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Bavand, R., Chen, L., França, R., Loran, S., Yang, D.-Q., Yelon, A., Zhang, G. X., & Sacher, E. (2018). Comment on "Intensity modulation of the Shirley background of the Cr3p spectra with photon energies around the Cr2p edge", by A Herrera-Gomez, D Cabrera-German, A D Dutol et al, Surface Interface Anal, 2018;50:246-252 [Discussion or Letter]. Surface and Interface Analysis, 50(7), 683-685. External link
Hyett, C., Yang, D.-Q., Ellis, T. H., & Sacher, E. (2002). Surface analysis using confocal Raman micro-spectroscopy. In Sacher, E. (ed.), Metallization of Polymers 2 (pp. 1-9). External link
Kabashin, A. V., Pilon Marien, V.-G., Yang, D.-Q., Magny, F., & Meunier, M. (2003, January). Porous nanostructured layers on germanium produced by laser optical breakdown processing [Paper]. Photon Processing in Microelectronics and Photonics II, San Jose, Calif.. External link
Piyakis, K. N., Yang, D.-Q., & Sacher, E. (2003). The applicability of angle-resolved XPS to the characterization of clusters on surfaces. Surface Science, 536(1-3), 139-144. External link
Rochefort, A., Yang, D.-Q., & Sacher, E. (2009). Stabilization of platinum nanoparticles on graphene by non-invasive functionalization. Carbon, 47(9), 2233-2238. External link
Yang, D.-Q., & Sacher, E. (2009). Characterization and oxidation of Fe nanoparticles deposited onto highly oriented pyrolytic graphite, using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113(16), 6418-6425. External link
Yang, D.-Q., & Sacher, E. (2006). Carbon 1s X-Ray Photoemission Line Shape Analysis of Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite: the Influence of Structural Damage on Peak Asymmetry. Langmuir, 22(3), 860-862. External link
Yang, D.-Q., Meunier, M., & Sacher, E. (2006). Room temperature air oxidation of nanostructured Si thin films with varying porosities as studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Physics, 99(8), 084315-1-084315-6. External link
Yang, D.-Q., Hennequin, B., & Sacher, E. (2006). XPS demonstration of pi-pi interaction between benzyl mercaptan and multiwalled carbon nanotubes and their use in the adhesion of Pt nanoparticles. Chemistry of Materials, 18(21), 5033-5038. External link
Yang, D.-Q., Sacher, E., & Meunier, M. (2005). The Creation of Au Nanoscale Surface Patterns by the Low Energy Ar⁺ Beam Irradiation of Au Clusters Evaporated Onto a SiO₂/Si Surface. Applied Physics. A, Materials Science & Processing, 80(3), 575-579. External link
Yang, D.-Q., & Sacher, E. (2005). Interaction of Evaporated Nickel Nanoparticles With Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite: Back-Bonding to Surface Defects, as Studied by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109(41), 19329-19334. External link
Yang, D.-Q., Poulin, S., Martinu, L., Sapieha, J.-E., Zabeida, O., & Sacher, E. (2005). Microscale Chemical and Electrostatic Surface Patterning of Dow Cyclotene by N₂ Plasma. Applied Surface Science, 242(3-4), 419-427. External link
Yang, D.-Q., Meunier, M., & Sacher, E. (2005). Photoacoustic Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of nanoporous SiOₓ/Si thin films with varying porosities. Journal of Applied Physics, 98(11), 114310 (6 pages). External link
Yang, D.-Q., Ethier, V., Sacher, E., & Meunier, M. (2005). Photoluminescence of highly porous nanostructured Si-based thin films deposited by pulsed laser ablation. Journal of Applied Physics, 98(2), 24310-24310. External link
Yang, D.-Q., Gillet, J. N., Meunier, M., & Sacher, E. (2005). Room Temperature Oxidation Kinetics of Si Nanoparticles in Air, Determined by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Physics, 97(2), 024303-1-024303-6. External link
Yang, D.-Q., Meunier, M., & Sacher, E. (2005). The Surface Modification of Nanoporous SiOₓ Thin Films With a Monofunctional Organosilane. Applied Surface Science, 252(5), 1197-1201. External link
Yang, D.-Q., Meunier, M., & Sacher, E. (2004, January). Adhesion decrease of Au nanoparticles to the O2 plasma-oxidized silicon surface on KrF excimer laser-induced coalescence [Paper]. 27th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society. Unavailable
Yang, D.-Q., & Sacher, E. (2003). Cu Cluster Adhesion Enhancement on the Modified Dow Cyclotene Surface Through Low Energy N-2(+) Beam Irradiation at Grazing Angles. Applied Surface Science, 207(1-4), 1-5. External link
Yang, D.-Q., & Sacher, E. (2003). Local surface cleaning and cluster assembly using contact mode atomic force microscopy. Applied Surface Science, 210(3-4), 158-164. External link
Yang, D.-Q., Piyakis, K. N., & Sacher, E. (2003). The manipulation of Cu cluster dimensions on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite surfaces by low energy ion beam irradiation. Surface Science, 536(1-3), 67-74. External link
Yang, D.-Q., & Sacher, E. (2003). A spectroscopic study of CNₓ formation by the keV N⁺² irradiation of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite surfaces. Surface Science, 531(2), 185-198. External link
Yang, D.-Q., & Sacher, E. (2002). Ar+-Induced Surface Defects on HOPG and Their Effect on the Nucleation, Coalescence and Growth of Evaporated Copper. Surface Science, 516(1-2), 43-55. External link
Yang, D.-Q., & Sacher, E. (2002). Initial- and Final-State Effects on Metal Cluster/Substrate Interactions, as Determined by Xps: Copper Clusters on Dow Cyclotene and Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite. Applied Surface Science, 195(1-4), 187-195. External link
Yang, D.-Q., & Sacher, E. (2002). The Quantitative Correlation of Nanoscopic and Macroscopic Measurements of Adhesion: Copper Clusters on a Low-Permittivity Polymer. Journal of physics : condensed matter, 14(30), 7097-7100. External link
Yang, D.-Q., & Sacher, E. (2002). S-P Hybridization in Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite and Its Change on Surface Modification, as Studied by X-Ray Photoelectron and Raman Spectroscopies. Surface Science, 504(1-3), 125-137. External link
Yang, D.-Q., & Sacher, E. (2002). Study of copper clusters on Dow cyclotene and their stability. In Sacher, E. (ed.), Metallization of Polymers 2 (pp. 97-105). External link
Yang, D.-Q., Poulin, S., Sacher, E., & Hyett, C. (2000). Interfacial reaction between evaporated copper and Dow Cyclotene 3022. Applied Surface Science, 165(2-3), 116-126. External link
Yang, D.-Q., Martinu, L., Sacher, E., & Sadough-Vanini, A. (2000). Nitrogen plasma treatment of the dow Cyclotene 3022 surface and its reaction with evaporated copper. Applied Surface Science, 177(1-2), 85-95. External link