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Nombre de documents: 147


Bouazizi, H., Ben Ali, M., Frayret, J.-M., & Larbi, R. (juin 2023). Multi-level symbiotic supply network design model for 2nd generation bioethanol production [Modèle de conception de réseau d’approvisionnement symbiotique multiniveaux pour la production de bioéthanol de 2ème génération]. [Communication écrite]. CIGI Qualita MOSIM 2023, Trois-Rivières, Qc, Canada. Lien externe

Boughzala, D., Nourelfath, M., Frayret, J.-M., & Léger, F. (2014). Agility design and deployment framework: case of forest products industry. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 7(1), 61-100. Lien externe

Boughzala, D. E., Nourelfath, M., Frayret, J.-M., & Léger, F. (août 2012). Agility approach design and foundation: case of lumber industry [Communication écrite]. 4th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS 2012), Québec, Canada. Lien externe

Boughzala, D., Nourelfath, M., Léger, F., & Frayret, J.-M. (octobre 2011). Approche de pilotage pour un complex de sciage agile [Communication écrite]. 9e Congrès international de génie industriel (CIGI 2011), St-Sauveur, Québec. Lien externe

Beaudoin, D., Frayret, J.-M., & LeBel, L. (2010). Negotiation-based distributed wood procurement planning within a multi-firm environment. Forest Policy and Economics, 12(2), 79-93. Lien externe

Beaudoin, D., Frayret, J.-M., & Lebel, L. (2008). Hierarchical Forest Management With Anticipation: an Application to Tactical-Operational Planning Integration. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 38(8), 2198-2211. Lien externe

Beaudoin, D., Frayret, J.-M., & LeBel, L. (2007). Negotiation-based distributed wood procurement planning within a multi firm environment. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2007-10). Lien externe

Beaudoin, D., Lebel, L., & Frayret, J.-M. (2007). Tactical Supply Chain Planning in the Forest Products Industry Through Optimization and Scenario-Based Analysis. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 37(1), 128-140. Lien externe


Chauhan, S. S., Frayret, J.-M., & LeBel, L. (2011). Supply network planning in the forest supply chain with bucking decisions anticipation. Annals of Operations Research, 190(1), 93-115. Lien externe

Chauhan, S. S., Frayret, J.-M., & LeBel, L. (2009). Multi-commodity supply network planning in the forest supply chain. European Journal of Operational Research, 196(2), 688-696. Lien externe

Cimon, Y., Poulin, D., Pellerin, R., Frayret, J.-M., & Karuranga, E. (mai 2009). The strategic role of information technology in the value creation process of small and medium enterprises : integrating business models, performance and assimilation [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2009), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible

Chauhan, S. S., Frayret, J.-M., & LeBel, L. (2008). Supply network planning in the forest supply chain with bucking decisions anticipation. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2008-16). Lien externe

Cid Yanez, F., Frayret, J.-M., Léger, F., & Rousseau, A. (2008). Agent-based simulation and analysis of demand-driven production strategies in the lumber industry. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2008-02). Lien externe


Domingos, E., Frayret, J.-M., & Ben Ali, M. (mai 2024). Critical analysis of digital supply chain twin concepts andtechnological requirements [Communication écrite]. 2024 IISE annual Conference & Expo, Montreal, Qc, Canada. Non disponible

Dems, A., Rousseau, L.-M., & Frayret, J.-M. (2017). Annual timber procurement planning with bucking decisions. European Journal of Operational Research, 259(2), 713-720. Lien externe

Dagenais, M., Deschênes, J., McDonald, M., Baptiste, P., Mascle, C., Legros, R., Spreutels, L., Marinova, M., Perrier, M., & Frayret, J.-M. (2016). Les stratégies de circularité des ressources. Dans Sauvé, S., Normandin, D., & McDonald, M. (édit.), L'économie circulaire : une transition incontournable (p. 37-63). Lien externe

Dems, A., Rousseau, L.-M., & Frayret, J.-M. (2015). Effects of different cut-to-length harvesting structures on the economic value of a wood procurement planning problem. Annals of Operations Research, 232(1), 65-86. Lien externe

Dems, A., Rousseau, L.-M., & Frayret, J.-M. (2015). A hybrid constraint programming approach to a wood procurement problem with bucking decisions. Constraints, 21(2), 303-317. Lien externe

Dems, A., Rousseau, L.-M., & Frayret, J.-M. (2014). Annual timber procurement planning with bucking decisions. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2014-20). Lien externe

de Santa-Eulalia, L. A., D'Amours, S., Frayret, J.-M., Menegusso, C. C., & Cambiaghi Azevedo, R. (2011). Advanced supply chain planning systems (APS) today and tomorrow. Dans Onkai, D. (édit.), Supply Chain Management - Pathways for Research and Practice (p. 171-200). Disponible

de Santa-Eulalia, L. A., D'Amours, S., & Frayret, J.-M. (octobre 2010). Modeling agent-based simulations for supply chain planning: The FAMASS methodological framework [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2010), Istanbul, Turkey. Lien externe

De Santa-Eulalia, L. A., Frayret, J.-M., & D'Amours, S. (2008). Essay on conceptual modeling, analysis and illustration of agent-based simulations for distributed supply chain planning. INFOR, 46(2), 97-116. Lien externe


El Megzari, I., Ciari, F., & Frayret, J.-M. (2024). Dynamic Calibration of a Carsharing System in Multiagent Transport Simulation. Transportation Research Record, 15 pages. Lien externe


Fontaine, L., Legros, R., & Frayret, J.-M. (2024). Sustainability and environmental performance in selective collection of residual materials: impact of modulating citizen participation through policy and incentive implementation. Resources, 13(11), 151 (27 pages). Disponible

Farnia, F., Frayret, J.-M., LeBel, L., & Beaudry, C. (2017). Agent-based simulation of multiple-round timber combinatorial auction. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 47(1), 1-9. Lien externe

Frayret, J.-M., & Perrier, N. (2016). Introduction to Agility in the Forest Product Value Chain. Dans D'Amours, S., Ouhimmou, M., Audy, J.-F., & Feng, Y. (édit.), Forest Value Chain Optimization and Sustainability . Lien externe

Farmer, J.-G., & Frayret, J.-M. (2015). Reverse logistics simulation in a second-hand goods company. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2015-46). Lien externe

Farnia, F., Frayret, J.-M., Lebel, L., & Beaudry, C. (2015). Agent based simulation of multi-round timber combination auction. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2015-16). Lien externe

Farnia, F., Frayret, J.-M., Beaudry, C., & Lebel, L. (2015). Time-based combinatorial auction for timber allocation and delivery coordination. Forest Policy and Economics, 50, 143-152. Disponible

Furtado, P., & Frayret, J.-M. (mai 2015). Proposal sustainability assessment of resource sharing in intermodal freight transport with agent-based simulation [Communication écrite]. 15th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2015), Ottawa, Ontario. Publié dans IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48(3). Lien externe

Furtado, P., & Frayret, J.-M. (2014). Agent-based approach of sustainability assessment of resource sharing in freight transportation. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2014-69). Lien externe

Finlayson, A., Markewitz, K., & Frayret, J.-M. (2014). Postsecondary education in industrial ecology across the world. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 18(6), 931-941. Lien externe

Farnia, F., Frayret, J.-M., LeBel, L., & Beaudry, C. (2013). Multiple-round timber auction design and simulation. International Journal of Production Economics, 146(1), 129-141. Disponible

Farnia, F., Frayret, J.-M., Beaudry, C., & LeBel, L. (2013). Combinatorial auction for timber allocation and delivery coordination. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2013-86). Lien externe

Farnia, F., Frayret, J.-M., LeBel, L., & Beaudry, C. (2013). Multiple-round timber auction design and simulation. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2013-12). Lien externe

Frayret, J.-M., Meignan, D., & Pesant, G. (août 2012). Interactive planning system for forest road construction [Communication écrite]. 4th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS 2012), Québec, Canada. Lien externe

Frayret, J.-M. (2011). Multi-agent system applications in the forest products industry. Journal of Science and Technology for Forest Products and Processes, 1(2), 15-29. Non disponible

Forget, P., D'Amours, S., Frayret, J.-M., & Gaudreault, J. (2009). Study of the performance of multi-behaviour agents for supply chain planning. Computers in Industry, 60(9), 698-708. Lien externe

Frayret, J.-M. (octobre 2009). A multidisciplinary review of collaborative supply chain planning [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2009), San Antonio, Texas, USA. Lien externe

Forget, P., Monteiro, T., D'Amours, S., & Frayret, J.-M. (2008). Collaborative agent-based negotiation in supply chain planning using multi-behaviour agents. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2008-54). Lien externe

Forget, P., D'Amours, S., Frayret, J.-M., & Gaudreault, J. (2008). Performance analysis of multi-behaviour agents for supply chain planning. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2008-43). Lien externe

Forget, P., Monteiro, T., D'Amours, S., & Frayret, J.-M. (septembre 2008). Collaborative agent-based negotiation in supply chain planning [Communication écrite]. 13th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications & Practice, Las Vegas, Nevada. Non disponible

Forget, P., D'Amours, S., Gaudreault, J., & Frayret, J.-M. (janvier 2008). Motivations for multi-behavior agents in supply chain planning [Communication écrite]. 7th Conférence Internationale de modélisation, optimisation et simulation des systèmes, Paris, France. Non disponible

Forget, P., D'Amours, S., & Frayret, J.-M. (2008). Multi-Behavior Agent Model for Planning in Supply Chains: an Application to the Lumber Industry. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 24(5), 664-679. Lien externe

Frayret, J.-M., D'Amours, S., Rousseau, A., Harvey, S., & Gaudreault, J. (septembre 2006). Agent-based supply chain planning in the forest products industry [Communication écrite]. IFIP TC-WG 5.5 7th International Conference on Information Technology for Balanced Automation Systems in Manufacturing and Services, Niagara Falls, Ontario. Publié dans International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 19(4). Lien externe

Frayret, J.-M., & Glardon, R. (novembre 2007). Operations coordination in collaborative supply chains : State-of-the-art and research directions [Communication écrite]. 12th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications & Practice, Cancun, Mexico. Non disponible

Forget, P., D'Amours, S., & Frayret, J.-M. (juin 2007). Un agent à comportements multiples pour la planification de la chaîne d'approvisionnement : une application à l'industrie forestière [Communication écrite]. 7e Congrès international de génie industriel (CIGI 2007), Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada. Non disponible

Forget, P., D'Amours, S., & Frayret, J.-M. (janvier 2006). Collaborative event management in supply chains : an agent-based approach [Communication écrite]. 7th IFIP International Conference on Information Technology for Balanced Automed Systems in Manufacturing and Services, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. Lien externe

Forget, P., D'Amours, S., & Frayret, J.-M. (novembre 2023). Multi-Behavior Agent Model for Supply Chain Management [Communication écrite]. ICEB eBRF Global Conference on Emergent Business Phenomena in the Digital Economy, Tampere, Finland. Non disponible


Gamache, M., Basilico, G., Frayret, J.-M., & Riopel, D. (2023). Real-time multi-agent fleet management strategy for autonomous underground mines vehicles. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 37(9), 649-666. Lien externe

Ghali, M. R., & Frayret, J.-M. (2019). A social semantic web framework for industrial synergies initiation. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2019-03). Lien externe

Ghali, M. R., & Frayret, J.-M. (2019). Social Semantic Web Framework for Industrial Synergies Initiation. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 23(3), 726-738. Lien externe

Gilli, Q., Mustapha, K., Frayret, J.-M., Lahrichi, N., & Karimi, E. (2017). Patient model for colon and colorectal cancer care trajectory simulation. Health Science Journal, 11(6), 536 (16 pages). Disponible

Ghali, M. R., Frayret, J.-M., & Ahabchane, C. (2017). Agent-Based Model of Self-Organized Industrial Symbiosis. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2017-12). Lien externe

Ghali, M. R., Frayret, J.-M., & Ahabchane, C. (2017). Agent-based model of self-organized industrial symbiosis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 161, 452-465. Lien externe

Ghali, M. R., Frayret, J.-M., & Robert, J.-M. (2016). Green social networking: concept and potential applications to initiate industrial synergies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 115, 23-35. Lien externe

Gil, A., & Frayret, J.-M. (2015). Log classification in the hardwood timber industry : method and value analysis. International Journal of Production Research, 54(15), 4669-4688. Lien externe

Gilli, Q., Mustapha, K., Frayret, J.-M., Lahrichi, N., & Karimi, E. (2014). Agent-based simulation of colorectal cancer care trajectory: patient model. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2014-67). Lien externe

Ghali, M. R., Frayret, J.-M., & Robert, J.-M. (2014). Green social networking framework for industrial ecology applications. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2014-68). Lien externe

Gil, A., & Frayret, J.-M. (2014). Log Classification in the Hardwood Timber Industry: method and Value Analysis. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2014-54). Lien externe

Gaudreault, J., Pesant, G., Frayret, J.-M., & D'Amours, S. (2012). Supply chain coordination using an adaptive distributed search strategy. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Part C, Applications and Reviews, 42(6), 1424-1438. Lien externe

Gaudreault, J., Frayret, J.-M., Rousseau, A., & D'Amours, S. (2011). Combined planning and scheduling in a divergent production system with co-production. Computers & Operations Research, 38(1), 1238-1250. Lien externe

Gonzalez Delgado, C. V., Frayret, J.-M., Pellerin, R., & Perrier, N. (octobre 2011). Modèle de réingénierie des processus d'intervention d'urgence des sociétés de transport collectif [Communication écrite]. 9e Congrès international de génie industriel (CIGI 2011), St-Sauveur, Québec. Lien externe

Gaudreault, J., Forget, P., Frayret, J.-M., Rousseau, A., & D'Amours, S. (2009). Distributed Operations Planning in the Lumber Supply Chain: Models and Coordination. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2009-07). Lien externe

Gaudreault, J., Pesant, G., Frayret, J.-M., & D'Amours, S. (janvier 2009). An adaptive search strategy for efficient distributed decision making [Communication écrite]. Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference, Trento, Italy. Non disponible

Gaudreault, J., Frayret, J.-M., & Pesant, G. (2009). Distributed search for supply chain coordination. Computers in Industry, 60(6), 441-451. Lien externe

Gaudreault, J., Pesant, G., Frayret, J.-M., & D'Amours, S. (2008). ADS: An adaptive search strategy for efficient distributed decision making. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2008-49). Lien externe

Gaudreault, J., Forget, P., Frayret, J.-M., Rousseau, A., & D'Amours, S. (septembre 2008). A multi-agent and OR-based approach to operating planning in the lumber industry [Communication écrite]. 13th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications & Practice, Las Vegas, Nevada. Non disponible

Gaudreault, J., Frayret, J.-M., Pesant, G., Forget, P., & D'Amours, S. (septembre 2008). Operations coordination in the lumber industry: from heuristics sto machine learning [Communication écrite]. 13th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications & Practice, Las Vegas, Nevada. Non disponible

Gaudreault, J., Frayret, J.-M., & Pesant, G. (2007). Concurrent Discrepancy-based Search for Distributed Optimization. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2007-09). Lien externe

Gaudreault, J., Frayret, J.-M., & Pesant, G. (octobre 2007). Discrepancy-based method for hierarchical distributed optimization [Communication écrite]. 19th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Patras, Greece. Lien externe

Gaudreault, J., Frayret, J.-M., & Pesant, G. (septembre 2007). Discrepancy-based optimization for distributed supply chain operations planning [Communication écrite]. 9th International Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoning, Providence, Rhode Island. Lien externe


Harguem, S., Bergeron, F., & Frayret, J.-M. (octobre 2007). La gouvernance des TI à l'ère du e-business [Communication écrite]. 1st Commerce & Internet Governance, Sousse, Tunisia. Non disponible

Harguem, S., Bergeron, F., & Frayret, J.-M. La gouvernance des TI dans un contexte inter-organisationnel : Développement d'un cadre d'analyse [Communication écrite]. ASAC 2006, Banff, Alberta, Canada. Non disponible


Kheirabadi, M., Keivanpour, S., Chinniah, Y. A., & Frayret, J.-M. (2023). Human-robot collaboration in assembly line balancing problems: Review and research gaps. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 186, 109737 (20 pages). Lien externe

Kheirabadi, M., Keivanpour, S., Chinniah, Y. A., & Frayret, J.-M. (juin 2022). A Review on Collaborative Robot Assembly Line Balancing Problems [Résumé]. 10th IFAC Triennial Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM 2022), Nantes, France. Publié dans IFAC PapersOnLine, 55(10). Lien externe

Kossar, D., Pellerin, R., & Frayret, J.-M. (juin 2016). Production capacity commitment approach for surface finishing manufacturers [Communication écrite]. 6th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS 2016), Bordeaux, France (8 pages). Lien externe

Karuranga, E., Frayret, J.-M., & D'Amours, S. (août 2007). Supply chain collaboration : measure and determinants [Communication écrite]. Academy of Management 2007 Annual meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Non disponible


Labelle, A., & Frayret, J.-M. (2024). Word-of-mouth in agent-based simulation model of reverse logistics. Frontiers in Sustainability, 5, 13 pages. Lien externe

Labelle, A., & Frayret, J.-M. (2023). First-mile reverse logistics: An agent-based modelling and simulation application for glass bottle recovery. Journal of Cleaner Production, 422, 138574 (11 pages). Lien externe

Labelle, A., & Frayret, J.-M. (2019). Erratum : Agent-based model for end-of-life product flow analysis. Resources, 8(1), 1 page. Lien externe

Labelle, A., & Frayret, J.-M. (2018). Agent-based model for end-of-life product flow analysis. Resources, 7(3), 1-20. Disponible

Labelle, A., & Frayret, J.-M. (juillet 2018). Agent-based simulation model of consumer behaviour for end-of-life product flow analysis [Communication écrite]. 7th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS 2018), Lyon, France. Non disponible

Langevin, A., Perrier, N., Agard, B., Baptiste, P., Frayret, J.-M., Pellerin, R., Riopel, D., & Trépanier, M. (janvier 2009). Models and methods for emergency response logistics in electric distribution systems [Communication écrite]. 2nd International Workshop on Successful Strategies in Supply Chain Management, Hong Kong. Non disponible

Lemieux, S., D'Amours, S., Gaudreault, J., & Frayret, J.-M. (janvier 2008). Intégration d'outils APS dans une simulation multi-agent : une application à l'industrie du bois d'œuvre [Communication écrite]. 7th Conférence Internationale de modélisation, optimisation et simulation des systèmes, Paris, France. Non disponible

Lefaix-Durand, A., Robichaud, F., Beauregard, B., Kozak, R., Frayret, J.-M., & Poulin, D. (2006). Procurement Strategies in the Homebuilding Industry : An Exploratory Study on the Largest Builders in the United States. Journal of Forest Products Business Research, 3. Non disponible

Lemieux, S., D'Amours, S., Gaudreault, J., & Frayret, J.-M. Agent-based simulation to anticipate impacts of tactical supply chain decision-making in the lumber industry. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2009-51). Lien externe


Mzoughi, H., Ben Ali, M., & Frayret, J.-M. (juin 2023). Méthodologie de prévision des ventes B2B avec une demande intermittente [Communication écrite]. CIGI Qualita MOSIM 2023, Trois-Rivières, Qc, Canada. Lien externe

Majeau-Bettez, G., Frayret, J.-M., Ramaswami, A., Li, Y., & Heeren, N. (2022). Data innovation in industrial ecology. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 26(1), 6-11. Lien externe

Mustapha, K., Gilli, Q., Frayret, J.-M., & Lahrichi, N. (juillet 2016). Agent-based modelling and simulation framework for health care [Communication écrite]. 6th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies,Technologies and Applications, (SIMULTECH 2016), Lisbon, Portugal. Lien externe

Mustapha, K., & Frayret, J.-M. (juillet 2016). Agent-based modeling and simulation software architecture for health care [Communication écrite]. 6th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2016), Lisbon, Portugal. Lien externe

Mustapha, K., Gilli, Q., Frayret, J.-M., Lahrichi, N., & Karimi, E. (2016). Agent-based simulation patient model for colon and colorectal cancer care trajectory. Procedia Computer Science, 100, 188-197. Disponible

Maillé, M., & Frayret, J.-M. (2016). Industrial Waste Reuse and By-product Synergy Optimization. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 20(6), 1284-1294. Lien externe

Meignan, D., Frayret, J.-M., & Pesant, G. (2015). Interactive planning system for forest road location. Journal of Heuristics, 21(6), 789-817. Lien externe

Meignan, D., Knust, S., Frayret, J.-M., Pesant, G., & Gaud, N. (2015). A review and taxonomy of interactive optimization methods in operations research. Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, 5(3), 1-43. Lien externe

Maillé, M., & Frayret, J.-M. (2013). Industrial by-product reuse and synergy optimization. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2013-85). Lien externe

Meignan, D., Frayret, J.-M., & Pesant, G. (2013). Interactive planning system for forest road location. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2013-37). Lien externe

Maillé, M., & Frayret, J.-M. (octobre 2012). Decision support tool to identify industrial waste reuse opportunities in a industrial symbiosis context [Communication écrite]. Colloque Interdisciplinaire sur l'écologie industrielle et territoriale, Troyes, France. Non disponible

Meignan, D., Frayret, J.-M., Pesant, G., & Blouin, M. (2012). A heuristic approach to automated forest road location. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 42(12), 2130-2141. Lien externe

Meignan, D., Frayret, J.-M., & Knust, S. G. (août 2012). Perspectives on interactive metaheuristics [Communication écrite]. 4th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS 2012), Québec, Canada. Lien externe

Meignan, D., Frayret, J.-M., & Pesant, G. (octobre 2011). An interactive heuristic approach for the P-forest problem [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2011), Anchorage, AK, United states. Lien externe


Nian, N. A., Trépanier, M., & Frayret, J.-M. (2020). A multi-agent simulation approach to modelling a free-floating carsharing network. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2020-01). Lien externe


Perrier, N., Agard, B., Baptiste, P., Frayret, J.-M., Langevin, A., Pellerin, R., Riopel, D., & Trépanier, M. (2013). A survey of models and algorithms for emergency response logistics in electric distribution systems. Part I: Reliability planning with fault considerations. Computers & Operations Research, 40(7), 1895-1906. Lien externe

Perrier, N., Agard, B., Baptiste, P., Frayret, J.-M., Langevin, A., Pellerin, R., Riopel, D., & Trépanier, M. (2013). A survey of models and algorithms for emergency response logistics in electric distribution systems. Part II: Contingency planning level. Computers & Operations Research, 40(7), 1907-1922. Lien externe

Perrier, N., Agard, B., Baptiste, P., Frayret, J.-M., Langevin, A., Pellerin, R., Riopel, D., & Trépanier, M. (2010). A survey of models and algorithms for emergency response logistics in electric distribution systems - Part 1: Reliability planning with fault considerations. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2010-05). Lien externe

Perrier, N., Agard, B., Baptiste, P., Frayret, J.-M., Langevin, A., Pellerin, R., Riopel, D., & Trépanier, M. (2010). A survey of models and algorithms for emergency response logistics in electric distribution systems - Part II: Contingency planning level. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2010-06). Lien externe


Roshani, M., Lehoux, N., & Frayret, J.-M. (2015). University-industry collaborations and open innovations : an integrated methodology for mutually beneficial relationships. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2015-22). Lien externe


Sarite, M., Frayret, J.-M., Cimmino, M., & Delcroix, B. (mai 2024). Hybrid Simulation of the Assessment of the Impact of External Interventions on Comfort and Occupant Behavior in Intelligent Buildings [Communication écrite]. IISE Annual Conference and Expo, Montreal, QC, Canada. Non disponible

Saraei, T., Ben Ali, M., & Frayret, J.-M. (juin 2023). Système de recommandation basé sur la taxonomie et les feedbacks implicites dans un contexte business-to-business [Communication écrite]. CIGI Qualita MOSIM 2023, Trois-Rivières, Qc, Canada. Lien externe

Scalco, A., Ceschi, A., Shiboub, I., Sartori, R., Frayret, J.-M., & Dickert, S. (2017). The implementation of the theory of planned behavior in an agent-based model for waste recycling: A review and a proposal. Dans Agent-based modeling of sustainable behaviors (p. 77-97). Lien externe

Sauvageau, G., & Frayret, J.-M. (2015). Waste paper procurement optimization: An agent-based simulation approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 242(3), 987-998. Lien externe

Saba, V., Lehoux, N., Santa-Eulalia, L. A., D'Amours, S., Frayret, J.-M., & Venkatadri, U. (2014). Supply chain modelling frameworks for forest products industry; A systematic literature review. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2014-12). Lien externe

Sabar, M., Montreuil, B., & Frayret, J.-M. (2012). An agent-based algorithm for personnel shift-scheduling and rescheduling in flexible assembly lines. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing: Special Issues, 23(6), 2623-2634. Lien externe

Santa-Eulalia, L. A., D'Amours, S., & Frayret, J.-M. (2012). Agent-Based Simulations for Advanced Supply Chain Planning and Scheduling: the Famass Methodological Framework for Requirements Analysis. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 25(10), 963-980. Lien externe

Santa-Eulalia, L. A., D'Amours, S., & Frayret, J.-M. (2011). Agent-based simulations for advanced supply chain planning: the FAMASS methodological framework for requirements analysis. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2011-22). Lien externe

Santa-Eulalia, L. A., Ait-Kadi, D., D'Amours, S., Frayret, J.-M., & Lemieux, S. (2011). Agent-based experimental investigations of the robustness of tactical planning and control policies in a softwood lumber supply chain. Production Planning & Control, 22(8), 782-799. Lien externe

Santa-Eulalia, L. A., D'Amours, S., & Frayret, J.-M. (2011). An agent-based strategy for deploying analysis models into specification and design for distributed APS systems. International Journal of Computer Science Issues, 8(3). Lien externe

Santa-Eulalia, L. A., Halladjian, G., D'Amours, S., & Frayret, J.-M. (2011). Integrated methodological frameworks for modelling agent-based advanced supply chain planning systems: A systematic literature review. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 4(4), 624-668. Disponible

Santa-Eulalia, L. A., Ait-Kadi, D., D'Amours, S., Frayret, J.-M., & Lemieux, S. (2009). Agent-based experimental investigations of the robustness of tactical planning and control policies in a softwood lumber supply chain. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2009-49). Lien externe

Sabar, M., Montreuil, B., & Frayret, J.-M. (juin 2009). An agent-based algorithm for personnel scheduling and rescheduling in assembly centers [Communication écrite]. IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Moscow, Russia. Lien externe

Santa-Eulalia, L. A., D'Amours, S., Frayret, J.-M., Ait-Kadi, D., & Lemieux, S. (mai 2009). Evaluating tactical planning and control policies for a softwood lumber supply chain through agent-based simulations [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2009), Montréal, Québec. Lien externe

Sabar, M., Montreuil, B., & Frayret, J.-M. (2009). A multi-agent-based approach for personnel scheduling in assembly centers. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 22(7), 1080-1088. Lien externe

Sabar, M., Montreuil, B., & Frayret, J.-M. (2008). Competency and Preference Based Personnel Scheduling in Large Assembly Lines. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 21(4), 468-479. Lien externe

Sabar, M., Montreuil, B., & Frayret, J.-M. (septembre 2008). A multi-agent approach based on kernel-stable coalitions for personnel scheduling in assembly centers [Communication écrite]. 13th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications & Practice, Las Vegas, Nevada. Non disponible

Santa-Eulalia, L. A., Frayret, J.-M., & D'Amours, S. (2007). Agent-based simulation for distributed supply chain planning: conceptual modeling, analysis and illustration. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2007-11). Non disponible

Santa-Eulalia, L. A., D'Amours, S., Frayret, J.-M., & Rousseau, A. (octobre 2023). Agent-based simulation for distributed supply chain planning : conceptual modeling and illustration [Communication écrite]. 4th Annual International Symposium on Supply Chain Management Optimizing the Supply Chain, Toronto, Canada. Non disponible

Sauvageau, G., & Frayret, J.-M. Agent-based simulation of waste paper procurement and recycled pulp production. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2013-87). Lien externe

Santa-Eulalia, L. A., D'Amours, S., & Frayret, J.-M. Integrated methodological frameworks for modelling agent-based advanced supply chain planning systems: a systematic literature review. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2011-23). Lien externe


Taghipour, A., & Frayret, J.-M. (2014). A New Heuristic Search with Local Optimization To Manage A Supply Chain. Lecture Notes on Information Theory, 2(1), 78-84. Lien externe

Taghipour, A., & Frayret, J.-M. (2013). Coordination of operations planning in supply chains: a review. International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling, 5(3), 272-307. Lien externe

Taghipour, A., & Frayret, J.-M. (2013). Dynamic mutual adjustment search for supply chain operations planning co-ordination. International Journal of Production Research, 51(9), 2715-2739. Lien externe

Taghipour, A., & Frayret, J.-M. (2012). Mutual Adjustment Search With Incentive for Supply Chain Planning Coordination. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 25(10), 946-962. Lien externe

Taghipour, A., & Frayret, J.-M. (octobre 2010). Negotiation-based coordination in supply chain: model and discussion [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2010), Istanbul, Turkey. Lien externe


Vahid, S., Lehoux, N., de Santa-Eulalia, L. A., D'Amours, S., Frayret, J.-M., & Venkatadri, U. (2016). Supply chain modelling frameworks for forest products industry : a systematic literature review. INFOR, 54(1), 52-75. Lien externe

Vahid, S., Lehoux, N., de Santa-Eulalia, L. A., D'Amours, S., Frayret, J.-M., & Venkatadri, U. (août 2014). Towards a unified framework for modelling the Canadian forest products value Chain [Communication écrite]. 5th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS 2014), Breda, Netherlands. Non disponible

van Horne, C., Poulin, D., & Frayret, J.-M. (2012). Innovation and value creation in university-industry research centres in the canadian forest products industry. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 42(11), 1884-1895. Lien externe

Van Horne, C., Poulin, D., & Frayret, J.-M. (2010). Measuring value in the innovation processes of university-industry research centres. International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 10(1-2), 116-136. Lien externe

Van Horne, C., Poulin, D., & Frayret, J.-M. (juin 2009). Value creation in university-industry research centres : a four actor view [Communication écrite]. 7th International Triple Helix Conference, Glasgow, Scotland. Non disponible

Van Horne, C., Poulin, D., Landry, R., & Frayret, J.-M. (2008). Three actor view of academic-industry research centers: towards a taxonomy. (Rapport technique n° CIRRELT-2008-06). Lien externe

Van Horne, C., Poulin, D., & Frayret, J.-M. (janvier 2008). Perceived, created and captured value: innovation processes of academic-industry research centres [Communication écrite]. 7th International Conference on Management of Technology, Creating and Managing a Knowledge Economy, Dubai, UAE. Non disponible

Van Horne, C., Poulin, D., Landry, R., & Frayret, J.-M. (septembre 2007). Academic research centres as sources of services and technologies : towards a taxonomy [Communication écrite]. 17th International RESER Conference, Tampere, Finland. Non disponible

Van Horne, C., Poulin, D., & Frayret, J.-M. (juin 2007). Creating value with innovation : From centre of expertise to the forest products industry [Communication écrite]. 16e Conférence internationale de management stratégique, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible

Van Horne, C., Poulin, D., & Frayret, J.-M. (novembre 2007). Innovation and knowledge transfer in the field of industrial engineering: a case study in the Québec furniture industry [Communication écrite]. 12th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications & Practice, Cancun, Mexico. Non disponible

Van Horne, C., Kaffel, H., Poulin, D., & Frayret, J.-M. (octobre 2007). Knowledge management forum : on-line R & D support tool for SME manufactures in Québec [Communication écrite]. 1st Commerce & Internet Governance, Sousse, Tunisia. Non disponible

Van Horne, C., Frayret, J.-M., & Poulin, D. (septembre 2023). Innovation network management : towards a value based framework [Communication écrite]. 2nd European Conference on Management of Technology, England. Non disponible


Walzberg, J., Frayret, J.-M., Eberle, A. L. L., Carpenter, A., & Heath, G. (2023). Agent-based modeling and simulation for the circular economy: Lessons learned and path forward. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 27(5), 1227-1238. Lien externe


Yáñez, F., Frayret, J.-M., Léger, F., & Rousseau, A. (2009). Agent-based simulation and analysis of demand-driven production strategies in the timber industry. International Journal of Production Research, 47(22), 6295-6319. Lien externe

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