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Lakhdissi, E. M., Shu, S., Farag, S., Guy, C., & Chaouki, J. (2021). Effect of pressure on the hydrodynamics of a pilot-scale bubble column operating with low and moderate viscosity Newtonian liquids. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 99(11), 2320-2332. Lien externe
Lakhdissi, E. M., Fallahi, A., Guy, C., & Chaouki, J. (2020). Effect of solid particles on the volumetric gas liquid mass transfer coefficient in slurry bubble column reactors. Chemical Engineering Science, 227, 11 pages. Lien externe
Lakhdissi, E. M., Soleimani, I., Guy, C., & Chaouki, J. (2020). Simultaneous effect of particle size and solid concentration on the hydrodynamics of slurry bubble column reactors. AICHE Journal, 66(2), 16 pages. Lien externe
Esmaeili, A., Farag, S., Guy, C., & Chaouki, J. (2016). Effect of elevated pressure on the hydrodynamic aspects of a pilot-scale bubble column reactor operating with non-Newtonian liquids. Chemical Engineering Journal, 288, 377-389. Lien externe
Esmaeili, A., Guy, C., & Chaouki, J. (2016). Local hydrodynamic parameters of bubble column reactors operating with non-Newtonian liquids: Experiments and models development. AICHE Journal, 62(4), 1382-1396. Lien externe
Esmaeili, A., Chaouki, J., & Guy, C. (juin 2015). Developing Correlations for Prediction of Hydrodynamic Parameters in Bubble Column Reactors Operating with Non-Newtonian Liquids [Communication écrite]. 12th International Conference on Gas-Liquid & Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering (GLS12), New York, USA. Lien externe
Esmaeili, A., Guy, C., & Chaouki, J. (2015). The effects of liquid phase rheology on the hydrodynamics of a gas-liquid bubble column reactor. Chemical Engineering Science, 129, 193-207. Lien externe
Amin Esmaeili, K. S., Chaouki, J., & Guy, C. (août 2014). Experimental Characterization of a Gas-Liquid Bubble Column Reactor by Considering the Rheological Behavior of the Liquid Phase [Communication écrite]. 21st International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic. Non disponible
Barnéoud, P., Page, T., Héroux, M., Leduc, R., & Guy, C. (2012). Évaluation de l'impact odeur d'un centre de compostage en milieu urbain à l'aide d'un réseau d'observateurs et comparaison avec des modèles de dispersion atmosphérique. Pollution atmosphérique (213-214), 83-95. Lien externe
Guy, C. (novembre 2011). Open innovation : A successful example from Québec [Communication écrite]. International Presidential Forum on Global Research Universities, Séoul. Non disponible
Abdollahi-Neisiani, M., Guy, C., & Chaouki, J. (mai 2010). Biomass gasification in rotating fluidized bed [Communication écrite]. Fluidization XIII, Korea. Lien externe
Sanaei, S., Mostoufi, N., Radmanesh, R., Sotudeh-Gharebagh, R., Guy, C., & Chaouki, J. (2010). Hydrodynamic characteristics of gas-solid fluidization at high temperature. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 88(1), 1-11. Lien externe
Héroux, M., Guy, C., & Millette, D. (2010). A statistical model for landfill surface emissions. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 60(2), 219-228. Lien externe
Lisboa, H. M., Page, T., & Guy, C. (2009). Gestão de odores: fundamentos do nariz eletrônico. [Odor management: fundamentals of electronic nose]. Engenharia Sanitaria E Ambiental, 14(1), 9-18. Disponible
Lisboa, H., Pagé, T., & Guy, C. (2009). Aplicações do nariz eletrônico nas indústrias e na gestão de odores. Estudos Tecnológicos em Engenharia, 5(2), 195-211. Lien externe
Zanoletti, M., Klvana, D., Kirchnerova, J., Perrier, M., & Guy, C. (2009). Auto-cyclic reactor: design and evaluation for the removal of unburned methane from emissions of natural gas engines. Chemical Engineering Science, 64(5), 945-954. Lien externe
Héroux, M., Millette, D., & Guy, C. (octobre 2009). Behavior of a landfill gas collection system at the city of Montréal landfill site [Communication écrite]. 12th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Cagliari, Italy. Non disponible
Mabrouk, R., Chaouki, J., & Guy, C. (2008). Exit Effect on Hydrodynamics of the Internal Circulating Fluidized Bed Riser. Powder Technology, 182(3), 406-414. Lien externe
Franzidis, J.-P., Héroux, M., Nastev, M., & Guy, C. (2008). Lateral Migration and Offsite Surface Emission of Landfill Gas at City of Montréal Landfill Site. Waste Management & Research, 26(2), 121-131. Lien externe
Mabrouk, R., Chaouki, J., & Guy, C. (2008). Wall Surface Effects on Particle-Wall Friction Factor in Upward Gas-Solid Flows. Powder Technology, 186(1), 80-88. Lien externe
Lefebvre, S., Guy, C., & Chaouki, J. (2007). A Convective/Dispersive Solid Phase Mixing Model for Three-Phase Fluidized Bed Reactors: Effect of Dimensionless Numbers. Chemical Engineering Science, 62(18-20), 4954-4962. Lien externe
Mabrouk, R., Chaouki, J., & Guy, C. (2007). Effective Drag Coefficient Investigation in the Acceleration Zone of an Upward Gas-Solid Flow. Chemical Engineering Science, 62(1-2), 318-327. Lien externe
Pagé, T., Narjoux, A., Guy, C., Caron, R. F., & Fécil, A. (octobre 2007). Impact evaluation of Landfills on air quality [Communication écrite]. 11th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Cagliari, Italy. Non disponible
Micone, P. G., & Guy, C. (2007). Odour Quantification by a Sensor Array: an Application to Landfill Gas Odours From Two Different Municipal Waste Treatment Works. Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical, 120(2), 628-637. Lien externe
Lefebvre, S., Chaouki, J., & Guy, C. (2007). Solid phase hydrodynamics of three-phase fluidized bed reactors - A convective/dispersive phenomena. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 5(A3). Lien externe
Lefebvre, S., Guy, C., & Chaouki, J. (2007). Solid Phase Hydrodynamics of Three-Phase Fluidized Beds - a Convective/Dispersive Mixing Model. Chemical Engineering Journal, 133(1-3), 85-95. Lien externe
Benali, M., & Guy, C. (2007). Thermochemical Oxidation of Phenolic-Laden Liquid Effluent Models. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 6(5), 543-552. Lien externe
Radmanesh, R., Chaouki, J., & Guy, C. (2006). Biomass Gasification in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed Reactor: Experiments and Modeling. AICHE Journal, 52(12), 4258-4272. Lien externe
Lefebvre, S., Guy, C., & Chaouki, J. (septembre 2006). A Convective/Dispersive Solid Phase Mixing Model for Three-Phase Fluidized Bed Reactors [Communication écrite]. 19th International Symposium On Chemical Reaction Engineering, Berlin, Germany. Non disponible
Purenne, P., Pagé, T., Béchard, V., & Guy, C. (avril 2006). Odor Monitoring at the City of Montréal Waste Water Treatment Plant [Communication écrite]. WEF/A & WMA Odors & Air Emissions, Hartford, Ct. Lien externe
Radmanesh, R., Courbariaux, Y., Chaouki, J., & Guy, C. (2006). A unified lumped approach in kinetic modeling of biomass pyrolysis. Fuel, 85(9), 1211-1220. Lien externe
Xu, S., Qu, Y., Chaouki, J., & Guy, C. (2005). Characterization of homogeneity of bubble flows in bubble columns using RPT and fibre optics. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 3(1), 16 pages. Lien externe
Roh, S. A., Jung, D. S., Kim, S. D., & Guy, C. (2005). Combustion Characteristics of Spent Catalyst and Paper Sludge in an Internally Circulating Fluidized-Bed Combustor. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 55(9), 1269-1276. Lien externe
Radmanesh, R., Chaouki, J., Mabrouk, R., & Guy, C. (2005). Effect of temperature on solids mixing in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 3(1), 16 pages. Lien externe
Héroux, M., & Guy, C. (octobre 2005). Influence of weather parameters on landfill surface emissions [Communication écrite]. 10th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Cagliari, Italy. Lien externe
Mabrouk, R., Chaouki, J., & Guy, C. (mai 2005). Particle-wall friction factor in upward gas solid flow [Communication écrite]. 8th Circulating Fluidized Beds Conference, Hangzhou, China. Non disponible
Klvana, D., Chaouki, J., Guy, C., Kirchnerova, J., & Zanoletti, M. (2005). Performance of auto-cyclic reactor in catalytic combustion of lean fuel mixtures. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 44(25), 9676-9682. Lien externe
Kirchnerova, J., Cohen, M. L. H., Guy, C., & Klvana, D. (2005). Photocatalytic Oxidation of N-Butanol Under Fluorescent Visible Light Lamp Over Commercial TiO₂ (Hombicat UV100 and Degussa P25). Applied Catalysis. A, General, 282(1-2), 321-332. Lien externe
Mabrouk, R., Radmanesh, R., Chaouki, J., & Guy, C. (2005). Scale Effects on Fluidized Bed Hydrodynamics. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 3(1), 13 pages. Lien externe
Purenne, P., Pagé, T., & Guy, C. (février 2005). Suivi des odeurs à la station d'épuration des eaux usées de la ville de Montréal [Communication écrite]. Journées techniques nationales sur les Pollutions olfactives des installations classées : de l'évaluation de la gêne aux techniques de réduction, Angers. Non disponible
Klvana, D., Kirchnerova, J., Chaouki, J., & Guy, C. (novembre 2004). Autocyclic reactor for catalytic methane combustion: limits of ots autothermic operation [Communication écrite]. International gas research conference, Vancouver, Canada. Non disponible
Guy, C., Giasson, F., & Purenne, P. (janvier 2004). Automated electronic nose network for measuring industrial odours [Communication écrite]. EuroPACS/MIR 2004, Conference reporter. Non disponible
Granger, F., Narjoux, A., Page, T., Cournoyer, M., & Guy, C. Development of a standard procedure for the sampling and the measurements of odour emissions from farm manures, biosolids, and other wastes. Phase II - procedure validation [Communication écrite]. Supplement EuroPACS/MIR 2004 Conference Reporter. Non disponible
Verville, J., Guy, C., & Caron, R. F. (2004). Estimation of vinyl chloride emissions from gasholders and evaluation of in situ reduction. J. AWMA, 54(2), 172-180. Lien externe
Héroux, M., Pagé, T., Gelinas, C., & Guy, C. (2004). Evaluating Odour Impacts From a Landfilling and Composting Site: Involving Citizens in the Monitoring. Water Science and Technology, 50(4), 131-137. Lien externe
Namkug, W., Roh, S. A., Guy, C., & Kim, S. D. (2004). Kinetics and combustion characteristics of deinking sludge in a thermobalance and an internally circulating fluidized bed. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 82(5), 939-947. Lien externe
Micone, P. G., Nake, A., Talou, T., Guy, C., & Patria, L. (septembre 2004). Odour impacts and abatement management: using a network of electronic noses for real-time monitoring of odour dispersion [Communication écrite]. 2nd National Conference of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management, Wakefield, UK. Non disponible
Lefebvre, S., Chaouki, J., & Guy, C. (2004). Phase mixing modeling in multiphase reactors containing gas bubble : a review. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2(1), 71 pages. Lien externe
Jung, D. S., Roh, S. A., Kim, S. D., & Guy, C. (mai 2004). Regeneration characteristics of hydrodesulfurization catalyst by combustion in an internally circulating fluidized bed [Communication écrite]. 11th international conference on fluidization, Naples. Non disponible
Purenne, P., Guy, C., Giasson, F., & Renyi, P. (2004). Techniques de contrôle des odeurs: stations d'épuration des eaux usées de la ville de Montréal. Vecteur Environnement, 37, 33-40. Non disponible
Courbariaux, Y., Chaouki, J., & Guy, C. (2004). Update on Spent Potliners Treatments: Kinetics of Cyanides Destruction at High Temperature. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 43(18), 5828-5837. Lien externe
Coutu, C., Martineau, G., Guy, C., & Samson, R. (2003). Characterization of an Organic Filter Medium for the Biofiltration Treatment of Air Contaminated With 1,2-Dichlorobenzene. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 78(8), 907-917. Lien externe
Fécil, B., Héroux, M., & Guy, C. (octobre 2003). Development of a method for the measurement of net methane emissions from MSW landfills [Communication écrite]. 9th international waste management and landfill symposium, S. Margherita di Pula (Cagliari), Sardinia, Italy. Lien externe
Héroux, M., Pagé, T., Gélinas, C., & Guy, C. (janvier 2003). Evaluating odour impacts from a landfilling and composting site: involving citizens in the monitoring [Communication écrite]. 2nd IWA International Workshop and Conference on Odour & VOCs, Singapore. Non disponible
Gingras, B., Guy, C., & Pagé, T. (2003). Odeurs. Dans Environnement et santé publique - fondements et pratiques (p. 499-515). Lien externe
Guy, C., Benali, M., & Ostiguy, E. (2002). Free radical oxidation process and installation for treating liquid effluents contaminated by organic substances. (Brevet no CA2187982). Lien externe
Chapuis, Y., Klvana, D., Guy, C., & Kirchnerova, J. (2002). Photocatalytic oxidation of volatile organic compounds using fluorescent visible lamp. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 52(7), 845-854. Lien externe
Roberge, F., Gravel, M. J., Deschênes, L., Guy, C., & Samson, R. (2001). Biofiltration of Dichlorobenzenes. Water Science and Technology, 44(9), 287-293. Lien externe
Héroux, M., Pagé, T., Gélinas, C., & Guy, C. (octobre 2001). Odour impacts: citizen monitoring network a City of Montréal landfill site and yard waste composting facility [Communication écrite]. 8th international waste management and landfill symposium, S. Margherita di Pula, Sardinia, Italy. Non disponible
Guy, C., & Stuart, P. R. (2001). On the Occasion of the 50th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference in Montréal, Qc. Preface. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 79(4), 481-481. Lien externe
Rival, O., Grandjean, B. P. A., Guy, C., Sayari, A., & Larachi, F. (2001). Oxygen-Free Methane Aromatization in a Catalytic Membrane Reactor. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 40(10), 2212-2219. Lien externe
Namkunkg, W., Guy, C., & Legros, R. (2001). Prediction of Solids Circulation Rate in the Riser of an Internally Circulating Fluidized Bed (Icfb). Chemical Engineering Communications, 188(1), 47-58. Lien externe
Courbariaux, Y., Chaouki, J., & Guy, C. (janvier 2001). Thermal treatment of contaminated pot-liners in an internally circulating fluidized bed [Communication écrite]. ASME International FBC Conference, Reno. Non disponible
Guy, C., Courbariaux, Y., Chaouki, J., Auger, R., & Masciotra, P. (novembre 2001). Thermal treatment of spent pot-liners in an internally circulating fluidized bed using a natural gas burner [Communication écrite]. International Gas Research Conference (IGRC 2001), Amsterdam, Netherlands. Non disponible
Klvana, D., Kirchnerova, J., Chaouki, J., & Guy, C. (2000). Apparatus and process for catalytic gas involving reactions which are exothermic. (Demande de brevet no CA2273761). Lien externe
Namkung, W., Guy, C., Boisselle, F., & Legros, R. (2000). Effect of Temperature on Gas Bypassing and Solids Circulation Rate in an Internally Circulating Fluidized Bed. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 78(6), 1025-1031. Lien externe
Guy, C., Legros, R., Chaouki, J., Lavallée, R.-J., Bussac, L., Mauillon, L., & Mukadi, L. (2000). Granular bed process for thermally treating solid wastes in a flame. (Brevet no US6119607). Lien externe
Hudon, G., Guy, C., & Hermia, J. (2000). Measurement of Odor Intensity by an Electronic Nose. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 50(10), 1750-1758. Lien externe
Hudon, G., Guy, C., & Hermia, J. (2000). Modelling Intensity Interaction in Odor Mixtures. Advances in Environmental Research, 3(4), 412-423. Non disponible
Benali, M., Hugron, I., Morin, M.-È., & Guy, C. (janvier 2000). Novel gas technology for treatment of hazardous aqueous waste streams [Communication écrite]. Symposium Energy engineering, Hong-Kong. Lien externe
Giasson, F., Debeuf, E., Guy, C., & Pagé, T. (2000). Odile : logiciel pour l'analyse des odeurs par olfactométrie à dilution dynamique. Non disponible
Mukadi, L., Guy, C., & Legros, R. (2000). Prediction of Gas Emissions in an Internally Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustor for Treatment of Industrial Solid Wastes. Fuel, 79(9), 1125-1136. Lien externe
Pagé, T., Guy, C., LeBlanc, B., & Vigneron, S. (2000). Tropos: Logiciel de simulation de la dispersion atmosphérique des odeurs. Non disponible
Roberge, R., Gravel, M. J., Deschênes, L., Guy, C., & Samson, R. (janvier 1999). Characterization of biofilters for the gas-phase treatment of dichlorobenzenes [Communication écrite]. Bioreactor Ex-Situ Biological Treatment Technologies. Non disponible
Lefebvre, S., & Guy, C. (1999). Characterization of Bubble Column Hydrodynamics With Local Measurements. Chemical Engineering Science, 54(21), 4895-4902. Lien externe
Pagé, T., Guy, C., LeBlanc, B., Brouillard, S., Raze, P., Chaouki, J., & Mayer, R. (1999). Éole: logiciel pédagogique de simulation de la dispersion atmosphérique des contaminants. Non disponible
Guy, C., Benali, M., & Ostiguy, E. (1999). Free radical oxidation installation for treating liquid effluents contaminated by organic substances. (Brevet no US5948373). Lien externe
Utiger, M., Stuber, F., Duquenne, A.-M., Delmas, H., & Guy, C. (1999). Local Measurements for the Study of External Loop Airlift Hydrodynamics. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 77(2), 375-382. Lien externe
Kiared, K., Larachi, F., Chaouki, J., & Guy, C. (1999). Mean & Turbulent Particle Velocity in the Fully Developed Region of a Three-Phase Fluidized Bed. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 22(8), 683-689. Lien externe
Mukadi, L., Guy, C., & Legros, R. (1999). Modeling of an Internally Circulating Fluidized Bed Reactor for Thermal Treatment of Industrial Solid Wastes. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 77(2), 420-431. Lien externe
Mukadi, L., Guy, C., & Legros, R. (1999). Parameter Analysis and Scale-up Considerations for Thermal Treatment of Industrial Waste in an Internally Circulating Fluidized Bed Reactor. Chemical Engineering Science, 54(15-16), 3071-3078. Lien externe
Chaouki, J., Sapundjiev, C., Guy, C., Klvana, D., & Ratnani, K. (1999). Process and apparatus for gas phase exothermic reactions. (Brevet no US5941697). Lien externe
Chaouki, J., Klvana, D., & Guy, C. (1999). Selective and Complete Catalytic Oxidation of Natural Gas in Turbulent Fluidized Beds. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 16(4), 494-500. Lien externe
Chaouki, J., Gonzalez, A., Guy, C., & Klvana, D. (1999). Two-Phase Model for a Catalytic Turbulent Fluidized-Bed Reactor: Application to Ethylene Synthesis. Chemical Engineering Science, 54(13-14), 2039-2045. Lien externe
Boisselle, F., Mukadi, L., Guy, C., & Legros, R. A novel natural gas technology for thermal treatment of industrial wastes [Communication écrite]. International Gas Research Conference. Non disponible
Guy, C., Chaouki, J., & Chouinard, J.-G. (1998). Oxygen-enriched gas burner for incinerating waste materials. (Brevet no US5724901). Lien externe
Lefebvre, S., Héroux, M., & Guy, C. (juin 1997). Application d'un protocole d'évaluation d'agents neutralisants d'odeurs pour un site d'enfouissement sanitaire [Communication écrite]. Eurodeur 97 : conference, Paris, FRA. Non disponible
Mukadi, L., Lavallée, R. J., Legros, R., & Guy, C. (mai 1997). Development of an internally circulating fluidized bed combustor for treatment of industrial solid wastes [Communication écrite]. 14th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, Vancouver (Canada). Non disponible
Lefebvre, S., Héroux, M., & Guy, C. (janvier 1997). Evaluation of odor neutralizing agents for the City of Montréal sanitary ladfill site [Communication écrite]. 4th International Conference on Characterization and Control of Odors and VOCs, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Guy, C., Benali, M., & Ostiguy, E. (1997). Free radical oxidation process and installation for treating liquid effluent contaminated by organic substances. (Brevet no US5641412). Lien externe
Roberge, R., Gravel, M. J., Deschênes, L., Guy, C., & Samson, R. (janvier 1997). Full scale treatment of dichlorobenzenes stripped from ground water with gas phase biofiltration [Communication écrite]. 4th International Conference on Characterization and Control of Odors and VOCs, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Pagé, T., Guy, C., & Vigneron, S. (janvier 1997). General consideration for odor impact study [Communication écrite]. 4th International Conference on Characterization and Control of Odors and VOCs, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Page, T., & Guy, C. (juin 1997). Odor dispersion modeling [Communication écrite]. 1997 Air & Waste Management Association's 90th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Toronto, Can. Non disponible
Fanlo, J. L., Guy, C., & Vigneron, S. (juin 1997). Les techniques d'abattement en fin de ligne : synthèse [Communication écrite]. Eurodeur 97 : conference, Paris, FRA. Non disponible
Kiared, K., Larachi, F., Guy, C., & Chaouki, J. (1997). Trajectory length and residence-time distributions of the solids in three-phase fluidized beds. Chemical Engineering Science, 52(21-22), 3931-3939. Lien externe
Hyndman, C. L., Larachi, F., & Guy, C. (1997). Understanding gas-phase hydrodynamics in bubble columns: A convective model based on kinetic theory. Chemical Engineering Science, 52(1), 63-77. Lien externe
Klvana, D., Chaouki, J., Guy, C., & Kirchnerova, J. (juillet 1995). Catalytic combustion : New catalysts for new technologies [Communication écrite]. 3rd Clean Air Conference, Lisbon, Portugal. Publié dans Combustion science and technology, 121(1-6). Lien externe
Chehbouni, A., Chaouki, J., Guy, C., & Klvana, D. (1996). Description et modélisation des structures globale et locale des lits fluidisés en régime turbulent. Chemical engineering journal and the biochemical engineering journal, 61(2), 73-82. Lien externe
Chaouki, J., Klvana, D., & Guy, C. (1996). Développement de technologies de combustion catalytique du gaz naturel. (Rapport technique). Non disponible
Larachi, F., Cassanello, M., Chaouki, J., & Guy, C. (1996). Flow structure of the solids in a 3-D gas-liquid-solid fluidized bed. AICHE Journal, 42(9), 2439-2452. Lien externe
Foka, M., Chaouki, J., Guy, C., & Klvana, D. (1996). Gas phase hydrodynamics of a gas-solid turbulent fluidized bed reactor. Chemical Engineering Science, 51(5), 713-723. Lien externe
Marrano, R., Camarero, R., McKenty, F., & Guy, C. (juin 1996). The simulation of two-phase flows [Communication écrite]. 4th Annual Conference of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada, Ottawa, Ont. Non disponible
Cassanello, M., Larachi, F., Guy, C., & Chaouki, J. (1996). Solids mixing in gas-liquid-solid fluidized beds: experiments and modeling. Chemical Engineering Science, 51(10), 2011-2020. Lien externe
Chaouki, J., Klvana, D., Guy, C., Koka, M., Kirchnerova, J., Kusohorsky, D., & Gauthier, P. (janvier 1995). Development of catalytic combustion technologies [Communication écrite]. International Gas Research Conference, Cannes, France. Non disponible
Chehbouni, A., Chaouki, J., Guy, C., & Klvana, D. (janvier 1995). Effect of temperature ont he hydrodynamics of turbulent fluidized beds [Communication écrite]. Fluidization VIII tours. Non disponible
Chehbouni, A., Chaouki, J., Guy, C., & Klvana, D. (1995). Effets de différents paramètres sur les vitesses de transition de la fluidisation en régime turbulent. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 73(1), 41-50. Lien externe
Cassanello, M., Larachi, F., Marie, M.-N., Guy, C., & Chaouki, J. (1995). Experimental characterization of the solid phase chaotic dynamics in three-phase fluidization. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 34(9), 2971-2980. Lien externe
Hyndman, C. L., & Guy, C. (1995). Gas phase flow in bubble columns: a convective phenomenon. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 73(4), 426-434. Lien externe
Hyndman, C. L., & Guy, C. (1995). Gas phase hydrodynamics in bubble columns. Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 73(3), 302-307. Non disponible
Zhang, B. L., Guy, C., Chaouki, J., & Mauillon, L. (novembre 1995). Heat treatment of divided solid wastes in an oxy-gas reactor [Communication écrite]. Preprints of the 1995 international gas research conference : volume 5 : Industrial utilization, Cannes, FRA. Non disponible
Chaouki, J., Guy, C., Gonzalez, A., Mourot, P., & Masciotra, P. (mai 1995). Incineration of PCB - contaminated soils: effect on soil properties [Communication écrite]. 13th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion. Part 2 (of 2), Orlando, FL, USA. Non disponible
Grandjean, B., Hyndman, C., & Guy, C. (1995). Monte Carlo simulation of gas phase hydrodynamics in bubble columns. Chemical engineering communication, 133(1), 93-105. Lien externe
Larachi, F., Cassanello, M., Marie, M., Chaouki, J., & Guy, C. (1995). Solids circulation patterns in three-phase fluidized beds containing binary mixtures of particles as inferred from RPT. Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 73(3), 263-268. Non disponible
Ostiguy, E., Benali, M., & Guy, C. (novembre 1995). Traitement thermique par contact direct d'eaux usées contaminées [Communication écrite]. Preprints of the 1995 international gas research conference : volume 5 : Industrial utilization, Cannes, FRA. Non disponible
Sapundzhiev, C., Chaouki, J., Guy, C., & Klvana, D. (novembre 1993). Catalytic incineration of VOCs in a cyclic reactor [Communication écrite]. Characterization and control of odours and VOC in the process industries, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Lien externe
Chehbouni, A., Chaouki, J., Guy, C., & Klvana, D. (1994). Characterization of the flow transition between bubbling and turbulent fluidization. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 33(8), 1889-1896. Lien externe
Chaouki, J., Guy, C., Sapundzhiev, C., Kusohorsky, D., & Klvana, D. (mars 1994). Combustion of methane in a cyclic catalytic reactor [Communication écrite]. 207th spring national meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), San Diego, CA. Publié dans Industrial & engineering chemistry research, 33(12). Lien externe
Klvana, D., Chaouki, J., Guy, C., & Kirchnerova, J. (octobre 1994). Development of catalytic combustion technologies [Communication écrite]. 44th Canadian chemical engineering conference. Non disponible
Foka, M., Chaouki, J., Guy, C., & Klvana, D. (1994). Natural gas combustion in a catalytic turbulent fluidized bed. Chemical Engineering Science, 49(24, pt. A), 4269-4276. Lien externe
Larachi, F., Cassanello, M., Chaouki, J., & Guy, C. (janvier 1994). Particule dynamics in gas-liquid-solid fluidization using radioactive particle tracking [Communication écrite]. A. I. Ch. E. Symposium series. Non disponible
Guy, C., Chaouki, J., & Mayer, R. (novembre 1993). Study of VOCs emission from an urban sanitary ladfill site [Communication écrite]. Characterization and control of odours and VOC in the process industries, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Lien externe
Sapundzhiev, C., Chaouki, J., Guy, C., & Klvana, D. (1993). Catalytic combustion of natural gas in a fixed bed reactor with flow reversal. Chemical Engineering Communications, 125(1), 171-186. Lien externe
Foka, M., Chaouki, J., Guy, C., & Klavana, D. (mai 1995). Catalytic combustion of natural gas in a turbulent fluidized bed reactor [Communication écrite]. 13th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, Orlando, Florida. Non disponible
Benali, M., Mao, Z. N., Guy, C., & Chaouki, J. (1992). Heat treatment and incineration of divided solids in a cocurrent downwards gas-solid reactor. Chemical Engineering Science, 47(9), 2431-2436. Lien externe
Benali, M., Guy, C., & Chaouki, J. (1992). Thermal treatment of divided solid wastes by the gas-contact process. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 31(5), 277-284. Lien externe
Foka, M., Chaouki, J., Guy, C., & Klavana, D. (1991). Dimensionnement optimal d'un generateur de chaleur sans NOₓ. Revue générale de thermique (352), 225-232. Non disponible