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Nombre de documents: 28


Arnold, C., Jouvet, P., & Séoud, L. (juin 2024). SwinFuSR: an image fusion-inspired model for RGB-guided thermal image super-resolution [Communication écrite]. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), Seattle, WA, USA. Lien externe


Ceglia, A., Facon, K., Begon, M., & Séoud, L. (2024). Real-time, accurate, and open source upper-limb musculoskeletal analysis using a single RGBD camera — An exploratory hand-cycling study. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 184, 109434 (11 pages). Lien externe

Caron, R., Séoud, L., Londono, I., & Villemure, I. (2023). Segmentation of trabecular bone microdamage in Xray microCT images using a two-step deep learning method. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 137, 105540 (9 pages). Lien externe


Drouin, M.-A., & Séoud, L. (2020). Consumer-Grade RGB-D Cameras. Dans Liu, Y., Pears, N., Rosin, P. L., & Huber, P. (édit.), 3D Imaging, Analysis and Applications (p. 215-264). Lien externe


Galaup, C. J. P., Séoud, L., & Renaud, P. (février 2024). Multimodal HCI: a review of computational tools and their relevance to the detection of sexual presence [Communication écrite]. Intelligent Human Systems Integration (IHSI 2024), Palermo, Italy. Publié dans AHFE international, (119). Lien externe

Gan, Q., Séoud, L., Ben Tahar, H., & Langlois, J. M. P. (avril 2016). Memory efficient and constant time 2D-recursive spatial averaging filter for embedded implementations [Communication écrite]. Real-Time Image and Video Processing 2016, part of Photonics Europe 2016, Brussels, Belgium. Lien externe


Hubert, C. J., Odic, N., Noel, M., Gharib, S., Zargarbashi, S.H.H., & Séoud, L. (2025). MuViH: Multi-View Hand gesture dataset and recognition pipeline for human–robot interaction in a collaborative robotic finishing platform. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 94, 102957-102957. Lien externe

Hubert, C., Odic, N., Noël, M., Gharib, S., Debanné, P., Séoud, L., & Zargarbashi, S. (2025). MuViH: Multi-View Hand gesture dataset for hand and gesture recognition [Ensemble de données]. Lien externe


Khani, M., Cheriet, F., Séoud, L., Debanné, P., Parent, S., & Labelle, H. (2024). Changes in trunk appearance following surgical correction of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Spine Deformity. Lien externe


Phan, T. V., Séoud, L., Chakor, H., & Cheriet, F. (2016). Automatic screening and grading of age-related macular degeneration from texture analysis of fundus images. Journal of Ophthalmology, 2016, 1-11. Disponible


Roy, P. R., Bilodeau, G.-A., & Séoud, L. (juillet 2021). Predicting next local appearance for video anomaly detection [Communication écrite]. 17th International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA 2021), Aichi, Japan (5 pages). Lien externe

Ramsay, J., Séoud, L., Barchi, S., Cheriet, F., Joncas, J., Turgeon, I., Debanné, P., Trop, I., Labelle, H., & Parent, S. (2017). Assessment of Breast Asymmetry in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Using an Automated 3D Body Surface Measurement Technique. Spine Deformity, 5(3), 152-158. Lien externe


Séoud, L., Boisvert, J., Drouin, M.-A., Picard, M., & Godin, G. (septembre 2018). Increasing the Robustness of CNN-Based Human Body Segmentation in Range Images by Modeling Sensor-Specific Artifacts [Communication écrite]. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2018 Workshops), Munich, Germany. Lien externe

Séoud, L., Boisvert, J., Drouin, M.-A., Picard, M., & Guy Godin, G. (février 2019). Training a CNN to robustly segment the human body parts in range image sequences [Communication écrite]. SPIE OPTO 2019, San Francisco, California, United States. Lien externe

Séoud, L., Ramsay, J., Parent, S., & Cheriet, F. (2017). A novel fully automatic measurement of apparent breast volume from trunk surface mesh. Medical Engineering & Physics, 41, 46-54. Lien externe

Séoud, L., Hurtut, T., Chelbi, J., Cheriet, F., & Langlois, J. M. P. (2016). Red lesion detection using dynamic shape features for diabetic retinopathy screening. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 35(4), 1116-1126. Lien externe

Séoud, L., Chelbi, J., & Cheriet, F. (octobre 2015). Automatic Grading of Diabetic Retinopathy on a Public Database [Communication écrite]. Ophthalmic Medical Image Analysis International Workshop (OMIA 2015), Munich, Germany. Lien externe

Séoud, L., Cheriet, F., Labelle, H., & Parent, S. (2015). Changes in Trunk Appearance After Scoliosis Spinal Surgery and Their Relation to Changes in Spinal Measurements. Spine Deformity, 3(6), 595-603. Lien externe

Séoud, L., Faucon, T., Hurtut, T., Chelbi, J., Cheriet, F., & Langlois, J. M. P. (avril 2014). Automatic detection of microaneurysms and haemorrhages in fundus images using dynamic shape features [Communication écrite]. 11th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2014), Beijing, China. Lien externe

Séoud, L., Cheriet, F., Labelle, H., & Parent, S. (février 2013). Non-invasive quantitative assessment of scoliosis spinal surgery outcome [Communication écrite]. Medical Imaging 2013: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and Functional Imaging, Lake Buena Vista, FL, United states (7 pages). Lien externe

Séoud, L., Dansereau, J., Labelle, H., & Cheriet, F. (2013). Noninvasive Clinical Assessment of Trunk Deformities Associated With Scoliosis. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 17(2), 392-401. Lien externe

Séoud, L. (2012). Analyse de la relation entre les déformations scoliotiques du tronc et celles des structures osseuses sous-jacentes [Thèse de doctorat, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Séoud, L., Dansereau, J., Labelle, H., & Cheriet, F. (2012). Multilevel Analysis of Trunk Surface Measurements for Noninvasive Assessment of Scoliosis Deformities. Spine, 37(17), E1045-E1053. Lien externe

Séoud, L., Cheriet, F., Labelle, H., & Dansereau, J. (2011). A novel method for the 3-D reconstruction of scoliotic ribs from frontal and lateral radiographs. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 58(5), 1135-1146. Lien externe

Séoud, L., Adankon, M. M., Labelle, H., Dansereau, J., & Cheriet, F. (avril 2010). Prediction of scoliosis curve type based on the analysis of trunk surface topography [Communication écrite]. 7th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Lien externe

Séoud, L., Adankon, M. M., Labelle, H., Dansereau, J., & Cheriet, F. (juin 2010). Towards Non Invasive Diagnosis of Scoliosis Using Semi-Supervised Learning Approach [Communication écrite]. 7th International Conference Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR 2010), Povoa de Varzim, Portugal. Lien externe


Tranchon, A., Kunz, M., & Séoud, L. (mai 2024). Preoperative MRI Whole-Vertebrae Segmentation in Patients with Severe Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Athens, Greece. Lien externe

Thanh Van, P., Séoud, L., & Cheriet, F. (juillet 2015). Towards an Automatic Clinical Classification of Age-Related Macular Degeneration [Communication écrite]. 12th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR 2015), Niagara Falls, ON, Canada. Lien externe

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