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Bahgat, A. S., Provost, J., Seletskiy, D., & Peter, Y.-A. (2024). Ultrafast ultrasound imaging by optical polymer microring resonator array and a dual optical frequency comb: a theoretical concept. Journal of Optical Microsystems, 4(3), 034502 (13 pages). Disponible
Bourquin, C., Porée, J., Rauby, B., Perrot, V. G., Ghigo, N., Belgharbi, H., Bélanger, S., Ramos-Palacios, G., Cortes, N., Ladret, H., Ikan, L., Casanova, C., Lesage, F., & Provost, J. (2024). Quantitative pulsatility measurements using 3D dynamic ultrasound localization microscopy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 69(4), 045017 (14 pages). Disponible
Belgharbi, H., Porée, J., Damseh, R., Perrot, V., Milecki, L., Delafontaine-Martel, P., Lesage, F., & Provost, J. (2023). An Anatomically Realistic Simulation Framework for 3D Ultrasound Localization Microscopy. IEEE Open Journal of Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 3, 1-13. Lien externe
Bourdages, S., Desmarais, S., Leconte, A., Porée, J., Provost, J., & Yu, F. (septembre 2023). Ultrasound and Microbubble Mediated Provascular Therapy Characterized Using Ultrasound Localization Microscopy [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2023), Montreal, QC, Canada (4 pages). Lien externe
Belgharbi, H., Porée, J., Damseh, R., Perrot, V., Milecki, L., Delafontaine-Martel, P., Lesage, F., & Provost, J. (2022). 3D Simulated Microbubble Flow in a Mouse Vascular Network [Ensemble de données]. Lien externe
Bourquin, C., Porée, J., Lesage, F., & Provost, J. (2022). In vivo pulsatility measurement of cerebral microcirculation in rodents using Dynamic Ultrasound Localization Microscopy. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 41(4), 782-792. Lien externe
Blais, S., Porée, J., Ramos-Palacios, G., Desmarais, S., Perrot, V., Sadikot, A., & Provost, J. (2021). Equivalent time active cavitation imaging. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(19), 22 pages. Lien externe
Belgharbi, H., Porée, J., Damseh, R., Delafontaine-Martel, P., Lesage, F., & Provost, J. (janvier 2019). Anatomically realistic simulation framework for ultrasound localization microscopy [Résumé]. Acoustical Society of America Meeting. Publié dans Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146(4). Lien externe
Bourquin, C., Porée, J., Lesage, F., & Provost, J. (janvier 2019). Brain-wide pulsatility mapping with gated ultrasound localization microscopy in vivo [Résumé]. Acoustical Society of America Meeting. Publié dans Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146(4). Lien externe
Berthon, B., Behaghel, A., Mateo, P., Dansette, P.-M., Favre, H., Ialy-Radio, N., Tanter, M., Pernot, M., & Provost, J. (2019). Mapping Biological Current Densities With Ultrafast Acoustoelectric Imaging: Application to the Beating Rat Heart. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 38(8), 1852-1857. Lien externe
Berthon, B., Morichau-Beauchant, P., Porée, J., Garofalakis, A., Tavitian, B., Tanter, M., & Provost, J. (2018). Spatiotemporal matrix image formation for programmable ultrasound scanners. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 63(3), 03nt03 (9 pages). Lien externe
Berthon, B., Dansette, P.-M., Tanter, M., Pernot, M., & Provost, J. (2017). An integrated and highly sensitive ultrafast acoustoelectric imaging system for biomedical applications. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 62(14), 5808-5822. Lien externe
Berthon, B., Mateo, P., Ialy-Radio, N., Tanter, M., Pernot, M., & Provost, J. (2017). Mapping the electrical activity of the heart in vivo using ultrafast acoustoelectric imaging. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142(4), 2697-2697. Lien externe
Berthon, B., Mateo, P., Ialy-Radio, N., Tanter, M., Pernot, M., & Provost, J. (septembre 2017). Ultrafast acoustoelectric imaging for direct mapping of cardiac electrical activation in vivo [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2017), Washington, D.C.. Lien externe
Bunting, E. A., Provost, J., & Konofagou, E. E. (2014). Stochastic precision analysis of 2D cardiac strain estimation in vivo. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 59(22), 6841-6858. Lien externe
Cormier, P., Porée, J., Bourquin, C., & Provost, J. (2021). Dynamic Myocardial Ultrasound Localization Angiography. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 40(12), 3379-3388. Lien externe
Correia, M., Deffieux, T., Chatelin, S., Provost, J., Tanter, M., & Pernot, M. (2018). 3D elastic tensor imaging in weakly transversely isotropic soft tissues. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 63(15). Disponible
Correia, M., Maresca, D., Provost, J., Tanter, M., Ghaleh, B., & Pernot, M. (septembre 2017). Three-dimensional mapping of epicardial and intramyocardial coronary circulation in-vivo using 3-D Ultrafast Ultrasound Doppler imaging [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2017), Washington, D.C.. Lien externe
Correia, M., Provost, J., Tanter, M., & Pernot, M. (2016). 4D ultrafast ultrasound flow imaging: in vivo quantification of arterial volumetric flow rate in a single heartbeat. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 61(23), L48-L61. Disponible
Correia, M., Provost, J., Tanter, M., & Pernot, M. (septembre 2016). In-vivo 4D ultrafast vector flow imaging: quantitative assessment of arterial blood flow [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2016), Tours, France (4 pages). Lien externe
Correia, M., Provost, J., Chatelin, S., Villemain, O., Tanter, M., & Pernot, M. (2016). Ultrafast harmonic coherent compound (UHCC) imaging for high frame rate echocardiography and shear-wave elastography. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 63(3), 420-431. Lien externe
Costet, A., Provost, J., Gambhir, A., Bobkov, Y., Danilo, P. J., Boink, G. J. J., Rosen, M. R., & Konofagou, E. E. (2014). Electromechanical wave imaging of biologically and electrically paced canine hearts in vivo. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 40(1), 177-187. Lien externe
Desmarais, S., Ramos-Palacios, G., Porée, J., Lee, S. A., Leconte, A., Sadikot, A. F., & Provost, J. (2024). Equivalent-time-active-cavitation-imaging enables vascular-resolution blood-brain-barrier-opening-therapy planning. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 69(5), 055014 (16 pages). Lien externe
Facchin, C., Perez-Liva, M., Garofalakis, A., Viel, T., Certain, A., Balvay, D., Yoganathan, T., Woszczyk, J., De Sousa, K., Sourdon, J., Provost, J., Tanter, M., Lussey-Lepoutre, C., Favier, J., & Tavitian, B. (2020). Concurrent imaging of vascularization and metabolism in a mouse model of paraganglioma under anti-angiogenic treatment. Theranostics, 10(8), 3518-3532. Lien externe
Finel, V., Mateo, P., Papadacci, C., Provost, J., Tanter, M., & Pernot, M. (septembre 2017). 3D ultrafast imaging of the heart: Application to the mapping of electromechanical activation [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2017), Washington, D.C.. Lien externe
Flesch, M., Pernot, M., Provost, J., Ferin, G., Nguyen-Dinh, A., Tanter, M., & Deffieux, T. (2017). 4D in vivo ultrafast ultrasound imaging using a row-column addressed matrix and coherently-compounded orthogonal plane waves. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 62(11), 4571-4588. Lien externe
Finel, V., Papadacci, C., Provost, J., Tanter, M., & Pernot, M. (septembre 2017). Motion correction for 3D ultrafast ultrasound: Application to 3D backscattered tensor Imaging of soft tissues anisotropy [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2017), Washington, D.C.. Lien externe
Ghigo, N., Ramos-Palacios, G., Bourquin, C., Xing, P., Wu, A., Cortés, N., Ladret, H., Ikan, L., Casanova, C., Porée, J., Sadikot, A., & Provost, J. (2024). Dynamic Ultrasound Localization Microscopy Without ECG-Gating. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 13 pages. Lien externe
Garofalakis, A., Viel, T., Bouda, D., Vaddeboina, P. K., Leenders, G., Tavitian, B., Provost, J., & Tanter, M. (septembre 2016). A positron emission tomography registered ultrafast sonography prototype for preclinical in-vivo studies [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2016), Tours, France (3 pages). Lien externe
Gennisson, J.-L., Provost, J., Deffieux, T., Papadacci, C., Imbault, M., Pernot, M., & Tanter, M. (2015). 4-D ultrafast shear-wave imaging. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 62(6), 1059-1065. Lien externe
Hardy, E., Porée, J., Belgharbi, H., Bourquin, C., Lesage, F., & Provost, J. (2021). Sparse channel sampling for ultrasound localization microscopy (SPARSE-ULM). Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(9), 095008. Lien externe
Heiles, B., Correia, M., Hingot, V., Pernot, M., Provost, J., Tanter, M., & Couture, O. (2019). Ultrafast 3D Ultrasound Localization Microscopy Using a 32 x 32 Matrix Array. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 38(9), 2005-2015. Lien externe
Heiles, B., Correia, M., Pernot, M., Provost, J., Tanter, M., & Couture, O. (septembre 2017). Volumetric ultrafast ultrasound localization microscopy using a 32×32 matrix array [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2017), Washington, D.C.. Lien externe
Hou, G. Y., Provost, J., Grondin, J., Wang, S. T., Marquet, F., Bunting, E., & Konofagou, E. E. (2014). Sparse matrix beamforming and image reconstruction for 2-D HIFU monitoring using harmonic motion imaging for focused ultrasound (HMIFU) with in vitro validation. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 33(11), 2107-2117. Lien externe
Hariharan, V., Provost, J., Shah, S., Konofagou, E., & Huang, H. (2012). Elevated strain and structural disarray occur at the right ventricular apex. Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology, 3(1), 52-61. Lien externe
Konofagou, E. E., & Provost, J. (2021). System and method for electromechanical activation of arrhythmias. (Demande de brevet no US20210085284). Lien externe
Konofagou, E. E., Provost, J., Gambhir, A., Costet, A., Wan, E., & Grondin, J. (2020). Systems and methods for mechanical mapping of cardiac rhythm. (Demande de brevet no US20200163646). Lien externe
Konofagou, E. E., Provost, J., Gambhir, A., Costet, A., Wan, E., & Grondin, J. (2019). Systems and methods for mechanical mapping of cardiac rhythm. (Brevet no US10517564). Lien externe
Konofagou, E. E., & Provost, J. (2016). System and method for electromechanical activation of arrhythmias. (Demande de brevet no US20160249880). Lien externe
Konofagou, E. E., Provost, J., Luo, J., Okrasinski, S. J., Thiébaut, S., & Nguyen, V. T.-H. (2016). Ultrasound devices methods and systems. (Demande de brevet no US20160296203). Lien externe
Kwiecinski, W., Provost, J., Dubois, R., Sacher, F., Haissaguerre, M., Legros, M., Nguyen-Dinh, A., Dufait, R., Tanter, M., & Pernot, M. (2015). Validation of an intracardiac ultrasonic therapy-imaging dual mode transducer. IRBM, 36(6), 351-354. Lien externe
Kwiecinski, W., Provost, J., Dubois, R., Sacher, F., Haissaguerre, M., Legros, M., An, N.-D., Dufait, R., Tanter, M., & Pernot, M. (2014). Quantitative evaluation of atrial radio frequency ablation using intracardiac shear-wave elastography. Medical Physics, 41(11), 112901 (12 pages). Lien externe
Konofagou, E., & Provost, J. (2013). Systems and methods for matching and imaging tissue characteristics. (Brevet no US8428687). Lien externe
Konofagou, E. E., & Provost, J. (2012). Electromechanical wave imaging for noninvasive mapping of the 3D electrical activation sequence in canines and humans in vivo. Journal of Biomechanics, 45(5), 856-864. Lien externe
Konofagou, E., Lee, W.-N., Luo, J., Provost, J., & Vappou, J. (2011). Physiologic cardiovascular strain and intrinsic wave imaging. Dans Yarmush, M. L., Duncan, J. S., & Gray, M. L. (édit.), Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, Vol 13 (Vol. 13, p. 477-505). Lien externe
Leconte, A., Porée, J., Rauby, B., Wu, A., Ghigo, N., Xing, P., Lee, S., Bourquin, C., Ramos-Palacios, G., Sadikot, A. F., & Provost, J. (2024). A Tracking prior to Localization workflow for Ultrasound Localization Microscopy. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 1-1. Lien externe
Lee, S. A., Porée, J., Leconte, A., Wu, A., & Provost, J. (mai 2024). Ultrasound Localization Microscopy of the Brain: The Missing Micro Vasculature [Communication écrite]. 21st IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2024), Athens, Greece (4 pages). Lien externe
Leconte, A., Porée, J., Rauby, B., Xing, P., Bourquin, C., Ghigo, N., Ramos, G. P., Sadikot, A. F., & Provost, J. (2023). Direct spatiotemporal localization of microbubble trajectories for highly resolved hemodynamics in ultrasound localization microscopy. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 153(3_suppleme), A29-A29. Lien externe
Lu, J., Millioz, F., Varray, F., Porée, J., Provost, J., Bernard, O., Garcia, D., & Friboulet, D. (2023). Ultrafast Cardiac Imaging Using Deep Learning for Speckle-Tracking Echocardiography. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 70(12), 1761-1772. Lien externe
Lesage, F., Bélanger, S., Abran, M., & Provost, J. (2015). Method and system for optical data acquisition and tomography imaging of a turbid medium object. (Brevet no US9134229). Lien externe
Lee, W.-N., Provost, J., Fujikura, K., Wang, J., & Konofagou, E. E. (2011). In vivo study of myocardial elastography under graded ischemia conditions. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 56(4), 1155-1172. Lien externe
Lee, W.-N., Provost, J., Fujikura, K., Wang, J., & Konofagou, E. E. (avril 2010). In vivo validation of myocardial elastography under graded ischemia conditions [Communication écrite]. 7th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, Rotterdam, Netherlands. Lien externe
Lee, W.-N., Provost, J., Wang, S., Fujikura, K., Wang, J., & Konofagou, E. E. (novembre 2008). In vivo validation of 2D myocardial elastography at variable levels of ischemia [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2008), Beijing, China. Lien externe
Mougharbel, M., Porée, J., Lee, S. A., Xing, P., Wu, A., Tardif, J.‐C., & Provost, J. (2024). A unified framework combining coherent compounding, harmonic imaging and angular coherence for simultaneous high-quality B-mode and tissue Doppler in ultrafast echocardiography. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 1-1. Lien externe
Milecki, L., Porée, J., Belgharbi, H., Bourquin, C., Damseh, R., Delafontaine-Martel, P., Lesage, F., Gasse, M., & Provost, J. (2021). A deep learning framework for spatiotemporal ultrasound localization microscopy. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 40(5), 1428-1437. Lien externe
Morichau-Beauchant, P., Walker, B., Tanter, M., & Provost, J. (octobre 2016). Holographic image formation in ultrafast ultrasound imaging [Affiche]. 1er Forum Franco-Québécois d'Innovation en Santé (FFQIS 2016), Montréal, Québec. Lien externe
Ortega, A., Provost, J., Tong, L., Santos, P., Heyde, B., Pernot, M., & D'hooge, J. (2016). A comparison of the performance of different multiline transmit setups for fast volumetric cardiac ultrasound. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 63(12), 2082-2091. Lien externe
Puig, J., Friboulet, D., Ling, H. J., Varray, F., Mougharbel, M., Porée, J., Provost, J., Garcia, D., & Millioz, F. (2024). Boosting cardiac color doppler frame rates with deep learning. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 12 pages. Lien externe
Provost, J. (2023). Dynamic ultrasound localization microscopy. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 153(3_suppleme), A28-A28. Lien externe
Pialot, B., Gachelin, J., Provost, J., & Couture, O. (2021). Exploitation of blood non-Newtonian properties for ultrasonic measurement of hematocrit. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 10 pages. Lien externe
Pialot, B., Gachelin, J., Tanter, M., Provost, J., & Couture, O. (2020). Flow rate and low hematocrit measurements for in-vitro blood processing with Doppler ultrasound. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 67(7), 1293-1302. Lien externe
Provost, J., Tanter, M., & Berthon, B. (2020). Method for imaging an area of a medium with ultrasound contrast agents and associated device. (Demande de brevet no US20200107817). Lien externe
Perez-Liva, M., Yoganathan, T., Herraiz, J. L., Porée, J., Tanter, M., Balvay, D., Viel, T., Garofalakis, A., Provost, J., & Tavitian, B. (2020). Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging for Super-Resolution Preclinical Cardiac PET. Molecular Imaging and Biology, 22(5), 1342-1352. Lien externe
Papadacci, C., Finel, V., Villemain, O., Goudot, G., Provost, J., Messas, E., Tanter, M., & Pernot, M. (2019). 4D simultaneous tissue and blood flow Doppler imaging: revisiting cardiac Doppler index with single heart beat 4D ultrafast echocardiography. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 64(8), 085013. Lien externe
Provost, J., Garofalakis, A., Pernot, M., Tanter, M., Tavitian, B., & Viel, T. (2018). Method for determining a property of an object and associated device. (Demande de brevet no US20180271471). Lien externe
Pérez-Liva, M., Viel, T., Yoganathan, T., Garofalakis, A., Sourdon, J., Facchin, C., Tanter, M., Provost, J., & Tavitian, B. (2018). Performance evaluation of the PET component of a hybrid PET/CT-ultrafast ultrasound imaging instrument. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 63(19). Lien externe
Provost, J., Garofalakis, A., Sourdon, J., Bouda, D., Berthon, B., Viel, T., Perez-Liva, M., Lussey-Lepoutre, C., Favier, J., Correia, M., Pernot, M., Chiche, J., Pouyssegur, J., Tanter, M., & Tavitian, B. (2018). Simultaneous positron emission tomography and ultrafast ultrasound for hybrid molecular, anatomical and functional imaging. Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2(2), 85-94. Lien externe
Papadacci, C., Finel, V., Provost, J., Villemain, O., Bruneval, P., Gennisson, J.-L., Tanter, M., Fink, M., & Pernot, M. (2017). Imaging the dynamics of cardiac fiber orientation in vivo using 3D Ultrasound Backscatter Tensor Imaging. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 830 (9 pages). Disponible
Provost, J., Konofagou, E. E., Hou, G. Y., & Chen, J. (2016). Systems and methods of high frame rate streaming for treatment monitoring. (Brevet no US9247921). Lien externe
Provost, J., Papadacci, C., Demene, C., Gennisson, J.-L., Tanter, M., & Pernot, M. (2015). 3-D ultrafast doppler imaging applied to the noninvasive mapping of blood vessels in vivo. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 62(8), 1467-1472. Lien externe
Provost, J., Costet, A., Wan, E., Gambhir, A., Whang, W., Garan, H., & Konofagou, E. E. (2015). Assessing the atrial electromechanical coupling during atrial focal tachycardia, flutter, and fibrillation using electromechanical wave imaging in humans. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 65, 161-167. Lien externe
Provost, J., Papadacci, C., Arango, J. E., Imbault, M., Fink, M., Gennisson, J.-L., Tanter, M., & Pernot, M. (2014). 3D ultrafast ultrasound imaging in vivo. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 59(19), L1-L13. Disponible
Provost, J., Kwiecinski, W., Fink, M., Tanter, M., & Pernot, M. (avril 2014). Ultrafast acoustoelectric imaging [Communication écrite]. 11th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Beijing, China. Lien externe
Provost, J., Gambhir, A., Vest, J., Garan, H., & Konofagou, E. E. (2013). A clinical feasibility study of atrial and ventricular electromechanical wave imaging. Heart Rhythm, 10(6), 856-862. Lien externe
Provost, J., Thiebaut, S., Luo, J., & Konofagou, E. E. (2012). Single-heartbeat electromechanical wave imaging with optimal strain estimation using temporally unequispaced acquisition sequences. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57(4), 1095-1112. Lien externe
Provost, J., Vu, T.-H. N., Legrand, D., Okrasinski, S., Costet, A., Gambhir, A., Garan, H., & Konofagou, E. E. (2011). Electromechanical wave imaging for arrhythmias. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 56(22), L1-L11. Lien externe
Provost, J., Lee, W.-N., Fujikura, K., & Konofagou, E. E. (2011). Imaging the electromechanical activity of the heart in vivo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(21), 8565-8570. Lien externe
Provost, J., Gurev, V., Trayanova, N., & Konofagou, E. E. (2011). Mapping of cardiac electrical activation with electromechanical wave imaging: An in silico-in vivo reciprocity study. Heart Rhythm, 8(5), 752-759. Lien externe
Provost, J., Gambhir, A., Thiebaut, S., Vu, T.-H. N., Vest, J., Garan, H., & Konofagou, E. E. (octobre 2011). Non-invasive electromechanical wave imaging of atrial, supraventricular and ventricular cardiac conduction disorders in canines and humans [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2011), Orlando, FL. Lien externe
Provost, J., Lee, W. N., Fujikura, K., & Konofagou, E. E. (mars 2010). Electromechanical wave imaging for non-invasive localization and quantification of partially ischemic regions in vivo [Communication écrite]. 36th IEEE Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, New York, N.Y. (2 pages). Lien externe
Provost, J., Lee, W.-N., Fujikura, K., & Konofagou, E. E. (2010). Electromechanical wave imaging of normal and ischemic hearts in vivo. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 29(3), 625-635. Lien externe
Provost, J., & Lesage, F. (2009). The application of compressed sensing for photo-acoustic tomography. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 28(4), 585-594. Lien externe
Provost, J., Lee, W.-N., Fujikura, K., & Konofagou, E. E. (septembre 2009). Non-invasive localization and quantification of graded ischemia using Electromechanical Wave Imaging in vivo [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2009), Rome, Italy. Lien externe
Provost, J. (2007). Bases compressées et problème inverse : application à l'imagerie photo-acoustique [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible
Provost, J., & Lesage, F. (juin 2007). Compressive sampling in photo-acoustic imaging [Communication écrite]. Photonics North 2007, Ottawa, On.. Lien externe
Rauby, B., Xing, P., Gasse, M., & Provost, J. (2024). Deep learning in ultrasound localization microscopy : applications and perspectives. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 3462299 (23 pages). Disponible
Vanni, M. P., Provost, J., Casanova, C., & Lesage, F. (2010). Bimodal modulation and continuous stimulation in optical imaging to map direction selectivity. NeuroImage, 49(2), 1416-1431. Lien externe
Vanni, M. P., Provost, J., Lesage, F., & Casanova, C. (2010). Evaluation of Receptive Field Size From Higher Harmonics in Visuotopic Mapping Using Continuous Stimulation Optical Imaging. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 189(1), 138-150. Lien externe
Vanni, M., Provost, J., Belanger, S., Lesage, F., & Casanova, C. (septembre 2009). A new avenue in signal acquisition: continuous stimulation combined with Fourier decomposition. Examples of optical imaging applications on the visual cortex [Communication écrite]. World Molecular Imaging Conference, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Wang, S., Lee, W.-N., Provost, J., Luo, J., & Konofagou, E. E. (2008). A composite high-frame-rate system for clinical cardiovascular imaging. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 55(10), 2221-2233. Lien externe
Xing, P., Perrot, V., Dominguez-Vargas, A.-U., Porée, J., Quessy, S., Dancause, N., & Provost, J. (2024). 3D ultrasound localization microscopy of the nonhuman primate brain. EBioMedicine, 111, 105457 (17 pages). Lien externe
Xing, P., Porée, J., Rauby, B., Malescot, A., Martineau, E., Perrot, V., Rungta, R. L., & Provost, J. (2023). Phase Aberration Correction for in vivo Ultrasound Localization Microscopy Using a Spatiotemporal Complex-Valued Neural Network. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 12 pages. Lien externe