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Adjakplé, P. M. (1998). Affectation de canaux dans les réseaux de téléphonie mobile cellulaire [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible
Audet, C., Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., & Savard, G. (juillet 1998). Enumeration of all extreme equilibrum strategies of bimatrix games [Communication écrite]. 8th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications, Maastricht, Netherlands. Non disponible
Audet, C., Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., & Savard, G. (1998). On the linear maxmin and related programming problems. Dans Multilevel Optimization: Algorithms and Applications (Vol. 20, p. 181-208). Lien externe
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Beaudry, C., Breschi, S., & Swann, G. M. P. (1998). Statistical and econometric analysis of clustering and innovation. (Rapport technique). Non disponible
Béliveau, A., Fortin, A., & Demay, Y. (1998). Two-Dimensional Numerical Method for the Deformation of Drops With Surface Tension. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 10(3), 225-240. Lien externe
Ben Ghanem, R., & Frappier, C. (1998). Explicit quadrature formulae for entire functions of exponential type. Journal of Approximation Theory, 92(2), 267-279. Lien externe
Béraudo, C., Fortin, A., Coupez, T., Demay, Y., Vergnes, B., & Agassant, J. F. (1998). Finite Element Method for Computing the Flow of Multi-Mode Viscoelastic Fluids: Comparison With Experiments. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 75(1), 1-23. Lien externe
Berger, C., Chauny, F., Langevin, A., Loulou, R., Riopel, D., Savard, G., & Waaub, J.-P. (1998). EUGENE : an optimization-based decision support aystem for long term integrated regional solid waste management planning. (Rapport technique n° G-98-28). Lien externe
Berger, C., Chauny, F., Langevin, A., Loulou, R., Riopel, D., Savard, G., & Waaub, J.-P. (janvier 1998). EUGENE: an optimisation-based decision support system for long term integrated regional solid waste management planning [Communication écrite]. International workshop, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Stockholm, Sweden. Non disponible
Bourgault, M. (1998). Performance industrielle et contribution des sous-traitants nationaux : analyse du secteur aérospatial canadien dans le contexte nord-américan. Revue internationale PME, 11(1), 41-63. Lien externe
Bourgault, M. (janvier 1998). The role of suppliers in product development projects: a proposed framework [Communication écrite]. 7th International Conference on the Management of Technology, Orlando, Florida. Non disponible
Bourgault, M., & Sicotte, H. (janvier 1998). Learning conditions and performance of development projects : empirical evidence from a research center [Communication écrite]. 29th Project Management Institute Seminars & Symposium, Long Beach, California. Non disponible
Caporossi, G., & Hansen, P. (1998). Enumeration of Polyhex Hydrocarbons to h = 21. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 38(4), 610-619. Lien externe
Cerezuela, C., Riopel, D., & Villeneuve, L. (1998). État des pratiques de l'ingénierie concourante dans les entreprises québécoises. (Rapport technique n° G-98-47). Lien externe
Cerezuela, C., Riopel, D., & Villeneuve, L. (1998). Étude des différentes pratiques de l'ingénierie concourante : une enquête dans l'industrie québécoise. (Rapport technique n° G-98-60). Lien externe
Chamberland, S. (1998). Conception et mise à jour des réseaux de télécommunication [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible
Chamberland, S., & Sanso, B. (janvier 1998). Expansion of multiple ring MANs [Communication écrite]. IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom 1998), Sydney, Australia. Lien externe
Chen, P. C., Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., & Hoang, T. (1998). Solution of the multisource Weber and conditional Weber problems by D.-C. programming. Operations Research, 46(4), 548-562. Lien externe
Cigana, J., Laurent, P., Prévost, M., & Clément, B. (janvier 1997). Key parameters affecting regrowth in distribution systems using the SANCHO model [Communication écrite]. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC 1998), Denver, Colorado, USA. Non disponible
Clément, B. (1998). Statistical design and analysis of multivariable experiments (chp. 41). Dans Handbook of bolts and bolted joints (p. 825-870). Lien externe
Cloutier, G., & Gourdeau, R. (1998). Task Constraints Specification Via Optimized Hyperellipsoids. International Journal of Robotics Research, 17(3), 294-304. Lien externe
Cordeau, J.-F., Toth, P., & Vigo, D. (1998). Survey of Optimization Models for Train Routing and Scheduling. Transportation Science, 32(4), 380-404. Lien externe
Denis, H. (1998). Comprendre et gérer les risques sociotechnologiques majeurs. Lien externe
Desaulniers, G., Desrosiers, J., Gamache, M., & Soumis, F. (1998). Crew Scheduling in Air Transportation. Dans Fleet management and logistics (p. 169-185). Lien externe
Desaulniers, G., Desrosiers, J., Ioachim, I., Solomon, M. M., Soumis, F., & Villeneuve, D. (1998). Unified framework for deterministic time constrained vehice routing and crew scheduling problems. Dans Fleet management and logistics (p. 57-93). Lien externe
Desaulniers, G., Lavigne, J., & Soumis, F. (1998). Multi-depot vehicle scheduling problems with time windows and waiting costs. European Journal of Operational Research, 111(3), 479-494. Lien externe
Desaulniers, G., Soumis, F., & Laurent, J. C. (1998). Shortest Path Algorithm for a Carlike Robot in a Polygonal Environment. International Journal of Robotics Research, 17(5), 512-530. Lien externe
Dufour, S., & Pelletier, D. (juin 1998). An adaptive finite element method for incompressible flows with interfaces [Communication écrite]. 29th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, Albuquerque, NM, United States (14 pages). Lien externe
Frappier, C. (1998). Representation Formulas for Entire Functions of Exponential Type and Generalized Bernoulli Polynomials. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A, Pure Mathematics and Statistics, 64(3), 307-316. Lien externe
Frappier, C., & Qazi, M. A. (1998). Refinement of Bernstein's inequality for the second derivative of a polynomial. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie, LII.2(3), 29-36. Non disponible
Gamache, M., & Soumis, F. (1998). A Method for Optimally Solving the Rostering Problem. Dans International Series in Operations Research & Management Science (Vol. 9, p. 124-157). Lien externe
Gamache, M., Soumis, F., Villeneuve, D., Desrosiers, J., & Gélinas, E. (1998). Preferential Bidding System at Air Canada. Transportation Science, 32(3), 246-255. Lien externe
Gharbi, A., Pellerin, R., & Villeneuve, L. (octobre 1998). Zone and resource scheduling in remanufacturing systems [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, San Diego, California. Lien externe
Girard, A., & Sanso, B. (1998). Multicommodity Flow Models, Failure Propagation, and Reliable Loss Network Design. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 6(1), 82-93. Lien externe
Gomez Canovas, S. (1998). Etude des points d'équilibre des jeux bimatriciels [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible
Gou, M., Bellavigna-Ladoux, O., Clément, B., & Birikundavyi, S. (novembre 1998). Influence of defective mechanical components in trucks and traffic trailor in traffic accident: A Québec case study [Communication écrite]. SAE International Truck and Bus Meeting and Exposition, Indianapolis, Indiana. Lien externe
Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., & De Aragao, M. P. (1998). Mixed-Integer Column Generation Algorithms and the Probabilistic Maximum Satisfiability Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 108(3), 671-683. Lien externe
Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., & Mladenovic, N. (1998). Minimum Sum of Squares Clustering in a Low Dimensional Space. Journal of Classification, 15(1), 37-55. Lien externe
Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., & Xiong, J. (1998). An interval arithmetic algorithm for multivariate constrained global optimization using cord-slope forms of Taylor's expansion. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, 8(2), 189-202. Non disponible
Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., Meyer, C., & Thisse, J.-F. (1998). New Algorithms for Product Positioning. European Journal of Operational Research, 104(1), 154-174. Lien externe
Ioachim, I., Gélinas, S., Soumis, F., & Desrosiers, J. (1998). Dynamic Programming Algorithm for the Shortest Path Problem With Time Windows and Linear Node Costs. Networks, 31(3), 193-204. Lien externe
Jaumard, B., & Meyer, C. (1998). A Simplified Convergence Proof for the Cone Partitioning Algorithm. Journal of Global Optimization, 13(4), 407-416. Lien externe
Jaumard, B., Semet, F., & Vovor, T. (1998). Generalized Linear Programming Model for Nurse Scheduling. European Journal of Operational Research, 107(1), 1-18. Lien externe
Labbé, M., Marcotte, P., & Savard, G. (1998). A Bilevel Model of Taxation and Its Application to Optimal Highway Pricing. Management Science, 44(12), 1608-1622. Lien externe
Lapierre, J. (janvier 1998). Product-service and relationship-related drivers of customer value: evidence from the information technology industry [Communication écrite]. 5th international research seminar in service management, La Londe Les Maures, France. Non disponible
Lapierre, J. (1998). The role of corporate image in the evaluation of business-to-business professional services: the case of consulting engineers. Journal of professional services marketing, 16(1), 21-42. Lien externe
Lapierre, J., & Deslandes, S. (1998). Role of relational factors in the evaluation of a professional service and the maintenance of a long-term relationship with the service provider. Dans Gemünden, H. G., Ritter, T., & Walter, A. (édit.), Relationships and networks in international markets (Vol. 3, p. 81-90). Lien externe
Lapierre, J., Venne, S., & Deneault, D. (janvier 1998). Determinants of customer value: evidence from the information technology industry [Communication écrite]. 7th International Conference on Management of Technology, Orlando, FL, USA. Non disponible
Lefebvre, É., & Lefebvre, L.-A. (1998). Global Strategic Benchmarking, Critical Capabilities and Performance of Aerospace Subcontractors. Technovation, 18(4), 223-234. Lien externe
Lefebvre, É., Lefebvre, L.-A., & Bourgault, M. (1998). R&D-related capabilities as determinants of export performance. Small Business Economics, 10(4), 365-377. Lien externe
Lefebvre, L.-A., & Lefebvre, É. (janvier 1998). The virtual economy as an emerging paradigm: an essay [Communication écrite]. 31st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Kohala Coast, HI, USA. Lien externe
Lefebvre, M. (1998). Bidimensional Optimal Landing Problem. Automatica, 34(5), 655-657. Lien externe
Lefebvre, M. (1998). On a diffusion process used in genetics. Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, XLIII(7-8), 751-760. Non disponible
Lefebvre, M. (1998). On the inverse of the LQG homing problem. Annales de l'ISUP, 42(1), 39-49. Lien externe
Lefebvre, M. (1998). Solving an LQG Homing Problem Via a Different Uncontrolled Process. International Journal of Control, 71(6), 1021-1026. Lien externe
Lefebvre, M. (avril 1998). Using a Kolmogorov backward equation to solve a differential game [Présentation]. Dans 2nd Conference on Stochastic Analysis and Probabilities, Marrakech, Maroc. Non disponible
Lefebvre, M., & Adjengue, L. (1998). From Inciting to Forcing an Integrated Bessel Process to Remain as Small as Possible. Engineering Optimization, 30(1), 75-89. Lien externe
Lemire, D. (1998). Schémas d'interpolation et ondelettes [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible
Lioret, A. (1998). Méthode d'éléments finis adaptative pour les écoulements de fluides viscoélastiques [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible
Montulet, P., Langevin, A., & Riopel, D. (1998). Minimizing the Peak Load: an Alternate Objective for Dedicated Storage Policies. International Journal of Production Research, 36(5), 1369-1385. Lien externe
Prévost, M., Rompré, A., Coallier, J., Servais, P., Laurent, P., Clément, B., & Lafrance, P. (1998). Suspended bacterial biomass and activity in full-scale drinking water distribution systems: Impact of water treatment. Water Research, 32(5), 1393-1406. Lien externe
Rancourt, E. (1998). La planification des vols pour le groupe de transport aérien des Forces armées canadiennes [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible
Reddy, D. C., Ghosh, K., & Vardhan, V. A. (1998). Identification and Interpretation of Manufacturing Process Patterns Through Neural Networks. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 27(5), 15-36. Lien externe
Riopel, D., Langevin, A., & Campbell, J. F. (août 2023). Integrating logistics in concurrent product and process design [Communication écrite]. 2nd International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation (ED&A 1998), Maui, Hawaii, USA. Non disponible
Riopel, D., Langevin, A., & Campbell, J. F. (1998). Integrating logistics in concurrent product and process design. (Rapport technique n° G-98-33). Lien externe
Riopel, D., Langevin, A., & Campbell, J. F. (1998). Processus décisionnel des fonctions logistiques. (Rapport technique n° G-98-16). Lien externe
Riopel, D., Langevin, A., & Savard, G. (1998). Flow Path Design for an Automated Guided Vehicle System. (Rapport technique n° G-98-32). Lien externe
Rocque, S., Langevin, A., & Riopel, D. (1998). Analyse de la valeur pédagogique au Canada. Valeur des produits, procédés et services, 76, 6-11. Non disponible
Ross, N., Deschenes, L., Bureau, J., Clément, B., Comeau, Y., & Samson, R. (1998). Ecotoxicological Assessment and Effects of Physico-Chemical Factors on Biofilm Development under Groundwater Conditions. Environmental Science & Technology, 32(8), 1105-1111. Lien externe
St-Cyr, R. (1998). Impact de l'implication du concepteur dans l'analyse de tâche sur la conception de l'interface humain-ordinateur [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible
Stojković, G. (1998). Gestion des avions et des équipages durant le jour d'opération [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible
Stojković, M. (1998). Gestion des équipages aériens durant le jour d'opération [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible
Stojkovic, M., Soumis, F., & Desrosiers, J. (1998). Operational Airline Crew Scheduling Problem. Transportation Science, 32(3), 232-245. Lien externe
Tricot, C. (juillet 1995). Velocity, length, dimension [Communication écrite]. NATO advanced study institute on fractal image encoding and analysis, Trondheim, Norway. Publié dans NATO ASI series. Series F : Computer and system sciences, 159. Lien externe
Walker, B., & Sanso, B. (1998). Managing Redundancy in Distributed Computer Networks: a State Transition Graph Approach for the Stashing Problem. Operations Research, 46(3), 305-315. Lien externe