Lien externe

Sirois, Y., Dompierre, J., Vallet, M.-G., & Guibault, F. (2010). Hybrid mesh smoothing based on Riemannian metric non-conformity minimization. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 46(1-2), 47-60. Lien externe

Stoina, P., Quintero, A., & Cobo, L. (2010). Transport Protocol for Real-Time Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 5(2), 86-102. Lien externe

Tabatabaei, S. N., Lapointe, J., & Martel, S. (septembre 2010). Microscale hydrogel-based computer-triggered polymorphic microrobots for operations in the vascular network [Communication écrite]. 3rd IEEE RAS EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2010), Tokyo, Japan. Lien externe

Talei, V. (2010). Implementation of a Bacterium Tracking System on FPGA [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Torabi, A., Massé, G., & Bilodeau, G.-A. (juin 2010). Feedback scheme for thermal-visible video registration, sensor fusion, and people tracking [Communication écrite]. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW 2010), San Francisco, CA. Lien externe

Torabi, A., Ouellet, C., & Bilodeau, G.-A. (juillet 2010). Small animal head tracking and pose estimation in infrared videos [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Image Processing Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition, Las Vegas, NV., USA. Non disponible

Trajkovic, J., & Gajski, D. D. (juin 2010). Early performance-cost estimation of application-specific data path pipelining [Communication écrite]. IEEE 8th Symposium on Application Specific Processors (SASP 2010), Anaheim, California. Lien externe

Tran, L. C., Pal, C. J., & Nguyen, T. Q. (septembre 2010). View synthesis based on conditional random fields and graph cuts [Communication écrite]. 17th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2010), Hong Kong. Lien externe

Tremblay, C. C., Jean, J., Marchand, L., Turki, A., Chouinard-Gaouette, P., Brousseau, M., Mohammadi, M., & Martel, S. (octobre 2010). Robotic platform for real-time tracking of a single fast swimming bacterium [Communication écrite]. International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Toronto, ON (5 pages). Lien externe

Varcheie, P. D. Z., Sills-Lavoie, M., & Bilodeau, G.-A. (2010). A Multiscale Region-Based Motion Detection and Background Subtraction Algorithm. Sensors, 10(2), 1041-1061. Disponible

Vélez-Pulgarin, M. (2010). An Overlay Gateway for the Integration of IP Multimedia Subsystem and Mobile Sink Based-Wireless Sensor Networks [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Vidal, D., Roy, R., & Bertrand, F. (2010). On improving the performance of large parallel lattice Boltzmann flow simulations in heterogeneous porous media. Computers and Fluids, 39(2), 324-337. Lien externe

Vidal, D., Roy, R., & Bertrand, F. (2010). A parallel workload balanced and memory efficient lattice-Boltzmann algorithm with single unit BGK relaxation time for laminar Newtonian flows. Computers and Fluids, 39(8), 1411-1423. Lien externe

Vivaldi, J., Da Cunha, I., Torres-Moreno, J.-M., & Velazquez-Morales, P. (mai 2010). Automatic summarization using terminological and semantic resources [Communication écrite]. 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2010), Valletta, Malta. Lien externe

Vu, T. C., Devals, C., Zhang, Y., Nennemann, B., & Guibault, F. (septembre 2010). Steady and unsteady flow computation in an elbow dr aft tube with experimental validation [Communication écrite]. 25th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Timisoara, Romania. Lien externe

Wu, H., Ronsky, J. L., Cheriet, F., Harder, J. A., Küpper, J. C., & Zernicke, R. F. (2010). Time series spinal radiographs as prognostic factors for scoliosis and progression of spinal deformities. European Spine Journal, 20(1), 112-117. Lien externe

Wu, H., Ronsky, J. L., Cheriet, F., Küpper, J., Harder, J., Xue, D., & Zernicke, R. F. (2010). Prediction of scoliosis progression with serial three-dimensional spinal curves and the artificial progression surface technique. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 48(11), 1065-1075. Lien externe

Wu, W., Guéhéneuc, Y.-G., Antoniol, G., & Kim, M. (mai 2010). AURA: A hybrid approach to identify framework evolution [Communication écrite]. 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2010), Cape Town, South africa. Lien externe

Zanarini, A. (2010). Exploiting Global Constraints for Search and Propagation [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Zhang, L. J., Zhang, L., Marchand, L., & Pierre, S. (2010). Mobility management protocols design for IPv6-based wireless and mobile networks. Dans Ilyas, M., & Ahson, S. A. (édit.), Fixed mobile convergence handbook (p. 237-263). Lien externe

Zouaq, A., Gagnon, M., & Ozell, B. (mai 2010). Can syntactic and logical graphs help word sense disambiguation? [Communication écrite]. 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Valletta, Malta. Lien externe

Zouaq, A., Gagnon, M., & Ozell, B. (juin 2010). Grammaire de dépendances et ontologies de haut niveau : vers un processus modulaire pour l'analyse sémantique [Communication écrite]. 10th International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data (JADT 2010), Sapienza, Rome. Lien externe

Zouaq, A., Gagnon, M., & Ozell, B. (2010). Semantic analysis using dependency-based grammars and upper-level ontologies. International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Applications, 1(1-2), 85-101. Lien externe

Zouaq, A., Gagnon, M., & Ozell, B. (mars 2010). Semantic Analysis using Dependency-based Grammars and Upper-Level Ontologies [Communication écrite]. 11th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing 2010), Iasi, Romania. Lien externe

Zouaq, A., Gagnon, M., & Ozell, B. (mars 2010). Semantic analysis using dependency/based grammars and upper-level ontologies [Communication écrite]. 11th International Conference on Intelligent texte processing and computational linguistics (CICLing 2010), Isai, Romania. Non disponible

Zreik, I. G. (2010). Architecture pair-à-pair de grille d'ordinateurs de prochaine génération basée sur les services et les contraintes de qualité de service [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

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