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Alimi, A., & Plamondon, R. (1993, July). Parameter Analysis of Handwriting Strokes Generation Models [Paper]. 6th International Conference on Handwriting Drawing, Paris, France. Unavailable
Alimi, A., & Plamondon, R. (1993, May). Performance Analysis of Handwritten Strokes Generation Models [Paper]. 3rd International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Buffalo, N.Y.. Unavailable
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Bourdon, J. L., & Plamondon, R. (1993, July). Steps Toward the Extraction of Pseudodynamic Information from a Handwriting Image [Paper]. 6th International Conference on Handwriting Drawing, Paris, France. Unavailable
Brito-de-la-Fuente, E., Carreau, P., Cheng, J., Bertrand, F., Tanguy, P. A., & Choplin, L. (1993, June). Macromixing of rheologically complex fluids with helical impellers [Paper]. 14th biennial Conference on Mixing (Mixing XVIII), Santa Barbara, CA, USA. Unavailable
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Greer, C. W., Hawari, J., & Samson, R. (1993, October). Development and Application of Techniques for Monitoring the Biodegradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons-Contaminated Soils [Paper]. 10th Annual general meeting of BIOMINENT, Mississauga, ON, Canada. Unavailable
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