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Cicoira, F., Hoffmann, P., Olsson, C. O. A., Xanthopoulos, N., Mathieu, H. J., & Doppelt, P. (2005). Auger electron spectroscopy analysis of high metal content micro-structures grown by electron beam induced deposition. Applied Surface Science, 242(1-2), 107-113. External link
Luisier, A., Utke, I., Bret, T., Cicoira, F., Hauert, R., Rhee, S. W., Doppelt, P., & Hoffmann, P. (2005). Comparative study of cu-precursors for 3D focused electron beam induced deposition. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 152(9), C590-C593. External link
Cicoira, F., Leifer, K., Hoffmann, P., Utke, I., Dwir, B., Laub, D., Buffat, P. A., Kapon, E., & Doppelt, P. (2004). Electron beam induced deposition of rhodium from the precursor [RhCl(PF3)2]2: Morphology, structure and chemical composition. Journal of Crystal Growth, 265(3-4), 619-626. External link
Seuret, P., Cicoira, F., Ohta, T., Doppelt, P., Hoffmann, P., Weber, J., & Wesolowski, T. A. (2003). An experimental and theoretical study of [RhCl(PF3)2]2 fragmentation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 5(2), 268-274. External link
Ohta, T., Cicoira, F., Doppelt, P., Beitone, L., & Hoffmann, P. (2001). Self-reducible CuII source reagents for the CVD of copper. Chemical Vapor Deposition, 7(1), 28-31. External link
Ohta, T., Cicoira, F., Doppelt, P., Beitone, L., & Hoffmann, P. (2001). Static vapor pressure measurement of low volatility precursors for molecular vapor deposition below ambient temperature. Chemical Vapor Deposition, 7(1), 33-37. External link
Utke, I., Dwir, B., Leifer, K., Cicoira, F., Doppelt, P., Hoffmann, P., & Kapon, E. (1999, September). Electron beam induced deposition of metallic tips and wires for microelectronics applications [Paper]. 25th International Conference on Micro- and Nano-Engineering. Published in Microelectronic Engineering, 53(1-4). External link
Hoffmann, P., Utke, I., Cicoira, F., Dwir, B., Leifer, K., Kapon, E., & Doppelt, P. (2000, April). Focused electron beam induced deposition of gold and rhodium [Paper]. Materials Development for Direct Write Technologies (Symposium V), Warrendale, PA, USA. External link