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A word cloud is a visual representation of the most frequently used words in a text or a set of texts. The words appear in different sizes, with the size of each word being proportional to its frequency of occurrence in the text. The more frequently a word is used, the larger it appears in the word cloud. This technique allows for a quick visualization of the most important themes and concepts in a text.
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Ho, M., Tucny, J.‐M., Ammar, S., Leclaire, S., Reggio, M., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2024). Lattice boltzmann model for rarefied gaseous mixture flows in three-dimensional porous media including knudsen diffusion. Fluids, 9(10), 237 (26 pages). Available
Ho, M., Ammar, S., Leclaire, S., Reggio, M., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2022). Comparative study of multicomponent Lattice Boltzmann models for binary mixture flows. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 33(03), 2250034 (24 pages). External link
Ho, M., Ammar, S., Leclaire, S., Reggio, M., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2022). Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of Miscible Multicomponent Gas Mixtures in the Rarefied Regime. Communications in Computational Physics, 32(4), 1179-1216. External link
Ho, M., Seif, M., McDaniel, S., Leclaire, S., Reggio, M., Trépanier, J.-Y., Beck, M., & Martin, A. (2021, January). Fluid behavior in stochastic porous structures [Paper]. 2021 AIAA Scitech Forum. External link
Pellerin, N., Leclaire, S., & Reggio, M. (2021). An interpolation-based lattice Boltzmann method for non-conforming orthogonal meshes. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 100, 152-166. External link
Garcia Perez, J., Leclaire, S., Ammar, S., Trépanier, J.-Y., Reggio, M., & Benmeddour, A. (2021). Investigations of water droplet impact and freezing on a cold substrate with the Lattice Boltzmann method. International Journal of Thermofluids, 12, 10 pages. External link
Kidikian, J., Badrieh, C., & Reggio, M. (2021, June). Mathematical model to describe double circular arc and multiple circular ARC compressor blading profiles [Paper]. ASME Turbo Expo 2021: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition (GT 2021) (9 pages). External link
Ho, M., Leclaire, S., Trépanier, J.-Y., Reggio, M., & Martin, A. (2021). Permeability calculation of a fibrous thermal insulator using the lattice boltzmann method. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 35(1), 206-209. External link
Ho, M., Leclaire, S., Reggio, M., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2021). Stochastic Effects of 2D Random Arrays of Cylinders on Rarefied Gas Permeability Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method. Transport in Porous Media, 136(2), 607-637. External link
Garcia Perez, J., Trépanier, J.-Y., Leclaire, S., Reggio, M., & Benmeddour, A. (2020). Lattice Boltzmann approach for the modeling and simulation of water droplets impact and freezing. (Technical Report). Unavailable
Bahloul, A., Djebara, A., Saidi, M. N., Songmene, V., Villalpando, F., & Reggio, M. (2019). Computational and Experimental Analysis of Ultrafine Particle Dispersion During Granite Polishing. Aerosol Science and Engineering, 3(1), 21-31. External link
Ho, M., Pérez, J., Leclaire, S., Reggio, M., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2019, June). Investigation of advection-diffusion problems and simulations using the lattice Boltzmann method and the ArrayFire library for high-performance computing on GPU [Abstract]. Joint Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering and CFD Society of Canada International Congress, London, Ontario. External link
Pérez, J., Trépanier, J.-Y., Reggio, M., & Leclaire, S. (2019, February). Lattice Boltzmann Approach for the Modelling and Simulation of a Water Droplet Impact and Freezing [Poster]. Simulation-Based Engineering Science Day, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Ho, M., Leclaire, S., Reggio, M., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2019, February). Mesoscopic simulations of thermal protection systems using the lattice Boltzmann method [Poster]. Simulation-Based Engineering Science Day, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Ho, M., Perez, J. G., Reggio, M., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2019). Permeability calculation of rarefied gas flows through 2D porous structures using the lattice Boltzmann method. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 113, 43-49. External link
Bahloul, A., Jorge, R. F. V., Djebara, A., Songmene, V., Saidi, M. N., Kouam, J., Reggio, M., & Villalpando, F. (2019). Transformation du granit : caractérisation et contrôle de la poussière de la silice émise par le polissage. (Technical Report n° R-1054). External link
Noriega, H., Guibault, F., Reggio, M., & Magnan, R. (2018). A case-study in open-source CFD code verification, Part I: Convergence rate loss diagnosis. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 147, 152-171. External link
Noriega, H., Guibault, F., Reggio, M., & Magnan, R. (2018). A case-study in open-source CFD code verification. Part II: Boundary condition non-orthogonal correction. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 147, 172-193. External link
Kidikian, J., & Reggio, M. (2018, June). Off-design prediction of transonic axial compressors, Part 1: Mean-line code and tuning factors [Paper]. ASME Turbo Expo 2018 : Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition (GT 2018), Oslo, Norway (16 pages). External link
Kidikian, J., & Reggio, M. (2018, June). Off-design prediction of transonic axial compressors, Part 2 : Generalized mean-line loss modelling methodology [Paper]. ASME Turbo Expo 2018 : Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition (GT 2018), Oslo, Norway (16 pages). External link
Bennacer, R., Reggio, M., Pellerin, N., & Ma, X. (2017). Differentiated heated lid driven cavity interacting with tube: a lattice Boltzmann study. Thermal Science, 21(1A), 89-104. Available
Pellerin, N., Leclaire, S., & Reggio, M. (2017). Solving incompressible fluid flows on unstructured meshes with the lattice Boltzmann flux solver. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 11(1), 310-327. External link
Ma, X., Pellerin, N., Reggio, M., & Bennacer, R. (2017). Study on an antagonist differentiated heated lid driven-cavity enclosing a tube: Lattice Boltzmann method. EPJ Applied Physics, 78(3), 10 pages. External link
Leclaire, S., Pellerin, N., Reggio, M., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2016). A multiphase lattice Boltzmann method for simulating immiscible liquid-liquid interface dynamics. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40(13-14), 6376-6394. External link
Hosseinimanesh, H., Devals, C., Nennemann, B., Reggio, M., & Guibault, F. (2016). A numerical study of Francis turbine operation at no-load condition. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 139(1), 60 pages. External link
Villalpando, F., Reggio, M., & Ilinca, A. (2016). Prediction of ice accretion and anti-icing heating power on wind turbine blades using standard commercial software. Energy, 114, 1041-1052. External link
Hosseinimanesh, H., Devals, C., Nennemann, B., Reggio, M., & Guibault, F. (2016, July). Unsteady simulation for Francis Turbine during load rejection events [Paper]. ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (FEDSM 2016), Washington, DC, United states (10 pages). External link
Leclaire, S., Pellerin, N., Reggio, M., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2015). An approach to control the spurious currents in a multiphase lattice Boltzmann method and to improve the implementation of initial condition. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 77(12), 732-746. External link
Pellerin, N., Leclaire, S., & Reggio, M. (2015). An implementation of the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model in a multi-domain lattice Boltzmann method for solving turbulent airfoil flows. Computers & Mathematics With Applications, 70(12), 3001-3018. External link
Galvan, S., Reggio, M., & Guibault, F. (2015). Numerical optimization of the inlet velocity profile ingested by the conical draft tube of a hydraulic turbine. Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 137(7). External link
Galvan, S., Reggio, M., Guibault, F., & Solorio, G. (2015). Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the flow field development through T99 draft tube caused by optimized inlet velocity profiles. International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems, 8(4), 283-293. External link
Facci, A. L., Reggio, M., & Ubertini, S. (2014, September). Three Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Water Entry Problem [Paper]. International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2014), Rhodes, Greece. External link
Galván, S., Reggio, M., & Guibault, F. (2014). Assessment Study of K-ɛ Turbulence Models and Near-Wall Modeling for Steady State Swirling Flow Analysis in Draft Tube UsingFluent. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 5(4), 459-478. External link
Pellerin, N., Leclaire, S., & Reggio, M. (2014). Equilibrium distributions for straight, curved, and immersed boundary conditions in the lattice Boltzmann method. Computers and Fluids, 101, 126-135. External link
Leclaire, S., El-Hachem, M., Trépanier, J.-Y., & Reggio, M. (2014). High Order Spatial Generalization of 2D and 3D Isotropic Discrete Gradient Operators with Fast Evaluation on GPUs. Journal of Scientific Computing, 59(3), 545-573. External link
Teyssedou, A., Necciari, R., Reggio, M., Zadeh, F. M., & Étienne, S. (2014). Moderator Flow Simulation Around Calandria Tubes of Candu-6 Nuclear Reactors. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 8(1), 178-192. External link
Leclaire, S., Pellerin, N., Reggio, M., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2014). Multiphase flow modeling of spinodal decomposition based on the cascaded lattice Boltzmann method. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 406, 307-319. External link
Galvan, S., Reggio, M., Guibault, F., & Castro, L. (2014, September). Numerical analysis of the turbine 99 draft tube flow field provoked by redesigned inlet velocity profiles [Paper]. 27th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems (IAHR 2014), Montréal, Québec (11 pages). External link
Leclaire, S., Pellerin, N., Reggio, M., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2014). Unsteady immiscible multiphase flow validation of a multiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann method. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 47(10), 24-24. External link
Sagol, E., Reggio, M., & Ilinca, A. (2013). Issues concerning roughness on wind turbine blades. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 23, 514-525. External link
Leclaire, S., Pellerin, N., Reggio, M., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2013). Enhanced equilibrium distribution functions for simulating immiscible multiphase flows with variable density ratios in a class of lattice Boltzmann models. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 57, 159-168. External link
Galvan, S., Reggio, M., & Guibault, F. (2013, July). Inlet velocity profile optimization of the turbine 99 draft tube [Paper]. ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (FEDSM 2013), Incline Village, NV, United states. External link
Noriega, H., Reggio, M., & Vasseur, P. (2013). Natural convection of nanofluids in a square cavity heated from below. Computational Thermal Sciences, 5(4), 289-301. External link
Leclaire, S., Reggio, M., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2013). Progress and Investigation on Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of Multiple Immiscible Fluids or Components With Variable Density and Viscosity Ratios. Journal of Computational Physics, 246, 318-342. External link
Leclaire, S., El-Hachem, M., & Reggio, M. (2012). Convolution kernel for fast CPU/GPU computation of 2D/3D isotropic gradients on a square/cubic lattice. In Katsikis, V. (ed.), MATLAB - A Fundamental Tool for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications - Volume 3 (Vol. 3, pp. 195-216). Available
Sagol, E., Reggio, M., & Ilinca, A. (2012). Assessment of two-equation turbulence models and validation of the performance characteristics of an experimental wind turbine by CFD. International Scholarly Research Notices, 2012(1), 428671 (10 pages). Available
Guiet, J., Reggio, M., & Vasseur, P. (2012). Natural convection of nanofluids in a square enclosure with protruding heater. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2012, 167296 (11 pages). Available
Alloui, Z., Vasseur, P., & Reggio, M. (2012). Analytical and Numerical Study of Buoyancy-Driven Convection in a Vertical Enclosure Filled With Nanofluids. External link
Leclaire, S., Trépanier, J.-Y., Reggio, M., & Malouin, B. (2012, May). Laplace Young's law and multi-layered Couette's flow in a lattice Boltzmann model [Paper]. CFD Society of Canada 20th Annual Conference, Canmore, Alberta. Unavailable
Alloui, Z., Guiet, J., Vasseur, P., & Reggio, M. (2012). Natural Convection of Nanofluids in a Shallow Rectangular Enclosure Heated From the Side. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 90(1), 69-78. External link
Leclaire, S., Reggio, M., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2012). Numerical Evaluation of Two Recoloring Operators for an Immiscible Two-Phase Flow Lattice Boltzmann Model. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 36(5), 2237-2252. External link
Villalpando, F., Reggio, M., & Ilinca, A. (2012). Numerical Study of Flow Around Iced Wind Turbine Airfoil. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 6(1), 39-45. External link
Sosa Coeto, J. B., Urquiza Beltrán, G., García Castrejon, J. C., Castro Gómez, L. L., & Reggio, M. (2012). Optimization of the impeller and diffuser of hydraulic submersible pump using computational fluid dynamics and artificial neural networks. In Logistic management and optimization through hybrid artificial intelligent systems . External link
Galvan, S., Reggio, M., & Guibault, F. (2012, July). Optimization of the inlet velocity profile in a conical diffuser [Paper]. Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Puerto Rico, USA. External link
Sagol, E., Reggio, M., & Ilinca, A. (2011, April). 3D CFD assessment of the performance characteristics of the NREL phase VI experimental wind turbine [Paper]. 19th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Galvan, S., Reggio, M., Guibault, F., & Gutierrez, H. (2011, February). Analisis del flujo en el modelo del aspirador de la turbina 99 : resultado de la optimizacion del perfil de velocidades en la entrada [Paper]. 12. Congreso y Exposición Latinoamericana de Turbomaquinaria, Querétaro, Mexico. Unavailable
Villalpando, F., Reggio, M., & Ilinca, A. (2011). Assessment of turbulence models for flow simulation around a wind turbine airfoil. Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, 2011, 1-8. Available
Toussaint, K., Torriano, F., Morissette, J.-F., & Reggio, M. (2011, July). CFD analysis of ventilation flow for a scale model hydro-generator [Paper]. ASME 2011 Power Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA. External link
Castro, L., Urquiza, G., Adamkowski, A., & Reggio, M. (2011). Experimental and numerical simulations predictions comparison of power and efficiency in hydraulic turbine. Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, 2011, 1-8. Available
Guiet, J., Reggio, M., & Teyssedou, A. (2011). Implementation and application of the lattice Boltzmann method using Matlab. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 5(1), 117-126. External link
Leclaire, S., Reggio, M., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2011). Isotropic color gradient for simulating very high-density ratios with a two-phase flow lattice Boltzmann model. Computers and Fluids, 48(1), 98-112. External link
Leclaire, S., Reggio, M., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2011, April). Lattice Boltzmann immiscible three-phase model [Paper]. 19th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Alloui, Z., Vasseur, P., & Reggio, M. (2011). Natural convection of nanofluids in a shallow cavity heated from below. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 50(3), 385-393. External link
Guiet, J., Reggio, M., & Vasseur, P. (2011). Natural convection of nanofluids in heated enclosures using the lattice Boltzmann method. Computational Thermal Sciences, 3(4), 301-316. External link
Galvan, S., Reggio, M., & Guibault, F. (2010). Inlet velocity profile optimization of the turbine 99 draft tube. External link
Bahloul, A., Roberge, B., Goyer, N., Chavez, M., & Reggio, M. (2010). La prévention des intoxications dans les silos à fourrage. (Technical Report n° R-672). External link
Guiet, J., Reggio, M., & Vasseur, P. (2010, May). Application of the lattice Boltzmann method to calculate the natural convection of nanofluids in a shallow cavity [Paper]. 18th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Ontario, Canada. Unavailable
Guiet, J., Vasseur, P., Reggio, M., & Leclaire, S. (2010, May). Application of the lattice Boltzmann method to calculate the natural convection of nanofluids in shallow cavity [Paper]. CFD Society of Canada 18th Annual Conference, London, Ontario. Unavailable
Leclaire, S., Reggio, M., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2010, May). Integration of a recoloring algorithm into a Rothman-Keller lattice Boltzmann model [Paper]. 18th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Ontario, Canada. Unavailable
Necciari, R., Teyssedou, A., & Reggio, M. (2010, May). Numerical simulation of cross-flow in tube bundles to model flow circulation of the moderator in CANDU-6 [Paper]. 31th CNS Annual Conference, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Guiet, J., Reggio, M., & Teyssedou, A. (2009, May). Application of the Lattice - Boltzmann method to the calculation of the aerodynamic parameters on clean and ice-accreted airfoils [Paper]. 17th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. Unavailable
Reggio, M., Ubertini, S., Succi, S., & Bella, G. (2009, May). Application of the residual distribution methodology to the lattice [Paper]. 17th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. Unavailable
Villalpando, F., Reggio, M., & Ilinca, A. (2009, May). Numerical simulation over clean and iced wind turbine blades [Paper]. 17th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. Unavailable
Villalpando, F., Reggio, M., & Ilinca, A. (2009, September). Turbulent flow simulation over ice-accreted wind turbine blades [Paper]. CanWEA 2009 : infinite possibilities. The 25th annual CanWEA conference and exhibition, Toronto, Ont.. Unavailable
Martin, A., Reggio, M., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2008). Numerical Solution of Axisymmetric Multi-Species Compressible Gas Flow: Towards Improved Circuit Breaker Simulation. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 22(4), 259-271. External link
Marineau, E. C., & Reggio, M. (2007, May). A MATLAB Toolbox for the Intuitive Knowledge of Turbomachinery [Paper]. ASME Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air (GT 2007), Montreal, Canada. External link
Abanto, J., Reggio, M., Barrero, D., & Petro, E. (2007). Prediction of Fire and Smoke Propagation in an Underwater Tunnel. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 22(1), 90-95. External link
Petro, E., & Reggio, M. (2007, October). Storyboard and fire simulation on an apartment building [Paper]. Advanced Workshop on Fire and Computer Modeling, Santander, Spain. Unavailable
Martin, A., Trépanier, J.-Y., Reggio, M., & Guo, X. Y. (2007). Transient Ablation Regime in Circuit Breakers. Plasma Science & Technology, 9(6), 653-656. External link
Petro, E., Reggio, M., & Abanto, J. (2006, October). Airflow prediction and fire and smoke propagation in large enclosed structures [Paper]. International Technical Congress on Computational Simulation Models in fire Engineering and Research, Santander, Spain. Unavailable
Abanto, J., & Reggio, M. (2006). Numerical investigation of the flow in a kitchen hood system. Building and Environment, 41(3), 288-296. External link
Abanto, J., Reggio, M., & Painchaud-Ouellet, S. (2006). On the Design of the RTO Unit Using CFD. Applied Thermal Engineering, 26(17-18), 2327-2335. External link
Puente, L. R., Reggio, M., & Guibault, F. (2006, October). Optimizing the shape of a hydraulic turbine draft tube [Optimizacion de la forma de un tubo aspirador una turbina hidraulica]. [Paper]. 22nd Latin America International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela. Unavailable
Martin, A., Trépanier, J.-Y., Reggio, M., & Guo, X. (2006, September). Transient ablation regime in circuit-breakers [Paper]. 16th International Conference on Gas Discharges, Xi'an, People's Republic of China. Unavailable
Barrero, D., Petro, E., Abanto, J., & Reggio, M. (2005, August). Airflow modeling and fire smoke propagation in the new École Polytechnique building [Paper]. 9th international IBPSA conference : building simulation 2005, Montréal, Québec. External link
Barrero, D., Abanto, J., Hardy, J.-P., & Reggio, M. (2005, January). Serious color fluid dynamics in fire simulation [Paper]. 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV, United States. External link
Abanto, J., Pelletier, D., Garon, A., Trépanier, J.-Y., & Reggio, M. (2005, January). Verification of some commercial CFD codes on atypical CFD problems [Paper]. 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV, United States. External link
Barrero, D., Reggio, M., & Ozell, B. (2004, May). 3-D Flame front tracking for flamelet-based models [Paper]. 12th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. Unavailable
Abanto, J., Barrero, D., Reggio, M., & Ozell, B. (2003, May). Airflow modelling in a computer room [Paper]. 11th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Vancouver, B.-C. Published in Building and Environment, 39(12). External link
Abanto, J., Barrero, D., Reggio, M., Hardy, J.-P., & Ozell, B. (2004, August). Application of CFD tools in building engineering and fire simulation [Paper]. 1st SimBuild 2004, Boulder, Colorado, USA. External link
Barrero, D., Hardy, J.-P., Reggio, M., & Ozell, B. (2004, August). CFD and realistic visualization for the analysis of fire scenarios [Paper]. International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH 2004), Los Angeles, California, USA (101 pages). External link
Barrero, D., Hardy, J.-P., Reggio, M., & Ozell, B. (2004, September). Computation and representation of fire and smoke in buildings [Paper]. 9th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms, Coimbra, Portugal. Unavailable
Barrero, D., Abanto, J., Reggio, M., Preto, E., & Ozell, B. (2004, September). Numerical calculation of fire and smoke in tunnels [Paper]. International Technical Congress on Computational Simulation Models in Fire Engineering and Research, Santander, Espagne. Unavailable
Abanto, J., Barrero, D., Reggio, M., & Ozell, B. (2003, May). Airflow Modelling in a Computer Room [Paper]. 11th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada (CFD03), Vancouver, B.-C.. Unavailable
Abanto, J., Barrero, D., Reggio, M., & Ozell, B. (2003, May). Detailed airflow modelling in a computer room [Paper]. Fluent Users' Group Meeting, Manchester, NH, USA. Unavailable
Barrero, D., Ozell, B., & Reggio, M. (2003, May). On CFD and graphic animation for fire simulation [Paper]. 11th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Vancouver, B.-C, Canada. Unavailable
Reggio, M., Hess, A., & Ilinca, A. (2002). 3-D Multiple-Level Simulation of Free Surface Flows. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 40(4), 413-423. External link
Reggio, M., McKenty, F., Gravel, L., Cortes, J., Morales, G., & Ladron de Guevara, M.-A. (2002). Computational analysis of the process for manufacturing seamless tubes. Applied Thermal Engineering, 22(4), 459-470. External link
Maruzewski, P., Martin, A., Reggio, M., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2002). Simulation of Arc-Electrode Interaction Using Sheath Modelling in SF₆ Circuit-Breakers. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 35(9), 891-899. External link
Marineau, E., Reggio, M., Ozell, B., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2002, September). A visualistic approach in aerodynamics [Paper]. 14th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology, Integrated Systems Design, and Engineering Design and Culture, Montréal, Québec. External link
Thienot, S., Reggio, M., Abanto, J., & Camarero, R. (2001, January). Euler flow solution dependency on control volume shape and orientation [Paper]. 39th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada. External link
Reggio, M., & Godin, D. (2001). Generalized Taylor Splines. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 78(4), 551-568. External link
Godin, D., Trépanier, J.-Y., Reggio, M., Zhang, X. D., & Camarero, R. (2000). Modelling and Simulation of Nozzle Ablation in High-Voltage Circuit-Breakers. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 33(20), 2583-2590. External link
Martin, A., Reggio, M., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2000, June). Neptune: un logiciel pour les écoulements de rivière [Paper]. 8th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Montréal, Québec (6 pages). Unavailable
Reggio, M., & Godin, D. (2000). Taylor's Magic Splines. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 75(4), 465-480. External link
Rida, S., McKenty, F., Meng, F. L., & Reggio, M. (1997). Staggered control volume scheme for unstructured triangular grids. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 25(6), 697-717. External link
Trépanier, J.-Y., Paraschivoiu, M., Reggio, M., & Camarero, R. (1996). A conservative shock fitting method on unstructured grids. Journal of Computational Physics, 126(2), 421-433. External link
Zhang, X. D., Trépanier, J.-Y., Reggio, M., Benmededour, A., & Camarero, R. (1995, January). Grid influence on upwind schemes for the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations [Paper]. AIAA : American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Aerospace Sciences Meeting Conference, Reno, NV, USA. Published in AIAA journal, 34(4). External link
McNeil, É., Marche, C., Reggio, M., Quach, T., Boyer, R., & Aubin, F. (1995, October). Application de la modelisation bi-dimensionnelle de la propagation de l'onde de crue de rupture d'un barrage [Paper]. Canadian Dam Safety Association Conference, Banff (Canada). Unavailable
Ilinca, A., Camarero, R., Trépanier, J.-Y., & Reggio, M. (1995). Error estimator and adaptive moving grids for finite volumes schemes. AIAA Journal, 33(11), 2058-2065. External link
Zhang, X. D., Trépanier, J.-Y., Reggio, M., Benmeddour, A., & Camarero, R. (1995, January). Grid influence on the solution of Euler/Navier-Stokes equations using upwind schemes [Paper]. 33rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit, Reno, Nv. External link
Ilinca, A., Camarero, R., Trépanier, J.-Y., Reggio, M., & Godin, J. (1995, January). A new adaptive technique using moving grids [Paper]. 33rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit, Reno, Nv. External link
Paraschivoiu, M., Trépanier, J.-Y., Reggio, M., & Camarero, R. (1994, January). A conservative dynamic discontinuity tracking algorithm for the Euler equations [Paper]. 32nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit, Reno, Nv. External link
Elkaïm, D., McKenty, F., Reggio, M., & Camarero, R. (1994). Control-volume finite-element solution of confined turbulent swirling flows. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 19(2), 135-152. External link
Zhang, X. D., Trépanier, J.-Y., Reggio, M., & Camarero, R. (1994, January). A new local time stepping approach for the unsteady Euler equations [Paper]. 32nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit, Reno, Nv. External link
Zhang, X. D., Trépanier, J.-Y., Reggio, M., & Camarero, R. (1994). Time-accurate local time stepping method based on flux updating. AIAA Journal, 32(9), 1926-1929. External link
Reggio, M., Trépanie, J.-Y., & Camarero, R. (1990). A composite grid approach for the Euler equations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 10(2), 161-178. External link
Agouzoul, M., Camarero, R., & Reggio, M. (1988). Résolution numérique des écoulements tridimensionnels turbulents. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-88-37). Available
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