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Nombre de documents: 78


Aubertin, M., Maknoon, M., & Ovalle, C. (2021). Waste rock pile design considerations to promote geotechnical and geochemical stability. Canadian Geotechnique - The CGS Magazine, 2(3), 44-47. Non disponible

Arenaldi, G., Ovalle, C., & Barrios, A. (2019). Compresibilidad y propiedades dinámicas de suelos diatomáceos de Mejillones. [Compressibility and dynamic properties of diatomaceous soils of Mejillones]. Obras y proyectos (25), 6-14. Lien externe

Arenaldi Perisic, G., Ovalle, C., & Barrios, A. (2019). Compressibility and creep of a diatomaceous soil. Engineering Geology, 258, 105145 (13 pages). Lien externe


Behlke, F., Ovalle, C., & Li, L. (septembre 2024). Experimental investigation of drainage and consolidation of tailings slurry in a co-disposal structure [Communication écrite]. 77th Canadian Geotechnical Conference & 16th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference (GeoMontreal 2024), Montréal, Qc, Canada (7 pages). Lien externe


Carrasco, S., Cantor, D., Ovalle, C., & Dubois, F. (2025). Particle shape distribution effects on the critical strength of granular materials. Computers and Geotechnics, 177, 12 pages. Lien externe

Carrasco, S., Cantor, D., & Ovalle, C. (novembre 2024). Effects of grain size and shape distributions on the critical strength of granular materials: a DEM study [Communication écrite]. 17th Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (PCSMGE 2024), La Serena, Chile. Non disponible

Cantor, D., Ovalle, C., & Émilien, A. (septembre 2024). Exploring the validity of a DEM inspired effective stress approach in wet polydisperse granular materials [Communication écrite]. 2024 International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro, Grenoble, France. Non disponible

Cantor, D., Azéma, E., & Ovalle, C. (2024). Failure of an effective stress approach in polydisperse wet granular materials. Physical Review Research, 6(2), 022008 (8 pages). Lien externe

Cantor, D., & Ovalle, C. (février 2024). Multi-Scale Study of Specimen Size Effect on Shear Strength of Polydisperse Granular Materials Using DEM [Communication écrite]. Geo-Congress 2024, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Lien externe

Carrasco, S., Cantor, D., Ovalle, C., & Quiroz-Rojo, P. (2023). Shear strength of angular granular materials with size and shape polydispersity. Open Geomechanics, 4, 1-14. Disponible

Cantor, D., & Ovalle, C. (septembre 2023). Micromechanical effects of sample scale in size polydisperse granular materials under simple shear [Résumé]. 9th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods (DEM 2023), Erlangen, Germany. Non disponible

Cantor, D., & Ovalle, C. (2023). Sample size effects on the critical state shear strength of granular materials with varied gradation and the role of column-like local structures. Géotechnique, 42 pages. Lien externe

Cantor, D., Ovalle, C., & Azéma, É. (2022). Microstructural origins of crushing strength for inherently anisotropic brittle materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 238, 111399 (12 pages). Disponible

Cantor, D., & Ovalle, C. (2022). Packing properties and steady strength of cemented loose granular materials. Computers and Geotechnics, 141, 104550 (9 pages). Disponible

Carrasco, S., Cantor, D., & Ovalle, C. (2022). Effects of particle size-shape correlations on steady shear strength of granular materials: The case of particle elongation. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 46(5), 979-1000. Lien externe

Carrasco, S., Quiroz-Rojo, P., Cantor, D., & Ovalle, C. (août 2022). Effets de la corrélation entre les tailles et les formes des grains sur la résistance au cisaillement des matériaux granulaires [Communication écrite]. 25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Nantes, France. Lien externe

Cantor, D., Ovalle, C., & Azéma, É. (juillet 2021). Strength and energy consumption of inherently anisotropic rocks at failure [Communication écrite]. 9th International Conference on Micromechanics on Granular Media (Powders & Grains 2021). Publié dans EPJ Web of Conferences, 249. Lien externe

Carrasco, S., Cantor, D., & Ovalle, C. (septembre 2023). Coupled effects of particle size and shape polydispersity on the mechanical behavior of granular media [Affiche]. 9th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods (DEM 2023), Erlangen, Germany. Non disponible


Dano, C., Ovalle, C., Yin, Z.-Y., Daouadji, A., & Hicher, P.-Y. (2018). Behavior of Granular Materials Affected by Grain Breakage. Dans Advances in Multi-Physics and Multi-Scale Couplings in Geo-Environmental Mechanics (p. 95-132). Lien externe


Edwards, S., Aron, F., Cembrano, J., Crempien, J., Gardner, J., Nazar, R., Ovalle, C., & Santibáñez, I. (mai 2018). Exposure of Chilean Tailings to Earthquake Hazards from Potentially Seismogenic Crustal Faults [Résumé]. 2018 Seismology of the Americas Meeting, Latin American and Caribbean Seismological Commission, Miami, Florida. Publié dans Seismological Research Letters, 89(2B). Lien externe


Frossard, E., Ovalle, C., Dano, C., Hicher, P.-Y., Maiolino, S., & Hu, W. (septembre 2013). Effets d'échelle dans la résistance au cisaillement des remblais granulaires et dans la stabilité de grands ouvrages en enrochements [Size effects due to grain crushing in rockfills shear strength]. [Communication écrite]. 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris, France. Lien externe

Frossard, E., Ovalle, C., Hu, W., Dano, C., Hicher, P.-Y., & Maiolino, S. (juillet 2012). Size effects due to grain crushing in rockfills: theoretical predictions and experimental validation [Résumé]. 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Graz, Austria. Non disponible


Girumugisha, G., Ovalle, C., & Ouellet, S. (2024). Grading scalping and sample size effects on critical shear strength of mine waste rock through laboratory and in-situ testing. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 183, 105915 (12 pages). Lien externe

Girumugisha, G., Ovalle, C., & Ouellet, S. (février 2024). Sample Size Effect on Shear Strength of Mine Waste Rock Using the Scalping Method [Communication écrite]. Geo-Congress 2024, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Lien externe

Garcia-Torres, S., Ovalle, C., & Girumugisha, G. (septembre 2024). Stability assessment of end/push dumping mine waste rock piles in open-pit backfilling [Communication écrite]. 77th Canadian Geotechnical Conference & 16th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference (GeoMontreal 2024), Montréal, Qc, Canada. Non disponible

García-Torres, S., Behlke, F., Ovalle, C., & Ouellet, S. (octobre 2023). Effect of tailings migration on hydraulic conductivity of mine waste rock [Communication écrite]. Annual conference of the Canadian Geotechnical Society (Geosaskatoon 2023), Saskatoon, Sask.. Non disponible


Houbre, L., Boulanger-Martel, V., Ovalle, C., & Swarbrick, B. (septembre 2024). From risk to resilience : crafting guidelines for the safe construction of snow management piles on tailings storage facilities [Communication écrite]. 77th Canadian Geotechnical Conference & 16th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference (GeoMontreal 2024), Montréal, Qc, Canada (8 pages). Lien externe

Huillca, Y., Silva, M., Ovalle, C., Quezada, J. C., Carrasco, S., & Villavicencio, G. E. (2021). Modelling size effect on rock aggregates strength using a DEM bonded-cell model. ACTA Geotechnica, 16(3), 699-709. Lien externe


Le, V. H., & Ovalle, C. (septembre 2024). Stability of filtered tailings storage facilities [Communication écrite]. 77th Canadian Geotechnical Conference & 16th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference (GeoMontreal 2024), Montréal, Qc, Canada. Non disponible

Li, G., Ovalle, C., Dano, C., & Hicher, P.-Y. (2013). Influence of Grain Size Distribution on Critical State of Granular Materials. Dans Constitutive Modeling of Geomaterials (p. 207-210). Lien externe

Li, G., Dano, C., Ovalle, C., & Hicher, P.-Y. (juillet 2012). Influence of the grain size distribution on critical state of granular materials [Résumé]. 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Graz, Austria. Non disponible


Majdani, K., Ovalle, C., & Aubertin, M. (septembre 2024). Slope stability of high waste rock piles based on 2D and 3D FEM simulation [Communication écrite]. 77th Canadian Geotechnical Conference & 16th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference (GeoMontreal 2024), Montréal, Qc, Canada (9 pages). Lien externe

Maringue, J., Mendoza, L., Saez, E., Yanez, G., Montalva, G., Soto, V., Ayala, F., Perez-Estay, N., Figueroa, R., Sepulveda, N., Galvez, C., Ramirez, P., & Ovalle, C. (2022). Geological and geotechnical investigation of the seismic ground response characteristics in some urban and suburban sites in Chile exposed to large seismic threats. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 20(10), 4895-4918. Lien externe

Majdanishabestari, K., Girumugisha, G., Ovalle, C., Aubertin, M., & Saez, E. (octobre 2022). Slope stability and safety distance for mine waste rock piles built by end/push dumping [Communication écrite]. 75th Canadian Geotechnical Conference (GeoCalgary 2022), Calgary, Alberta, CA. Lien externe


Osses, R., Pineda, J., Ovalle, C., Linero, S., & Sáez, E. (2024). Scale and suction effects on compressibility and time-dependent deformation of mine waste rock material. Engineering Geology, 340, 107668 (15 pages). Disponible

Ovalle, C., Girumugisha, G., Cantor, D., & Ouellet, S. (novembre 2023). Size effects assessment of mine waste-rock shear strength combining numerical, laboratory and in situ approaches [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Slope Stability in Mining Conference (SSIM 2023), Perth, Australia. Lien externe

Ovalle, C., & Arenaldi-Perisic, G. (2021). Mechanical behaviour of undisturbed diatomaceous soil. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 39(5), 623-630. Lien externe

Ouellet, S., Chapuis, S., & Ovalle, C. (juin 2021). Le projet de co-déposition dans la fosse Canadian Malartic [Présentation]. Dans Symposium Rouyn-Noranda 2021 sur l'environnement et les mines, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT), Rouyn-Noranda, Québec. Non disponible

Osses, R., Majdanishabestari, K., Ovalle, C., & Pineda, J. (2021). Testing and modelling total suction effects on compressibility and creep of crushable granular material. Soils and Foundations, 61(6), 1581-1596. Lien externe

Ovalle, C., & Hicher, P.-Y. (2020). Modeling the effect of wetting on the mechanical behavior of crushable granular materials. Geoscience Frontiers, 11(2), 487-494. Disponible

Ovalle, C., Linero, S., Dano, C., Bard, E., Hicher, P.-Y., & Osses, R. (2020). Data compilation from large drained compression triaxial tests on coarse crushable rockfill materials. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 146(9), 06020013 (7 pages). Lien externe

Ovalle, C., Linero, S., Dano, C., Bard, E., Hicher, P.-Y., & Osses, R. (2020). Database rockfills [Ensemble de données]. Lien externe

Ovalle, C., & Dano, C. (2020). Effects of particle size-strength and particle size-shape correlations on parallel grading scaling. Geotechnique Letters, 10(2), 191-197. Lien externe

Ovalle, C., Arenaldi, G., & Barrios, A. (novembre 2019). Compressibility and dynamic properties of diatomaceous soils from Mejillones, Chile [Communication écrite]. 16th Panamerican Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Cancun, Mexico. Lien externe

Osses, R., Ovalle, C., Pineda, J., & Barrios, P. (2019). Efecto de la saturación parcial en la compresibilidad de arenas con rotura de partículas. [Effect of partial saturation on the compressibility of crushable sands]. Obras y proyectos (25), 15-21. Lien externe

Osses, R., Pineda, J. A., Ovalle, C., Linero, S., & Fityus, S. (août 2019). Particle size effects on the water retention properties of colluvial sediments [Communication écrite]. 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils (AP-UNSAT 2019), Nagoya, Japan. Publié dans Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, 7(2). Lien externe

Osses, R., Ovalle, C., Pineda, J., Linero, S., & Fityus, S. (septembre 2019). Suction effects on the compressibility and creep of crushable sands [Communication écrite]. 72nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference (Geo St. John's 2019), St. John, Newfoundland and Labrador. Non disponible

Osses, R., & Ovalle, C. (mai 2015). Effects of humidity and time in crushable granular materials [Résumé]. Conference of the ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI 2018), Cambridge, Mass.. Non disponible

Ovalle, C. (2018). Role of particle breakage in primary and secondary compression of wet and dry sand. Geotechnique Letters, 8(2), 161-164. Lien externe

Ovalle, C., Sanz, F., & Sáez, E. (mars 2017). Testing and modeling coarse rockfills [Résumé]. Conference of the ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI 2017), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Non disponible

Ovalle, C., Voivret, C., Dano, C., & Hicher, P. Y. (2016). Population balance in confined comminution using a physical based probabilistic approach for polydisperse granular materials. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 40(17), 2383-2397. Lien externe

Ovalle, C., Dano, C., & Hicher, P.-Y. (novembre 2015). Compressibility and Creep in Dry and Wet Crushable Sand [Communication écrite]. 15th Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Lien externe

Ovalle, C., Dano, C., Hicher, P.-Y., & Cisternas, M. (2015). Experimental framework for evaluating the mechanical behavior of dry and wet crushable granular materials based on the particle breakage ratio. Lien externe

Ovalle, C., Voivret, C., Dano, C., & Hicher, P.-Y. (juin 2015). On particle crushing probability in confined comminution [Résumé]. Conference of the ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI 2015), Palo Alto, Calif.. Non disponible

Ovalle, C., Bard, E., Dano, C., Hicher, P.-Y., Dorador, L., Campaña, J., Palma, C., & Acuña, G. (novembre 2015). A Review of Large Triaxial Tests on Coarse Rockfill Samples [Communication écrite]. 15th Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Lien externe

Ovalle, C., Frossard, E., Dano, C., Hu, W., Maiolino, S., & Hicher, P.-Y. (2014). The effect of size on the strength of coarse rock aggregates and large rockfill samples through experimental data. Acta Mechanica, 225(8), 2199-2216. Lien externe

Ovalle, C., Dano, C., Hicher, P.-Y., & Cisternas, M. (mai 2014). Effects of Flooding on Crushable Sand [Communication écrite]. International Workshop on Bifurcation and Degradation in Geomaterials (IWBDG 2014), Hong Kong, China. Lien externe

Ovalle, C. (2013). Contribution à l'étude de la rupture des grains dans les matériaux granulaires [Thèse de doctorat, École Centrale de Nantes]. Lien externe

Ovalle, C., Dano, C., & Hicher, P.-Y. (août 2013). Effects of flooding on crushable granular materials [Résumé]. Conference of the ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI 2013), Evanston, IL. Non disponible

Ovalle, C. (mai 2013). Effets de l'eau et du temps sur le comportement des matériaux granulaires avec des ruptures des grains [Communication écrite]. 31e Rencontres universitaires de l'AUGC, Cachan, France. Non disponible

Ovalle, C., Dano, C., & Hicher, P.-Y. (2013). Experimental Data Highlighting the Role of Surface Fracture Energy in Quasi-Static Confined Comminution. International Journal of Fracture, 182(1), 123-130. Lien externe

Ovalle, C., Dano, C., & Hicher, P.-Y. (août 2012). On the plastic work of crushable soils under compression [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Geomechanics and Engineering (ICGE 2012), Seoul, Korea. Non disponible

Ovalle, C., Voivret, C., Dano, C., & Hicher, P.-Y. (juillet 2013). A probabilistic approach of confined comminution in polydisperse granular materials [Communication écrite]. 7th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media (POWDERS AND GRAINS 2013), Sydney, Australia. Lien externe

Ovalle, C., Dano, C., & Hicher, P.-Y. (septembre 2013). Specific surface energy in crushable granular materials [Résumé]. ALERT Workshop 2013, Aussois, France. Non disponible

Ovalle, C., & Dano, C. (avril 2011). A model of confined comminution for granular materials [Communication écrite]. 2nd International Symposium on Computational Geomechanics (ComGeo II), Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia. Non disponible

Ovalle, C., Girumugisha, G., Cantor, D., & Ouellet, S. (novembre 2023). Size effects on critical shear strength of mine waste rock material [Présentation]. Dans 3rd International Slope Stability in Mining Conference, Perth, Australie. Non disponible


Quiroz-Rojo, P., Cantor, D., Renouf, M., Émilien, A., & Ovalle, C. (septembre 2024). Experimental study of granular mateirals composed of platonic polypods : exploring geometric cohesion and solid fraction [Communication écrite]. 2024 International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro, Grenoble, France. Non disponible

Quiroz-Rojo, P., Cantor, D., Renouf, M., Émilien, A., & Ovalle, C. (septembre 2024). Micro- and macro-mechanical analyses of rev in sheared granular samples [Communication écrite]. 2024 International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro, Grenoble, France. Non disponible

Quiroz-Rojo, P., Cantor, D., Renouf, M., Ovalle, C., & Azéma, E. (2024). Rev assessment of granular materials with varied grading based on macro- and micro-mechanical statistical data. ACTA Geotechnica, 14 pages. Lien externe


Reid, D., Fourie, A., Ayala, J. L., Dickinson, S., Ochoa-Cornejo, F., Fanni, R., Garfias, J., Viana da Fonseca, A., Ghafghazi, M., Ovalle, C., Riemer, M., Rismanchian, A., Olivera, R., Suazo, G., & Torres-Cruz, L. A. (2023). Results of a critical state line testing round robin programme. Géotechnique, 73(1), 89-90. Lien externe

Reid, D., Fourie, A., Ayala, J. L., Dickinson, S., Ochoa-Cornejo, F., Fanni, R., Garfias, J., Da Fonseca, A. V., Ghafghazi, M., Ovalle, C., Riemer, M., Rismanchian, A., Olivera, R., & Suazo, G. (2021). Results of a critical state line testing round robin programme. Géotechnique, 71(7), 616-630. Lien externe


Salas, F., Sáez, E., Ovalle, C., & Fernández, J. M. (2019). Análisis dinámico de una excavación profunda contenida mediante pilotes anclados en la grava de Santiago. [Dynamic analysis of a deep excavation supported by anchored piles in Santiago gravel]. Obras y proyectos (25), 76-82. Lien externe


Urbano, S., Puma, D., Sáez, E., & Ovalle, C. (juillet 2017). Numerical Modeling of the Monotonic Performance and Cyclic of Thickened Tailings in A Wide Range of Deformation [Communication écrite]. 4th International Seminar on Tailings Management (Tailings 2017), Santiago, Chile. Non disponible

Urbano, S., Puma, D., Sáez, E., & Ovalle, C. (septembre 2017). Seismic stability analysis of a large thickened tailings deposit [Communication écrite]. 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ICSMGE 2017), Seoul, Korea. Non disponible


Vuilloz, T., Cantor, D., & Ovalle, C. (juillet 2021). DEM modeling of segregation and stratification in pouring heaps of bidispersed mixtures of rounded particles [Communication écrite]. 9th International Conference on Micromechanics on Granular Media (Powders & Grains 2021). Publié dans EPJ Web of Conferences, 249. Lien externe

Valencia-Galindo, M., Sáez, E., Ovalle, C., & Ruz, F. (2021). Evaluation of the effectiveness of a soil treatment using calcium carbonate precipitation from cultivated and lyophilized bacteria in soil's compaction water. Buildings, 11(11). Lien externe

Valencia-Galindo, M., Nazar-Soto, R., Sáez-Robert, E., & Ovalle, C. (juin 2019). Exploration of a new methodology for the application of MICP in soils [Affiche]. Engineering Mechanics Institute and GeoInstitute Specialty Conference (EMI 2019), Pasadena, Calif.. Lien externe


Wang, D., Sánchez, M., Sáez, E., Ovalle, C., & Briaud, J.-L. (novembre 2017). Study of a natural unsaturated clay and its effect on railroads [Communication écrite]. 2nd Pan-American Conference on Unsaturated Soils (PanAm-UNSAT 2017), Dallas, Texas. Lien externe

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