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Assiélou, N. G., & Bourgault, M. (2024). Critical factors inhibiting information and communication technology (ICT) adoption in Côte d'Ivoire: a study of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in metropolitan Abidjan. International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 24(1), 19-49. External link

Assiélou, N. G., & Bourgault, M. (2022). Perceived barriers to information and communication technology (ICT) adoption in ivorian SMEs. International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 22(3), 197-216. External link

Aubry, M., Bareil, C., Barnabé, S., Binette, S., Boigey, P., Boivin, S., Bouchard, N., Boucher, J., Bourgault, M., Bredillet, C., Côté, N., De Rouffignac, A., El Boukri, S., Foudriat, M., Freeman, A., Frini, A., Jauvin, N., Labelle, F., Lehmann, V., ... Urli, B. (2022). Pour des parties prenantes engagées dans les projets : réflexions théoriques et pratiques. External link

Armellini, F., Beaudry, C., Bourgault, M., Cohendet, P., Simon, L., Solar-Pelletier, L., Sultana, N., & Turkina, E. (2020). L'aérospatiale numérique au Québec : un écosystème innovant au cœur des enjeux de la société. In Québec économique 9 (pp. 457-470). External link

Allaoui, S., Bourgault, M., & Pellerin, R. (2019). Business transformation frameworks: Comparison and industrial adaptation. Journal of Enterprise Transformation, 8(3-4), 183-210. External link

Allaoui, S., Bourgault, M., & Pellerin, R. (2019). Dimensions and requirements of collaborative planning in business transformation projects. Journal of Modern Project Management, 7(1). External link

Armellini, F., Beaudry, C., Bourgault, M., Lecante, C., Mahecha, D., & Morin, S. (2018). Le virage numérique en aérospatiale : tendance de convergence, exploration de signaux faibles et proposition d'un agenda R-D pour la grappe montréalaise. (Technical Report n° CRIAQ-1646). Unavailable

Allaoui, S., Bourgault, M., & Pellerin, R. (2016, August). Business transformation frameworks : a review from a project management perspective [Paper]. 11th International Conference on Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (MOSIM 2016), Montréal, Québec. Unavailable


Bourgault, M., Danjou, C., Pellerin, R., Perrier, N., Boton, C., Forgues, D., Iordanova, I., Poirier, É., Rivest, L., & Joblot, L. (2020). Transformer le secteur de la construction par le numérique: un chantier ambitieux et nécessaire. In De Marcellis-Warin, N., Dostie, B., & Dufour, G. (eds.), Le Québec économique 9 : perspectives et défis de la transformation numérique (pp. 433-456). External link

Bourgault, M., Daoudi, J., & Drouin, N. (2014). The client's influence on collaborative and distributed project success. International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, 6(3), 283-301. External link

Bourgault, M., & Daoudi, J. (2014). Innovation projects conducted by distributed teams: the impact of key team characteristics on collaboration. Journal of Innovation Economics, 13(1), 37-72. External link

Bourgault, M. (2012). Developing professional competencies using a Living Lab approach: An exploratory study in the field of management education. International Journal of Product Development, 17(1-2), 76-93. External link

Bourgault, M., Bauer, M., Billet, T., Molano, A., Lecompte, B., & Lagacé, D. (2010, June). Integrating virtual collaborative environments into post-graduate project management eduction [Paper]. 16th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising (ICE 2010), Lugano, Switzerland. External link

Bourgault, M., & Bendavid, Y. (2010). Introducing complex technologies into the enterprise : the case of RFID. In Handbook of enterprise integration (pp. 579-608). External link

Bendavid, Y., & Bourgault, M. (2010). A living laboratory for managing the front-end phase of innovation adoption: the case of RFID implementation. International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, 2(1), 84-108. External link

Bourgault, M., Drouin, N., Sicotte, H., & Daoudi, J. (2010). Moderating effect of team distributedness on organizational dimensions for innovation project success. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 6(4), 14-33. External link

Bourgault, M., Daoudi, J., & Drouin, N. (2009, May). Investigation of the client influence on the success of collaborative and distributed projects [Paper]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2009), Montréal, Québec. Unavailable

Bourgault, M., Lefebvre, É., Lefebvre, L.-A., Pellerin, R., & Elia, E. (2009). Measuring performance of distributed projects: a proposed methodology. International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, 6(2), 212-229. External link

Bourgault, M., Drouin, N., Daoudi, J., & Hamel, É. (2009). Understanding decision making within distributed project teams. External link

Bourgault, M., Drouin, N., Sicotte, H., & Daoudi, J. (2008, September). Conducting innovation projects with distributed teams : an empirical study in canadian companies [Paper]. 3rd European Conference on Management of Technology, Nice, France. Unavailable

Bourgault, M., Drouin, N., & Hamel, E. (2008). Decision making within distributed project teams : an exploration of formalization and autonomy as determinants of success. Project Management Journal, 39(S1), 97-110. External link

Bourgault, M., Drouin, N., & Hamel, E. (2008, January). Decision-making within distributed project teams : an exploration of formalization and autonomy as determinants of success [Paper]. PMI Research Conference, Warsaw, Poland. Unavailable

Bourgault, M., Katzy, B., & Omta, O. (2007). Managing projects in a virtual world : Towards a network perspective on project management. Electronic Journal of Organizational Virtualness, 8, 1-2. Unavailable

Bourgault, M., Robert, B., & Yan, G. (2006, July). Teaching undergraduate engineering students about project management : going off the beaten track [Paper]. PMI Research Conference, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable

Bourgault, M. (2004, January). Ensuring successful transitions during complex IT-related implementation projects in government: implications for project [Paper]. 13th International Conference on Management of Technology, Washington, DC. Unavailable

Bendavid, Y., & Bourgault, M. (2005, January). Positioning project management for RFID implementation in a multi-firm, multi-project context [Paper]. 14th International Conference on Management of Technology, Vienna, Austria. Unavailable

Bourgault, M., Sicotte, H., Prefontaine, L., & Ricard, L. (2002, May). Can marriages of convenience be fruitful? An investigation into project management initial phases in the case of joint private-public projects [Paper]. 5th Conference of the International Research Network on Organizing by Projects, Renesse, Seeland, The Netherlands. Unavailable

Bourgault, M., Gagnon, Y.-C., & Posada, E. (2004). Investigating the partnering strategy for information technology acquisition in public organisations. International Journal of Technology Management, 27(2-3), 193-208. External link

Bourgault, M., Lefebvre, É., Lefebvre, L.-A., Pellerin, R., & Elia, E. Discussion of metrics for distributed project management: preliminary findings [Paper]. 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. External link

Bourgault, M., & Lagace, D. (2002). A seminar for real-time interactive simulation of engineering projects: An innovative use of video-conferencing and it-based educational tools. Journal of Engineering Education, 91(2), 177-183. External link

Bourgault, M., & Lagace, D. (2001, January). Utilisation innovante des technologies de communication pour une formation adaptée en management de projets d'ingénierie [Paper]. 4e Congrès international de génie industriel (CIGI 2001), Aix-Marseille, France. Unavailable

Bourgault, M. (1999). L'impartition dans l'industrie aérospatiale : rapports interfirmes et compétences des sous-traitants. In Poitevin, M. (ed.), Impartition : fondements et analyse (pp. 221-242). External link

Bourgault, M., & Sicotte, H. (1998, January). Learning conditions and performance of development projects : empirical evidence from a research center [Paper]. 29th Project Management Institute Seminars & Symposium, Long Beach, California. Unavailable

Bourgault, M. (1998). Performance industrielle et contribution des sous-traitants nationaux : analyse du secteur aérospatial canadien dans le contexte nord-américan. Revue internationale PME, 11(1), 41-63. External link

Bourgault, M. (1998, January). The role of suppliers in product development projects: a proposed framework [Paper]. 7th International Conference on the Management of Technology, Orlando, Florida. Unavailable

Bourgault, M., Lefebvre, L.-A., & Lefebvre, É. (1997, January). Éléments d'une typologie évolutive de la sous-traitenance aérospatiale [Paper]. 2e congrès international franco-québécois de génie industriel, Albi, France. Unavailable

Bourgault, M. (1997). Essentials of Project and Systems Engineering Management. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 14(3-4), 340-343. External link

Bourgault, M. (1996). Compétences des entreprises et sous-traitance nord-américaine : le cas de l'industrie aérospatiale [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available

Bourgault, M., Lefebvre, É., & Lefebvre, L. A. (1993). Productivity and performance in the new corporation : the need for a new perspective. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-93-18). Available


Cohendet, P., Simon, L., Armellini, F., Beaudry, C., Bourgault, M., Grandadam, D., Parize, C., Solar-Pelletier, L., Turkina, E., Dévailly, F.-X., Manent-Duléry, M., Genest, B., Lautraite, H., Marecha, D., Sinclair, T., Dupouët, O., & Lecante, C. (2018). Aérospatiale numérique. (Technical Report). Unavailable

Compoare, A., Pellerin, R., & Bourgault, M. (2009, June). Impact de sites multiples en contrôle de projet [Paper]. 8e Congrès international de génie industriel (CIGI 2009), Tarbes, France. Unavailable


Duhamel, I., Francoeur, V., & Bourgault, M. Les activités de recherche en ingénierie sont-elles interdisciplinaires? L'exemple du département de génie industriel de Polytechnique Montréal [Presentation]. In 90e Congrès de l'ACFAS (ACFAS 2023), Montréal, QC. Unavailable

Duhamel, I., Francoeur, V., Bourgault, M., & Brodeur, C. (2022, May). L'interdisciplinarité entre génie et sciences sociales : quelle est-elle et comment la mesurer ? [Presentation]. In 89e Congrès de l'Acfas, Québec, Québec. External link

Danjou, C., Bled, A., Cousin, N., Roland, T., Perrier, N., Bourgault, M., & Pellerin, R. (2020). Industry 4.0 in construction site logistics: A comparative analysis of research and practice. Journal of Modern Project Management, 7(4). External link

Drouin, N., & Bourgault, M. (2013). How organizations support distributed project teams: Key dimensions and their impact on decision making and teamwork effectiveness. Journal of Management Development, 32(8), 865-85. External link

Daoudi, J., & Bourgault, M. (2012). Discontinuity and Collaboration: Theory and evidence from technological projects. International Journal of Innovation Management, 16(6), 25 pages. External link

Drouin, N., Bourgault, M., & Gervais, C. (2010). Effects of organizational support on components of virtual project teams. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 3(4), 625-641. External link

Drouin, N., Bourgault, M., & Gervais, C. (2010). Managing virtual project teams : recent findings. In Handbook of enterprise integration (pp. 609-625). External link

Drouin, N., Bourgault, M., & Saunders, S. B. (2009). Investigation of contextual factors in shaping HR approaches and determining the success of international joint venture projects: evidence from the Canadian telecom industry. International Journal of Project Management, 27(4), 344-54. External link

Daudignon, M., Baptiste, P., & Bourgault, M. (2009, June). La plate-forme libre Moodle comme outil pédagogique d'apprentissage de la gestion de projet [Paper]. 8e Congrès international de génie industriel (CIGI 2009), Bagnères de Bigorre, France. Unavailable

Drouin, N., Bourgault, M., & Gervais, C. (2008, September). Effets du soutien organisationnel sur les éléments constitutifs de l'équipe virtuelle de projet [Paper]. 3rd European Conference on Management of Technology, Nice, France. Unavailable


Francoeur, V., Lassière, J., & Bourgault, M. (2024). Verdissement des chantiers de construction de Pomerleau. External link

Françoise, O., Bourgault, M., & Pellerin, R. (2009). ERP implementation by critical success factor management. Business Process Management Journal, 15(3), 371-394. External link


Gagnon, G., Sekkay, F., Imbeau, D., & Bourgault, M. An overview of various tasks and trades in the construction industry offering potential for exoskeletons [Paper]. 14th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2023), San Francisco Marriott Marquis, California, USA. External link

Gabriel, A., Monticolo, D., Camargo, M., & Bourgault, M. (2017). Conceptual Framework of an Intelligent System to Support Creative Workshops. In TRIZ – The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (pp. 261-284). External link

Gabriel, A., Monticolo, D., Camargo, M., & Bourgault, M. (2016). Creativity support systems: A systematic mapping study. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 21, 109-122. External link

Gabriel, A., Camargo, M., Monticolo, D., Boly, V., & Bourgault, M. (2016). Improving the idea selection process in creative workshops through contextualisation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 135, 1503-1513. External link

Gabriel, A., Monticolo, D., Camargo, M., & Bourgault, M. (2016, November). Ontology to Represent the Knowledge Domain of a Creative Workshop [Paper]. 12th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology &amp; Internet-Based Systems (SITIS 2016), Naples, Italy. External link

Gabriel, A., Monticolo, D., Camargo, M., & Bourgault, M. (2015, November). Multi-agent System to Support Creative Workshop [Paper]. 11th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems (SITIS 2015), Bangkok, Thailand. External link

Gabriel, A., Camargo, M., Monticolo, D., & Bourgault, M. (2014, August). Process modelling for a creative problem solving support system [Paper]. International Conference on Innovative Design and Manufacturing (ICIDM 2014), Montréal, Québec. External link

Gagnon, Y. C., Posada, E., Bourgault, M., & Naud, A. (2010). Multichannel delivery of public services : A new and complex management challenge. International Journal of Public Administration, 33(5), 213-222. External link

Gagnon, Y.-C., & Bourgault, M. (2006). Prenez part au changement technologique : guide d'accompagnement des intervenants. External link

Gagnon, Y.-C., Posada, É., & Bourgault, M. (2001). L'impact des technologies de l'information et des communications sur la création d'un état-réseau: le cas du Québec. Gestion, 26(1), 38-45. External link

Gagnon, Y.-C., Bourgault, M., & Posada, E. (2000, January). Impact des relations organisationnelles sur les bénéfices des technologies de l'information dans les administrations publiques [Paper]. Colloque international du Laboratoire d'étude sur les nouvelles technologies de l'information, Liège, Belgique. Unavailable


Lizarralde, G., Bourgault, M., Drouin, N., & Viel, L. (2015). Stakeholder Integration Champions and Innovation in the Built Environment. In Construction Innovation (pp. 47-63). External link

Lizarralde, G., Tomiyoshi, S., Bourgault, M., Malo, J., & Cardosi, G. (2013). Understanding differences in construction project governance between developed and developing countries. Construction Management and Economics, 31(7), 711-730. External link

Lalonde, P.-L., Bourgault, M., & Findeli, A. (2012). An Empirical Investigation of the Project Situation: Pm Practice as an Inquiry Process. International Journal of Project Management, 30(4), 418-431. External link

Lizarralde, G., Viel, L., Bourgault, M., & Drouin, N. (2012, June). Who collaborates and innovates in architecture and urban design projects? [Paper]. 18th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE 2012), Munich, Germany. External link

Lalonde, P.-L., Bourgault, M., & Findeli, A. (2010). Building Pragmatist Theories of PM Practice: Theorizing the Act of Project Management. Project Management Journal, 41(5), 21-36. External link

Lalonde, P.-L., Bourgault, M., & Findeli, A. (2009, October). Theoretical models of project management : historical perspective and critique [Paper]. International Research Network on Organising by Project (IRNOP 2009), Berlin, Deutschland. Unavailable

Lalonde, P.-L., Findeli, A., & Bourgault, M. (2009). Les théories du projet en management : un lieu pour penser l'épistémologie du design. Revue management et sciences sociales, 6, 87-108. External link

Lalonde, P.-L., Bourgault, M., & Findeli, A. (2007, April). Exploring Communication as an “Acting” Dimension Action: Implications for Project Professionals [Paper]. 7th Conference of the European Academy of Design, Izmir, Turkey. Unavailable

Lalonde, P.-L., & Bourgault, M. (2005, January). Investigation project management practices through designers' interaction and decision-making [Paper]. 14th International Conference on Management of Technology, Vienna, Austria. Unavailable

Lagace, D., & Bourgault, M. (2003). Linking Manufacturing Improvement Programs to the Competitive Priorities of Canadian Smes. Technovation, 23(8), 705-715. External link

Lefebvre, É., Bourgault, M., Prefontaine, L., & Lefebvre, L.-A. (2003). Understanding the driving forces behind the internationalisation process of fast-moving SMEs: Implications for export assistance programs. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 3(5-6), 447-467. External link

Lefebvre, É., Lefebvre, L.-A., Prefontaine, L., & Bourgault, M. (2001, January). Key driving forces for export performance : a closer look at fast-moving SMEs' internationalization process [Paper]. 10th International Conference on Management of Technology, Lausanne, SW. Unavailable

Lagace, D., & Bourgault, M. (2001, January). La production à valeur ajoutée dans les PME: bilan et perspectives [Paper]. 4e Congrès international de génie industriel (CIGI 2001), Aix-Marseille, France. Unavailable

Lefebvre, É., Lefebvre, L.-A., & Bourgault, M. (1998). R&D-related capabilities as determinants of export performance. Small Business Economics, 10(4), 365-377. External link

Lefebvre, É., Lefebvre, L.-A., & Bourgault, M. (1996). Performance à l'exportation et innovation technologique dans les PME manufacturières. Revue d'économie industrielle, 77(1), 53-77. External link

Lefebvre, É., Lefebvre, L. A., & Bourgault, M. (1994). Analyse des efforts technologiques des PME manufacturières et de leur performance à l'exportation. (Technical Report n° EPM-RT-94-02). Available


Mosser, J., Pellerin, R., Bourgault, M., Danjou, C., & Perrier, N. (2022). GRMI4.0: a guide for representing and modeling Industry 4.0 business processes. Business Process Management Journal, 28(4), 1047-1070. External link

Muller, R., Alix-Seguin, C., Alonderiene, R., Bourgault, M., Chmieliauskas, A., Drouin, N., Ke, Y., Minelgaite, I., Pilkiene, M., Simkonis, S., Unterhitzenberger, C., Vaagaasar, A. L., Wang, L., & Zhu, F. (2022). A (meta)governance framework for multi-level governance of inter-organizational project networks. Production Planning & Control, 20 pages. External link

Morlhon, R., Pellerin, R., & Bourgault, M. (2015). Defining Building Information Modeling implementation activities based on capability maturity evaluation: a theoretical model. International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management, 3(1), 51-65. External link

Morlhon, R., Pellerin, R., & Bourgault, M. (2014, October). Building Information Modeling Implementation through Maturity Evaluation and Critical Success Factors Management [Paper]. International Conference on Project Management (ProjMAN 2014), Troia, Portugal. Published in Procedia Technology, 16. External link


Niknazar, P., & Bourgault, M. (2018). Analysis of axioms and assumptions of data envelopment analysis: application for efficiency measurement in project management contexts. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 23(4), 446-472. External link

Niknazar, P., & Bourgault, M. (2017). In the eye of the beholder Opening the black box of the classification process and demystifying classification criteria selection. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 10(2), 346-369. External link

Niknazar, P., & Bourgault, M. (2017). Theories for classification vs. classification as theory: Implications of classification and typology for the development of project management theories. International Journal of Project Management, 35(2), 191-203. External link


Perrier, N., Bled, A., Bourgault, M., Cousin, N., Danjou, C., Pellerin, R., & Roland, T. (2024). Construction 4.0 : a comparative analysis of research and practice. Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 29, 24 pages. External link

Panquet, Q., Bourgault, M., Pellerin, R., Danjou, C., & Perrier, N. (2024). A Process-Improvement Method for Implementing Earned Value–Based Project Management in Organizations. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 150(12), 17 pages. External link

Perrier, N., Bled, A., Bourgault, M., Cousin, N., Danjou, C., Pellerin, R., & Roland, T. (2020). Construction 4.0: a survey of research trends. Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 25, 416-437. Available

Posada, E., Gagnon, Y. C., & Bourgault, M. (2009). Variables associated with effective management of the multi-channel delivery of public services. Business review, 12(2), 206-212. External link

Prefontaine, L., Ricard, L., Sicotte, H., Skander, D., & Bourgault, M. (2006, January). Experimenting with ICT-Intensive Public and Private Collaboration Projects : The Canadian Experience [Paper]. 11e Colloque de l'Assocation Information et management, Fletz, Luxembourg. Unavailable

Prefontaine, L., Gagnon, Y.-C., Bourgault, M., & Posada, E. (2007). Gérez un projet de changement technologique : un guide, une démarche et des outils. External link

Petit, M.-C., Sicotte, H., & Bourgault, M. (2005). Investigating the enabling mechanisms for ensuring quality of communication in newly "virtualized" project teams. In Morel-Guimaraes, L., & Khalil, T. M. (eds.), Management of technology : Key success factors for innovation and sustainable development (pp. 109-121). Unavailable

Prefontaine, L., & Bourgault, M. (2002). Strategic analysis and export behaviour of SMEs : A comparison between the United States and Canada. International Small Business Journal, 20(2), 123-138. External link


Ramdani, A., Beaudry, C., Bourgault, M., & Pulizzotto, D. (2024). Navigating geopolitical storms: assessing the robustness of Canada's 5G research network in the wake of the Huawei conflict. Scientometrics, 39 pages. External link

Ramdani, A., Beaudry, C., & Bourgault, M. (2023, May). Building an innovation ecosystem: ENCQOR's strategy [Paper]. 32nd IAMOT Conference 2023, Porto Allegre, Brazil. Unavailable

Ramdani, A., Beaudry, C., & Bourgault, M. (2023, May). Building an innovation ecosystem: ENCQOR's strategy [Paper]. 9th Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. External link

Rankohi, S., Bourgault, M., Iordanova, I., & Carbone, C. (2023). Developing a Construction-Oriented DfMA Deployment Framework. Buildings, 13(4), 20 pages. External link

Ramdani, A., Beaudry, C., & Bourgault, M. (2023, May). Evolution of the co-authorship network in 5G technology [Paper]. 9th Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. External link

Rankohi, S., Bourgault, M., & Iordanova, I. (2022). The concept of integration in an IPD context: a grounded theory review. Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, 25 pages. External link

Rankohi, S., Carbone, C., Iordanova, I., & Bourgault, M. (2022, July). Design-for-manufacturing and assembly (DfMA) for the construction industry : a review [Paper]. Modular and Offsite Construction Summit, Edmonton, Canada. Published in Modular and Offsite Construction (MOC) Summit proceedings. Available

Rankohi, S., Barbeau, D., Iordanova, I., Motamedi, A., & Bourgault, M. (2022, August). Intelligent structural steel tracking with a BIM/IOT based integrated solution [Paper]. Digital Reality of Tomorrow. External link

Rankohi, S., Bourgault, M., & Iordanova, I. (2022, August). The interplay of BIM and reality capture technologies in IPD projects [Paper]. Digital Reality of Tomorrow. External link

Rankohi, S., Bourgault, M., & Iordanova, I. (2022). The latest operational, contractual and organizational trends inIPDliterature: review andfuture directions. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. External link

Rankohi, S., Bourgault, M., & Iordanova, I. (2022). The new-normal challenges and IPD solutions: a Canadian case study. Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 13(1), 20-35. External link

Rankohi, S., Bourgault, M., Iordanova, I., & Carbone, C. (2022, July). Towards Integrated Implementation of IPD and DFMA for Construction Projects: A Review [Paper]. 30th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC), Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Published in Proceedings 30th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC). External link

Rahi, K., & Bourgault, M. (2022). Validation of a new project resilience scale in the IT sector. Project Management Journal, 53(6), 567-594. External link

Ramdani, A., Beaudry, C., & Bourgault, M. (2021, May). Collaborative network in Canada's 5G innovation ecosystem [Paper]. 1st 4POINT0 Conference on Policies, Practices and Processes related to the Performance of Innovation Ecosystems. Unavailable

Rankohi, S., Bourgault, M., Iordanova, I., Danjou, C., Garcia, P., & Grondin, J. (2021, May). Integration and I4.0 tracking systems for steel manufacturing industry [Paper]. 2021 Canadian Society of Civil Engineering annual Conference (CSCE 2021). External link

Rahi, K., Bourgault, M., & Preece, C. (2021). Risk and vulnerability management, project agility and resilience : a comparative analysis. International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management, 9(4), 5-21. External link

Rahi, K., Bourgault, M., & Robert, B. (2019). Benchmarking Project Resilience. Journal of Modern Project Management, 7(1). External link

Rankohi, S., Bourgault, M., & Perrazzino, E. (2018, June). Delta-Marriott hotel project: A case study of construction innovations in building a hotel project in Ontario, Canada [Paper]. CSCE General Conference, Fredericton, NB, Canada. External link

Robert, B., & Bourgault, M. (2005, June). Une gestion proactive des risques appliquée à la gestion de projets [Paper]. 6e Congrès international de génie industriel (CIGI 2005), Besançon, France. Unavailable


Sajas, L., Francoeur, V., Bourgault, M., & Perrier, N. (2024, June). Facteurs d'adoption de comportements écoresponsables dans l'industrie de la construction : une revue systématique des leviers et des freins [Poster]. 1er Congrès interdisciplinaire sur l'économie circulaire (CIEC 2024), Montpellier, France. Available

Sanchez, H., Robert, B., Bourgault, M., & Pellerin, R. (2009). Risk management applied to projects, programs, and portfolios. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 2(1), 14-35. External link

Sicotte, H., & Bourgault, M. (2008). Dimensions of Uncertainty and Their Moderating Effect on New Product Development Project Performance. R & D Management, 38(5), 468-479. External link

Sicotte, H., & Bourgault, M. (2007, January). Dimensions of uncertainty and their moderating effect on new product development project performance [Paper]. R&D Management Conference, Bremen, Germany. Unavailable

Sicotte, H., Prefontaine, L., Ricard, L., & Bourgault, M. (2004). New product development: Customers' and suppliers' assessment of the same project. International Journal of Technology Management, 27(2-3), 176-192. External link

Sicotte, H., Prefontaine, L., & Bourgault, M. (2004, January). Performance of NPD projects: do different measures provide different results? [Paper]. R&D Management Conference, Sesimbra, Portugal. Unavailable

Sicotte, H., Ricard, L., Rebolledo, C., & Bourgault, M. (2003). Vendre quoi à qui? Ou la saga du marketing des nouveaux produits dans les firmes de haute technologie. Gestion, 28(2), 64-76. External link

Sicotte, H., & Bourgault, M. (2001, July). Competencies in practice : revisiting present and anticipated profiles for project managers [Paper]. Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, Portland, Oregon, USA. External link


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