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Dans le contexte de cette page, le nuage de mots a été généré à partir des publications de l'auteur A. Amassian. Les mots présents dans ce nuage proviennent des titres, résumés et mots-clés des articles et travaux de recherche de cet auteur. En analysant ce nuage de mots, vous pouvez obtenir un aperçu des sujets et des domaines de recherche les plus récurrents et significatifs dans les travaux de cet auteur.Le nuage de mots est un outil utile pour identifier les tendances et les thèmes principaux dans un corpus de textes, facilitant ainsi la compréhension et l'analyse des contenus de manière visuelle et intuitive.
Amassian, A., Dudek, M., Zabeida, O., Gujrathi, S. C., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2009). Oxygen incorporation and charge donor activation via subplantation during growth of indium tin oxide films. Journal of vacuum science and technology. A, Vacuum, surfaces, and films, 27(2), 362-366. Lien externe
Amassian, A., Svec, M., Desjardins, P., & Martinu, L. (2006). Dynamics of ion bombardment-induced modifications of Si(001) at the radio-frequency-biased electrode in low-pressure oxygen plasmas: in situ spectroscopic ellipsometry and Monte Carlo study. Journal of Applied Physics, 100(6), 063526. Lien externe
Amassian, A., Svec, M., Desjardins, P., & Martinu, L. (2006). Interface broadening due to ion mixing during thin film growth at the radio-frequency-biased electrode in a plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition environment. Journal of vacuum science and technology. A, Vacuum, surfaces, and films, 24(6), 2061-2069. Lien externe
Amassian, A., Verhnes, R., Sapieha, J.-E., Desjardins, P., & Martinu, L. (2004). Interface engineering during plasma-enhances chemical vapor deposition of porous/dense SiN1.3 optical multilayers. Thin Solid Films, 469-470, 47-53. Lien externe
Amassian, A., Vernhes, R., Sapieha, J.-E., Desjardins, P., & Martinu, L. (janvier 2004). Interface engineering of porous/dense multilayers of SiN1.3: in situ real-time spectroscopic ellipsometry study [Communication écrite]. 47th Society of Vacuum Coaters Technical Conference. Lien externe
Amassian, A., Desjardins, P., & Martinu, L. (2004). Study of TiO₂ film growth mechanisms in low-pressure plasma by in situ real-time spectroscopic ellipsometry. Thin Solid Films, 447-448(3), 40-45. Lien externe
Amassian, A., Larouche, S., Vernhes, R., Sapieha, J.-E., Desjardins, P., & Martinu, L. (mai 2002). Analysis and control of optical film growth by in situ real-time spectroscopic ellipsometry [Communication écrite]. SPIE Regional Meeting on Optoelectronics, Photonics, and Imaging (Opto Canada 2002), Ottawa, Ont., Can.. Lien externe
Amassian, A., Larouche, S., Sapieha, J.-E., Desjardins, P., & Martinu, L. (avril 2002). In situ ellipsometric study of the initial growth stages of a TiO₂ by PECVD [Communication écrite]. 45th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Vacuum Coaters, Lake Buena Vista, FL, USA. Lien externe
Dudek, M., Amassian, A., Zabeida, O., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2009). Ion bombardment-induced enhancement of the properties of indium tin oxide films prepared by plasma-assisted reactive magnetron sputtering. Thin Solid Films, 517(16), 4576-4582. Lien externe
Gaidi, M., Stafford, L., Amassian, A., Chaker, M., Margot, J., Martinu, L., & Kulishov, M. (2005). Influence of the Microstructure on the Optical Characteristics of SrTiO₃ Thin Films. Journal of Materials Research, 20(1), 68-74. Lien externe
Gaidi, M., Amassian, A., Chaker, M., Kulishov, M., & Martinu, L. (2004). Pulsed Laser Deposition of Plzt Films: Structural and Optical Characterization. Applied Surface Science, 226(4), 347-354. Lien externe
Jedrzejowski, P., Amassian, A., Bousser, E., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2006). Real-time in situ growth study of TiN- and TiCₓNy-based superhard nanocomposite coatings using spectroscopic ellipsometry. Applied Physics Letters, 88(7), 71915-1. Lien externe
Jedrzejowski, P., Amassian, A., Bousser, E., Martinu, L., & Sapieha, J.-E. (avril 2005). Growth study of TiN and superhard nanocompostie c-TiN/Si₃N₄ and c-TiCN/a-SiCN coatings using in situ ellipsometry [Communication écrite]. 48th Society of Vacuum Coaters Technical Conference, Denver, Colorado. Non disponible
Jedrzejowski, P., Cizek, J., Amassian, A., Sapieha, J.-E., Vlcek, J., & Martinu, L. (2004). Mechanical and optical properties of hard SiCN coatings prepared by PECVD. Thin Solid Films, 447-448, 201-207. Lien externe
Larouche, S., Amassian, A., Gujrathi, S. C., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (janvier 2001). Multilayer and inhomogeneous optical filters fabricated by PECVD using titanium dioxide and silicon dioxide [Communication écrite]. 44th Annual Technical Conference, Philadelphia, PA, United States. Non disponible
Martinu, L., Masse, J.-P., Szymanowski, H., Zabeida, O., Amassian, A., & Sapieha, J.-E. (2006). Stability and effect of annealing on the optical properties of plasma-deposited Ta₂O₅ and Nb₂O₅ films. Thin Solid Films, 515(4), 1674-1682. Lien externe
Tabbal, M., Christidis, T., Isber, S., Merel, P., El-Khakani, M. A., Chaker, M., Amassian, A., & Martinu, L. (2005). Correlation between the sp²-phase nanostructure and the physical properties of unhydrogenated carbon nitride. Journal of Applied Physics, 98(4). Lien externe
Vernhes, R., Amassian, A., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (2006). Plasma treatment of porous SiNₓ:H films for the fabrication of porous-dense multilayer optical filters with tailored interfaces. Journal of Applied Physics, 99(11), 114315.1-114315.12. Lien externe
Zabeida, O., Amassian, A., Larouche, S., Lavigne, C., Sapieha, J.-E., Martinu, L., Morton, D. E., Stevenson, I. C., & Zimone, F. (juillet 2001). Plasma deposition of anti-reflective coatings on spherical lenses [Communication écrite]. Optical Interference Coatings (OIC 2001), Banff, AB, Canada. Lien externe