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Adiga Vasudeva, S., Dolz, J., & Lombaert, H. (2024). Anatomically-aware uncertainty for semi-supervised image segmentation. Medical Image Analysis, 91, 103011 (10 pages). Lien externe
Abboud, Z., Lombaert, H., & Kadoury, S. (octobre 2024). Sparse Bayesian Networks: Efficient Uncertainty Quantification in Medical Image Analysis [Communication écrite]. 27th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2024), Marrakesh, Morocco. Lien externe
Adiga V, S., Dolz, J., & Lombaert, H. (2022). Attention-Based Dynamic Subspace Learners for Medical Image Analysis. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 26(9), 4599-4610. Lien externe
Adiga Vasudeva, S., Dolz, J., & Lombaert, H. (septembre 2022). Leveraging Labeling Representations in Uncertainty-Based Semi-supervised Segmentation [Communication écrite]. 25th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2022), Singapore. Lien externe
Anctil-Robitaille, B., Théberge, A., Jodoin, P.-M., Descoteaux, M., Desrosiers, C., & Lombaert, H. (2022). Manifold-aware synthesis of high-resolution diffusion from structural imaging. Frontiers in Neuroimaging, 1, 20 pages. Lien externe
Anctil-Robitaille, B., Desrosiers, C., & Lombaert, H. (octobre 2020). Manifold-Aware CycleGAN for High-Resolution Structural-to-DTI Synthesis [Communication écrite]. Computational Diffusion MRI 2020 (CDMRI 2020), 23rd International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2020), Lima, Peru. Lien externe
Ahmad, O., Lombaert, H., Parent, S., Labelle, H., & Cheriet, F. (2017). Spectral shape analysis of human torsos: Application to the evaluation of scoliosis surgery outcome. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 22(5), 1552-1560. Lien externe
Ahmad, O., Lombaert, H., Parent, S., Labelle, H., Dansereau, J., & Cheriet, F. (octobre 2016). Longitudinal scoliotic trunk analysis via spectral representation and statistical analysis [Communication écrite]. 1st International Workshop on Spectral and Shape Analysis in Medical Imaging (SeSAMI 2016), Athens, Greece. Lien externe
Bateson, M., Kervadec, H., Dolz, J., Lombaert, H., & Ben Ayed, I. (2022). Source-free domain adaptation for image segmentation. Medical Image Analysis, 82, 102617 (12 pages). Lien externe
Bateson, M., Lombaert, H., & Ben Ayed, I. (septembre 2022). Test-Time Adaptation with Shape Moments for Image Segmentation [Communication écrite]. 25th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2022), Singapore. Lien externe
Bateson, M., Dolz, J., Kervadec, H., Lombaert, H., & Ben Ayed, I. (2021). Constrained Domain Adaptation for Image Segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 40(7), 1875-1887. Lien externe
Bateson, M., Kervadec, H., Dolz, J., Lombaert, H., & Ben Ayed, I. (octobre 2020). Source-Relaxed Domain Adaptation for Image Segmentation [Communication écrite]. 23rd International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2020), Lima, Peru. Lien externe
Bateson, M., Kervadec, H., Dolz, J., Lombaert, H., & Ben Ayed, I. (octobre 2019). Constrained Domain Adaptation for Segmentation [Communication écrite]. 22nd International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2019), Shenzhen, China. Lien externe
Bleton, H., Margeta, J., Lombaert, H., Delingette, H., & Ayache, N. (octobre 2015). Myocardial Infarct Localization Using Neighbourhood Approximation Forests [Communication écrite]. 6th International Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart (STACOM 2015), Munich, Germany. Lien externe
Bhatia, K., & Lombaert, H. (2015). Machine Learning Meets Medical Imaging: First International Workshop, MLMMI 2015, Held in Conjunction with ICML 2015, Lille, France, July 11, 2015, Revised Selected Papers. Lien externe
Bieth, M., Lombaert, H., Reader, A. J., & Siddiqi, K. (septembre 2013). Atlas Construction for Dynamic (4D) PET Using Diffeomorphic Transformations [Communication écrite]. 16th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2013), Nagoya, Japan. Lien externe
Delisle, P.-L., Anctil-Robitaille, B., Desrosiers, C., & Lombaert, H. (2021). Realistic image normalization for multi-Domain segmentation. Medical Image Analysis, 74, 102191 (14 pages). Lien externe
Delisle, P.-L., Anctil-Robitaille, B., Desrosiers, C., & Lombaert, H. (avril 2020). Adversarial Normalization for Multi Domain Image Segmentation [Communication écrite]. 17th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2020), Iowa City, IA, USA. Lien externe
Dolz, J., Gopinath, K., Yuan, J., Lombaert, H., Desrosiers, C., & Ben Ayed, I. (2019). HyperDense-Net: A Hyper-Densely Connected CNN for Multi-Modal Image Segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 38(5), 1116-1126. Lien externe
Gaillochet, M., Desrosiers, C., & Lombaert, H. (octobre 2024). Automating MedSAM by Learning Prompts with Weak Few-Shot Supervision [Communication écrite]. International Workshop on Foundation Models for General Medical AI (MedAGI 2024), Marrakesh, Morocco. Publié dans Lecture notes in computer science. Lien externe
Gaillochet, M., Desrosiers, C., & Lombaert, H. (2023). Active learning for medical image segmentation with stochastic batches. Medical Image Analysis, 90, 102958 (11 pages). Lien externe
Gopinath, K., Desrosiers, C., & Lombaert, H. (2023). Learning joint surface reconstruction and segmentation, from brain images to cortical surface parcellation. Medical Image Analysis, 90, 102974 (9 pages). Lien externe
Gopinath, K., Desrosiers, C., & Lombaert, H. (2022). Learnable Pooling in Graph Convolutional Networks for Brain Surface Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 44(2), 864-876. Lien externe
Galdran, A., Anjos, A., Dolz, J., Chakor, H., Lombaert, H., & Ayed, I. B. (2022). State-of-the-art retinal vessel segmentation with minimalistic models. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 6174 (13 pages). Lien externe
Gaillochet, M., Desrosiers, C., & Lombaert, H. (septembre 2022). TAAL: Test-Time Augmentation for Active Learning in Medical Image Segmentation [Communication écrite]. Second MICCAI Workshop on Data Augmentation, Labelling, and Imperfections (DALI 2022, MICCAI 2022), Singapore. Lien externe
Gopinath, K., Desrosiers, C., & Lombaert, H. (septembre 2021). SegRecon: Learning Joint Brain Surface Reconstruction and Segmentation from Images [Communication écrite]. 24th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2021), Starsbourg, France. Lien externe
Galdran, A., Dolz, J., Chakor, H., Lombaert, H., & Ben Ayed, I. (octobre 2020). Cost-Sensitive Regularization for Diabetic Retinopathy Grading from Eye Fundus Images [Communication écrite]. 23rd International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2020), Lima, Peru. Lien externe
Gopinath, K., Desrosiers, C., & Lombaert, H. (octobre 2020). Graph Domain Adaptation for Alignment-Invariant Brain Surface Segmentation [Communication écrite]. Second International Workshop, UNSURE 2020, and Third International Workshop GRAIL 2020, held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2020, Lima, Peru. Lien externe
Galdran, A., Chelbi, J., Kobi, R., Dolz, J., Lombaert, H., ben Ayed, I., & Chakor, H. (2020). Non-uniform Label Smoothing for Diabetic Retinopathy Grading from Retinal Fundus Images with Deep Neural Networks. Translational Vision Science & Technology, 9(2), 34 (8 pages). Lien externe
Gopinath, K., Desrosiers, C., & Lombaert, H. (juin 2019). Adaptive Graph Convolution Pooling for Brain Surface Analysis [Communication écrite]. 26th Biennal International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI 2019), Hong Kong, China. Lien externe
Gopinath, K., Desrosiers, C., & Lombaert, H. (juillet 2019). Cortical parcellation via spectral graph convolutions [Résumé]. Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL 2019), London, UK (5 pages). Lien externe
Gopinath, K., Desrosiers, C., & Lombaert, H. (2019). Graph Convolutions on Spectral Embeddings for Cortical Surface Parcellation. Medical Image Analysis, 54, 297-305. Lien externe
Grady, L., Lombaert, H., Polimeni Rizzo, J., & Cheriet, F. (2015). Methods and systems for fast automatic brain matching via spectral correspondence. (Brevet no US8965077). Lien externe
He, R., Gopinath, K., Desrosiers, C., & Lombaert, H. (avril 2020). Spectral Graph Transformer Networks for Brain Surface Parcellation [Communication écrite]. 17th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2020), Iowa City, IA, USA. Lien externe
Karami, M., Lombaert, H., & Rivest-Hénault, D. (2023). Real-time simulation of viscoelastic tissue behavior with physics-guided deep learning. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 104, 102165 (9 pages). Lien externe
Lombaert, H., Criminisi, A., & Ayache, N. (décembre 2017). Spectral learning of surface data: ideas from medical imaging [Communication écrite]. 31st Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (MED-NeurIPS/NIPS 2017), Long Beach, CA, USA (3 pages). Non disponible
Lombaert, H., Arcaro, M., Kastner, S., & Ayache, N. (octobre 2015). Brain transfer for the analysis of cortical data [Affiche]. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (SfN 2015), Chicago, IL, USA. Lien externe
Lombaert, H., Arcaro, M., & Ayache, N. (juin 2015). Brain Transfer: Spectral Analysis of Cortical Surfaces and Functional Maps [Communication écrite]. 24th International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI 2015), Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK. Lien externe
Lombaert, H., Criminisi, A., & Ayache, N. (octobre 2015). Spectral Forests: Learning of Surface Data, Application to Cortical Parcellation [Communication écrite]. 18th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2015), Munich, Germany. Lien externe
Lombaert, H., Zikic, D., Criminisi, A., & Ayache, N. (septembre 2014). Laplacian Forests: Semantic Image Segmentation by Guided Bagging [Communication écrite]. 17th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2014), Boston, MA, USA. Lien externe
Lombaert, H., Grady, L., Pennec, X., Ayache, N., & Cheriet, F. (2014). Spectral log-demons: Diffeomorphic image registration with very large deformations. International Journal of Computer Vision, 107(3), 254-271. Lien externe
Lombaert, H., Sporring, J., & Siddiqi, K. (juin 2013). Diffeomorphic Spectral Matching of Cortical Surfaces [Communication écrite]. 23rd International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI 2013), Asimolar, CA, USA. Lien externe
Lombaert, H., Grady, L., Polimeni, J. R., & Cheriet, F. (2013). FOCUSR: Feature oriented correspondence using spectral regularization -A method for precise surface matching. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 35(9), 2143-2160. Lien externe
Lombaert, H., Grady, L., Pennec, X., Peyrat, J.-M., Ayache, N., & Cheriet, F. (octobre 2012). Groupwise spectral log-demons framework for atlas construction [Communication écrite]. 2nd MICCAI Workshop on Medical Computer Vision (MICCAI-MCV 2012), Nice, France. Lien externe
Lombaert, H., & Peyrat, J.-M. (septembre 2013). Joint Statistics on Cardiac Shape and Fiber Architecture [Communication écrite]. 16th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2013), Nagoya, Japan. Lien externe
Lombaert, H. (2012). Atlas Construction for Measuring the Variability of Complex Anatomical Structures [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible
Lombaert, H., Peyrat, J.-M., Croisille, P., Rapacchi, S., Fanton, L., Cheriet, F., Clarysse, P., Magnin, I., Delingette, H., & Ayache, N. (2012). Human Atlas of the Cardiac Fiber Architecture: Study on a Healthy Population. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 31(7), 1436-1447. Lien externe
Lombaert, H., & Cheriet, F. (juillet 2012). Simultaneous image de-noising and registration using graph cuts: Application to corrupted medical images [Communication écrite]. 11th International Conference on Information Science, Signal Processing and their Applications (ISSPA 2012), Montréal, Québec. Lien externe
Lombaert, H., Grady, L., Pennec, X., Ayache, N., & Cheriet, F. (octobre 2012). Spectral demons - Image registration via global spectral correspondence [Communication écrite]. 12th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2012), Florence, Italy. Lien externe
Lombaert, H., Peyrat, J.-M., Fanton, L., Cheriet, F., Delingette, H., Ayache, N., Clarysse, P., Magnin, I., & Croisille, P. (septembre 2011). Statistical atlas of human cardiac fibers: Comparison with abnormal hearts [Communication écrite]. 2nd International Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart: Imaging and Modelling Challenges (STACOM 2011), Toronto, Canada. Lien externe
Lombaert, H., Peyrat, J.-M., Fanton, L., Cheriet, F., Delingette, H., Ayache, N., Clarysse, P., Magnin, I., & Croisille, P. (septembre 2011). Variability of the human cardiac laminar structure [Communication écrite]. 2nd International Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart: Imaging and Modelling Challenges (STACOM 2011), Toronto, Canada. Lien externe
Lombaert, H., Sun, Y., & Cheriet, F. (février 2011). Fast 4D segmentation of large datasets using graph cuts [Communication écrite]. Medical Imaging 2011: Image Processing, Lake Buena Vista, FL, United states (7 pages). Lien externe
Lombaert, H., Grady, L., Polimeni, J. R., & Cheriet, F. (juillet 2011). Fast brain matching with spectral correspondence [Communication écrite]. 22nd International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI 2011), Kloster Irsee, Germany. Lien externe
Lombaert, H., Sauer, F., Sun, Y., & Xu, C. (2011). Methods and apparatus for interactive 4-dimensional (4D) virtual endoscopy. (Brevet no US8007437). Lien externe
Lombaert, H., Peyrat, J.-M., Croisille, P., Rapacchi, S., Fanton, L., Clarysse, P., Delingette, H., & Ayache, N. (mai 2011). Statistical analysis of the human cardiac fiber architecture from DT-MRI [Communication écrite]. 6th International Conference on Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart, FIMH 2011, New York City, NY, United states. Lien externe
Lombaert, H., & Cheriet, F. (août 2010). Geodesic Thin Plate Splines for Image Segmentation [Communication écrite]. 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2010), Istanbul. Lien externe
Lombaert, H., & Cheriet, F. (avril 2010). Spatio-temporal segmentation of the heart in 4D MRI images using graph cuts with motion cues [Communication écrite]. 7th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Lien externe
Lombaert, H., Sun, Y., & Cheriet, F. (août 2007). Landmark-based non-rigid registration via graph cuts [Communication écrite]. 4th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR 2007), Montréal, Québec. Lien externe
Murugesan, B., Vasudeva, S. A., Liu, B., Lombaert, H., Ayed, I. B., & Dolz, J. (2025). Neighbor-aware calibration of segmentation networks with penalty-based constraints. Medical Image Analysis, 103501-103501. Lien externe
Murugesan, B., Adiga Vasudeva, S., Liu, B., Lombaert, H., Ben Ayed, I., & Dolz, J. (octobre 2023). Trust Your Neighbours: Penalty-Based Constraints for Model Calibration [Communication écrite]. 26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2023), Vancouver, Canada. Lien externe
Molléro, R., Neumann, D., Rohé, M.-M., Datar, M., Lombaert, H., Ayache, N., Comaniciu, D., Ecabert, O., Chinali, M., Rinelli, G., Pennec, X., Sermesant, M., & Mansi, T. (juin 2015). Propagation of Myocardial Fibre Architecture Uncertainty on Electromechanical Model Parameter Estimation: A Case Study [Communication écrite]. 8th International Conference on Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart (FIMH 2015), Maastricht, The Netherlands. Lien externe
Novosad, P., Bieth, M., Gravel, P., Lombaert, H., Siddiqi, K., & Reader, A. J. (octobre 2013). Applying a [¹¹C]raclopride template to automated binding potential estimation in HRRT brain PET [Communication écrite]. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (2013 NSS/MIC), Seoul, Korea (8 pages). Lien externe
Orasanu, E., Melbourne, A., Cardoso, M. J., Lombaert, H., Kendall, G. S., Robertson, N. J., Marlow, N., & Ourselin, S. (2016). Cortical folding of the preterm brain: a longitudinal analysis of extremely preterm born neonates using spectral matching. Brain and Behavior, 6(8), e00488 (17 pages). Lien externe
Orasanu, E., Bazin, P.-L., Melbourne, A., Lorenzi, M., Lombaert, H., Robertson, N. J., Kendall, G., Weiskopf, N., Marlow, N., & Ourselin, S. (octobre 2016). Longitudinal Analysis of the Preterm Cortex Using Multi-modal Spectral Matching [Communication écrite]. 19th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2016), Athens, Greece. Lien externe
Orasanu, E., Melbourne, A., Modat, M., Lorenzi, M., Lombaert, H., Eaton-Rosen, Z., Robertson, N. J., Kendall, G., Marlow, N., & Ourselin, S. (mai 2016). Mapping longitudinal whiter matter changes in extremely preterm born indants [Communication écrite]. ISMRM 24th Annual Meeting and Exhibition (ISMRM 2016), Singapore. Lien externe
Orasanu, E., Melbourne, A., Lombaert, H., Cardoso, M. J., Johnsen, S. F., Kendall, G. S., Robertson, N. J., Marlow, N., & Ourselin, S. (septembre 2014). Prefrontal Cortical Folding of the Preterm Brain: A Longitudinal Analysis of Preterm-Born Neonates [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Workshop on Spatio-temporal Image Analysis for Longitudinal and Time-Series Image Data (STIA 2014), Boston, MA, USA. Lien externe
Orasanu, E., Melbourne, A., Lorenzi, M., Modat, M., Lombaert, H., Eaton-Rosen, Z., Robertson, N. J., Kendall, G., Marlow, N., & Ourselin, S. (octobre 2015). Tensor spectral matching of diffusion weighted images [Communication écrite]. MICCAI 2015 Workshop: Spectral Analysis in Medical Imaging (SAMI 2015), Munich, Germany. Publié dans The MIDAS Journal. Lien externe
Piuze, E., Lombaert, H., Sporring, J., Strijkers, G. J., Bakermans, A. J., & Siddiqi, K. (juin 2013). Atlases of Cardiac Fiber Differential Geometry [Communication écrite]. 7th International Conference on Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart (FIMH 2013), London, UK. Lien externe
Piuze, E., Lombaert, H., Sporring, J., & Siddiqi, K. (septembre 2013). Cardiac Fiber Inpainting Using Cartan Forms [Communication écrite]. 16th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2013), Nagoya, Japan. Lien externe
Rezanejad, M., Khodadad, M., Mahyar, H., Lombaert, H., Gruninger, M., Walther, D., & Siddiqi, K. (juin 2022). Medial Spectral Coordinates for 3D Shape Analysis [Communication écrite]. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2022), New Orleans, LA, USA. Lien externe
Reuter, M., Wachinger, C., Lombaert, H., Paniagua, B., Goksel, O., & Rekik, I. (édit.) (2020). Shape in Medical Imaging: International Workshop, ShapeMI 2020, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2020, Lima, Peru, October 4, 2020, Proceedings. Lien externe
Reddy, C., Gopinath, K., & Lombaert, H. (juillet 2019). Brain tumor segmentation using topological loss in convolutional networks [Résumé]. Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL 2019), London, UK (4 pages). Lien externe
Reuter, M., Wachinger, C., Lombaert, H., Paniagua, B., Lüthi, M., & Egger, B. (édit.) (2018). Shape in Medical Imaging: International Workshop, ShapeMI 2018, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2018, Granada, Spain, September 20, 2018, Proceedings. Lien externe
Reuter, M., Wachinger, C., & Lombaert, H. (édit.) (2016). Spectral and Shape Analysis in Medical Imaging: First International Workshop, SeSAMI 2016, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2016, Athens, Greece, October 21, 2016, Revised Selected Papers. Lien externe
Shakeri, M., Lombaert, H., Tripathi, S., & Kadoury, S. (octobre 2016). Deep spectral-based shape features for Alzheimers disease classification [Communication écrite]. 1st International Workshop on Spectral and Shape Analysis in Medical Imaging (SeSAMI 2016), Athens, Greece. Lien externe
Shakeri, M., Lombaert, H., Datta, A. N., Oser, N., Létourneau-Guillon, L., Lapointe, L. V., Martin, F., Malfait, D., Tucholka, A., Lippé, S., & Kadoury, S. (2016). Statistical shape analysis of subcortical structures using spectral matching. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 52, 58-71. Lien externe
Shakeri, M., Lombaert, H., & Kadoury, S. (juillet 2015). Classification of Alzheimer's Disease Using Discriminant Manifolds of Hippocampus Shapes [Communication écrite]. 1st International Workshop on Machine Learning Meets Medical Imaging (MLMMI 2015), Lille, France. Lien externe
Shakeri, M., Lombaert, H., Lippé, S., & Kadoury, S. (février 2014). Groupwise shape analysis of the hippocampus using spectral matching [Communication écrite]. SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, California, United States. Lien externe
Shi, W., Lombaert, H., Bai, W., Ledig, C., Zhuang, X., Marvao, A., Dawes, T., O’Regan, D., & Rueckert, D. (septembre 2014). Multi-atlas Spectral PatchMatch: Application to Cardiac Image Segmentation [Communication écrite]. 17th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2014), Boston, MA, USA. Lien externe
Sun, Y., Lombaert, H., Grady, L., & Xu, C. (2014). Multilevel image segmentation. (Brevet no US8913830). Lien externe
Sun, Y., Lombaert, H., & Cheriet, F. (2012). Fast 4D segmentation of large datasets using graph cuts. (Brevet no US8131075). Lien externe
Vasudeva, S. A., Dolz, J., & Lombaert, H. (juillet 2023). GeoLS: Geodesic Label Smoothing for Image Segmentation [Communication écrite]. Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL 2023), Nashville, TN, USA. Publié dans Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 227. Lien externe