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Koltai, K., Walsh, C., Jones, B., & Berkelaar, B. (2018). Applying Social Network Analysis to Identify the Social Support Needs of Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Patients and Survivors. Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, 7(2), 181-186. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B., & Francisco-Revilla, L. (2018). Motivation, Evidence and Computation : a research framework for expanding computational social science participation and design. Dans Computational social science in the age of big data : concepts, methodologies, tools and applications (p. 16-62). Non disponible
Berkelaar, B., & Harrison, M. A. (2017). Cybervetting. Dans The International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication (7 pages). Lien externe
Berkelaar, B. (2017). Different ways new information technologies influence conventional organizational practices and employment relationships: The case of cybervetting for personnel selection. Human Relations, 70(9), 1115-1140. Lien externe
Dorrance Hall, E., Greene, J. O., Anderson, L. B., Hingson, L.R., Gill, E., Berkelaar, B., & Morgan, M. (2017). The Family Environment of “Quick-Witted” Persons : Birth Order, Family Communication Patterns, and Creative Facility. Communication Studies, 68(5), 493-510. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B. (2017). How implicit theories help differentiate approaches to online impression management: A preliminary typology. New Media & Society, 19(12), 2039-2058. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B., & Harrison, M. A. (2017). Information Visibility. Dans Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication (28 pages). Lien externe
Berkelaar, B., & Murphy, M. L. (2017). Interviews/Interviewing. Dans The International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication (11 pages). Lien externe
Berkelaar, B., & Tronstad, L.R. (2017). Negotiating work-life. Dans Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication (36 pages). Lien externe
Berkelaar, B., & Harrison, M. A. (2017). Organizational socialization. Dans Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication . Lien externe
Berkelaar, B., & Buzzanell, P. M. (mai 2017). Rethinking calling as communicative practice and theoretical term : a proposed framework for research and practice [Communication écrite]. International Communication Association Convention, San Diego, CA. Non disponible
Berkelaar, B., O'Connor, E. A., & Schneider, C. M. (2017). Round-robin presentations: Increasing opportunities for public speaking in large lectures and beyond. Communication Teacher, 33(2), 145-150. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B., Bernhardt, J., Glowacki, E., & Schneider, C. (avril 2017). Understanding how human, communication and technology factors influence effective and efficient electronic health records (EHRs) use [Communication écrite]. Transforming Healthcare Through Research Collaboration Symposium, Austin, Texas. Non disponible
Berkelaar, B., & Harrison, M. (2016). Cybervetting. Dans Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication . Lien externe
Berkelaar, B., & Jackson, T. (2016). Finding the right fit. Online? Dans Cases in organizational and managerial communication : stretching boundaries (6 pages). Lien externe
Ford, J. L., Ford, J. S., Frei, S. S., Pilny, A., & Berkelaar, B. (2016). A network under stress : using embeddedness to understand uncertainty management and resilience in campus emergencies. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 44(3), 316-335. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B., Birdsell, J. L., & Scacco, J. M. (2016). Storying the digital professional : how online screening shifts the primary site and authorship of workers' career stories. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 44(3), 275-295. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B., & Buzzanell, P. M. (2015). Bait and switch or double-edged sword? The (sometimes) failed promises of calling. Human Relations, 68(1), 157-178. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B. (novembre 2015). Beyond digital common sense : how implicit theories influence online impression management [Communication écrite]. National Communication Association Annual Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada. Non disponible
Hanchey, J. N., & Berkelaar, B. (2015). Context matters : examining discourses of career success in Tanzania. Management Communication Quarterly, 29(3), 411-439. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B. (octobre 2015). Eiter/or both or both/and : engagement vs "real work" in academe [Communication écrite]. International Communication Association Nordic Regional Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark. Non disponible
Greene, J. O., Morgan, M., Anderson, L. B., Gill, E., Berkelaar, B., Herbers, L. E., & Hingson, L.R. (2015). Formative communication experiences and message production in adulthood : family communication patterns and creative facility. Dans Hullman, G. A. (édit.), Thought, experience, sense : cognitive approaches to enhanced communication competence . Lien externe
Berkelaar, B. (mai 2015). How network structures influence career metaphors and agency [Communication écrite]. Computational Social Science Summit, Chicago, Illinois. Non disponible
McGlone, M. S., Ballard, D. I., Berkelaar, B., Baryshevtsev, M., & Brown, L. (mai 2015). The "identity literacy" scale : a preliminary report [Communication écrite]. Center for Identity Annual Conference (ID360), Austin, Texas. Non disponible
Berkelaar, B. (mars 2015). Look away : managing online persona expectations [Communication écrite]. SXSW Interactive, Austin, Texas. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B., & Buzzanell, P. M. (2015). Online Employment Screening and Digital Career Capital: Exploring Employers' Use of Online Information for Personnel Selection. Management Communication Quarterly, 29(1), 84-113. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B., & Buzzanell, P. M. (août 2015). Rethinking calling as communicative practice and theoretical term : a proposed framework for research and practice [Communication écrite]. Academy of Management Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC. Non disponible
Ballard, D. I., McGlone, M. S., Berkelaar, B., Baryshevtsev, M., & Brown, L. (mai 2015). A spatiotemporal perspective on mobile wallet use [Communication écrite]. Center for Identity Annual Conference (ID360), Austin, Texas. Non disponible
Berkelaar, B., & Revilla, L. (mai 2015). Using computational social science to understand how social contracts evolve and organize [Communication écrite]. International Communication Association Annual Conference, San Juan, PR. Non disponible
Berkelaar, B., Scacco, J. M., & Birdsell, J. L. (2015). The worker as politician : how online information and electoral heuristics shape personnel selection and careers. New Media & Society, 17(8), 1377-1396. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B., & Hanchey, J. N. (novembre 2014). Context matters : self-reliance for the collective good - examining discourses of career success in Tanzania [Communication écrite]. National Communication Association Annual Convention, Chicago, Illinois. Non disponible
Berkelaar, B. (2014). Cybervetting, Online Information, and Personnel Selection:New Transparency Expectations and the Emergence of a Digital Social Contract. Management Communication Quarterly, 28(4), 479-506. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B., & Buzzanell, P. M. (2014). Cybervetting, Person-Environment Fit, and Personnel Selection: Employers' Surveillance and Sensemaking of Job Applicants' Online Information. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 42(4), 456-476. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B. (mai 2014). The disruptive potential of online information : replacing interview interactions with digital extraction of online information. [Communication écrite]. National Communication Association Annual Convention, Seattle, WA. Non disponible
Greene, J. O., Morgan, M., Anderson, L. B., Gill, E., Hall, E. D., Berkelaar, B., Herbers, L. E., & Hingson, L.R. (2014). Formative Communication Experiences and Message Production Ability in Adulthood: Family Communication Patterns and Creative Facility. Communication Research Reports, 31(1), 41-52. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B., & Buzzanell, P. M. (2014). How "googling" changes personnel selection. Communication Currents, 9(6), 1 page. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B. (novembre 2014). How information visibility and digital artifacts challenge work-life practices [Communication écrite]. National Communication Association Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois. Non disponible
Berkelaar, B., Long, Z., & Buzzanell, P. M. (2013). Cybervetting in the People's Republic of China : exploring the implications of the "New Internet World" for everyday work and career. Dans New media and internet communication and communities in China (p. 438-455). Non disponible
Berkelaar, B., Long, Z., & Buzzanell, P. M. (juin 2013). Cybervetting in the People's Republic of China : exploring the implications of the "New Internet World" for everyday work and career [Communication écrite]. International Communication Association Preconference, Oxford, UK. Non disponible
Berkelaar, B. (novembre 2013). Exploring the case of Adrienne Pine : making connections between career, professionalism, family and the rhetoric surrounding the professor-mother [Communication écrite]. National Communication Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.. Non disponible
Berkelaar, B., Frei, S. S., & Davis, T. (novembre 2013). Exploring the motives and influences of contingent college faculty [Communication écrite]. National Communication Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.. Non disponible
Greene, J. O., Morgan, M., Anderson, L. B., Gill, E., Berkelaar, B., Herbers, L. E., & Hingson, L.R. (juin 2013). Formative communication experiences and message production in adulthood : family communication patterns and creative facility [Communication écrite]. International Communication Association Annual Conference, London, UK. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B. (2013). Joining and Leaving Organizations in a Global Information Society. Annals of the International Communication Association, 37(1), 33-64. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B. (juin 2013). Performing digital careers : identifying and assessing types of online (personal) information management [Communication écrite]. International Communication Association Annual Conference, London, UK. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B., Birdsell, J. L., & Scacco, J. M. (novembre 2013). Storying the digital professional : how online screening practices are changing personnel selection and employability [Communication écrite]. National Communication Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.. Non disponible
Berkelaar, B., Scacco, J. M., & Birdsell, J. L. (juin 2013). The worker as politician : how electoral heuristics and online information shape personnel selection and careers [Communication écrite]. International Communication Association Annual Conference, London, UK. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B., Buzzanell, P. M., Kisselburgh, L. G., Tan, W., & Shen, Y. (2012). "First, it's dirty. Second, it's dangerous. Third, it's insulting": urban Chinese children talk about dirty work. Communication Monographs, 79(1), 93-114. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B. (septembre 2012). (Realistically) managing your online preseance [Communication écrite]. Purdue Conference for Pre-Tenure Women, Purdue, IN. Non disponible
Buzzanell, P. M., Berkelaar, B., & Kisserl Reburgh, L. G. (2012). Expanding understandings of mediated and human socialization agents : chinese children talk about desirable work and career. China Media Research, 8(1), 14 pages. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B. (mai 2012). Searching online : new media, personnel selection and its implications for work and career in China and the global economy [Communication écrite]. International Communication Association Preconference, Phoenix, AZ. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B. (2011). Peering behind the curtain : the virtual wizard of Oz offers no guarantees. Dans Matei, S. A., & Britt, B. C. (édit.), Virtual sociability : form community to communitas (p. 40-62). Non disponible
Berkelaar, B., Buzzanell, P. M., Hammoud, A., & Kisselburgh, L. G. (novembre 2011). Encouraging careers that capture the imagination of a country : a poststructuralist analysis of Lebanese children's talk about meanings of work and careers [Communication écrite]. National Communication Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana. Non disponible
Berkelaar, B., Buzzanell, P. M., & Kisselburgh, L. G. (mai 2011). Expanding understandings of human and non-human socialization agents : chinese children talk about desirable work and careers [Communication écrite]. National Communication Association Annual Convention, Phoenix, AZ. Non disponible
Berkelaar, B. (septembre 2011). From graduate student to faculty member [Communication écrite]. Purdue Conference for Pre-Tenure Women, Purdue, IN. Non disponible
Berkelaar, B., Buzzanell, P. M., & Kisselburgh, L. G. (avril 2011). From the mouths of babes : exploring families' career socialization of yound children in China, Lebanon, Belgium and the United States [Communication écrite]. Eastern Communication Association Annual Convention, Arlington, Virginia. Non disponible
Buzzanell, P. M., Berkelaar, B., & Kisselburgh, L. (2011). From the mouths of babes : exploring families' career socialization of young children in China, Lebanon, Belgium, and the United States. Journal of Family Communication, 11(2), 148-164. Lien externe
Hammoud, A., Kisselburgh, L. G., Buzzanell, P. M., & Berkelaar, B. (mai 2011). Geopolitical influences on the discourses (and materiality) of meaningful work : a study of children in Lebanon [Communication écrite]. International Communication Association Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B., & Buzzanell, P. M. (novembre 2011). Imagined possibilities : examining the paradoxes and tensions of calling in the contemporary marketplace [Communication écrite]. National Communication Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana. Non disponible
Berkelaar, B., Pope, K., Davenport Sypher, B., & Cox, M. F. (2011). Inclusive leadership : supporting women leaders in higher education. Dans Martin, J. L. (édit.), Women as leaders in education : succeeding despite inequity, discrimination and others challenges (Vol. 1, p. 219-240). Lien externe
Berkelaar, B., & Buzzanell, P. M. (mai 2011). Navigating careers in online contexts : negotiating public and private by using images of motherhood [Communication écrite]. International Communication Association Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B. (octobre 2011). Social media use in employee selection : ethics and organizational reputation in 21st centuring hiring [Communication écrite]. Social Media for Social Purpose Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark. Non disponible
Berkelaar, B., & Buzzanell, P. M. (octobre 2010). Co-opting the good life : the dark side of calling [Communication écrite]. Annual Conference of the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language and Gender, Tampa, FL. Non disponible
Kisselburgh, L. G., Berkelaar, B., & Buzzanell, P. M. (2010). Collaborative research in global contexts : ethical, institutional and academic synergies. Dans Communication in e-society : innovation, collaboration & responsibility (p. 69-84). Non disponible
Berkelaar, B. (novembre 2010). Cyber-vetting : are new communication technologies changing informational criteria for personnel selection? [Communication écrite]. National Communication Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA. Lien externe
Sypher, B. D., & Berkelaar, B. (avril 2010). An examination of the pathway to academic administration : academic disciplines, prior positions and time in position for nationally ranked and CIC provosts and presidents [Communication écrite]. Seminar III, Purdue, IN. Non disponible
Buzzanell, P. M., Kisselburgh, L. G., & Berkelaar, B. (juin 2010). The genesis of career capital : children's discourses about work and careers in Belgium, China, Lebanon and the United States [Communication écrite]. International Communication Association Annual Convention, Singapore. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B. (avril 2010). Making connections in the 21st century [Communication écrite]. Community Summit and Workshop : Our kids are our community, West Lafayette, IN. Non disponible
Berkelaar, B., & Buzzanell, P. M. (octobre 2010). Motherhood as social control in career context : using images of (grand)mother to control online information [Communication écrite]. Annual Conference of the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language and Gender, Tampa, FL. Non disponible
Buzzanell, P. M., Berkelaar, B., & Dohrman, R. (novembre 2010). Multitasking identity : online identity performance as multitasking, multicasting and resistance [Communication écrite]. National Communication Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B., Buzzanell, P. M., & Kisselburgh, L. G. (novembre 2009). "First, it's dirty. Second, it's dangerous. Third, it's insulting" : chinese children talk about work and career [Communication écrite]. National Communication Association Annual Convention, Chicago, Illinois. Lien externe
Kisselburgh, L. G., Berkelaar, B., & Buzzanell, P. M. (octobre 2009). Collaborative research in global contexts : ethical, institutional and academic synergies [Communication écrite]. Chinese Communication Association Convention and 3rd Global Communication Forum, Shanghai, China. Non disponible
Putnam, L., Kisselburgh, L. G., Berkelaar, B., Buzzanell, P. M., Mastronardi, M., Jackson, M., Stolzfus, K., Jorgensen, J., & Wang, J. (2009). Conversations about women in STEM careers : the impact of communication research in creating occupational and social change in a global information economy. Dans Communication for social impact : engaging communication theory, research and pedagogy (p. 47-62). Non disponible
Berkelaar, B. (octobre 2009). Cybervetting : exploration of impression, workforce decision-making and organizational socialization processes [Communication écrite]. Organizational Communication Mini-Conference, Chicago, Illinois. Non disponible
Sypher, B. D., Abel, S., Cox, M. F., Reed-Rhodes, T., & Berkelaar, B. (2009). Developing engineering faculty as leaders of academic change. (Rapport technique). Non disponible
Kisselburgh, L. G., Berkelaar, B., & Buzzanell, P. M. (2009). Discourse, Gender, and the Meaning of Work Rearticulating Science, Technology, and Engineering Careers Through Communicative Lenses. Annals of the International Communication Association, 33(1), 259-299. Lien externe
Buzzanell, P. M., Kisselburgh, L. G., & Berkelaar, B. (septembre 2009). Discourses at work : children in China, Belgium, Lebanon and the United States talk about career [Communication écrite]. 15th International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS) on Intercultural Communication and Collaboration within and across Sociolinguistic Environment, Kumamoto. Japan. Non disponible
Buzzanell, P. M., Kisselburgh, L. G., & Berkelaar, B. (mai 2009). Discourses, imagination and material realities : children in the United States and China talk about work [Communication écrite]. National Communication Association Annual Convention, Chicago, Illinois. Non disponible
Berkelaar, B. (novembre 2009). Interpersonal information seeking under uncertainty : applications of the theory of motivated information management [Communication écrite]. National Communication Association Annual Convention, Chicago, Illinois. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B., Linvill, J., & Williams, E. W. (novembre 2009). Leader/ship development : an empirical examination of the impact of leader/ship development experiences on recommendations for a leadership center [Communication écrite]. National Communication Association Annual Convention, Chicago, Illinois. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B., Williams, E. W., & Linvill, J. (mai 2009). Leaders define leadership : discourses of leadership within academic leadership development center [Communication écrite]. International Communication Association Annual Convention, Chicago, Illinois. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B. (2009). No punctuation : searching for an architecture of time in the culture of efficiency. Dans Kleinman, S. (édit.), The culture of efficiency (p. 88-105). Lien externe
Cady, B., Fortenberry, N. L., Davenport Sypher, B., Haghighi, K., Abel, S., Reed-Rhodes, T., Cox, M., & Berkelaar, B. (octobre 2009). Work in progress : developing a certificate program for engineering faculty as leaders of academic change [Communication écrite]. 39th IEEE Frontiers in Education annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. Lien externe
Kuhn, T., Golden, A. G., Jorgenson, J., Buzzanell, P. M., Berkelaar, B., Kisselburgh, L. G., Kleinman, S., & Cruz, D. (2008). Cultural discourses and discursive resources for meaning/ful work: Constructing and disrupting identities in contemporary capitalism. Management Communication Quarterly, 22(1), 162-171. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B. (mai 2008). Cyber-vetting (potential) employees : an emerging area of study for organizational communication [Communication écrite]. International Communication Association Annual Convention, Montréal, Québec. Lien externe
Buzzanell, P. M., Berkelaar, B., Kisselburgh, L. G., & D'Enbeau, S. (novembre 2008). Interviewing as ... cotillion : NCA debuts [Communication écrite]. National Communication Association Annual Convention, San Diego, CA. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B., Kisselburgh, L. G., & Buzzanell, P. M. (avril 2008). Locating and disseminating effective messages : enhancing gender representation in computing majors and careers [Communication écrite]. ACM SIGMIS Conference on Computer Personnel Doctoral Consortium and Research (SIGMIS-CPR 2008), Charlottesville, VA. Lien externe
Kisselburgh, L. G., Berkelaar, B., & Buzzanell, P. M. (septembre 2008). Rearticulating gender and science, technology and engineering careers : an organizational communication focus [Communication écrite]. Annual Conference of the Southern African Institute for Management Scientists, Muldersdrift, South Africa. Non disponible
Berkelaar, B. (novembre 2008). Rethinking Kuhn : beyond conventional understandings of paradigms [Communication écrite]. National Communication Association Annual Convention, San Diego, CA. Lien externe
Kisselburgh, L. G., Berkelaar, B., Buzzanell, P. M., & Eggermont, S. (mai 2008). What kids say : stories about jobs, science and engineering from China, Belgium and the United States [Communication écrite]. International Communication Association Annual Convention, Montréal, Québec. Lien externe
Kisselburgh, L. G., Buzzanell, P. M., & Berkelaar, B. (octobre 2007). Constructing science and engineering communities : a cross-cultural study of career messages and stories in young children [Communication écrite]. Annual meeting of Organization for the Study of Communication, Language and Gender, Omaha, NE. Non disponible
Dutta, M., & Berkelaar, B. (novembre 2007). A culture-centered approach to crisis communication [Communication écrite]. National Communication Association Annual Convention, Chicago, Illinois. Lien externe
Berkelaar, B. (2007). Evaluation of (Rapport technique). Non disponible
Kisselburgh, L. G., Buzzanell, P. M., & Berkelaar, B. (novembre 2007). The meaning of science and engineering work for young girls [Communication écrite]. National Communication Association Annual Preconference, Chicago, Illinois. Non disponible
Baker, K., Ardelean, C., & Berkelaar, B. (2006). Industry background and assessment. (Rapport technique). Non disponible
Berkelaar, B. (2004). Research and information technology fluency across the curriculum. (Rapport technique). Non disponible
Berkelaar, B. (2004). Westminster Police Department : developing a high performance 21st century police department. (Rapport technique). Non disponible
Nyhoff, J., & Berkelaar, B. (2003). Research in information technology (RIT) : annual report. (Rapport technique). Non disponible
Berkelaar, B. (1999). Monthly service reports : technology usage in student computing services. (Rapport technique). Non disponible
Berkelaar, B. (1999). Financial projections and purchasing recommendations for student technology services. (Rapport technique). Non disponible
Berkelaar, B., & Van Schepen, K. (1999). The Pizza Hut model : integration and mastery learning : recommendations for student computing services. (Rapport technique). Non disponible