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Cova, P., Singh, A., & Masut, R. A. (1999). Simultaneous Analysis of Current-Voltage and Capacitance- Voltage Characteristics of Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Diodes With a High Mid-Gap Trap Density. Journal of Applied Physics, 85(9), 6530-6538. External link
Cova, P., Singh, A., Medina, A., & Masut, R. A. (1998). Effect of Doping on the Forward Current-Transport Mechanisms in a Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Contact to InP:Zn Grown by Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy. Solid-State Electronics, 42(4), 477-485. External link
Cova, P., Singh, A., & Masut, R. A. (1997). A self-consistent technique for the analysis of the temperature dependence of current-voltage and capacitance-voltage characteristics of a tunnel metal-insulator-semiconductor structure. Journal of Applied Physics, 82(10), 5217-5226. External link
Singh, A., Masut, R. A., & Bensaada, A. (1994, September). Characterization of interface states in thin epitaxial film In₀.₇₅Ga₀.₂₅P/Ag diodes [Paper]. Surfaces, vacuum and their applications. Published in AIP Conference Proceedings, 378(1). External link
Schmidt, L. R., Francoeur, J., Aguero, A., Wertheimer, M. R., Sapieha, J.-E., Martinu, L., Blezius, J. W., Oliver, M., & Singh, A. (1993, November). The Strategic Technologies for Automation and Robotics (STEAR) program: Protection of materials in the space environment subprogram [Paper]. 3rd Post-Retrieval Symposium on LDEF (Long Duration Exposure Flight), Williamsburg, VA, USA. External link
Singh, A., Cova, P., & Masut, R. A. (1994). Reverse I-V and C-V characteristics of Schottky-barrier type diodes on Zn doped InP epilayers grown by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy. Journal of Applied Physics, 76(4), 2336-2342. External link