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Nombre de documents: 64


Aloise, D., Moine, R., Ribeiro, C. C., & Jalbert, J. (2024). First-improvement or best-improvement? An in-depth local search computational study to elucidate a dominance claim. (Rapport technique n° G-2024-47). Lien externe

Aloise, D., & Contardo, C. (2018). A sampling-based exact algorithm for the solution of the minimax diameter clustering problem. Journal of Global Optimization, 71(3), 613-630. Disponible

Aloise, D., Damasceno, N. C., Mladenović, N., & Pinheiro, D. N. (2017). On strategies to fix degenerate k-means solutions. Journal of Classification, 34(2), 165-190. Lien externe

Aloise, D., Hansen, P., Rocha, C., & Santi, E. (2014). Column generation bounds for numerical microaggregation. Journal of Global Optimization, 60(2), 165-182. Lien externe

Aloise, D., Hansen, P., & Liberti, L. (2012). An improved column generation algorithm for minimum sum-of-squares clustering. Mathematical Programming, 131(1), 195-220. Lien externe

Aloise, D., & Hansen, P. (2011). Evaluating a branch-and-bound RLT-based algorithm for minimum sum-of-squares clustering. Journal of Global Optimization, 49(3), 449-465. Lien externe

Aloise, D., & Hansen, P. (2009). A branch-and-cut SDP-based algorithm for minimum sum-of-squares clustering. Pesquisa Operacional, 29(3), 503-516. Disponible

Aloise, D. (2009). Exact algorithms for minimum sum-of-squares clustering [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Aloise, D., Deshpande, A., Hansen, P., & Popat, P. (2009). NP-hardness of Euclidean sum-of-squares clustering. Machine Learning, 75(2), 245-248. Lien externe


Bertalan, V., & Aloise, D. (octobre 2023). Using Transformer Models and Textual Analysis for Log Parsing [Communication écrite]. 34th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2023), Florence, Italy. Lien externe

Bouchard, I., Rancourt, M.-E., Aloise, D., & Kalaitzis, F. (2022). On transfer learning for building damage assessment from satellite imagery in emergency contexts. Remote Sensing, 14(11), 29 pages. Lien externe

Boucaud, L., Saunier, N., & Aloise, D. (décembre 2020). Soft attention: does it actually help to learn social interactions in pedestrian trajectory prediction? [Communication écrite]. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33 (NIPS 2020). Lien externe

Blanchard, S. J., Aloise, D., & DeSarbo, W. S. (2017). Extracting Summary Piles from Sorting Task Data. Journal of Marketing Research, 54(3), 398-414. Lien externe


Cocha, C., Pessoa, B. P. S., Aloise, D., & Cabral, L. A. (2024). An efficient implementation of a VNS heuristic for the weighted fair sequences problem. International Transactions in Operational Research, 31(3), 1720-1735. Disponible

Costa, L. R., Aloise, D., Gianoli, L. G., & Lodi, A. (2022). Heuristics for optimizing 3D mapping missions over swarm-powered ad-hoc clouds. Journal of Heuristics, 28(4), 539-582. Lien externe

Costa, L. R., Aloise, D., Gianoli, L. G., & Lodi, A. (mai 2022). OptiMaP: swarm-powered Optimized 3D Mapping Pipeline for emergency response operations [Communication écrite]. 18th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS 2022), Marina del Rey, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Lien externe

Costa, L. R., Aloise, D., Gianoli, L. G., & Lodi, A. (2021). Heuristics for optimizing 3D mapping missions over swarm-powered ad-hoc clouds. (Rapport technique n° 2021-09). Lien externe

Costa, L. R., Aloise, D., Gianoli, L. G., & Lodi, A. (2021). The Covering-Assignment Problem for Swarm-powered Ad-hoc Clouds: A Distributed 3D Mapping Use-case. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8(9), 7316-7332. Lien externe

Costa, L. R., Aloise, D., Gianoli, L. G., & Lodi, A. (2020). The covering-assignment problem for swarm-powered ad-hoc clouds : a distributed 3D mapping use-case. (Rapport technique n° 2020-28). Lien externe

Costa, L. R., Aloise, D., & Mladenovi, N. (2017). Less is more: basic variable neighborhood search heuristic for balanced minimum sum-of-squares clustering. Information Sciences, 415-416, 247-253. Lien externe


Da Silva, T. G., De Sousa Filho, G. F., Barbosa, I. A. M., Mladenovic, N., Cabral, L. A. F., Ochi, L. S., & Aloise, D. (2018). Efficient heuristics for the minimum labeling global cut problem. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 66, 23-30. Lien externe


Fournier, Q., Aloise, D., & Costa, L. R. (2023). Language Models for Novelty Detection in Kernel Traces [Ensemble de données]. Lien externe

Fournier, Q., Caron, G. M., & Aloise, D. (2023). A Practical Survey on Faster and Lighter Transformers. ACM Computing Surveys, 55(14s), 1-40. Lien externe

Fournier, Q., Aloise, D., Azhari, S. V., & Tétreault, F. (mai 2021). On improving deep learning trace analysis with system call arguments [Communication écrite]. 18th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2021), Madrid, Spain. Lien externe

Fournier, Q., Ezzati-Jivan, N., Aloise, D., & Dagenais, M. (octobre 2019). Automatic cause detection of performance problems in web applications [Communication écrite]. 30th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW 2019), Berlin, Germany. Lien externe

Fournier, Q., & Aloise, D. (juin 2019). Empirical Comparison between Autoencoders and Traditional Dimensionality Reduction Methods [Communication écrite]. IEEE Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering (AIKE 2019), Sardinia, Italy. Lien externe

Fernandes, I. F., Aloise, D., Aloise, D. J., Hansen, P., & Liberti, L. (2014). On the Weber facility location problem with limited distances and side constraints. Optimization Letters, 8(2), 407-424. Lien externe


Gassais, R., Ezzati-Jivan, N., Fernandez, J. M., Aloise, D., & Dagenais, M. (2020). Multi-level host-based intrusion detection system for Internet of things. Journal of Cloud Computing-Advances Systems and Applications, 9(1), 62 (16 pages). Lien externe

Gonçalves-e-Silva, K., Aloise, D., Xavier-de-Souza, S., & Mladenović, N. (2018). Less is more: simplified Nelder-Mead method for large unconstrained optimization. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, 28(2), 153-169. Disponible

Gonçalves-e-Silva, K., Aloise, D., & Xavier-de-Souza, S. (2018). Parallel synchronous and asynchronous coupled simulated annealing. Journal of Supercomputing, 74(6), 2841-2869. Lien externe


Haouas, M. N., Aloise, D., & Pesant, G. (septembre 2020). An exact CP approach for the cardinality-constrained euclidean minimum sum-of-squares clustering problem [Communication écrite]. 17th International Conference on Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research (CPAIOR 2020), Vienna, Austria. Disponible

Hulot, P., Aloise, D., & Jena, S. D. (août 2018). Towards Station-Level Demand Prediction for Effective Rebalancing in Bike-Sharing Systems [Communication écrite]. 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, London, UK. Lien externe


Jeske, M., Sanso, B., Aloise, D., & Nascimento, M. C.V. (2024). Received signal strength indicator prediction for mesh networks in a real urban environment using machine learning. IEEE Access, 12, 165861-165877. Disponible

Jeske, M., Nascimento, M. C.V., Aloise, D., & Sanso, B. (novembre 2023). Path loss prediction for mesh networks in a real urban environment using machine learning [Présentation]. Dans Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional 2023, São José dos Campos, SP, Brasil. Publié dans Anais do Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 55. Lien externe


Kohyarnejadfard, I., Aloise, D., Azhari, S. V., & Dagenais, M. (2022). Anomaly detection in microservice environments using distributed tracing data analysis and NLP. Journal of Cloud Computing, 11(1), 16 pages. Lien externe

Kohyarnejadfard, I., Aloise, D., Dagenais, M., & Shakeri, M. (2021). A Framework for Detecting System Performance Anomalies Using Tracing Data Analysis. Entropy, 23(8), 1011 (24 pages). Lien externe

Kohyarnejadfard, I., Shakeri, M., & Aloise, D. (avril 2019). System performance anomaly detection using tracing data analysis [Communication écrite]. 5th International Conference on Computer and Technology Applications (ICCTA 2019), Istanbul, Turkey. Lien externe


Liang, J., Silva, M. C. M., Aloise, D., & Jena, S. D. (2024). Dynamic rebalancing for Bike-sharing systems under inventory interval and target predictions. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 13, 19 pages. Lien externe


Muller Rodrigues, I., Khvorov, A., Aloise, D., Vasiliev, R., Koznov, D., Fernandes, E. R., Chernishev, G., Luciv, D., & Povarov, N. (2022). TraceSim: An alignment method for computing stack trace similarity. Empirical Software Engineering, 27(2), 41 pages. Disponible

Moins, T., Aloise, D., & Blanchard, S. J. (septembre 2020). RecSeats: A Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network Choice Model for Seat Recommendations at Reserved Seating Venues [Communication écrite]. 14th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2020). Lien externe

Mariz, F. B. A. R., Almeida, M. R., & Aloise, D. (2017). A review of Dynamic Data Envelopment Analysis: state of the art and applications. International Transactions in Operational Research, 25(2), 469-505. Lien externe


Okano, E. Y., Aloise, D., & Nascimento, M. C. V. (novembre 2024). Topological Analysis of Graphs for Comparing Sets of Time Series: A Case Study with Hospital Data [Communication écrite]. LVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. Publié dans Anais do Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 56(20). Lien externe


Pereira, J. H. A., Pessoa, B. J. S., Rocha, C., & Aloise, D. (novembre 2024). Meta-heurística vns aplicada a um problema de sequenciamento justo [Communication écrite]. LVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. Publié dans Anais do Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 56(20). Lien externe

Pinheiro, D. N., Aloise, D., & Blanchard, S. J. (2020). Convex fuzzy k-medoids clustering. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 389, 66-92. Lien externe

Pinheiro, D. N., Xavier-de-Souza, S., & Aloise, D. (mai 2020). Scaling Optimizations for Large-Scale Distributed Data with Lightweight Coresets [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW 2020), New Orleans, LA, USA. Lien externe

Pessoa, B. J. S., Cabral, L. A. F., & Aloise, D. (août 2018). Meta-heurística híbrida aplicada ao Problema das Sequências Justas Ponderadas [Communication écrite]. Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (12 pages). Publié dans Anais do Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional. Lien externe

Pereira, T., Aloise, D., Brimberg, J., & Mladenović, N. (2018). Review of Basic Local Searches for Solving the Minimum Sum-of-Squares Clustering Problem. Dans Pardalos, P. M., & Migdalas, A. (édit.), Open Problems in Optimization and Data Analysis (Vol. 141, p. 249-270). Lien externe

Pessoa, B. J. S., Aloise, D., & Cabral, L. A. F. (2018). The weighted fair sequences problem. Computers & Operations Research, 91, 121-131. Lien externe

Pyatkin, A., Aloise, D., & Mladenović, N. (2017). NP-Hardness of balanced minimum sum-of-squares clustering. Pattern Recognition Letters, 97, 44-45. Lien externe


Rastgar-Amini, F., Aloise, D., Contardo, C., & Desaulniers, G. (2024). Data Mining-Driven Shift Enumeration for Accelerating the Solution of Large-Scale Personnel Scheduling Problems. ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization, -. Lien externe

Rastgar-Amini, F., Aloise, D., Contardo, C., & Desaulniers, G. (2023). Data mining-driven shift enumeration for acceleratiing the solution of large-scale personnel scheduling problems. (Rapport technique n° G-2023-61). Lien externe

Randel, R., Aloise, D., & Hertz, A. (avril 2023). A Lagrangian-based approach to learn distance metrics for clustering with minimal data transformation [Communication écrite]. SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM 2023), Minneapolis, MN, USA. Lien externe

Rodrigues, I. M., Khvorov, A., Aloise, D., Vasiliev, R., Koznov, D., Fernandes, E. R., Chernishev, G., Luciv, D., & Povarov, N. (2022). TraceSim: An Alignment Method for Computing Stack Trace Similarity [Ensemble de données]. Lien externe

Rocha, D., Aloise, D., Aloise, D. J., & Contardo, C. (2022). Visual attractiveness in vehicle routing via bi-objective optimization. Computers & Operations Research, 137, 105507 (14 pages). Disponible

Rodrigues, I. M., Aloise, D., & Fernandes, E. R. (mai 2022). FaST: A linear time stack trace alignment heuristic for crash report deduplication [Communication écrite]. Mining Software Repositories Conference (MSR 2022), Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Lien externe

Randel, R., Aloise, D., Blanchard, S. J., & Hertz, A. (2021). A Lagrangian-based score for assessing the quality of pairwise constraints in semi-supervised clustering. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 35(6), 2341-2368. Disponible

Rey, M., Aloise, D., Soumis, F., & Pieugueu, R. (2021). A data-driven model for safety risk identification from flight data analysis. Transportation Engineering, 5, 100087 (8 pages). Disponible

Randel, R., Aloise, D., & Hertz, A. (2021). Exploring dual information in distance metric learning for clustering. (Rapport technique n° G-2021-32). Lien externe

Rodrigues, I. M., Aloise, D., Fernandes, E. R., & Dagenais, M. (juin 2020). A soft alignment model for bug deduplication [Communication écrite]. 17th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2020), Seoul, Republic of Korea. Lien externe

Randel, R., Aloise, D., Mladenovic, N., & Hansen, P. (octobre 2018). On the k-Medoids Model for Semi-supervised Clustering [Communication écrite]. 6th International Conference on Variable Neighborhood Search (ICVNS 2018), Sithonia, Greece. Lien externe


Silva, M. C. M., Aloise, D., & Jena, S. D. (2024). Data-driven prioritization strategies for inventory rebalancing in bike-sharing systems. Omega, 129, 103141 (15 pages). Disponible

Silva, M. C. M., Aloise, D., & Jena, S. D. (2024). On the Simultaneous Computation of Target Inventories and Intervals for Bimodal Bike-Sharing Systems. Transportation Engineering, 16, 100226 (9 pages). Disponible

Silva, A., Aloise, D., Coelho, L. C., & Rocha, C. (2021). Heuristics for the dynamic facility location problem with modular capacities. European Journal of Operational Research, 290(2), 435-452. Lien externe


Ton, K. T., Aloise, D., & Contardo, C. (2024). On Removing Diverse Data for Training Machine Learning Models. Dans Rassias, T. M., & Pardalos, P. M. (édit.), Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations and Applications (Vol. 11, p. 761-783). Lien externe

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