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Alloui, Z., Nguyen, T. H., & Bilgen, E. (2007). Numerical Investigation of Thermo-Bioconvection in a Suspension of Gravitactic Microorganisms. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 50(7-8), 1435-1441. Lien externe
Alloui, Z., Nguyen, T. H., & Bilgen, E. (2006). Stability analysis of thermo-bioconvection in suspensions of gravitactic microorganisms in a fluid layer. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 33(10), 1198-1206. Lien externe
Alloui, Z., Nguyen, T. H., & Bilgen, E. (2005). Bioconvection of gravitactic microorganisms in a vertical cylinder. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 32(6), 739-747. Lien externe
Aboubi, K., Robillard, L., Bilgen, E., & Vasseur, P. (1995). Convective heat transfer in an annular fluid layer with centrifugal force field. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 5(7), 601-614. Lien externe
Aboubi, K., Robillard, L., & Bilgen, E. (1995). Convective heat transfer in an annular porous layer with centrifugal force field. Numerical Heat Transfer. Part A, Applications, 28(3), 375-388. Lien externe
Alchaar, S., Vasseur, P., & Bilgen, E. (1995). Effects of a magnetic field on the onset of convection in a porous medium. Lien externe
Alchaar, S., Vasseur, P., & Bilgen, E. (1995). Hydromagnetic natural convection in a tilted rectangular porous enclosure. Numerical Heat Transfer. Part A, Applications, 27(1), 107-127. Lien externe
Alchaar, S., Vasseur, P., & Bilgen, E. (1995). Natural convection heat transfer in a rectangular enclosure with a transverse magnetic field. Transactions of the ASME. Journal of Heat Transfer, 117(3), 668-673. Lien externe
Amari, B., Vasseur, P., & Bilgen, E. (1994). Natural convection of non-Newtonian fluids in a horizontal porous layer. Wärme- und Stoffuebertragung, 29(3), 185-193. Lien externe
Bilgen, E. (2009). Conjugate heat transfer by conduction and natural convection on a heated vertical wall. Applied Thermal Engineering, 29(2-3), 334-339. Lien externe
Bilgen, E., & Muftuoglu, A. (2008). Cooling Strategy by Mixed Convection of a Discrete Heater at Its Optimum Position in a Square Cavity With Ventilation Ports. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 35(5), 545-550. Lien externe
Bilgen, E., & Muftuoglu, A. (2008). Natural Convection in an Open Square Cavity With Slots. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 35(8), 896-900. Lien externe
Bilgen, E., & Balkaya, A. (2008). Natural Convection on Discrete Heaters in a Square Enclosure With Ventilation Ports. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 29(4), 1182-1189. Lien externe
Bilgen, E., & Bakeka, B. J. D. (2008). Solar Collector Systems to Provide Hot Air in Rural Applications. Renewable Energy, 33(7), 1461-1468. Lien externe
Bilgen, E., & Ben Yedder, R. (2007). Natural Convection in Enclosure With Heating and Cooling by Sinusoidal Temperature Profiles on One Side. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 50(1-2), 139-150. Lien externe
Bilgen, E., & Oztop, H. (2005). Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Partially Open Inclined Square Cavities. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 48(8), 1470-1479. Lien externe
Bilgen, E. (2005). Natural Convection in Cavities With a Thin Fin on the Hot Wall. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 48(17), 3493-3505. Lien externe
Bilgen, E., & Rheault, J. (2005). Solar Chimney Power Plants for High Latitudes. Solar Energy, 79(5), 449-458. Lien externe
Bilgen, E., & Yamane, T. (2004). Conjugate heat transfer in enclosures with openings for ventilation. Heat and Mass Transfer, 40(5), 401-411. Lien externe
Bilgen, E. (2004). Domestic hydrogen production using renewable energy. Solar Energy, 77(1), 47-55. Lien externe
Bilgen, E., & Richard, M. A. (2002). Horizontal Concrete Slabs as Passive Solar Collectors. Solar Energy, 72(5), 405-413. Lien externe
Bilgen, E. (2002). Natural Convection in Enclosures With Partial Partitions. Renewable Energy, 26(2), 257-270. Lien externe
Bilgen, E., & Mbaye, M. (2001). Benard Cells in Fluid-Saturated Porous Enclosures With Lateral Cooling. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 22(5), 561-570. Lien externe
Bilgen, E. (2001). Experimental Study of Massive Wall Systems With Fins Attached on the Heated Wall and With Glazing. Lien externe
Bilgen, E. (2001). Solar Hydrogen From Photovoltaic-Electrolyzer Systems. Energy Conversion and Management, 42(9), 1047-1057. Lien externe
Bilgen, E. (2000). Exergetic and Engineering Analyses of Gas Turbine Based Cogeneration Systems. Energy, 25(12), 1215-1229. Lien externe
Bilgen, E. (2000). Passive Solar Massive Wall Systems With Fins Attached on the Heated Wall and Without Glazing. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 122(1), 30-34. Lien externe
Ben Yedder, R., & Bilgen, E. (1999). Turbulent natural convection in a square enclosure bounded by a solid wall with localized heating. Lien externe
Ben Yedder, R., & Bilgen, E. (1997). Laminar natural convection in inclined enclosures bounded by a solid wall. Lien externe
Bian, W., Vasseur, P., Bilgen, E., & Meng, F. (1996). Effect of an electromagnetic field on natural convection in an inclined porous layer. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 17(1), 36-44. Lien externe
Bian, W., Vasseur, P., & Bilgen, E. (1996). Effect of an external magnetic field on buoyancy-driven flow in a shallow porous cavity. Numerical Heat Transfer. Part A, Applications, 29(6), 625-638. Lien externe
Bian, W., Robillard, L., Bilgen, E., & Vasseur, P. (novembre 1995). Gravity flow and freezing of non-Newtonian fluids on an inclined plane [Communication écrite]. 1995 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, San Francisco, CA, USA. Non disponible
Bian, W., Vasseur, P., & Bilgen, E. (mars 1995). Magnetohydrodynamic mixed convection in parallel plate vertical channels [Communication écrite]. 1995 ASME/JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, Maui, HI, USA. Non disponible
Bilgen, E., Wang, X., Vasseur, P., Meng, F., & Robillard, L. (1995). On the periodic conditions to simulate mixed convection heat transfer in horizontal channels. Numerical Heat Transfer. Part A, Applications, 27(4), 461-472. Lien externe
Ben Yedder, R., & Bilgen, E. (1995). Turbulent natural convection and conduction in enclosures bounded by a massive wall. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 38(10), 1879-91. Lien externe
Bian, W., Vasseur, P., & Bilgen, E. (1994). Boundary-layer analysis for natural convection in a vertical porous layer filled with a non-Newtonian fluid. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 15(5), 384-391. Lien externe
Bilgen, E. (1994). Experimental study of thermal performance of automated venetian blind window systems. Solar Energy, 52(1), 3-7. Lien externe
Bian, W., Robillard, L., Bilgen, E., Vasseur, P., & Boluk, Y. (novembre 1994). Gravity flow of non-Newtonian fluids on an inclined plane [Communication écrite]. 1994 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Chicago, IL, USA. Non disponible
Bilgen, E., & Vasseur, P. (septembre 1994). Heat transfer in solar-bioclimatic houses [Communication écrite]. 3rd World Renewable Energy Congress, Reading, UK. Publié dans Renewable Energy, 5(5-8). Lien externe
Bian, W., Vasseur, P., & Bilgen, E. (1994). Natural convection of non-Newtonian fluids in an inclined porous layer. Chemical Engineering Communications, 129(1), 79-97. Lien externe
Ben Souda, K., Akyel, C., & Bilgen, E. (1988). Étude théorique et expérimentale de la lyophilisation du lait à l'aide des micro-ondes. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-88-34). Accès restreint
Bilgen, E. (1983). PASOPT program for simulation of passive solar systems with a trombe wall. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-83-02). Accès restreint
Baykara, S. Z., & Bilgen, E. (1981). A feasibility study of solar coal gasification. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-81-36). Accès restreint
Bilgen, E. (1980). Passive solar energy use and low energy housing in Canada : paper presented to the first International Expert Group Meeting on Passive and Low Energy Cooling, Heating and Dehumidification, Miami, Florida, USA, April 28-May 2, 1980. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-80-23). Accès restreint
Bilgen, E., & Ozil, E. (1980). Passive solar energy use in Turkey : paper presented to the first International Expert Group Meeting on Passive and Low Energy Cooling, Heating and Dehumidification, Miami, Florida, USA, April 28-May 2, 1980. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-80-24). Accès restreint
Bilgen, E., & Mohamed, C. (1980). Solar heating-ventilating system using a solar chimney. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-80-43). Accès restreint
Bilgen, E., Girardin, M., Vasseur, P., & Arbour, P. (1975). Mesure du profil de vitesse de l'écoulement d'air dans un nez. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-75-62). Disponible
Bilgen, E. (1975). On the feasibility of direct dissociation of water using solar energy. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-75-10). Accès restreint
Bilgen, E. (1975). Solar energy laboratory of C.N.R.S., France. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-75-04). Accès restreint
Bilgen, E., & Nguyen, H. P. (1975). Utilization of solar energy in heating and ventilating of buildings. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-75-21). Accès restreint
Bilgen, E., & Nguyen Hung Phat. (1974). Mesure des vitesses dans les jets laminaires des fluides viscoélastiques au moyen d'un anémomètre. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-74-07). Accès restreint
Bilgen, E., & Vasseur, P. (1974). On the friction reducing non-newtonian flow around an enclosed disk. Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME, 41(1), 45-50. Lien externe
Bilgen, E. (1973). Behavior of dilute polymer solutions in the inlet region of a pipe. Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME, 40(2), 381-387. Lien externe
Bilgen, E., Arbour, P., & Trinh, P. T. (1973). Sur l'écoulement de l'air à l'intérieur du nez. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-73-50). Accès restreint
Chenak, A. K., Mbaye, M., Vasseur, P., & Bilgen, E. (1995). Mixed convection and conduction heat transfer in open cavities. Wärme- und Stoffuebertragung, 30(4), 229-235. Lien externe
Denantes, F., & Bilgen, E. (2006). Counter-Rotating Turbines for Solar Chimney Power Plants. Renewable Energy, 31(12), 1873-1891. Lien externe
Du, S. Q., Bilgen, E., & Vasseur, P. (1998). Mixed Convection Heat Transfer in Open Ended Channels With Protruding Heaters. Lien externe
Degan, G., Vasseur, P., & Bilgen, E. (1995). Convective heat transfer in a vertical anisotropic porous layer. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 38(11), 1975-1987. Lien externe
Detuncq, B., & Bilgen, E. (1980). Étude expérimentale et simulation thermique d'un mur trombe. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-80-35). Disponible
Detuncq, B., & Bilgen, E. (1980). Étude thermique expérimentale d'un capteur solaire du type mur trombe. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-80-34). Disponible
Fujimoto, S., Bilgen, E., & Ogura, H. (2002). CaO/Ca(OH)₂ chemical heat pump system. Energy Conversion and Management, 43(7), 947-960. Lien externe
Girardin, M., Bilgen, E., & Arbour, P. (1983). Experimental Study of Velocity Fields in a Human Nasal Fossa by Laser Anemometry. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 92(3), 231-236. Lien externe
Galindo, J., & Bilgen, E. (1981). Guide d'utilisation du programme interactif cavité. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-81-23). Accès restreint
Galindo, J., & Bilgen, E. (1981). Sur l'interaction rayonnement solaire concentré - réacteur thermochimique. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-81-06). Accès restreint
Gueymard, C., & Bilgen, E. (1978). Eléments d'analyse du rayonnement solaire et son estimation au Québec. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-78-24). Accès restreint
Hasnaoui, M., Vasseur, P., Bilgen, E., & Robillard, L. (1995). Analytical and numerical study of natural convection heat transfer in a vertical porous annulus. Chemical Engineering Communications, 131(1), 141-159. Lien externe
Hammache, A., & Bilgen, E. (1986). Modélisation d'un système photovoltaïque-électrolyseur : PV-HYDRGN version 1.0. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-86-58). Accès restreint
Jeldres, R., Bilgen, E., & Vasseur, P. (1977). Étude thermique d'un capteur solaire du type "mur trombe". (Rapport technique n° EP-R-77-52). Disponible
Jeldres, R., Bilgen, E., & Vasseur, P. (1977). Simulation thermique d'une maison solaire. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-77-25). Disponible
Kangni, A., Vasseur, P., & Bilgen, E. (1995). Natural convection in inclined enclosures with multiple conducting partitions. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 9(2), 270-277. Lien externe
Kangni, A., Bilgen, E., & Vasseur, P. (1995). Natural convection in shallow enclosures with multiple conducting partitions. Lien externe
Lakhal, E. K., Hasnaoui, M., Bilgen, E., & Vasseur, P. (1997). Natural convection in inclined rectangular enclosures with perfectly conducting fins attached on the heated wall. Lien externe
Lakhal, E. K., Bilgen, E., & Vasseur, P. (1995). Natural convection and conduction in massive wall solar collectors with honeycomb and without vents. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 117(3), 173-180. Lien externe
Lakhal, E. K., Hasnaoui, M., Vasseur, P., & Bilgen, E. (1995). Natural convection in a square enclosure heated periodically from part of the bottom wall. Numerical Heat Transfer. Part A, Applications, 27(3), 319-333. Lien externe
Lakhal, E. K., Bilgen, E., & Vasseur, P. (1995). Natural-convection and conduction in inclined enclosures bounded by a wall with honeycomb structure. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 38(8), 1397-1407. Lien externe
Lakhal, E. K., Hasnaoui, M., Vasseur, P., & Bilgen, E. (1994). Natural convection in a square enclosure periodically heated from below. Numerical study. Revue générale de thermique, 33(392-393), 480-485. Non disponible
Labelle, D., Bilgen, E., & Gueymard, C. (1978). Corrélations entre le rayonnement solaire et la durée d'insolation, à Montréal. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-78-23). Accès restreint
Muftuoglu, A., & Bilgen, E. (2008). Conjugate Heat Transfer in Open Cavities With a Discrete Heater at Its Optimized Position. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 51(3-4), 779-788. Lien externe
Muftuoglu, A., & Bilgen, E. (2008). Heat Transfer in Inclined Rectangular Receivers for Concentrated Solar Radiation. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 35(5), 551-556. Lien externe
Muftuoglu, A., & Bilgen, E. (2008). Natural Convection in an Open Square Cavity With Discrete Heaters at Their Optimized Positions. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 47(4), 369-377. Lien externe
Mbaye, M., & Bilgen, E. (2006). Natural convection in composite systems with phase change materials. Heat and Mass Transfer, 42(7), 636-644. Lien externe
Mbaye, M., & Bilgen, E. (2001). Phase Change Process by Natural Convection-Diffusion in Rectangular Enclosures. Lien externe
Mbaye, M., & Bilgen, E. (2001). Subcritical Oscillatory Instability in Porous Beds. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 40(7), 595-602. Lien externe
Mamou, M., Vasseur, P., & Bilgen, E. (1998). Double-Diffusive Convection Instability in a Vertical Porous Enclosure. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 368, 263-289. Lien externe
Mamou, M., Vasseur, P., & Bilgen, E. (1998). Galerkin Finite-Element Study of the Onset of Double- Diffusive Convection in an Inclined Porous Enclosure. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 41(11), 1513-1529. Lien externe
Mamou, M., Vasseur, P., & Bilgen, E. (1996). Analytical and numerical study of double diffusive convection in a vertical enclosure. Lien externe
Mamou, M., Robillard, L., Bilgen, E., & Vasseur, P. (1996). Effects of a moving thermal wave on Benard convection in a horizontal saturated porous layer. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 39(2), 347-354. Lien externe
Mamou, M., Vasseur, P., Bilgen, E., & Gobin, D. (1995). Double-diffusive convection in an inclined slot filled with porous medium. European journal of mechanics. B. Fluids, 14(5), 629-652. Non disponible
Mamou, M., Vasseur, P., & Bilgen, E. (1995). Multiple solutions for double-diffusive convection in a vertical porous enclosure. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 38(10), 1787-1798. Lien externe
Mamou, M., Vasseur, P., Bilgen, E., & Gobin, D. (août 1994). Double-diffusive convection in a shallow porous layer [Communication écrite]. International Heat Transfer Conference 10, Brighton, UK. Lien externe
Moussaddy, S., & Bilgen, E. (1987). Modélisation thermique et économique de l'enveloppement extérieure d'un bâtiment: "MTI" version 1.0. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-87-42). Accès restreint
Nouanegue, H. F., & Bilgen, E. (2009). Heat transfer by convection, conduction and radiation in solar chimney systems for ventilation of dwellings. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 30(1), 150-157. Lien externe
Nouanegue, H. F., Muftuoglu, A., & Bilgen, E. (2009). Heat transfer by natural convection, conduction and radiation in an inclined square enclosure bounded with a solid wall. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 48(5), 871-880. Lien externe
Nouanegue, H., Muftuoglu, A., & Bilgen, E. (2008). Conjugate heat transfer by natural convection, conduction and radiation in open cavities. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 51(25-26), 6054-6062. Lien externe
Nouanégué, H. F., Alandji, L. R., & Bilgen, E. (2008). Numerical Study of Solar-Wind Tower Systems for Ventilation of Dwellings. Renewable Energy, 33(3), 434-443. Lien externe
Ntibarufata, E., Hasnaoui, M., Vasseur, P., & Bilgen, E. (1994). Numerical study of natural convection in habitat with direct gain passive window systems. Renewable Energy, 4(1), 33-40. Lien externe
Oztop, H., & Bilgen, E. (2006). Natural Convection in Differentially Heated and Partially Divided Square Cavities With Internal Heat Generation. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 27(3), 466-475. Lien externe
Öztürk, İ. T., Karabay, H., & Bilgen, E. (2006). Thermo-Economic Optimization of Hot Water Piping Systems: a Comparison Study. Energy, 31(12), 2094-2107. Lien externe
Öztürk, İ. T., Hammache, A., & Bilgen, E. (1995). An improved process for h2so4 decomposition step of the sulfur iodine cycle. Energy Conversion and Management, 36(1), 11-21. Lien externe
Oeztuerk, I. T., Hammache, A., & Bilgen, E. (1994). A new process for oxygen generation step for the hydrogen producing sulphur-iodine thermochemical cycle. Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 72(2), 241-250. Non disponible
Polat, O., & Bilgen, E. (2005). Natural Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer in Open Shallow Cavities With Bounding Walls. Heat and Mass Transfer, 41(10), 931-939. Lien externe
Polat, O., & Bilgen, E. (2003). Conjugate Heat Transfer in Inclined Open Shallow Cavities. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 46(9), 1563-1573. Lien externe
Polat, O., & Bilgen, E. (2002). Laminar Natural Convection in Inclined Open Shallow Cavities. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 41(4), 360-368. Lien externe
Paraschivoiu, I., & Bilgen, E. (1978). Pressure Distribution on a Symmetrical Butterfly Wing. Journal of Aircraft, 15(7), 444-446. Lien externe
Paraschivoiu, I., & Bilgen, E. (1977). L'aile papillon en régime subsonique. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-77-28). Accès restreint
Paraschivoiu, I., Bilgen, E., & Da Matha Sant'Anna, F. (1977). Etude aérodynamique d'un nouveau type d'aéromoteur. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-77-09). Accès restreint
Raymond, J., & Bilgen, E. (2007). On the Thermal and Ventilation Performance of Composite Walls. Energy and Buildings, 39(9), 1041-1046. Lien externe
Richer, D., Beaudet, R., & Bilgen, E. (1974). Développement d'une valve cardiaque autonettoyante. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-74-44). Accès restreint
Taheri, M., & Bilgen, E. (2008). Thermo-Bioconvection in a Suspension of Gravitactic Micro-Organisms in Vertical Cylinders. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 51(13-14), 3535-3547. Lien externe
Taheri, M., & Bilgen, E. (2007). Bioconvection of Gravitactic Micro-Organisms in Rectangular Enclosures. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 50(23-24), 4652-4660. Lien externe
Vasseur, P., Hasnaoui, M., Bilgen, E., & Robillard, L. (1995). Natural convection in an inclined fluid layer with a transverse magnetic field. Analogy with a porous medium. Journal of Heat Transfer, 117(1), 121-129. Lien externe
Vasseur, P., Hasnaoui, M., & Bilgen, E. (1994). Analytical and numerical study of natural convection heat transfer in an inclined composite enclosure. Applied Scientific Research, 52(3), 187-207. Lien externe
Vasseur, P., Bilgen, E., & Nguyen, H. P. (1975). Étude de rayonnement solaire dans la région montréalaise pour la climatisation des habitations. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-75-18). Disponible
Vasseur, P., Bilgen, E., & Trinh, P. T. (1975). Etude sur la transition d'un fluide légèrement viscoélastique. Première partie, Ecoulement sur un disque en rotation. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-75-58). Disponible
Yumurtaci, Z., & Bilgen, E. (2004). Hydrogen production from excess power in small hydroelectric installations. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 29(7), 687-693. Lien externe
Zha, G. C., & Bilgen, E. (1996). Numerical study of 3-dimensional flows using unfactored upwind-relaxation sweeping algorithm. Journal of Computational Physics, 125(2), 425-433. Lien externe
Zha, G.-C., & Bilgen, E. (juin 1994). Numerical simulation of the 3D viscous flow for a nonaxisymmetric transonic nozzle [Communication écrite]. CFD 94 : second annual conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Toronto, Ont, CAN. Non disponible
Zha, G.-C., & Bilgen, E. (janvier 1994). Numerical simulation of three-dimensional inviscid internal flows using unfactored upwind-relaxation sweeping algorithm [Communication écrite]. 32nd AIAA, Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nv, USA. Lien externe
Zrikem, Z., & Bilgen, E. (1987). Simulation thermique des systèmes solaires à mur massif : PASOPT version 2.0. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-87-39). Accès restreint
Zrikem, Z., & Bilgen, E. (1985). Theoretical study of a composite trombe-Michel wall solar collector system. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-85-16). Accès restreint