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Number of items: 88.


Alves Ribeiro Rosa, J. G., Armellini, F., & Robert, J.-M. (2021, June). Capturing Future Trends in Customer Needs for the Design of Next-Generation Gas Station Services [Paper]. 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021). External link

Albano, T. C. L., Baptista, E. C., Armellini, F., Jugend, D., & Soler, E. M. (2021). Proposal and Solution of a Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization Model That Incorporates Future Preparedness for Project Portfolio Selection. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 68(4), 1014-1026. External link

Armellini, F., Beaudry, C., Bourgault, M., Cohendet, P., Simon, L., Solar-Pelletier, L., Sultana, N., & Turkina, E. (2020). L'aérospatiale numérique au Québec : un écosystème innovant au cœur des enjeux de la société. In Québec économique 9 (pp. 457-470). External link

Armellini, F., Wolf, P., & Gisin, L. (2019, September). The impact of national culture on the choice of innovation strategy [Paper]. 20th International Continuous innovation network (CINET 2019), Odense, Denmark. Unavailable

Armellini, F., Dega, C., Garcia, A. D., & Machado, F. O. (2019). Theory and practice of entrepreneurial ecosystems : the case of technological incubators and accelerators in Canada. In Handbook of Research on Techno-Entrepreneurship (pp. 125-155). External link

Armellini, F., Beaudry, C., & Achiche, S. (2018, September). Assessing interrater fidelity for continuous innovation : how differently is innovation perceived by R&D and operations management? [Paper]. 19th International Continuous Innovation Network Conference (CINet 2018), Dublin, Ireland. Unavailable

Armellini, F., Beaudry, C., & Mahon, M. (2018). The influence of the NIH and NSH syndromes on the adoption of open innovation in the Canadian aerospace sector. In Gråsjö, U., Karlsson, C., & Bernhard, I. (eds.), Geography, open innovation and entrepreneurship (pp. 108-139). External link

Armellini, F., Beaudry, C., Bourgault, M., Lecante, C., Mahecha, D., & Morin, S. (2018). Le virage numérique en aérospatiale : tendance de convergence, exploration de signaux faibles et proposition d'un agenda R-D pour la grappe montréalaise. (Technical Report n° CRIAQ-1646). Unavailable

Armellini, F., Beaudry, C., Solar-Pelletier, L., Scremin, L., & Bassis, N. (2017). Canadian innovation case studies based on the industrial internet of things. (Technical Report). Unavailable

Armellini, F., Pelicioni, R. A., Kaminski, P. C., & Bassetto, S. (2017). Including the voice of the client in the creative process: a case study of the integration of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to the Value Proposition Design (VPD) in the service sector. Journal of Modern Project Management, 5(2). External link

Armellini, F., Beaudry, C., & Kaminski, P. C. (2016). Open within a box: an analysis of open innovation patterns within Canadian aerospace companies. Sinergie, 34(101), 15-36. Available

Armellini, F., Beaudry, C., & Kaminski, P. C. (2015, June). Open within a box: analysis of open innovation patterns within Canadian aerospace companies [Paper]. R&D Management Conference, Pisa, Italy. Unavailable

Armellini, F., Kaminski, P. C., & Beaudry, C. (2014). The Open Innovation Journey in Emerging Economies: An Analysis of the Brazilian Aerospace Industry. Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management, 6(4), 462-474. Available

Armellini, F., Beaudry, C., & Kaminski, P. C. (2013, April). Comparative analysis of public policies for innovation in the aerospace industries in Brazil and Canada [Paper]. 22nd International Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT 2013), Porto Alegre, Brazil. Unavailable

Armellini, F. (2013). Patterns of open innovation within product development: a comparative study between Brazilian and Canadian aerospace industries [Ph.D. Thesis, Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo]. External link

Armellini, F., Kaminski, P. C., & Beaudry, C. (2012). Integrating open innovation to new product development - the case of the Brazilian aerospace industry. International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, 5(4), 367-384. External link

Armellini, F., Kaminski, P. C., & Beaudry, C. (2011). Consortium for research and innovation in Québec, Canada - a reference model for Brazilian aerospace industry. Product Management & Development, 9(2), 101-109. External link

Armellini, F., Kaminski, P. C., & Beaudry, C. (2011, October). Ideas, knowledge and technology - A product development framework for open innovation [Paper]. 21e Congrès international de génie mécanique, Natal, Brésil. Unavailable

Armellini, F., Nobrega Dantas de Aquino, L., & Freitas Silveira, F. A inovação aberta e a internacionalização das atividades de P&D em corporações multinacionais emergentes [Paper]. XXXI Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção (ENEGEP), Belo Horizonte, Brazil. External link

Armellini, F., & Kaminski, P. C. Desverticalizando a cadeia de valor da inovação através da inovação aberta [Paper]. XXIX Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção (ENEGEP), Salvador, Brazil. External link

Armellini, F. (2009, November). Integrating open innovation to the product development process [Paper]. Humboldt-Kolleg Colloque: Limits and Interfaces in Science, São Paulo, Brazil. Unavailable

Ataídes, R., Prevedello, F., Spogis, N., Armellini, F., & Guedes, W. O. Design Optimization of a Weather Radar Antenna using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) [Paper]. International ANSYS Conference, Pittsburgh, USA. Unavailable

Armellini, F. (2006). Projeto e implementação do controle de posição de uma antena de radar meteorológico através de servomecanismos [Master's Thesis, Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo]. External link

Armellini, F., Ribeiro Alves, G., & Dias da Costa, J. (2002). Desenvolvimento de plataforma de controle baseada em redes Mark Flow Graph. (Technical Report). Unavailable


Bassis, N. F., & Armellini, F. (2018). Systems of innovation and innovation ecosystems: a literature review in search of complementarities. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 28(5), 1053-1080. Available

Blanco, C. M. R., Beaudry, C., & Armellini, F. (2018, September). Towards a definition and taxonomy of big science for public funding and evaluation [Paper]. EU-SPRI Early Career Researcher Conference ECC, Rome, Italy. Unavailable

Bassis Faissal, N., & Armellini, F. (2016, July). Complementarities and differences between business ecosystems and systems of innovation [Paper]. 16th International Schumpeter Society Conference (ISS 2016), Montréal, Québec (27 pages). Unavailable

Beaudry, C., & Armellini, F. (2016, September). Corporate culture barriers for the adoption of open innovation : The Canadian aerospace cluster perspective [Paper]. 19th Uddevalla Symposium on Geography, Open Innovation, Diversity and Entrepreneurship, London, UK. Unavailable

Bretones-Cassoli, B., Armellini, F., & Kaminski, P. C. (2015, September). Elaboração de relatórios de benchmarking em pesquisa sobre inovação aberta no setor aeroespacial brasileiro [Paper]. 10th Congresso Brasileiro de Gestão da Inovação e Desenvolvimento de Produtos (CBGDP 2015), Itajuba, Brazil. Unavailable

Beaudry, C., Armellini, F., Dorseuil, A., & Mahecha, D. (2015, October). Open innovation and open business models in the Canadian Aerospace Industry [Paper]. Statistics Canada workshop on identifying and closing gaps in measuring innovation, Ottawa, Ont. Unavailable

Beaudry, C., Dauphin-Pierre, S., Armellini, F., & Hinostroza-Carbrera, J. V. (2013, January). Tendances observées au Québec en aérospatiale au niveau de l'ouverture de l'innovation [Paper]. "Premières leçons pour la gestion de l'innovation du Partenariat pour l'ouverture de l'innovation dans les nouvelles technologies" (POINT), Montréal, Québec. Unavailable

Beaudry, C., Dauphin-Pierre, S., Armellini, F., & Hinostroza-Carbrera, J. V. (2012). Tendances observées au Québec en aérospatiale au niveau de l'ouverture de l'innovation. (Technical Report). Unavailable


Capinzaiki Ottonicar, S. L., Arraiza, P. M., & Armellini, F. (2020). Opening Science and Innovation: Opportunities for Emerging Economies. Foresight and STI Governance, 14(4), 95-111. External link

Cruz, A. G. A., & Armellini, F. (2019, October). A benchmarking study of industry 4.0 initiatives in engineering education [Paper]. 3rd International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 : Challenges and Opportunities of Digital Transformation, Intelligent Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management 4.0 (ISSC4 2019), Indianapolis, Indiana. External link

Cohendet, P., Simon, L., Armellini, F., Beaudry, C., Bourgault, M., Grandadam, D., Parize, C., Solar-Pelletier, L., Turkina, E., Dévailly, F.-X., Manent-Duléry, M., Genest, B., Lautraite, H., Marecha, D., Sinclair, T., Dupouët, O., & Lecante, C. (2018). Aérospatiale numérique. (Technical Report). Unavailable

Cassoli, B. B., Armellini, F., & Kaminski, P. C. (2016, March). Adopting open business models in emergent economies: aerospace Brazilian case [Paper]. ISPIM Innovation Symposium, Boston, MA. External link


Darwish, R., Armellini, F., Magnusson, M., & Beaudry, C. (2023, June). Ecosystem orchestration dynamics, the case of the transport electrification transition [Paper]. R&D Management Conference and Doctoral Colloquium 2023, Seville, Spain. External link

de Assis, R. F., de Santa-Eulalia, L. A., Armellini, F., Anholon, R., Rampasso, I. S., Müller Guerrini, F., Godinho Filho, M., & De Paula Ferreira, W. (2023). A system dynamics approach to unlock the complexity of the S&OP in virtual enterprises. Enterprise Information Systems, 17(12), 31 pages. External link

Durango, A. C., Luciani, F., De Paula Ferreira, W., & Armellini, F. (2022, October). Design structure matrix and its applications in innovation management [Paper]. 24th International Dependency and Structure Modeling Conference (DSM 2022), Eindhoven, The Netherlands. External link

De Paula Ferreira, W., Armellini, F., de Santa-Eulalia, L. A., & Thomasset-Laperrière, V. (2022). Extending the lean value stream mapping to the context of Industry 4.0: An agent-based technology approach. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 63, 1-14. External link

De Paula Ferreira, W., Armellini, F., De Santa-Eulalia, L. A., & Thomasset-Laperrière, V. (2022). A framework for identifying and analysing industry 4.0 scenarios. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 65, 192-207. External link

De Paula Ferreira, W., Palaniappan, A., Armellini, F., Santa-Eulalia, L. A., Moscono, E., & Marion, G. (2021). Linking industry 4.0, learning factories and simulation modeling : testbeds and proof-of-concepts experiments. In Artificial intelligence in industry 4.0 (Vol. 928, pp. 85-97). External link

De Paula Ferreira, W., Armellini, F., de Santa-Eulalia, L. A., & Rebolledo, C. (2021). Modelling and Simulation in Industry 4.0. In Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0: A Collection of Innovative Research Case-studies that are Reworking the Way We Look at Industry 4.0 Thanks to Artificial Intelligence (Vol. 928, pp. 57-72). External link

de Assis, R. F., de Santa-Eulalia, L. A., De Paula Ferreira, W., Armellini, F., Anholon, R., Rampasso, I. S., & Santos, J. G. C. L. (2021). Translating value stream maps into system dynamics models: a practical framework. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 114(11-12), 3537-3550. External link

Da Silva, R. H., Armellini, F., Beaudry, C., & Kaminski, P. C. (2021, June). Using text mining tools to extract relevant information about sustainable mobility initiatives by automakers [Paper]. 29th Gerpisa International Colloquium on the Transformation of the Global Auto Industry : Digitalisation, Ecological Transition and the Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis. External link

Da Silva, R. H., Balieiro, F., Armellini, F., Beaudry, C., & Kaminski, P. C. (2021, May). Using text mining tools to extract relevant information on sustainable mobility [Paper]. 1st 4POINT0 Conference on Policies, Practices and Processes related to the Performance of Innovation Ecosystems. Unavailable

Da Silva, R. H., Kaminski, P. C., & Armellini, F. (2020). Improving new product development innovation effectiveness by using problem solving tools during the conceptual development phase: Integrating Design Thinking and TRIZ. Creativity and Innovation Management, 29(4), 685-700. External link

De Paula Ferreira, W., Armellini, F., & De Santa-Eulalia, L. A. (2020). Simulation in industry 4.0: A state-of-the-art review. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 149, 106868 (17 pages). External link

Domingos, E. G. N., Luciano, H. S., Leite, L. R., Silva, A. L., & Armellini, F. (2019, October). The contribution of KPIs to build resilience in the supply chain in the context of industry 4.0 [Paper]. 3rd International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 : Challenges and Opportunities of Digital Transformation, Intelligent Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management 4.0 (ISSC4 2019), Indianapolis, Indiana. External link

De Paula Ferreira, W., Palaniappan, A., Armellini, F., de Santa-Eulalia, L. A., Mosconi, E., & Marion, G. (2019, October). Linking industry 4.0, learning factory, and simulation modeling : testbeds and proof-of-concept experiments [Paper]. 3rd International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0 : Challenges and Opportunities of Digital Transformation, Intelligent Manufacturing and Supply Chain Managament (ISSC4), Indianapolis, USA (9 pages). External link

De Paula Ferreira, W., Armellini, F., Santa-Eulalia, L. A., & Rebolledo, C. (2019, August). Simulation-based approaches in industry 4.0 : a systematic literature review and meta-analysis [Paper]. Industry 4.0 and Artificial Intelligence Technologies (INAIT 2019), Cambridge, UK. Unavailable

Dorseuil, A., Beaudry, C., & Armellini, F. (2016, September). Open innovation, inter-organizational collaboration and innovation performance in the Canadian Aerospace industry [Paper]. 19th Uddevalla Symposium on Geography, Open Innovation, Diversity and Entrepreneurship, London, UK. Unavailable


Ferrari, A. G., Jugend, D., Armellini, F., Barbalho, S. C. M., & Carvalho, M. M. (2023). Crossing actors' boundaries towards circular ecosystems in the organic food sector: Facing the challenges in an emerging economy context. Journal of Cleaner Production, 407, 11 pages. External link

Fleury, A. T., Leonardi, F., & Armellini, F. (2009, November). Dynamical Modeling and Control Design of a Flexible Radar Antenna [Paper]. 20th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM 2009), Gramado, Brazil. External link


Gagne, C., Veilleux, S., Armellini, F., Cohendet, P., & Sirois, L. (2023). Developing indicators of open innovation event outcomes. International Journal of Innovation Management, 27(03N04), 2350017 (45 pages). External link

Gagné, C., Veilleux, S., Armellini, F., & Cohendet, P. (2021, June). Developing indicators of open innovation events outcomes [Paper]. 2021 ISPM Innovation Conference, Berlin, Germany. Unavailable


Herrero Motzer, P. L., Armellini, F., & Solar-Pelletier, L. (2020). Change management in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: An exploratory research using qualitative methods. Journal of Modern Project Management, 7(4), 154-175. External link


Jugend, D., Fiorini, P. C., Teles, D. A., Armellini, F., & Pinheiro, M. A. P. (2022). Proposal for Integration of Circular Economy Within Product Portfolio Management. In Role of Circular Economy in Resource Sustainability (pp. 31-41). External link

Jugend, D., Fiorini, P. C., Armellini, F., & Ferrari, A. G. (2020). Public support for innovation: A systematic review of the literature and implications for open innovation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 156, 16 pages. External link

Jugend, D., Scaliza, J. A., Armellini, F., & Salgado, M. H. (2019, June). Inbound, outbound, innovation ecosystems, and innovative performance : an assessment of the information technology industry [Paper]. Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Academy (INEKA 2019), Verone, Italy. Unavailable


Kouloukoui, D., De Marcellis-Warin, N., Armellini, F., Warin, T., & Torres, E. A. (2021). Factors influencing the perception of exposure to climate risks: Evidence from the world's largest carbon-intensive industries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 306, 16 pages. External link


Luciani, F., De Paula Ferreira, W., Armellini, F., & Santa-Eulalia, L. A. (2021, November). An outlook on the contribution of agent-based modeling and simulation for innovation ecosystems [Paper]. 2021 ISPM Connects Valencia, Valencia, Spain. Unavailable


Mahecha Capacho, D. R., Beaudry, C., Aubin, C.-É., & Armellini, F. (2023, May). De la gestion des idées innovantes à la norme ISO 56000 [Presentation]. In 90e congrès de l'ACFAS, Montreal, Qc, Canada. Unavailable

Marques, R., De Paula Ferreira, W., Nassif, G., Armellini, F., Dungen, J., & De Santa-Eulalia, L. A. (2021, June). Exploring the application of IoT in the service station business [Paper]. 17th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2021), Budapest, Hongrie. Published in IFAC-Papers Online, 54(1). External link

Mahecha, D., Beaudry, C., Molaret, P., & Armellini, F. (2021, May). The industry productivity and the link with the adoption of advanced technology - A case study in Quebec [Paper]. 1st 4POINT0 Conference on Policies, Practices and Processes related to the Performance of Innovation Ecosystems. Unavailable

Mahecha, D., Beaudry, C., Aubin, C.-É., & Armellini, F. (2021, May). Numerical transformation in the "health ecosystem" - A bibliometric analysis 1994-2021 [Paper]. 1st 4POINT0 Conference on Policies, Practices and Processes related to the Performance of Innovation Ecosystems. Unavailable

Mahecha, D., Armellini, F., & Beaudry, C. (2020, November). Que peuvent nous dire les publications sur les écosystèmes d'innovation en santé? [Poster]. 35e congrès de la recherche des étudiants des cycles supérieurs et des postdoctorants au Centre de recherche du CHU Sainte-Justine, Montréal, Qc, Canada. External link

Mahecha, D., Beaudry, C., Armellini, F., & Aubin, C.-É. (2020, July). What can latent dirichlet allocation topic modeling say about ecosystems [Paper]. 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics (CARMA 2020). Unavailable

Mahecha, D. R., Beaudry, C., & Armellini, F. (2019, October). Development of open business models and innovation in the Canadian aerospace sector [Poster]. Atlanta Conference o Science and Innovation Policy, Atlanta, Georgia. Unavailable

Marin, R. O., Kaminski, P. C., Armellini, F., & Bouchardy, A. (2018, September). Open innovation practices in the automotive industry : and exploratory comparison between Brazil and France [Paper]. 27th SAE International Congress on Mobility Technology, São Paulo, Brazil. External link

Marques, R., & Armellini, F. (2017, September). Proposta de modelo de referência para utilização da Internet das coisas como suporte à estratégia de marketing [Paper]. 11º Congresso Brasileiro de Inovação e Gestão de Desenvolvimento do Produto (CBGDP), Sao Paulo, Brazil. Published in Blucher Design Proceedings, 3(12). Available

Mahecha, D. R., Beaudry, C., & Armellini, F. (2016, July). Management of innovation process and intellectual property in the Canadian aerospace sector [Poster]. 16th Congress of the International Schumpeter Society : Building Bridges (ISS2016), Montréal, Québec. Unavailable

Mahecha, D., Beaudry, C., & Armellini, F. (2016, September). Open business models and innovation in the Canadian aerospace sector [Paper]. 19th Uddevalla Symposium on Geography, Open Innovation, Diversity and Entrepreneurship, London, UK. Unavailable


Nascimento Domingos, E. G., Pereira, C., Armellini, F., Danjou, C., & Facchini, F. (2024). Enabling technologies as a support to achieve resilience in supply chain operations. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 3477946 (14 pages). Available

Nguyen-Smith, N., Armellini, F., & Beaudry, C. (2014, May). L'innovation ouverte en aérospatiale - une comparaison Canada-Brésil [Paper]. "Premières leçons pour la gestion de l'innovation du Partenariat pour l'ouverture de l'innovation dans les nouvelles technologies" (POINT), Montréal, Québec. External link


Pinheiro de Souza, L. P., & Armellini, F. (2020, November). Acoplamento bibliografico na literatura internacional sobre inovacao aberta no desenvolvimento de software [Bibliographic coupling in international literature on open innovation in software development]. [Paper]. 10th Congreso Internacional de Conocimiento e Innovacion (CIKI 2020) (15 pages). Published in 10th Congreso Internacional de Conocimiento e Innovacion (CIKI 2020). External link

Paula Pinheiro, M. A., Jugend, D., Demattê Filho, L. C., & Armellini, F. (2018). Framework proposal for ecodesign integration on product portfolio management. Journal of Cleaner Production, 185, 176-186. Available


Reis, L. P., Fernandes, J. M., Barreto, E. J., Viegas Lima, M. V., & Armellini, F. (2021). Impact Assessment of Lean Product Development and Lean Startup Methodology on Information Technology Startups' Performance. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 18(06), 2150034 (24 pages). External link

Reis, L. P., Fernandes, J. M., & Armellini, F. (2021). Leveraging a Process-Oriented Perspective on Frugal Innovation Through the Linkage of Lean Product Development (LPD) Practices and Waste. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 18(7), 2130004 (39 pages). External link

Ribeiro de Mello Mazzola, C. R., & Armellini, F. Desenvolvimento tecnológico do Brasil no cenário mundial: um estudo exploratório por meio de indicadores de patentes [Paper]. XXXI Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção (ENEGEP), Belo Horizonte, Brazil. External link

Ribeiro Alves, G., Dias da Costa, J., Armellini, F., Eigi Miyagi, P., & Jose dos Santos Filho, D. (2003, June). Petri Net's execution algorithm for applications in manufacturing systems control [Paper]. 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2003), Lisbon, Portugal. Unavailable


Scaliza, J. A., Jugend, D., Chiappetta Jabbour, C. J., Latan, H., Armellini, F., Twigg, D., & Andrade, D. F. (2022). Relationships among organizational culture, open innovation, innovative ecosystems, and performance of firms: Evidence from an emerging economy context. Journal of Business Research, 140, 264-279. External link

Scremin, L., Armellini, F., Brun, A., Solar-Pelletier, L., & Beaudry, C. (2021). Towards a Framework for Assessing the Maturity of Manufacturing Companies in Industry 4.0 Adoption. In Information Resources Management, A. (ed.), Research Anthology on Cross-Industry Challenges of Industry 4.0 (pp. 895-925). External link

Scremin, L., Armellini, F., Brun, A., Solar-Pelletier, L., & Beaudry, C. (2018). Towards a framework for assessing the maturity of manufacturing companies in industry 4.0 adoption. In Analyzing the impacts of industry 4.0 in modern business environments (pp. 224-254). External link

Silveira, F. F., Armellini, F., Dantas de Aquino, L. N., & Giroletti, D. A. (2012). A adoção da inovação aberta dentro da estratégia de internacionalização de empresas multinacionais de economias emergentes. [The adoption of open innovation in the internationalization strategy of emerging-market multinational enterprises]. Revista de Gestão e Projetos - GeP, 3(3), 251-276. Available


Taraghi, M., Armellini, F., & Imbeau, D. (2023). An Exploratory Investigation of Cognitive Mapping for Analyzing Needs in UX Design. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 14 pages. External link

Thisse, B., Gagné, C., Armellini, F., Veilleux, S., & Beaudry, C. (2022, June). Success of open innovation events for solvers [Paper]. 33rd ISPIM Innovation Conference on "Innovation in a digital world", Copenhague, Danemark (26 pages). Published in International Journal of Innovation Management, 26(9). External link


Wolf, P., Armellini, F., & Gisin, L. (2021). Opening a black box: The moderating effect of managing dualities on the relation between explorative and exploitative activities and business performance in manufacturing firms. Creativity and Innovation Management, 30(4), 897-919. External link

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