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Arabzadeh, H., Goguen, K., Pelletier, K., Bouaanani, N., Galal, K., & Léger, P. (janvier 2017). Evaluation of finite and fiber elements RC models for nonlinear cyclic analysis of U shaped shear wall [Communication écrite]. 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE 2017), Santiago, Chile (12 pages). Lien externe
Alliard, P. M., & Léger, P. (2008). Earthquake Safety Evaluation of Gravity Dams Considering Aftershocks and Reduced Drainage Efficiency. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 134(1), 12-22. Lien externe
Alliard, P.-M., & Léger, P. (juin 2007). A drainage displacement damage model for seismic stability evaluation of gravity dams [Communication écrite]. Compdyn 2007, Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake engineering, Crete, Greece. Non disponible
Ben Ftima, M., Bolduc, M., & Léger, P. (mai 2021). Structural stability assessment of concrete hydraulic structures affected by AAR [Communication écrite]. 16th International Conference on Alkali Aggregate Reaction in Concrete (ICAAR 2020-2022), Lisboa, Portugal. Lien externe
Ben Ftima, M., Lafrance, S., & Léger, P. (2020). Three-dimensional modelling of shear keys in concrete gravity dams using an advanced grillage method. Water Science and Engineering, 13(3), 223-232. Disponible
Bussières, C., Tremblay, R., & Léger, P. (juin 2019). Seismic torsional response on steel BRB frames: inelastic modeling and code design provisions [Communication écrite]. 12th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (CCEE 2019), Québec, Québec (8 pages). Lien externe
Bueno, J. R., Léger, P., Loriggio, D. D., & Carvalho de Sousa, A. (septembre 2018). Code for Blast Analysis using the Finite Element Method [Communication écrite]. Simpósio de Aplicações Operacionais Em Áreas De Defesa (XX SIGE), São José dos Campos, Brazil. Lien externe
Ben Ftima, M., Léger, P., & Boussaha, F. (juin 2017). Nonlinear finite elements for the assessment of hydraulic concrete structures affected by alkali-aggregate reaction: a case study [Communication écrite]. Dam Swelling Concrete (DSC 2017), Chambéry, France. Lien externe
Beauchamp, J., Paultre, P., & Léger, P. (2017). A simple method for determining seismic demands on gravity load frames. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 44(8), 661-673. Lien externe
Bretas, E. M., Batista, A. L., Lemos, J. V., & Léger, P. (juin 2014). Seismic analysis of gravity dams: a comparative study using a progressive methodology [Communication écrite]. IX International Conference on Structural Dynamics (Eurodyn 2014), Porto, Portugal. Lien externe
Bretas, E. M., Léger, P., & Lemos, J. V. (2012). 3D stability analysis of gravity dams on sloped rock foundations using the limit equilibrium method. Computers and Geotechnics, 44, 147-156. Lien externe
Bretas, E., Lemos, J. V., Léger, P., & Lourenço, P. B. (octobre 2011). Análise estrutural das obras de reabilitação da barragem de Bhandardara, India [Communication écrite]. Comitê Brasileiro De Barragens XXVIII Seminário Nacional De Grandes Barragens, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Lien externe
Bretas, E. M., Léger, P., Lemos, J. V., Lourenço, P. B., & Ramos, J. M. (juin 2010). Análise e reforço de barragens gravidade [Communication écrite]. Reabilitar Conference 2010, Lisboa, Portugal. Lien externe
Bretas, E. M., Léger, P., Lemos, J. V., & Lourenço, P. B. (septembre 2009). Analysis of a gravity dam considering the application of passive reinforcement [Communication écrite]. II International Congress on Dam Maintenance and Rehabilitation, Zaragoza, Spain. Non disponible
Bretas, E. M., Léger, P., Lemos, J. V., & Lourenço, P. B. (mai 2010). Avaliação De Uma Proposta De Reforço De Uma Barragem Gravidade [Communication écrite]. VII Simpósio Sobre Pequenas E Médias Centrais Hidrelétricas, São Paulo, Brasil. Lien externe
Ben Ftima, M., & Léger, P. (2006). Seismic stability of cracked concrete dams using rigid block models. Computers and Structures, 84(28), 1802-1814. Lien externe
Bhattacharjee, S. S., & Léger, P. (1997). Fracture response of gravity dams due to rise of reservoir elevation - closure. Journal of Structural Engineering, 123(3), 372-373. Lien externe
Bhattacharjee, S. S., & Léger, P. (1995). Fracture response of gravity dams due to rise of reservoir elevation. Journal of Structural Engineering, 121(9), 1298-1305. Lien externe
Bhattacharjee, S., Ghrib, F., Tinawi, R., & Léger, P. (janvier 1995). Poro-fracture analysis of concrete using a damage mechanics model [Communication écrite]. 2nd International Conference on Fracture Mechanics in Concrete and Concrete Structures, Zurich. Non disponible
Bhattacharjee, S. S., & Léger, P. (1994). Application of NLFM models to predict cracking in concrete gravity dams. Journal of Structural Engineering, 120(4), 1255-1271. Lien externe
Bhattacharjee, S., Léger, P., & Tinawi, R. (janvier 1994). Evaluation of critical temperature state in a cracked buttress dam using the strain energy release rate concept [Communication écrite]. 3rd ICOLD Benchmark Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Dams. Non disponible
Bhattacharjee, S. S., Léger, P., & Tinawi, R. (1994). Flood safety analysis of plain and post-tensioned concrete gravity dams considering a poro-fracture constitutive model. (Rapport technique n° EPM-GCS-94-02). Non disponible
Bhattacharjee, S. S., & Léger, P. (1993). Finite Element Modelling of the Tensile Strain Softening Behaviour of Plain Concrete Structures. Engineering Computations, 10(3), 205-221. Lien externe
Bhattacharjee, S. S., & Léger, P. (1993). Seismic cracking and energy dissipation in concrete gravity dams. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 22(11), 991-1007. Lien externe
Bhattacharjee, S. S., & Léger, P. (1992). Concrete constitutive models for nonlinear seismic analysis of gravity dams : state-of-the-art. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 19(3), 492-509. Lien externe
Bhattacharjee, S. S., Léger, P., & Venturelli, J. (juin 1992). Thermo-Seismic Analysis of Concrete Gravity Dams [Communication écrite]. 1st International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures (FraMCoS 1992), Breckenridge, Colorado, USA. Lien externe
Chambreuil, C., Giry, C., Ragueneau, F., & Léger, P. (2023). Identification methods of material-based damping for cracked reinforced concrete beam models. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 52(7), 2156-2178. Lien externe
Chambreuil, C., Giry, C., Ragueneau, F., & Léger, P. (janvier 2021). Dissipations in reinforced concrete beams [Résumé]. 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM), 2020 ECCOMAS Congress, Paris, France (1 page). Lien externe
Chambreuil, C., Giry, C., Ragueneau, F., & Léger, P. (juin 2021). Local scale damping models for reinforced concrete elements [Communication écrite]. 8th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2021), Athens, Greece (14 pages). Lien externe
Chambreuil, C., Giry, C., Ragueneau, F., & Léger, P. (2021). Seismic energy dissipation in reinforced concrete beam: investigating damping formulations. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 26(15), 7771-7797. Lien externe
Choinière, M., Paultre, P., & Léger, P. (2019). Influence of soil-structure interaction on seismic demands in shear wall building gravity load frames. Engineering Structures, 198. Disponible
Choinière, M., Paultre, P., & Léger, P. (juin 2019). Influence of soil-structure interaction on seismic demands in shear wall building gravity load frame [Communication écrite]. 12th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (CCEE 2019), Québec, Québec (8 pages). Non disponible
Cordier, M., & Léger, P. (2018). Structural stability of gravity dams: a progressive assessment considering uncertainties in shear strength parameters. Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards, 12(2), 109-122. Disponible
Cherfaoui, A., Nour, A., Gocevski, V., & Léger, P. (septembre 2012). CANDU 6 reactor building: floor response spectra considering seismic wave incoherency [Communication écrite]. 15th World Conference on Earthquake engineering, Lisbonne, Portugal. Lien externe
Cherfaoui, A., Nour, A., Gocevski, V., & Léger, P. (septembre 2012). Seismic fragility analyses of a CANDU 6 reactor building nuclear power plant [Communication écrite]. 15th World Conference on Earthquake engineering, Lisbonne, Portugal. Lien externe
Christopoulos, C., Léger, P., & Filiatrault, A. (2003). Sliding response of gravity dams including vertical seismic accelerations. Journal of earthquake engineering and engineering vibration, 2(2), 189-200. Lien externe
Caron, P., Léger, P., Tinawi, R., & Veilleux, M. (2003). Slot cutting of concrete dams: field observations and experimental evidences. ACI Structural Journal, 100(4), 430-439. Lien externe
Caron, P., Tinawi, R., & Léger, P. (janvier 2001). Slot cutting response of compressed concrete structures [Communication écrite]. 4th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics in Concrete and Concrete Structures, Cachan, France. Non disponible
Chantelois, A., Léger, P., Tinawi, R., & Veilleux, M. (1999). Experimental and numerical predictions of critical cooling temperature for crack propagation in concrete structures. ACI Structural Journal, 96(2), 203-211. Lien externe
Chantelois, A., Léger, P., Tinawi, R., Degrange, G., & Veilleux, M. (janvier 1996). Experimental and numerical predictions of thermal carcking of concrete structures at low temperatures [Communication écrite]. canadian society for civil engineering-annual conference, Edmonton, Canada. Non disponible
Chantelois, A., Léger, P., Tinawi, R., Degrange, G., & Veilleux, M. (mai 1996). Experimental and numerical predictions of thermal cracking of concrete structures at low temperatures [Communication écrite]. annual conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering; 1. structural specialty conference; 1. transportation specialty conference; 1. environmental engineering specialty conference, Edmonton (Canada). Non disponible
Côté, M., Léger, P., & Tinawi, R. (1994). Protection thermique des barrages en béton situées [sic] dans les régions nordiques. (Rapport technique n° EPM-GCS-94-04). Non disponible
Daneshvar, P., Dehghani, M., Bouaanani, N., Tremblay, R., & Léger, P. (septembre 2021). Effects of ground motion event-type on structural response due to the influence of higher modes [Communication écrite]. 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan (9 pages). Lien externe
Do, V. T., & Léger, P. (juin 2019). Structural stability of concrete spillway piers: development and application of 3D fiber elements including shear and warping deformations [Communication écrite]. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Conference, Laval, Québec (10 pages). Lien externe
Daneshvar, P., Bouaanani, N., & Léger, P. (2014). Application of conditional mean spectra for evaluation of a building's seismic response in Eastern Canada. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 41(8), 769-773. Lien externe
El-Sokkary, H., Galal, K., Ghorbanirenani, I., Léger, P., & Tremblay, R. (2013). Shake table tests on FRP-rehabilitated RC shear walls. Journal of Composites for Construction, 17(1), 79-90. Lien externe
El-Sokkary, H., Galal, K., Ghorbanirenani, I., Léger, P., Tremblay, R., & Leclerc, M. (mai 2012). Shake table tests on FRP-rehabilitated RC shear walls [Communication écrite]. 6th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, ACMBS-VI, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Lien externe
Freitas, M., Léger, P., & Pedroso, L. (mai 2023). Proposal for Benchmark Problems to Assess Spillway and Overtopped Dams Structural Stability Using CFD [Communication écrite]. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Conference 2023 - Hydrotechnical Track, Moncton, NB, Canada. Lien externe
Freitas, M., Léger, P., & Bouaanani, N. (2024). Nonlinear data-driven zero-thickness joint element for concrete dam shear keys. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 229, 104071 (19 pages). Lien externe
Freitas, M., Ben Ftima, M., Léger, P., & Bouaanani, N. (mai 2022). Evaluation of Concrete Constitutive Models for Finite Element Simulation of Dam Shear Keys [Communication écrite]. Canadian Society of Civil Engineering Annual Conference, Whistler, BC, Canada. Lien externe
Freitas, M., Ben Ftima, M., Léger, P., & Bouaanani, N. (2022). Three-dimensional failure envelope of concrete dam shear keys. Engineering Structures, 269, 114766 (16 pages). Disponible
Freitas, M., Léger, P., & Pedroso, L. (mai 2021). Stability analysis of an overtopped spillway using computational fluid dynamics [Communication écrite]. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Conference (CSCE 2021) (10 pages). Lien externe
Freitas, M., Favre, E., Léger, P., & Pedroso, L. J. (2021). Stability Evaluation of Overtopped Concrete Hydraulic Structures Using Computational Fluid Dynamics. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 48(3), 341-346. Disponible
Fronteddu, P. G., Léger, P., & Tremblay, R. (juin 2019). Consideration of accidental torsion in seismic design of buildings according to NBCC [Communication écrite]. 12th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (CCEE 2019), Québec, Québec (8 pages). Lien externe
Favre, E., & Léger, P. (octobre 2018). Structural stability assessment of gravity dams and spillways subjected to overtopping using CFD [Communication écrite]. Canadian Dam Association Annual Conference, Québec, Québec (15 pages). Non disponible
Fronteddu, L., Larivière, R., Veilleux, M., & Léger, P. Stability of existing concrete gravity dams [Communication écrite]. 2001 annual conference of the Canadian Dam Association : Dams : balancing social. Non disponible
Filiatrault, A., Léger, P., Massicotte, B., Tinawi, R., & Tremblay, R. (janvier 1998). Experimental research using the earthquake simulation facility at École Polytechnique [Communication écrite]. Annual conference of the canadian society for civil engineers, Halifax, NS, Canada. Non disponible
Filiatrault, A., Léger, P., Massicotte, B., Tinawi, R., & Tremblay, R. (juin 1998). Experimental research using the earthquake simulation facility at École Polytechnique in Montréal [Communication écrite]. 2nd Structural Speciality Conference, Halifax, N.S., Canada. Non disponible
Fronteddu, L., Léger, P., & Tinawi, R. (1998). Static and Dynamic Behavior of Concrete Lift Joint Interfaces. Journal of Structural Engineering, 124(12), 1418-1430. Lien externe
Fronteddu, L., Léger, P., & Tinawi, R. (janvier 1997). Effect of concrete lift joints on seismic safety of gravity dams: experimental and numerical studies [Communication écrite]. 9th canadian dam safety conference, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Fronteddu, L., Léger, P., & Tinawi, R. (mai 1997). Static and dynamic shear tests of concrete lift joints [Communication écrite]. 1997 Annual Conference of Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Sherbrooke, Can. Non disponible
Filiatrault, A., Léger, P., & Tinawi, R. (1994). On the computation of seismic energy in inelastic structures. Engineering Structures, 16(6), 425-436. Lien externe
Filiatrault, A., Tinawi, R., & Léger, P. (juillet 1992). The use of energy balance in nonlinear seismic analysis [Communication écrite]. 10th World conference on earthquake engineering, Madrid, Spain. Lien externe
Gallagher, S., & Léger, P. (2014). Mechanical resistance of cracked mass concrete repaired by grouting: Experimental study. ACI Structural Journal, 111(4), 799-807. Lien externe
Ghorbanirenani, I., Tremblay, R., Léger, P., & Leclerc, M. (2012). Shake table testing of slender RC shear walls subjected to eastern North America seismic ground motions. Journal of Structural Engineering, 138(12), 1515-1529. Lien externe
Gagnon, D., Léger, P., Tremblay, R., & Latendresse, V. (juillet 2010). Pile foundations modeling for seismic analysis of highway bridges located in Eastern North America [Communication écrite]. 9th US National and 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Toronto, Ont.. Lien externe
Ghorbanirenani, I., Tremblay, R., El-Sokkary, H., Galal, K., Léger, P., & Leclerc, M. (juillet 2010). Shake table tests and repair of ductile slender reinforced concrete shear wall [Communication écrite]. 9th US National and 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Toronto, Ont.. Lien externe
Ghorbani-Renani, I., Velev, N., Tremblay, R., Palermo, D., Massicotte, B., & Léger, P. (2009). Modeling and testing influence of scaling effects on inelastic response of shear walls. ACI Structural Journal, 106(3), 358-367. Lien externe
Ghorbanirenani, I., Tremblay, R., Léger, P., & Palermo, D. Inelastic seismic evaluation of slender shear walls designed according to CSA-A23.3-04 and NBCC 2005 [Communication écrite]. CSCE 2008 Annual Conference, Québec. Non disponible
Ghrib, B., Léger, P., Tinawi, R., Lupien, R., & Veilleux, M. (1997). Seismic safety evaluation of gravity dams. International Journal on Hydropower & Dams, 4(2), 126-137. Non disponible
Ghrib, F., Léger, P., Tinawi, R., Lupien, R., & Veilleux, M. (octobre 1995). A progressive methodology for seismic safety evaluation of gravity dams [Communication écrite]. Canadian Dam Safety Association Conference, Banff (Canada). Non disponible
Ghrib, F., Léger, P., & Tinawi, R. (1994). Une approche progressive de vérification sismique des barrages en béton d'Hydro-Québec. (Rapport technique n° EPM-GCS-94-19. EPM-GCS-96-02). Non disponible
Jehel, P., & Léger, P. (janvier 2017). Two types of spurious damping forces potentially modeled in numerical seismic nonlinear response history analysis [Communication écrite]. 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE 2017), Santiago, Chile (10 pages). Lien externe
Jehel, P., Léger, P., & Ibrahimbegovic, A. (2014). Initial versus tangent stiffness-based Rayleigh damping in inelastic time history seismic analyses. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 43(3), 467-484. Lien externe
Jaworski, J., Léger, P., & Tremblay, R. (juin 2014). Seismic safety assessment of pile supported long span highway bridges: non homogeneous soil conditions and multiple support excitations [Communication écrite]. IX International Conference on Structural Dynamics (Eurodyn 2014), Porto, Portugal. Lien externe
Jehel, P., Léger, P., & Ibrahimbegovic, A. (2013). Structural seismic fragility analysis of RC frame with a new family of rayleigh damping models. Dans Papadrakakis, M., Stefanou, G., & Papadopoulos, V. (édit.), Computational methods in stochastic dynamics (Vol. 26, p. 267-291). Lien externe
Jehel, P., Ibrahimbegovic, A., & Léger, P. (septembre 2012). Efficient fiber frame element and constitutive law for quantifying the energy dissipated by different inelastic mechanisms explicitly modeled in seismic time-history analyses [Communication écrite]. 15th World Conference on Earthquake engineering, Lisbonne, Portugal. Lien externe
Jehel, P., Léger, P., & Ibrahimbegovic, A. (mai 2011). Modeling energy dissipation: A paradigm for performance-based engineering of rc moment-resisting frame in seismic loading [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2011), Corfu, Greece. Non disponible
Jehel, P., Davenne, L., Ibrahimbegovic, A., & Léger, P. (2010). Towards robust viscoelastic-plastic-damage material model with different hardenings/softenings capable of representing salient phenomena in seismic loading applications. Computers and Concrete, 7(4), 365-386. Lien externe
Jehel, P., Ibrahimbegovic, A., Léger, P., & Davenne, L. (juin 2008). On the computation of seismic energy dissipation in reinforced concrete frame elements [Communication écrite]. 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Venice, Italy. Non disponible
Jehel, P., Ibrahimbegovic, A., Léger, P., & Davenne, L. (octobre 2008). Three-scale nonlinear analysis until collapse for a priori damage of RC frame element in seismic loading [Communication écrite]. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Damage assessment and reconstruction after natural disasters and military activities, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Non disponible
Jehel, P., Ibrahimbegovic, A., Léger, P., & Davenne, P. (juillet 2007). Modélisation multi-échelles de l'amortissement dans les poutres en béton armé [Communication écrite]. 7ième Colloque de l'Association Française de Génie parasismique, École Centrale Paris. Non disponible
Jehel, P., Ibrahimbegovic, A., Léger, P., & Davenne, L. (juin 2007). Modelling damping in R/C structures - Cyclic behavior of concrete [Communication écrite]. Compdyn 2007, Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake engineering, Crete, Greece. Lien externe
Jehel, P., Ibrahimbegovic, A., Léger, P., & Davenne, P. (novembre 2007). Multi-scale modelling of reinforced concrete structural frame elements in cyclic loading [Communication écrite]. ECCOMAS Thematic Conference - Multi-Scale Computational Methods for Solids and Fluids, Paris, France. Lien externe
Javanmardi, F., & Léger, P. (2005). Grouting of cracks in concrete dams : Numerical modelling and structural behaviour. Progress in Structural Engineering and Materials, 7(4), 161-173. Lien externe
Javanmardi, F., Léger, P., & Tinawi, R. (2005). Seismic structural stability of concrete gravity dams considering transient uplift pressures in cracks. Engineering Structures, 27(4), 616-628. Lien externe
Javanmardi, F., Léger, P., & Tinawi, R. (2005). Seismic Water Pressure in Cracked Concrete Gravity Dams: Experimental Study and Theoretical Modeling. Journal of Structural Engineering, 131(1), 139-150. Lien externe
Javanmardi, F., Léger, P., & Tinawi, R. (janvier 2002). Experimental measurements of water pressure in concrete cracks due to seismic loading [Communication écrite]. 4th structural speciality conference of the canadian society for civil engineering, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Joo, K.-J., Wilson, E. L., & Léger, P. (1989). Ritz vectors and generation criteria for mode superposition analysis. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 18(2), 149-167. Lien externe
Kreuzer, H., & Léger, P. (2013). The Adjustable Factor of Safety: A reliability-based approach to assess the factor of safety for concrete dams. International Journal on Hydropower and Dams, 20(1), 67-80. Lien externe
Kreuzer, H., & Léger, P. (octobre 2013). Stability assessment of gravity dams using adjustable safety factors (AFS) accounting for uncertainties in shear strength parameters [Communication écrite]. Canadian Dam Association, Annual Conference, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Kiefer, A., & Léger, P. (1999). Semi-Continuum Seismic Analysis of Soil-Building Systems. Engineering Structures, 21(4), 332-340. Lien externe
Léger, P. (2022). Earthquake engineering for concrete dams: Analysis, design, and evaluation, Anil K.Chopra. Wiley‐Blackwell, 2020, 320 pp., $135.00 USD. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 51(10), 2520-2522. Lien externe
Léger, P., Thimbo, A., & Paultre, P. (septembre 2021). Seismic cracking of gravity dams: modelling concrete tensile strength strain rate effects [Communication écrite]. 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan (12 pages). Lien externe
Léger, P. (2020). Book review: Earthquake engineering for concrete dams: Analysis, design, and evaluation. Earthquake Spectra, 37(2), 1223-1226. Lien externe
Leclercq, R., & Léger, P. (juin 2019). Towards reliability based safety assessment of gated spillways subjected to severe loadings [Communication écrite]. International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) 87th Annual Meeting, Ottawa, Ont. (14 pages). Non disponible
Leroux, M., Tremblay, R., & Léger, P. (janvier 2017). A simplified method for preliminary assessment of seismic forces in isolated highway bridges with massive piers [Communication écrite]. 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE 2017), Santiago, Chile (9 pages). Lien externe
Léger, P., Kreuzer, H., & Cordier, M. (octobre 2016). A progressive approach for structural stability of concrete dams considering material strength and load uncertainties [Communication écrite]. Hydro-2016 International Conference, Montreux, Switzerland (8 pages). Non disponible
Luu, H., Léger, P., & Tremblay, R. (juillet 2015). Seismic evaluation of RC shear wall buildings subjected to high frequency content earthquakes [Communication écrite]. 11th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (CCEE), Victoria, BC (10 pages). Non disponible
Luabeya-Mukendi, P., Léger, P., & Tremblay, R. (juillet 2015). Selection scaling and application of ground motion records to assess the nonlinear seismic performance of buildings located in Eastern North America [Communication écrite]. 11th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (CCEE), Victoria, BC (10 pages). Non disponible
Lefrançois, A., Léger, P., & Bouaanani, N. (2014). Finite Element Seismic Safety Assessment of Water Intake Structures. Finite Element in Analysis and Design, 83, 1-9. Lien externe
Luu, H., Léger, P., & Tremblay, R. (2014). Seismic demand of moderately ductile reinforced concrete shear walls subjected to high-frequency ground motions. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 41(2), 125-135. Lien externe
Luu, H., Léger, P., & Tremblay, R. (juin 2014). Seismic shear demand of moderately ductile RC shear walls considering higher mode effects [Communication écrite]. IX International Conference on Structural Dynamics (Eurodyn 2014), Porto, Portugal. Non disponible
Léger, P., Kreuzer, H., & Demory, O. (avril 2014). Stabilité structurale des barrages-poids: une approche de fiabilité pour l'évaluation des coefficients de sécurité au glissement [Communication écrite]. 8ièmes Journées Fiabilité des Matériaux et des Structures (JFMS 2014), Aix-en-Provence, France (8 pages). Non disponible
Luu, H., Ghorbanirenani, I., Léger, P., & Tremblay, R. (2013). Numerical modeling of slender reinforced concrete shear wall shaking table tests under high-frequency ground motions. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 17(4), 517-542. Lien externe
Luu, H., Léger, P., & Tremblay, R. (mai 2013). Seismic behaviour of moderately ductile shear walls located in Eastern North America [Communication écrite]. Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering 2013: Know-How - Savoir-Faire (CSCE 2013), Montréal, Québec. Lien externe
Léger, P., Stefan, L., & Leclerc, M. (mai 2012). Numerical modelling strategies for safety assessment and rehabilitation of concrete dams [Communication écrite]. Numerical Modeling Strategies for Sustainable Concrete Structures, Aix-en-Provence, France. Non disponible
Leclerc, M., Molinari, M., Bouaanani, N., Tremblay, R., Léger, P., & Bursi, O. (juin 2011). Effective strategies for real time hybrid simulation of near seismic collapse response of moment resisting frames [Communication écrite]. American Control Conference, ACC 2011, San Francisco, California, USA. Lien externe
Luu, H. Q., Ghorbanirenani, I., Léger, P., & Tremblay, R. (juillet 2011). Structural dynamics of slender ductile reinforced concrete shear walls [Communication écrite]. 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2011, Leuven, Belgium. Non disponible
Lamarche, C. P., Tremblay, R., Léger, P., Leclerc, M., & Bursi, O. S. (2010). Comparison Between Real-Time Dynamic Substructuring and Shake Table Testing Techniques for Nonlinear Seismic Applications. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 39(12), 1299-1320. Lien externe
Léger, P., Kervégant, G., & Tremblay, R. (juillet 2010). Incremental dynamic analysis of nonlinear structures : selection of input ground motions [Communication écrite]. 9th US National and 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Toronto, ON, Canada. Lien externe
Léger, P., Vauvy, P., Peyras, L., & Boissier, D. (octobre 2010). Structural stability of gravity dams during floods : deterministic, semi-probabilistic and probabilistic structural safety assessment [Communication écrite]. Canadian Dam Association 2010 Annual Conference, Niagara Falls, Ont.. Non disponible
Léger, P., & Seydou, S. (2009). Seasonal Thermal Displacements of Gravity Dams Located in Northern Regions. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 23(3), 166-174. Lien externe
Limoges, A., & Léger, P. (2009). Seismic safety assessment of gated spillways. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 23(4), 209-218. Lien externe
Lamarche, C.-P., Leclerc, M., Tremblay, R., Léger, P., Bouaanani, N., Koboevic, S., & Bursi, O. (octobre 2008). Comparison between real time nonlinear seismic hybrid and shake table testing techniques [Communication écrite]. 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE), Beijing, China. Lien externe
Léger, P., & Tremblay, R. (octobre 2008). Earthquake ground motions for seismic damage assessment and re-evaluation of existing buildings and critical facilities [Communication écrite]. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Damage assessment and reconstruction after natural disasters and military activities, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Non disponible
Léger, P., & Leclerc, M. (2007). Hydrostatic, Temperature, Time-Displacement Model for Concrete Dams. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 133(3), 267-277. Lien externe
Léger, P. (mai 2006). Reducing the earthquake induced damage and risk in monumental structures : experience at École Polytechnique de Montréal for large concrete dams supported by Hydro-Québec and Alcan [Communication écrite]. Extreme Man-Made and Natural Hazards in Dynamics of Structures. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Extreme Man-Made and Natural Hazards in Dynamics of Structures, Opatija, Croatia. Lien externe
Léger, P., & Javanmardi, F. (juin 2007). Seismic stability of concrete gravity dams strengthened by rockfill [Communication écrite]. 9th Canadian conference on earthquake engineering, Ottawa, Ont.. Lien externe
Léger, P., & Javanmardi, F. (2007). Seismic stability of concrete gravity dams strengthened by rockfill buttressing. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 27(3), 274-290. Lien externe
Léger, P., & Javanmardi, F. (janvier 2006). Structural stability of concrete gravity dams strengthened by rockfill [Communication écrite]. Canadian Dam Association Conference, Québec. Non disponible
Léger, P., & Javanmardi, F. (2006). Structural stability of concrete gravity dams strengthened by rockfill buttressing: Hydrostatic load. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 132(12), 1592-1599. Lien externe
Léger, P., Javanmardi, F., & Tinawi, R. (mai 2023). Variations des sous-pressions dans les fissures sismiques des barrages en béton - modélisation numérique [Communication écrite]. 7iemes Colloque National de calcul en structures, Giens, France. Non disponible
Leclerc, M., Léger, P., & Tinawi, R. (2003). Computer Aided Stability Analysis of Gravity Dams - Cadam. Advances in Engineering Software, 34(7), 403-420. Lien externe
Léger, P., Leclerc, M., & Larivière, R. (2003). Seismic safety evaluation of concrete dams in Québec. International Journal on Hydropower & Dams, 10(2), 100-109. Non disponible
Léger, P., Tinawi, R., Javanmardi, F., & Leclerc, M. (juin 2003). Transient damping and uplift pressures responses of cracked gravity dams subjected to earthquakes [Communication écrite]. 21st International congress on large dams (ICOLD 2003), Montréal, Québec, Canada. Non disponible
Leclerc, M., Léger, P., & Tinawi, R. (janvier 2002). Computer aided stability analysis of gravity dams [Communication écrite]. 4th structural speciality conference of the canadian society for civil engineering, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Léger, P., & Tinawi, R. (janvier 2001). Thermo-fracture response of concrete structures at low temperature [Communication écrite]. Post-conference workshop on fracture and durability, Cachan, France. Non disponible
Léger, P., Larivière, R., Palavicini, F., & Tinawi, R. (janvier 2000). Performance of gated spilways during the 1996 Saguenay flood (Québec, Canada) and evolution of related design criteria [Communication écrite]. 20th Congress of the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD 2000), Beijing, China. Non disponible
Léger, P., Tinawi, R., & Larivière, R. (1998). Behaviour of gravity dams and spillways in extreme floods: Canadian experience. International Journal on Hydropower & Dams, 5(3), 73-77. Non disponible
Léger, P., Tinawi, R., & Leclerc, M. (septembre 1998). A risk based approach to assess the incidence of ice loads on small concrete dams [Communication écrite]. System stewardship for dams and reservoirs : risk & resource management toward the 21st century : first Canadian Dam Association, Halifax (Canada). Non disponible
Léger, P., Tinawi, R., & Larivière, R. (janvier 1998). Safety of gravity dams and spillways in extreme floods [Communication écrite]. International symposium on new trends and guidelines on dam safety, Barcelona, Spain. Non disponible
Léger, P., Tinawi, R., Bhattacharjee, S., & Leclerc, M. (janvier 1997). Failure mechanisms of gravity dams subjected to hydrostatic overload: influence of weak lift joints [Communication écrite]. 19th Congress of the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD 1997), Italy. Non disponible
Larivière, R., Léger, P., Tinawi, R., & Roussel, M. (septembre 1997). Safety of gravity dams and spillways against floods [Communication écrite]. CDSA/CANCOLD joint dam safety conference, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Larivière, R., Léger, P., Tinawi, R., & Roussel, M. (janvier 1997). safety on gravity dams and spillways against floods [Communication écrite]. 9th canadian dam safety conference, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Léger, P., & Leclerc, M. (1996). Evaluation of earthquake ground motions to predict cracking response of gravity dams. Engineering Structures, 18(3), 227-239. Lien externe
Léger, P., Côté, P., & Tinawi, R. (1996). Finite element analysis of concrete swelling due to alkali-aggregate reactions in dams. Computers & Structures, 60(4), 601-612. Lien externe
Léger, P., Tinawi, R., Leclerc, M., & Rheault, S. (octobre 1996). A progressive methodology for structural safety evaluation of gravity dams subjected to floods [Communication écrite]. Canadian dam safety conference, Niagara Falls (Canada). Non disponible
Léger, P., Côté, P., & Tinawi, R. (janvier 1995). Numerical analysis of concrete dams affected by alkali-aggregate-reaction [Communication écrite]. ICOLD conference on R&D in the field of dams, Crans-Montana, Switzerland. Non disponible
Léger, P., Tinawi, R., & Rotter, H. (janvier 1995). Numerical analysis of concrete swelling due to AAR- a review [Communication écrite]. CANMET-ACI speciality conference on alkali-aggregate, Halifax, NS, Canada. Non disponible
Léger, P., Tinawi, R., & Mounzer, N. (1995). Numerical simulation of concrete expansion in concrete dams affected by alkali-aggregate reaction: state-of-the-art. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 22(4), 692-713. Lien externe
Léger, P., & Bhattacharjee, S. S. (1995). Seismic fracture analysis of concrete gravity dams. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 22(1), 196-201. Lien externe
Léger, P., & Leclerc, M. (juin 1995). Seismic fracture analysis of gravity dams subjected to ground motion typical of eastern Canada [Communication écrite]. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Annual Conference :12th Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference, 2nd Engineering Materials Symposium, 1st CSCE Construction Specialty Conference 1995, Ottawa (Canada). Non disponible
Léger, P., Côté, M., & Tinawi, R. (1995). Thermal protection of concrete dams subjected to freeze-thaw cycles. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 22(3), 588-602. Lien externe
Léger, P., & Tinawi, R. (1994). A bibliography on structural analysis behaviour and safety of concrete dams. (Rapport technique n° EPM-GCS-94-17). Non disponible
Léger, P., Côté, M., & Tinawi, R. (1994). Evaluation of thermal protection systems for concrete dams subjected to severe winter conditions. (Rapport technique n° EPM-GCS-94-03). Non disponible
Léger, P., Côté, P., & Tinawi, R. (janvier 1994). Improving the frost protection of existing concrete dams in northern regions [Communication écrite]. 1994 Canadian dam safety association conference, Winnipeg, Canada. Non disponible
Léger, P., Tinawi, R., Côté, M., & Mounzer, M. (janvier 1994). Protection thermique et RAG dans les barrages en béton: application des éléments finis lors des études de réfection [Communication écrite]. 4e colloque sur la réfection des infrastructures de béton, Université de Sherbrooke. Non disponible
Léger, P., & Bhattacharjee, S. S. (1994). Seismic fracture analysis of concrete gravity dams. (Rapport technique n° EPM-GCS-94-10). Non disponible
Léger, P., & Paultre, P. (1993). Microcomputer analysis of reinforced concrete slab systems. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 20(4), 587-601. Lien externe
Léger, P. (1993). Mode superposition methods. Dans Papadrakakis, M. (édit.), Solving large-scale problems in mechanics : the development and application of computational solution methods (p. 225-257). Lien externe
Léger, P., Venturelli, J., & Bhattacharjee, S. S. (1993). Seasonal temperature and stress distributions in concrete gravity dams. Part 1: modelling. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 20(6), 999-1017. Lien externe
Léger, P., Venturelli, J., & Bhattacharjee, S. S. (1993). Seasonal temperature and stress distributions in concrete gravity dams. Part 2: behaviour. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 20(6), 1018-1029. Lien externe
Léger, P., Bhattacharjee, S. S., & Venturelli, J. (avril 1993). Seismic analysis of gravity dams subjected to severe seasonal temperature variations [Communication écrite]. International Workshop on Dam Safety Evaluation, Grindelwald, Switzerland. Non disponible
Léger, P., Tayebi, A. K., & Paultre, P. (1993). Spectrum-compatible accelerograms for inelastic seismic analysis of short-period structures located in eastern Canada. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 20(6), 951-968. Lien externe
Léger, P. (1992). Méthodes de superposition modale pour l'analyse dynamique des structures non-linéaires : l'état de l'art. Revue Européenne des Éléments Finis, 1(2), 115-135. Non disponible
Léger, P., & Dussault, S. (janvier 1992). Mode superposition methods in dynamic analysis of nonlinear structures [Communication écrite]. 2nd Canadian conference on computing in civil engineering, Ottawa, Ontario. Non disponible
Léger, P., & Dussault, S. (1992). Non-linear seismic response analysis using vector superposition methods. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 21(2), 163-176. Lien externe
Léger, P., & Bhattacharjee, S. S. (1992). Reduced frequency-independent models for seismic analysis of concrete gravity dams. Computers & Structures, 44(6), 1381-1387. Lien externe
Léger, P., & Venturelli, J. (septembre 1992). Seasonal temperature and stress distributions in concrete gravity dams [Communication écrite]. Canadian Dam Safety Conference, Québec, Québec. Non disponible
Léger, P., & Romano, A. (1992). Seismic analysis of short-period structures subjected to the 1988 Saguenay earthquake. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 19(3), 510-520. Lien externe
Léger, P., Sauvé, G., & Bhattacharjee, S. S. (mai 1992). Seismic response of uplifting concrete gravity dams [Communication écrite]. Congrès annuel de la Société canadienne de génie civil : 2e colloque biennal sur l'environnement et les matériaux (SCGC 1992), Québec, Québec. Non disponible
Léger, P., & Dussault, S. (1992). Seismic‐Energy Dissipation in MDOF Structures. Journal of Structural Engineering, 118(5), 1251-1269. Lien externe
Léger, P., Sauvé, G., & Bhattacharjee, S. S. (1991). Dynamic substructure analysis of locally nonlinear dam-foundation-reservoir systems. International Journal of Dam Engineering, 2(4), 323-336. Non disponible
Léger, P., Paultre, P., & Nuggihalli, R. (1991). Elastic analysis of frames considering panel zones deformations. Computers & Structures, 39(6), 689-697. Lien externe
Léger, P., Bhattacharjee, S. S., & Sauvé, G. (mai 1991). Reservoir models for time domain analysis of gravity dams [Communication écrite]. Congrès annuel de la Société canadienne de génie civil (SCGC), Vancouver, B.C.. Non disponible
Léger, P., & Romano, A. (juin 1991). Seismic behaviour of low rise buildings subjected to the 1988 Saguenay earthquake [Communication écrite]. Canadian conference on earthquake engineering, Toronto, Ontario. Non disponible
Léger, P. (1990). Application of load-dependent vectors bases for dynamic substructure analysis. Journal of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA Journal), 28(1), 177-179. Lien externe
Léger, P., Paultre, P., & Nugghialli, R. (mai 1990). Elastic response analysis of rectangular frames with finite size joints [Communication écrite]. Annual conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Hamilton, Ontario. Non disponible
Léger, P., Idé, I. M., & Paultre, P. (1990). Multiple-support seismic analysis of large structures. Computers & Structures, 36(6), 1153-1158. Lien externe
Léger, P., Ricles, J. M., & Robayo, L. J. (1990). Reducing modal truncation error in the wave response analysis of offshore structures. Communications in Applied Numerical Methods, 6(1), 7-16. Lien externe
Léger, P. (1989). Coordinates reduction procedures for seismic analysis of dam-foundation-reservoir systems. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 5(1), 73-85. Lien externe
Léger, P., & Katsouli, M. (juin 1989). Dynamic analysis of locally nonlinear dam-foundation systems [Communication écrite]. Annual conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, St-Jonh's, Canada. Non disponible
Léger, P., & Boughoufalah, M. (1989). Earthquake input mechanisms for time-domain analysis of dam-foundation systems. Engineering Structures, 11(1), 37-46. Lien externe
Léger, P., & Katsouli, M. (juin 1989). Educational computer graphics for structural analysis [Communication écrite]. Annual conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, St-Jonh's, Canada. Non disponible
Léger, P., Ricles, J. M., & Robayo, L. J. (août 1989). Load dependent vector bases for the wave response of offshore structures [Communication écrite]. 7th International Symposium on Offshore Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Non disponible
Léger, P. (1989). Microcomputer Solution of Large Structural Dynamic Problems. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 4(2), 127-132. Lien externe
Léger, P., & Katsouli, M. (1989). Seismic stability of concrete gravity dams. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 18(6), 889-902. Lien externe
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Léger, P. (mai 1988). Micro computer analysis of reinforced concrete slab systems [Communication écrite]. Annual conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Calgary, Canada (14 pages). Non disponible
Léger, P., & Wilson, E. L. (1988). Modal summation methods for structural dynamic computations. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 16(1), 23-27. Lien externe
Léger, P. (août 1988). Structural dynamics using micro computers : from theory to practice [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Vancouver, Canada. Non disponible
Léger, P., & Wilson, E. L. (1987). Generation of load dependent Ritz transformation vectors in structural dynamics. Engineering Computations, 4(4), 309-318. Lien externe
Léger, P. (juillet 1987). Load dependent vector bases for earthquake response analysis [Communication écrite]. 5th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Ottawa, Canada. Lien externe
Léger, P. (août 1987). L'utilisation de micro ordinateurs pour l'enseignement de l'analyse des structures en génie civil [Communication écrite]. 1er Colloque provincial sur les outils informatiques dans L'enseignement en sciences et en génie, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Mao, Y., Tremblay, R., Léger, P., & Li, J. (2017). New Simplified Method for Designing Seismically Isolated Highway Bridges with Massive Piers. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 22(8). Disponible
Michaud, D., & Léger, P. (2014). Ground motions selection and scaling for nonlinear dynamic analysis of structures located in Eastern North America. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 41(3), 232-244. Lien externe
Maken, D. D., Léger, P., & Roth, S.-N. (2014). Seasonal thermal cracking of concrete dams in northern regions. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 28(4). Lien externe
Miquel, B., Lefrançois, A., Bouaanani, N., & Léger, P. (octobre 2013). Simplified seismic safety assessment of a concrete gravity dam using time history analysis. [Communication écrite]. Canadian Dam Association, Annual Conference, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Melo, C., Stefan, L., Léger, P., Pedroso, L., & Bouaanani, N. (juillet 2010). Seismic safety of gated spillways : modeling hydrodynamic pressure on gates [Communication écrite]. 9th US National and 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Toronto, Ont.. Lien externe
Mclean, P., Léger, P., & Tinawi, R. (2006). Post-Processing of Finite Element Stress Fields Using Dual Kriging Based Methods for Structural Analysis of Concrete Dams. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 42(6), 532-546. Lien externe
Morin, P. B., Léger, P., & Tinawi, R. (2002). Seismic behavior of post-tensioned gravity dams : shake table experiments and numerical simulations. Journal of Structural Engineering, 128(2), 140-152. Lien externe
Morin, P. B., Tinawi, R., & Léger, P. (septembre 2002). Shake table experiments for seismic response of post-tensioned concrete gravity dams [Communication écrite]. 12th European conference on earthquake engineering, Barbicon Centre, London, UK. Non disponible
Mehai, L., Paultre, P., & Léger, P. (1995). Efficiency of modal-analysis to compute the seismic response of dam-foundation systems with nonproportional damping. Engineering Computations, 12(4), 333-342. Lien externe
Marchand, J.-F., Tinawi, R., & Léger, P. (1994). Comportement statique, thermique et sismique 3D des barrages poids avec discontinuités géométriques selon l'axe longitudinal. (Rapport technique n° EPM-GCS-94-16). Non disponible
Mahyari, A. T., & Léger, P. (1994). Static and seismic rehabilitation of concrete gravity dams by post-tensioning. (Rapport technique n° EPM-GCS-94-15). Non disponible
Mehai, L., Paultre, P., & Léger, P. (mai 1992). Réduction des coordonnées dans l'analyse sismique des systèmes barrages-fondations-réservoirs avec amortissement non-proportionnel [Communication écrite]. Congrès annuel de la Société canadienne de génie civil : 2e colloque biennal sur l'environnement et les matériaux (SCGC 1992), Québec, Québec. Non disponible
Nour, A., Cherfaoui, A., Gocevski, V., & Léger, P. (2016). Probabilistic seismic safety assessment of a CANDU 6 nuclear power plant including ambient vibration tests: Case study. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 304, 125-138. Lien externe
Nour, A., Gocevski, V., & Léger, P. (août 2010). Gentilly 2 Nuclear Power Plant : Reactor building floor response spectra using ground motion time histories compatible with median UHS [Communication écrite]. 14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Ohrid, Macedonia. Non disponible
Pelletier, K., & Léger, P. (2017). Nonlinear seismic modeling of reinforced concrete cores including torsion. Engineering Structures, 136, 380-392. Disponible
Penner, O., Bergman, B., Razavi-Darbar, S., Queen, D., Léger, P., Boivin, Y., & Leclerc, M. (avril 2017). Non-linear time domain analysis of Ruskin Dam in LS-DYNA including reservoir-foundation structure interaction [Communication écrite]. Annual Conference of the United States Society on Dams (USSD), Anaheim, California (15 pages). Non disponible
Pietraszek, P., Léger, P., & Tremblay, R. (mai 2013). Pile foundation modelling for seismic analysis of highway bridges using the beam on a nonlinear Winkler foundation approach [Communication écrite]. Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering 2013: Know-How - Savoir-Faire (CSCE 2013), Montréal, Québec. Lien externe
Panneton, M., Léger, P., & Tremblay, R. (2006). Inelastic analysis of a reinforced concrete shear wall building according to the National Building Code of Canada 2005. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33(7), 854-871. Lien externe
Pedroso, L., Tinawi, R., & Léger, P. (janvier 2000). On the prospects of computational fluid dynamics in concrete dam engineering [Communication écrite]. 8th annual conference on CFD. Non disponible
Paultre, P., Proulx, J., & Léger, P. (1991). CAL/CGI: An application of graphics for matrix structural analysis education. Computers & Graphics, 15(1), 131-135. Lien externe
Paultre, P., Léger, P., & Proulx, J. (1991). Computer‐Aided Education in Structural Dynamics. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 5(4), 374-390. Lien externe
Paultre, P., Léger, P., & Proulx, J. (juillet 1990). Computer Aided Education in Structural Engineering [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Computers Aided Training in Sciences and Technology (CATS 1990), Barcelona, Spain. Non disponible
Paultre, P., Léger, P., & Proulx, J. (1990). Computer graphics for computer assisted learning of structural analysis. Computers & Structures, 36(6), 1159-1166. Lien externe
Proulx, J., Paultre, P., & Léger, P. (mai 1990). Educational computer graphics for structural dynamics [Communication écrite]. Annual conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Hamilton, Ontario. Non disponible
Paultre, P., Léger, P., & Proulx, J. (août 1989). L'enseignement assisté par ordinateur de l'analyse des structures : une approche graphique [Communication écrite]. Deuxième colloque provincial sur les outils informatiques dans L'enseignement en sciences et en génie, Québec, Québec. Non disponible
Picard, A., & Léger, P. (1980). Assemblages continus pour charpentes préfabriquées en béton armé. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 7(1), 144-155. Lien externe
Ribeiro, P. M., & Léger, P. (2023). On a Benchmark Problem for Modeling and Simulation of Concrete Dams Cracking Response. Infrastructures, 8(3), 20 pages. Lien externe
Roth, S.-N., Léger, P., & Soulaimani, A. (2020). Fully-coupled hydro-mechanical cracking using XFEM in 3D for application to complex flow in discontinuities including drainage system. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 370, 35 pages. Lien externe
Roth, S.-N., Léger, P., & Soulaimani, A. (2020). Strongly coupled XFEM formulation for non-planar three-dimensional simulation of hydraulic fracturing with emphasis on concrete dams. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 363, 112899 (36 pages). Lien externe
Roth, S.-N., & Léger, P. (juin 2019). Computation of safety margins of a cracked dam considering drainage efficiency in a coupled hydro-mechanical model [Communication écrite]. International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) 87th Annual Meeting, Ottawa, ON, Canada (14 pages). Lien externe
Razavet, A., & Léger, P. (juin 2019). Selection and scaling of ground motions to compute residual sliding displacements of gravity dams [Communication écrite]. 12th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (CCEE 2019), Québec, Québec (8 pages). Lien externe
Roth, S.-N., Léger, P., & Soulaïmani, A. (mai 2016). Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Cracking of Concrete using XFEM in 3D [Communication écrite]. 9th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures (FraMCoS-9), Berkeley, California. Lien externe
Roth, S.-N., Soulaimani, A., & Léger, P. (juin 2015). Combined XFEM-continuous damage mechanics approach for three dimensional concrete crack propagation [Communication écrite]. 4th International Conference on Computational Modeling fo Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures (CFRAC 2015), Cachan, France. Non disponible
Roth, S.-N., Léger, P., & Soulamani, A. (2015). A combined XFEM-damage mechanics approach for concrete crack propagation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 283, 923-955. Lien externe
Roth, S.-N., Lacombe, A., Léger, P., & Soulaimani, A. (2015). Coupled hydro-mechanical cracking of concrete arch dams considering drainage efficiency. Dam Engineering, 25(4), 13 pages. Non disponible
Roy, J., Tremblay, R., & Léger, P. (2015). Torsional effects in symmetrical steel buckling restrained braced frames: evaluation of seismic design provisions. Earthquakes and Structures, 8(2), 423-442. Lien externe
Roth, S.-N., Léger, P., & Soulaimani, A. (mars 2013). XFEM using a non linear fracture mechanics approach for concrete crack propagation in dam safety assessment [Communication écrite]. 8th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, FraMCoS 2013, Toledo, Spain. Non disponible
Rochon-Cyr, M., & Léger, P. (2009). Shake table sliding response of a gravity dam model including water uplift pressure. Engineering Structures, 31(8), 1625-1633. Lien externe
Rheault, S., Léger, P., & Tinawi, R. (1996). Le concept de facteur de sécurité dans l'évaluation de la stabilité structurale des barrages-poids lors des crues. (Rapport technique n° EPM-GCS-96-01). Non disponible
Ricles, J. M., & Léger, P. (1993). Marine Component Fatigue Reliability. Journal of Structural Engineering, 119(7), 2215-2234. Lien externe
Ricles, J. M., & Léger, P. (1993). Use of load-dependent vectors for dynamic analysis of large space structures. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 9(11), 897-908. Lien externe
Ricles, J. M., & Léger, P. (août 1989). Fatigue reliability of offshore structures [Communication écrite]. 7th International symposium on offshore engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Non disponible
Stefan, L., & Léger, P. (2012). Elastic Sectional Stress Analysis of Variable Section Piers Subjected to Three-Dimensional Loads. Computers & Structures, 90-91(1), 28-41. Lien externe
Stefan, L., & Léger, P. (2012). Three-dimensional hydromechanical sectional analysis of cracked nonprismatic concrete spillway piers. Journal of Structural Engineering, 138(11), 1310-1320. Lien externe
Stefan, L., & Léger, P. (octobre 2010). Cracked Section Analysis of Spillway Piers Including Passive Reinforcement and Uplift Pressures [Communication écrite]. Canadian Dam Association 2010 Annual Conference, Niagara Falls, Ont.. Non disponible
Stefan, L., & Léger, P. (2010). Multicriteria capacity envelopes for biaxial bending of concrete hydraulic structures. Journal of Structural Engineering, 136(9), 1035-1043. Lien externe
Stefan, L., & Léger, P. (2008). Extension of the Gravity Method for 3d Cracking Analysis of Spillway Piers Including Uplift Pressures. Journal of Structural Engineering, 134(8), 1278-1287. Lien externe
Stefan, L., Limoges, A., & Léger, P. (septembre 2008). Three-dimensional seismic stability evaluation of spillway structures considering concrete cracking [Communication écrite]. Canadian Dam Association Annual Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Non disponible
Tremblay, R., Daneshvar, P., Dehghani, M., Léger, P., & Bouaanani, N. (juillet 2018). Guidelines for the selection and scaling of ground motion time histories for performance-based seismic design of bridges in accordance with CSA S6-14 [Communication écrite]. 10th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges, Québec, QC. Non disponible
Tremblay, R., Atkinson, G., Bouaanani, N., Daneshvar, P., Léger, P., & Koboevic, S. (juillet 2015). Selection and scalling of ground motion time histories for seismic analysis using NBCC 2015 [Communication écrite]. 11th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (CCEE), Victoria, BC (10 pages). Non disponible
Tremblay, R., Léger, P., Rogers, C., Bouaanani, N., Massicotte, B., Khaled, A., & Lamarche, C.-P. (octobre 2009). Experimental testing of large scale structural models and components using innovative shake table, dynamic, real-time hybrid simulation and multi-directional loading techniques [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering, San Francisco, California. Lien externe
Tremblay, R., Ghorbanirenami, I., Velev, N., Léger, P., Leclerc, M., Koboevic, S., Bouaanani, N., Galal, K., & Palermo, D. (octobre 2008). Seismic response of multi-storey reinforced concrete walls subjected to eastern North America high frequency ground motions [Communication écrite]. 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE), Beijing, China. Lien externe
Tremblay, R., Velev, N., Merzouq, S., Blais, C., Leclerc, M., Léger, P., Massicotte, B., & Rogers, C. Multi-purpose earthquake simulation testing set-up for seismic force resisting systems of multi-storey buildings [Communication écrite]. 1st International conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering, Nagoya, Japan. Non disponible
Tremblay, R., Léger, P., & Tu, J. (2001). Inelastic Seismic Response of Concrete Shear Walls Considering P-Delta Effects. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 28(4), 640-655. Lien externe
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Tinawi, R., & Léger, P. (janvier 1993). FE Cracking Response Analysis of Mass Concrete Structures [Communication écrite]. World Congress on Finite Elements, Monaco (7 pages). Non disponible
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Vulliet, F., Ben Ftima, M., & Léger, P. (2017). Stability of cracked concrete hydraulic structures by nonlinear quasi-static explicit finite element and 3D limit equilibrium methods. Computers & Structures, 184, 25-35. Disponible
Vu-Quoc, L., & Léger, P. (1992). Efficient evaluation of the flexibility of tapered I-beams accounting for shear deformations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 33(3), 553-566. Lien externe