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Turcotte-Tremblay, P., Guihard, M., Gaudet, S., Chicoine, M., Lavoie, C., Desjardins, P., & Schiettekatte, F. (2013). Thin film Ni-Si solid-state reactions: Phase formation sequence on amorphized Si. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Nanotechnology and Microelectronics: Materials, Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena, 31(5). External link
Gaudet, S., De Keyser, K., Lambert-Milot, S., Jordan-Sweet, J., Detavernier, C., Lavoie, C., & Desjardins, P. (2013). Three dimensional reciprocal space measurement by x-ray diffraction using linear and area detectors: Applications to texture and defects determination in oriented thin films and nanoprecipitates. Journal of vacuum science and technology. A, Vacuum, surfaces, and films, 31(2). External link
Lambert-Milot, S., Gaudet, S., Lacroix, C., Ménard, D., Masut, R. A., Lavoie, C., & Desjardins, P. (2012). MnP nanoclusters embedded in GaP epitaxial films grown by organometallic vapor-phase epitaxy: A reciprocal space mapping and transmission electron microscopy study. Journal of vacuum science and technology. A, Vacuum, surfaces, and films, 30(6), 22-22. External link
Zhang, Z., Yang, B., Zhu, Y., Gaudet, S., Rossnagel, S., Kellock, A. J., Ozcan, A., Murray, C., Desjardins, P., Zhang, S.-L., Jordan-Sweet, J., & Lavoie, C. (2010). Exploitation of a self-limiting process for reproducible formation of ultrathin Ni1-xPtx silicide films. Applied Physics Letters, 97(25), 252108-252108. External link
Zhang, Z., Zhang, S.-L., Yang, B., Zhu, Y., Rossnagel, S. M., Gaudet, S., Kellock, A. J., Jordan-Sweet, J., & Lavoie, C. (2010). Morphological stability and specific resistivity of sub-10 nm silicide films of Ni1-xPtx on Si substrate. Applied Physics Letters, 96(7), 071915-071915. External link
Leroy, W. P., Detavernier, C., Van Meirhaeghe, R. L., & Lavoie, C. (2007). Thin Film Solid-State Reactions Forming Carbides as Contact Materials for Carbon-Containing Semiconductors. Journal of Applied Physics, 101(5), 053714-1. External link
Kittl, J. A., Pawlak, M. A., Torregiani, C., Lauwers, A., Demeurisse, C., Vrancken, C., Absil, P. P., Biesemans, S., Coia, C., Detavernier, C., Jordan-Sweet, J., & Lavoie, C. (2007). Transient and End Silicide Phase Formation in Thin Film Ni/Polycrystalline-Si Reactions for Fully Silicided Gate Applications. Applied Physics Letters, 91(17). External link
Leroy, W. P., Detavernier, C., Van Meirhaeghe, R. L., Kellock, A. J., & Lavoie, C. (2006). Solid-State Formation of Titanium Carbide and Molybdenum Carbide as Contacts for Carbon-Containing Semiconductors. Journal of Applied Physics, 99(6). External link