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Achour, C., Houle, J.-L., & Davidson, J. (2000, December). VLSI architecture of 2D wavelet transforms [Paper]. ICECS 2000. 7th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Jounieh, Lebanon. External link
Achour, C., Davidson, J., & Houle, J.-L. (1999). Multi elementary processor implementation of 2D wavelet transforms. International journal of computers & applications, 21(3), 125-131. Unavailable
Achour, C., Davidson, J., & Houle, J.-L. (1994, May). FPGA implementation of wavelet transforms [Paper]. 12th IASTED International Conference Applied Informatics, Annecy, France. Unavailable
Audet, D., Savaria, Y., & Houle, J.-L. (1992). Performance improvements to VLSI parallel systems, using dynamic concatenation of processing resources. Parallel Computing, 18(2), 149-167. External link
Audet, D., Chouinard, G., Cyr, C., Houle, J.-L., & Savaria, Y. (1988). IMAGE2 : un circuit multiprocesseur pour le traitement parallèle. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-88-35). Restricted access
Audet, D., Savaria, Y., & Houle, J.-L. (1988). Performance improvements of VLSI parallel systems, using dynamic concatenation of processing resources. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-88-36). Restricted access
Chouinard, G., Bertaud, F., & Houle, J.-L. (1989). Rapport technique du système Image. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-89-18). Restricted access
Davidson, J., & Houle, J.-L. (1985). Alarm simulation for a hierarchicaly distributed process control computer system. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-85-29). Restricted access
Elmekki, H., Longuemard, J. P., Unal, M., & Houle, J.-L. (1994). Time-frequency-energy analysis of ultrasound waves generated and detected by laser - application to quality-control. Journal de physique. IV, 4(C7), 765-768. External link
Foulet, G., Zhang, M., Wehling, F., Groos, M., Houle, J.-L., & Akkad, N. (1995). Auger-electron spectroscopy applied to the study of Ta/Ta₂O₅, Ta₂O₅/MnO₂ interfaces. Analysis, 23(5), 215-221. Unavailable
Guenette, P., Davidson, J., Houle, J.-L., & Hamza, M. H. (1998, February). Reconfigurable analog array circuit [Paper]. 16th IASTED International Conference on Applied Informatics, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. Unavailable
Houle, J.-L., Bélanger, Y., & Smith, M. B. T. (1980). Interliaison de systèmes de cablodistribution (phase II) : rapport final. (Technical Report n° EP-R-81-16). Restricted access
Houle, J.-L. (1979). Interliaison de systèmes de cablodistribution (phase 1) : rapport final. (Technical Report n° EP-R-79-29). Restricted access
Khali, H., Savaria, Y., & Houle, J.-L. (1997, July). Computational limits of homogeneous acceleration using lookup tables [Paper]. 11th Annual International Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems, Winnipeg, Man., Canada. Unavailable
Khali, H., & Houle, J.-L. (1993, May). Vector and parallel implementation of algorithms and architectures for wavelet transforms [Paper]. Eleventh IASTED International Conference Applied Informatics, Annecy, France. Unavailable
Khali, H., Savaria, Y., Houle, J.-L., Beraldin, J. A., Blais, F., & Rioux, M. (1995, September). VLSI chip for 3-D camera calibration [Paper]. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 1995), Montréal, Québec. External link
Lavoie, M., Que-Do, V., Houle, J.-L., & Davidson, J. (1993, July). Real-time simulation of power system stability using parallel digital signal processors [Paper]. 4th Conference of the International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation IMACS-TC1, Montréal, Québec. Published in Mathematics and computers in simulation, 38(4-6). External link
Lebegue, F., Khali, H., & Houle, J.-L. (1994, October). Wavelet transform implementations on parallel digital signal processors [Paper]. 6th IASTED/ISMM International Conference. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Washington, DC, USA. Unavailable
Lagacé, P. J., Houle, J.-L., & Mukhedkar, D. (1988). Generation of paths in n-layer media. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-88-39). Restricted access
Pronovost, N., Houle, J.-L., & Hamza, M. H. (1999, February). Geomatic system for real-time applications [Paper]. 17th IASTED International Conference. Applied Informatics, Innsbruck, Austria. Unavailable
Smith, B. T., & Houle, J.-L. (1986). L'arbre minimum avec contrainte de distance. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-87-01). Restricted access
Thibeault, C., Savaria, Y., & Houle, J.-L. (1995). Equivalence proofs of some yield modeling methods for defect-tolerant integrated-circuits. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 44(5), 724-728. External link
Thibeault, C., Savaria, Y., & Houle, J.-L. (1994). A fast method to evaluate the optimum number of spares in defect-tolerant integrated-circuits. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 43(6), 687-697. External link
Thibeault, C., Savaria, Y., & Houle, J.-L. (1992). Test quality of hierarchical defect-tolerant integrated circuits. Journal of Electronic Testing, 3(1), 93-102. External link
Thibeault, C., Savaria, Y., & Houle, J.-L. (1990). Equivalence proofs of some yield modeling methods for defect-tolerant integrated circuits. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-90-11). Restricted access
Thibeault, C., Savaria, Y., & Houle, J.-L. (1988). Yield formula for two-level hierarchical fault-tolerant integrated circuit. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-88-25). Restricted access
Unal, M., & Houle, J.-L. (1992). Logiciel de traitement temps-fréquences pour imagerie acoustique laser. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-92-22). Restricted access
Wong, T., & Houle, J.-L. (1995). La répartition automatique des tâches dans la simulation en temps réel des réseaux électriques. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-95-14). Restricted access