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Africa, P. C., Arndt, D., Bangerth, W., Blais, B., Fehling, M., Gassmöller, R., Heister, T., Heltai, L., Kinnewig, S., Kronbichler, M., Maier, M., Munch, P., Schreter-Fleischhacker, M., Thiele, J. P., Turcksin, B., Wells, D., & Yushutin, V. (2024). The deal.II library, Version 9.6. Journal of Numerical Mathematics, 32(4), 369-380. Lien externe
Arndt, D., Bangerth, W., Blais, B., Fehling, M., Gassmoller, R., Heister, T., Heltai, L., Kocher, U., Kronbichler, M., Maier, M., Munch, P., Pelteret, J.-P., Proell, S., Simon, K., Turcksin, B., Wells, D., & Zhang, J. (2021). The deal.II Library, Version 9.3. Journal of Numerical Mathematics, 29(3), 171-186. Lien externe
Arndt, D., Bangerth, W., Blais, B., Clevenger, T. C., Fehling, M., Grayver, A. V., Heister, T., Heltai, L., Kronbichler, M., Maier, M., Munch, P., Pelteret, J.-P., Rastak, R., Tomas, I., Turcksin, B., Wang, Z., & Wells, D. (2020). The deal.II Library, Version 9.2. Journal of Numerical Mathematics, 28(3), 131-146. Lien externe
Badran, Y., Dupuy, D., Blais, B., Moureau, V., Ansart, R., Chaouki, J., & Simonin, O. (2025). Meso-scale numerical analysis of the role of Van der Waals adhesion and static friction in fluidized beds of fine solids. Powder Technology, 120763. Lien externe
Barbeau, L., Étienne, S., Béguin, C., & Blais, B. (2024). Solid–fluid force modeling: insights from comparing a reduced order model for a pair of particles with resolved CFD-DEM. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 178, 104882 (23 pages). Disponible
Barbeau, L., Golshan, S., Deng, J., Étienne, S., Béguin, C., & Blais, B. (2024). High-order moving immersed boundary and its application to a resolved CFD-DEM model. Computers & Fluids, 268, 106094 (14 pages). Lien externe
Bibeau, V., Boffito, D. C., & Blais, B. (2024). Physics-informed Neural Network to predict kinetics of biodiesel production in microwave reactors. Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification, 196, 109652 (9 pages). Lien externe
Bibeau, V., Barbeau, L., Boffito, D. C., & Blais, B. (2023). Artificial neural network to predict the power number of agitated tanks fed by CFD simulations. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 101(10), 5992-6002. Disponible
Berthet, L., Karbasian, H. R., Blais, B., & Gosselin, F. (mai 2023). Physics-informed neural network-based modeling of the static reconfiguration of a plate under fluid flow [Résumé]. Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) / Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada (CFD Canada). International congress, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada (1 page). Publié dans Progress in Canadian Mechanical Engineering, 3. Lien externe
Barbeau, L., Étienne, S., Béguin, C., & Blais, B. (2022). Development of a high-order continuous Galerkin sharp-interface immersed boundary method and its application to incompressible flow problems. Computers & Fluids, 239, 13 pages. Lien externe
Bérard, A., Blais, B., & Patience, G. S. (2021). Fluidized bed hydrodynamic modeling of CO2 in syngas: Distorted RTD curves due to adsorption on FCC. AICHE Journal, 67(11), e17380 (12 pages). Lien externe
Bérard, A., Blais, B., & Patience, G. S. (2021). Residence time distribution in fluidized beds: diffusion, dispersion, and adsorption. Advanced Powder Technology, 32(5), 1677-1687. Lien externe
Bashiri, H., Rabiee, R., Shams, A., Golshan, S., Blais, B., & Chaouki, J. (2021). Transition from e-pilot to full commercial scale. Dans Chaouki, J., & Sotudeh-Gharebagh, R. (édit.), Scale-Up Processes: Iterative Methods for the Chemical, Mineral and Biological Industries (p. 91-124). Lien externe
Blais, B., Delacroix, B., Fradette, L., & Bertrand, F. (novembre 2020). A comparison of the performance of mixing systems for viscous solid-liquid mixing using CFD-DEM [Communication écrite]. AIChE Annual Meeting. Lien externe
Bérard, A., Blais, B., & Patience, G. S. (2020). Experimental methods in chemical engineering: Residence time distribution-RTD. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 98(4), 848-867. Lien externe
Bérard, A., Patience, G. S., & Blais, B. (2020). Experimental methods in chemical engineering: Unresolved CFD-DEM. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 98(2), 424-440. Lien externe
Blais, B., Barbeau, L., Bibeau, V., Gauvin, S., Geitani, T. E., Golshan, S., Kamble, R., Mikahori, G., & Chaouki, J. (2020). Lethe: An open-source parallel high-order adaptative CFD solver for incompressible flows. SoftwareX, 12, 9 pages. Lien externe
Blais, B., Vidal, D., Bertrand, F., Patience, G. S., & Chaouki, J. (2019). Experimental methods in chemical engineering: Discrete element method - DEM. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 97(7), 1964-1973. Lien externe
Blais, B., & Ilinca, F. (2018). Development and validation of a stabilized immersed boundary CFD model for freezing and melting with natural convection. Computers & Fluids, 172, 564-581. Disponible
Bertrand, O., Blais, B., Bertrand, F., & Fradette, L. (2018). Complementary methods for the determination of the just-suspended speed and suspension state in a viscous solid-liquid mixing system. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 136, 32-40. Lien externe
Blais, B., Bertrand, O., Fradette, L., & Bertrand, F. (2017). CFD-DEM simulations of early turbulent solid–liquid mixing: Prediction of suspension curve and just-suspended speed. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 123, 388-406. Disponible
Blais, B., & Bertrand, F. (2017). CFD-DEM investigation of viscous solid–liquid mixing: Impact of particle properties and mixer characteristics. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 118, 270-285. Disponible
Blais, B., & Ilinca, F. (mars 2017). A robust modeling tool for the analysis of solidification and melting processes in SCR tanks [Présentation]. Dans Automotive Energy Storage Systems, Novi, Michigan. Non disponible
Blais, B., Lassaigne, M., Goniva, C., Fradette, L., & Bertrand, F. (2016). Development of an unresolved CFD–DEM model for the flow of viscous suspensions and its application to solid–liquid mixing. Journal of Computational Physics, 318, 201-221. Disponible
Blais, B. (2016). Développement d'un modèle Euler-Lagrange robuste pour la simulation des écoulements solide-liquide dans les opérations de mélange [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible
Blais, B., Lassaigne, M., Goniva, C., Fradette, L., & Bertrand, F. (2016). A semi-implicit immersed boundary method and its application to viscous mixing. Computer & Chemical Engineering, 85, 136-146. Disponible
Bertrand, F., & Blais, B. (octobre 2016). Development of a Novel CFD-DEM Model for Understanding Solid-Liquid Mixing [Communication écrite]. Mathias 2016, Paris, France. Non disponible
Bertrand, F., & Blais, B. (août 2016). Development of a Novel CFD-DEM Model for Understanding Solid-Liquid Mixing [Communication écrite]. Enabling Process Innovation by Computation Workshop (EPIC 2016), Banff, Alberta. Lien externe
Bertrand, O., Blais, B., Bertrand, F., & Fradette, L. (octobre 2016). Development of Pressure Based Methods for the Determination of the Just-Suspended Speed and Suspension State in Viscous Solid-Liquid Mixing [Communication écrite]. Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering (CSChE) Annual Meeting, Québec, Québec. Non disponible
Bertrand, O., Blais, B., Fradette, L., & Bertrand, F. (juin 2016). Development of Pressure Based Methods for the Determination of the Just-Suspended Speed and Suspension State in Viscous Solid-Liquid Mixing [Communication écrite]. Mixing XXV, Québec, Québec. Non disponible
Blais, B., Bertrand, O., Lassaigne, M., Fradette, L., & Bertrand, F. (juin 2016). Understanding Solid-Liquid Mixing Through the Development of a Novel CFD-DEM Model [Communication écrite]. North American Mixing Forum (Mixing XXV), Québec, Québec. Lien externe
Blais, B., & Bertrand, F. (novembre 2016). Viscous Solid-Liquid Mixing in Agitated Vessels via CFD-DEM Simulation: Suspension Dynamics and Influence of the Geometry [Communication écrite]. AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Calif.. Lien externe
Blais, B., Tucny, J.-M., Vidal, D., & Bertrand, F. (2015). A conservative lattice Boltzmann model for the volume-averaged Navier–Stokes equations based on a novel collision operator. Journal of Computational Physics, 294, 258-273. Disponible
Blais, B., & Bertrand, F. (2015). On the use of the method of manufactured solutions for the verification of CFD codes for the volume-averaged Navier–Stokes equations. Computer & Fluids, 114, 121-129. Disponible
Bertrand, F., Blais, B., Lassaigne, M., Fradette, L., & Goniva, C. (novembre 2015). A CFD-DEM Model for Viscous Solid-Liquid Mixing in Stirred Tanks [Communication écrite]. AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah. Lien externe
Blais, B., Lassaigne, M., Goniva, C., Fradette, L., & Bertrand, F. (septembre 2015). Design and Validation of a Robust CFD-DEM Model for the Investigation of Viscous Solid-Liquid Mixing in Agitated Vessels [Communication écrite]. 4th Conference on Particle-Based Methods (PARTICLES 2015), Barcelona, Spain. Lien externe
Blais, B., Lassaigne, M., Goniva, C., Fradette, L., & Bertrand, F. (juin 2015). Investigation of Viscous Solid-Liquid Mixing in Agitated Vessels Using CFD-DEM: Model Formulation and Experimental Validation [Communication écrite]. 10th OpenFOAM Workshop, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Non disponible
Blais, B., Lassaigne, M., Goniva, C., Fradette, L., & Bertrand, F. (septembre 2015). A Robust and Efficient CFD-DEM Model for the Investigation of Viscous Solid-Liquid Mixing in Stirred Tanks [Communication écrite]. 10th European Congress on Chemical Engineering (ECCE 2015), Nice, France. Non disponible
Blais, B., & Bertrand, F. (mai 2015). Strategies for the CFD-DEM Simulation of Dense Suspensions in Stirred Tanks [Communication écrite]. 27th International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics (Parallel CFD 2015), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Blais, B., Lassaigne, M., Fradette, L., & Bertrand, F. (novembre 2014). Multiscale CFD-DEM Modeling of the Mixing of Viscous Liquids and Large Concentrations of Spherical Particles in Stirred Tanks [Communication écrite]. 14th AIChE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, USA. Lien externe
Blais, B., Lassaigne, M., Fradette, L., & Bertrand, F. (octobre 2014). Robust Modeling of Viscous Solid-Liquid Mixing in Stirred Tanks via a Euler-Lagrange Approach [Communication écrite]. 15th Workshop on Trends in Numerical and Physical Modeling for Industrial Multiphase Flows, Cargèse, Corsica, France. Non disponible
Blais, B., Braeunig, J.-P., Chauveheid, D., Ghidaglia, J.-M., & Loubere, R. (2013). Dealing with more than two materials in the FVCF-ENIP method. European Journal of Mechanics. Part B : Fluids, 42, 1-9. Lien externe
Blais, B., & Bertrand, F. (novembre 2013). Towards the combination of modeling strategies for solid-liquid mixing [Communication écrite]. AICHE annual meeting, San Francisco, CA. Non disponible
Bernard-Champmartin, A., Blais, B., Braeunig, J.-P., Chauveheid, D., Ghidaglia, J.-M., Loubère, R., & Peybernes, M. (juin 2012). Some recent developments in the computation of complex multimaterials [Communication écrite]. Applied Mathematics in Savoie (AMIS 2012), Savoie, France. Non disponible
Braeunig, J.-P., Blais, B., Chauveheid, D., & Ghidaglia, J.-M. (juillet 2011). Some evolutions of the FVCF-NIP method [Communication écrite]. 2nd Cargèse Workshop on Fluid Mechanics, Transport and Plasma, Corsica, France. Non disponible
Collard-Daigneault, A., Vidal, D., Bertrand, F., & Blais, B. (2024). Enhancing the computational performance of granular flow simulations in DEM and CFD-DEM with adaptive sparse contacts (ASC). Powder Technology, 452, 120530 (16 pages). Lien externe
Daunais, C.-A., Barbeau, L., & Blais, B. (2023). An extensive study of shear thinning flow around a spherical particle for power-law and Carreau fluids. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 311, 104951 (13 pages). Lien externe
Delacroix, B., Fradette, L., Bertrand, F., & Blais, B. (2021). Which impeller should be chosen for efficientsolid–liquid mixing in the laminar and transitional regime? AIChE Journal, 67(11). Disponible
Delacroix, B., Rastoueix, J., Fradette, L., Bertrand, F., & Blais, B. (2021). CFD-DEM simulations of solid-liquid flow in stirred tanks using a non-inertial frame of reference. Chemical Engineering Science, 230. Disponible
Delacroix, B., Bouarab, A., Fradette, L., Bertrand, F., & Blais, B. (2020). Simulation of granular flow in a rotating frame of reference using the discrete element method. Powder Technology, 369, 146-161. Disponible
Delacroix, B., Blais, B., Fradette, L., & Bertrand, F. (novembre 2019). Development of a CFD-DEM model in a non-inertial frame for solid-liquid mixing applications [Communication écrite]. 2019 AIChe Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA. Non disponible
Delacroix, B., Blais, B., Fradette, L., & Bertrand, F. (juin 2019). Development of a CFDDEM model in non-inertial frame for solid-liquid mixing applications [Communication écrite]. 2019 Joint Congress of the CSME and the CFDSC, London, ON, Canada. Non disponible
El Geitani, T., & Blais, B. (2023). Quadrature-Centered Averaging Scheme for Accurate and Continuous Void Fraction Calculation in Computational Fluid Dynamics-Discrete Element Method Simulations. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 62(12), 5394-5407. Lien externe
El Geitani, T., & Blais, B. (2023). Solid-liquid rotary kilns: An experimental and CFD-DEM study. Powder Technology, 430, 119008 (14 pages). Lien externe
El Geitani, T., Golshan, S., & Blais, B. (2023). Toward High-Order CFD-DEM: Development and Validation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 62(2), 1141-1159. Lien externe
Ferreira, V. O., Geitani, T. E., Silva, D., Blais, B., & Lopes, G. C. (2023). In-depth validation of unresolved CFD-DEM simulations of liquid fluidized beds. Powder Technology, 426, 16 pages. Lien externe
Ferreira, V. O., Silva Junior, D., de Melo, K. R. B., Blais, B., & Lopes, G. C. (2023). Prediction of the bed expansion of a liquid fluidized bed bioreactor applied to wastewater treatment and biogas production. Energy Conversion and Management, 290, 10 pages. Lien externe
Guévremont, O., Barbeau, L., Moreau, V., Galli, F., Virgilio, N., & Blais, B. (2024). Robust pore-resolved CFD through porous monoliths reconstructed by micro-computed tomography: From digitization to flow prediction. Chemical Engineering Journal, 504, 158577 (17 pages). Lien externe
Geitani, T. E., Golshan, S., & Blais, B. (2023). A high-order stabilized solver for the volume averaged Navier-Stokes equations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 95(6), 1011-1033. Lien externe
Golshan, S., Shams, A., Rabiee, R., Jafari, R., Chaouki, J., & Blais, B. (2022). A correlation for average droplet diameter in rotating packed beds. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 101(1), 160-171. Lien externe
Golshan, S., Patience, G. S., Zarghami, R., Chaouki, J., & Blais, B. (2022). Experimental methods in chemical engineering: Optical fibre probes in multiphase systems. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 100(10), 2762-2777. Lien externe
Golshan, S., Munch, P., Gassmöller, R., Kronbichler, M., & Blais, B. (2022). Lethe-DEM: an open-source parallel discrete element solver with load balancing. Computational Particle Mechanics, 10(1), 77-96. Lien externe
Golshan, S., & Blais, B. (2022). Load-Balancing Strategies in Discrete Element Method Simulations. Processes, 10(1), 79 (13 pages). Lien externe
Golshan, S., Rabiee, R., Shams, A., Hoballah, R., Maheshwari, P., Jafari, R., Chaouki, J., & Blais, B. (2021). On the volume of fluid simulation details and droplet size distribution insider rotating packed beds. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 60(24), 8888-8900. Disponible
Gassmoller, R., Thieulot, C., Puckett, E., Golshan, S., & Blais, B. (décembre 2021). Implementing and benchmarking high-performance particle methods in the geosciences and beyond [Communication écrite]. 2021 AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA. Lien externe
Golshan, S., & Blais, B. (2021). Insights into granular mixing in vertical ribbon mixers. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 99(7), 1570-1581. Lien externe
Golshan, S., Esgandari, B., Zarghami, R., Blais, B., & Saleh, K. (2020). Experimental and DEM studies of velocity profiles and residence time distribution of non-spherical particles in silos. Powder Technology, 373, 510-521. Lien externe
Golshan, S., Sotudeh-Gharebagh, R., Zarghami, R., Mostoufi, N., Blais, B., & Kuipers, J. A. M. (2020). Review and implementation of CFD-DEM applied to chemical process systems. Chemical Engineering Science, 221, 35 pages. Lien externe
Goniva, C., Blais, B., & Kloss, C. (septembre 2015). Application-driven development of CFD-DEM modelling for particles-based processes [Communication écrite]. 4th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods : Fundamentals and Applications (PARTICLE 2015), Barcelona, Spain. Lien externe
Ilinca, F., Yu, K. R., & Blais, B. (2019). The effect of viscosity on free surface flow inside an angularly oscillating rectangular tank. Computers & Fluids, 183, 160-176. Lien externe
Ilinca, F., & Blais, B. (mai 2018). Towards a parallel multiphysics model for phase change in enclosed [Communication écrite]. 30th International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluids Dynamics (Parallel CFP 2018), Indianapolis, Indiana. Non disponible
Ilinca, F., Blais, B., & Yu, K. (juillet 2017). Modeling of solidification and thawing problems with free surfaces in rigid containers [Communication écrite]. 14th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM 2017), Montréal, Québec. Non disponible
Ilinca, F., Blais, B., & Yu, K. (juillet 2017). On the solution of 3D free surface flows using enriched pressure shape functions [Présentation]. Dans 14th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM 2017), Montréal, Québec. Lien externe
Joachim, J., Daunais, C.-A., Bibeau, V., Heltai, L., & Blais, B. (2023). A parallel and adaptative Nitsche immersed boundary method to simulate viscous mixing. Journal of Computational Physics, 488, 21 pages. Lien externe
Lassaigne, M., Blais, B., Fradette, L., & Bertrand, F. (2016). Experimental investigation of the mixing of viscous liquids and non-dilute concentrations of particles in a stirred tank. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 108, 55-68. Lien externe
Lassaigne, M., Blais, B., Ayranci, I., Fradette, L., & Bertrand, F. (juin 2014). Mixing of Viscous Liquids and Large Concentrations of Spherical Particles in Stirred Tanks [Communication écrite]. Mixing XXIV Conference, Lake George, NY, USA. Non disponible
Lassaigne, M., Blais, B., Ayranci, I., Bertrand, F., & Fradette, L. (octobre 2014). Mixing of Viscous Liquids and Large Concentrations of Spherical Particles in Stirred Tanks [Communication écrite]. 64th CSChE Annual Meeting, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. Non disponible
Mirakhori, G., Collard-Daigneault, A., Alphonius, A., Doucet, J., Blais, B., & Chaouki, J. (2023). An improved position reconstruction method for radioactive particle tracking. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1055, 9 pages. Lien externe
Maani, A., Blais, B., Heuzey, M.-C., & Carreau, P. (2012). Rheological and Morphological Properties of Reactively Compatibilized Thermoplastic Olefin (TPO) Blends. Journal of Rheology, 56(3), 625-647. Lien externe
Patience, P. A., Audet, C., & Blais, B. (2024). Cesogen: Cellular solid generator. (Rapport technique n° G-2024-15). Lien externe
Patience, G. S., Villasana, Y., & Blais, B. (2023). Perspectives on judging posters. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 7 pages. Lien externe
Pahija, E., Golshan, S., Blais, B., & Boffito, D. C. (2022). Perspectives on the Process Intensification of CO2 Capture and Utilization. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, 176, 8 pages. Lien externe
Patience, G. S., Patience, C. A., Blais, B., & Bertrand, F. (2019). Erratum: Citation analysis of scientific categories. Heliyon, 5(3). Lien externe
Poirier, D., Legoux, J.-G., Vo, P., Blais, B., Giallonardo, J. D., & Keech, P. G. (2019). Powder Development and Qualification for High-Performance Cold Spray Copper Coatings on Steel Substrates. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 28(3), 444-459. Lien externe
Patience, G. S., Patience, C. A., Blais, B., & Bertrand, F. (2017). Citation analysis of scientific categories. Heliyon, 3(5). Disponible
Rabiee, R., Monzavi, M., Shabanian, J., Shams, A., Golshan, S., Jafari, R., Blais, B., & Chaouki, J. (2022). Two-Phase flow characterization of a rotating packed bed through CFD simulation in OpenFOAM. Chemical Engineering Science, 253, 117589 (14 pages). Lien externe
Schieppati, D., Fattahi, S. K., Blais, B., Boffito, D. C., & Denner, F. (2025). Acoustic wave propagation in liquid medium and damping mechanisms: modeling and simulation. Dans Kerboua, K. (édit.), Modeling and Simulation of Sono-Processes (p. 35-57). Lien externe
Saavedra, L. P., Radburn, C. E. N., Collard-Daigneault, A., & Blais, B. (2024). An implicit large-Eddy simulation perspective on the flow over periodic hills. Computers & Fluids, 283, 106390 (16 pages). Disponible
Schieppati, D., Mohan, M., Blais, B., Fattahi, K., Patience, G. S., Simmons, B. A., Singh, S., & Boffito, D. C. (2024). Characterization of the acoustic cavitation in ionic liquids in a horn-type ultrasound reactor. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 102, 106721 (14 pages). Lien externe
Sadeghi, H., Diosady, L., & Blais, B. (2022). A computational fluid dynamics study on rimming flow in a rotating cylinder. Physics of Fluids, 34(6), 14 pages. Lien externe
Shademani, M., Blais, B., & Shakibaeinia, A. (2021). CFD-DEM modeling of dense sub-aerial and submerged granular collapses. Water, 13(21), 17 pages. Lien externe
Yu, K., Ilinca, F., Blais, B., & Goodwin, F. E. (mai 2018). Three-dimensional numerical model development for the investigation of the gas jet wiping process on the flow behaviors near the galvanizing bath surface [Communication écrite]. AIS Technical Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Lien externe
Zarghami, R., Sotudeh-Gharebagh, R., Blais, B., Mostoufi, N., & Chaouki, J. (2021). Process extrapolation by simulation. Dans Chaouki, J., & Sotudeh-Gharebagh, R. (édit.), Scale-Up Processes: Iterative Methods for the Chemical, Mineral and Biological Industries (p. 57-90). Lien externe