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Azzabi, A., Aboulhamid, E. M., & Nicolescu, G. (2010, December). Timing verification of cyclic systems based on temporal constraint analysis [Paper]. 17th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Athens, Greece. External link
Bouchebaba, Y., Girodias, B., Nicolescu, G., Aboulhamid, E. M., Lavigueur, B., & Paulin, P. (2007). MPSoC memory optimization using program transformation. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, 12(4), 43-43. External link
Brassard, O., Rousseau, F., David, J. P., Kastle, M., & Aboulhamid, E. M. (2006, June). Automatic generation of embedded systems with .NET framework based tools [Paper]. IEEE North-East Workshop on Circuits and Systems (NEWCAS 2006), Gatineau, Québec, Canada. External link
Boyer, F.-R., Aboulhamid, E. M., & Savaria, Y. (2001, August). Minimizing sensitivity to clock skew variations using level sensitive latches [Paper]. 15th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD 2001), Espoo, Finland. Unavailable
Chevalier, J. M., De Nanclas, M., Filion, L., Benny, O., Rondonneau, M., Bois, G., & Aboulhamid, E. M. (2006). A Systemc Refinement Methodology for Embedded Software. IEEE Design & Test of Computers, 23(2), 148-158. External link
Chabini, N., Chabini, I., Aboulhamid, E. M., & Savaria, Y. (2003). Methods for minimizing dynamic power consumption in synchronous designs with multiple supply voltages. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 22(3), 346-351. External link
Chabini, N., Chabini, I., Aboulhamid, E. M., & Savaria, Y. (2003, April). Unification of basic retiming and supply voltage scaling to minimize dynamic power consumption for synchronous digital designs [Paper]. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI 2003), Washington, D. C., USA. External link
Ethier, S., Sawan, M., Aboulhamid, E. M., & El-Gamal, M. (2009, August). A 9 V fully integrated CMOS electrode driver for high-impedance microstimulation [Paper]. 52nd IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS 2009), Cancun, Mexico. External link
Fourmigue, A., Girodias, B., Gheorghe, L., Nicolescu, G., & Aboulhamid, E. M. (2012). Wireless design platform combining simulation and testbed environments. In Design technology for heterogeneous embedded systems (pp. 137-156). External link
Fourmigue, A., Beltrame, G., Nicolescu, G., & Aboulhamid, E. M. (2011, October). A linear-time approach for the transient thermal simulation of liquid-cooled 3D ICs [Paper]. 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Hardware/Software-Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS 2011), part of Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK 2011), Taipei, Taiwan. External link
Fourmigue, A., Beltrame, G., Nicolescu, G., Aboulhamid, E. M., & O'Connor, I. (2011, March). Multi-granularity thermal evaluation of 3D MPSoC architectures [Paper]. 14th Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition (DATE 2011), Grenoble, France. External link
Fourmigue, A., Girodias, B., Nicolescu, G., & Aboulhamid, E. M. (2009, April). Co-simulation based platform for wireless protocols design explorations [Paper]. Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition (DATE 2009), Nice, France. External link
Filion, L., Chevalier, J., Bois, G., & Aboulhamid, E. M. The Syslib-Picasso Methodology for the Co-Design Specification Capture Phase [Paper]. System-on-Chip for Real-Time Applications. External link
Gorse, N., Bélanger, P., Aboulhamid, E. M., & Savaria, Y. (2004, December). Mixing linguistic and formal techniques for high-level requirements engineering [Paper]. 16th International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM 2004), Tunisie. External link
Lapalme, J., Aboulhamid, E. M., & Nicolescu, G. (2006). A new efficient EDA tool design methodology. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 5(2), 408-430. External link
Nicolescu, B., Gorse, N., Savaria, Y., Aboulhamid, E. M., & Velazco, R. (2005). On the Use of Model Checking for the Verification of a Dynamic Signature Monitoring Approach. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 52(5), 1555-1561. External link
Sun, L. P., Aboulhamid, E. M., & David, J. P. (2003, December). Network on chip using a reconfigurable platform [Paper]. 46th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS 2003), Cairo, Egypt. External link
Tsikhanovich, A., Aboulhamid, E. M., & Bois, G. (2009). Timing Specification in Transaction Level Models. In Aboulhamid, E. M., & Rousseau, F. (eds.), System Level Design with .Net Technology (pp. 203-238). External link
Zerarka, M. T., David, J. P., & Aboulhamid, E. M. (2004, July). High speed emulation of gene regulatory networks using FPGAs [Paper]. 47th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS 2004), Hiroshima, Japan. External link