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Alley, S., Gilbert, G., Wheeler-Kingshott, C. A. M. G., Samson, R. S., Grussu, F., Martin, A., Bannier, É., Callot, V., Smith, S. A., Xu, J., Dewey, B., Weber, K. A., Parrish, T., McLauren, D., Barker, G. J., Papinutto, N., Seif, M., Freund, P., Barry, R. L., ... Cohen-Adad, J. (2018, June). Consensus acquisition protocol for quantitative MRI of the cervical spinal cord at 3T [Poster]. Joint annual meeting ISMRM - ESMRMB, Paris, France. External link
Barral, J. K., Friedrich, M. G., & Stikov, N. (2018). Fundamentals of Cardiac T1 Mapping. In T1-Mapping in Myocardial Disease (14 pages). External link
Cadotte, D. W., Akbar, M. A., Fehlings, M. G., Stroman, P. W., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2018). What Has Been Learned from Magnetic Resonance Imaging Examination of the Injured Human Spinal Cord: A Canadian Perspective. Journal of Neurotrauma, 35(16), 1942-1957. External link
Calabrese, E., Adil, S. M., Cofer, G., Perone, C. S., Cohen-Adad, J., Lad, S. P., & Johnson, G. A. (2018). Postmortem diffusion MRI of the entire human spinal cord at microscopic resolution. NeuroImage: Clinical, 18, 963-971. Available
Campbell, J. S. W., Leppert, I. R., Narayanan, S., Boudreau, M., Duval, T., Cohen-Adad, J., Pike, G. B., & Stikov, N. (2016, August). Promise and pitfalls of g-ratio estimation with MRI [Paper]. Workshop on Toward a Super-BigBrain - Promise and Pitfalls of Microstructural Imaging, Montréal, Canada. Published in Neuroimage, 182. External link
Cohen-Adad, J. (2016, August). Microstructural imaging in the spinal cord and validation strategies [Paper]. Workshop on Toward a Super-BigBrain - Promise and Pitfalls of Microstructural Imaging, Montréal, QC, Canada. Published in Neuroimage, 182. External link
De Leener, B., Fonov, V. S., Collins, D. L., Callot, V., Stikov, N., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2018). PAM50: Unbiased multimodal template of the brainstem and spinal cord aligned with the ICBM152 space. NeuroImage, 165, 170-179. External link
De Tillieux, P., Topfer, R., Foias, A., Leroux, I., El Maâchi, I., Leblond, H., Stikov, N., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2018). A pneumatic phantom for mimicking respiration-induced artifacts in spinal MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 79(1), 600-605. External link
Duval, T., Leppert, I. R., Cabana, J.-F., Boudreau, M., Gagnon, I., Berestovoy, G., Cohen-Adad, J., & Stikov, N. (2018, June). Quantitative MRI made easy with qMRLab [Poster]. Joint annual meeting ISMRM - ESMRMB, Paris, France. External link
Duval, T., Smith, V., Stikov, N., Klawiter, E. C., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2018). Scan-rescan of axcaliber, macromolecular tissue volume, and g-ratio in the spinal cord. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 79(5), 2759-2765. External link
Eden, D., Gros, C., Badji, A., Dupont, S., Maranzano, J., Zhuoquiong, R., Liu, Y., Talbott, J., Bannier, É., Kerbrat, A., Edan, G., Labauge, P., Callot, V., Pelletier, J., Audoin, B., Rasoanandrianina, H., Valsasina, P., Filippi, M., Bakshi, R., ... Cohen-Adad, J. (2018, June). Spatial distribution of multiple sclerosis in the cervical cord [Poster]. Joint annual meeting ISMRM - ESMRMB, Paris, France. External link
Gros, C., Badji, A., Maranzano, J., Zhuoquiong, R., Yaou, L., Bannier, É., Kerbrat, A., Edan, G., Labauge, P., Callot, V., Pelletier, J., Audoin, B., Rasoanandrianina, H., Valsasina, P., Filippi, M., Bakshi, R., Tauhid, S., Prados, F., Yiannakas, M. C., ... Cohen-Adad, J. (2018, June). Automatic MS lesion segmentation in the spinal cord using deep learning [Poster]. Joint annual meeting ISMRM - ESMRMB, Paris, France. External link
Gros, C., De Leener, B., Dupont, S. M., Martin, A. R., Fehlings, M. G., Bakshi, R., Tummala, S., Auclair, V., McLaren, D. G., Callot, V., Cohen-Adad, J., & Sdika, M. (2018). Automatic spinal cord localization, robust to MRI contrasts using global curve optimization. Medical Image Analysis, 44, 215-227. External link
Hagiwara, A., Hori, M., Cohen-Adad, J., Nakazawa, M., Suzuki, Y., Kasahara, A., Horita, M., Haruyama, T., Andica, C., Maekawa, T., Kamagata, K., Kumamaru, K. K., Abe, O., & Aoki, S. (2018). Linearity, Bias, Intrascanner Repeatability, and Interscanner Reproducibility of Quantitative Multidynamic Multiecho Sequence for Rapid Simultaneous Relaxometry at 3 T: A Validation Study With a Standardized Phantom and Healthy Controls. Investigative Radiology, 54(1), 39-47. External link
Lee, L. E., Ljungberg, E., Shin, D., Figley, C. R., Vavasour, I. M., Rauscher, A., Cohen-Adad, J., Li, D. K. B., Traboulsee, A. L., MacKay, A. L., Lee, J., & Kolind, S. H. (2018). Inter-vendor reproducibility of myelin water imaging using a 3D gradient and spin echo sequence. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12, 854 (8 pages). Available
Lévy, S., Guertin, M.-C., Khatibi, A., Mezer, A., Martinu, K., Chen, J. I., Stikov, N., Rainville, P., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2018). Correction: Test-retest reliability of myelin imaging in the human spinal cord: Measurement errors versus region- and aging-induced variations. PLOS ONE, 13(6), e0199796. External link
Lévy, S., Guertin, M.-C., Khatibi, A., Mezer, A., Martinu, K., Chen, J. I., Stikov, N., Rainville, P., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2018). Test-retest reliability of myelin imaging in the human spinal cord: Measurement errors versus region- and aging-induced variations. PLOS One, 13(1), e0189944 (25 pages). Available
Lopez Rios, N., Foias, A., Lodygensky, G., Dehaes, M., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2018). Size-adaptable 13-channel receive array for brain MRI in human neonates at 3T. NMR in Biomedicine, 31(8), 12 pages. External link
Mangeat, G., Ouellette, R., Wabartha, M., Karrenbauer, V. D., Stikov, N., Warntjes, M., Mainero, C., Cohen-Adad, J., & Granberg, T. (2018, June). Machine learning and rapid multi-parametric relaxometry can differentiate demyelinating disorders with high accuracy [Poster]. Joint annual meeting ISMRM - ESMRMB, Paris, France. External link
Mangeat, G., Ouellette, R., Warntjes, M., Plattén, M., Engström Nordin, L., Stikov, N., Granberg, T., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2018, June). Accuracy and precision of synthetic MRI [Poster]. Joint annual meeting ISMRM - ESMRMB, Paris, France. External link
Morozov, D., Lopez Rios, N., Duval, T., Foias, A., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2018). Effect of cardiac-related translational motion in diffusion MRI of the spinal cord. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 50, 119-124. External link
Ouellette, R., Treaba, C. A., Granberg, T., Barletta, V., Herranz E, T., Mangeat, G., Mehndiratta, A., Tauhid, S., Yousuf, F., De Leener, B., Dupont, S., Sloane, J. A., Bakshi, R., Cohen-Adad, J., & Mainero, C. (2018, October). Characterization of multiple sclerosis grey and white matter pathology in the brain and spinal cord at 7 Tesla MRI [Poster]. 34th Congress of the European-Committee-for-Treatment-and-Research-in-Multiple-Sclerosis (ECTRIMS 2018), Berlin, Germany. Published in Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 24(2). External link
Paquin, M.-Ê., El Mendili, M. M., Gros, C., Dupont, S. M., Cohen-Adad, J., & Pradat, P. F. (2018). Spinal Cord Gray Matter Atrophy in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 39(1), 184-192. External link
Perone, C. S., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2018, September). Deep semi-supervised segmentation with weight-averaged consistency targets [Paper]. 4th International Workshop on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis (DLMIA 2018) and 8th International Workshop on Multimodal Learning for Clinical Decision Support (ML-CDS 2018), Granada, Spain. External link
Perone, C. S., Calabrese, E., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2018). Spinal cord gray matter segmentation using deep dilated convolutions. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 5966 (13 pages). Available
Topfer, R., Foias, A., Stikov, N., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2018). Real-time correction of respiration-induced distortions in the human spinal cord using a 24-channel shim array. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 80(3), 935-946. External link
Zaimi, A., Wabartha, M., Herman, V., Antonsanti, P.-L., Perone, C. S., & Cohen-Adad, J. (2018). AxonDeepSeg: automatic axon and myelin segmentation from microscopy data using convolutional neural networks. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 3816 (11 pages). Available