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Bianki, M.-A., Guertin, R., Lemieux-Leduc, C., & Peter, Y.-A. (2024). Suspended whispering gallery mode resonators made of different polymers and fabricated using drop-on-demand inkjet printing for gas sensing applications. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 420, 136460 (8 pages). Restricted access
Bianki, M.-A., Guertin, R., Lemieux-Leduc, C., & Peter, Y.-A. (2024). Temperature sensitivity control of an inkjet-printed optical resonator on pillar. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8 pages. Restricted access
Guertin, R., Lacasse, T., Lemieux-Leduc, C., Bianki, M.-A., & Peter, Y.-A. (2023). High-performance, low-cost on-chip Fabry-Perot interferometer with microfluidic channel using single anisotropic wet etching. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 32(4), 347-351. Available
Bianki, M.-A., Lemieux-Leduc, C., Guertin, R., & Peter, Y.-A. (2022). Mutlilayer Wedge Disks CROW for an Optical Delay Line. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 40(3), 770-775. External link
Guertin, R., Bianki, M.-A., Lemieux-Leduc, C., & Peter, Y.-A. (2021). Multi-gas detection using Fabry-Perot interferometers on silicon chip. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 335. Available
Lemieux-Leduc, C., Guertin, R., Bianki, M.-A., & Peter, Y.-A. (2021). All-polymer whispering gallery mode resonators for gas sensing. Optics Express, 29(6), 8685-8697. Available
Bianki, M.-A., Guertin, R., Lemieux-Leduc, C., & Peter, Y.-A. (2024, July). Inkjet printing of polymeric optical resonators for multi-gas sensing [Paper]. International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN 2024), San Sebastian, Spain (2 pages). External link
Guertin, R., Bianki, M.-A., Figueroa, O., Amoah, C., Skene, W., & Peter, Y.-A. (2024, July). Polymer-functionalized on-chip Fabry-Perot interferometer for CO2 and CH4 sensing [Paper]. International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN 2024), San Sebastian, Spain (2 pages). External link
Bianki, M.-A., Guertin, R., Lemieux-Leduc, C., & Peter, Y.-A. (2023, July). Investigation of an Inkjet Printed Optical Resonator as an Environmental Sensor [Paper]. International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN) and SBFoton International Optics and Photonics Conference (SBFoton IOPC 2023), Campinas, Brazil (2 pages). External link
Guertin, R., Bianki, M.-A., & Peter, Y.-A. (2023, July). Low-cost fabrication of an on-chip Fabry-Perot interferometer for dry environmental monitoring [Paper]. International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN) and SBFoton International Optics and Photonics Conference (SBFoton IOPC 2023), Campinas, Brazil (2 pages). External link
Bianki, M.-A., Lemieux-Leduc, C., Guertin, R., & Peter, Y.-A. (2020, September). Vertically Coupled Wedge Disks for a Coupled-Resonator Optical Waveguide [Paper]. IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC 2020), Vancouver, BC, Canada (2 pages). External link
Lemieux-Leduc, C., Guertin, R., Bianki, M.-A., & Peter, Y.-A. (2018, July). Gas sensing with SU-8 whispering gallery mode resonators [Paper]. International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN 2018), Lausanne, Suisse (2 pages). Available
Piollet, E., Laroche, S., Bianki, M.-A., & Ross, A. (2016, August). A mobile reverberation cabin for acoustic measurements in an existing anechoic room [Paper]. 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future (INTER-NOISE 2016), Hamburg, Germany. Unavailable
Bianki, M.-A. (2019). Mémoire tampon formée d'un guide d'onde de résonateurs couplés en forme de disques à bord biseauté superposés [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal]. Available