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Nombre de documents: 24

Article de revue

Brochu, J., Beauregard, F., Lemay, J., Pelletier, P., & Marceau, R. J. (1999). Steady-State Analysis of Power Flow Controllers Using the Power Controller Plane. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 14(3), 1024-1031. Lien externe

Ghannouchi, F. M., Zhau, G. X., & Beauregard, F. (1995). Corrections to "Simultaneous Load-Pull of Intermodulation and Output Power Under Two-Tone Excitation for Accurate SSPA's Design" (vol 42, pg 932, 1994). IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 43(6), 1404-1404. Non disponible

Ghannouchi, F. M., Beauregard, F., Hajji, R., & Brodeur, A. (1995). De-embedding technique for reflection-based S-parameter measurements of HMICs and MMICs. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 10(4), 218-222. Lien externe

Ghannouchi, F. M., Beauregard, F., & Kouki, A. B. (1994). Large-signal stability and spectrum characterization of a medium power HBT using active load-pull techniques. IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, 4(6), 191-193. Lien externe

Ghannouchi, F. M., Beauregard, F., & Kouki, A. B. (1994). Power added efficiency and gain improvement in MESFET amplifiers using an active harmonic loading technique. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 7(13), 625-627. Lien externe

Communication écrite

Brochu, J., Sirois, F., Beauregard, F., Cloutier, R., Bergeron, A., & Henderson, M. I. (août 2006). Innovative Applications of Phase-Shifting Transformers Supplemented with Series Reactive Elements [Communication écrite]. CIGRE 2006, Paris, France. Lien externe

Jeckeln, E. G., Ghannouchi, F. M., Sawan, M., Beauregard, F., & Sigmon, B. (mai 2001). Efficient baseband/RF feedforward linearizer through a mirror power amplifier using software-defined radio and quadrature digital up-conversion [Communication écrite]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2001), Phoenix, AZ, USA. Lien externe

Chang-Wang, P., Beauregard, F., Carangelo, G., & Ghannouchi, F. M. (janvier 2001). Independently controllable AM/AM and AM/PM predistortion linearizer for CDMA2000 multicarrier applications [Communication écrite]. IEEE Radio and Wireless Conference (RAWCON 2001), Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Lien externe

Jeckeln, E. G., Beauregard, F., Sawan, M., Ghannouchi, F. M., & Perkins, T. (juin 2000). Adaptive baseband/RF predistorter for power amplifiers through instantaneous AM-AM and AM-PM characterization using digital receivers [Communication écrite]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2000), Boston, MA, USA. Lien externe

Jeckeln, E. G., Ghannouchi, F. M., Sawan, M., & Beauregard, F. (décembre 2000). Amplifier's predistortion-based linearizers for forward-channel link broadband applications [Communication écrite]. 7th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS 2000), Jounieh, Lebanon. Lien externe

Beauregard, F., Touimer, S., Ghannouchi, F. M., Maurin, D., Keresteciyan, V., & Hearne, C. (avril 2000). Digitally controlled amplitude and phase linearized channel amplifier for Ka bland satellite transponders [Communication écrite]. AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference and Exhibit, Oakland, CA, USA. Lien externe

Touimer, S., Beauregard, F., & Ghannouchi, F. M. (octobre 2000). Ku band digital controlled RF predistorter [Communication écrite]. European microwave conference (EuMC 2000), Paris, France. Lien externe

Hammache, A., Brassard, G., Bouchard, M. A., Beauregard, F., Akyel, C., & Ghannouchi, F. M. (mai 1997). Thermal characterization of MESFETs using I-V pulsed and DC measurements [Communication écrite]. 1997 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Technology Conference, IMTC, Ottawa, Can. Lien externe

Zhao, G., Ghannouchi, F. M., Beauregard, F., & Kouki, A. B. (juin 1996). Digital implementations of adaptive feedforward amplifier linearization techniques [Communication écrite]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS 1996), San Francisco, CA, USA. Lien externe

Hajji, R., Beauregard, F., & Ghannouchi, F. M. (juin 1996). Multi-tone transistor characterization for intermodulation and distortion analysis [Communication écrite]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS 1996), San Franscisco, CA, USA. Lien externe

Hajji, R., Beauregard, F., & Ghannouchi, F. M. (juin 1996). Multitone load-pull characterization system for power and distortion analysis of microwave transistors [Communication écrite]. 1996 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements, Braunschweig, Ger. Lien externe

Zhao, G., Ghannouchi, F. M., & Beauregard, F. (février 1996). Nonlinearity Effects of Power Amplifiers on CDMA Communication Systems [Communication écrite]. 4th Annual Wireless Symposium, Santa Clara, CA. Non disponible

Dassonville, S., Beauregard, F., & Ghannouchi, F. M. (janvier 1995). CAO/FAO de modulateurs vectoriels balancés en bandes C [Communication écrite]. 9eme journées micro-ondes (JNM'95), Paris, France. Non disponible

Zhao, G., Ghannouchi, F. M., Beauregard, F., Jeckeln, E. G., Ghannouchi, P. M., & Sawan, M. (septembre 1995). Dynamic range requirements for CDMA-based PCS power amplifiers: Adaptive digital predistortion technique for microwave power amplifiers [Communication écrite]. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 1995), Montréal, QC, Canada. Lien externe

Bégin, M., Ghannouchi, F. M., Beauregard, F., Selmi, L., Ricco, B., & Borelli, V. (septembre 1994). Characterization of transient effects in the S-parameters of GaAs MESFETs by means of pulsed measurements [Communication écrite]. ESSDERC`94 - 24th European Solid State Device Research Conference, Edinburgh, UK. Lien externe

Ghannouchi, F. M., Brodeur, A., & Beauregard, F. (juin 1993). De-embedding technique for reflection-based S-parameters measurements of microwave devices [Communication écrite]. 1994 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements, Boulder, CO, USA. Lien externe

Eid, E., Ghannouchi, F. M., & Beauregard, F. (juin 1993). Self-calibration of six-port reflectometers using active loads [Communication écrite]. 1994 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements, Boulder, CO, USA. Lien externe

Ghannouchi, F. M., Kouki, A. B., & Beauregard, F. (juin 1993). An Automated Non-Linear Transistor Characterization System with a High-Level Language User-Interface for Easy Control, Visualization and Data Management [Communication écrite]. 41st ARFTG Conference Digest - Spring 1993, Atlanta, GA, United states. Lien externe

Ghannouchi, F. M., Beauregard, F., & Kouki, A. B. (septembre 1993). Mesure de la puissance absolue micro-onde a l'aide d'une jonction six-portes a quatre diodes [Measurement of microwave absolute power with the aid of a six-port junction with four diodes]. [Communication écrite]. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 1993), Vancouver, BC, Canada. Lien externe

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