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Abdou, G., & Arghavani, J. (1997). Interactive ILP procedures for stacking optimization for the 3D palletization problem. International Journal of Production Research, 35(5), 1287-1304. Lien externe

Allam, M., Chaaban, A., & Bazergui, A. (1997). Optimum expansion and residual contact pressure levels of hydraulically expanded tube-to-tubesheet joints. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 21(4), 415-434. Lien externe

Allet, A., Brahimi, M. T., & Paraschivoiu, I. (1997). On the aerodynamic modeling of a VAWT. Wind Engineering, 21(6), 351-365. Lien externe

Amahmid, A., Hasnaoui, M., & Vasseur, P. (1997). The multiplicity of solutions due to natural convection in a repetitive geometry. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 40(16), 3805-3818. Lien externe

Amazouz, M., & Gauvin, R. (1997). Caractérisation thermique simple de composites pultrudés de petite transversale. [Thermal conductivities of pultruded Composites with small transverse cross section]. Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, Transactions, 21(1), 43-51. Lien externe

Amazouz, M., & Gauvin, R. (1997). Solving heat dissipation problems in unidirectional composite structure. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 16(8), 686-697. Lien externe

Ammara, I., Masson, C., & Paraschivoiu, I. (juin 1997). 3-D aerodynamic method for the analysis of isolated horizontal-axis wind turbines [Communication écrite]. Annual Conference and Exhibition of the American Wind Energy Association (WindPower 1997). Non disponible

Aubin, C.-É., Dansereau, J., De Guise, J. A., & Labelle, H. (1997). Rib cage spine coupling patterns involved in brace treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Spine, 22(6), 629-635. Lien externe

Aubin, C.-É., Dansereau, J., Parent, F., Labelle, H., & de Guise, J. A. (1997). Morphometric evaluations of personalized 3D reconstructions and geometric models of the human spine. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 35(6), 611-618. Lien externe

Aurier, T., Rey, C., & Sini, J.-F. (juillet 1996). Second-order turbulence modelling and numerical simulation of volume variable turbulent flows [Communication écrite]. IUTAM Symposium on Variable Density Low-Speed Turbulent Flows : IUTAM Symposium, Marseille, France. Lien externe


Bailon, J.-P., Masounave, J., & Dickson, J. I. (1997). La fatigue des matériaux et des structures. (2e éd.). Non disponible

Bailon, J.-P., Masounave, J., & Dickson, J. I. (1997). Les lois de fissuration par fatigue. Dans La fatigue des matériaux et des structures (2e éd., p. 255-278). Non disponible

Bailon, J.-P., Masounave, J., & Dickson, J. I. (1997). Le seuil de propagation. Dans La fatigue des matériaux et des structures (2e éd.). Non disponible

Balazinski, M., Boyer, H., Czogala, E., & Drwal, G. (juillet 1997). Constructive and destructive fuzzy decision support system (FDSS) processing uncertain information [Communication écrite]. 6th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 1997), Barcelona, Spain. Lien externe

Balazinski, M., Boyer, H., Czogala, E., & Drwal, G. (septembre 1997). Extended FDSS FUZZY-FLOU - the tool for processing uncertain knowledge [Communication écrite]. 5th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing (EUFIT 1997), Aachen, Germany. Non disponible

Balazinski, M., Czogala, E., & Sadowski, T. (1997). Application of neural and fuzzy logic controllers to control selected mechanical systems. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 5(2), 139-153. Lien externe

Balazinski, M., Czogala, E., Mayer, J. R. R., & Shen, Y. (janvier 1997). Pre-travel compensation of kinematic touch trigger probes using fuzzy decision support system [Communication écrite]. 7th IFSA World Congress, Prague. Non disponible

Bélanger, B., Sanschagrin, B., & Fisa, B. (1997). Injection molding and properties of highly filled copper-polyamide 11 composites. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 10(6), 532-542. Lien externe

Belill, A., Teyssedou, A., & Hernu, P. (janvier 1997). Échanges turbulents pour des écoulements diphasiques dans des sous-canaux interconnectés [Communication écrite]. CANCAM'97. Non disponible

Ben Yedder, R., & Bilgen, E. (1997). Laminar natural convection in inclined enclosures bounded by a solid wall. Lien externe

Bendjaballah, M. Z., Shirazi-Adl, A., & Zukor, D. J. (1997). Finite element analysis of human knee joint in varus-valgus. Clinical Biomechanics, 12(3), 139-148. Lien externe

Bendjaballah, M. Z., Shirazi-Adl, A., & Zukor, D. J. (janvier 1997). Passive knee joint mechanics in A-P forces - role of boundary conditions, cruciates, and menisci [Communication écrite]. Advances in bioengineering, ASME WAM, Dallas. Lien externe

Benjelloun, K., & Boukas, E.-K. (juin 1997). Independent delay sufficient conditions for robust stability of uncertain linear time-delay systems with jumps [Communication écrite]. 1997 American Control Conference, Albuquerque, NM, USA. Lien externe

Benjelloun, K., & Boukas, E.-K. (1997). Stochastic stability of linear time-delay system with Markovian jumping parameters. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 3(3), 187-201. Disponible

Benjelloun, K., Boukas, E.-K., & Shi, P. (juin 1997). Robust stabilizability of uncertain linear systems with Markovian jumping parameters [Communication écrite]. 1997 American Control Conference, Albuquerque, NM, USA. Lien externe

Benmeddour, A. (1997). Calcul des écoulements compressibles turbulents sur des maillages non-structurés [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Bennis, F., Pino, L., & Fortin, C. (1997). Transfert de tolérances géométriques pour la fabrication par une méthode algébrique. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, 31(8), 1339-1357. Non disponible

Bernier, M., & Bourret, B. (janvier 1997). Effects of glass plate curvature on the U-factor of sealed insulated glazing units [Communication écrite]. 1997 ASHRAE Winter Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Non disponible

Bissé, E. (1997). Automatisation d'une pelle mécanique [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Boivin, S. (1997). Etude des effets non parallèles sur la stabilité d'un écoulement tridimensionnel compressible [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Boukas, E.-K. (1997). Hierarchical Decision Making in Stochastic Manufacturing Systems. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 21(10), 1777-1780. Lien externe

Boukas, E.-K. (décembre 1997). Production and corrective maintenance control for failure prone production systems [Communication écrite]. 1997 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, CA, USA. Lien externe

Boukas, E.-K., & Benjelloun, K. (juin 1996). Robust control for linear systems with Markovian jumping parameters [Communication écrite]. 13th World Congress, International Federation of Automatic Control. Vol.H. Robust Control II, Stochastic Systems, San Francisco, CA, USA. Lien externe

Boukas, E.-K., & Kenne, J. P. (juin 1996). Maintenance and production control of manufacturing systems with setups [Communication écrite]. AMS/SIAM Seminar on Mathematics of Stochastic Manufacturing Systems, Williamsburg, VA, USA. Non disponible

Boukas, E.-K., & Shi, P. (décembre 1997). H∞ control for discrete-time linear systems with Markovian jumping parameters [Communication écrite]. 1997 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, CA, USA. Lien externe

Boukas, E.-K., & Yang, H. (juin 1996). Robust LQ regulators and cost estimation for jump linear systems with uncertain parameters [Communication écrite]. 13th World Congress, International Federation of Automatic Control. Vol.G. Education, Robust Control I, San Francisco, CA, USA. Lien externe

Boukas, E.-K., & Yang, H. (1997). Robust stabilization by dynamic combined state and output feedback compensator for nonlinear systems with jumps. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 92(1), 63-75. Lien externe

Boukas, E.-K., Swierniak, A., & Simek, K. (août 1997). Robust linear controller design for large scale piecewise deterministic systems [Communication écrite]. 4th International Symposium on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, Miedzyzdroje, Poland. Non disponible

Boukas, E.-K., Swierniak, A., & Yang, H. (1997). On the robustness of jump linear quadratic control. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 7(10), 899-910. Lien externe

Boukas, E.-K., Swierniak, A., Simek, K., & Yang, H. (1997). Robust stabilization and guaranteed cost control of large scale linear systems with jumps. Kybernetika, 33(1), 121-131. Lien externe

Boukas, E.-K., Yang, J., Yin, G., & Zhang, Q. (1997). Manufacturing systems: wear modeling and numerical procedures. Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 15(3), 269-293. Lien externe

Boukhili, R., & Elomari, S. (juin 1997). Characterization of metal matrix composites by thermal analysis techniques [Communication écrite]. 30th ISATA. Materials for Energy-Efficient Vehicles; Paint and Powder Coating Applications in the Automotive Industries, Florence, Italy. Non disponible

Bouzid, A., & Derenne, M. (juillet 1997). Distribution of the gasket contact stress in bolted flanged connections [Communication écrite]. 1997 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Orlando, FL, USA. Non disponible

Brahimi, M. T., Tran, P., Chocron, D., Tezok, F., & Paraschivoiu, I. (janvier 1997). Effect of supercooled large droplets on ice accretion characteristics [Communication écrite]. 35th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit, Reno, Nev, USA. Lien externe

Brodeur, P., Dansereau, J., De Guise, J., & Labelle, H. (1997). Évaluation d'un système de mesures per-opératoires pour le suivi de déplacements vertébraux. Annales de chirurgie, 51(8), 861-867. Non disponible

Brodeur, P., Dansereau, J., De Guise, J., & Labelle, H. (septembre 1995). A points-to-surfaces matching technique for the application of augmented reality during spine surgery [Communication écrite]. 17th International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Montréal, Québec. Lien externe


Charrier, J.-M., & Sanschagrin, B. (avril 1997). Education/training software for schools and industry [Communication écrite]. Antec 97. Volume III, Toronto. Lien externe

Chocron, D. (1997). Etude numérique de la formation de glace sur les éoliennes à axe horizontal [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Chocron, D., Brahimi, M. T., & Paraschivoiu, I. (juin 1997). Ice accretion modeling for wind turbine rotor blades [Communication écrite]. Annual Conference and Exhibition of the American Wind Energy Association (WindPower 1997). Non disponible

Cloutier, G., Gourdeau, R., & Laflamme, J. (janvier 1997). Improving the accuracy of industrial robots using a semi-flexible kinematic model: experimental results [Communication écrite]. Forum de la Société canadienne de génie mécanique, Toronto, Canada. Non disponible


Daly, H. B., Cole, K. C., Sanschagrin, B., & Nguyen, K. T. (avril 1997). Determination of molecular orientation in molded samples of PEEK, HDPE and LCP [Communication écrite]. 1997 55th Annual Technical Conference, ANTEC, Toronto, Can. Lien externe

Daly, H. B., Cole, K. C., Sanschagrin, B., & Nguyen, K. T. (avril 1997). Experimental technique for the characterization of molecular orientation through the thickness of plastic products [Communication écrite]. 1997 55th Annual Technical Conference, ANTEC, Toronto, Can. Lien externe

Dammak, M., Shirazi-Adl, A., & Zukor, D. J. (1997). Analysis of cementless implants using interface nonlinear friction—Experimental and finite element studies. Journal of Biomechanics, 30(2), 121-129. Lien externe

Dammak, M., Shirazi-Adl, A., Schwartz, M. J., & Gustavson, L. (1997). Friction properties at the bone-metal interface: Comparison of four different porous metal surfaces. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 35(3), 329-336. Lien externe

Dansereau, J., Maltais, C., & Lacoste, M. (septembre 1997). Variability of geometric and mechanical measurements in wheelchair user's evaluation [Communication écrite]. Dundee '97. International Conference on Wheelchairs and Seating, Scotland. Non disponible

De Santis, S., Trochu, F., Ostiguy, G. L., Sol, H., & Berthelot, J. M. (1997). Material and structural characterization of the dynamic behavior of shape memory alloy reinforced composites. Journal of Composite Materials, 31(19), 1985-1998. Lien externe

Degan, G. (1997). Etude numérique et analytique de la convection naturelle en milieu poreux anisotrope [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Degan, G., & Vasseur, P. (1997). Boundary layer regime in a vertical porous layer with anisotropic permeability and boundary effects. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 18(3), 334-343. Lien externe

DeGuire, B. (1997). Etude des systèmes multi-agents pour la recherche de solutions d'assemblage [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Derenne, M., Marchand, L., & Deshaies, F. (1997). Leakage and emission characteristics of sheet gaskets. Welding Research Council Bulletin, 427, 1-61. Non disponible

Derenne, M., Marchand, L., Payne, J. R., & Muzzo, U. (1997). Elevated temperature characterization of flexible graphite sheet materials for bolted flanged joints. Welding Research Council Bulletin, 419, 1-88. Non disponible

Diallo, M. L., Gauvin, R., & Trochu, F. (juillet 1997). Key factors affecting the permeability measurement in continuous fiber reinforcements [Communication écrite]. 11th International Conference on Composite Materials, Gold Coast, Australia. Lien externe

Diallo, O. (1997). Analyse thermodynamique avancée appliquée au design d'un procédé de fabrication de benzène [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Drouin, D., Beauvais, J., Lemire, R., Lavallée, E., Gauvin, R., & Caron, M. (1997). Method for fabricating submicron silicide structures on silicon using a resistless electron beam lithography process. Applied Physics Letters, 70(22), 3020-3022. Lien externe

Dufour, B. (1997). Etude de la propagation des erreurs mécaniques dans les assemblages grâce à une approche vectorielle basée sur les torseurs [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible


Eby, E. S. D. (1997). Simulation numérique du transfert radiatif dans les arcs de disjoncteurs à SF [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Eby, S. D., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (juillet 1997). Investigation of the P-1 model for the radiative transfer in SF₆ circuit-breaker arcs [Communication écrite]. 23rd International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG 1997), Toulouse, France. Non disponible

Echaabi, J., & Trochu, F. (1997). Failure mode dependent strength criteria for composite laminates. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 16(10), 926-945. Lien externe

El Fahham, I. (1997). Friction and wear of high speed polymer-metal contact [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Elomari, S., Boukhili, R., San Marchi, C., Mortensen, A., & Lloyd, D. J. (1997). Thermal expansion responses of pressure infiltrated SiC/Al metal-matrix composites. Journal of Materials Science, 32(8), 2131-2140. Lien externe


Farinas, M.-I., Garon, A., & Saint-Louis, K. (1997). Study of heat transfer in a horizontal cylinder with fins. Revue générale de thermique, 36(5), 398-410. Lien externe

Fisa, B., & Gundjian, M. (1997). Factors affecting adhesion at copper-polyamide 11 andaluminum-polyamide 11 interfaces. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 10(5), 416-434. Lien externe

Forsyth, D. S., Fahr, A., & Martineau, N. (1997). Inspection reliability assessment. Canadian aeronautics and space journal, 43(1), 50-55. Lien externe

Fortin, C., Mascle, C., Mayer, J. R. R., Cloutier, G., Balazinski, M., Mir, Y. M., & Bélanger, I. (juillet 1997). Interactive computer aided process planning system for manufacturing, assembly and inspection [Communication écrite]. 32nd International MATADOR Conference, Manchester, U.K.. Lien externe

Fortin, M., Soulhat, J., Shirazi-Adl, A., Hunziker, E. B., & Buschmann, M. D. (novembre 1997). Dynamic and transient nonlinear behavior of articular cartilage in unconfined compression [Communication écrite]. 1997 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Dallas, TX, USA. Lien externe


Godfroy, L., Larachi, F., Kennedy, G. G., Grandjean, B., & Chaouki, J. (1997). On-line flow visualization in multiphase reactors using neural networks. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 48(2), 225-235. Lien externe

Gou, M. (1997). Étude des limites techniques du moteur-roue. (Rapport technique n° P2219). Non disponible

Gou, M., Clément, B., Birikundavy, S., Bellavigna-Ladoux, O., & Abraham, E. (1997). Incidence de l'état mécanique des poids lourds sur la sécurité routière. Non disponible

Gou, M., Clément, B., Birikundavyi, S., Ballavigna-Ladoux, O., & Caron, M.-A. (janvier 1997). Multivariate analysis of heavy vehicles mechanical defects with applications to road safety [Communication écrite]. 10e Conférence canadienne multidisciplinaire sur la sécurité routière (CCMSR 1997), Toronto, Ontario. Non disponible

Gou, M., Klim, Z., & Balazinski, M. (1997). Development and documentation of EMSA decision sub-module for RO/LO electric power generation system variants. (Rapport technique n° P2195). Non disponible

Goulet, S. (1997). Modélisation de la torche dans les turbines hydrauliques [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Gundjian, M., & Fisa, B. (1997). Adhesion at copper-polyamide 11-copper and aluminum-polyamide 11-aluminum laminate interfaces: Influence of metal surface oxidation. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 11(6), 759-781. Lien externe


Hashemi, A., Dammak, M., Shirazi-Adl, A., & Zukor, D. J. (novembre 1997). Friction Properties at Polyethylene-Metal Interface in Total Joint Arthroplasty [Communication écrite]. Advances in bioengineering, ASME WAM, Dallas, Texas, USA. Lien externe

Hébert, A. (1997). Advances in the development of a subgroup method for the self-shielding of resonant isotopes in arbitrary geometries. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 126, 245-263. Lien externe

Hébert, A. (août 1997). Application of transport methods to lattice calculations [Communication écrite]. Frederic Joliot Summer school in reactor physics, Cadarache, France. Non disponible

Hébert, A. (octobre 1997). Development of a simple interaction model for the shel-shielding of multiple resonant isotopes using probability tables [Communication écrite]. Joint international conference on mathematical methods and supercomputing for nuclear applications, Saratoga Springs, New York. Non disponible

Huynh, T. N., Dansereau, J., & Maurais, G. (1997). Development of a vertebral endplate 3-D reconstruction technique. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 16(5), 689-696. Lien externe


Ilinca, C., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (juin 1997). Grid convergence studies and error estimates for the Euler equations on unstructured grids [Communication écrite]. 13th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Snowmass Village, Co. Lien externe

Ilinca, C., Trépanier, J.-Y., Ilinca, A., Camarero, R., & Zhang, X. (avril 1997). Analysis of error estimation techniques for mesh adaptation with finite volume schemes [Communication écrite]. 6th CASI Aerodynamics Symposium, Toronto, Canada. Non disponible

Ilinca, F., & Pelletier, D. (janvier 1997). Positivity preservation and adaptive solution for the k-epsilon model of turbulence [Communication écrite]. 35th Aerospace sciences meeting & exhibit, Reno, Nev, USA. Lien externe

Ilinca, F., & Pelletier, D. (janvier 1997). A unified approach for adaptive solutions of compressible and incompressible flows [Communication écrite]. 35th Aerospace sciences meeting & exhibit, Reno, Nev, USA. Lien externe

Ilinca, F., Hetu, J. F., & Pelletier, D. (juin 1997). A single formulation and finite element algorithm: A tool for comparing two-equation models of turbulence [Communication écrite]. 13th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Snowmass Village, CO, United states. Lien externe

Ilinca, F., Hetu, J.-F., & Pelletier, D. (juin 1997). On stabilized finite element formulations for incompressible flows [Communication écrite]. AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 13th, Snowmass Village, Co. Lien externe

Ilinca, F., Pelletier, D., & Arnoux-Guise, F. (1997). An adaptive finite element scheme for turbulent free shear flows. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 8(3), 171-188. Lien externe

Ilinca, F., Pelletier, D., & Garon, A. (1997). Adaptive finite element method for a two-equation turbulence model in wall-bounded flows. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 24(1), 101-120. Lien externe


Jabbour, T. (1997). Intégration de modèles de caractéristiques à une modélisation géométrique pour supporter l'assemblage [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Jilani, A., Shirazi-Adl, A., & Bendjaballah, M. Z. (1997). Biomechanics of human tibio-femoral joint in axial rotation. KNEE, 4(4), 203-213. Lien externe

Julien, D., Bui-Quoc, T., Bernard, M., Saad, N. R., & Nguyen, H. L. (juillet 1997). Low cycle fatigue behaviour of a nickel-based alloy under combined bending/tension loading [Communication écrite]. 1997 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Orlando, FL, USA. Non disponible


Kajl, S., Balazinski, M., & Czogala, E. (juillet 1997). Evaluation of school buildings energy consumption using fuzzy assistant operating uncertain knowledge [Communication écrite]. 6th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ IEEE 1997), Barcelona, Spain. Lien externe

Kasra, M., Parnianpour, M., Wang, J. L., Shirazi-Adl, A., & Grynpas, M. D. (novembre 1997). Effect of strain rate on failure behaviour of the annulus fobrosus in tension [Communication écrite]. Advances in bioengineering, ASME WAM, Dallas, Texas, USA. Lien externe

Kenne, J. P., Gharbi, A., & Boukas, E.-K. (1997). Control policy simulation based on machine age in a failure prone one-machine, one-product manufacturing system. International Journal of Production Research, 35(5), 1431-1445. Lien externe

Kenné, J.-P. (1997). Planification de la production et de la maintenance des systèmes de production : approche hiérarchisée [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Kenné, J.-P., & Boukas, E.-K. (juin 1997). Production and corrective maintenance planning problem of a failure prone manufacturing system [Communication écrite]. 1997 American Control Conference, Albuquerque, NM, USA. Lien externe

Kennedy, G. G., & Marleau, G. (juin 1997). Refuelling the SLOWPOKE-2 reactor at École Polytechnique: Procedure and proposed experiments [Communication écrite]. 1997 Canadian Nuclear Society Conference, Toronto, Can. Non disponible

Kennedy, G. G., & St-Pierre, J. (1997). Parameterization of detector efficiency for the standardization of NAA with stable low flux reactors. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 215(2), 235-239. Lien externe

Kennedy, G. G., & St. Pierre, J. (novembre 1997). Quality assurance in NAA with low-flux reactors using the K0 method [Communication écrite]. 1997 American Nuclear Society (ANS) winter meeting. Publié dans Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 77. Non disponible

Kiefer, A., Shirazi-Adl, A., & Parnianpour, M. (1997). Stability of the human spine in neutral postures. European Spine Journal, 6(1), 45-53. Lien externe

Koclas, J., Sissaoui, M. T., & Marleau, G. (1997). Comparison between the multi-group improved and generalized quasistatic methods for different numbers of energy groups. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 24(15), 1223-1232. Lien externe


Labelle, H., Dansereau, J., de Guise, J. A., Rivard, C. H., & LeBlanc, M. (1997). Derotaing orthotic devices for the correction of scoliotic deformities. (Brevet no US5599286). Lien externe

Lakhal, E. K., Hasnaoui, M., Bilgen, E., & Vasseur, P. (1997). Natural convection in inclined rectangular enclosures with perfectly conducting fins attached on the heated wall. Lien externe

Lakis, A. A., & Neagu, S. (1997). Free surface effects on the dynamics of cylindrical shells partially filled with liquid. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 207(2), 175-205. Lien externe

Lakis, A. A., & Neagu, S. C. (novembre 1997). Free Surface Effects on the Dynamics of Cylindrical Shells Partially Filled With Liquid [Communication écrite]. 4th ASME International Symposium on Fluid-Structure Interactions, Aeroelasticity, Flow-Induces Vibration and Noise, Dallas, Texas (10 pages). Lien externe

Lakis, A. A., & Selmane, A. (1997). Classical solution shape functions in the finite element analysis of circular and annular plates. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 40(6), 969-990. Lien externe

Lakis, A. A., & Selmane, A. (mai 1997). Non linear dynamic analysis of orthotopic open and closed cylindrical shells subjected to a flowing fluid [Communication écrite]. 5th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 1997), Nice, France. Non disponible

Lakis, A. A., & Selmane, A. (juillet 1997). Vibration analysis of circumferentially non-uniform cylindrical shells subjected to a flowing fluid [Communication écrite]. 6th International Conference on Structural dynamics: Recent Advances, Southampton, UK. Non disponible

Landry, C., De Guise, J. A., Dansereau, J., Labelle, H., Skalli, W., Zeller, R., & Lavaste, F. (1997). Analyse infographique des déformations tridimensionnelles des vertèbres scoliotiques. Annales de chirurgie, 51(8), 868-874. Non disponible

Langlois, M., Masson, C., Paraschivoiu, I., & Casalis, G. (avril 1997). Non-parallel effects in stability analysis by the PSE approach: Parabolized Stability Equations [Communication écrite]. 6th CASI Aerodynamics Symposium, Toronto, Canada. Non disponible

Langlois, M., Masson, C., Touchaud, S., & Paraschivoiu, I. (juin 1997). A fast and easy-to-use linear stability analyser for wing transition predictions [Communication écrite]. 15th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Atlanta, Ga. Lien externe

Laplante, G., & Bernier, M. (1997). Convection mixte défavorable et conjuguée dans un tube vertical. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 40(15), 3527-3536. Lien externe

Leboeuf, A. (1997). Analyse thermomécanique d'actuateurs en alliage à mémoire de forme (AMF) [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Leclerc, C. (janvier 1997). Why use natural laminar flow airfoils in vertical axis wind turbine applications? [Communication écrite]. 35th Aerospace sciences meeting & exhibit, Reno, Nev, USA. Lien externe

Leclerc, C., Masson, C., & Paraschivoiu, I. (juin 1997). Performance and wake predictions of HAWTs in wind farms [Communication écrite]. Annual Conference and Exhibition of the American Wind Energy Association (WindPower 1997). Non disponible

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