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A word cloud is a visual representation of the most frequently used words in a text or a set of texts. The words appear in different sizes, with the size of each word being proportional to its frequency of occurrence in the text. The more frequently a word is used, the larger it appears in the word cloud. This technique allows for a quick visualization of the most important themes and concepts in a text.
In the context of this page, the word cloud was generated from the publications of the author {}. The words in this cloud come from the titles, abstracts, and keywords of the author's articles and research papers. By analyzing this word cloud, you can get an overview of the most recurring and significant topics and research areas in the author's work.
The word cloud is a useful tool for identifying trends and main themes in a corpus of texts, thus facilitating the understanding and analysis of content in a visual and intuitive way.
Bérubé, C. L., Olivo, G. R., Chouteau, M. C., Perrouty, S., Shamsipour, P., Enkin, R. J., Morris, W. A., Feltrin, L., & Thiémonge, R. (2018). Predicting rock type and detecting hydrothermal alteration using machine learning and petrophysical properties of the Canadian Malartic ore and host rocks, Pontiac Subprovince, Québec, Canada. Ore Geology Reviews, 96, 130-145. External link
Bérubé, C. L., Chouteau, M. C., Shamsipour, P., Enkin, R. J., & Olivo, G. R. (2017). Bayesian inference of spectral induced polarization parameters for laboratory complex resistivity measurements of rocks and soils. Computers & Geosciences, 105, 51-64. External link
Bérubé, C. L., Chouteau, M. C., Olivo, G., Perrouty, S., Shamsipour, P., & Enkin, R. (2017, March). Spectral induced polarization signatures of altered metasedimentary rocks from the Canadian Malartic gold deposit bravo zone, Québec, Canada [Paper]. Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP 2017), Denver. External link
Bérubé, C. L., Chouteau, M. C., Olivo, G., Perrouty, S., Linnen, R. L., Enkin, R., Shamsipour, P., Lypaczewski, O., Gaillard, N., & Piette-Lauzière, N. (2017, March). Spectral induced polarization signatures of altered metasedimentary rocks of the Canadian Malartic gold deposit Bravo zone, Quebec, Canada [Abstract]. PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium, Toronto, Canada. Unavailable
Bérubé, C. L., Chouteau, M. C., Shamsipour, P., & Olivo, G. R. (2016, April). BISIP I: A program for Bayesian inference of spectral induced polarization parameters, and application to mineral exploration at the Canadian Malartic gold deposit, Québec, CA [Paper]. EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria. External link
Chouteau, M. C., Shamsipour, P., & Marcotte, D. (2015, April). Regional-residual separation of gravity anomalies using geostatistical approaches [Paper]. International Workshop and Gravity, Electrical & Magnetic Methods and their Applications (GEM Chengdu 2015), Chengdu, China. External link
Liang, M., Marcotte, D., & Shamsipour, P. (2016). Simulation of non-linear coregionalization models by FFTMA. Computers & Geosciences, 89, 220-231. External link
Mir, R., Fullagar, P., Darijani, M., Smith, R., Scott, S., Ross, M., Shamsipour, P., Chouteau, M. C., Ansdell, K., & Gouiza, M. (2022). Forward modeling and 3D inversion of electromagnetic data collected over the McArthur River uranium deposit in the Athabasca Basin, Canada. GEOPHYSICS, 87(2), B129-B143. External link
Marcotte, D., Shamsipour, P., Coutant, O., & Chouteau, M. C. (2014). Inversion of potential fields on nodes for large grids. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 110, 90-97. External link
Marcotte, D., Shamsipour, P., & Chouteau, M. C. (2014, March). Potential field inversion on nodes for stochastic inversion models [Paper]. 27th Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP 2014), Boston, MA, United states. External link
Nackers, C., Chouteau, M. C., Shamsipour, P., Cheman, M., & Bérubé, P. (2013, March). Borehole gravity data inversion for detection of deeply seated volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits [Paper]. 26th Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems 2013, SAGEEP 2013, Denver, CO, United states. External link
Schetselaar, E., Bellefleur, G., Craven, J., Roots, E., Cheraghi, S., Shamsipour, P., Caté, A., Mercier-Langevin, P., El Goumi, N., Enkin, R., & Salisbury, M. (2017). Geologically driven 3D modelling of physical rock properties in support of interpreting the seismic response of the Lalor volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit, Snow Lake, Manitoba, Canada. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 453(1), 57-79. External link
Shamsipour, P., Schetselaar, E., Bellefleur, G., & Marcotte, D. (2014, June). 3D Stochastic Inversion of Potential Field Data Using Structural Geologic Constraints [Abstract]. 76th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Published in Proceedings. External link
Shamsipour, P., Chouteau, M. C., Marcotte, D., & Schetselaar, E. (2014, March). 3D stochastic gravity inversion on unstructured meshes [Paper]. 27th Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems 2014, SAGEEP 2014, Boston, MA, United states. External link
Shamsipour, P., Schetselaar, E., Bellefleur, G., & Marcotte, D. (2014). 3D stochastic inversion of potential field data using structural geologic constraints. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 111, 173-182. External link
Shamsipour, P., Marcotte, D., Chouteau, M. C., Rivest, M., & Bouchedda, A. (2013). 3D stochastic gravity inversion using nonstationary covariances. Geophysics, 78(2), G15-G24. External link
Shamsipour, P., Marcotte, D., & Chouteau, M. C. (2012). 3D Stochastic Joint Inversion of Gravity and Magnetic Data. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 79, 27-37. External link
Shamsipour, P., Marcotte, D., & Chouteau, M. C. (2012). Integrating multiscale parameters information into 3D stochastic magnetic anomaly inversion. Geophysics, 77(4), D85-D93. External link
Shamsipour, P. (2011). 3D Stochastic Inversion and Joint Inversion of Potential Fields for Multi Scale Parameters [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Shamsipour, P., Chouteau, M. C., & Marcotte, D. (2011). 3D stochastic inversion of magnetic data. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 73(4), 336-347. External link
Shamsipour, P., Marcotte, D., Chouteau, M. C., & Allard, M. (2011). Stochastic inversion of a gravity field on multiple scale parameters using surface and borehole data. Geophysical Prospecting, 59(6), 998-1012. External link
Shamsipour, P. (2008). 3D stochastic inversion of gravity data using cokriging and cosimulation [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Tchikaya, E. B., Chouteau, M. C., Keating, P., & Shamsipour, P. (2016). 3D unconstrained and geologically constrained stochastic inversion of airborne vertical gravity gradient data. Exploration Geophysics, 47(1), 67-84. External link
Vallée, M. A., Morris, W. A., Perrouty, S., Lee, R. G., Wasyliuk, K., King, J. J., Ansdell, K., Mir, R., Shamsipour, P., Farquharson, C., Chouteau, M. C., Enkin, R. J., & Smith, R. S. (2019). Geophysical inversion contributions to mineral exploration: Lessons from the Footprints project. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 56(5), 525-543. External link