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Badkoubeh, A., Zheng, J., & Zhu, G. (2016). Flatness-based deformation control of an Euler-Bernoulli beam with in-domain actuation. IET Control Theory and Applications, 10(16), 2110-2118. Lien externe
Chen, Q.-L., Zheng, J., & Gu-chuan, Z. (2024). Integral input-to-state stabilization of a class of parabolic systems with time-varying coefficients. Control Theory and Applications, 41(12), 2259-2268. Lien externe
Chen, Q., Zheng, J., & Zhu, G. (2024). Backstepping Control of a Class of Space-Time-Varying Linear Parabolic PDEs via Time Invariant Kernel Functions. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 62(6), 2992-3018. Lien externe
Chen, Q., Zheng, J., & Zhu, G. (2023). Input-to-state stability and integral input-to-state stability in various norms for 1-D nonlinear parabolic PDEs. Journal of Control and Decision, 14 pages. Lien externe
Chen, Q., Zheng, J., & Zhu, G. (mai 2023). Integral input-to-state stabilization in different norms for a class of linear parabolic PDEs [Communication écrite]. 35th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC 2023), Yichang, China. Lien externe
Deng, P., Zheng, J., & Zhu, G. (2024). Well-posedness and stability for a nonlinear Euler-Bernoulli beam equation. Communications in Analysis and Mechanics, 16(1), 193-216. Disponible
Guo, X., Wang, H., & Zheng, J. (2021). Lyapunov inequalities for a class of psi-laplace equations. Journal of Inequalities and Special Functions, 12(3), 13-23. Lien externe
Hu, Y., & Zheng, J. (2024). Porosity of the free boundary in a minimum problem. Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis, 8(1), 109-124. Lien externe
Hu, Y., & Zheng, J. (2023). Local porosity of the free boundary in a minimum problem. Electronic Research Archives, 31(9), 5457-5465. Lien externe
Liu, J., & Zheng, J. (2024). Boundedness and higher integrability of minimizers to a class of two-phase free boundary problems under non-standard growth conditions. AIMS Mathematics, 9(7), 18574-18588. Disponible
Sun, X., Zheng, J., & Zhu, G. (2025). Finite‐Time Input‐To‐State Stability for Infinite‐Dimensional Systems. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. Lien externe
Sun, X., Zheng, J., & Zhu, G. (juin 2024). Prescribed-time input-to-state stability of infinite-dimensional systems [Communication écrite]. 2024 39th Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC 2024), Dalian, China. Lien externe
Yang, K., Zheng, J., & Zhu, G. (2019). Asymptotic output tracking for a class of semilinear parabolic equations: A semianalytical approach. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 29(8), 2471-2493. Lien externe
Zheng, J., & Zhu, G. (2025). Generalized Lyapunov functionals for the input-to-state stability of infinite-dimensional systems. Automatica, 172, 10 pages. Lien externe
Zhang, Z., Zheng, J., & Zhu, G. (2024). Power tracking control of heterogeneous populations of thermostatically controlled loads with partially measured states. IEEE Access, 12, 57674-57687. Disponible
Zhang, Z., Zheng, J., & Zhu, G. (2024). Event-Triggered Power Tracking Control of Heterogeneous TCL Populations. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 12 pages. Lien externe
Zheng, J., & Zhu, G. (2024). Global ISS for the Viscous Burgers' Equation with Dirichlet Boundary Disturbances. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 3393850 (8 pages). Lien externe
Zheng, J., Zhu, G., & Li, M. (2023). A PDE-Based Aggregate Power Tracking Control of Heterogeneous TCL Populations. Dans Handbook of Smart Energy Systems (p. 47-76). Lien externe
Zheng, J., Zhu, G., & Dashkovskiy, S. (2022). Relative stability in the sup-norm and input-to-state stability in the spatial sup-norm for parabolic PDEs. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 67(10), 5361-5375. Disponible
Zheng, J., Zhu, G., & Li, M. (2022). A PDE-Based Aggregate Power Tracking Control of Heterogeneous TCL Populations. Dans Michel, F., Zio, E., & Pardalos, P. M. (édit.), Handbook of Smart Energy Systems (p. 1-30). Lien externe
Zheng, J., & Zhu, G. (décembre 2022). L1-input-to-state Stability for Nonlinear Systems [Communication écrite]. 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2022), Cancun, Mexico. Lien externe
Zheng, J., & Zhu, G. (2021). Approximations of Lyapunov functionals for ISS analysis of a class of higher dimensional nonlinear parabolic PDEs. Automatica, 125, 109414 (10 pages). Lien externe
Zheng, J., & Zhu, G. (décembre 2021). Input-to-state Stability in Different Norms for 1-D Parabolic PDEs [Communication écrite]. 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2021), Austin, TX, USA. Lien externe
Zheng, J., Laparra, G., Zhu, G., & Li, M. (2020). Aggregate power control of heterogeneous TCL populations governed by Fokker–Planck equations. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 28(5), 1915-1927. Disponible
Zheng, J., & Zhu, G. (2020). Input-To-state stability for a class of one-dimensional nonlinear parabolic pdes with nonlinear boundary conditions. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 58(4), 2567-2587. Lien externe
Zheng, J., & Zhu, G. (2020). ISS-like estimates for nonlinear parabolic PDEs with variable coefficients on higher dimensional domains. Systems and Control Letters, 146, 104808 (7 pages). Lien externe
Zheng, J., & Zhu, G. (2020). A weak maximum principle-based approach for input-to-state stability analysis of nonlinear parabolic PDEs with boundary disturbances. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 32(2), 157-176. Lien externe
Zheng, J., & Zhu, G. (2019). A De Giorgi Iteration-based Approach for the Establishment of ISS Properties for Burgers' Equation with Boundary and In-domain Disturbances. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 64(8), 3476-3483. Disponible
Zheng, J., & Zhu, G. (décembre 2019). A Maximum Principle-based Approach for Input-to-State Stability Analysis of Parabolic Equations with Boundary Disturbances [Communication écrite]. 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2019), Nice, France. Lien externe
Zheng, J., & Zhu, G. (2018). Input-to-state stability with respect to boundary disturbances for a class of semi-linear parabolic equations. Automatica, 97, 271-277. Lien externe
Zheng, J., Lhachemi, H., Zhu, G., & Saussié, D. (2018). ISS with respect to boundary and in-domain disturbances for a coupled beam-string system. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 30(4). Lien externe
Zheng, J., & Zhu, G. (décembre 2018). ISS with Respect to In-domain and Boundary Disturbances for a Generalized Burgers' Equation [Communication écrite]. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2018), Miami Beach, FL. Lien externe
Zheng, J., & Zhu, G. (2015). In-Domain Control of a Heat Equation: An Approach Combining Zero-Dynamics Inverse and Differential Flatness. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, 1-10. Disponible