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Ajao, O., Marinova, M., Savadogo, O., & Paris, J. (2018). Hemicellulose based integrated forest biorefineries: Implementation strategies. Industrial Crops and Products, 126, 250-260. External link
Ajao, O., Rahni, M., Marinova, M., Chadjaa, H., & Savadogo, O. (2017). Study of separation and fouling of reverse osmosis membranes during model hydrolysate solution filtration. Membranes, 7(4). Available
Allard-Massicotte, R., Chadjaa, H., & Marinova, M. (2017). Phenols removal from hemicelluloses pre-hydrolysate by laccase to improve butanol production. Fermentation, 3(3). Available
Ajao, O., Le Hir, M., Rahni, M., Chadjaa, H., & Marinova, M. (2017). Comparative biocatalytic degradation of Kraft prehydrolysate phenolic fermentation inhibitors using bacteria-derived laccase. Wood Science and Technology, 51(3), 585-599. External link
Ajao, O., Le Hir, M., Rahni, M., Marinova, M., Chadjaa, H., & Savadogo, O. (2015). Concentration and Detoxification of Kraft Prehydrolysate by Combining Nanofiltration with Flocculation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 54(3), 1113-1122. External link
Ajao, O., Rahni, M., Marinova, M., Chadjaa, H., & Savadogo, O. (2015). Retention and flux characteristics of nanofiltration membranes during hemicellulose prehydrolysate concentration. Chemical Engineering Journal, 260, 605-615. External link
Ajao, O., Marinova, M., Savadogo, O., & Paris, J. (2014). Process for cost and energy efficient production of furfural from Kraft hardwood pre-hydrolysate. Journal of Bioprocess Engineering and Biorefinery, 3(4), 296-307. External link
Ajao, O., Rafione, T., Marinova, M., Legros, R., Fradette, L., & Paris, J. (2012, October). Opportunities for energy upgrading by means of an absoption heat pump in an integrated forest biorefinery [Paper]. 4th Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference, Helsinki, Finlande. Unavailable
Ajao, O., Rafione, T., & Marinova, M. (2011, May). Rétro-installation d'une bioraffinerie forestière dans une usine de pâte Kraft pour la production de furfural [Paper]. 79e Congrès de l'ACFAS, Sherbrooke. Unavailable
Banerjee, T., Wasik, L., Marinova, M., & Sreng, S. D. (2011, February). Process simulation of integrated forest biorefineries [Paper]. International Forest Biorefinery Symposium, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Chegini, S., Marinova, M., Chadjaa, H., Jolicoeur, M., & Paris, J. (2012, October). Butanol production from hemicelluloses hydrolysates [Paper]. 62nd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Vancouver, Colombie-Britannique. Unavailable
Dagenais, M., Deschênes, J., McDonald, M., Baptiste, P., Mascle, C., Legros, R., Spreutels, L., Marinova, M., Perrier, M., & Frayret, J.-M. (2016). Les stratégies de circularité des ressources. In Sauvé, S., Normandin, D., & McDonald, M. (eds.), L'économie circulaire : une transition incontournable (pp. 37-63). External link
Eilers, H., Marinova, M., Jemaa, N., & Paris, J. (2010, May). Production de furfural à partir d'hydrolysats d'hémicellulose [Paper]. 78e Congrès de l'ACFAS, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Hämäläinen, S., Marinova, M., Pesonen, H.-L., & Paris, J. (2012, October). Successful development of collaborative networks in the forest biorefinery context [Paper]. 62nd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Vancouver, Colombie-Britannique. Unavailable
Kannangara, M., Marinova, M., Fradette, L., & Paris, J. (2016). Effect of mixing hydrodynamics on the particle and filtration properties of precipitated lignin. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 105, 94-106. External link
Kannangara, M., Marinova, M., Perrier, M., & Paris, J. (2016). Forest Biomass and Paper Industry, a Pathway to Green Biofuels. Athens Journal of Technology & Engineering, 3(2), 119-132. External link
Kannangara, M., Liebich, C., Marinova, M., Fradette, L., & Paris, J. (2012, October). Impact of lignin extraction on the recovery loop of the Kraft process : measures to minimize the consumption of chemicals [Paper]. 4th Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference, Helsinki, Finlande. External link
Kannangara, M., Marinova, M., Fradette, L., & Paris, J. (2012). Lignin recovery by acid precipitation in a kraft mill: an energy perspective. J-FOR Journal of Science & Technology for Forest Products and Processes, 2(4), 28-32. Unavailable
Levasseur, A., Bahn, O., Beloin-Saint-Pierre, D., Marinova, M., & Vaillancourt, K. (2017). Assessing butanol from integrated forest biorefinery: A combined techno-economic and life cycle approach. Applied Energy, 198, 440-452. External link
Mazar, A., Jemaa, N., Al Dajani, W. W., Marinova, M., & Perrier, M. (2021). Optimization of lignin recovery from the pre-hydrolysate of kraft-based dissolving pulp production processes. Applied Sciences, 11(1), 454 (20 pages). Available
Mazar, A., Jemaa, N., Wafa Al Dajani, W., Marinova, M., & Perrier, M. (2018). Comparative study: Furfural production from two types of pre-hydrolysates produced using aspen and maple chips. Biomass and Bioenergy, 111, 103-113. External link
Mazar, A., Jemaa, N., Al Dajani, W. W., Marinova, M., & Perrier, M. (2018). Influence of membrane filtration on extraction and characteristics of lignin from a kraft dissolving pulp mill pre-hydrolysate. Industrial Crops and Products, 124, 726-734. External link
Mazar, A., Jemaa, N., Wafa Al Dajani, W., Marinova, M., & Perrier, M. (2017). Furfural production from a pre-hydrolysate generated using aspen and maple chips. Biomass and Bioenergy, 104, 8-16. External link
Mechmech, F., Marinova, M., Chadjaa, H., Rahni, M., Ben Akacha, N., & Gargouri, M. (2016). Co-fermentation of alfalfa juice and hardwood hydrolysate for butanol production in combined biorefinery systems. Industrial Crops and Products, 89, 29-33. External link
Mechmech, F., Marinova, M., Chadjaa, H., Rahni, M., Ben Akacha, N., & Gargouri, M. (2015). Alfalfa juice as a nitrogen source or supplement for acetone-butanol-ethanol production by Clostridium acetobutylicum. Industrial Crops and Products, 78, 73-81. External link
Mechmech, F., Chadjaa, H., Rahni, M., Marinova, M., Ben Akacha, N., & Gargouri, M. (2015). Improvement of butanol production from a hardwood hemicelluloses hydrolysate by combined sugar concentration and phenols removal. Bioresource Technology, 192, 287-295. External link
Marinova, M., Perrier, M., & Paris, J. (2014). Implementation of a Forest Biomass-based Biofuel Industry: A Canadian Experience. Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal, 942-947. External link
Moshkelani, M., Marinova, M., Perrier, M., & Paris, J. (2013). The Forest Biorefinery and Its Implementation in the Pulp and Paper Industry: Energy Overview. Applied Thermal Engineering, 50(2), 1427-1436. External link
Marinova, M., Hämäläinen, S., & Pesonen, H.-L. (2012, October). Forest biorefinery cluster - a possible path to biobases products [Paper]. 4th Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference, Helsinki, Finlande. External link
Marinova, M., Rafione, T., Srinivasan, B., & Paris, J. (2012, September). The integrated forest biorefinery - example of sustainable resources utilization [Paper]. 4th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and biomass Valorisation, Porto, Portugal. Unavailable
Moshkelani, M., Marinova, M., & Paris, J. (2011, May). La bioraffinerie forestière et son application dans l'industrie des pâtes et papiers [Paper]. 79e Congrès de l'ACFAS, Sherbrooke. Unavailable
Moshkelani, M., Marinova, M., & Paris, J. (2011, March). The forest biorefinery and its implementation in the pulp & paper industry [Paper]. 2nd European conference on Polygeneration, Tarragona, Espagne. Unavailable
Montastruc, L., Ajao, O., Marinova, M., Barreto do Carmo, C., & Domenech, S. (2011). Hemicellulose biorefinery for furfural production: Energy requirement analysis and minimization. Journal of science & technology for forest products and processes, 1(3), 48-53. Unavailable
Moshkelani, M., Marinova, M., & Perrier, M. (2011, October). The integrated forest biorefinery and the greening of the pulp and paper industry [Paper]. 61st Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, London, Ontario. Unavailable
Montastruc, L., Ajao, O. A., Marinova, M., & Domenech, S. (2011, February). Optimization of heat network in a biorefinery for furfural production [Paper]. International Forest Biorefinery Symposium, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Mateos-Espejel, E., Marinova, M., Jemaa, N., & Paris, J. (2010, May). Le concept de la bioraffinerie verte [Paper]. 78e Congrès de l'ACFAS, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Mateos-Espejel, E., Marinova, M., Mostajeran-Goortani, B., & Paris, J. (2010, January). Eco-industrial cluster centered on a Kraft mill in rural Canada [Paper]. World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Mateos-Espejel, E., Marinova, M., Bararpour, S., & Paris, J. (2010). Energy Implications of Water Reduction Strategies in Kraft Process. Part I, Methodology. Pulp & Paper-Canada, 111(3), 34-37. Unavailable
Mateos-Espejel, E., Marinova, M., Bararpour, S., & Paris, J. (2010). Energy Implications of Water Reduction Strategies in Kraft Process. Part II: Results. Pulp & Paper-Canada, 111(3), 38-41. Unavailable
Marinova, M., Mateos-Espejel, E., & Paris, J. (2010). From kraft mill to forest biorefinery: An energy and water perspective. II. Case study. Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 44(1-3), 21-26. External link
Marinova, M., Eilers, H., Barreto Do Carmo, H., & Paris, J. (2010, August). Opportunities for furfural production form hardwood chips pre-hydrolysate [Paper]. 3rd International IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry, Ottawa, Ontario. Unavailable
Marinova, M., Mateos-Espejel, E., & Paris, J. (2010). Revue de perspectives d'avenir prometteur et durable pour l'industrie canadienne des pâtes et papiers. Pulp & Paper-Canada, 111(5), 29-33. Unavailable
Mateos-Espejel, E., Marinova, M., Schneider, S., & Paris, J. (2010). Simulation of a Kraft Pulp Mill for the Integration of Biorefinery Technologies and Energy Analysis. Pulp & Paper-Canada, 111(3), 19-23. Unavailable
Marinova, M., Mateos-Espejel, E., & Paris, J. (2010, June). Successful conversion of a Kraft mill into a forest biorefinery : Energy analysis issues [Paper]. 23rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland. Unavailable
Marinova, M., Mateos-Espejel, E., Jemaa, N., & Paris, J. (2009). Addressing the increased energy demand of a Kraft mill biorefinery: The hemicellulose extraction case. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 87(9), 1269-1275. External link
Marinova, M., Mateos-Espejel, E., & Paris, J. (2009, September). Challenges before the Canadian Biorefinery : a case study [Paper]. 2nd Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference, Helsinki, Finland. Unavailable
Marinova, M., Mateos-Espejel, E., & Paris, J. (2009, August). Towards a sustainable forest biorefinery [Paper]. 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Protection, Dublin, Irlande. Unavailable
Marinova, M., Beaudry, C., Taoussi, A., Trépanier, M., & Paris, J. (2008). Economic Assessment of Rural District Heating by Bio-Steam Supplied by a Paper Mill in Canada. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, 28(2), 159-173. Available
Marinova, M., Beaudry, C., Taoussi, A., Trépanier, M., & Paris, J. (2008). Economic assessment of rural district heating by bio-steam supplied by a paper mill in Canada. (Technical Report n° PUR 948). Unavailable
Mateos-Espejel, E., Marinova, M., Bararpour, S., & Paris, J. Energy implications of water reduction strategies in a kraft process. Part I : Methodology [Paper]. PAPTAC 94th Annual Meeting, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Mateos-Espejel, E., Marinova, M., Bararpour, S., & Paris, J. Energy implications of water reduction strategies in a kraft process. Part II : Results [Paper]. PAPTAC 94th Annual Meeting, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Marinova, M., Trépanier, M., & Paris, J. Feasibility of rural district heating by bio-steam supplied by a Kraft pulp mill. [Paper]. PAPTAC 94th Annual Meeting, Edmonton, Alberta. Unavailable
Marinova, M., Mateos-Espejel, E., Bakhtiari, B., & Paris, J. (2008, January). Guidelines for the implementation of a trigeneration unit in a Kraft process [Paper]. PAPTAC 94th Annual Meeting, Edmonton, Alberta. Unavailable
Mateos-Espejel, E., Marinova, M., Bakhtiari, B., Savulescu, L., Maréchal, F., & Paris, J. (2008, January). Integrated methodology for energy and water reduction in the Kraft process [Paper]. International Conference Modeling and Simulation in the Pulp and Paper Industry, Madrid, Espagne. Unavailable
Marinova, M., Trépanier, M., & Paris, J. (2008, May). Stimulating rural economic development [Paper]. 13th Annual Conference of the Canadian District Energy Association, Calgary, Alberta. Unavailable
Mateos-Espejel, E., Marinova, M., Diamantis, D., Fradette, L., & Paris, J. (2008, July). Strategy for converting a conventional kraft pulp mill into sustainable green mill [Paper]. World Renewable Energy Congress X, Glasgow, Scotland. Unavailable
Mateos, E., Marinova, M., Maréchal, F., & Paris, J. (2007, May). Analyse énergétique d'un train d'évaporateurs par la méthode de double représentation [Paper]. VIIIième Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québecois, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Mateos, E., Madhta, E. L. M., Marinova, M., & Paris, J. (2007). Energy and water in the pulp and paper industry, the two solitudes. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 11(2), 695-700. Unavailable
Mateos, E., Marinova, M., Bakhtiari, B., & Paris, J. (2007, October). A new methodology for the implementation of trigeneration in industry : Application to the kraft process [Paper]. 1st European Conference on Polygeneration Technologies and Applications, Tarragona, Spain. Unavailable
Quirion-Blais, O., Marinova, M., Mateos Espejel, E., Trépanier, M., Fradette, L., Legros, R., & Paris, J. (2009, March). Forest biorefinery-based eco-industrial clusters in canada : the energy challenge [Paper]. POLYCITY General Meeting, Barcelone, Espagne. Unavailable
Rueda, C., Marinova, M., Paris, J., Ruiz, G., & Coz, A. (2016). Technoeconomic assessment of different biorefinery approaches for a spent sulfite liquor. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 91(10), 2646-2653. External link
Rafione, T., Marinova, M., Montastruc, L., & Paris, J. (2014). The Green Integrated Forest Biorefinery: An innovative concept for the pulp and paper mills. Applied Thermal Engineering, 73(1), 74-81. External link
Rafione, T., Marinova, M., Montastruc, L., Domenech, S., Srinivasan, B., & Paris, J. (2012). Optimization of water and energy consumption in an integrated forest biorefinery. J-FOR Journal of Science & Technology for Forest Products and Processes, 2(4), 54-59. Unavailable
Rafione, T., Ajao, O., Marinova, M., Radiotis, T., & Jemaa, N. (2011, October). Integration of a hemicelluloses-based biorefinery into a Canadian Kraft pulp mill : Material and energy analysis [Paper]. 61st Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, London, Ontario. Unavailable
Theiri, M., Chadjaa, H., Marinova, M., & Jolicoeur, M. (2020). Development of sequential and simultaneous bacterial cultures to hydrolyse and detoxify wood pre-hydrolysate for enhanced acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) production. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 133, 11 pages. External link
Theiri, M., Chadjaa, H., Marinova, M., & Jolicoeur, M. (2019). Combining chemical flocculation and bacterial co-culture of Cupriavidus taiwanensis and Ureibacillus thermosphaericus to detoxify a hardwood hemicelluloses hydrolysate and enable acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation leading to butanol. Biotechnology Progress, 35(2), e2753. External link