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Aouchiche, M., El Hallaoui, I., & Hansen, P. (2020). Geometric-Arithmetic Index and Minimum Degree of Connected Graphs. Match-Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 83(1), 179-188. External link
Audet, C., Hansen, P., & Svrtan, D. (2020). Using symbolic calculations to determine largest small polygons. Journal of Global Optimization, 81(1), 261-268. External link
Audet, C., Hansen, P., & Messine, F. (2016). La saga des trois octogones. Dossier Pour la science, 91(380), 20-25. External link
Aloise, D., Hansen, P., Rocha, C., & Santi, E. (2014). Column generation bounds for numerical microaggregation. Journal of Global Optimization, 60(2), 165-182. External link
Aloise, D., Hansen, P., & Liberti, L. (2012). An improved column generation algorithm for minimum sum-of-squares clustering. Mathematical Programming, 131(1), 195-220. External link
Aloise, D., & Hansen, P. (2011). Evaluating a branch-and-bound RLT-based algorithm for minimum sum-of-squares clustering. Journal of Global Optimization, 49(3), 449-465. External link
Audet, C., Hansen, P., & Perron, S. (2011). Remarks on solutions to a nonconvex quadratic programming test problem. Journal of Global Optimization, 50(2), 363-369. External link
Audet, C., Guillou, A., Hansen, P., Messine, F., & Perron, S. (2011). The small hexagon and heptagon with maximum sum of distances between vertices. Journal of Global Optimization, 49(3), 467-480. External link
Audet, C., Hansen, P., & Messine, F. (2010). Die Geschichte von den drei kleinen Achtecken. Spektrum der wissenschaft, 60-66. External link
Aloise, D., & Hansen, P. (2009). A branch-and-cut SDP-based algorithm for minimum sum-of-squares clustering. Pesquisa Operacional, 29(3), 503-516. Available
Audet, C., Hansen, P., & Messine, F. (2009). External problems for convex polygons-an update. In Lectures on global optimization (pp. 1-16). External link
Aloise, D., Deshpande, A., Hansen, P., & Popat, P. (2009). NP-hardness of Euclidean sum-of-squares clustering. Machine Learning, 75(2), 245-248. External link
Audet, C., Hansen, P., & Messine, F. (2009). Ranking small regular polygons by area and by perimeter. Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 3(1), 21-27. External link
Audet, C., Hansen, P., & Messine, F. (2009). La saga des trois petits octogones. Pour la science (380), 62-68. Unavailable
Audet, C., Hansen, P., Karam, A., Ng, C. T., & Perron, S. (2008). Exact L-2-Norm Plane Separation. Optimization Letters, 2(4), 483-495. External link
Aouchiche, M., & Hansen, P. (2007). On a conjecture about the Randić index. Discrete Mathematics, 307(2), 262-265. External link
Aouchiche, M., & Hansen, P. (2005). Recherche à voisinage variable de graphes extrémaux 13. à propos de la maille. [Variable neighborhood search for extremal graphs 13. on girth]. Rairo-operations Research, 39(4), 275-293. External link
Audet, C., Hansen, P., & Le Digabel, S. (2004). Exact solution of three nonconvex quadratic programming problems. In Frontiers in global optimization (Vol. 74, pp. 25-43). External link
Audet, C., Belhaïza, S., & Hansen, P. (2003). Enumeration of all extreme equilibria in game theory: bimatrix and polymatrix games. (Technical Report n° G-2003-63). External link
Audet, C., Hansen, P., Messine, F., & Perron, S. (2003). The minimum diameter octagon with unit-length sides: Vincze's wife's octagon is suboptimal. (Technical Report n° G-2003-59). External link
Audet, C., Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., & Savard, G. (1998). On the linear maxmin and related programming problems. In Multilevel Optimization: Algorithms and Applications (Vol. 20, pp. 181-208). External link
Bettinelli, A., Hansen, P., & Liberti, L. (2015). Community detection with the weighted parsimony criterion. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 28(3), 517-545. External link
Belhaiza, S., Audet, C., & Hansen, P. (2014). A note on bimatrix game maximal Selten subsets. Arabian Journal of Mathematics, 3(3), 299-311. Available
Belhaiza, S., Audet, C., & Hansen, P. (2012). On Proper Refinement of Nash Equilibria for Bimatrix Games. Automatica, 48(2), 297-303. External link
Caporossi, G., & Hansen, P. (2000). Variable neighborhood search for extremal graphs: 1 The AutoGraphiX system. Discrete Mathematics, 212(1-2), 29-44. External link
Caporossi, G., Hansen, P., & Zheng, M. (1998, March). Enumeration of fusenes to h=20 [Paper]. DIMACS Workshop on Discrete Mathematical Chemistry, Rutgers, New Brunswick. External link
Caron, G., Hansen, P., & Jaumard, B. (1999). Assignment Problem With Seniority and Job Priority Constraints. Operations Research, 47(3), 449-453. External link
Caporossi, G., Cvetković, D., Gutman, I., & Hansen, P. (1999). Variable Neighborhood Search for Extremal Graphs. 2. Finding Graphs with Extremal Energy. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 39(6), 984-996. External link
Caporossi, G., Gutman, I., & Hansen, P. (1999). Variable neighborhood search for extremal graphs: IV: Chemical trees with extremal connectivity index. Computers & Chemistry, 23(5), 469-477. External link
Caporossi, G., & Hansen, P. (1998). Enumeration of Polyhex Hydrocarbons to h = 21. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 38(4), 610-619. External link
Crama, Y., Hansen, P., & Jaumard, B. (1995). Complexity of product positioning and ball intersection problems. Mathematics of Operations Research, 20(4), 885-894.-885-894.. External link
Chen, P.-C., Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., & Tuy, H. (1992). Weber's problem with attraction and repulsion. Journal of Regional Science, 32(4), 467-486. External link
Chen, P.-C., Hansen, P., & Jaumard, B. (1991). On-line and off-line vertex enumeration by adjacency lists. Operations Research Letters, 10(7), 403-409. External link
Desrosiers, C., Galinier, P., Hansen, P., & Hertz, A. (2014). Automated generation of conjectures on forbidden subgraph characterization. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 162, 177-194. External link
Desrosiers, C., Galinier, P., Hertz, A., & Hansen, P. (2010). Improving constrained pattern mining with first-fail-based heuristics. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 23(1), 1-28. External link
Desaulniers, G., Desrosiers, J., & Solomon, M. M. (2002). Accelerating Strategies in Column Generation Methods for Vehicle Routing and Crew Scheduling Problems. In Ribeiro, C. C., & Hansen, P. (eds.), Essays and Surveys in Metaheuristics (pp. 309-324). External link
du Merle, O., Villeneuve, D. L., Desrosiers, J., & Hansen, P. (1999). Stabilized column generation. Discrete Mathematics, 194(1-3), 229-237. External link
Foutlane, O., El Hallaoui, I., & Hansen, P. (2022). Distributed Integral Column Generation for Set Partitioning Problems. Operations Research Forum, 3(2), 22 pages. External link
Foutlane, O., El Hallaoui, I., & Hansen, P. (2019). Integral Simplex Using Double Decomposition for Set Partitioning Problems. Computers and Operations Research, 111, 243-257. External link
Fernandes, I. F., Aloise, D., Aloise, D. J., Hansen, P., & Liberti, L. (2014). On the Weber facility location problem with limited distances and side constraints. Optimization Letters, 8(2), 407-424. External link
Guo, X., Hansen, P., & Zheng, M. (2002). Boundary uniqueness of fusenes. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 118(3), 209-222. External link
Gutman, I., Miljkovic, O., Caporossi, G., & Hansen, P. (1999). Alkanes with small and large Randić connectivity indices. Chemical Physics Letters, 306(5-6), 366-372. External link
Gélinas, S., Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., & Hansen, P. (1993, January). A labeling algorithm for minimum sum of diameters partitioning of graphs [Paper]. Partitioning data sets, New Brunswick, NJ. External link
Gourdin, É., Hansen, P., & Jaumard, B. (1994). Finding maximum likelihood estimators for the three-parameter Weibull distribution. Journal of Global Optimization., 5(4), 373-397. External link
Hansen, P., Aouchiche, M., Caporossi, G., Hertz, A., & Sellal, C. (2018). Mixed integer programming and extremal chemical graphs. International Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Systems, 3, 22-30. External link
Hansen, P., Hertz, A., Sellal, C., Vukičević, D., Aouchiche, M., & Caporossi, G. (2017). Edge realizability of connected simple graphs. Match-Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 78(3), 689-712. External link
Hansen, P., & Van Omme, N. (2006). On pitfalls in computing the geodetic number of a graph. Optimization Letters, 1(3), 299-307. External link
Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., & Simeone, B. (2002). Polynomial algorithms for nested univariate clustering. Discrete Mathematics, 245(1-3), 93-105. External link
Hansen, P., & Caporossi, G. (2000). AutoGraphiX: An Automated System for Finding Conjectures in Graph Theory. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 5, 158-161. External link
Hansen, P., & Jaumard, B. (2000). Probabilistic Satisfiability. In Handbook of Defeasible Reasoning and Uncertainty Management Systems: Algorithms for Uncertainty and Defeasible Reasoning (pp. 321-367). External link
Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., & Nguetse, G.-B. D. (1999). Best Second Order Bounds for Two-Terminal Network Reliability With Dependent Edge Failures. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 97, 375-393. External link
Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., & Xiong, J. (1998). An interval arithmetic algorithm for multivariate constrained global optimization using cord-slope forms of Taylor's expansion. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, 8(2), 189-202. Unavailable
Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., Meyer, C., & Thisse, J.-F. (1998). New Algorithms for Product Positioning. European Journal of Operational Research, 104(1), 154-174. External link
Hansen, P., Storchi, G., & Vovor, T. (1997). Paths with minimum range and ratio of arc lengths. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 78(1-3), 89-102. External link
Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., & Simeone, B. (1996). Espaliers: A generalization of dendrograms. Journal of Classification, 13(1), 107-127. External link
Hansen, P., & Jaumard, B. (1996). Computational Methods in Clustering from a Mathematical Programming Viewpoint. In Bock, H.-H., & Polasek, W. (eds.), Data Analysis and Information Systems (pp. 24-40). External link
Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., & Krau, S. (1995). An algorithm for Weber's problem on the sphere. Location Science, 3(4), 217-237. External link
Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., & Poggi de Aragao, M. Boole's conditions of possible experience and reasoning under uncertainty [Paper]. 6th and 7th Advanced Research Institutes in Discrete Applied Mathematics (ARIDAM VI/VII), Rutgers University. Published in Discrete Applied Mathematics, 60(1-3). External link
Hansen, P., & Jaumard, B. (1995). Lipschitz optimization. In Handbook of global optimization (Vol. 2, pp. 407-493). External link
Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., & Sanlaville, E. (1993, August). Partitioning Problems in Cluster Analysis: A Review of Mathematical Programming Approaches [Paper]. International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS), 1993, Paris, France. External link
Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., Ruiz, M., & Xiong, J. (1993). Global minimization of indefinite quadratic functions subject to box constraints. Naval Research Logistics, 40(3), 373-392. External link
Hansen, P., Hertz, A., & Kuplinsky, J. (1993). Bounded vertex colorings of graphs. Discrete Mathematics, 111(1-3), 305-312. External link
Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., & Xiong, J. (1993). Decomposition and interval arithmetic applied to global minimization of polynomial and rational functions. Journal of Global Optimization, 3(4), 421-437. External link
Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., & Lu, S.-H. (1992). Global optimization of univariate Lipschitz functions: I. Survey and properties. Mathematical Programming, 55(1-3), 251-272. External link
Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., & Lu, S.-H. (1992). Global optimization of univariate Lipschitz functions: II. New algorithms and computational comparison. Mathematical Programming, 55(1-3), 273-292. External link
Hansen, P., & Jaumard, B. (1992). Reduction of indefinite quadratic programs to bilinear programs. Journal of Global Optimization, 2(1), 41-60. External link
Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., & Lu, S.-H. (1991). An analytical approach to global optimization. Mathematical Programming, 52(1-3), 227-254. External link
Hansen, P., Poggi De Aragão, M., & Ribeiro, C. C. (1991). Hyperbolic 0–1 programming and query optimization in information retrieval. Mathematical Programming, 52(1-3), 255-263. External link
Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., & Lu, S.-H. (1991). On Timonov's algorithm for global optimization of univariate Lipschitz functions. Journal of Global Optimization, 1(1), 37-46. External link
Hansen, P., & Jaumard, B. (1990). Algorithms for the maximum satisfiability problem. Computing, 44(4), 279-303. External link
Hansen, P., Poggi De Aragão, M., & Ribeiro, C. C. (1990). Boolean query optimization and the 0-1 hyperbolic sum problem. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 1(1-4), 97-109. External link
Hansen, P., Lu, S.-H., & Jaumard, B. (1989). Global minimization of univariate functions by sequential polynomial approximation. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 28(1-4), 183-193. External link
Mojallal, S. A., & Hansen, P. (2021). A relation between proximity and the third largest distance eigenvalue of a graph. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 293, 50-58. External link
Ninin, J., Messine, F., & Hansen, P. (2015). A reliable affine relaxation method for global optimization. 4or-a Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, 13(3), 247-277. External link
Nau, R. F., Gomez Canovas, S., & Hansen, P. (2004). On the geometry of Nash equilibria and correlated equilibria. International Journal of Game Theory, 32(4). External link
Perron, S., Hansen, P., Le Digabel, S., & Mladenovic, N. (2010). Exact and heuristic solutions of the global supply chain problem with transfer pricing. European Journal of Operational Research, 202(3), 864-879. External link
Randel, R., Aloise, D., Mladenovic, N., & Hansen, P. (2018, October). On the k-Medoids Model for Semi-supervised Clustering [Paper]. 6th International Conference on Variable Neighborhood Search (ICVNS 2018), Sithonia, Greece. External link