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Fortin, V., Gujrathi, S. C., Gagnon, G., Gauvin, R., Currie, J. F., Ouellet, L., & Tremblay, Y. (1999). Effect of in Situ Plasma Oxidation of Tin Diffusion Barrier for Alsicu/Tin/Ti Metallization Structure of Integrated Circuits. Journal of vacuum science & technology. B. Microelectronics and nanometer structures processing, measurement and phenomena, 17(2), 423-431. External link
Fortin, V., Gagnon, G., Caron, M., Gujrathi, S. C., Currie, J. F., Ouellet, L., Tremblay, Y., & Biberger, M. (1998). The determination of phases formed in AlSiCu/TiN/Ti contact metallization structure of integrated circuits by x-ray diffraction. Journal of Applied Physics, 83(1), 132-138. External link
Gujrathi, S. C., Gagnon, G., Fortin, V., Caron, M., Currie, J. F., Ouellet, L., & Tremblay, Y. (1998). Elastic Recoil Detection Using Time-of-Flight for Analysis of Tin/Alsicu/Tin/Ti Contact Metallization Structures. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms, 138, 661-668. External link
Gagnon, G., Caron, M., Currie, J. F., Gujrathi, S. C., Fortin, V., Tremblay, Y., Oueller, L., Wang, M., Biberger, M., & Wong, F. (1996, June). Effect of a TiN anti-reflecting coating on the performance of Ti/TiN/AlSiCu metallization of VLSI devices [Paper]. 13th International VLSI Multilevel Interconnection (V-MIC) Conference, Santa Clara, CA, USA. Unavailable
Gagnon, G., Caron, M., Currie, J. F., Gujrathi, S. C., Fortin, V., Tremblay, Y., Ouellet, L., Wang, M., Biberger, M., & Wong, F. (1996, June). Effect of the oxidation of TiN barrier on its efficiency as a diffusion barrier in AlSiCu metallization of VLSI devices [Paper]. 13th International VLSI Multilevel Interconnection (V-MIC) Conference, Santa Clara, CA, USA. Unavailable