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Anindya, K. N., & Rochefort, A. (2023, June). Introducing robust magnetism in boron-doped graphene nanoribbons with non-benzenoid defects [Poster]. 13th European Conference & Exhibition in Graphene and 2D Materials (Graphene 2023), Manchester, Angleterre. External link
Anindya, K. N., & Rochefort, A. (2023). Spin-Polarized Topological Phases in Graphene Nanoribbons with Non-Benzenoid Defects. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127(46), 22856-22864. External link
Anindya, K. N., & Rochefort, A. (2022). Controlling the magnetic properties of two-dimensional carbon-based Kagome polymers. Carbon Trends, 7, 100170 (9 pages). External link
Anindya, K. N., & Rochefort, A. (2022, May). Electronic and magnetic properties of organic kagome polymers [Paper]. 2022 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NanoSpain 2022), Madrid, Spain. External link
Anindya, K. N., & Rochefort, A. (2021). Collective Magnetism in 2D Polymer Made of C-Doped Triangular Boron Nitride Nanoflakes. Advanced Theory and Simulations, 4(5), 6 pages. External link
Abbasian, H., & Rochefort, A. (2021). Electrostatic patterning on graphene with dipolar self-assembly. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23(38), 22014-22021. External link
Archambault, C., & Rochefort, A. (2013). States modulation in graphene nanoribbons through metal contacts. ACS Nano, 7(6), 5414-5420. External link
Beausoleil, A., Desjardins, P., & Rochefort, A. (2014). Impact of nucleation on step-meandering instabilities during step-flow growth on vicinal surfaces. Physical Review E, 89(3). External link
Baris, B., Jeannoutot, J., Luzet, V., Palmino, F., Rochefort, A., & Chérioux, F. (2012). Noncovalent bicomponent self-assemblies on a silicon surface. ACS Nano, 6(8), 6905-6911. External link
Boulanger-Lewandowski, N., & Rochefort, A. (2011). Intrusive STM imaging. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 83(11), 115430-115430. External link
Beausoleil, A., Desjardins, P., & Rochefort, A. (2008). Effects of Long Jumps, Reversible Aggregation, and Meyer-Neldel Rule on Submonolayer Epitaxial Growth. Physical Review E :Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 78(2), 021604-021604. External link
Bedwani, S., Guibault, F., & Rochefort, A. (2008). Nanoscale Adaptive Meshing for Rapid Stm Imaging. Journal of Computational Physics, 227(14), 6720-6726. External link
Bedwani, S., Wegner, D., Crommie, M. F., & Rochefort, A. (2008). Strongly Reshaped Organic-Metal Interfaces: Tetracyanoethylene on Cu(100). Physical Review Letters, 101(21), 216105-216105. External link
Bedwani, S., Miwa, J., Cicoira, F., Barnim, J.-P., Cerda, J., Rosei, F., & Rochefort, A. (2007, August). Application of SPAGS-STM to the formation of thin organic semiconducting layer [Paper]. 13th Canadian Semiconductor Technology Conference, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Bayard, E., Hamel, S., & Rochefort, A. (2006). Hydrogen Bonding and Pi-Stacking in Highly Organized Arenes-Based Molecular Wire. Organic Electronics, 7(3), 144-154. External link
Custovic, I., Teyssieux, D., Jeannoutot, J., Lamare, S., Palmino, F., Abbasian, H., Rochefort, A., & Chérioux, F. (2020). Large-extended 2D supramolecular network of dipoles with parallel arrangement on a Si(111)-B surface. Nanoscale, 12(33), 17399-17404. External link
Choi, T., Bedwani, S., Rochefort, A., Chen, C.-Y., Epstein, A. J., & Gupta, J. A. (2010). A single molecule kondo switch: Multistability of tetracyanoethylene on Cu(111). Nano Letters, 10(10), 4175-4180. External link
Cerda, F. R., & Rochefort, A. (2007, August). Influence of structural organization on the electronics properties of organic photovoltaic materials [Paper]. 13th Canadian Semiconductor Technology Conference, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Duchêne, N. A., & Rochefort, A. (2019). Quantum Size Effects of Agn Clusters on Carbon Nanotubes. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123(47), 28769-28776. External link
Dubois, M. A., Guillermet, O., Gauthier, S., Zhan, G., Makoudi, Y., Palmino, F., Bouju, X., & Rochefort, A. (2018). Influence of Cu adatoms on the molecular assembly of 4,4′-bipyridine on Cu(111). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20(22), 15350-15357. External link
Duchêne, N., & Rochefort, A. (2018, June). Quantum size effect in a AG nanoclusters-carbon nanotubes interfaces [Poster]. 8th European Conference & Exhibition in Graphene and 2D Materials (GRAPHENE 2018), Dresden, Germany. Unavailable
Dubois, M.-A., Bouju, X., & Rochefort, A. (2018). Toward interactive scanning tunneling microscopy simulations of large-scale molecular systems in real time. Journal of Applied Physics, 124(4), 044301 (10 pages). External link
Duong, A., Dubois, M.-A., Maris, T., Metivaud, V., Yi, J.-H., Nanci, A., Rochefort, A., & Wuest, J. D. (2011). Engineering homologous molecular organization in 2D and 3D. Cocrystallization of pyridyl-substituted diaminotriazines with alkanecarboxylic acids. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115(26), 12908-12919. External link
Geagea, E., Hamadeh, A., Jeannoutot, J., Palmino, F., Breault, N., Rochefort, A., Hajjar‐Garreau, S., Pirri, C., Thomas, C.M., & Cherioux, F. (2023). Dissociation of N<sub>2</sub> on a Si(111)‐7x7 Surface at Room Temperature. ChemPhysChem, 24(15), -. External link
Geagea, E., Jeannoutot, J., Palmino, F., Rochefort, A., & Chérioux, F. (2023). Activation, Transportation, and Reaction of Alkyl Radicals on a Si(111)-B Surface by a Scanning Tunneling Microscope Tip. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127(12), 6002-6009. External link
Geagea, E., Hamadeh, A., Jeannoutot, J., Palmino, F., Breault, N., Rochefort, A., Hajjar-Garreau, S., Pirri, C., Thomas, C., & Chérioux, F. (2023). Dissociation of N2 on a Si(111)-7x7 surface at room temperature. Chemphyschem, 24(15), e202300182 (6 pages). External link
Geagea, E., Jeannoutot, J., Féron, M., Palmino, F., Thomas, C. M., Rochefort, A., & Chérioux, F. (2021). Collective radical oligomerisation induced by an STM tip on a silicon surface. Nanoscale, 13(1), 349-354. External link
Geagea, E., Jeannoutot, J., Morgenthaler, L., Lamare, S., Rochefort, A., Palmino, F., & Chérioux, F. (2021). Unravelling the growth mechanism of (3,1) graphene nanoribbons on a Cu(111) surface. Chemical Communications, 57(49), 6043-6045. External link
Garah, M. E., Makoudi, Y., Duverger, E., Palmino, F., Rochefort, A., & Chérioux, F. (2011). Large-Scale Patterning of Zwitterionic Molecules on a Si(111)-7 × 7 Surface. ACS Nano, 5(1), 424-428. External link
Gagnon, É., Rochefort, A., Métivaud, V., & Wuest, J. D. (2010). Hexaphenylbenzenes as potential acetylene sponges. Organic Letters, 12(2), 380-383. External link
Guay, P., Stansfield, B. L., & Rochefort, A. (2004). On the Control of Carbon Nanostructures for Hydrogen Storage Applications. Carbon, 42(11), 2187-2193. External link
Haddad, E., Sprocq, S., Martel, R., Rochefort, A., & Dollé, M. (2024, June). Structural, Electronic and Vibrational Properties of Sulfur-Functionalized Graphene Materials [Poster]. 14th European Conference & Exhibition in Graphene and 2D Materials (GRAPHENE 2024), Madrid, Spain (1 page). External link
Haddad, E., Sprocq, S., Schue, L., Pimonov, V., Dolle, M., Martel, R., & Rochefort, A. (2023, May). Electronic and Vibrational Properties of Episulfide-Graphene Materials [Paper]. 243rd ECS Meeting, Boston, MA. External link
Janta-Polczynski, B. A., Cerdá, J. I., Éthier-Majcher, G., Piyakis, K., & Rochefort, A. (2008). Parallel Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Imaging of Low Dimensional Nanostructures. Journal of Applied Physics, 104(2), 023702-023702. External link
Layachi, M., Savaria, Y., & Rochefort, A. The Effect of Pi-Coupling on the Electronic Properties of 1,4-Dithiol Benzene Stacking [Paper]. International Conference on Mems, Nano and Smart Systems (ICMENS 2004). External link
Martel, R., Sprocq, S., Haddad, E., Schue, L., Pimonov, V., Dolle, M., & Rochefort, A. (2023, May). Reaction of Elemental Sulfur at the Surfaces of Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene [Paper]. 243rd ECS Meeting, Boston, MA. External link
Maillard, A., & Rochefort, A. (2014). Role of structural order at the P3HT/C60 heterojunction interface. Organic Electronics: Materials, Physics, Chemistry and Applications, 15(9), 2091-2098. External link
Maillard, A., & Rochefort, A. (2010). Band alignment engineering in organized rrP3HT/C60 bulk heterojunction. Organic Electronics: Materials, Physics, Chemistry and Applications, 11(12), 1991-1998. External link
Maillard, A., & Rochefort, A. (2009). Structural and electronic properties of poly(3-hexylthiophene) Pi--stacked crystals. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 79(11), 115207-115207. External link
Miwa, J. A., Cicoira, F., Bedwani, S., Lipton-Duffin, J., Perepichka, D. F., Rochefort, A., & Rosei, F. (2008). Self-assembly of Rubrene on copper surfaces. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112(27), 10214-10221. External link
Pawlak, R., Anindya, K. N., Chahib, O., Liu, J.‐C., Hiret, P., Marot, L., Luzet, V., Palmino, F., Chérioux, F., Rochefort, A., & Meyer, E. (2025). On-Surface Synthesis and Characterization of Radical Spins in Kagome Graphene. ACS Nano, 10 pages. External link
Palmino, F., Jeannoutot, J., Luzet, V., Rochefort, A., & Chérioux, F. (2024). On-surface synthesis guided by supramolecular orientation on a Au(111) surface. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 6 pages. External link
Pawlak, R., Anindya, K. N., Shimizu, T., Liu, J.-C., Sakamaki, T., Shang, R., Rochefort, A., Nakamura, E., & Meyer, E. (2022). Atomically precise incorporation of BN-doped rubicene into graphene nanoribbons. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126(46), 19726-19732. External link
Rochefort, A., Anindya, K. N., Bouju, X., & Denawi, A. H. (2024). Magnetic Signature in Graphene Using Adsorbed Metal–Organic Networks. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128(2), 919-926. External link
Rochefort, A., Vernisse, L., Gómez-Herrero, A. C., Sánchez-Sánchez, C., Martín-Gago, J. A., Chérioux, F., Clair, S., Coraux, J., & Martínez, J. I. (2021). Role of the Structure and Reactivity of Cu and Ag Surfaces in the Formation of a 2D Metal–Hexahydroxytriphenylene Network. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125(31), 17333-17341. External link
Rochefort, A., Makoudi, Y., Maillard, A., Jeannoutot, J., Blier, J., Chérioux, F., & Palmino, F. (2014). Anisotropic growth of the thiophene-based layer on Si(111)–B. Chemical Communications, 50(41), 5484-5486. External link
Rochefort, A., Bedwani, S., & Lopez-Bezanilla, A. (2011). Evidence for π-Interactions in Stacked Polymers by STM Simulations. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115(38), 18625-18633. External link
Rochefort, A., & Wuest, J. D. (2009). Interaction of Substituted Aromatic Compounds with Graphene. Langmuir, 25(1), 210-215. External link
Rochefort, A., Yang, D.-Q., & Sacher, E. (2009). Stabilization of platinum nanoparticles on graphene by non-invasive functionalization. Carbon, 47(9), 2233-2238. External link
Rochefort, A., Bayard, E., & Hadj-Messaoud, S. (2007). Competitive Hydrogen Bonding in π-Stacked Oligomers. Advanced Materials, 19(15), 1992-1995. External link
Rochefort, A., & Movaghar, B. (2007, August). Mott-like transition in alkanethiol-linked gold clusters [Paper]. 13th Canadian Semiconductor Technology Conference, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Rochefort, A., Boyer, P., & Nacer, B. (2007). Resonant Tunneling Transport in Highly Organized Oligoacene Assemblies. Organic Electronics, 8(1), 1-7. External link
Rochefort, A., & Boyer, P. (2006). Tailoring electronic and charge transport properties of molecular π-stacked heterojunctions. Applied Physics Letters, 89(9), 92115-1. External link
Rochefort, A., & Beausoleil, A. (2004). Formation of .pi.-coupled organic wire on the Si(001)(2.times.1) surface. Chemical Physics Letters, 400(4-6), 347-352. External link
Rochefort, A. (2003). Electronic and transport properties of carbon nano peapods. Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1-16. Unavailable
Rochefort, A. (2003). Electronic and transport properties of carbon nanotube peapods. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 67(11), 115401-1. External link
Rochefort, A., Martel, R., & Avouris, P. (2002). Electrical Switching in Pi-Resonant 1D Intermolecular Channels. Nano Letters, 2(8), 877-880. External link
Simoneau, L. P., Villeneuve, J., & Rochefort, A. (2015). Electron percolation in realistic models of carbon nanotube networks. Journal of Applied Physics, 118(12), 124309 (9 pages). External link
Shayeganfar, F., & Rochefort, A. (2015). Tuning the Electronic Properties of a Boron-Doped Si(111) Surface by Self-Assembling of Trimesic Acid. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119(27), 15742-15748. External link
Shayeganfar, F., & Rochefort, A. (2014). Electronic Properties of Self-Assembled Trimesic Acid Monolayer on Graphene. Langmuir, 30(32), 9707-9716. External link
Simoneau, L.-P., Villeneuve, J., Aguirre, C. M., Martel, R., Desjardins, P., & Rochefort, A. (2013). Influence of statistical distributions on the electrical properties of disordered and aligned carbon nanotube networks. Journal of Applied Physics, 114(11), 8-8. External link
Smaali, K., Lenfant, S., Karpe, S., Ocafrain, M., Blanchard, P., Deresmes, D., Godey, S., Rochefort, A., Roncali, J., & Vuillaume, D. (2010). High on-off conductance switching ratio in optically-driven self-assembled conjugated molecular systems. ACS Nano, 4(4), 2411-2421. External link
Terki, R., Simoneau, L.-P., & Rochefort, A. (2009). Tailoring the photoluminescence properties of ionic iridium complexes. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 113(3), 534-541. External link
Terki, R., Simoneau, L.-P., & Rochefort, A. (2007, August). First principles calculations of photophysical properties of semiconducting iridium complexes [Paper]. 13th Canadian Semiconductor Technology Conference, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Wuest, J. D., & Rochefort, A. (2010). Strong Adsorption of Aminotriazines on Graphene. Chemical Communications, 46(17), 2923-2925. External link
Yelon, A., Rochefort, A., Sheng, S., & Sacher, E. (2003). Irradiation-induced structural changes in hydrogenated amorphous silicon as measured by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 78(1-4), 391-398. External link
Zhan, G., Dubois, M.-A., Makoudi, Y., Lamare, S., Jeannoutot, J., Bouju, X., Rochefort, A., Palmino, F., & Cherioux, F. (2017). Influence of Halogen Bonds on the Compactness of Supramolecular Assemblies on Si(111)-B. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121(15), 8427-8434. External link
Zhou, H., Dang, H., Yi, J.-H., Nanci, A., Rochefort, A., & Wuest, J. D. (2007). Frustrated 2D Molecular Crystallization. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129(45), 13774-13775. External link