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A word cloud is a visual representation of the most frequently used words in a text or a set of texts. The words appear in different sizes, with the size of each word being proportional to its frequency of occurrence in the text. The more frequently a word is used, the larger it appears in the word cloud. This technique allows for a quick visualization of the most important themes and concepts in a text.
In the context of this page, the word cloud was generated from the publications of the author {}. The words in this cloud come from the titles, abstracts, and keywords of the author's articles and research papers. By analyzing this word cloud, you can get an overview of the most recurring and significant topics and research areas in the author's work.
The word cloud is a useful tool for identifying trends and main themes in a corpus of texts, thus facilitating the understanding and analysis of content in a visual and intuitive way.
Bernhard, M., Kang, Y.-B., Presoly, P., Gheribi, A. E., & Bernhard, C. (2020). Critical evaluation and thermodynamic modeling of the FeP and FeCP system. CALPHAD: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 70, 14 pages. External link
Kim, D.-H., Kim, W., & Kang, Y.-B. (2020). Erratum: Electrochemical desulfurization of molten steel with molten slag: Reaction rate and current efficiency (vol 164, E816, 2018). Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 167(6), 069001 (1 page). External link
Lee, J.-H., Kang, M.-H., Kim, S.-K., Kim, J., Kim, M.-S., & Kang, Y.-B. (2019). Influence of Al/Ti Ratio in Ti-ULC Steel and Refractory Components of Submerged Entry Nozzle on Formation of Clogging Deposits. ISIJ International, 59(5), 749-758. External link
Kang, Y.-B. (2019). Oxide Solubility Minimum in Liquid Fe-M-O Alloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 50(6), 2942-2958. External link
Kim, D.-H., Kim, W., & Kang, Y.-B. (2018). Electrochemical desulfurization of molten steel with molten slag: Reaction rate and current efficiency. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 165(14), E816-E825. External link
Kang, Y.-B., & Tafwidli, F. (2018, August). On the Evaporation of S from Liquid FeCS Alloy [Paper]. 1rst Global Conference on Extractive Metallurgy (Extraction 2018), Ottawa, Ont.. External link
Kang, Y.-B., & Jung, S.-H. (2018). Oxide Stability Diagram of Liquid Steels - Construction and Utilization. ISIJ International, 58(8), 1371-1382. External link
Kang, Y.-B., & Chartrand, P. (2016). Calculation of property diagram as a zero-phase fraction line of auxiliary phase. Calphad-Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 55, 69-75. External link
Pelton, A., & Kang, Y.-B. (2016). Regarding “Sulfide Capacity in Ladle Slag at Steelmaking Temperatures,” C. Allertz, Du Sichen; MMTB 2015 December. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 47(6), 3241-3243. External link
Kang, Y.-B., & Pelton, A. (2013). The shape of liquid miscibility gaps and short-range-order. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 60, 19-24. External link
Jin, L., Kang, Y.-B., Chartrand, P., & Fuerst, C. D. (2012). Erratum: Thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of Al-La, Al-Ce, Al-Pr, Al-Nd and Al-Sm systems using the modified quasichemical model for liquids. CALPHAD: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 38, 194-194. External link
Kang, Y.-B., Jin, L., Chartrand, P., Gheribi, A. E., Bai, K., & Wu, P. (2012). Thermodynamic evaluations and optimizations of binary Mg-light Rare Earth (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm) systems. CALPHAD: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 38, 100-116. External link
Jin, L., Kang, Y.-B., Chartrand, P., & Fuerst, C. D. (2011). Thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of Al-La, Al-Ce, Al-Pr, Al-Nd and Al-Sm systems using the Modified Quasichemical Model for liquids. CALPHAD: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 35(1), 30-41. External link
Jin, L., Kang, Y.-B., Chartrand, P., & Fuerst, C. D. (2010). Thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of Al–Gd, Al–Tb, Al–Dy, Al–Ho and Al–Er systems using a Modified Quasichemical Model for the liquid. Calphad-computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 34(4), 456-466. External link
Kang, Y.-B., & Pelton, A. (2010). Modeling short-range ordering in liquids: The Mg-Al-Sn system. CALPHAD: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 34(2), 180-188. External link
Kang, Y.-B., Jin, L., Jung, I.-H., Pelton, A., Chartrand, P., & Fuerst, C. D. (2010, February). Thermodynamic database development for Mg alloys with RE elements and applications to Mg alloy design [Paper]. Magnesium Technology 2010 - TMS 2010 Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Seattle, WA, United states. External link
Woo, D.-H., Gaye, H., Lee, H.-G., & Kang, Y.-B. (2009, January). Experimental investigation of phase equilibria of subsystems in the MnO-SiO₂-Al₂O₃-MnS system [Paper]. VIII international conference Molten 2009, Santiago, Chile. Unavailable
Woo, D.-H., Kang, Y.-B., Gaye, H., & Lee, H.-G. (2009). Experimental investigations of phase equilibria of MnS containing sub-systems in the MnO-SiO₂-AI₂O₃-MnS system. ISIJ International, 49(10), 1490-1497. External link
Kang, Y.-B., Aliravci, C., Spencer, P. J., Eriksson, G., Fuerst, C. D., Chartrand, P., & Pelton, A. (2009). Thermodynamic and volumetric databases and software for magnesium alloys. JOM, 61(5), 75-82. External link
Shukla, A., Kang, Y.-B., & Pelton, A. (2009). Thermodynamic assessment of the Ce-Si, Y-Si, Mg-Ce-Si and Mg-Y-Si systems. External link
Decterov, S., Kang, Y.-B., & Jung, I.-H. (2009). Thermodynamic database for the Al-Ca-Co-Cr-Fe-Mg-Mn-Ni-Si-O-P-S system and applications in ferrous process metallurgy. Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 30(5), 443-461. External link
Kang, Y.-B., & Pelton, A. (2009, January). Thermodynamic model and database for gaseous species in molten oxide slags [Paper]. VIII International Conference on Molten Slags and Fluxes 2009, Santiago, Chile. Unavailable
Kang, Y.-B., & Pelton, A. (2009). Thermodynamic model and database for sulfides dissolved in molten oxide slags. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. B, Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 40(6), 979-994. External link
Kang, Y.-B., & Jung, I.-H. (2009, January). Thermodynamic modeling of pyrometallurgical oxide systems containing Mn oxides [Paper]. VIII International Conference Molten 2009, Santiago, Chile. Unavailable
Kang, Y.-B., Pelton, A., Chartrand, P., & Fuerst, C. D. (2008). Critical Evaluation and Thermodynamic Optimization of the Al-Ce, Al-Y, Al-Sc and Mg-Sc Binary Systems. Calphad-Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 32(2), 413-422. External link
Spencer, P. J., Pelton, A., Kang, Y.-B., Chartrand, P., & Fuerst, C. D. (2008). Thermodynamic Assessment of the Ca-Zn, Sr-Zn, Y-Zn and Ce-Zn Systems. Calphad-Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 32(2), 423-431. External link
Shukla, A., Kang, Y.-B., & Pelton, A. (2008). Thermodynamic Assessment of the Si-Zn, Mn-Si, Mg-Si-Zn and Mg-Mn-Si Systems. Calphad-Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 32(3), 470-477. External link
Kang, Y.-B., Pelton, A., Chartrand, P., Spencer, P., & Fuerst, C. D. (2007). Critical Evaluation and Thermodynamic Optimization of the Binary Systems in the Mg-Ce-Mn-Y System. Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 28(4), 342-354. External link
Pelton, A., & Kang, Y.-B. (2007). Modeling Short-Range Ordering in Solutions. External link
Kang, Y.-B., Pelton, A., Chartrand, P., Spencer, P., & Fuerst, C. D. (2007). Thermodynamic Database Development of the Mg-Ce-Mn-Y System for Mg Alloy Design. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A, Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 38A(6), 1231-1243. External link
Kang, Y.-B., Jung, I.-H., & Lee, H.-G. (2006). Critical Thermodynamic Evaluation and Optimization of the MnO-SiO₂-"TiO₂"-"Ti₂O₃" System. Calphad-Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 30(3), 226-234. External link
Kang, Y.-B., Jung, I.-H., & Lee, H.-G. (2006). Critical Thermodynamic Evaluation and Optimization of the Mno-TiO₂-Ti₂O₃ System. Calphad-Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 30(3), 235-247. External link
Park, J. H., & Kang, Y.-B. (2006). Effect of ferrosilicon addition on the composition of inclusions in 16Cr-14Ni-Si stainless steel melts. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. B, Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 37(5), 791-797. External link
Kang, Y.-B., & Lee, H.-G. (2005). Fundamental of High Temperature Processes - Experimental study of phase equilibria in the MnO-SiO₂-"TiO₂"-"Ti₂O₃" system. ISIJ International, 45(11), 1552-1560. External link
Kang, Y.-B., & Lee, H.-G. (2005). Fundamentals of High Temperature Processes - Experimental study of phase equilibria in the MnO-"TiO₂"-"TiO₃" system. ISIJ International, 45(11), 1543-1551. External link
Kang, Y.-B., Jung, I.-H., Decterov, S., Pelton, A., & Lee, H.-G. (2004). Critical thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of the CaO-MnO-SiO₂ and CaO-MnO-Al₂O₃ systems. ISIJ International, 44(6), 965-974. External link
Kang, Y.-B., Jung, I.-H., Decterov, S., Pelton, A., & Lee, H.-G. (2004). Phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties of the CaO-MnO-Al₂O₃-SiO₂ system by critical evaluation, modeling and experiment. ISIJ International, 44(6), 975-983. External link
Jung, I.-H., Decterov, S., Pelton, A., Kim, H.-M., & Kang, Y.-B. (2004). Thermodynamic evaluation and modeling of the Fe-Co-O system. ACTA Materialia, 52(2), 507-519. External link
Jung, I.-H., Kang, Y.-B., Decterov, S., & Pelton, A. (2004). Thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of the MnO-Al₂O₃ and MnO-Al₂O₃-SiO₂ systems and applications to inclusion engineering. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. B, Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 35(2), 259-268. External link
Jung, I.-H., Decterov, S., Pelton, A., Kang, Y.-B., & Lee, H.-G. (2002, August). Critical thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of the CaO-MnO-Al₂O₃-SiO₂ system and application to inclusion control [Paper]. International Symposium on Ladle and Tundish Metallurgy, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable