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Nombre de documents: 12


Aponte, D., Barés, J., Renouf, M., Azéma, É., & Estrada, N. (2025). Experimental exploration of geometric cohesion and solid fraction in columns of highly non-convex Platonic polypods. Granular Matter, 27(1), 27. Lien externe

Azéma, É., Cantor, D., & Preechawuttipong, I. (juillet 2021). Independence of shear strength with particle size dispersity still valid in polyhedral particle assemblies [Communication écrite]. 9th International Conference on Micromechanics on Granular Media Powders & Grains (4 pages). Publié dans EPJ Web of Conferences, 249. Lien externe


Binaree, T., Jitsangiam, P., Renouf, M., & Azéma, É. (2025). Packing of cohesive angular particles: Cohesive strength, structure, and effects of angularity. Physical review. E, 111(1), 015407 (10 pages). Lien externe

Barés, J., Cárdenas-Barrantes, M., Cantor, D., Renouf, M., & Azéma, É. (2022). Softer than soft: Diving into squishy granular matter. Papers in Physics, 14, 140009 (11 pages). Lien externe

Barés, J., Cárdenas-Barrantes, M., Cantor, D., Azéma, É., & Renouf, M. (juillet 2021). Highly strained mixtures of bidimensional soft and rigid grains: an experimental approach from the local scale [Communication écrite]. Powders & Grains 2021 - 9th International Conference on Micromechanics on Granular Media (4 pages). Publié dans EPJ Web of Conferences, 249. Lien externe


Cantor, D., Ovalle, C., & Azéma, É. (2022). Microstructural origins of crushing strength for inherently anisotropic brittle materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 238, 111399 (12 pages). Disponible

Cárdenas-Barrantes, M., Cantor, D., Barés, J., Renouf, M., & Azéma, É. (2022). Three-dimensional compaction of soft granular packings. Soft Matter, 18(2), 312-321. Lien externe

Cárdenas-Barrantes, M., Cantor, D., Barés, J., Renouf, M., & Azéma, É. (juillet 2021). A micro-mechanical compaction model for granular mix of soft and rigid particles [Communication écrite]. 9th International Conference on Micromechanics on Granular Media Powders & Grains (4 pages). Publié dans EPJ Web of Conferences, 249. Lien externe

Cárdenas-Barrantes, M., Cantor, D., Barés, J., Renouf, M., & Azéma, É. (2021). Micromechanical description of the compaction of soft pentagon assemblies. Physical Review E, 103(6), 10 pages. Lien externe

Cantor, D., Ovalle, C., & Azéma, É. (juillet 2021). Strength and energy consumption of inherently anisotropic rocks at failure [Communication écrite]. 9th International Conference on Micromechanics on Granular Media (Powders & Grains 2021). Publié dans EPJ Web of Conferences, 249. Lien externe

Cárdenas-Barrantes, M., Cantor, D., Barés, J., Renouf, M., & Azéma, É. (2020). Compaction of mixtures of rigid and highly deformable particles: A micromechanical model. Physical Review E, 102(3), 10 pages. Lien externe


Wang, W., Barés, J., Renouf, M., & Azéma, É. (2024). Steady granular flow in a rotating drum: A theoretical nonlocal model for characterizing stress, velocity, and packing fraction profiles, encompassing grain shape effects from convex to highly concave. Physical Review Research, 6(4). Lien externe

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 03:04:34 2025 EST.