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Nombre de documents: 125


Hertz, A., Bonte, S., Devillez, G., & Melot, H. (2024). The average size of maximal matchings in graphs. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 47(3), 46 (34 pages). Lien externe

Hertz, A. (2024). Graphs obtained by disjoint unions and joins of cliques and stable sets. Rairo-Operations Research, 58(3), 2631-2636. Lien externe


Hertz, A., Mélot, H., Bonte, S., & Devillez, G. (2023). Lower bounds and properties for the average number of colors in the non-equivalent colorings of a graph. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 335, 69-81. Lien externe

Hertz, A., Mélot, H., Bonte, S., Devillez, G., & Hauweele, P. (2023). Upper bounds on the average number of colors in the non-equivalent colorings of a graph. Graphs and Combinatorics, 39(3), 49 (22 pages). Lien externe

Hertz, A. (2023). Graphs obtained by disjoint unions and joins of cliques and stable sets. (Rapport technique n° G-2023-59). Lien externe

Randel, R., Aloise, D., & Hertz, A. (avril 2023). A Lagrangian-based approach to learn distance metrics for clustering with minimal data transformation [Communication écrite]. SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM 2023), Minneapolis, MN, USA. Lien externe

Liu, D., Perreault, V., Hertz, A., & Lodi, A. (2023). A machine learning framework for neighbor generation in metaheuristic search. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 9, 15 pages. Disponible

Perreault, V., Hertz, A., & Lodi, A. (2023). Tactical wireless network design with multi-beam antennas. (Rapport technique n° G-2023-34). Lien externe


Hertz, A. (2022). Decycling Bipartite Graphs. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 25(1), 461-480. Lien externe


Randel, R., Aloise, D., Blanchard, S. J., & Hertz, A. (2021). A Lagrangian-based score for assessing the quality of pairwise constraints in semi-supervised clustering. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 35(6), 2341-2368. Disponible

Contardo, C., & Hertz, A. (2021). An exact algorithm for a class of geometric set-cover problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 300, 25-35. Lien externe

Randel, R., Aloise, D., & Hertz, A. (2021). Exploring dual information in distance metric learning for clustering. (Rapport technique n° G-2021-32). Lien externe

Hertz, A., Kuflik, T., & Tuval, N. (2021). Resolving sets and integer programs for recommender systems. Journal of Global Optimization, 81(1), 153-178. Lien externe

Hertz, A., Hertz, A., & Melot, H. (2021). Using Graph Theory to Derive Inequalities for the Bell Numbers. Journal of Integer Sequences, 24(10), 21.10.6 (19 pages). Lien externe


Bürgy, R., Hertz, A., & Baptiste, P. (2020). An exact dynamic programming algorithm for the precedence-constrained class sequencing problem. Computers & Operations Research, 124, 24 pages. Lien externe

Hertz, A. (2020). An IP-based swapping algorithm for the metric dimension and minimal doubly resolving set problems in hypercubes. Optimization Letters, 14(2), 355-367. Lien externe

Bentz, C., Costa, M.-C., & Hertz, A. (2020). On the edge capacitated Steiner tree problem. Discrete Optimization, 38, 25 pages. Lien externe

Hertz, A., & Ridremont, T. (2020). A tabu search for the design of capacitated rooted survivable planar networks. Journal of Heuristics, 26(6), 829-850. Lien externe


Hertz, A., & Picouleau, C. (2019). On graceful difference labelings of disjoint unions of circuits. Open Journal of Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2(3), 38-55. Disponible

Hertz, A., Montagné, R., & Gagnon, F. (2019). A comparison of integer programming models for the partial directed weighted improper coloring problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 261, 229-245. Lien externe

Hauweele, P., Hertz, A., Melot, H., Ries, B., & Devillez, G. (2019). Maximum eccentric connectivity index for graphs with given diameter. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 268, 102-111. Lien externe

Devillez, G., Hertz, A., Mélot, H., & Hauweele, P. (2019). Minimum eccentric connectivity index for graphs with fixed order and fixed number of pendant vertices. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, 29(2), 193-202. Lien externe

Bécotte-Boutin, H.-S., Caporossi, G., Hertz, A., & Leblay, C. (2019). Writing and rewriting: the colored numerical visualization of Keystroke logging. Dans Lingdgren, E., & Sullivan, K. P. H. (édit.), Observing writing: insights from Keystroke logging and handwriting (p. 96-114). Lien externe


Hertz, A., Lozin, V., Ries, B., Zamaraev, V., & de Werra, D. (2018). Dominating induced matchings in graphs containing no long claw. Journal of Graph Theory, 88(1), 18-39. Lien externe

Hansen, P., Aouchiche, M., Caporossi, G., Hertz, A., & Sellal, C. (2018). Mixed integer programming and extremal chemical graphs. International Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Systems, 3, 22-30. Lien externe

Bürgy, R., Baptiste, P., Hertz, A., Rebaine, D., & Linhares, A. (2018). A stochastic online algorithm for unloading boxes from a conveyor line. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 30(4), 764-784. Lien externe


Hansen, P., Hertz, A., Sellal, C., Vukičević, D., Aouchiche, M., & Caporossi, G. (2017). Edge realizability of connected simple graphs. Match-Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 78(3), 689-712. Lien externe

Montagné, R., Hertz, A., & Gagnon, F. (2017). A multi-cell graph based dynamic resource allocation scheme for multi-user wireless networks. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 76, 60-70. Lien externe

Hertz, A., Montagné, R., & Gagnon, F. (2017). Online algorithms for the maximum k-colorable subgraph problem. Computers & Operations Research, 91, 209-224. Lien externe

Baptiste, P., Burgy, R., Hertz, A., & Rebaine, D. (2017). Online heuristics for unloading boxes off a gravity conveyor. International Journal of Production Research, 55(11), 3046-3057. Lien externe

Azeuli Nkamegni, K., Gamache, M., Hertz, A., & Paroz, S. (2017). Optimizing keyword positions for search engine marketing. (Rapport technique n° G-2017-26). Lien externe

Altinakar, S., Caporossi, G., & Hertz, A. (2017). Symmetry breaking constraints for the minimum deficiency problem. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 21(2), 195-218. Lien externe

Rybarczyk, A., Hertz, A., Kasprzak, M., & Blazewicz, J. (2017). Tabu search for the RNA partial degradation problem. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 27(2), 401-415. Disponible


Neveu, F., Bécotte-Boutin, H.-S., Caporossi, G., Hertz, A., Leblay, C., Bergounioux, G., Côté, M. H., Fournier, J. M., Hriba, L., & Prévost, S. (2016). Analyse automatique des données scripturales prétraitées par des outils de visualization. SHS Web of Conferences, 27, 06001 (18 pages). Disponible

Altinakar, S., Caporossi, G., & Hertz, A. (2016). A comparison of integer and constraint programming models for the deficiency problem. Computers & Operations Research, 68, 89-96. Lien externe

Hertz, A., Montagné, R., & Gagnon, F. (2016). Constructive algorithms for the partial directed weighted improper coloring problem. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 20(2), 159-188. Lien externe

Hertz, A., & Melot, H. (2016). Counting the number of non-equivalent vertex colorings of a graph. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 203, 62-71. Lien externe

Hertz, A., Marcotte, O., Mdimagh, A., Carreau, M., & Welt, F. (2016). Design of a wind farm collection network when several cable types are available. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 68(1), 62-73. Lien externe

Hertz, A. (2016). Dessine-moi un graphe. Accromath, 11(1), 8-13. Lien externe

Adegbindin, M., Hertz, A., & Bellaïche, M. (2016). A new efficient RLF-like algorithm for the vertex coloring problem. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, 26(4), 441-456. Disponible

Absil, R., Camby, E., Hertz, A., & Mélot, H. (2016). A sharp lower bound on the number of non-equivalent colorings of graphs of order n and maximum degree n - 3. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 234, 3-11. Lien externe


de Werra, D., & Hertz, A. (2015). Chromatic scheduling. Dans Lowell, W. B., & Wilson, R. J. (édit.), Topics in chromatic graph theory (p. 255-276). Lien externe

Archetti, C., Bianchessi, N., Hertz, A., Colombet, A., & Gagnon, F. (août 2012). Directed weighted improper coloring for cellular channel allocation [Communication écrite]. 8th International Colloquium on Graphs and Optimization (GO VIII), Leukerbad, Switzerland. Publié dans Discrete Applied Mathematics, 182(19). Lien externe


Desrosiers, C., Galinier, P., Hansen, P., & Hertz, A. (2014). Automated generation of conjectures on forbidden subgraph characterization. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 162, 177-194. Lien externe

Archetti, C., Bianchessi, N., & Hertz, A. (2014). A branch-and-price algorithm for the robust graph coloring problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 165, 49-59. Lien externe

Hertz, A. (2014). Graphiti - L'inspecteur Manori enquête à Paris. Non disponible

Archetti, C., Bianchessi, N., Speranza, M. G., & Hertz, A. (2014). Incomplete service and split deliveries in a routing problem with profits. Networks, 63(2), 135-145. Lien externe

Hertz, A., & Ries, B. (2014). A note on r-equitable k-colorings of trees. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, 24(2), 293-298. Disponible

Hertz, A., Marcotte, O., & Schindl, D. (2014). On the maximum orders of an induced forest, an induced tree, and a stable set. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, 24(2), 199-215. Disponible

Archetti, C., Bianchessi, N., Speranza, M. G., & Hertz, A. (2014). The Split Delivery Capacitated Team Orienteering Problem. Networks, 63(1), 16-33. Lien externe


Baptiste, P., Hertz, A., Linhares, A., & Reaine, D. (2013). A polynomial time algorithm for unloading boxes off a gravity conveyor. Discrete Optimization, 10(4), 251-262. Lien externe


St-Louis, P., Gendron, B., & Hertz, A. (2012). Total domination and the Caccetta–Häggkvist conjecture. Discrete Optimization, 9(4), 236-240. Lien externe

Hertz, A. (2012). Quick on the draw : crime-busting with a mathematical twist. Lien externe

Hertz, A. (2012). L'enseignement de la théorie des graphes à l'aide d'intrigues policières. Bulletin de l'APMEP, 499, 290-296. Lien externe

Archetti, C., Bertazzi, L., Hertz, A., & Speranza, M. G. (2012). A Hybrid Heuristic for an Inventory Routing Problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 24(1), 101-116. Lien externe

Hertz, A., Uldry, M., & Widmer, M. (2012). Integer linear programming models for a cement delivery problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 222(3), 623-631. Lien externe

Hertz, A., Marcotte, O., Mdimagh, A., Carreau, M., & Welt, F. (2012). Optimizing the Design of a Wind Farm Collection Network. INFOR, 50(2), 95-104. Lien externe


Altinakar, S., Caporossi, G., & Hertz, A. (2011). On compact k-edge-colorings: A polynomial time reduction from linear to cyclic. Discrete Optimization, 8(3), 502-512. Lien externe

Hertz, A. (2011). Der Graf der Graphen : Kriminalistische Verwicklungen mit mathematischer Pointe. Lien externe

Galinier, P., Hertz, A., Paroz, S., & Pesant, G. (2011). Using local search to speed up filtering algorithms for some NP-hard constraints. Annals of Operations Research, 184(1), 121-135. Lien externe


Hertz, A. (2010). L'agrapheur : intrigues policières à saveur mathématique. Lien externe

Hertz, A., & Razanakoto, R. (2010). Confection de calendriers de matchs pour le sport universitaire et collégial au Québec. INFOR, 48(3), 181-189. Lien externe

Hertz, A., Lahrichi, N., & Widmer, M. (2010). A flexible MILP model for multiple-shift workforce planning under annualized hours. European Journal of Operational Research, 200(3), 860-873. Lien externe

Desrosiers, C., Galinier, P., Hertz, A., & Hansen, P. (2010). Improving constrained pattern mining with first-fail-based heuristics. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 23(1), 1-28. Lien externe

Bouchard, M., Cangalovic, M., & Hertz, A. (2010). On a Reduction of the Interval Coloring Problem to a Series of Bandwidth Coloring Problems. Journal of Scheduling, 13(6), 583-595. Lien externe

Archetti, C., Feillet, D., Hertz, A., & Speranza, M. G. (2010). The undirected capacitated arc routing problem with profits. Computers & Operations Research, 37(11), 1860-1869. Lien externe

Hertz, A., & Zufferey, N. (2010). Vertex coloring using ant colonies. Dans Artificial ants : from collective intelligence to real-life optimization and beyond (p. 219-236). Lien externe

Carreau, M., Morgenroth, M., Belashov, O., Mdimagh, A., Hertz, A., & Marcotte, O. (septembre 2010). Wind farm design optimization [Communication écrite]. 21st World Energy Congress, Montréal, Québec. Lien externe


Bouchard, M., Cangalovic, M., & Hertz, A. (2009). About equivalent interval colorings of weighted graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 157(17), 3615-3624. Lien externe

Hansen, P., Hertz, A., Kilani, R., Marcotte, O., & Schindl, D. (2009). Average distance and maximum induced forest. Journal of Graph Theory, 60(1), 31-54. Lien externe

Archetti, C., Feillet, D., Hertz, A., & Speranza, M. G. (2009). The capacitated team orienteering and profitable tour problems. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 60(6), 831-842. Lien externe

Hertz, A., & Zuffery, N. (2009). La coloration des sommets d'un graphe par colonies de fourmis. Dans Fourmis artificielles, des bases de l'optimisation aux applications industrielles . Lien externe

Pepin, A.-S., Desaulniers, G., Hertz, A., & Huisman, D. (2009). A comparison of five heuristics for the multiple depot vehicle scheduling problem. Journal of Scheduling, 12(1), 17-30. Lien externe

Hertz, A., Plumettaz, M., & Zufferey, N. (2009). Corrigendum to ''variable space search for graph coloring'' [discrete appl. math. 156 (2008) 2551-2560]. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 157(7), 1335-1336. Lien externe

Bouchard, M., Hertz, A., & Desaulniers, G. (2009). Lower bounds and a tabu search algorithm for the minimum deficiency problem. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 17(2), 168-191. Lien externe

Hertz, A., & De Werra, A. (2009). A magnetic procedure for the stability number. Graphs and Combinatorics, 25(5), 707-716. Lien externe

Hertz, A., & Lahrichi, N. (2009). A Patient Assignment Algorithm for Home Care Services. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 60(4), 481-495. Lien externe

Hertz, A., Schindl, D., & Zufferey, N. (2009). A solution method for a car fleet management problem with maintenance constraints. Journal of Heuristics, 15(5), 425-450. Lien externe

Desrosiers, C., Galinier, P., Hertz, A., & Paroz, S. (2009). Using heuristics to find minimal unsatisfiable subformulas in satisfiability problems. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 18(2), 124-150. Lien externe


Galinier, P., Hertz, A., & Zufferey, N. (2008). An Adaptive Memory Algorithm for the K-Coloring Problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 156(2), 267-279. Lien externe

Desrosiers, C., Galinier, P., & Hertz, A. (2008). Efficient Algorithms for Finding Critical Subgraphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 156(2), 244-266. Lien externe

Widmer, M., Hertz, A., & Costa, D. (2008). Metaheuristics and Scheduling. Dans Production Scheduling (p. 33-68). Lien externe

Hertz, A., & Varone, S. (2008). The Metric cutpoint partition problem. Journal of Classification, 25(2), 159-175. Lien externe

Gendron, B., Hertz, A., & St-Louis, P. (2008). On a Generalization of the Gallai-Roy-Vitaver Theorem to the Bandwidth Coloring Problem. Operations Research Letters, 36(3), 345-350. Lien externe

Hertz, A., & Mittaz, M. (2008). Pickup and delivery problems with services on nodes or arcs of a network. Dans Operations research and networks (p. 165-188). Lien externe

Gendron, B., Hertz, A., & St-Louis, P. (2008). A Sequential Elimination Algorithm for Computing Bounds on the Clique Number of a Graph. Discrete Optimization, 5(3), 615-628. Lien externe

Galinier, P., Hertz, A., Paroz, S., & Pesant, G. (mai 2008). Using local search to speed up filtering algorithms for some NP-hard constraints [Communication écrite]. 5th International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CPAIOR 2008), Paris, France. Lien externe

Hertz, A., Plumettaz, M., & Zufferey, N. (2008). Variable Space Search for Graph Coloring. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 156(13), 2551-2560. Lien externe


Gamache, M., Hertz, A., & Ouellet, J. O. (2007). A Graph Coloring Model for a Feasibility Problem in Monthly Crew Scheduling With Preferential Bidding. Computers & Operations Research, 34(8), 2384-2395. Lien externe

Desrosiers, C., Galinier, P., Hansen, P., & Hertz, A. (août 2007). Improving frequent subgraph mining in the presence of symmetry [Communication écrite]. 5th International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs, Firenze, Italia. Lien externe

Archetti, C., Hertz, A., & Speranza, M. G. (2007). Metaheuristics for the Team Orienteering Problem. Journal of Heuristics, 13(1), 49-76. Lien externe

Hertz, A., & Varone, S. (2007). The Metric Bridge Partition Problem: Partitioning of a Metric Space Into Two Subspaces Linked by an Edge in Any Optimal Realization. Journal of Classification, 24(2), 235-249. Lien externe

Hertz, A., & Varone, S. (2007). A Note on Tree Realizations of Matrices. RAIRO: Operations Research, 41(4), 361-366. Lien externe

Gendron, B., Hertz, A., & St-Louis, P. (2007). On Edge Orienting Methods for Graph Coloring. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 13(2), 163-178. Lien externe

Galinier, P., & Hertz, A. (2007). Solution Techniques for the Large Set Covering Problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 155(3), 312-326. Lien externe


Lahrichi, N., Lapierre, S. D., Hertz, A., Talib, A., & Bouvier, L. (2006). Analysis of a territorial approach to the delivery of nursing home care services based on historical data. Journal of Medical Systems, 30(4), 283-291. Lien externe

Gerber, M. U., Hertz, A., & Lozin, V. V. (2006). Augmenting Chains in Graphs Without a Skew Star. Journal of Combinatorial Theory: Series B, 96(3), 352-366. Lien externe

Galinier, P., & Hertz, A. (2006). A survey of local search methods for graph coloring. Computers & Operations Research, 33(9), 2547-2562. Lien externe

Archetti, C., Speranza, M. G., & Hertz, A. (2006). A Tabu Search Algorithm for the Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem. Transportation Science, 40(1), 64-73. Lien externe


Hertz, A. (2005). Les métaheuristiques : quelques conseils pour en faire bon usage. Dans Baptiste, P., Giard, V., Haït, A., & Soumis, F. (édit.), Gestion de production et ressources humaines : méthodes de planification dans les systèmes productifs (p. 205-222). Lien externe

Hertz, A., Schindl, D., & Zufferey, N. (2005). Lower bounding and tabu search procedures for the frequency assignement problem with polarization constraints. 4OR, 3(2), 69-99. Lien externe

Hertz, A., & Lozin, V. V. (2005). The maximum independent set problem and augmenting graphs. Dans Avis, D., Hertz, A., & Marcotte, O. (édit.), Graph theory and combinatorial optimization (p. 69-100). Lien externe

Cordeau, J.-F., Gendreau, M., Hertz, A., Laporte, G., & Sormany, J.-S. (2005). New heuristics for the vehicle routing problem. Dans Logistics systems : design and optimization (p. 279-297). Lien externe

Hertz, A. Recent Trends in Arc Routing [Communication écrite]. Haifa Workshops on Interdisciplinary Applications of Graph Theory, Combinatorics and Algorithms, Haifa, Israel. Non disponible


Gerber, M. U., Hertz, A., & Schindl, D. (2004). P-5-Free Augmenting Graphs and the Maximum Stable Set Problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 132(1-3), 109-119. Lien externe

Gerber, M. U., Hertz, A., & Lozin, V. V. (2004). Stable Sets in Two Subclasses of Banner-Free Graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 132(1-3), 121-136. Lien externe


Hertz, A., Lozin, V., & Schindl, D. (2003). Finding Augmenting Chains in Extensions of Claw-Free Graphs. Information Processing Letters, 86(6), 311-316. Lien externe

Hertz, A., & Widmer, M. (2003). Guidelines for the use of meta-heuristics in combinatorial optimization. European Journal of Operational Research, 151(2), 247-252. Lien externe

Kis, T., & Hertz, A. (2003). A Lower Bound for the Job Insertion Problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 128(2-3), 395-419. Lien externe

Avanthay, C., Hertz, A., & Zufferey, N. (2003). A Variable Neighborhood Search for Graph Coloring. European Journal of Operational Research, 151(2), 379-388. Lien externe


Galinier, P., Hertz, A., & Zufferey, N. (janvier 2002). Adaptative memory algorithms for graph coloring [Communication écrite]. Computational Symposium on Graph Coloring and Generalizations (COLOR 2002), Ithaca,US. Non disponible

Costa, M.-C., Hertz, A., & Mittaz, M. (2002). Bounds and heuristics for the shortest capacitated paths problem. Journal of Heuristics, 8(4), 449-465. Lien externe

Gerber, M., Hansen, P., & Hertz, A. (2002). Extension of Turan's theorem to the 2-stability number. Graphs and Combinatorics, 18(3), 479-489. Lien externe

Herrmann, F., & Hertz, A. (2002). Finding the chromatic number by means of critical graphs. Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, 7(10), 1-9. Lien externe

Hertz, A. (2002). Operations research in logistics. Dans The essentials of logistics and management (p. 253-279). Non disponible

Ghiani, G., Hertz, A., & Laporte, G. (2002). Recent algorithmic advances for arc routing problems. Dans Kozan, E., & Ohuchi, A. (édit.), Operations research/management science at work (Vol. 43, p. 1-20). Lien externe

Hertz, A., & Mittaz, M. (2002). Tournées de livraisons et de ramassages sur les noeuds ou les arcs d'un réseau. Dans Recherche opérationnelle et réseaux: méthodes d'analyse spatiale (p. 167-189). Non disponible


Hertz, A. (2001). Application des métaheuristiques à la coloration des sommets d'un graphe. Dans Pirlot, M., & Teghem, J. (édit.), Résolution de problèmes de RO par les métaheuristiques (p. 21-48). Lien externe

Gerber, M. U., & Hertz, A. (2001). Transformation which preserves the clique number. Journal of Combinatorial Theory: Series B, 83(2), 320-330. Lien externe

Hertz, A., & Mittaz, M. (2001). Variable neighbourhood descent algorithm for the undirected capacitated arc routing problem. Transportation Science, 35(4), 425-434. Lien externe


Herrmann, F., & Hertz, A. (2000). Finding the chromatic number by means of critical graphs. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 5, 174-176. Lien externe


Hertz, A., Jaumard, B., & Ribeiro, C. C. (1994). A graph theory approach to subcontracting, machine duplication and intercell moves in cellular manufacturing. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 50(3), 255-265. Lien externe

Hertz, A., Jaumard, B., & de Aragao, M. P. Local optima topology for the k-coloring problem [Communication écrite]. Viewpoints on Optimization; and Graph Labelling, Grimentz, Switzerland; Boston, Mass. Publié dans Discrete Applied Mathematics, 49(1-3). Lien externe

Hertz, A., Jaumard, B., Ribeiro, C. C., & Formosinho Filho, W. P. (1994). A multi-criteria tabu search approach to cell formation problems in group technology with multiple objectives. RAIRO: Recherche opérationnelle, 28(3), 303-328. Lien externe


Hansen, P., Hertz, A., & Kuplinsky, J. (1993). Bounded vertex colorings of graphs. Discrete Mathematics, 111(1-3), 305-312. Lien externe

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