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Cartier, C., Nour, S., Richer, B., Deshommes, É., & Prévost, M. (2012). Impact of water treatment on the contribution of faucets to dissolved and particulate lead release at the tap. Water Research, 46(16), 5205-5216. External link
Cartier, C., Laroche, L., Deshommes, É., Nour, S., Richard, G., Edwards, M., Lunsford, C. P., Prévost, M., & Via Jr., C. E. (2011). Investigating dissolved lead at the tap using various sampling protocols. Journal American Water Works Association, 103(3), 55-67. External link
Doré, E., Deshommes, É., Laroche, L., Nour, S., & Prévost, M. (2019). Lead and copper release from full and partially replaced harvested lead service lines: Impact of stagnation time prior to sampling and water quality. Water Research, 150, 380-391. External link
Doré, E., Deshommes, É., Laroche, L., Nour, S., & Prévost, M. (2019). Study of the long-term impacts of treatments on lead release from full and partially replaced harvested lead service lines. Water Research, 149, 566-577. External link
Deshommes, É., Trueman, B., Douglas, I., Huggins, D., Laroche, L., Swertfeger, J., Spielmacher, A., Gagnon, G. A., & Prévost, M. (2018). Lead Levels at the Tap and Consumer Exposure from Legacy and Recent Lead Service Line Replacements in Six Utilities. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(16), 9451-9459. External link
Deshommes, É., Gagnon, G. A., Andrews, R. C., & Prévost, M. (2018). Lead Service Lines: Management and Public Perception in 21 Utilities. Journal American Water Works Association, 110(10), E38-E50. External link
Doré, E., Deshommes, É., Andrews, R. C., Nour, S., & Prévost, M. (2018). Sampling in schools and large institutional buildings: Implications for regulations, exposure and management of lead and copper. Water Research, 140, 110-122. External link
Deshommes, É., Laroche, L., Deveau, D., Nour, S., & Prévost, M. (2017). Short- and Long-Term Lead Release after Partial Lead Service Line Replacements in a Metropolitan Water Distribution System. Environmental Science and Technology, 51(17), 9507-9515. External link
Deshommes, É., Andrews, R. C., Gagnon, G., McCluskey, T., McIlwain, B., Doré, E., Nour, S., & Prévost, M. (2016). Evaluation of exposure to lead from drinking water in large buildings. Water Research, 99, 46-55. External link
Deshommes, É., Bannier, A., Laroche, L., Nour, S., & Prévost, M. (2016). Monitoring-based framework to detect and manage lead water service lines. Journal - American Water Works Association, 108(11), E555-E570. External link
Deshommes, É., Prévost, M., Levallois, P., Lemieux, F., & Nour, S. (2013). Application of lead monitoring results to predict 0-7 year old children's exposure at the tap. Water Research, 7(1), 2409-2420. External link
Deshommes, É., Andrews, R. C., Gagnon, G., Doré, E., Nour, S., & Prévost, M. (2013, November). Contribution of tap water from large buildings to blood lead levels [Paper]. 2013 Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition, WQTC 2013, Long Beach, CA, United States. Unavailable
Doré, E., Deshommes, É., Nour, S., & Prévost, M. (2013, November). Measuring lead levels at the tap of Canadian schools : the importanceof consideringparticulate lead [Paper]. 2013 Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition, WQTC 2013, Long Beach, CA, United States. Unavailable
Deshommes, É. (2012). Le plomb particulaire dans l'eau du robinet: source, occurrence, enlèvement et bioaccessibilité [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Deshommes, É., Prévost, M., Lemieux, F., & Levallois, P. (2012, November). Can results from lead monitoring be used to predict exposure at the tap? [Paper]. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition, Toronto, Ontario. Unavailable
Deshommes, É., & Prévost, M. (2012, October). Contribution du plomb particulaire de l'eau du robinet à l'exposition des enfants de 7 ans et moins [Paper]. 24e Atelier sur l'eau potable, Laval, Qc, Canada. Unavailable
Deshommes, É., Tachet, A., & Prévost, M. (2012, November). Does food prepared with tap water contribute more than tap water to children's exposure to lead? [Paper]. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition, Toronto, Ontario. Unavailable
Deshommes, É., & Prévost, M. (2012). Erratum: Pb particles from tap water: Bioaccessibility and contribution to child exposure. Environmental Science and Technology, 46(24), 13559-13560. External link
Deshommes, É., Tardif, R., Edwards, M., Sauvé, S., & Prévost, M. (2012). Experimental determination of the oral bioavailability and bioaccessibility of lead particles. Chemistry Central Journal, 6(1). Available
Deshommes, É., Prévost, M., Nour, S., Levallois, P., & Lemieux, F. (2012, October). Impact du type de résidence et du protocole d'échantillonnage sur la plombémie [Paper]. 24e Atelier sur l'eau potable, Laval, Qc, Canada. Unavailable
Deshommes, É., & Prévost, M. (2012). Pb Particles From Tap Water: Bioaccessibility and Contribution to Child Exposure. Environmental Science & Technology, 46(11), 6269-6277. External link
Deshommes, É., Nour, S., Richer, B., Cartier, C., & Prévost, M. (2012). POU Devices in Large Buildings: Lead Removal and Water Quality. Journal American Water Works Association, 104(4), 75-76. External link
Doré, E., Deshommes, É., Nour, S., & Prévost, M. (2012, October). Source et occurrence du plomb dissous et particulaire dans des écoles primaires des Laurentides [Paper]. 24e Atelier sur l'eau potable, Laval, Qc, Canada. Unavailable
Deshommes, É., Zhang, Y., Gendron, K., Sauvé, S., Edwards, M., Nour, S., & Prévost, M. (2010). Lead removal from tap water using POU devices. Journal American Water Works Association, 102(10), 91-105. External link
Deshommes, É., Laroche, L., Nour, S., Cartier, C., & Prévost, M. (2010). Source and occurrence of particulate lead in tap water. Water Research, 44(12), 3734-3744. External link
Ngueta, G., Prévost, M., Deshommes, É., Abdous, B., Gauvin, D., & Levallois, P. (2014). Exposure of young children to household water lead in the Montreal area (Canada): the potential influence of winter-to-summer changes in water lead levels on children's blood lead concentration. Environment International, 73, 57-65. Available
Riblet, C., Deshommes, É., Laroche, L., & Prévost, M. (2019). True exposure to lead at the tap: Insights from proportional sampling, regulated sampling and water use monitoring. Water Research, 156, 327-336. External link