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Arbter, A., Beraud, J. M., Binetry, C., Bizet, L., Bréard, J., Comas-Cardona, S., Demaria, C., Endruweit, A., Ermanni, P., Gommer, F., Hasanovic, S., Henrat, P., Klunker, F., Laine, B., Lavanchy, S., Lomov, S. V., Long, A., Michaud, V., Morren, G., ... Ziegmann, G. (2010, July). Experimental determination of the permeability of textiles : a benchmark exercises [Paper]. 10th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland. External link
Achim, V., & Ruiz, E. (2010). Guiding selection for reduced process development time in RTM. International Journal of Material Forming, 3(2), 1277-1286. External link
Achim, V., & Ruiz, E. (2008, July). Guiding selection toward cost-effective composite manufacturing [Paper]. 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Montréal, Québec. External link
Achim, V., Ruiz, E., Soukane, S., & Trochu, F. (2003, November). Optimization of flow rate in resin transfer molding (RTM) [Paper]. 8th Japan International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan. Unavailable
Billotte, C., Romana, L., Flory, A., Kaliaguine, S., & Ruiz, E. (2024). Recycled Carbon Black/High-Density Polyethylene Composite from Waste Tires: Manufacturing, Testing, and Aging Characterization. Recycling, 9(6), 107-107. External link
Belzile, A., Armanasco, F., Chiacchiarelli, L. M., Lebrun, G., & Ruiz, E. (2024). Development of a novel flax soy-based polyurethane prepreg composite. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 181, 108136 (12 pages). External link
Billotte, C., Romana, L., Flory, A., Kaliaguine, S., & Ruiz, E. (2024). Recycled from waste tires carbon black/high-density polyethylene composite: Multi-scale mechanical properties and polymer aging. Polymer Composites, 28585 (14 pages). External link
Bernaoui, A., Lebrun, G., & Ruiz, E. (2022). High performance natural fiber composites from mat and UD flax reinforcements backed with a mat Binder: A study of mat fiber surface fibrillation. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 160, 107064 (14 pages). External link
Benavente, M., Marcin, L., Courtois, A., Lévesque, M., & Ruiz, E. (2018). Numerical analysis of viscoelastic process-induced residual distortions during manufacturing and post-curing. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 107, 205-216. External link
Billotte, C., Fotsing, E.-R., & Ruiz, E. (2017). Optimization of alumina slurry for oxide-oxide ceramic composites manufactured by injection molding. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2017, 1-9. Available
Benavente, M., Marcin, L., Lévesque, M., & Ruiz, E. (2017, July). Geometrical instabilities in asymmetric plates reinforced with 3D interlock fabrics [Paper]. Cancom 2017, Ottawa, Ontario. Unavailable
Benavente, M., Marcin, L., Godon, T., Lévesque, M., & Ruiz, E. (2017, August). Modelling of geometrical instabilities in asymmetric composite plates reinforced with 3D interlock fabrics [Presentation]. In 21st International Conference on Composite Materials, Xi. External link
Benavente, M., Godon, T., Marcin, L., Courtois, A., Lévesque, M., & Ruiz, E. (2017, August). Modelling of geometrical instabilities in asymmetric composites plates reinforced with 3D interlock fabrics [Paper]. 21st International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 2017), Xi'an, China (9 pages). External link
Benavente, M., Marcin, L., Courtois, A., Lévesque, M., & Ruiz, E. (2017). Viscoelastic distortion in asymmetric plates during post curing. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 103(Supplement), 122-130. External link
Billotte, C., Bernard, F. M., & Ruiz, E. (2013). Chemical shrinkage and thermomechanical characterization of an epoxy resin during cure by a novel in situ measurement method. European Polymer Journal, 49(11), 3548-3560. External link
Billotte, C., Fellah, C., & Ruiz, E. (2013, July). Chemical shrinkage and thermomechanical characterization of different resin systems and prepregs during cure by a novel in situ measurement method [Paper]. 19th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 2013), Montréal, Québec. External link
Bilotte, C., Morin, B. F., Cara, F., Baurier, H., & Ruiz, E. (2011, September). Chemical shrinkage and thermomechanical characterization of an expoxy resin during cure by a novel in situ measurement method [Paper]. 2nd Joint US-Canada Conference on Composites and 26th ASC Annual Technical Conference, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Bensadoun, F., Kchit, N., Billotte, C., Trochu, F., & Ruiz, E. (2011). A Comparative Study of Dispersion Techniques for Nanocomposite Made with Nanoclays and an Unsaturated Polyester Resin. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2011, 406087. Available
Bensadoun, F., Billotte, C., Kchit, N., Bickerton, S., Trochu, F., & Ruiz, E. (2011, September). Development, characterization and manufacturing of nanocomposites and bionanocomposites for transportation industry [Paper]. 2nd Joint US-Canada Conference on Composites and 26th ASC Annual Technical Conference, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Bensadoun, F., Kchit, N., Billotte, C., Bickerton, S., Trochu, F., & Ruiz, E. (2011). A Study of Nanoclay Reinforcement of Biocomposites Made by Liquid Composite Molding. International Journal of Polymer Science, 2011, 1-10. Available
Bensadoun, F., Kchit, N., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2010, July). Fabrication and mechanical properties of nanocomposites fabricated by rein infusion with bioresin and natural fibers [Paper]. 8th Joint Canada-Japan Workshop on Composites, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Bechet, E., Ruiz, E., Trochu, F., & Cuilliere, J. C. (2004). Re-Meshing Algorithms Applied to Mould Filling Simulations in Resin Transfer Moulding. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 23(1), 17-36. External link
Bechet, E., Ruiz, E., Trochu, F., & Cuilliere, J. C. (2003). Adaptive Mesh Generation for Mould Filling Problems in Resin Transfer Moulding. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 34(9), 813-834. External link
Béchet, E., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2001, August). Remeshing algorithms applied to resin transfer moulding simulations [Paper]. 3rd Canadian International Composite Conference (CANCOM 2001), Montréal, Québec. External link
Courtois, A., Marcin, L., Benavente, M., Ruiz, E., & Lévesque, M. (2019). Numerical multiscale homogenization approach for linearly viscoelastic 3D interlock woven composites. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 163, 61-74. External link
Courtois, A., Hirsekorn, M., Benavente, M., Jaillon, A., Marcin, L., Ruiz, E., & Lévesque, M. (2018). Viscoelastic behavior of an epoxy resin during cure below the glass transition temperature: Characterization and modeling. Journal of Composite Materials, 53(2), 155-171. External link
Courtois, A., Marcin, L., Benavente, M., Ruiz, E., & Lévesque, M. (2017, August). Mechanical analysis and viscoelastic modeling of a 3D interlock woven composite [Paper]. 21st International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 2017), Xi'an, China. External link
Courtois, A., Hirsekorn, M., Marcin, L., Vernet, N., Ruiz, E., & Lévesque, M. (2016, May). Viscoelastic behavior of an epoxy resin during cure : characterization and modeling [Paper]. 10th International Conference on Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, Paris, France. Unavailable
Courteau-Godmaire, H., Fotsing, E. R., Causse, P., Lévesque, M., & Ruiz, E. (2015, July). Numerical modeling of resin shrinkage around insert in composite sandwich panels [Paper]. 20th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 2015), Copenhagen, Denmark. External link
Charette, E., Fotsing, E. R., Billotte, C., Ruiz, E., & Grenier, D. (2013, July). Effect of humidity and temperature on the curing and aging of a room temperature epoxy adhesive [Paper]. 19th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 2013), Montréal, Québec. External link
Causse, P., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2013). Influence of Preforming on the Quality of Curved Composite Parts Manufactured by Flexible Injection. International Journal of Material Forming, 6(3), 341-362. External link
Causse, P., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2013, July). Processing warpage of asymmetric composite panels manufactured by resin transfer molding [Paper]. 19th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 2013), Montréal, Québec. External link
Causse, P., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2012). Spring-in behavior of curved composites manufactured by Flexible Injection. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 43(11), 1901-1913. External link
Causse, P., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2011, August). Analysis of fiber preforming for improved manufacturing of curved parts by flexible injection [Paper]. 18th International Conference on Composite Materials, Jeju Island, Korea. External link
Causse, P., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2011). Experimental study of flexible injection to manufacture parts of strong curvature. Polymer Composites, 32(6), 892-895. External link
Causse, P., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2011, September). Fabrication of curved parts by flexible injection : influence of processing conditions on composite quality and analysis of distortion [Paper]. 2nd Joint US-Canada Conference on Composites and 26th ASC Annual Technical Conference, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Causse, P., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2010, July). Experimental analysis of flexible injection for curved composite parts [Paper]. 10th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland. External link
Causse, P., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2010, July). Thermoelastic spring-in of curved composite parts manufactured by flexible injection [Paper]. 8th Joint Canada-Japan Workshop on Composites, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Causse, P., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2008, July). Consolidation of curved composite parts manufactured by flexible injection [Paper]. 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Montréal, Québec. External link
Chatel, S., Ruiz, E., Trochu, F., & Bréard, J. (2008, July). A permeability measurement method dedicated to a composite process family [Paper]. 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Montréal, Québec. External link
Croteau-Labouly, B., Achim, V., Ruiz, E., Trochu, F., & Gauvin, R. (2007, October). Analysis of permeability and compaction of fibre reinforcement during vacuum assisted resin infusion [Paper]. 8th Seminar on Experimental Techniques and Design in Composite Materials, Costa Rel, Sardaigne, Italie. Unavailable
Croteau-Labouly, B., Achim, V., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2007, August). Combined characterization of permeability and compaction in porous media during vacuum assisted resin infusion [Paper]. 6th Canadian International Composites Conference (CANCOM 2007), Winnipeg, Canada. Unavailable
Diby, I. C. P., Belkhiri, N., Nohair, B., Kazeruni, M., Ruiz, E., & Kaliaguine, S. (2024). HDPE crystalline lamellae in composites involving pyrolytic carbon black: Effect on elastic modulus. Polymer Composites, 28986 (16 pages). External link
Demaria, C., Ruiz, E., Trochu, F., Dambrine, B., & Godon, T. (2010, May). Fabrication by resin transfer molding of a turbine blade reinforced by three-dimensional woven fabrics : Process simulation and optimization [Paper]. Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering's Spring Conference and Exhibition, Seattle, Washington. Unavailable
Demaria, C., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2008, July). In-plane anisotropic permeability characterization of deformed woven fabrics by unidirectional injection [Paper]. 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Montréal, Québec. External link
Daqoune, T., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2008, July). Study of the shape of the compaction chamber in flexible injection [Paper]. 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Montréal, Québec. External link
Demaria, C., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2007). In-Plane Anisotropic Permeability Characterization of Deformed Woven Fabrics by Unidirectional Injection. Part I: Experimental Results. Polymer Composites, 28(6), 797-811. External link
Demaria, C., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2007). In-Plane Anisotropic Permeability Characterization of Deformed Woven Fabrics by Unidirectional Injection. Part II: Prediction Model and Numerical Simulations. Polymer Composites, 28(6), 812-827. External link
Fotsing, E. R., Leclerc, C., Sola, M., Ross, A., & Ruiz, E. (2016). Mechanical properties of composite sandwich structures with core or face sheet discontinuities. Composites Part B: Engineering, 88, 229-239. External link
Favre, A., Fotsing, E.-R., Lévesque, M., & Ruiz, E. (2015). Comparative study of fiber-reinforced elastomer composites subjected to accelerated aging in water. Jounal of Elastomers and Plastics, 47(8), 719-737. External link
Fotsing, E. R., Ross, A., & Ruiz, E. (2014). Characterization of surface defects on composite sandwich materials based on deflectrometry. NDT & E International, 62, 29-39. External link
Fotsing, E. R., Sola, M., Ross, A., & Ruiz, E. (2014). Dynamic characterization of viscoelastic materials used in composite structures. Journal of Composite Materials, 48(30), 3815-3825. External link
Fotsing, E. R., Sola, M., Ross, A., & Ruiz, E. (2013). Lightweight damping of composite sandwich beams: Experimental analysis. Journal of Composite Materials, 47(12), 1501-1511. External link
Fotsing, E. R., Sola, M., Ruiz, E., & Ross, A. (2013, July). Mechanical properties of composite sandwich structures with core or face sheet discontinuities [Paper]. 19th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 2013), Montréal, Québec. External link
Favre, A., Fotsing, E. R., Ruiz, E., & Lévesque, M. (2013, July). Underwater accelerated aging of elastomeric composite materials [Paper]. 19th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 2013), Montréal, Québec. External link
Fotsing, E. R., Miron, F., Eury, Y., Ross, A., & Ruiz, E. (2012). Bonding Analysis of Carbon/Epoxy Composites With Viscoelastic Acrylic Adhesive. Composites Part B: Engineering, 43(5), 2087-2093. External link
Francucci, G., Vazquez, A., Ruiz, E., & Rodriguez, E. S. (2012). Capillary effects in vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding with natural fibers. Polymer Composites, 33(9), 1593-1602. External link
Francucci, G., Vázquez, A., Rodríguez, E., & Ruiz, E. (2012, July). Influence of the type of fluid and injection conditions on the processing of natural fiver composites [Paper]. 11th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM 2011), Auckland, New Zealand. External link
Fotsing, R., Sola, M., Ross, A., & Ruiz, E. (2011, July). Lightweight damping treatment of composite sandwich beams [Paper]. 18th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Unavailable
Francucci, G., Vazquez, A., Rodriguez, E., & Ruiz, E. (2010, July). Capillarity effect in vacuum assisted resin transfer molding with natural fibers [Paper]. 10th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland. External link
Gascon, L., Garcia, J. A., LeBel, F., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2016). A two-phase flow model to simulate mold filling and saturation in Resin Transfer Molding. International Journal of Material Forming, 9(2), 229-239. External link
Gascon, L., Garcia, J. A., LeBel, F., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2015). Numerical prediction of saturation in dual scale fibrous reinforcements during Liquid Composite Molding. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 77, 275-284. External link
Gutiérrez, J., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2013). Exploring the behavior of glass fiber reinforcements under vibration-assisted compaction. Journal of the Textile Institute, 104(9), 980-993. External link
Gutierrez, J., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2013). High-frequency vibrations on the compaction of dry fibrous reinforcements. Advanced Composite Materials, 22(1), 13-27. External link
García, J. A., Gascon, L., Ruiz, E., Lebel, F., & Trochu, F. (2012, July). Simulation and experimental validation of the saturation in LCM processes [Paper]. 11th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM 2011), Auckland, New Zealand. External link
Gutierrez, J., Trochu, F., & Ruiz, E. (2011, September). Effects of high frequency vibrations on the compressibility of dry fibrous reinforcements [Paper]. 2nd Joint US-Canada Conference on Composites and 26th ASC Annual Technical Conference, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Gascon, L., Garcia, J. A., Chinesta, F., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2010, July). Analysis of the saturation in liquid composite molding processes using an essentially non-oscillatory (eno) technique [Paper]. 10th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland (5 pages). External link
García, J. A., Gascón, L., Chinesta, F., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2010). An efficient solver of the saturation equation in liquid composite molding processes. International Journal of Material Forming, 3(2), 1295-1302. External link
Garcia, J. A., Gascón, L., Chinesta, F., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2009, June). An approach to simulate the saturation in RTM/VARI process [Paper]. 3rd Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference, Alcoy, Spain. Unavailable
Habibi, M., Ruiz, E., Lebrun, G., & Laperrière, L. (2018). Effect of surface density and fiber length on the porosity and permeability of nonwoven flax reinforcement. Textile Research Journal, 88(15), 1776-1787. External link
Harismendy, I., Del Rio, M., Ruiz, E., & Garcia, J. A. (2008, July). Modelling VARTM of wind turbine blades under non-isothermal boundary conditions [Paper]. 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Montréal, Québec. External link
Hubert, P., Haider, M., Lessard, L., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2006, March). Integrated Approach for Class A Surface Finish of Automotive Components Manufactured by RTM [Paper]. 27th International SAMPE Europe Conference, Paris, France. Unavailable
Haider, M., Ruiz, E., Hubert, P., & Lessard, L. (2005, August). Resin cure shrinkage and LPA action characterization for class A RTM processing [Paper]. Canada composites International Conference, Vancouver, Canada. Unavailable
Kchit, N., Bensadoun, F., Billotte, C., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2010, July). Nano-clay composites made by liquid molding [Paper]. 10th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland. Unavailable
Kchit, N., Bensadoun, F., Carrozani, T., Billotte, C., Ruiz, E., Sol, H., & Trochu, F. (2010, July). A study of nano-claycomposites made by liquid composite molding [Paper]. 10th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland. External link
LeBel, F., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2017). Experimental study of saturation by visible light transmission in dual-scale fibrous reinforcements during composite manufacturing. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 36(23), 1693-1711. External link
LeBel, F., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2017). Void content analysis and processing issues to minimize defects in liquid composite molding. Polymer Composites, 40(1), 109-120. External link
LeBel, F., Fanaei, A. E., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2014). Prediction of optimal flow front velocity to minimize void formation in dual scale fibrous reinforcements. International Journal of Material Forming, 7(1), 93-116. External link
LeBel, F., Fanaei, A. E., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2013). Experimental characterization by fluorescence of capillary flows in dual-scale engineering fabrics. Textile Research Journal, 83(15), 1634-1659. External link
LeBel, F., Fanaei, A. E., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2012). Experimental characterization by fluorescence of capillary flows in the fiber tows of engineering fabrics. Open Journal of Inorganic Non-Metallic Materials, 2(3), 25-45. External link
Lebel, F., Ruiz, E., Dulong, S., & Trochu, F. (2010, July). Characterization of capillary effects in dual-scale fibrous reinforcements [Paper]. 10th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland. Unavailable
Lebel, F., Ruiz, E., Dulong, S., & Trochu, F. (2010, July). Development of a capillary characterization setup for dual-scale analysis of fiber wetting [Paper]. 8th Joint Canada-Japan Workshop on Composites, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Lebel, F., Ruiz, E., Dulong, S., & Trochu, F. (2009, September). Experimental investigation of dual-scale reinforcement imbibition [Paper]. Joint American Society for Composites/Association for Composite Structure and Materials Conference, Newark, Delaware. Unavailable
Leclerc, J. S., & Ruiz, E. (2008). Porosity reduction using optimized flow velocity in resin transfer molding. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 39(12), 1859-68. External link
Lebel, F., Trochu, F., & Ruiz, E. (2008, July). Thermosetting matrix composite characterization and cure control via a scale model mould [Paper]. 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Montréal, Québec. External link
Leclerc, J.-S., Meunier, P., & Ruiz, E. (2007, June). Impact of injection pressure on voids formation and on mechanical properties of RTM composites [Paper]. 19th Canadian Materials Science Conference, Hamilton, Ontario. Unavailable
Nohair, B., Belkhiri, N., Diby, I. C. P., Kazeruni, M., Bussieres, J., Ruiz, E., & Kaliaguine, S. (2023, October). Mechanical performance enhancement of thermoplastics by surface-modified pyrolytic carbon black additives from waste tires [Paper]. 9th Annual Composites and Advanced Materials Expo (CAMX 2023), Atlanta, GA, USA (11 pages). External link
Ortega, I., & Ruiz, E. (2008, July). Dispersion and dielectric characterization of an epoxy resin reinforced with carbon nanofibers [Paper]. 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Montréal, Québec. External link
Ortega, I., Billotte, C., & Ruiz, E. (2007, October). Thermo-mechanical and rheological characterization of various epoxy-based nanocomposites for high performance composites [Paper]. 4th International Symposium on Polymer Nanocomposites Science and Technology, Boucherville, Québec. Unavailable
Pupin, C., Ross, A., Dubois, C., Rietsch, J.-C., Vernet, N., & Ruiz, E. (2017). Formation and suppression of volatile-induced porosities in an RTM epoxy resin. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 94, 146-157. External link
Pupin, C., Ross, A., Dubois, C., Rietsch, J.-C., & Ruiz, E. (2017). Predicting porosity formation in phenolic resins for RTM manufacturing: The porosity map. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 100, 294-304. External link
Pupin, C., Ross, A., Ruiz, E., Billotte, C., Rietsch, J.-C., Bricourt, P., & Vernet, N. (2015, July). Porosity control by process parameters [Paper]. 20th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 2015), Copenhagen, Denmark. External link
Pupin, C., Loiselle-Shebib, V., Ruiz, E., Ross, A., Dauchier, M., Dambrine, B., & Godon, T. (2013, July). Formation of porosities in RTM by VOCS and water vapour [Paper]. 19th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 2013), Montréal, Québec. External link
Pineda, U., Montés, N., Sánchez, F., Bensadoun, F., & Ruiz, E. (2012, June). Experimental analysis by thermography and conductive heat flux sensors of the curing stage of composite parts made by resin infusion (RI) [Paper]. 15th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM-15), Venise, Italie (8 pages). External link
Pineda, U., Montés, N., Sánchez, F., Bensadoun, F., & Ruiz, E. (2012, June). In-situ calibration experimental method for infrared thermography applied to the heat transfer analysis for composite parts during manufacturing based on resin infusion technique [Paper]. 11th Quantitative InfraRed Thermography (QIRT 2012), Naples, Italie (10 pages). External link
Palardy, G., Hubert, P., Ruiz, E., Haider, M., & Lessard, L. (2012). Numerical Simulations for Class A Surface Finish in Resin Transfer Moulding Process. Composites Part B: Engineering, 43(2), 819-824. External link
Ruiz, E., Pupin, C., Ross, A., Dubois, C., & Rietsch, J. C. (2018, October). Solving porosity growth during composite manufacturing [Paper]. 5th Annual Composites and Advanced Materials Expo (CAMX 2018), Dallas, TX, United states. External link
Renaud, J., Vernet, N., Ruiz, E., & Laberge Lebel, L. (2016). Creep compaction behavior of 3D carbon interlock fabrics with lubrication and temperature. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 86, 87-96. External link
Ruiz, E., Courteau-Godmaire, H., Fotsing, R., Billotte, C., & Lévesque, M. (2016, June). Experimental and numerical analysis of defects in composite panels used in business aircrafts interior [Paper]. 8th International Conference on Times of Polymers and Composites: from Aerospace to Nanotechnology, Naples, Italy (4 pages). External link
Renaud, J., Ruiz, E., & Laberge Lebel, L. (2016, May). Preforming of 3D carbon interlock fabrics for the manufacturing of composite parts with the flexible injection process [Paper]. SAMPE Long Beach 2016 Conference and Exhibition, Long Beach, CA, United states. External link
Ravey, C., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2014). Determination of the optimal impregnation velocity in Resin Transfer Molding by capillary rise experiments and infrared thermography. Composites Science and Technology, 99, 96-102. External link
Ravey, C., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2013, July). Determination of the optimal injection velocity in resin transfer molding by infrared thermography [Paper]. 19th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 2013), Montréal, Québec. External link
Renaud, J., Causse, P., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2013, July). A study of consolidation equilibrium in composites made by flexible injection [Paper]. 19th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 2013), Montréal, Québec. External link
Ravey, C., Lebel, F., Ruiz, E., Courteau-Godmaire, H., & Trochu, F. (2013, July). Void minimization and optimization of injection velocity in RTM processing [Paper]. 19th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 2013), Montréal, Québec. External link
Ruiz, E., Lebel, F., & Trochu, F. (2012, July). Experimental study of capillary flows, voids formation and void migration in LCM Manufacturing [Paper]. 11th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM 2011), Auckland, New Zealand. External link
Ruiz, E. (2012, July). Technology transfer in Canada: closing the gap between science and volume production [Paper]. 11th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM 2011), Auckland, New Zealand. External link
Ruiz, E., Billotte, C., Morin, B. F., Cara, F., & Baurier, H. (2011, August). Chemical shrinkage and thermomechanical characterization of an epoxy resin during cure by a novel in situ measurement method [Paper]. 18th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 2011), Jeju Island, Korea. External link
Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2011). Flow modeling in compoiste reinforcements. In Boisse, P. (ed.), Research and Markets: Composite Reinforcements for Optimum Performance (pp. 588-615). External link
Ruiz, E., Demaria, C., Trochu, F., Dambrine, B., & Godon, T. (2010, April). Advanced process simulation of resin transfer molding and application to fan blades for an aircraft engine [Paper]. Forum des Journées européennes des composites, Paris, France. Unavailable
Ruiz, E., Achim, V., & Lebel, F. (2010, July). Characterization, analysis and design of RTM process [Paper]. 10th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland. External link
Ruiz, E., Demaria, C., Trochu, F., Dambrine, B., & Godon, T. (2010, July). Simulation of resin transfer molding processing of a composite fan blade for an aircraft engine [Paper]. 10th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland. Unavailable
Ruiz, E., & Billotte, C. (2009). Predicting the cure of thermosetting polymers : the iso-conversion map. Polymer Composites, 30(10), 1450-1457. External link
Ruiz, E., & Achim, V. (2009, July). RTM process analysis and on-line characterization [Paper]. 17th International Conference on Composite Materials, Edinburgh, UK. External link
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Ruiz, E., Waffo, F., Owens, J., Billotte, C., & Trochu, F. (2006, July). Modeling of Resin Cure Kinetics for mOlding Cycle Optimization [Paper]. 8th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Mines de Douai, France. External link
Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2006). Multi-Criteria Thermal Optimization in Liquid Composite Molding to Reduce Processing Stresses and Cycle Time. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 37(6), 913-924. External link
Ruiz, E., Achim, V., Soukane, S., Trochu, F., & Breard, J. (2006). Optimization of Injection Flow Rate to Minimize Micro/Macro-Voids Formation in Resin Transfer Molded Composites. Composites Science and Technology, 66(3-4), 475-486. External link
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Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2005). Comprehensive thermal optimization of liquid composite molding to reduce cycle time and processing stresses. Polymer Composites, 26(2), 209-230. External link
Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2005). Manufacture of composites by a flexible injection process using a double or multiple cavity mold. (Patent Application no. WO2005000566). External link
Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2005). Numerical Analysis of Cure Temperature and Internal Stresses in Thin and Thick Rtm Parts. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 36(6), 806-826. External link
Ruiz, E., Demaria, C. F., & Trochu, F. (2005). PolyPer, a freeware package for preform permeability characterization. JEC Composites (17), 70-72. Unavailable
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Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2005). Thermomechanical Properties During Cure of Glass-Polyester Rtm Composites: Elastic and Viscoelastic Modeling. Journal of Composite Materials, 39(10), 881-916. External link
Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2004, September). Approximation of resin flow in liquid composite molding using a new non-conforming three-dimensional finite element [Paper]. 5th Canada-Japan Workshop on Composites, Yonezawa, Japan. Unavailable
Ruiz, E., Trochu, F., & Gauvin, R. (2004). Internal Stresses and Warpage of Thin Composite Parts Manufactured by RTM. Advanced Composites Letters, 13(1), 49-57. External link
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Scola, A., Eberling-Fux, N., Turenne, S., & Ruiz, E. (2018). New liquid processing of oxide/oxide 3D wowen ceramic matrix composites. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 102(6), 3256-3268. External link
Scola, A., Podgorski, M., Eberling-Fux, N., Turenne, S., & Ruiz, E. (2018). Novel device for in situ process characterization of oxide/oxide ceramic matrix composites fabricated by flexible injection. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 102(5), 2337-2352. External link
Sola, M., Jetté, M.-A., Fotsing, R., Cimmino, M., Ross, A., & Ruiz, E. (2009, July). Analytical and experimental study of embedded damping elements in composite applications [Paper]. 17th International Conference on Composite Materials, Edinburgh, UK. Unavailable
Soukane, S., Ruiz, E., & Trochu, F. (2005). A novel approach to reduce calculation time during simulations of resin transfer molding. Revue Européenne des Éléments Finis, 14(6-7), 819-840. External link
Trudeau, P., & Ruiz, E. (2010, July). Optimizing the fibre wetting in a novel polyurethane foam sandwich composite [Paper]. 10th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland. External link
Trochu, F., Demaria, C., Ruiz, E., Dambrine, B., & Gordon, T. (2009, September). RTM process simulation and optimization of composite fan blades reinforced by 3D woven fabrics [Paper]. Joint American Society for Composites/Association for Composite Structure and Materials Conference, Newark, Delaware. Unavailable
Trochu, F., Ruiz, E., Achim, V., & Soukane, S. (2006). Advanced numerical simulation of liquid composite molding for process analysis and optimization. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 37(6 SPEC ISS), 890-902. External link
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Vernet, N., Ruiz, E., Advani, S., Alms, J. B., Aubert, M., Barburski, M., Barari, B., Beraud, J. M., Berg, D. C., Correia, N., Danzi, M., Delavière, T., Dickert, M., Di Fratta, C., Endruweit, A., Ermanni, P., Francucci, G., Garcia, J. A., George, A., ... Ziegmann, G. (2014). Experimental determination of the permeability of engineering textiles: Benchmark II. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 61, 172-184. External link