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Amassian, A., Kaminska, K., Suzuki, M., Martinu, L., & Robbie, K. (2007). Onset of Shadowing-Dominated Growth in Glancing Angle Deposition. Applied Physics Letters, 91(17). Lien externe

Amassian, A., Desjardins, P., & Martinu, L. (2006). Ion-surface interactions on c-Si(001) at the radiofrequency-powered electrode in low-pressure plasmas: ex situ spectroscopic ellipsometry and Monte Carlo simulation study. Journal of vacuum science and technology. A, Vacuum, surfaces, and films, 24(1), 45-54. Lien externe

Amassian, A., Gaidi, M., Chaker, M., & Martinu, L. (2006). Optical depth profiling of strontium titanate and electro-optic lanthanum-modified lead zirconium titanate multilayer structures for active waveguide applications. Journal of vacuum science and technology. A, Vacuum, surfaces, and films, 24(1), 55-64. Lien externe

Amassian, A. (2005). Ion bombardment effects in low-pressure plasmas : in situ spectroscopic ellipsometry and Monte-Carlo simulation study [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Amassian, A., Desjardins, P., & Martinu, L. (juin 2004). Dynamics of surface modifications during optical coating deposition in plasma-assisted processes [Communication écrite]. Optical Interference Coatings, Washington, DC, USA. Lien externe

Amassian, A., Vernhes, R., Sapieha, J.-E., Desjardins, P., & Martinu, L. (juin 2004). Study of the growth and interface engineering of dense/porous SiNx optical coatings by real-time spectroscopic ellipsometry [Communication écrite]. Optical Interference Coatings, Washington, DC, USA. Lien externe


Kaminska, K., Amassian, A., Martinu, L., & Robbie, K. (2005). Growth of vacuum evaporated ultraporous silicon studied with spectroscopic ellipsometry and scanning electron microscopy. Journal of Applied Physics, 97(1). Lien externe


Martinu, L., Amassian, A., Lamarre, J.-M., Larouche, S., Masse, J.-P., & Vernhes, R. (2006). Plasma-Based Inhomogeneous Dielectric Film Systems for Optics and Photonics: Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Studies. ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2005-01(8), 388 (1 page). Lien externe


Vernhes, R., Amassian, A., Sapieha, J.-E., & Martinu, L. (juin 2004). Fabrication of Fabry-Perot filters using porous-dense silicon nitride stacks with optimized interfaces [Communication écrite]. Optical Interference Coatings, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Lien externe

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 02:51:01 2025 EST.