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Caloz, C. (janvier 2010). Electromagnetic metamaterials : a new paradigm in modern science and technology [Communication écrite]. IEICE Workshop on Recent Progress in Microwave/Millimeter-wave Technologies and Applications, Yokohama, Japan. Non disponible
Caloz, C. (décembre 2010). Electromagnetic metamaterials and their microwave applications [Communication écrite]. Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2010), Yokohama, Japan. Non disponible
Caloz, C. (2010). Metamaterial antennas and radiative systems. Dans Microstrip and Printed Antennas : New Trends, Techniques and Applications (p. 345-386). Lien externe
Caloz, C. (septembre 2010). Metamaterials dispersion engineering : a new paradigm in microwave science and technology [Communication écrite]. 4th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (METAMATERIALS 2010), Karlsruhe, Germany (2 pages). Non disponible
Caloz, C. (janvier 2010). Recent advances in metamaterial smart antenna concepts and applications [Communication écrite]. IMS Workshop on Practical Metamaterials RF and Antennas for Commercial Application, Anaheim, CA. Non disponible
Caloz, C. (janvier 2010). Some novel directions in metamaterial engineering [Communication écrite]. IPAM Workshop on Metamaterials : Applications, Analysis and Modeling, Los Angeles, CA. Lien externe
Caloz, C., Carignan, L.-P., Boucher, V., Kodera, T., Couture, S., Parsa, A., Ménard, D., & Yelon, A. (mai 2010). Recent advances in micro-structured electric and nano-structured magnetic microwave metamaterials [Communication écrite]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2010), Anaheim, California. Lien externe
Caloz, C., Kodera, T., Carignan, L. P., Razavipour, H., Ménard, D., & Yelon, A. (janvier 2010). Ferromagnetic nanowire materials and their application to leaky-wave antennas with the benefits of self-biasing, integration and double ferromagnetic resonance [Communication écrite]. CNC/USNC URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Non disponible
Carignan, L. P., Boucher, V., Lacroix, C., Yelon, A., Ménard, D., & Caloz, C. (janvier 2010). Double ferromagnetic resonance in CoFeB ferromagnetic nanowire and application selfbiased microwave devices [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Microwave Magnetism (ICCM 2010), Boston, MA (41 pages). Non disponible
Carignan, L. P., Kodera, T., Ménard, D., Yelon, A., & Caloz, C. (janvier 2010). Ferromagnetic nanowire metamaterials structures for microwave applications [Communication écrite]. IMS Workshop on New Microwave Devices and Materials Based on Nanotechnology, Anaheim, CA. Non disponible
Carignan, L. P., Ménard, D., Yelon, A., & Caloz, C. (janvier 2010). Recent advances in ferromagnetic nanowire composites for microwave applications [Communication écrite]. EUCAP Workshop on Nanotechnology : the Gateway to Innovative Radio Frequency Devices, Paris, France. Non disponible
Carignan, L.-P., Caloz, C., & Ménard, D. (mai 2010). Dual-band integrated self-biased edge-mode isolator based on the double ferromagnetic resonance of a bistable nanowire substrate [Communication écrite]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2010), Anaheim, CA, United states. Lien externe
Coulombe, M., Farzaneh Koodiani, S., & Caloz, C. (2010). Compact Elongated Mushroom (EM)-EBG Structure for Enhancement of Patch Antenna Array Performances. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 58(4), 1076-1086. Lien externe
Couture, S., Gauthier, J., Kodera, T., & Caloz, C. (2010). Experimental Demonstration And Potential Applications Of A Tunable NRI Ferrite-Wire Metamaterial. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 9, 1022-1025. Lien externe
Couture, S., Gauthier, J., Parsa, A., Kodera, T., & Caloz, C. (juillet 2010). Tunable NRI Wedge Made of Metallic Wires in a Ferrite Host: Lens Structure, Experimental Demonstration, and Scanning Antenna / Spectral Analyzer Applications [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Symposium Antennas and Propagation and CNC-USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting, Toronto, Ontario. Lien externe
Couture, S., Parsa, A., & Caloz, C. (juillet 2010). Design of a size-independent zero-permittivity rectangular resonator and possible antenna applications [Communication écrite]. 14th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics and the American Electromagnetics Conference (AMEREM/ANTEM 2010), Ottawa, Ontario. Lien externe
Gomez-Diaz, J. S., Alvarez-Melcon, A., & Caloz, C. (juillet 2010). Impulse-regime analysis of metamaterial-based leaky-wave antennas and applications [Communication écrite]. American Electromagnetics Conference (AMEREM 2010), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Non disponible
Gomez-Diaz, J. S., Gupta, S., Alvarez-Melcon, A., & Caloz, C. (2010). Efficient Time-Domain Analysis of Highly Dispersive Linear and Non-Linear Metamaterial Waveguide and Antenna Structures Operated in the Impulse-Regime. IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 4(10), 1617-1625. Lien externe
Gupta, S., & Caloz, C. (septembre 2010). Analog inverse Fourier transformer using group delay engineered C-section all-pass network [Communication écrite]. 40th European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2010), part of 13th European Microwave Week (EuMW2010), Paris, France. Lien externe
Gupta, S., & Caloz, C. (juillet 2010). Analog real-time Fourier transformer using a group delay engineered C-section all-pass network [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Symposium Antennas and Propagation and CNC-USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada. Lien externe
Gupta, S., Nikfal, B., & Caloz, C. (décembre 2010). RFID system based on pulse-position modulation using group delay engineered microwave C-sections [Communication écrite]. Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APCM 2010), Yokohama, Japan. Lien externe
Gupta, S., Parsa, A., Perret, E., Snyder, R. V., Wenzel, R. J., & Caloz, C. (2010). Group-delay engineered noncommensurate transmission line all-pass network for analog signal processing. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 58(9), 2392-2407. Lien externe
Itoh, T., Caloz, C., Lin, I.-H., & Okabe, H. (2010). Composite right/left handed (CRLH) branch-line couplers. (Brevet no US7667555). Lien externe
Kodera, T., & Caloz, C. (2010). Authors' reply "Uniform Ferrite-Loaded Open Waveguide Structure With CRLH Response and Its Application to a Novel Backfire-to-Endfire Leaky-Wave Antenna". IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 58(5), 1310-1311. Lien externe
Kodera, T., & Caloz, C. (septembre 2010). Integrated leaky-wave antenna front-end using a ferrite-loaded open waveguide structure [Communication écrite]. 40th European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2010), part of 13th European Microwave Week (EuMW2010), Paris, France. Non disponible
Kodera, T., & Caloz, C. (2010). Integrated Leaky-Wave Antenna-Duplexer/Diplexer Using CRLH Uniform Ferrite-Loaded Open Waveguide. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 58(8), 2508-2514. Lien externe
Kodera, T., & Caloz, C. (décembre 2010). Leakage control in the CRLH uniform ferrite-loaded open waveguide leaky-wave antenna using a transversally extending evanescent waveguide structure [Communication écrite]. Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APCM 2010), Yokohama, Japan. Lien externe
Kodera, T., & Caloz, C. (2010). Low-Profile Leaky Wave Electric Monopole Loop Antenna Using the Beta=0 Regime of a Ferrite-Loaded Open Waveguide. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 58(10), 3165-3174. Lien externe
Kodera, T., & Caloz, C. (juillet 2010). Novel magnetic radiative structures inspired by metamaterials concepts [Communication écrite]. American Electromagnetics Conference (AMEREM 2010), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Non disponible
Ménard, D., Boucher, V., Carignan, L. P., Hadj-Messaoud, S., Lacroix, C., Caloz, C., & Yelon, A. (janvier 2010). Engineering the microwave response of ferromagnetic nanowire [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Microwave Magnetism (ICCM 2010), Boston, MA. Non disponible
Ménard, D., Boucher, V., Carignan, L. P., Hadj-Messaoud, S., Lacroix, C., Caloz, C., & Yelon, A. (juillet 2010). Microwave response to ferromagnetic nanowire arrays [Communication écrite]. International Workshop on Magnetic Wires (IWMW 2010), Bodrum, Turkey (6 pages). Non disponible
Nguyen, H. V., Parsa, A., & Caloz, C. (2010). Power-Recycling Feedback System for Maximization of Leaky-Wave Antennas' Radiation Efficiency. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 58(7), 1641-1650. Lien externe
Otto, S., Rennings, A., Liebig, T., Caloz, C., & Solbach, K. (avril 2010). An energy-based circuit parameter extraction method for CRLH leaky wave antennas [Communication écrite]. 4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2010), Barcelona, Spain. Lien externe
Razavipour, H., Carignan, L. P., Ménard, D., Yelon, A., & Caloz, C. (décembre 2010). Ferromagnetic nanowire (FMNW) self-biased H-plane resonance isolator [Communication écrite]. Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2010), Yokohama, Japan. Lien externe
Rennings, A., Schneider, P., Otto, S., Erni, D., Caloz, C., & Ladd, M. E. (septembre 2010). A CRLH zeroth-order resonant antenna (ZORA) with high near-field polarization purity used as an RF coil element for ultra high field MRI [Communication écrite]. 4th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (METAMATERIALS 2010), Karlsruhe, Germany. Non disponible
Shahvarpour, A., Alvarez Melcon, A., & Caloz, C. (juillet 2010). Bandwidth enhancement and beam squint reduction of leaky modes in a uniaxially anisotropic meta-substrate [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Symposium Antennas and Propagation and CNC-USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada. Lien externe
Shahvarpour, A., Alvarez Melcon, A., & Caloz, C. (juillet 2010). Spectral Transmission Line Analysis of a Composite Right/Left-handed Uniaxially Anisotropic Meta-substrate [Communication écrite]. 4th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics and the American Electromagnetics Conference (AMEREM/ANTEM 2010), Ottawa, Ontario. Lien externe
Shahvarpour, A., Kodera, T., Parsa, A., & Caloz, C. (2010). Arbitrary Electromagnetic Conductor Boundaries Using Faraday Rotation in a Grounded Ferrite Slab. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 58(11), 2781-2793. Lien externe
Shahvarpour, A., Melcon, A. A., & Caloz, C. (septembre 2010). Analysis of the radiation properties of a point source on a uniaxially anisotropic meta-substrate and the application to a high-efficiency antenna [Communication écrite]. 40th European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2010), part of 13th European Microwave Week (EuMW2010), Paris, France. Non disponible
Shahvarpour, A., Melcon, A. A., & Caloz, C. (décembre 2010). Anisotropic meta-substrate conical-beam leaky-wave antenna [Communication écrite]. Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2010), Yokohama, Japan. Lien externe
Siragusa, R., Perret, E., Hoang, H. V., Lemaitre-Auger, P., Tedjini, S., & Caloz, C. (septembre 2010). Automated design and sensitivity of CRLH balanced structures using co-design approach [Communication écrite]. 4th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (METAMATERIALS 2010), Karlsruhe, Germany. Non disponible
Yang, N., Caloz, C., & Wu, K. (2010). Broadband Compact 180 Hybrid Derived From the Wilkinson Divider. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 58(4), 1030-1037. Lien externe
Yang, N., Caloz, C., & Wu, K. (2010). Full-Space Scanning Periodic Phase-Reversal Leaky-Wave Antenna. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 58(10), 2619-2632. Lien externe
Yang, N., Caloz, C., & Wu, K. (janvier 2010). Full-space scanning phase reversal traveling wave antenna [Communication écrite]. CNC/USNC URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Non disponible
Yang, N., Caloz, C., & Wu, K. (2010). Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts. IEEE Microwave Magazine, 11(4), 69-82. Lien externe
Yang, N., Caloz, C., & Wu, K. (juillet 2010). High-efficiency balanced phase-reversal antennas: Principle, bandwidth enhancement, frequency tuning, and beam scanning [Communication écrite]. 14th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics and the American Electromagnetics Conference (AMEREM/ANTEM 2010), Ottawa, Ontario. Lien externe
Yang, N., Caloz, C., & Wu, K. (2010). Wideband Phase-Reversal Antenna Using a Novel Bandwidth Enhancement Technique. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 58(9), 2823-2830. Lien externe