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Lajoie, P.-Y., Ramtoula, B., Chang, Y., Carlone, L., & Beltrame, G. (2020). DOOR-SLAM: Distributed, Online, and Outlier Resilient SLAM for Robotic Teams. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5(2), 1656-1663. Lien externe
St-Onge, D., Kaufmann, M., Panerati, J., Ramtoula, B., Cao, Y., Coffey, E. B. J., & Beltrame, G. (2020). Planetary Exploration with Robot Teams: Implementing Higher Autonomy With Swarm Intelligence. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 27(2), 159-168. Lien externe
Ramtoula, B., De Azambuja, R., & Beltrame, G. (mai 2020). CAPRICORN: Communication Aware Place Recognition using Interpretable Constellations of Objects in Robot Networks [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2020), Paris, France. Lien externe
Ramtoula, B. (2020). Machine Learning for Multi-Robot Semantic Simultaneous Localization and Mapping [Mémoire de maîtrise, Polytechnique Montréal]. Disponible