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Nombre de documents: 8


Ammar, M., Hamad, G. B., Mohamed, O. A.̈., & Savaria, Y. (2019). System-Level Modeling and Analysis of the Vulnerability of a Processor to Single-Event Upsets (SEUs). Dans Velazco, R., McMorrow, D., & Estela, J. (édit.), Radiation Effects on Integrated Circuits and Systems for Space Applications (p. 13-38). Lien externe

Ammar, M., Bany Hamad, G., Mohamed, O. A., & Savaria, Y. (2019). Towards an Accurate Probabilistic Modeling and Statistical Analysis of Temporal Faults via Temporal Dynamic Fault-trees (TDFTs). IEEE Access, 7, 29264-29276. Lien externe


Bany Hamad, G., Ammar, M., Mohamed, O. A., & Savaria, Y. (2018). New insights into soft-faults induced cardiac pacemakers malfunctions analyzed at system-level via model checking. IEEE Access, 6, 62107-62119. Lien externe

Ammar, M., Bany Hamad, G., Mohamed, O. A., & Savaria, Y. (décembre 2018). Reliability Analysis of the SPARC V8 Architecture via Fault Trees and UPPAL-SMC [Communication écrite]. 25th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS 2018), Bordeaux, France. Lien externe

Bany Hamad, G., Ammar, M., Mohamed, O. A., & Savaria, Y. (septembre 2018). System-Level Characterization, Modeling, and Probabilistic Formal Analysis of LEON3 Vulnerability to Transient Faults [Communication écrite]. 18th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS 2018), Piscataway, NJ, USA (4 pages). Lien externe


Ammar, M., Bany Hamad, G., Mohamed, O. A., Savaria, Y., & Velazco, R. (septembre 2016). Comprehensive vulnerability analysis of systems exposed to SEUs via probabilistic model checking [Communication écrite]. 16th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS 2016), Bremen, Germany (4 pages). Lien externe

Ammar, M., Bany Hamad, G., Mohamed, O. A., & Savaria, Y. (2017). System-Level Analysis of the Vulnerability of Processors Exposed to Single Event Upsets via Probabilistic Model Checking. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 64(9), 2523-2530. Lien externe


Ammar, M., Bany Hamad, G., Mohamed, O. A., & Savaria, Y. (septembre 2016). Efficient probabilistic fault tree analysis of safety critical systems via probabilistic model checking [Communication écrite]. Forum on Specification and Design Languages (FDL 2016), Bremen, Germany (8 pages). Lien externe

Liste produite: Tue Jan 21 03:16:48 2025 EST.