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Pelletier, R., & Allaire, C. (2003). Corrosion of Potlining Refractories: a Comparison Between Different Cell Lining Designs Using a Unified Approach. JOM, 55(11), 58-62. External link
Afshar, S., Gaubert, C., & Allaire, C. (2003). Effects of fumed silica and barite on the aluminium resistance of alumina castable. JOM, 55(11), 66-69. External link
Rigaud, M., & Allaire, C. (2002). Ceramics and industrial refractories of École Polytechnique. Refractory applications and news, 7(2). Unavailable
Pelletier, R., Allaire, C., Siljan, O. J., & Tabereaux, A. (2001). The Corrosion of Potlining Refractories: a Unified Approach. JOM, 53(8), 18-22. External link
Perron, M. E., & Allaire, C. (2001). Effect of Cryolite on Formation of Al₂O₃/Al Composites Produced by Oxidation of Molten Al-Mg Alloy. British Ceramic Transactions, 100(1), 16-22. External link
Afshar, S., & Allaire, C. (2001). Furnaces: Improving Low Cement Castables by Non-Wetting Additives. JOM, 53(8), 24-27. External link
Sebbani, M. J. E., & Allaire, C. (2001). Mechanical Impact Fatigue of Refractories. British Ceramic Transactions, 100(5), 193-196. External link
Dehghani, K., & Allaire, C. (2001). Microstructure dependence of creep in aluminosilicate refractories used in aluminum industry - part I: effect of impurities. Aluminum Transactions. Unavailable
Dehghani, K., & Allaire, C. (2001). Microstructure dependence of creep in aluminosilicate refractories used in aluminum industry - part II: effect of porosity, density and refractory grain characteristics. Aluminum Transactions. Unavailable
Dehghani, K., & Allaire, C. (2001). Parameters affecting the creep behavior of aluminosilicate refractories used in aluminum industry. Aluminum Transactions. Unavailable
Allaire, C., & Guermazi, M. (2000). Corrosion of furnace refractories by molten aluminum. Modern casting, 90(4), 45-48. Unavailable
Allaire, C., & Afshar, S. (2000). The corrosion of refractory aggregates by molten aluminum. JOM, 52(5), 43-46. External link
Perron, M.-È., & Allaire, C. (2000). Effect of several parameters on corundum growth in aluminum treatment furnaces. Canadian ceramics, 69(2), 31-35. Unavailable
Sebbani, M. J. E., Allaire, C., & Ntakaburimvo, N. (2000). Influence of Firing Temperature on Correlation Between Thermal Shock and Mechanical Impact Resistance of Refractory Castables. British Ceramic Transactions, 99(5), 215-218. External link
Allaire, C. (2000). Mechanisms of corundum growth in refractories exposed to Al-Mg alloys. Aluminum Transactions, 3(1), 105-120. Unavailable
Allaire, C. (2000). Refractories for molten aluminum confinement. Canadian ceramics, 69(1), A14-A21. Unavailable
Allaire, C., & Guermazi, M. (1999). Corrosion of furnace refractories by molten aluminum. Aluminum Transactions, 1(1), 163-170. Unavailable
Allahevrdi, M., Afshar, S., & Allaire, C. (1998). Additives and the Corrosion Resistance of Aluminosilicate Refractories in Molten Al-5mg. JOM, 50(2), 30-34. External link
Ratle, A., Pandolfelli, V. C., Allaire, C., & Rigaud, M. (1997). Correlation between thermal shock and mechanical impact resistance of refractories. British Ceramic Transactions, 96(4), 225-236. Unavailable
Allahverdi, M., Allaire, C., & Afshar, S. (1997). Effect of BaSO₄ , CaF₂ , and AlF₃ as well as Na₂O on aluminosilicates having a mullite-like composition. Journal of the Canadian Ceramic Society, 66(3), 223-230. Unavailable
Afshar, S., Allaire, C., Quesnel, S., & Allahverdi, M. (1996). Corrosion des réfractaires alunimosiliceux au contact de l'aluminium liquide. AL13 : le magazine de l'aluminium, 2(2), 19-36. Unavailable
Afshar, S., & Allaire, C. (1996). The corrosion of refractories by molten aluminum. JOM, 48(5), 23-27. External link
Labib, A., & Allaire, C. (1996). Dynamic Young's modulus as a function of soft thermal shock temperatures for cathode block materials for aluminum reduction cells. Canadian Ceramic Society Journal, 65(2), 143-150. Unavailable
Ratle, A., & Allaire, C. (1996). New method for impact testing of refractories. Canadian Ceramic Society Journal, 65(4), 263-269. Unavailable
Ratle, A., Lagacé, M., Pandolfelli, V., Allaire, C., & Rigaud, M. (1996). A simple method for evaluating elastic modulus of refractories at high temperatures. Canadian Ceramic Quarterly, 65(3), 202-205. Unavailable
Allaire, C., & Desclaux, P. (1994). Cyanide inhibitors for the carbon cathode materials in aluminum reduction cells. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. B, Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 25(2), 221-226. External link
Allaire, C. (1994). Efficiency of steel plate barriers in aluminum reduction cell potlining refractories. Journal of the Canadian Ceramic Society, 63(2), 128-131. Unavailable
Allaire, C., Rigaud, M., & Dallaire, S. (1989). Basic Phosphate-Bonded Castables from Dolomitic-Magnesite Clinkers. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 72(9), 1698-1703. External link
Ébacher, V., Pelletier, R., & Allaire, C. (2005, February). Experimental investigation on stress-corrosion of refractories exposed to liquid aluminum [Paper]. 134th TMS Annual Meeting. External link
Pelletier, R., & Allaire, C. (2005, February). An improved thermal fatigue characterization method for refractories [Paper]. 2005 TMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Unavailable
Ntakaburimvo, N., & Allaire, C. (2004, August). Abrasion Wear of Aluminosilicate Refractories [Paper]. Advances in Refractories for the Metallurgical Industries IV : fourth international symposium on advances in refractories for the metallurgical industries, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Unavailable
Gao, J., Afshar, S., & Allaire, C. (2004, March). Corrosion kinetics of refractory by molten aluminium [Paper]. Light Metals 2004. 133rd TMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, USA. External link
Ntakaburimvo, N., & Allaire, C. (2004, March). Effect of corrosion by molten Al-5wt.% Mg on mechanical and physical properties of aluminosilicate refractories [Paper]. Light Metals 2004. 133rd TMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, USA. External link
Afshar, S., Allaire, C., & Dajoux, E. (2004, August). Effects of Salts on Metal Oxidation and Refractory Corrosion Induced by Molten Aluminum Alloys [Paper]. Advances in Refractories for the Metallurgical Industries IV : fourth international symposium on advances in refractories for the metallurgical industries, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Unavailable
Pelletier, R., Allaire, C., & Herny, E. (2004, August). Experimental investigation of molten aluminium penetration into ceramic powders [Paper]. Advances in refractories for the metallurgical industries IV : fourth international symposium on advances in refractories for the metallurgical industries, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Unavailable
Allaire, C., Innus, A., & Pelletier, R. (2004, August). Interaction of Refractory Thermo-Physical Properties With Molten Al-5% Mg [Paper]. Advances in Refractories for the Metallurgical Industries IV : fourth international symposium on advances in refractories for the metallurgical industries, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Unavailable
Allaire, C., Pineault, J.-B., & Cadieux, A. (2004, August). Molten aluminum temperature measurement with the use of a novel thermocouple assembly [Paper]. International Symposium on Advances in Refractories for the Metallurgical Industries IV, Hamilton, Ont, Canada. Unavailable
Afshar, S., & Allaire, C. (2004, August). Protection of Aluminosilicate Aggregates Against the Corrosion by Molten Aluminum [Paper]. Advances in Refractories for the Metallurgical Industries IV : fourth international symposium on advances in refractories for the metallurgical industries, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Unavailable
Allaire, C., Allaire, J., & Carbonneau, A. (2004, March). Room and high temperature measurement of the elastic properties of refractories using a new apparatus and set-up [Paper]. Light Metals 2004. 133rd TMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, USA. External link
Dehghani, K., & Allaire, C. (2002, August). Changes in hot modulus of rupture with the characteristics of aluminosilicate refractories [Paper]. International Symposium on Metal/Ceramic Interactions, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Pelletier, R., & Allaire, C. (2002, March). Degradation of carbon cathodes in aluminium reduction cells [Paper]. 38th symposium on refractories, Chesterfield, Missouri. Unavailable
Ntakaburimvo, N., & Allaire, C. (2002, February). Experimental investigation on the wear resistance of refractories : effect of the nature of the exposed surface [Paper]. 131st TMS Annual Meeting. External link
Ntakaburimvo, N., Allaire, C., & Sebbani, J. (2002, August). Influence of the firing temperature and mineralogy on the thermo-mechanical behavior of aluminosilicate refractory castables [Paper]. International Symposium on Metal/Ceramic Interactions, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Pelletier, R., & Allaire, C. (2001, March). Corrosion of potlining refractories: a comparison between different cell lining designs using a unified approach [Paper]. Thirty-seventh Symposium on Refractories, St. Louis, Missouri. Unavailable
Allaire, C., Pelletier, R., Siljan, O.-J., & Tabereaux, A. (2001, February). An improved corrosion test for potlining refractories [Paper]. Light Metals 2001 held at the 130th TMS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. External link
Allaire, C., & Guermazi, M. (2000, March). Protecting refractories against corundum growth in aluminum treatmentfurnaces [Paper]. Light Metals 2000 as held at the 129th TMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN. External link
Pelletier, R., & Allaire, C. (1999, February). Experimental investigation of frost heaving in aluminum reduction cells using a water model [Paper]. 128th TMS Annual Meeting 'Light Metals 1999', San Diego, CA. Published in Light Metals: Proceedings of Sessions, TMS Annual Meeting. External link
Rebouillat, L., Rigaud, M., Daniellou, P., & Dubreuil, P. (1999, August). Hydraulically-bonded andalusite-based castables [Paper]. 3rd International Symposium on Advances in Refractories for the Metallurgical Industries, Québec City, Québec, Canada. Unavailable
Allaire, C. (1999, January). Les matériaux réfractaires pour le confinement de l'aluminium liquide [Paper]. Symposium sur la coulée de l'aluminium. Unavailable
Feng, C., & Rigaud, M. (1999, August). Melting behavior and performance of mold powders for continuous casting [Paper]. 3rd International Symposium on Advances in Refractories for the Metallurgical Industries, Québec City, Québec, Canada. Unavailable
Allaire, C., & Guermazi, M. (1999, August). New method for testing refractories for resistant to corundum attack [Paper]. International Symposium on Advances in Refractories for the Metallurgical Industries III, Québec City, Québec, Canada. Unavailable
He, H., Kovac, V., Rigaud, M., & Chabry, P. (1999, August). Oxidation behavior of graphitic materials usable in monolithic refractories [Paper]. 3rd International Symposium on Advances in Refractories for the Metallurgical Industries, Québec City, Québec, Canada. Unavailable
Allaire, C., & Guermazi, M. (1999, August). Protecting refractories against corundum growth in aluminum treatment furnaces (abstract only) [Paper]. International Symposium on Advances in Refractories for the Metallurgical Industries III, Québec City, Québec, Canada. External link
Richter, T., Vezza, T., Allaire, C., & Afshar, S. (1998, September). Castable with improved corrosion resistance against aluminium [Paper]. Refractories in Non-Ferrous Metallurgy. 41st International Colloquium on Refractories, Aachen, GER. Unavailable
Quesnel, S., Allaire, C., & Afshar, S. (1998, February). Criteria for choosing refractories in aluminum holding and melting furnaces [Paper]. Light metals 1998, TMS proceeding, San Antonio, Texas. External link
Allaire, C., & Afshar, S. (1998, February). Stability of anorthite-based dry-barrier mixes in aluminum reduction cells' potlining [Paper]. 127th TMS Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA. External link
Allaire, C., & Fradet, C. (1997, August). Comparative evaluation between a low alumina:silica ratio dry-barriermix and conventional refractories in aluminum reduction cells'potlining [Paper]. International Symposium on Light Metals 1997 Metaux Legers as held at the 36th Annual Conference of Metallurgists of CIM, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. Unavailable
Quesnel, S., Allaire, C., & Afshar, S. (1996, August). Corrosion of refractories at the bellyband of aluminium holding and melting furnaces [Paper]. Advances in refractories for the metallurgical industries II : 35th Annual conference of Metallurgists of CIM, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Quesnel, S., Afshar, S., & Allaire, C. (1996, February). Corrosion of refractories at the bellyband of aluminum melting and holding furnaces [Paper]. 1996 125th TMS Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA. External link
Allahverdi, M., Afshar, S., & Allaire, C. (1996, January). Corrosion resistance of aluminosilicate ceramics to molten Al-5% Mg alloy [Paper]. Advances in refractories for the metallurgical industries II. Unavailable
Pelletier, R., Allaire, C., & Gilbert, C. (1995, August). Cathode block heaving in aluminium reduction cells: an update on frost heaving [Paper]. Recent metallurgical advances in light metals industries : international symposium, Vancouver, BC, CAN. Unavailable
Allaire, C., & Lavigne, L. (1995, August). Modulus of elasticity of coarse grain materials as a function of temperature [Paper]. Recent metallurgical advances in light metals industries : international symposium, Vancouver, BC, CAN. Unavailable
Allaire, C. (1994, February). Effect of the type of brick and mortar on the resistance to deflection of the flue walls in horizontal flue carbon baking furnaces [Paper]. 123rd TMS Annual Meeting on Light Metals, San Francisco, CA, USA. External link
Allaire, C. (2012). Interfacial Phenomena. In Fundamentals of Refractory Technology (Vol. 125, pp. 289-307). External link